When you were talking about today's people not understanding what could be seen in a seer stone, it reminded me of a podcast that talked about how incredulous Joseph Smith's people would be about what can be seen today in a cell phone. The Lord helps us to use phones to do Indexing, family history research, listen to conference talks, and audio recordings of the Book of Mormon, the D & C. etc. etc. Thanks to Hank, John, and Scott for another great Follow Him podcast.
This is so applicable in my life!! Thank you to all 3 of you!!! My husband and I recently returned home after an 18 month mission to Africa, but before the mission call arrived, I went through a dark, difficult time in needing to be patient. I wondered if the Lord really had any use for me in His kingdom as a 67 year old from Utah. Maybe my best years were behind me. Satan tried to convince me that I was a "has been". Just like Joseph, it took a lot of preparation, faith, trust and patience but God was getting me ready for something really big!!! Just thinking about what Joseph went through for 4 years before receiving the plates is so powerful to me. Serving in Africa in the Bush and in 2 west african countries was incredible but very hard. I'm so grateful the Lord was so merciful to prepare me for a long time before sending me on a difficult assignment like this! I felt the strong presence of Joseph Smith in Africa!!! Words can't express it.
I grew up in the mountains of West Virginia. Seeing people find water or oil underground through the use of divining rods was a normal part of my life experience. They worked!
I am sorry to say that I used to judge Emma for not going west with the saints. I was given an entirely new perspective when my husband passed away. I now know why she didn't leave Nauvoo. She was grieving. It is the same reason that I will not leave my home. Thinking of moving to somewhere where your loved one is not and will never be is too much. I have so much more respect for her choice, and compassion for what she was going through.
Thank you to Scott, Hank, and John! I had something particularly heavy weighing on my spirit when I began this podcast, and through it, I received revelation and comfort. I have had similar experiences many times over the past four years and have been strengthened by the faithfulness, discipleship, and scholarship of each guest and the hosts. Your witnesses of the truthfulness of God and His work are profound and helping me so much. Thank you!
Excellent, my favorite guest so far. Ty Brother Woodward and Follow Him crew. I especially appreciate the grace extended and compassion shown for Emma and Martin Harris and all the characters of today's podcast. It's so easy to be critical of someone's choices when we have the vantage point of hindsight and their life laid out before us start to finish and often it seems we forget that historical figures were living the life the same way we are- day by day, moment by moment not always in possession of the facts of other characters, events etc taking place and how their choices will all play out. I think of Emma specifically it's adequately expressed that she bore with dignity and grace more than most women and remained faithful and true- tests, burdens, and trials that individually might try most women and collectively might break the best of some and yet she remained true to her husband, witness of his divine calling and the Lord in the end- that us a noble and elect lady indeed. Thank you for speaking reverently and respectfully of her and encouraging us as a body of Saints and our church community to do the same. Most excellent today, ty!!
These episodes with you both and Dr. Woodward are 2 of my favorites of all time - thank you, thank you!! And I'm so grateful for the time codes in the show notes so I can easily find and re-listen to my favorite parts. You all bless our lives beyond measure. God bless.
Amazing and beyond insightful podcast today. I am a fan of Scott Woodward and Casey Griffin in Church history matters. I have listen to all of them that have been released. But WOW Scott, you hit it WAY out of the park today with your teachings.
This is one of the insights I was able to gain: this earth was given to us, God's children, so that we can CHOOSE to create eternal family relationships. This insight has given me a whole new outlook on my relationship with my son and his wife, who has recently stepped away from participating in the kingdom of God, but with whom we still have a close relationship with. We will love them no matter what
I have always had the deepest respect and love for Emma Hale Smith. If Joseph is indeed the prophet of the restoration, as I believe he is, then Emma is the first lady of the restoration and is owed all our respect and admiration. They loved each other and are together in the eternities. Of that I am certain!
Great episode. One thought I had as I was listening; Moroni appeared four times to Joseph that night. And it was four years until he received the plates. God historically uses numbers to teach lessons symbolically, and I believe number four can represent the Earth, as in the four corners of the Earth, four cardinal directions, etc. Maybe that has something to do with the book of Mormon and the gospel flooding the Earth, or preparing the Earth for the second coming?
I think the reference to Emma's experience with plural marriage as her abrahamic trial is so informative. It helps me give her space to struggle with what she was being asked to do. But maybe we can call it more than an abrahamic trial. Unlike Abraham, where an angle came and stopped him from actually going through with the sacrifice of his only son while grappling with how the promises he had been given would be fulfilled, Emma actually did have to live through experiences with plural marriage. No angel came down to Emma and said thanks for being willing to make this sacrifice, but it's ok, your willingness was enough - Don't worry, your husband won't actually need to take a second wife. Abraham would have really struggled in the aftermath if he had actually had to sacrifice his son. So again, it gives me room in my judgment mind to allow for Emma to have some really strong emotions that affected her actions, especially after Joseph's death. Between the podcast today, and the Church History Matters series on plural marriage, I have opened the door to such a positive resolution in my understanding of Emma and her choices. Thank you to all the gospel scholars out there and all you are doing to help others understand more our relationships with God.
Don’t stop! Don’t stop! What all of you--the three of you and Casey and all the rest-for all you have have done to help us dig deep into our studies and not just skim over the surface of the scriptures.
My husband has a copy of the testimony of his great grandfather having been with a Priesthood young men and hearing Martin Harris give his testimony in Clarkston.
Wonderful podcast thank you. In Joseph day they believed in seer stones. There’s a similar example still used today which is water witchers using wooden sticks or metal rods to feel water deep underground. I’m sure someday people will look back on this practice and think it was silly.
I knew a very great man, my dad's best friend, who could find water that way. He didn't like to talk about it much bcz he felt it was a gift from God, and not to be trifled with.
I have a great uncle who can find water and minerals with divining rods. If he is holding a mineral in his hand as he is divining, he can not only find it but tell you how far down it goes. Same with water, he can tell you how far down and how much water there is through the divining rods.
It's interesting that the Old Testament and Book of Mormon both refer to Urim and Thummims or " Seer stones". Perhaps, where many early Christian Americans derived their belief in seer stones?
If we forget and become unbelivers we will miss out on receiving our own seer stone, D&C 130:10-11, "...a white stone is given to each of those who come into the celestial kingdom..."
The trauma Emma experienced and the mental health issues she had to work through during her years with Joseph, is definitely off the charts! She is my mentor and example in so many ways.
Anxiety and or clinical depression is plausible, she suffered so much. We should extend compassion towards her in a day when these possible conditions were not understood.
Where in the gospel library can I find where Oliver cowdry summarizes moronis one state to Joseph around this point I love it and would like to highlight it 3:26 “I was informed…..” where can I find that in the gospel library
Wow. I appreciate the intentions to help enlighten. I'm saddened that at 18:00 minutes Scott decides to quote an avowed anti-mormon. William Purple, who made up an account 51 years after the events, accusing Joseph and Joseph Senior of not only using seerstones to dig for money, but also using animal sacrifices. Scott cherry picked the parts of the account he liked, without sharing all the other nasty dark things William Purple said Joseph admitted to. He also used the word "transcript" which implies this is the transcript from the trial which it is not. He says "this is like on the court records." There are no transcripts of this hearing, only William Purple making up the story 50 years later. This is misleading to people when these anti-mormon stories are put forth as truth. Saying "Joseph said" and "Josiah Stowel said" is just factually false. This is unfortunate, because people listening to this podcast will not know this is not Joseph speaking, and that this account is not credible church history. This also undermine's Joseph's direct account where he said the Urim and Thummim were prepared by the Lord for the purpose of translating the Book. These anti-mormon accounts basically say that Joseph didn't need that instrument at all, he already had a seerstone he could use that allowed him to see anything he wanted. Many of these accounts were published in the book Mormonism Unvailed, which is referenced also by Scott without saying so. Joseph during his lifetime refuted the "stone in the hat" accounts when he clarified that he translated the Book of Mormon with the Urim and Thummim that "came WITH the plates." Not from a stone found elsewhere. Sad.
18:55 I appreciate you at lest mentioned that purple was a skeptic but there is no official record of this “trial” and purple was a huge anti and relayed this info 50 years after it happened and never let anyone see his “notes” so it’s questionable whether anything he claims actually happened.
I was under the impression that the “court transcript” was unofficial and thus unreliable and in part this is why Joseph smith wrote that rumors arose about him being a “money digger” - because he worked for Josiah. :/ It’s hard for me to swallow this when the source of this is so sketchy.
There is also the consideration of Mark Hoffman‘s forgery documents of which Joseph Stoal was one of those that was reportedly come from Joseph Smith portrayed him as a folklore magic person, and I believe these court documents are as you say are sketchy at best, but unreliable, and probably not firsthand therefore questionable even if they didn’t come from these forgeries. They wanted to make Joseph Smith look like he was into magic.
Thank you for your comment. I also commented on this very thing as well as one of my colleagues. It’s important that we get factual information. There is NO COURT DOCUMENTATION of this, not even if it’s was a trial or just a hearing on any official record and there is no transcript. Search : Leah Stoddard 1826 trial, and you can see the interview my colleague did on the lack of evidence of this 1826 event.
I just wanted to let you know that severer stones are real I have that gift but have not tried to develop it because it’s so easily corrupted. I prefer being lead by the Holy Ghost that way, I know God is leading me in this generation. Those stones are no longer needed because of the restoration of the gospel.
Love Dr. Scott Woodward! He’s always a favorite guest!
When you were talking about today's people not understanding what could be seen in a seer stone, it reminded me of a podcast that talked about how incredulous Joseph Smith's people would be about what can be seen today in a cell phone. The Lord helps us to use phones to do Indexing, family history research, listen to conference talks, and audio recordings of the Book of Mormon, the D & C. etc. etc. Thanks to Hank, John, and Scott for another great Follow Him podcast.
This is so applicable in my life!! Thank you to all 3 of you!!!
My husband and I recently returned home after an 18 month mission to Africa, but before the mission call arrived, I went through a dark, difficult time in needing to be patient. I wondered if the Lord really had any use for me in His kingdom as a 67 year old from Utah. Maybe my best years were behind me. Satan tried to convince me that I was a "has been". Just like Joseph, it took a lot of preparation, faith, trust and patience but God was getting me ready for something really big!!! Just thinking about what Joseph went through for 4 years before receiving the plates is so powerful to me. Serving in Africa in the Bush and in 2 west african countries was incredible but very hard. I'm so grateful the Lord was so merciful to prepare me for a long time before sending me on a difficult assignment like this! I felt the strong presence of Joseph Smith in Africa!!! Words can't express it.
Dear Sister, thanks to you and your husband for serving for 18 months in Africa! God bless to you both, 😀xxx
Thanks for your missionary service. Senior missionaries are so valuable in the ongoing restoration of the gospel.
Thank you for sharing this with us. Beautiful
I grew up in the mountains of West Virginia. Seeing people find water or oil underground through the use of divining rods was a normal part of my life experience. They worked!
I think many indigenous cultures have a variety of instruments they use that would seem odd modern, western cultures
I am sorry to say that I used to judge Emma for not going west with the saints. I was given an entirely new perspective when my husband passed away. I now know why she didn't leave Nauvoo. She was grieving. It is the same reason that I will not leave my home. Thinking of moving to somewhere where your loved one is not and will never be is too much. I have so much more respect for her choice, and compassion for what she was going through.
Thank you to Scott, Hank, and John! I had something particularly heavy weighing on my spirit when I began this podcast, and through it, I received revelation and comfort. I have had similar experiences many times over the past four years and have been strengthened by the faithfulness, discipleship, and scholarship of each guest and the hosts. Your witnesses of the truthfulness of God and His work are profound and helping me so much. Thank you!
Emma took tender care of Lucy Mack Smith for the rest of her life. It reminds me of the story of Ruth and Naomi in the Old Testament.
I did a tour with Scott. He is a awesome teacher, and I loved the "nuggets" he taught 😊
Excellent, my favorite guest so far. Ty Brother Woodward and Follow Him crew. I especially appreciate the grace extended and compassion shown for Emma and Martin Harris and all the characters of today's podcast. It's so easy to be critical of someone's choices when we have the vantage point of hindsight and their life laid out before us start to finish and often it seems we forget that historical figures were living the life the same way we are- day by day, moment by moment not always in possession of the facts of other characters, events etc taking place and how their choices will all play out. I think of Emma specifically it's adequately expressed that she bore with dignity and grace more than most women and remained faithful and true- tests, burdens, and trials that individually might try most women and collectively might break the best of some and yet she remained true to her husband, witness of his divine calling and the Lord in the end- that us a noble and elect lady indeed. Thank you for speaking reverently and respectfully of her and encouraging us as a body of Saints and our church community to do the same. Most excellent today, ty!!
These episodes with you both and Dr. Woodward are 2 of my favorites of all time - thank you, thank you!! And I'm so grateful for the time codes in the show notes so I can easily find and re-listen to my favorite parts. You all bless our lives beyond measure. God bless.
Amazing and beyond insightful podcast today.
I am a fan of Scott Woodward and Casey Griffin in Church history matters.
I have listen to all of them that have been released.
But WOW Scott, you hit it WAY out of the park today with your teachings.
So good right?!?!
Love bro Woodward and his podcast with Casey! This lesson was so good!
This was just so interesting thank you! Amazing guest as are Hank and John! Thoroughly enjoyed this! ❤😊
This is one of the insights I was able to gain: this earth was given to us, God's children, so that we can CHOOSE to create eternal family relationships. This insight has given me a whole new outlook on my relationship with my son and his wife, who has recently stepped away from participating in the kingdom of God, but with whom we still have a close relationship with. We will love them no matter what
It was enjoyable!! It was great! Thank you so much! ❤🇨🇦 Poor little cow to be the first martyr, am sure that Joseph will thank her!! ❤
Another amazing, informative session!! I love the D & C and Church History. I am thankful for experts who help me learn more each time!!
I have always had the deepest respect and love for Emma Hale Smith. If Joseph is indeed the prophet of the restoration, as I believe he is, then Emma is the first lady of the restoration and is owed all our respect and admiration. They loved each other and are together in the eternities. Of that I am certain!
Thank you so much, really enjoyed Scott. From Australia 🇦🇺 ♥️
Loving all of these amazing insights!! Thank you all so much ❤
Great episode. One thought I had as I was listening; Moroni appeared four times to Joseph that night. And it was four years until he received the plates. God historically uses numbers to teach lessons symbolically, and I believe number four can represent the Earth, as in the four corners of the Earth, four cardinal directions, etc. Maybe that has something to do with the book of Mormon and the gospel flooding the Earth, or preparing the Earth for the second coming?
Awesome!! Thank all 3 of you so much!!❤❤
Once again Thank you for your wisdom and knowledge of the gospel,I have enjoyed learning from you brothers.
Thank you great podcast Emma was a great lady I appreciate her sacrifice.
I think the reference to Emma's experience with plural marriage as her abrahamic trial is so informative. It helps me give her space to struggle with what she was being asked to do. But maybe we can call it more than an abrahamic trial. Unlike Abraham, where an angle came and stopped him from actually going through with the sacrifice of his only son while grappling with how the promises he had been given would be fulfilled, Emma actually did have to live through experiences with plural marriage. No angel came down to Emma and said thanks for being willing to make this sacrifice, but it's ok, your willingness was enough - Don't worry, your husband won't actually need to take a second wife. Abraham would have really struggled in the aftermath if he had actually had to sacrifice his son. So again, it gives me room in my judgment mind to allow for Emma to have some really strong emotions that affected her actions, especially after Joseph's death. Between the podcast today, and the Church History Matters series on plural marriage, I have opened the door to such a positive resolution in my understanding of Emma and her choices.
Thank you to all the gospel scholars out there and all you are doing to help others understand more our relationships with God.
Don’t stop! Don’t stop! What all of you--the three of you and Casey and all the rest-for all you have have done to help us dig deep into our studies and not just skim over the surface of the scriptures.
An invaluable source of information as always! Thank you, thank you!
Love this! So insightful. Things I’ve not noticed in my previous study.
Great Episode! Thank You to All
My husband has a copy of the testimony of his great grandfather having been with a Priesthood young men and hearing Martin Harris give his testimony in Clarkston.
This was a wonderful session!
Wonderful podcast thank you. In Joseph day they believed in seer stones. There’s a similar example still used today which is water witchers using wooden sticks or metal rods to feel water deep underground. I’m sure someday people will look back on this practice and think it was silly.
I knew a very great man, my dad's best friend, who could find water that way. He didn't like to talk about it much bcz he felt it was a gift from God, and not to be trifled with.
So good! Thank you!❣️
So, so nice.
Thank you so much!
Loved this❤
I have a great uncle who can find water and minerals with divining rods. If he is holding a mineral in his hand as he is divining, he can not only find it but tell you how far down it goes. Same with water, he can tell you how far down and how much water there is through the divining rods.
Makes me think of the clear stones the brother of Jared molten for the Lord to touch to provide light so they can “see”
It's interesting that the Old Testament and Book of Mormon both refer to Urim and Thummims or " Seer stones". Perhaps, where many early Christian Americans derived their belief in seer stones?
I think that Spiritual Gifts affect whether one can use a seer stone, divining rod, etc. Maybe these instruments work like the Liahona also by faith.
If we forget and become unbelivers we will miss out on receiving our own seer stone, D&C 130:10-11, "...a white stone is given to each of those who come into the celestial kingdom..."
Thank you 😊🇨🇦♥️
Thank you
My opinion of Emma, after all she went through then the murder of her husband, she had a nervous breakdown.
The trauma Emma experienced and the mental health issues she had to work through during her years with Joseph, is definitely off the charts! She is my mentor and example in so many ways.
Anxiety and or clinical depression is plausible, she suffered so much. We should extend compassion towards her in a day when these possible conditions were not understood.
Totally agree! To be honest, if I were in her position dealing with polygamy, I would have reacted exactly the same way!
Loved this episode with Dr. Woodward so much!! What a testimony-builder! Thank you!
Many people today believe there is power in different colored crystals. Why would it be hard to believe Brother Joseph had a stone any different?
Where in the gospel library can I find where Oliver cowdry summarizes moronis one state to Joseph around this point I love it and would like to highlight it 3:26
“I was informed…..” where can I find that in the gospel library
Wow. I appreciate the intentions to help enlighten. I'm saddened that at 18:00 minutes Scott decides to quote an avowed anti-mormon. William Purple, who made up an account 51 years after the events, accusing Joseph and Joseph Senior of not only using seerstones to dig for money, but also using animal sacrifices. Scott cherry picked the parts of the account he liked, without sharing all the other nasty dark things William Purple said Joseph admitted to. He also used the word "transcript" which implies this is the transcript from the trial which it is not. He says "this is like on the court records." There are no transcripts of this hearing, only William Purple making up the story 50 years later. This is misleading to people when these anti-mormon stories are put forth as truth. Saying "Joseph said" and "Josiah Stowel said" is just factually false. This is unfortunate, because people listening to this podcast will not know this is not Joseph speaking, and that this account is not credible church history. This also undermine's Joseph's direct account where he said the Urim and Thummim were prepared by the Lord for the purpose of translating the Book. These anti-mormon accounts basically say that Joseph didn't need that instrument at all, he already had a seerstone he could use that allowed him to see anything he wanted. Many of these accounts were published in the book Mormonism Unvailed, which is referenced also by Scott without saying so. Joseph during his lifetime refuted the "stone in the hat" accounts when he clarified that he translated the Book of Mormon with the Urim and Thummim that "came WITH the plates." Not from a stone found elsewhere. Sad.
I could be wrong, but I heard that Emma stayed because Joseph’s mom was to old to travel. So she stayed to help her.
If I'm interested in a church history tour, can you recommend a tour group? How do I get in a group with Dr. Woodward? ;)
18:55 I appreciate you at lest mentioned that purple was a skeptic but there is no official record of this “trial” and purple was a huge anti and relayed this info 50 years after it happened and never let anyone see his “notes” so it’s questionable whether anything he claims actually happened.
I suppose rhe invention of the astrolabe in Abraham's era could have been thought of as a seer stone for Abraham.
I was under the impression that the “court transcript” was unofficial and thus unreliable and in part this is why Joseph smith wrote that rumors arose about him being a “money digger” - because he worked for Josiah. :/ It’s hard for me to swallow this when the source of this is so sketchy.
There is also the consideration of Mark Hoffman‘s forgery documents of which Joseph Stoal was one of those that was reportedly come from Joseph Smith portrayed him as a folklore magic person, and I believe these court documents are as you say are sketchy at best, but unreliable, and probably not firsthand therefore questionable even if they didn’t come from these forgeries. They wanted to make Joseph Smith look like he was into magic.
Thank you for your comment. I also commented on this very thing as well as one of my colleagues. It’s important that we get factual information. There is NO COURT DOCUMENTATION of this, not even if it’s was a trial or just a hearing on any official record and there is no transcript. Search : Leah Stoddard 1826 trial, and you can see the interview my colleague
did on the lack of evidence of this 1826 event.
I just wanted to let you know that severer stones are real I have that gift but have not tried to develop it because it’s so easily corrupted. I prefer being lead by the Holy Ghost that way, I know God is leading me in this generation. Those stones are no longer needed because of the restoration of the gospel.