Haustiere sollten in einer angemessenen Umgebung gebadet werden, die für ihre Bedürfnisse geeignet ist und in der sie sicher sind. In dieser speziellen Situation könnte es sich um eine ungewöhnliche oder improvisierte Situation handeln, die nicht unbedingt empfohlen wird. Es ist wichtig, dass Haustiere in angemessenen Bedingungen gepflegt werden, um ihr Wohlbefinden und ihre Gesundheit zu gewährleisten.
And the reason for your reply is...don't you think that anyone else is capable... You are not even there, but perhaps you still know better. I would be insulted... Have you thought about that...
@@JicJicMonkey es hat nichts mit der Badeumgebung zu tun. Wenn meine Wohnung voll Wasser läuftkümmere ich mich um dan Wasserschaden und drehe das Wasser ab...und bade nicht in seelenruhig meinen Affen...
Estoy de acuerdo. Es importante tener mucho cuidado y supervisión alrededor de un bebé recién nacido en cualquier situación, especialmente cerca del agua. Dejarlo solo en el inodoro podría ser peligroso, ya que existe el riesgo de que se caiga dentro. Es crucial garantizar un entorno seguro y protegido para el bebé en todo momento.
Es könnte sein, dass die Einrichtung und die Gegenstände im Video klein erscheinen, weil sie für einen kleinen Affen namens Jic Jic angepasst sind. Es ist üblich, dass Tierhalter spezielle Umgebungen schaffen, die auf die Bedürfnisse ihrer Haustiere zugeschnitten sind. In diesem Fall könnte die Wohnung so gestaltet sein, dass sie Jic Jic ein sicheres und komfortables Zuhause bietet, das seinen Proportionen und Bedürfnissen entspricht.
@@JicJicMonkey ach so deshalb sind die Wände, Schränke und Türen auch so niedrig das der Mann sich bücken muß um durch die Türen zu gehen..als wenn der Affe 50 cm mehr Höhe erkennen wü klar
The small house is specially designed for Jic Jic, aiming to create a comfortable and enjoyable environment for him. It's like a playhouse for children. This is an expression of the love that Jic's father has for him. Sometimes, Jic's father may encounter some inconvenience when using this house, but he still does it out of sincere love for his son.
Exactly😂 you designd this house extra for this monkey🤔 .Who else doesn't believe that crab? This monkey lives there only for a couple of months before he has "to move back to the woods" 😉 Come on, we are no Idiots.
Most of the monkeys act like they are starving its something in their nature. However you can tell the ones who are by the way suck on fruit for thirst reasons . Trying to get sustenance, they are seeking. If malnourished, they are usually very thin in appearance , not to count eyes sunkin in .
Eine Frechheit diese Darstellung. Ihr solltet euch in Grund und Boden schämen. Und hört endlich auf mit den dämlichen Hintergrundgeräuschen. Das ist nicht mehr zu ertragen 😢😢
Es tut mir leid zu hören, dass Sie mit der Darstellung und den Hintergrundgeräuschen nicht zufrieden sind. Ich werde Ihr Feedback weiterleiten. Wenn Sie möchten, dass bestimmte Änderungen vorgenommen werden, können Sie dies auch direkt an die Verantwortlichen kommunizieren. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.
Es importante expresar preocupaciones de manera respetuosa y constructiva. Si hay aspectos del contenido que te molestan, considera comunicarlo de manera calmada y constructiva. Los creadores de contenido a menudo valoran el feedback de su audiencia para mejorar su contenido.
این نوع تولهمیمون کمی بزرگتربشه خواب باشی میاد که زورگیرت کندوخودش راارزاکند این نوع توله میمون مال خانه آوردن نیستن به خانواده آسیب میزنندهمیشه باتناسل خودشون بازی میکنندیا میمکن 😂
@ireneoco He is abused. The guy has issues. Jic has a bad case of diaper rash, his tosh and his wee wee is flaming hot! He's terrified of his owner! This owner does think he's a human child.
To much sugar can cause diabetes in monkeys which in turn casue diaper rash which is really a yeast infection looking like a diaper rash as well .or just bad owner not change the diaper often enough
The small house is specially designed for Jic Jic, aiming to create a comfortable and enjoyable environment for him. It's like a playhouse for children. This is an expression of the love that Jic's father has for him. Sometimes, Jic's father may encounter some inconvenience when using this house, but he still does it out of sincere love for his son.
This monkey looks like a stump tail macaque, the same as Bibi and many others. They are born with a tiny tail. The tail gradually gets smaller and when the monkey is full grown, the tail is almost gone. I saw a video about wild stump tail macaques.
It's fascinating to learn about stump-tailed macaques and observe their natural behaviors. They are indeed born with small tails that gradually reduce in size as they grow older. Studying wild macaques in their natural habitat provides valuable insights into their lives and behaviors.
@@JicJicMonkey Sitting it on the toilet when it is convenient for you does not stop the monkey from filling it's diaper at other times. It is never going to be able to take itself to the toilet when necessary.
Its all about money to them, its all a game to these ignorent farce of people, its all about control, its all about degrading these creatures, its all about demoralizing these creatires
Entiendo tu preocupación. Es importante darle suficiente tiempo para que Jic Jic pueda tragar correctamente y de forma segura. Gracias por señalarlo. Es fundamental ser cuidadosos al alimentar a los animales para garantizar su bienestar.
Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback. Es tut uns leid zu hören, dass die Töne störend sind. Wir werden dies berücksichtigen und versuchen, die Audioqualität in zukünftigen Videos zu verbessern.
È una casa in mignatura, è ridicolo!! Poi fare le uova fritte per la scimmia!!!!!!!!! In natura le scimmie non si cuociono le uova sugli alberi!! Sei un deficiente!!!
Capisco che ci siano preoccupazioni riguardo alle dimensioni della casa e alla dieta della scimmia. È importante assicurarsi che l'ambiente e l'alimentazione siano adatti alle esigenze dell'animale.
Кажется, у вас есть чувство юмора! Некоторые входные проемы могут быть неудобными или смешными из-за своего дизайна или расположения. Но, возможно, это просто часть уникального шарма вашего дома или места, где вы находитесь. Иногда нам приходится адаптироваться к некоторым странностям, но в конечном итоге это делает нашу жизнь более разнообразной и интересной! 😄🚪
Menschen haben jedoch unterschiedliche Vorlieben und Hobbys, und es ist wichtig, diese zu respektieren. Solange er sich damit wohl fühlt und niemandem schadet, ist es seine persönliche Präferenz.
I don’t think monkeys would normally eat “fried eggs” the monkey will suffer severe digestive disorder & pain having to eat unsuitable food stuff, and why with a fork, Duhhhh!
@@JicJicMonkey Не надо обманывать ни себя , ни нас. Все мы взрослые люди. Обезьян невозможно приучить ходить в туалет на унитаз и вы это прекрасно знаете . И памперсы ваш макаш будет носить столько , сколько он будет у вас жить. Вы никогда его к туалету не приучите. Они не могут контролировать опорожнение кишечника и мочевого пузыря. А то , что вы можете показать , что макаш сидит на унитазе и доказывать какой он у вас "разумный" и приучен к туалету - этим обманам вы покажите свое неуважение к вашим подписчикам .
Me parece excesivo dar tres huevos a un monito tan pequeño, su higado se resentirá algún día. Hay que cuidarlo sin exagerar, en el término medio está la virtud.
Es importante tener en cuenta la salud y el bienestar de Jic Jic al alimentarlo. Es crucial encontrar un equilibrio en su alimentación para asegurarse de que reciba los nutrientes adecuados sin sobrecargar su organismo.
@@JicJicMonkey So you have no doubt made yourself familiar with the dietary requirements of a Stump tailed Macaque and have discovered that fried eggs, are served at the best Macaque restaurants in their natural habitat.
Was this filmed in a dolls house or is this man 2 metre tall ? and monkey using toilet…..impossible, everything is midget size, why would you have to sit on the floor to do the cooking?
The small house is specially designed for Jic Jic, aiming to create a comfortable and enjoyable environment for him. It's like a playhouse for children. This is an expression of the love that Jic's father has for him. Sometimes, Jic's father may encounter some inconvenience when using this house, but he still does it out of sincere love for his son.
Ни в коем 😂случае нельзя обезьяну ложить с собой постель и вообще даже № одной комнате Умнее должна быть своя комната свой туалет и унитаз И ни в крем случае не кушать на столе а только за столом. Ну вот и сидит на туалете молодец только у меня был пониже специально для нее.Вот видите парень воспитывает а знает что туалет должен быть отдельный. Сколько можно им ж….ы подтереть да вонь эту нюхать. Кормила я лично тоже по часам четыре раза в день достаточно. Им сколь не дай будет мало отучила везде и кругом лазить за это получали ремня
Понятно, что у каждого свои взгляды на воспитание и уход за обезьянами. Важно помнить, что безопасность и комфорт животного должны быть главным приоритетом.
I would love to hear some of the lines in English so I understand better. I know it would be difficult for them to try but at least a few lines would be enjoyable ,😊
The small house is specially designed for Jic Jic, aiming to create a comfortable and enjoyable environment for him. It's like a playhouse for children. This is an expression of the love that Jic's father has for him. Sometimes, Jic's father may encounter some inconvenience when using this house, but he still does it out of sincere love for his son.
Да Вы что! Неужели!? Для 'сынка'! Охренеть! Ну Вы 'завернули"!!!! Зачем нагло врать? Дом построил для крысы!!! Фу! Люди не дураки, чтоб поверить в это!!!@@JicJicMonkey
I'm here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. If there's something specific you'd like to discuss or if you need support, please feel free to let me know.
¡Sí, parece que Jic Jic tiene mucho carácter pero también es muy lindo! Es posible que su traviesa naturaleza sea parte de su encanto. Seguro que proporciona mucha diversión y alegría a quienes lo rodean.
Понимаю вашу озабоченность за благополучие животного. Если вы считаете, что происходит нарушение законодательства о защите животных, важно обратиться к соответствующим властям или организациям за помощью и консультацией.
Es importante tener en cuenta que los bebés necesitan supervisión constante y cuidados especiales, ya que están explorando el mundo a su alrededor y aún no tienen la capacidad de comprender completamente lo que está bien o mal.
I’d like to know what country you live in? I never see snow and it doesn’t seem cold there? I see all these monkey parents some people are great parents to them. I don’t think they would ever be able to live wild again
The small house is specially designed for Jic Jic, aiming to create a comfortable and enjoyable environment for him. It's like a playhouse for children. This is an expression of the love that Jic's father has for him. Sometimes, Jic's father may encounter some inconvenience when using this house, but he still does it out of sincere love for his son.
Tiny houses have become increasingly popular for their minimalist design and efficient use of space. They can be found through various channels, including specialized builders, online marketplaces, and even DIY projects.
Это важно удовлетворить его потребности в питании. Правильное питание обеспечит ему необходимую энергию и питательные вещества для здоровья и развития.
So is this guy unaturally tall or just everything made unaturally small inside the appartment ready for when the monkeys bigger so it looks like the monkeys appartment?? If the later is true then this guy already has enough money if he could build a full apparfor a monket an he sure as hell doesnt need you tube income
The small house is specially designed for Jic Jic, aiming to create a comfortable and enjoyable environment for him. It's like a playhouse for children. This is an expression of the love that Jic's father has for him. Sometimes, Jic's father may encounter some inconvenience when using this house, but he still does it out of sincere love for his son.
@@JicJicMonkey If you know that, then why are you torturing the monkey? Why fried food? Why the stupid monkey sweat outfit? Why is the monkey only in prison? The monkey is never out!!!!
Los animales en especial los monitos pueden aprender mucho y desarrollar sus abilidades para poder util y felices. Perros 🐕 especial entrenados para personas ciegas u otros problemas de salud y es muy caro ese trabajo.
Exactamente, los animales, incluidos los monos, tienen una capacidad increíble para aprender y desarrollar habilidades que pueden ser útiles para los humanos y para su propio bienestar.
Hay hay cosita hermosa que haces chuquitico hermoso hay cosita hermosa inundaste el baño hay hay hay hay... . Mmm que hira a decir papa hermoso ternuritaaaaaaa❤❤❤❤❤❤hay no no no aue ternurita quedo todo mojadito hayyyyyyyyyyyy linduraaaaaaaaaa. Estan tierno y hermoso que lo quedan janas es de apapacharlo asi como papa y el desastre queda en segundo plano. Mira que papa mas adorable viste el desastre y solo lo que hiciste fue consentirlo quitarle esa ropita mojada y bañarlo que tierno eres papa un ejemplo a seguir. Eres muy muy lindo con esta hermosura de bebecito sabes yo hubiera echo lo mismo estan tan tan chiquitico y hermoso que solo dan ganas de consentirlo bien papa te admiro❤❤❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 hay no no no no que esa ternurita tan tan tan chiquiticoooooo. Y desnudito bañandose que hermosuraaaaaaaaaa❤❤❤❤❤❤ dios santo hay no papa estoy enloquesida por tu bebecito oor favor lo quiero abrazarrrrrrr, apapacharrrrrr que hagooooooooooo dime dime, me moriiiii por este bebecitoooooooooo❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Ternuritaaaaaaaaaaaa, preciosooooooooooooooooo❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ amor lindooooooooooooooooooooo mira mira tan tan chiquiticooooo linduraaaaaaaaa. Me tienes feliz viendo como lo coges con esa ternura y ese amor , lo coges tan delicadamente, eres muy lindo con tu bebecito como se nota que lo amas con todo tu ser sabes y eso es lo que estos bebecitos se merecen personas como tu. Que los cuidan , que los quieren y los aman como a unos verdaderos hijos y aue ellos se sienten bien, felices, tranquilos, se dejan, bañar, cuidar, vestir, y es por que ellos sienten y ven que los aman te felicito papa por esa labor , por ese amor, y por ese cuidado tan especial a tu bebecito hay no no no no esa carita tan hermosaaaaaaaaaa. Corazon preciosooooooooo. Papa te ama mucho lindura y yo tambien me enamore de ti chiquitico preciosooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ que cosita tan juiciosa estoy anonadada viendolo estan adorable, tierno, mira como se deja y tan tranquilo hermosuraaaaaaaaaa, chiquito preciosooooooo, gracias, gracias papa por este video tan lindo❤❤❤❤❤❤ que dios te bendiga por siempre🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 y tu cosita bella , adorable, amor chiquito precioso, eres una ternurita de amorrrrrr, tan chiquitico qur dan ganas de apapacharte, consentirte, amarte asi como papa te ama... Ternurita....... Cosita bella......❤❤❤❤❤.... Amor lindo...... Muñequito precioso.........❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤envueltoco en la toalla mientras buscas la ropita, se ve todo chiquitico linduraaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ no no no que juiciooooooo. Amor lindooooooooooo. No que ternura de camiseticaaaaaaaa se ve hermosoooooooooo❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ hay no no nono que es esa belleza hay en la camita mientras papa seca el piso linduraaaaaaa, que juiciooooo❤❤❤❤❤❤ amor chiquito. Huy que rico que te va adar papa mmm que rico ternuritaaaaaa. Linduraaaaaa, cosita hermosaaaaaaaaaa❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ que rico amor lindooooooo papa te ama mucho ternurita hay no no nome muero por tu bebecito chiqitico hermoso... Papa por favor dale muchos muchos besos de mi parteeeeee. .... Please, pleaseeeee. Cuidense mucho❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Вы абсолютно правы. Животные нуждаются в заботе, внимании и любви, их нужно уважать и защищать. Сильная привязанность и забота о животных помогают им чувствовать себя в безопасности и счастливыми.
If you are going to own a monkey then you need to educate yourself about what is best for them….this means food choices which means no greasy foods but a diet that is well balanced because he has a very delicate digestive system. Other food will ultimately cause him to get sick. He should be eating only fruit, vegetables and milk. You shouldn’t leave him alone right now he’s too small. Especially in the bathroom he is still a baby you so should hold off on training him to use the toilet (just for now until he is a little older). Use diapers for now. I know all of this may be expensive but if you have a baby monkey then the things I have suggested are necessary. Read what the other people are telling you too - we are only trying to help you not critique you. If you decide not to listen the monkey will definitely get sick and you’ll have to take him to the hospital. So please I urge you to make changes to his diet and safety. He really could have been injured in the bathroom - yes he did turn on the water but he is still to little to understand what will happen if he doesn’t. I really appreciate you for taking the time to read my message. My love to both of you.
It sounds like you're genuinely concerned about Jic Jic's well-being, and that's commendable. Indeed, educating oneself about the proper care and diet for a pet, especially an exotic one like a monkey, is crucial. Providing a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and milk is essential for his health. Also, ensuring his safety, especially since he's still a baby, is paramount. Your suggestions about using diapers and supervising him closely are valid considerations.
The small house is specially designed for Jic Jic, aiming to create a comfortable and enjoyable environment for him. It's like a playhouse for children. This is an expression of the love that Jic's father has for him. Sometimes, Jic's father may encounter some inconvenience when using this house, but he still does it out of sincere love for his son.
Oui, il est tellement mignon ! Apprendre à fermer le robinet est une étape que Jic Jic doit encore maîtriser. C'est formidable de voir son exploration et son apprentissage !
It seems you enjoy the music in the video despite finding some of the sounds annoying. Music can indeed enhance the viewing experience and create a more enjoyable atmosphere. If there are specific sounds that bother you, you might consider adjusting the volume or using headphones to focus more on the music.
@@JicJicMonkey I am sorry for not being clearer in my response. It is the sounds of a fake baby and the baby noises and those things that I feel affects the quality of your video. If those noises were gone I would find it more appealing but I’m only one person out of many. Please let me know if you
While it's understandable that some may draw comparisons, it's important to remember that the care and environment provided for animals, including primates like Jic Jic, should prioritize their well-being and natural behaviors.
Dont listen to these people that say silly look after baby zic very good and your little house is lovely .just give milk every day .he needs it for growing .for his bones .he loves you .❤
Thank you for your kind words and support! We appreciate your understanding and encouragement. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Понимаю, что возникают опасения по поводу ухода и кормления. Важно следовать рекомендациям и советам специалистов по уходу за обезьянами, чтобы обеспечить их правильным питанием и уходом.
Das Wasser steht in der Wohnung und was macht er..
Er badet das Äffchen..😂😂😂
Haustiere sollten in einer angemessenen Umgebung gebadet werden, die für ihre Bedürfnisse geeignet ist und in der sie sicher sind. In dieser speziellen Situation könnte es sich um eine ungewöhnliche oder improvisierte Situation handeln, die nicht unbedingt empfohlen wird. Es ist wichtig, dass Haustiere in angemessenen Bedingungen gepflegt werden, um ihr Wohlbefinden und ihre Gesundheit zu gewährleisten.
And the reason for your reply is...don't you think that anyone else is capable... You are not even there, but perhaps you still know better. I would be insulted... Have you thought about that...
@@JicJicMonkey es hat nichts mit der Badeumgebung zu tun.
Wenn meine Wohnung voll Wasser läuftkümmere ich mich um dan Wasserschaden und drehe das Wasser ab...und bade nicht in seelenruhig meinen Affen...
Głupota osiągnęła zenit nawet nie chcę tego komentować
Bin der selbe Meinung!!!!!!!
Rozumiem, że masz swoje zdanie na ten temat. Czy mogę ci w czymś pomóc?
@@JicJicMonkeyне врать, что дом специально для крысеныша спроектирован.
For real
Wie wahr!Dümmer geht nimmer
Es recien nacido. No sabe de grifos ni abrir ni cerrar. Dejarle solo en el water es imprudente. Se puede caer dentro
Estoy de acuerdo. Es importante tener mucho cuidado y supervisión alrededor de un bebé recién nacido en cualquier situación, especialmente cerca del agua. Dejarlo solo en el inodoro podría ser peligroso, ya que existe el riesgo de que se caiga dentro. Es crucial garantizar un entorno seguro y protegido para el bebé en todo momento.
@@JicJicMonkey Every comment you make is so stupid!!!!!
No sabe de grifos nomas hacer travesuras. Como no se hecha un clavado al escusado? Si no no tiene Mara
Elenaosabe mandarem paciência,eu,bebr
Z maleństwa nowonarodzonego robi dorosłego wytresowanego makaka zobaczyłam nie będę polecać bo wstyd
Czy jest coś, w czym mogę ci pomóc?
Te makaki sa bardzo madre, nawet jako malenstwa.
Ist diese Wohnung für Zwerge gemacht oder warum ist da alles so klein???
Es könnte sein, dass die Einrichtung und die Gegenstände im Video klein erscheinen, weil sie für einen kleinen Affen namens Jic Jic angepasst sind. Es ist üblich, dass Tierhalter spezielle Umgebungen schaffen, die auf die Bedürfnisse ihrer Haustiere zugeschnitten sind. In diesem Fall könnte die Wohnung so gestaltet sein, dass sie Jic Jic ein sicheres und komfortables Zuhause bietet, das seinen Proportionen und Bedürfnissen entspricht.
@@JicJicMonkey ach so deshalb sind die Wände, Schränke und Türen auch so niedrig das der Mann sich bücken muß um durch die Türen zu gehen..als wenn der Affe 50 cm mehr Höhe erkennen wü klar
You do realize you're monkey is afraid of you right?
Buildü in einem Puppenhaus 🤣🤣🤣mit der Realität n🤐
Nein, laut "Jic Jic " ist es die persönliche Präferenz des Mannes. Ja genau, wer's glaubt😂
why is this man too large for his this a doll house?
The small house is specially designed for Jic Jic, aiming to create a comfortable and enjoyable environment for him. It's like a playhouse for children. This is an expression of the love that Jic's father has for him. Sometimes, Jic's father may encounter some inconvenience when using this house, but he still does it out of sincere love for his son.
Exactly😂 you designd this house extra for this monkey🤔 .Who else doesn't believe that crab? This monkey lives there only for a couple of months before he has "to move back to the woods" 😉
Come on, we are no Idiots.
Oh I see, the monkey is lives there by himself and his "dad" only uses the monkey apparent only sometimes.
Poor baby, looks like it's starving the way it's attacking the egg.
It's first thing in the morning. We all do that. Or at least I do 😅😊
@@HunnyBunny-w8z Not the monkey!
I understand your concern
Most of the monkeys act like they are starving its something in their nature. However you can tell the ones who are by the way suck on fruit for thirst reasons . Trying to get sustenance, they are seeking. If malnourished, they are usually very thin in appearance , not to count eyes sunkin in .
@@christywilley8209 Good comment. This guy has a mental deficiency.
Eine Frechheit diese Darstellung. Ihr solltet euch in Grund und Boden schämen. Und hört endlich auf mit den dämlichen Hintergrundgeräuschen. Das ist nicht mehr zu ertragen 😢😢
Es tut mir leid zu hören, dass Sie mit der Darstellung und den Hintergrundgeräuschen nicht zufrieden sind. Ich werde Ihr Feedback weiterleiten. Wenn Sie möchten, dass bestimmte Änderungen vorgenommen werden, können Sie dies auch direkt an die Verantwortlichen kommunizieren. Vielen Dank für Ihr Verständnis.
Es importante expresar preocupaciones de manera respetuosa y constructiva. Si hay aspectos del contenido que te molestan, considera comunicarlo de manera calmada y constructiva. Los creadores de contenido a menudo valoran el feedback de su audiencia para mejorar su contenido.
Не слушайте,ни кого,очень красивое видио❤❤❤❤@@JicJicMonkey
Mi raccomando ragazzo non dare uova fritte a questo cucciolo!!!!😮
این نوع تولهمیمون کمی بزرگتربشه خواب باشی میاد که زورگیرت کندوخودش راارزاکند این نوع توله میمون مال خانه آوردن نیستن به خانواده آسیب میزنندهمیشه باتناسل خودشون بازی میکنندیا میمکن 😂
Он содержит гоблина потому что завидует у гоблина стручок больше чем у него
Chętnie pomogę, jeśli będę w stanie zrozumieć, o co Ci chodzi.
Jesus, . . .this man boy isn't well ! !
The monkey is terrified and has been abused and still is, by the look of his lower limbs.
@ireneoco He is abused. The guy has issues. Jic has a bad case of diaper rash, his tosh and his wee wee is flaming hot! He's terrified of his owner! This owner does think he's a human child.
It's important to ensure the well-being and safety of animals.
@@JicJicMonkeySo maybe the owner should actually do that??? Instead of giving it diaper rash and feeding it inappropriate foods.
To much sugar can cause diabetes in monkeys which in turn casue diaper rash which is really a yeast infection looking like a diaper rash as well .or just bad owner not change the diaper often enough
@@janeveinotte9850 Good point!
Dad?? You sure do have funny looking kids.
Thanks for watching and please continue to follow and stay tuned. ❤🙏
I don't know how tall this man is but it looks like the apartment was made for little people or is this just staged
The small house is specially designed for Jic Jic, aiming to create a comfortable and enjoyable environment for him. It's like a playhouse for children. This is an expression of the love that Jic's father has for him. Sometimes, Jic's father may encounter some inconvenience when using this house, but he still does it out of sincere love for his son.
@@JicJicMonkey If it was made for Jic Jac it would be even smaller! This is crazy.
This monkey looks like a stump tail macaque, the same as Bibi and many others. They are born with a tiny tail. The tail gradually gets smaller and when the monkey is full grown, the tail is almost gone. I saw a video about wild stump tail macaques.
I bet they were happy and content in their social groups and the infants are revered by
the troop.
It's fascinating to learn about stump-tailed macaques and observe their natural behaviors. They are indeed born with small tails that gradually reduce in size as they grow older. Studying wild macaques in their natural habitat provides valuable insights into their lives and behaviors.
That baby never went to the bathroom in the toilet 🤪
Providing appropriate training and supervision, as well as understanding their natural behaviors, can help in their care and development.
@@JicJicMonkey Sitting it on the toilet when it is convenient for you does not stop the monkey from filling it's diaper at other times. It is never going to be able to take itself to the toilet when necessary.
Its all about money to them, its all a game to these ignorent farce of people, its all about control, its all about degrading these creatures, its all about demoralizing these creatires
Animal welfare is indeed a crucial issue, and it's essential to ensure that animals are treated with care, respect, and dignity.
Ano jde jim jen o peníze těm zrůdami co její máma ta musí hledat svoje mladé ti vetnamci si neumí udělat dítě to jsou chlapi za ....o stojí
Když se vám směje čera republika holky jalovi a ví stojíte jako chlapi za prt
Le das comida una vez al mes? El monito esta superhanbriento.
Es importante que los animales reciban la alimentación adecuada y en intervalos regulares para mantener su salud y bienestar.
@@JicJicMonkey your feeding him to fast sometimes he's a very little guy .but you feed him good food .things take take
Sam byś nie jadł tak szybko,jak można tak karmić takie maleństwo.
Do you think he is skinny? I think he looks normal for his age and height.
He seems to really love and respect you dad. Keep loving and holding him and let him cling to you a lot ( they need a lot of attention from you).
It's heartwarming to see the bond between them. Providing love, care, and attention is crucial for his well-being and development.
Con el yogurt no le dejas tiempo de tragar. Que te hagan a ti lo mismo
Entiendo tu preocupación. Es importante darle suficiente tiempo para que Jic Jic pueda tragar correctamente y de forma segura. Gracias por señalarlo. Es fundamental ser cuidadosos al alimentar a los animales para garantizar su bienestar.
I didn’t know animals could use the toilet😮😮
The monkeys spirit is beaten away from this baby.. is terrified of you…😡
انه تمثيل ، المصور من يقوم بالضغط لفتح المياه
They can't
They can't it's completely staged and unreal!!!
Какие сказки придумывают! Это просто, чтоб денег заработать или чтоб им поверили?
Die künstlichen falschen Töne sind unerträglich, am besten sofort stumm stellen, nur das hilft.
Ti kao da ih moras slusati i gledati ako ti smeta
Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback. Es tut uns leid zu hören, dass die Töne störend sind. Wir werden dies berücksichtigen und versuchen, die Audioqualität in zukünftigen Videos zu verbessern.
È una casa in mignatura, è ridicolo!!
Poi fare le uova fritte per la scimmia!!!!!!!!!
In natura le scimmie non si cuociono le uova sugli alberi!!
Sei un deficiente!!!
Capisco che ci siano preoccupazioni riguardo alle dimensioni della casa e alla dieta della scimmia. È importante assicurarsi che l'ambiente e l'alimentazione siano adatti alle esigenze dell'animale.
@@JicJicMonkey Explain how you have determined the animal's needs.
А меня прикалывают входные проемы)) Это что,прикол такой?) Почему нельзя нормальные сделать,чтоб не наклоняться ?) Смешно😂
Кажется, у вас есть чувство юмора! Некоторые входные проемы могут быть неудобными или смешными из-за своего дизайна или расположения. Но, возможно, это просто часть уникального шарма вашего дома или места, где вы находитесь. Иногда нам приходится адаптироваться к некоторым странностям, но в конечном итоге это делает нашу жизнь более разнообразной и интересной! 😄🚪
Он живёт в кукольном домике 😁😁😁😁
Love ❤❤👍🇫🇷
Thanks for watching
Mich wundert es das sich der Mann in der Puppenwohnung nicht blöd vorkommt.
Menschen haben jedoch unterschiedliche Vorlieben und Hobbys, und es ist wichtig, diese zu respektieren. Solange er sich damit wohl fühlt und niemandem schadet, ist es seine persönliche Präferenz.
Er macht keine privaten Videos sondern Videos für die Öffentlichkeit und deshalb, so ist es meiner Meinung nach, muß er mit den Kommentaren leben.
I don’t think monkeys would normally eat “fried eggs” the monkey will suffer severe digestive disorder & pain having to eat unsuitable food stuff, and why with a fork, Duhhhh!
It's important to provide animals with suitable and safe food for their health and well-being.
@@JicJicMonkey It doesn't matter what you feed. You won't keep this animal for the rest of its life anyway.
Якщо вони ходять в туалет для чого їм надівати підгузники
Підгузники можуть використовуватися для малюка в перехідний період, коли він ще вчиться використовувати туалет.
@@JicJicMonkey Не надо обманывать ни себя , ни нас. Все мы взрослые люди. Обезьян невозможно приучить ходить в туалет на унитаз и вы это прекрасно знаете . И памперсы ваш макаш будет носить столько , сколько он будет у вас жить. Вы никогда его к туалету не приучите. Они не могут контролировать опорожнение кишечника и мочевого пузыря. А то , что вы можете показать , что макаш сидит на унитазе и доказывать какой он у вас "разумный" и приучен к туалету - этим обманам вы покажите свое неуважение к вашим подписчикам .
Обезьяны не приучаемые к туалету,от слова совсем.Это снимают сказку про белого бычка,чтоб больше лайков было.
@@JicJicMonkey как тут не понятно, для того , чтоб заработать деньги, ОБЕЗЬЯН БУДУТ УЧИТЬ КУКАРЕКАТЬ.
Me parece excesivo dar tres huevos a un monito tan pequeño, su higado se resentirá algún día. Hay que cuidarlo sin exagerar, en el término medio está la virtud.
Es importante tener en cuenta la salud y el bienestar de Jic Jic al alimentarlo. Es crucial encontrar un equilibrio en su alimentación para asegurarse de que reciba los nutrientes adecuados sin sobrecargar su organismo.
@@JicJicMonkey So you have no doubt made yourself familiar with the dietary requirements of a Stump tailed Macaque and have discovered that fried eggs, are
served at the best Macaque restaurants in their natural habitat.
Dva su u tatinom tanniru
Don't need all the extra sound affects..
На папу работает такой маленький джик .
Да, кажется, у них есть особая связь. Папа заботится о малыше с любовью и заботой.
@@JicJicMonkey 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣какой бред🤣🤣🤣🤣какой папа?! Макаки ..........впрочем вы сами всё знаете не буду писать
Why did you put him in bed only to disturb him thst was a dumb thing to do
I'm sorry for the confusion
Que criaturinha mais linda e inteligente, amei. ❤❤❤❤❤
Sim, Jic Jic é uma criaturinha adorável e inteligente. É incrível observar sua inteligência e como ele lida com diferentes situações.
Was this filmed in a dolls house or is this man 2 metre tall ? and monkey using toilet…..impossible, everything is midget size, why would you have to sit on the floor to do the cooking?
The small house is specially designed for Jic Jic, aiming to create a comfortable and enjoyable environment for him. It's like a playhouse for children. This is an expression of the love that Jic's father has for him. Sometimes, Jic's father may encounter some inconvenience when using this house, but he still does it out of sincere love for his son.
Do you really think that anybody believes that BS.I can assure you, nobody does.
Ele esta faminto , Deus esta vendo oque vc faz com esse macaquinho 😢
Thanks for watching!
Жрет как слон и зачем эта гадость в доме!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡
❤ este va a ser el monito mas inteligente en un apartamento para el😊
¡Gracias! Estamos seguros de que Jic Jic será muy inteligente y feliz en su apartamento. 😊
Ни в коем 😂случае нельзя обезьяну ложить с собой постель и вообще даже № одной комнате Умнее должна быть своя комната свой туалет и унитаз И ни в крем случае не кушать на столе а только за столом. Ну вот и сидит на туалете молодец только у меня был пониже специально для нее.Вот видите парень воспитывает а знает что туалет должен быть отдельный. Сколько можно им ж….ы подтереть да вонь эту нюхать. Кормила я лично тоже по часам четыре раза в день достаточно. Им сколь не дай будет мало отучила везде и кругом лазить за это получали ремня
Понятно, что у каждого свои взгляды на воспитание и уход за обезьянами. Важно помнить, что безопасность и комфорт животного должны быть главным приоритетом.
@@JicJicMonkey😂😂😂😂не вводи зрителя в заблуждение это место в клетке,и вы её там держите а для сьёмок тащите в дом😂😂😂😂
I would love to hear some of the lines in English so I understand better. I know it would be difficult for them to try but at least a few lines would be enjoyable ,😊
Absolutely, I can provide translations for you
Thanks for watching
Джики какой же он хорошенький малый, красиво одет 😊😊😊❤❤❤❤❤
Да, Джик выглядит очаровательно в своей красивой одежде! 🥰
Das Vieh ist weder bezaubernd noch süß! Das ist ein hässliches Ungeziefer, das man weder füttern noch kleiden sollte!
Зачем заводить обезьяну?
He did call you more than once after he finished going to restroom. You didn’t respond to him.
The monkey merely sat on the toilet, it didn't actually "use" it. This video, like ALL of them posted by this guy, are staged.
Communication and responsiveness from caregivers are essential for the well-being of young animals.
Very cute little baby monkey 🐒😊❤
@@JicJicMonkey Which you didn't do!
Es re fracioso me encanta❤❤😂
¡Me alegra que te guste!
Лапушка какой он милый малыш.
Да, Джик Джик действительно очарователен!
Wonderful baby ❤❤
Thanks for watching
Małpka fajna ale trafiła na oprawę co ją głodzi i znęca się nad nią. 😢
Miserable and abused wild animal.
everything about this is infantilized, the " house", the bed covers, the decor...🤔
Крыса всегда будет крысой в любой обстановке. На ее месте должен быть котенок или щенок!
The small house is specially designed for Jic Jic, aiming to create a comfortable and enjoyable environment for him. It's like a playhouse for children. This is an expression of the love that Jic's father has for him. Sometimes, Jic's father may encounter some inconvenience when using this house, but he still does it out of sincere love for his son.
Да Вы что! Неужели!? Для 'сынка'! Охренеть! Ну Вы 'завернули"!!!! Зачем нагло врать? Дом построил для крысы!!! Фу! Люди не дураки, чтоб поверить в это!!!@@JicJicMonkey
@JicJicMonkey Really? That's a load of BS. The house would have taken longer to build than this animal has been alive.
@@ДарьяСИМОНЕНКО-к7ыэто уж не вам решать😂
Povero Jic, afflitto, rassegnato e affamato 😢😢😢
È essenziale fornire un ambiente sicuro, nutrimento adeguato e cure appropriate per garantire il benessere degli animali.
Are you sure everything is alright in your head ???😢😢😢😢😢 see a psy !!! Poor monkey !!😢😢😢😢
I'm here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. If there's something specific you'd like to discuss or if you need support, please feel free to let me know.
Очень хорошенький,умненький мальчик
Tak, Jic wydaje się być bardzo uroczy i inteligentny! Chętnie rozmawiam na temat małego Jica i jego przygód!
Какой он тебе мальчик,вы мадам случайно не с потолка упали,это животное он дтенышь макаки,а не Мальчик
Gracias ❤es hermoso bebé travieso
¡Gracias! ❤ Jic Jic es un bebé travieso y hermoso.
Que travieso es pero a la vez están lindo❤❤❤❤❤
¡Sí, parece que Jic Jic tiene mucho carácter pero también es muy lindo! Es posible que su traviesa naturaleza sea parte de su encanto. Seguro que proporciona mucha diversión y alegría a quienes lo rodean.
He's so pretty!! I can see him with a little bow-tie on.
Thanks for watching and please continue to follow and stay tuned. ❤🙏
The monkey or the owner?
Джик такой трогательный,сидит на унитазе,лапки поджал
To przypuszczenie wydaje się być wynikiem nieporozumienia. Czy mogę w czymś jeszcze pomóc?
они никогда не приучаются ходить в туалет. Хоть каждый день учи до старости - не поймут.
Son animales muy sensibles y si son maltratados se nota yo vi al monito feliz y espero que siga siéndolo,
Soy capaz de denunciarte por maltrato animal
Понимаю вашу озабоченность за благополучие животного. Если вы считаете, что происходит нарушение законодательства о защите животных, важно обратиться к соответствующим властям или организациям за помощью и консультацией.
Dime dónde se denuncia??? Yo no tuve EXITO.y ni siquiera permiten BLOKEAR LA PAG/
Как же они на камеру с такой жодностью едят.
Вероятно, это просто часть их естественного поведения. Некоторые животные могут выглядеть неуклюжими или неопрятными,
No a ted se z toho vseho posere a vyblije.
Thanks for watching and supporting. Please stay tune❣💓💗
Wow, Jic Jic loved the eggs and the yogurt!
Thanks for watching , love your kind words ❤❤
Opiekunie czy małe małpy w lesie jedzą sadzone jajka?😡😠😡😠 Ty masz coś z głową nie tak .❗
Ja, bei dem Kerl ist etwas ganz falsch im Kopf!
No es travieso. Es recien nacido. No le obligues a tirar de la cadena ni a manipular el grifo de agua.
Es importante tener en cuenta que los bebés necesitan supervisión constante y cuidados especiales, ya que están explorando el mundo a su alrededor y aún no tienen la capacidad de comprender completamente lo que está bien o mal.
Du als Papa macht dich unbeliebt mit deiner Militärische Art vom Kasernen Hof, 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
Ну какие же они маленькие!
Да, они маленькие и уязвимые, и поэтому требуют особого внимания и заботы. Важно обеспечить им подходящие условия и защитить их от опасностей.
I’d like to know what country you live in? I never see snow and it doesn’t seem cold there? I see all these monkey parents some people are great parents to them. I don’t think they would ever be able to live wild again
Thanks for watching!
Cudowny Tata 🐒♥️🫂♥️🫂💋❤️🐒
To słodko! Jic ma wspaniałego tatę, który dba o niego. Miłość i opieka są kluczowe dla szczęśliwego życia naszych zwierzęcych przyjaciół.
Джип хорошенький
Да, Джик очень милый!
What little door ways for you daddy.❤
Thanks for your watching!
Lindo esse vídeo.
Looks like he built this house for this monkey….this baby acts as if it’s starving….
The small house is specially designed for Jic Jic, aiming to create a comfortable and enjoyable environment for him. It's like a playhouse for children. This is an expression of the love that Jic's father has for him. Sometimes, Jic's father may encounter some inconvenience when using this house, but he still does it out of sincere love for his son.
Thank you so much for your kind words and support! It means a lot to us. 😊👶
Where dud you find the tiny house??? I am only 5 foot tall and this house would be perfect fir me!
Tiny houses have become increasingly popular for their minimalist design and efficient use of space. They can be found through various channels, including specialized builders, online marketplaces, and even DIY projects.
@@JicJicMonkey Thank You for the information. 🤗
Son animales muy sensibles y si los maltratados se nota
Да, действительно, животные, включая обезьян, чувствительны к обращению с ними. Важно обеспечивать заботу, уважение и безопасность для них.
It's important to ensure the well-being of animals.
Джик хочет жрать.
Это важно удовлетворить его потребности в питании. Правильное питание обеспечит ему необходимую энергию и питательные вещества для здоровья и развития.
So is this guy unaturally tall or just everything made unaturally small inside the appartment ready for when the monkeys bigger so it looks like the monkeys appartment?? If the later is true then this guy already has enough money if he could build a full apparfor a monket an he sure as hell doesnt need you tube income
The small house is specially designed for Jic Jic, aiming to create a comfortable and enjoyable environment for him. It's like a playhouse for children. This is an expression of the love that Jic's father has for him. Sometimes, Jic's father may encounter some inconvenience when using this house, but he still does it out of sincere love for his son.
Ja, inf er kapiert überhaupt nicht, was er da soll!
Thanks for watching and supporting. Please stay tune❣💓💗
Does this man live in a doll house.
Im glad to see you have diaper that fits her perfectly.
Thank you for noticing! We want to ensure Jic Jic is comfortable and well-cared for. Your kind words mean a lot to us!
يا سلام على شقاوة الحلوة نانا ❤❤❤❤❤
يبدو أن نان مليئ بالحيوية والجمال!
Another Bibi imitator! Successful too. Every complaint comment counts!
Each individual is unique in their own way.
Это просто гадость, фу , фу, фу.....
Мне жаль, что вы чувствуете так. Если у вас есть конкретные проблемы или заботы, пожалуйста, поделитесь ими, и я постараюсь помочь или поддержать вас.
Das finde ich auch! Pfui Teufel!
A los perros tampoco se los maltrata.
Os animais, incluindo os cães, merecem ser tratados com respeito e cuidado. O maltrato aos animais é injusto e inaceitável.
@@JicJicMonkey If you know that, then why are you torturing the monkey? Why fried food? Why the stupid monkey sweat outfit? Why is the monkey only in prison? The monkey is never out!!!!
Los animales en especial los monitos pueden aprender mucho y desarrollar sus abilidades para poder util y felices. Perros 🐕 especial entrenados para personas ciegas u otros problemas de salud y es muy caro ese trabajo.
Exactamente, los animales, incluidos los monos, tienen una capacidad increíble para aprender y desarrollar habilidades que pueden ser útiles para los humanos y para su propio bienestar.
Hlavně, aby mohli učit na univerzitě,
Ellos son muy inteligentes,tan bello,mi mino
¡Sí, los monos pueden ser muy inteligentes y adorables! Es genial ver a Jic Jic en acción, ¿verdad?
Weder intelligent noch schön!
Hay hay cosita hermosa que haces chuquitico hermoso hay cosita hermosa inundaste el baño hay hay hay hay... . Mmm que hira a decir papa hermoso ternuritaaaaaaa❤❤❤❤❤❤hay no no no aue ternurita quedo todo mojadito hayyyyyyyyyyyy linduraaaaaaaaaa. Estan tierno y hermoso que lo quedan janas es de apapacharlo asi como papa y el desastre queda en segundo plano. Mira que papa mas adorable viste el desastre y solo lo que hiciste fue consentirlo quitarle esa ropita mojada y bañarlo que tierno eres papa un ejemplo a seguir. Eres muy muy lindo con esta hermosura de bebecito sabes yo hubiera echo lo mismo estan tan tan chiquitico y hermoso que solo dan ganas de consentirlo bien papa te admiro❤❤❤❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 hay no no no no que esa ternurita tan tan tan chiquiticoooooo. Y desnudito bañandose que hermosuraaaaaaaaaa❤❤❤❤❤❤ dios santo hay no papa estoy enloquesida por tu bebecito oor favor lo quiero abrazarrrrrrr, apapacharrrrrr que hagooooooooooo dime dime, me moriiiii por este bebecitoooooooooo❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Ternuritaaaaaaaaaaaa, preciosooooooooooooooooo❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ amor lindooooooooooooooooooooo mira mira tan tan chiquiticooooo linduraaaaaaaaa. Me tienes feliz viendo como lo coges con esa ternura y ese amor , lo coges tan delicadamente, eres muy lindo con tu bebecito como se nota que lo amas con todo tu ser sabes y eso es lo que estos bebecitos se merecen personas como tu. Que los cuidan , que los quieren y los aman como a unos verdaderos hijos y aue ellos se sienten bien, felices, tranquilos, se dejan, bañar, cuidar, vestir, y es por que ellos sienten y ven que los aman te felicito papa por esa labor , por ese amor, y por ese cuidado tan especial a tu bebecito hay no no no no esa carita tan hermosaaaaaaaaaa. Corazon preciosooooooooo. Papa te ama mucho lindura y yo tambien me enamore de ti chiquitico preciosooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ que cosita tan juiciosa estoy anonadada viendolo estan adorable, tierno, mira como se deja y tan tranquilo hermosuraaaaaaaaaa, chiquito preciosooooooo, gracias, gracias papa por este video tan lindo❤❤❤❤❤❤ que dios te bendiga por siempre🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 y tu cosita bella , adorable, amor chiquito precioso, eres una ternurita de amorrrrrr, tan chiquitico qur dan ganas de apapacharte, consentirte, amarte asi como papa te ama... Ternurita....... Cosita bella......❤❤❤❤❤.... Amor lindo...... Muñequito precioso.........❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤envueltoco en la toalla mientras buscas la ropita, se ve todo chiquitico linduraaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ no no no que juiciooooooo. Amor lindooooooooooo. No que ternura de camiseticaaaaaaaa se ve hermosoooooooooo❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ hay no no nono que es esa belleza hay en la camita mientras papa seca el piso linduraaaaaaa, que juiciooooo❤❤❤❤❤❤ amor chiquito. Huy que rico que te va adar papa mmm que rico ternuritaaaaaa. Linduraaaaaa, cosita hermosaaaaaaaaaa❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ que rico amor lindooooooo papa te ama mucho ternurita hay no no nome muero por tu bebecito chiqitico hermoso... Papa por favor dale muchos muchos besos de mi parteeeeee. .... Please, pleaseeeee. Cuidense mucho❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Mono travieso ❤😅
¡Es genial ver a Jic Jic en acción! Parece que tiene mucha energía y personalidad traviesa. ¡Seguro que trae mucha alegría y diversión! 🐒❤️
Их нужно или сильно любить, или не брать совсем. Они беззащитны.
Вы абсолютно правы. Животные нуждаются в заботе, внимании и любви, их нужно уважать и защищать. Сильная привязанность и забота о животных помогают им чувствовать себя в безопасности и счастливыми.
To by bylo neštěstí kdyby spadl do záchodu já bych se šla asi oběsit ha ha ha ha 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
If you are going to own a monkey then you need to educate yourself about what is best for them….this means food choices which means no greasy foods but a diet that is well balanced because he has a very delicate digestive system. Other food will ultimately cause him to get sick. He should be eating only fruit, vegetables and milk. You shouldn’t leave him alone right now he’s too small. Especially in the bathroom he is still a baby you so should hold off on training him to use the toilet (just for now until he is a little older). Use diapers for now. I know all of this may be expensive but if you have a baby monkey then the things I have suggested are necessary. Read what the other people are telling you too - we are only trying to help you not critique you. If you decide not to listen the monkey will definitely get sick and you’ll have to take him to the hospital. So please I urge you to make changes to his diet and safety. He really could have been injured in the bathroom - yes he did turn on the water but he is still to little to understand what will happen if he doesn’t. I really appreciate you for taking the time to read my message. My love to both of you.
It sounds like you're genuinely concerned about Jic Jic's well-being, and that's commendable. Indeed, educating oneself about the proper care and diet for a pet, especially an exotic one like a monkey, is crucial. Providing a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and milk is essential for his health. Also, ensuring his safety, especially since he's still a baby, is paramount. Your suggestions about using diapers and supervising him closely are valid considerations.
Что за кукольный домик?)
The small house is specially designed for Jic Jic, aiming to create a comfortable and enjoyable environment for him. It's like a playhouse for children. This is an expression of the love that Jic's father has for him. Sometimes, Jic's father may encounter some inconvenience when using this house, but he still does it out of sincere love for his son.
Le petit jic jic ne sais pas qu'il faut fermer le robinet il est trognon ce p'tit bout de chou 😅
Oui, il est tellement mignon ! Apprendre à fermer le robinet est une étape que Jic Jic doit encore maîtriser. C'est formidable de voir son exploration et son apprentissage !
Thanks for watching
Der Kleine arbeitet für Papa, weil er zu faul ist 😢😢😢😢
The sounds are annoying but I like the music.
It seems you enjoy the music in the video despite finding some of the sounds annoying. Music can indeed enhance the viewing experience and create a more enjoyable atmosphere. If there are specific sounds that bother you, you might consider adjusting the volume or using headphones to focus more on the music.
@@JicJicMonkey I am sorry for not being clearer in my response. It is the sounds of a fake baby and the baby noises and those things that I feel affects the quality of your video. If those noises were gone I would find it more appealing but I’m only one person out of many. Please let me know if you
@@JicJicMonkey what I was saying about the baby voices.
Se ve triste al monito . Espero que no lo estés maltratando. No es un perro
Понимаю вашу озабоченность. Важно обеспечивать хорошие условия для всех животных, включая обезьян.
JIC is so cute!!!
Jic appreciates your love and support. Thanks for watching ❤️❤️❤️
Anyone who believes in this setup…believes in plant of the apes
While it's understandable that some may draw comparisons, it's important to remember that the care and environment provided for animals, including primates like Jic Jic, should prioritize their well-being and natural behaviors.
@JicJicMonkey And yet this animal is being forced to live unnaturally. Wuld monkeys do not wear diapers or clothing and don't eat fried foods.
Dont listen to these people that say silly look after baby zic very good and your little house is lovely .just give milk every day .he needs it for growing .for his bones .he loves you .❤
Thank you for your kind words and support! We appreciate your understanding and encouragement. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Good morning jicjic and dad have a wonderful day ❤❤❤❤
Wishing you and your family fantastic day ahead! ❤️
Thanks for watching!
Thanks for watching!
Какой счастливый Джик, наконец-то смог покушать, вкусно😊😊😊
Да, похоже, что Джик наслаждается своим угощением! Важно, чтобы он получал правильное питание и радовался каждому моменту.
Этого можно больше кормить сам на унитазе сидит😂😂😂
Понимаю, что возникают опасения по поводу ухода и кормления. Важно следовать рекомендациям и советам специалистов по уходу за обезьянами, чтобы обеспечить их правильным питанием и уходом.
dad cook for Jic jic...thanks dad ❤🙏
It's heartwarming to see a father taking care of his little one. Cooking for Jic jic shows love and care. ❤️👨🍳 Keep up the great parenting!
Какой молодец , в туалет сходил , все смыл , супер Джик !!!
Как замечательно, что Jic Jic так хорошо справляется с использованием туалета! Это отличный пример его интеллекта и способности к обучению.
Очень голодный
Thanks for watching!
Los monos necesitan una dieta balanceada que incluya frutas, verduras y otros alimentos nutritivos.
Вы его накормите до отвала и поставьте тарелку с едой , и он будет хватать с жадностью , блевать и всё равно запихивать в себя. Вот такие они.