Animation Title: 《开局物价贬值,我成为了世界首富》or "At the beginning, prices depreciated, and I became the richest man in the world" Summary: 开局全球存款物价贬值百亿倍,我存款五千瞬间成为全球首富。迅速适应这巨变,神... At the beginning, the global deposit prices depreciated by 10 billion times. I instantly became the richest man in the world with a deposit of 5,000. I quickly adapted to this huge change, and... - Translation by Google Translate
13:35 to 39 op❤❤❤
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Prices depreciated at the beginning and I became the richest man in the world
Animation Title: 《开局物价贬值,我成为了世界首富》or "At the beginning, prices depreciated, and I became the richest man in the world"
At the beginning, the global deposit prices depreciated by 10 billion times. I instantly became the richest man in the world with a deposit of 5,000. I quickly adapted to this huge change, and...
- Translation by Google Translate