  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
  • 01/12/2007 la plataforma independentista "Plataforma pel dret a decidir" convoca una manifestació al centre de Barcelona.
    Dear Mr. Barrot,
    In my capacity as a Catalan and European citizen, I feel the need to contact you because at the moment, Catalonia is experiencing an emergency situation. The reason for this letter is to claim JUSTICE, because we are not living on equal terms with other European citizens.
    We know that you are aware of the pitiful state of the current Catalan infrastructure. We are living through a genuine railroad nightmare, due to the works on the High Speed Train entry into Barcelona which, what is more, is several years overdue. Nevertheless, our tragedy is heightened by the daily collapse of the commuter railway service, the Prat airport, our roads and motorways and the main entrance and exit points in the city of Barcelona . Neither should we forget the precarious and alarming situation of the Catalan health and education systems, which is directly affecting our state of health and our future as a society.
    This situation, just as your co-operator, Mr. Étienne Davignon (European co-ordinator for the high speed railway interconnection between Spain and France ) has acknowledged publicly, has arisen because over the last few decades the various Spanish governments (both PSOE and PP) have failed to invest sufficiently in Catalonia .Or to put it more clearly, we can emphatically confirm that the Spanish State treats Catalonia on purely colonial terms, which completely contradicts the democratic principles that should govern the European Union. One need only look at the tax deficit between Catalonia and the central Spanish government, which has been calculated by respected Catalan economists, and which in 2005 (last available figures) was 19,177 million Euros, and the tax deficit accumulated between 1986 and 2005 that totals 191,000 million euros (according to the value of the Euro in 2005).
    This painful situation has reached a climax that is already directly affecting the economic development and physical and psychological wellbeing of certain European citizens, namely the Catalans. Naturally, we are explaining our sorrowful situation to you because we are affected by it every day. However, please take into consideration that we are also talking on behalf of future Catalan (and consequently, European) generations who, if this general collapse continues, will see their future jeopardised. Naturally, we are referring to our own children. And, it is only common sense to see that, faced with this situation, we can only guarantee a collective, prosperous future through an independent Catalonia that is linked directly to Europe. We are firmly convinced of this, and that is the orientation we will give to our politics from now onwards.
    Naturally, we are addressing you, Mr. Barrot, because you are also in a position to serve and help us, and because we want to believe that the European institutions really do defend citizen interests. But, essentially, we are addressing you because our governors have failed us and are continuing to fail us spectacularly. The Catalan political leaders who should stand up to anyone or anything to guarantee our most basic rights, are only interested today in attending to their personal or party needs, and at every election, this causes further distancing in the form of increased electoral absentees. That is why, in our capacity as fully fledged members of the European Union, we demand that you, the Head of EU transport, apply the following:
    1.- That you use all the mechanisms in your power to put an end to the disastrous situation that we have described, beginning with the catastrophe of the commuter railway service in the city of Barcelona that is affecting thousands of Catalans every day, and the delay in implementing the High Speed Train works and the link with France.
    2.- That you call upon the government in Madrid so that once and for all they publish all the tax balances between the various "autonomous communities" in the Spanish State (the Spanish government actually approved this publication in 1997, 1998, 1999 and 2005, but no Spanish government has been dignified enough to carry it through). By publishing these balances and increasing the transparency regarding this issue, we will be able to prove that the Catalans are being treated shamefully and in a discriminatory manner with respect to the amount of investment the Spanish government assigns to Catalonia .


  • @dejanresanovic4886
    @dejanresanovic4886 2 роки тому +2

    As a lil kid I use to listen to this song the best one I ever heard.

  • @volodask
    @volodask 10 років тому +4

    ¿A qué genio se le ocurrió combinar el vídeo de una manifestación catalanista con el turbofolk serbio más cateto? El internet a veces produce auténticas locuras.

    • @ilickg1
      @ilickg1 16 днів тому

      Es una ironia de la transicion en Serbia.

  • @BrutusVCN
    @BrutusVCN 16 років тому

    I grew up with this the best song i`ve ever listen to........and i have to say that i

  • @sarasrandomz
    @sarasrandomz 16 років тому

    Jaoooo...hvala za pesmu puno :)

  • @Jonovski90
    @Jonovski90 11 років тому

    MrRONMIS. You made My Day. :-)

  • @chirkolo
    @chirkolo 11 років тому

    ova pjesma mi je bila tema na obrani maturalnog rada. 5 sam dobio

  • @ljguy300
    @ljguy300 14 років тому

    @marebeli1 LOL joj tooooo toooo marebeli, ej znas li koliko je ova pesma stara? kad je izasla?

  • @lalagonegaga
    @lalagonegaga 15 років тому

    Oko cega li se vi svadjate, da mi je znati... A jos kad bi mi neko rekao kakve crne veze ova pesma ima s videom... Al' nema veze... Who gives a f***... Vazno da pesma valja. XD

  • @JecaDonica
    @JecaDonica 16 років тому

    I dalje mi nije jasno odakle owom liku/likushi ,shtagod klip Viki Miljkowic. Pishe mu country Ireland,brani Kataloniju,a pesma Coca cola,malboro... xaxaxa... Ala ga je sastawio... =P

  • @shomy1990m
    @shomy1990m 14 років тому

    Koju povezanost ima ova pesma, sa onim gore demonstracijama, ili sta li je to vec??????? Ne razumem........

  • @srdjant
    @srdjant 16 років тому

    hahahahahahahaha toooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

  • @danexist
    @danexist 14 років тому

    uh kako mi se vracaju devedesete kad ovo cujem

  • @3009991mb
    @3009991mb 16 років тому di ga je spot od owu pesmu??????

  • @somi390
    @somi390 14 років тому

    Loš tekst ali vesela pjesma koja je Viki proslavila,nakon te pjesme Viki je postala folk zvijezda.

  • @protector1990
    @protector1990 15 років тому

    Catalonia is Spain!!!

  • @Atlantis2748
    @Atlantis2748 15 років тому

    zahvaljujem se na ispravci :D

  • @drra2308
    @drra2308 15 років тому


  • @kesKolicaPK
    @kesKolicaPK 15 років тому

    Mozes li mi reci u kom gradu zivis tj selu posto spominjes da sam seljak ali bas i nisam siguran da li s i ti seljancura ili ja seljak a pre ce biti ono prvo.

  • @Atlantis2748
    @Atlantis2748 15 років тому

    koka kola malboro suzuki pusim travu dok mi lizes tuki to je zivot to nije reklama nikom nije lepse nego nama! :D

  • @jelena792
    @jelena792 15 років тому

    Ja bogu hvala kao i svi moji preci iz Beograda!
    Ne bitno je to oko gluposti se svadjamo.Samo me je iznerviralo sto si mi rekao da sam jadna
    a da ti povoda za to nisam dala!!
    Sam si kriv!Zato sam rekla da si seljak a ne zbog toga gde zivis!

  • @kuuudi
    @kuuudi 15 років тому

    Evo ja sam stavio original spot

  • @zonjo13
    @zonjo13 16 років тому

    freedom for catalonia!

  • @marektaborowicz4168
    @marektaborowicz4168 4 місяці тому

    To je dobre

  • @VelikiHans
    @VelikiHans 14 років тому


  • @svetionik
    @svetionik 16 років тому

    a di je video?

  • @jetexagp3383
    @jetexagp3383 2 роки тому

    Hahahaha idemo jako Zivela Spanija Velika I Zajedna

  • @borchabronx
    @borchabronx 15 років тому

    kaze "to je zivot to nije reklama dzaras djanu gajbi kad si sama"

  • @vukoicicic
    @vukoicicic 16 років тому

    sta ima pesma sa ovim snimkom?

  • @Dimitriije
    @Dimitriije 12 років тому

    viki ne zna koliko je 9x9 !!

  • @marebeli1
    @marebeli1 15 років тому +1

    jbt kakve veze ima ova pesma sa demonstracijama u Spaniji?..

  • @MrLoodak1
    @MrLoodak1 14 років тому

    mozda sam ja glup....ali brate 'de nadje ovakav spot za ovu pesmu....

  • @ShakalJC
    @ShakalJC 16 років тому


  • @izgubljen79
    @izgubljen79 15 років тому

    Katalonija je Spanija

  • @marebeli1
    @marebeli1 14 років тому

    @ljguy300 nisam siguran :),valjda ima 13-14 godina...

    @SPAJOLA 14 років тому

    Catalonia in not Spain!!!

  • @Hocevar011
    @Hocevar011 16 років тому

    ne znate bre sta valja zemun polje zauvekkkk

  • @yveee
    @yveee 16 років тому

    prosto uzas

  • @Atlantis2748
    @Atlantis2748 14 років тому

    @aldddta izvinjavam se inace na pogrdnim recima :D

  • @NBGDDjomla91
    @NBGDDjomla91 13 років тому

    @marebeli1 ahahahahahaha koji si ti kralj :D

    @CCCCXD 15 років тому


  • @reycika
    @reycika 13 років тому

    @KarkoMraljevic da a ti sigurno voziš yugo, nosiš mike patike i dadidas trenerku jeli? :))))))

  • @mindprison88
    @mindprison88 14 років тому

    haha jeben solo ovaj na gitari XD

  • @M1nc1
    @M1nc1 15 років тому


    @MrRONMIS 11 років тому +1

    I am watching it for the 3rd time and still do not see the relation between this crappy song and Spain&Catalonia.

  • @aleluya990
    @aleluya990 15 років тому

    BRUKA PESMA!!!!!!!

  • @MrSasfd
    @MrSasfd 14 років тому


  • @_tixy89
    @_tixy89 15 років тому

    hahahhahaa koliko duuuuuuugo se owo nigde nije chulo :)))

    @CCCCXD 15 років тому


  • @duleva54
    @duleva54 12 років тому

    Zvezda đuska uz ovu lepu pesmicu

  • @gogimir11
    @gogimir11 15 років тому


  • @DekorSerb
    @DekorSerb 16 років тому

    Catalonia is Spain and Kosovo Is Sebia.Forever.

  • @Hocevar011
    @Hocevar011 16 років тому

    al ste prsli ljudi, zivot je smrt drogane zakon

  • @niskoletacb
    @niskoletacb 14 років тому

    Nidj' veze! :D

  • @jazzzerrules
    @jazzzerrules 15 років тому


  • @LadyMACBETH1989
    @LadyMACBETH1989 15 років тому

    qq kaaakva pjesma.... ahahhahah

  • @DekorSerb
    @DekorSerb 16 років тому

    Kakve veze ima ova pesma sa ovim separatistickim portestima.

  • @tanesrbin
    @tanesrbin 16 років тому

    Ej ljudi jel ima neko original spot za ovu pesmu, da ne bi morali bas svi ljubitelji folk muzike da gledaju ova separatisticka sranja!?

  • @TheHereticAnthem23
    @TheHereticAnthem23 15 років тому

    Katalonija je Srbija

  • @Vojvoda1989
    @Vojvoda1989 15 років тому

    Kosovo is Serbia
    Catalonia is Spain

  • @jelena792
    @jelena792 15 років тому

    ccc jadne li pesme..
    sramota slusati

  • @3009991mb
    @3009991mb 16 років тому di ga je spot od owu pesmu??????