Top Tips for Superstar Presentations by Todd Reubold

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @adolidewallace2238
    @adolidewallace2238 3 роки тому

    After reviewing many other youtube videos, yours gave me the basic information that I need to do my presentation for the class. I am a 67 yr old student THANKS !!

  • @KavehBazargan-UK
    @KavehBazargan-UK 3 роки тому

    Superb video, Todd. Hit several nails on the head. 😃

  • @philipburton9518
    @philipburton9518 3 роки тому

    Great information, HOWEVER, this and all similar offerings still continue to MISS A VITAL POINT! The speaker is the PRESENTATION; the slides are the VISUAL AIDS. The foundation of public speaking is the key to dynamic presentation, but still the presenters focus primarily on the screen. Todd comes closer than most to urging speaker competence, and the white board with postits is GOLD. Do the speech first, then consider the visuals. Excellent. Tell a Story, Keep it Simple, Edit, etc., he's got the best rounded advice I've seen. Well done!!

  • @GuojiangDeng
    @GuojiangDeng 5 років тому +6

    It's a bit long but every single minute is worth it. I had checked out tons of videos and tutorials about presentation, this gotta be the best. Truly inspiring, impressive, and influential.

  • @murtazakhuzema3038
    @murtazakhuzema3038 4 роки тому

    Awsome sir.....very much helpful

  • @joaqpliego2563
    @joaqpliego2563 5 років тому +1

    Can’t stop watching this! I’m obsessed! Your secret admirer!

  • @disenoel
    @disenoel 4 роки тому

    Excelente presentación! Super recomendada para mis estudiantes! Felicitaciones!!!

  • @angelarothermel4739
    @angelarothermel4739 4 роки тому

    This video is wonderful - so many great tips and pointers. Time well invested in watching!

  • @johnbaburaj5779
    @johnbaburaj5779 4 роки тому

    Thanks a lot.Great, really informative & inventive information

  • @cbaide100
    @cbaide100 7 років тому +28

    I considerer my self proficient on PPT thanks to UA-cam videos. This is probably the best of all the videos, great tips!...30 profitable minutes. Thank you very much Sir!

  • @marcguillemette2399
    @marcguillemette2399 4 роки тому +1

    WOW Todd! Simply fantastic information! This is wealth of wisdom I almost feel guilty I didn't pay for. Thank's for sharing this.

  • @aracelidreitzler7220
    @aracelidreitzler7220 6 років тому +3

    Omg! I have been watching so many videos because I have a presentation coming up and this is the best of all. Thank you.

  • @liliansalan9438
    @liliansalan9438 4 роки тому

    Excellent explanation... Thank you

  • @sandrojunki1978
    @sandrojunki1978 4 роки тому

    Thank you very much for all the information, really useful.

  • @JKDigitalNP
    @JKDigitalNP 5 років тому +1

    Relevant, very useful and compelling. Benefited. Thank you so much for sharing.

  • @nisarnisar9603
    @nisarnisar9603 4 роки тому

    so cool ! Great Tips. Thanks a lot.

  • @jcinaz
    @jcinaz 4 роки тому

    Super! Super! Super! All the main points in a relatively short presentation. A must for any who do presentations.

  • @martinedianechiappori-azfo6644
    @martinedianechiappori-azfo6644 6 років тому +1

    Thank's so much Todd , very simple and very nice to see you , to hear you , and to learn from You ! that will help me a lot for my PPT !

  • @facehappyable
    @facehappyable 5 років тому +1

    The best video on presentation. Thanks sir

  • @baggarra13
    @baggarra13 4 роки тому

    Thank you for sharing your invaluable knowledge sir !! It is very much appreciated !!

  • @chrispoon3961
    @chrispoon3961 6 років тому

    Lots of inspiration for serious presenter! Nice video!

  • @manansinghal5634
    @manansinghal5634 3 роки тому

    Loved this video

  • @101hamilton
    @101hamilton 4 роки тому

    This is such a great presentation and has helped me so much. Thank you for posting!

  • @udawa
    @udawa 4 роки тому

    excellent, you are a genius, keep it up..!

  • @1uisggaitangomez
    @1uisggaitangomez 6 років тому

    Gracias Todd! from my left and right sides of the brain. Your video has given me great tools but mainly it has boost my confidence to do my very first big presentation in English and to an academic audience.

  • @harbortn
    @harbortn 6 років тому

    This video was Outstanding!

  • @carmenalegria9541
    @carmenalegria9541 6 років тому

    Thank you so much! Excellent content and delivery.

  • @thomasodonnell5007
    @thomasodonnell5007 6 років тому

    Awesome video , thanks for the tips

  • @bonnyarmstrong6213
    @bonnyarmstrong6213 6 років тому

    Great video. Thank you for sharing.

  • @ContinualShiftwithDaveRogers
    @ContinualShiftwithDaveRogers 4 роки тому

    Great content - thank you very much for the effort, useful content and professionalism

  • @YTviewer18428
    @YTviewer18428 6 років тому

    Fantastic information! Thank you so much for putting this together!

  • @katysaccount85
    @katysaccount85 6 років тому

    Very helpful. Thanks so much for putting this together

  • @thobekilemhodi
    @thobekilemhodi 5 років тому +1

    I was looking for guidance/inspiration on creating presentations, just got some great tips, awesome!

  • @lmb4876
    @lmb4876 5 років тому

    Thank-you so much for this wonderful presentation!

  • @pravindthakur
    @pravindthakur 5 років тому +1

    Absolutely correct example.

  • @joaqpliego2563
    @joaqpliego2563 5 років тому +1

    Love this! You’re super smart! I wish I was you! Your secret admirer, Todd Ruebolds twin

  • @quynhanhvo140
    @quynhanhvo140 6 років тому

    a helpful 30-minute video. good job

  • @Kay-vb3li
    @Kay-vb3li 5 років тому

    This is wonderful. Thank you.

  • @MrFisheh100
    @MrFisheh100 5 років тому

    Very helpful thank you!

  • @Schmissgesicht
    @Schmissgesicht 6 років тому

    very well presented! edit : no need to get nervous anymore

  • @syedusamamanzoor1838
    @syedusamamanzoor1838 6 років тому

    Awesome lecture! Thanks :)

  • @Hildreim
    @Hildreim 6 років тому

    Such useful tips, thank you so much!

  • @moegene1972
    @moegene1972 6 років тому

    Thank you so much for this very informative and AWESOME video. I can't wait to hit my next church announcement presentation. I see i got alot of work to do...but GOOD WORK. THANKS AGAIN! :)

  • @violateeve7338
    @violateeve7338 6 років тому

    Great video very helpful, thank you so much

  • @mo.ali.
    @mo.ali. 6 років тому

    still informative in 2018 awesome! thanks for sharing that helping me so much ♥

  • @prabhussingh
    @prabhussingh 3 роки тому


  • @asadmahadi628
    @asadmahadi628 6 років тому +3

    Super tips. Worth watching again and implementing lessons learned 👍❤️

  • @TheShabooka
    @TheShabooka 4 роки тому

    what are the names of the fonts ur using

  • @efautsch
    @efautsch 6 років тому

    Very helpful, clear, well-organized! You rock!

  • @buzocabezon1
    @buzocabezon1 6 років тому

    Grate and useful tips. Thank you very much for shearing

  • @dgminet
    @dgminet 5 років тому

    great stuff!

  • @klemens5825
    @klemens5825 7 років тому

    What a wonderful summary of how to give a great presentation. I made all kinds of presentation mistakes in my career and I often asked myself how to improve and here I found many convincing answers to my questions. Thanks for the time and effort to offer this extremely good presentation.

  • @cklabcd14
    @cklabcd14 6 років тому

    this was so helpful! thanks a lot

  • @Dstorey
    @Dstorey 6 років тому

    Great advice, simple to implement. Thanks Todd.

  • @jorgeg922
    @jorgeg922 6 років тому

    great tips.. thank you!!

    @VIPLOLAS 6 років тому

    what a great video!

  • @asiosm6202
    @asiosm6202 4 роки тому

    What's this font called? I really like the way it looks. Great video, by the way!

    • @ensia9074
      @ensia9074 4 роки тому

      It has a funny name: Bureau Grot

  • @nikkihoffman2891
    @nikkihoffman2891 5 років тому +1

    This was so incredibly helpful for my upcoming presentation. Now I’m going to revamp all my slides, LOL! Great points! Many thanks. #newsub

  • @keyvanehsanifard5872
    @keyvanehsanifard5872 6 років тому

    Excellent job! Thank you Todd!

  • @leonardmitchelljr.8341
    @leonardmitchelljr.8341 6 років тому

    Thanks Todd!!! Good information great presentation and very easy to Listen to and understand excellent job thanks again!

  • @eddames9839
    @eddames9839 7 років тому

    Very good and useful. Will use in my next Presentation Workshop. Thanks!

  • @ramirreyes6414
    @ramirreyes6414 5 років тому

    Few things I wish were included here; how do you effectively end the presentation where you don't lose the momentum where the audience don't feel like its a cliff hanger? And how do you effectively get back on points you forgot to mention in an earlier segment of the presentation?

  • @annhuntley2923
    @annhuntley2923 6 років тому

    Nicely done and you hit so many areas, you kept me engaged the whole time, thanks for all the great tips!

  • @Uncle-P2600
    @Uncle-P2600 6 років тому

    A well crafted presentation. as a trained presentation designer, I learned a lot about presenting techniques as well as telling a story. As PowerPoints become more and more important in business affairs, it's paramount to remember those basic techniques such as a Simplifying your message so that it is clear and understood. Thanks!

  • @gmfech1111
    @gmfech1111 5 років тому

    You, sir, just got a like for that part about Comic Sans.

  • @mazharzia7701
    @mazharzia7701 7 років тому

    Wow, what a workout. Well done job. Thanks

  • @mycampusgps3350
    @mycampusgps3350 6 років тому

    Really helpful info and great presentation style. Thanks!

  • @mare-ohio
    @mare-ohio 9 років тому

    Very helpful presentation that I will be using in my next presentation!

  • @KumaranKothandan
    @KumaranKothandan 7 років тому

    Excellent tips. Great job. Here is a double like.

  • @LaraGerman
    @LaraGerman 7 років тому

    Thank you, it is really interesting, simple to apply and useful!

  • @2berelaxed
    @2berelaxed 8 років тому

    Hi Tod,
    thank you very much for that fantastic presentation.
    Very helpful. No longer "death by powerpoint" anymore.
    All the best,
    Herb from Be Relaxed

  • @10getliz
    @10getliz 6 років тому

    Hi! Does anyone know what font he's using? Or: Todd, what font are you using?

    • @ensia9074
      @ensia9074 6 років тому

      Hi. It's called "BureauGrotesque". (Todd)

  • @tewodrosnigatu12
    @tewodrosnigatu12 5 років тому


  • @mohammedezz7725
    @mohammedezz7725 6 років тому

    You briefed it all, thanks a lot

  • @JamesCollins002
    @JamesCollins002 9 років тому +6

    useful presentation tips.

  • @Amalioji2
    @Amalioji2 6 років тому

    The Best.

  • @bebeezra
    @bebeezra 6 років тому

    **slow clap** 2018 and this instructional video is beyond relevant to what an effective and a bad presentation looks like.

  • @colleenpeterson844
    @colleenpeterson844 8 років тому

    Loved it, but it would be useful to have links to those other resources in the information below.

  • @RicoJiang
    @RicoJiang 7 років тому

    Very useful, thanks!

  • @skaistekarciauskaite7397
    @skaistekarciauskaite7397 6 років тому

    I find it amazing

  • @mightyowl1668
    @mightyowl1668 4 роки тому


  • @jerryh1937
    @jerryh1937 7 років тому

    Nice job.

  • @mfreeman313
    @mfreeman313 4 роки тому

    You can't even recommend Robin William's "The Non-Designer's Design Book" as a resource? Literally the entire book is about contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity.

  • @yelinizi1950
    @yelinizi1950 6 років тому

    Hahhahahaha i laughed so hard on this 😃 but its true

  • @crowhouse4778
    @crowhouse4778 6 років тому

    Good information, but no slide will overcome his presentation style.

  • @2662Mia
    @2662Mia 6 років тому +1

    Farther. Danes cycle farther.

    • @dougsasse
      @dougsasse 6 років тому

      Thank you. :)

    • @ensia9074
      @ensia9074 6 років тому

      Dang. Missed that in my editing. Thanks for catching it. (Todd)

  • @gauravdas5002
    @gauravdas5002 5 років тому


  • @thiery1417
    @thiery1417 6 років тому +1

    What does luck have to do with creating a great presentation? You have just given us the tools and techniques in a 27.40 minute video and you talk about luck? Seriously, why do grown up people STILL believe in fairy tales, santa claus, tooth fairies and luck? That's just nonsense. Any person who has worked hard enough, hustled long enough and put in the hard work into something, relationships, marriage, a business, their job, preparation for a job interview and a presentation knows that true success does NOT come from luck. It comes from preparation, preparation, preparation and work, work, work! Stop this superstitious nonsense. Do and be the best ALL the time and you WILL succeed in ALL things.
    There is no such thing as luck, that is just an excuse and a cop out not to work long enough and smart enough but to blame a non existing supernatural force called 'luck' for your inability give your very best in life. Stop the BS.

    • @MitRich1308
      @MitRich1308 5 років тому +2

      Thiery M
      Many things depend on luck.
      We live actually in the world with fucking random stuff around.

  • @UGinTV
    @UGinTV 6 років тому +2

    Great video man

  • @ArthurGomes90
    @ArthurGomes90 5 років тому

    This was really helpful thank you!