Useful verbs in Afrikaans around the kithchen
- Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
- Learn some useful verbs in Afrikaans that will help you around the kitchen. You will learn how the verbs wash, rinse, put, dry, wipe, turn on, run, put in, close, push, sweep, hold, dance, open, take out, to pack, to close, to open, to take out, to twist, drink, to pack, to mop, to spread, to lick, to chew, to cut, to pick up, to bite and to swallow are said in Afrikaans.
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Thank you for your videos, they always make my day! The way you pronounce everything clearly makes the words easier to remember 💖
Thank you once again for your feedback!
Baie dankie!
First things first, congrats on your channel. It simply is great 😊. Just out of curiosity, when you say "l lick my finger" on the the screen is written in afrikaans "Ek lek my finger af". Am l wrong or shouldn't it be "Ek lek my vinger af"? Baie dankie vir elke interessante video. Groete van Chili.
@robertofranciscomonsalvesp8080 Absolutely, yes. Well spotted. Thank you for reaching out.
One of my top go-to Afrikaans language learning channels !! 🙌🏼
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Baie dankie! Ons waardeer jou kommentaar.
Tack så mycket! Afrikaans delar många ord med svenskan! Läckert!
Tack för att du delar.
Dankie dat jy deel.
Great videos!!!! Great it’s truly helping me learn more Afrikaans! Baie dankie
Glad to hear that. Thank you.
Groot plesier!
Awesome video. The teacher looks like the long lost cousin of Rutger Hauer.
Thank you for your comment.
Uitstekende werk baie dankie
Baie dankie.
Baie dankie!
Weereens 'n groot plesier.
Groete uit Evergreen, Montana, Verenigde State. ❤
Wonderlik! Dankie dat jy uitgereik het.
Baie dankie vir die nuwe video. Dit het my baie gehelp. Ek kyk julle video's meer as een keer sodat ek meer woorde kan onthou.
By the way, how do you say that something is fun in Afrikaans? I'd like to say this because a lot of Afrikaans words just sound fun to me. Like "skottelgoed" and "grondboontjiebotter"
Glad to hear that, thank you. fun = pret
@@YourAfrikaansChannel Dankie!