Awesome project, can't wait to go see it. I too am among the growing movement that sees our great country slipping away from what has made us great and blessed by God. Just look at the young generation today that has too little respect for others or the freedoms bought by previous generations. God bless you on this project, a positive step for positive influence.
Kirk and his passion has fueled millions of family relations, husband, and churches accross America to be stronger, and better people in so many ways. Can't wait to see this movie. It seems that everybody's a critic nowdays and are afraid to bring the walls down long enough to really absord the true possitive message and be redirected in this life.
I am very excited to see this movie. Hope that it can be a movie night at our church. There needs to be more spiritual leaders to look up to. I grew up watching Kirk Cameron, however only recently found out about his christian thoughts and movements. As I am a "baby christian" I am elated to see one of my childhood hero's doing God's work! Keep it up!
kirk! Keep it up; loving God, being a family man, standing strong under peer preasure, living out your values, being true to what God has called you to be, and most of all NOT compromising God's word. I will start praying for you, your family, and your awesome ministry!!! "Seeking the favor of God and not man." May God bless you! Stand strong!!!
Kirk, thank you so much for speaking up the TRUTH. I am certainly sharing this video with my families and friends so they all go watch this movie. This is going to be a GOOD one to watch especially at this time where IMMORAL VALUES become our Nation pride. Our children need to be told and see the real truth about the history of America. IN GOD WE TRUST!
Amen brother!!! It's so refreshing to have someone well known "show up" with true moral character. Looking forward to seeing this film.... thank you Kirk for sharing your passion. I've been spreading the word :)
I love that movie Monumental that you made!!! I have ancestors that came over from England in the 1630s and experienced very similar things as the Pilgrims did on the Mayflower
I agree MrBlackBrit. There are some people who will never realize how this country was. Our Founding Fathers would overall be disappointing in how this country is acting in this current age.
People it isn't a "religion", it is a real life relationship with God on such a powerful level that you can not understand unless you experience it! Don't believe in God? Then just ask him, no lie. Just ask him to show himself to you. I don't believe in 501c Churches, those are the ones who sold out God! Just get the bible and read it yourself. BTW ~ Kirk Cameron, you are a true blessing and I pray the true "awakening" will happen in this country!
Saving the world is to change who you are, less greedy, less corrupt, be kind, be merciful, all those values that Jesu taught. Not about trying to obtain power using religion. And yes education is quite important friend.@MrSleevens
One of the best lines said about Kirk Cameron recently was by actor Josh Charles of "The Good Wife." In response to Kirk's anti-gay comments on "The Piers Morgan Show," Josh said, “I know 'Growing Pains' was only a TV show, but I have to think both Alan Thicke & Joanna Kerns must feel they failed as parents tonight.”
@TimothyLSingleton Science and education has done an amazing job for the US. Its the reason the US has such a strong economy and military. Its the reason incredible technical innovations are available to you (e.g. transportation, vaccines, computers, and all the modern conveniences you clearly take for granted.). If you are critical of the children of today who cannot reason or perform simple math in their heads [sic],you've only got their parents to blame who've let them fail in their studies.
@MrSleevens I feel for you, I really do. hope you free yourself from ignorance. Religon is the correction of the world's problem but not the only one. The promotion of Religion is the strengthing of the community and of the family the cornerstone of American the foundation.
You're right about that the constitution originally had nothing to do with slavery, child labor and so on, but we've added amendments as such to prevent the things that we NOW consider right and correct (such as slavery being bad) All the amendments have been added for reasons and laws and institutions as well. We've grown our government because our country has grown. If everyone can make themselves a millionaire or be a factory worker, then why aren't we all millionaires? are you?
@MrSleevens Jesus in my own life gave me a new start. I was headed down a slippery slope that could have ruined alot of people. Now I'm faithful to my husband, don't drink to get drunk and make foolish choices, and love my children, and have a desire to learn to love others like Christ did for me. I'm forgiven, and I tell you honestly that no counseler on earth could have fixed those things.
There are basically only two kinds of religion in the world: those based on human achievement and those based on divine accomplishment. One says you can earn your way to heaven; the other says you must trust in Jesus Christ alone. ~ John MacArthur
@MrSleevens I've seen so many people take drugs, and go to tell people there issues and nothing changes, but when I go to the Bible, it's my counseler, and it works, I don't need to pay the cash cow to get results. I give God all the credit for that.
Two things are happening right now in the US right now. 1) People are falling out of their love affair with capitalism due to the abuses of corporations and bought government. 2) People are faced with increasing cultural diversity. The panicked reaction is turn to religion and try to make things the "way they used to be". This is ignoring the problem. Its a bankrupting solution.
I agree, religion is not & ever will be the answer. But the answer to humanity's ills will always be Jesus Christ. It is He & only He who restores a soul back to God, forgives sin, and redeems from hell and grants an escape from death. No religion can ever give you that. No wonder Jesus says "Come to Me" and He doesn't say, "Go to religion". He said it best in John 14:6 - "I am the Way & the Truth & the Life; no one goes to the father except through Me." ~ No one can get to God through religion.
Actually these are the ones of society, Jesus has come to redeem. The low lifes of society. It says the Love of many will grow cold in the end times because of lawlessness, but we must endure to the end. Love is the greatest gift of all. God saved me when I was a low life. :)
We may change and evolve some of the amendments, but we have not altered the core principles and foundational structure given by the constitution (except perhaps Senate elections). We can't all be millionaires, yet everyone has the opportunity to be a millionaire if that is your goal. You have the opportunity to set out on your own path. Success is available to those who want to work to achieve it.
To see Kirk Cameron's two finest moments on film, take a look at the UA-cam videos: "Origin of species - Science Fail" by Sciencefail -and- "Crocoduck" by DarkArcticSun
"I'm a strong supporter of the #LGBT community, and I believe in equal rights for all. #NOH8 #LOVE." Tracey Gold That is what one of Crocoduck Kirk's former co-stars on "Growing Pains" had to say about his current campaign of hatred against gay people. In addition, to show her opposition to California Proposition 8, she posted a photo of herself on-line with "NO H8" painted on her cheek.
@cpmondello Madison’s writings, as also those of Jefferson, clearly outline what the issue, which led to the first Amendment Clause, really was: Separation of Church from interference by the State in its mission, goals and outreach for Christ. In other words, it is the guaranteeing of liberty of worship of different denominational groups within the Christian community outside the civil jurisdiction and interference of the State.
Well I apologize for every "religious person" who treated you poorly. Jesus didn't treat anyone poorly. He only demanded that we do the will of his Father. Jesus was historically real and his lineage is in the bible and it matches with historical records. He was real. and He Loves you Roland Bates. Jesus died for you Roland Bates. Jesus died for your and my sins. We are all equally guilty of sin. All of Man kind has fallen short. That why we have Jesus. He died, so we don't have to. Peace.
@poptrio 'Exactly' how does God have mercy on us. What happens? Does the economy improve? Weather patterns stabilize? Disease disappear? Or is it something else?
@cpmondello "The doctrines of Jesus are simple, and tend all to the happiness of man." -Thomas Jefferson, June 26, 1822 "I am a Christian in the only sense in which He wished anyone to be: sincerely attached to His doctrines in preference to all others." - Thomas Jefferson, April 21, 1803
@cpmondello John Adams declared that America was a Christian nation which had a duty to obey the God of the Bible. This was not just his personal opinion, but was expressed in an official proclamation as President at the request of Congress.
@TearisShatteredMoon A belief is what one holds to be true. The beliefs we adopt form our world view. Once a belief is adopted, it’s hard to abandon or modify (because it is what was accepted as 'true') and any opposing information is met with anger, denial, and/or avoidance. Religion is problematic is that it encourages belief without cogent proof (i.e. having faith). For this reason faith is indeed in conflict with the scientific method and the ongoing pursuit of free inquiry.
There are some places even in the United States that have never heard about Christ and the people that have and don’t agree with His death and resurrection have not really heard about Christ. If you have gone as far as writing something back it was for you. It wasn’t shoved down your throat you searched it out.
@winston2015 "Religious bondage" is definately to be interpreted as religion established through law, i.e. "The civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship, nor shall any national religion be established". Same guy you quote authorized paying congressional chaplains, warned a friend to not neglect the "Annals of Heaven", and endorsed national days of prayer and fasting.
@cpmondello Tom Paine was a drunk. Born in England in 1737 and brought up in a poor Quaker home, he later became fascinated by Newton's mechanical universe and, in his worldview, God the Creator was little by little replaced by godless nature. As a discontented Norfolk farmer with a penchant for brandy-drunk
@cpmondello "The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God." John Adams in a letter to Thomas Jefferson, June 28, 1813.
I never said take away education or science. Statists take away religious freedom and the state makes the decisions for us. I am a 1st amendment guy...however, I am against theocracies that impose their will on you with intimidation, threats and violence.
I think there's some truth to this - but I think part of the truth includes abandoning the truth, and progressing toward a final divine judgment. My optimism is rooted in eternal life, not temporal security. I will be fine, if there is no return to the American Ideal -in fact, the faster we travel down the current road, the sooner it will all be over.
Isn't it what America came out of..yes other immigrants came along later on and integrated in the culture of the American Fabric, yet this is the culture of those first westerners that came across the ocean. Yes, you may also argue for the Native Americans, but they existed on the land in relative separation in terms of cultural and structural foundational documents upon which the nation was formed.
@MrSleevens Actually Acording to the Bible Proverbs 8:27and Isaiah 40:22 Scripture let the world know before satilies that the earth was round. Which verses say suggest it's flat? I suppose if one looks streight ahead it might look flat, but when we look at the scriptures provided here it shows the world from the depths of the earth to what the earth looks like from outer space. All before men were able to see from outerspace.
@MrSleevens By the way, no I haven't read anything else you have written. I lead an extremely busy life, I just happen to be on vacation with a little free time.
@MrSleevens I suppose the way I can explain this for others to understand those who beleive in God, it's not the gun that kills, it's people who murder. Same thing, it's not religion that kills, it's people who murder.God doesn't kill, sin murders/steals/hates. Our bad nature says to do those, and God is the one that says love, bless and do not curse. But for you I can't make any choice for you, but for me, I am happy in God's love for me and His forgiveness.
@Atlasshrugging18 Could you please explain how religion strengthens community and the family? And, can you further explain how religion trumps modern sociology and psychology as a platform for promoting social and mental health?
Education and science do not answer the big questions. But I agree that "religious doctrine" is not the total answer. The thing that is wrong with America (and previous civilizations that failed) is too much big government. Governments go bankrupt (so they inflate the currency and tax the producers). The answer is to return to our libertarian roots.
Pretty brave to step out like this, but with God all things are possible. Filter out the evil chatter and help take us back to what we really believe in. God, Family, Country. Away from perverse beliefs. TEA Rules! We Comin'! See ya' in November. Break out the brooms!
@winston2015 There were one hundred and twenty-six individual participants in the framing of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The records of the Constitutional Convention demonstrate that James Madison was often out of step with these Founders. Nevertheless, today Madison is cited as if he is the only authority among the Founding Fathers and the only expert on the First Amendment and the Bill of Rights.
Study carefully the prophet Daniel in the 2nd and 7th chapters, especially the concept of the last kingdom on earth called "clay and iron"; it's monumentally significant; these two elements will not "bind together", in the end, they fall apart. "Clay and Iron" corresponds to Revelation 13 and the idea of "beast" and "image". Recall, what is the primary "glue" used in Revelaiton 13 to create the "image of the beast", it's worship; read Genesis chapt. 9-11, what was Nimrod's great sin ?
@cpmondello "It has been the error of the schools to teach astronomy, and all the other sciences and subjects of natural philosophy, as accomplishments only; whereas they should be taught theologically, or with reference to the Being who is the author of them: for all the principles of science are of Divine origin. Man cannot make, or invent, or contrive principles. He can only discover them; and he ought to look through the discovery to the Author." -Thomas Paine, 1797
@MrSleevens If you have a son, you know that there had to be a father, right? King Solomon was a very well known King you know.He was King David's Son. Also how do people explain dinosaurs being fossilized all over the earth at the same time if there wasn't a large scale flood? It takes large amounts of sediment to cover large beasts such as those. A great flood would be the only explanation for a world wide situation like that, to be able to find large fossils all over the earth.
@samlopes You are going to need to explain how the negative by-products of faith (e.g. suicide bombing, honor killing, genital mutilation, misogyny, religious bigotry, etc. etc. etc) are worth that little pump of motivation you get.
Hey Snick! I actually do like everyone. I have an OPEN mind, yes I cant stand people like him that CLOSE off their brains and fully belive that every stinkin thing the bible says is100% true. If you consider him saying everything he said in that interview as NOT putting people down, then I can only imagine what you think someone has to say to actually put people down. It just sickens me when I think of all the years I looked at this man in a whole different way. Sad what he turned into.
@bogdanmil Since I never implied that everyone has to follow my path why bring it up? See that is the difference those without faith often times claim they want freedom and equality but what they really want is to discredit and harass those who have faith, it's really quite sad.
@jimmmmybrady Where does bible say the earth was a sphere? Isaiah 11:12, Revelation 7:1, Job 28:13, Daniel 4:11, Matthew 4;8 all suggest the earth has edges or corners. Isaiah 40:22 doesn't use the word "sphere", it uses the word "circle". Please point out where the Bible says the Earth is a sphere in a clear unambiguous manner?
Does it matter what I think..not really. But God's Word does tell us you shall not murder. If they are innocent and are killed out of hate, puposfully. That is murder. God's Word says do to others what you want them to do to you. Those who plot evil, evil won't leave their house. Jesus said that if you hate your brother in your heart you've already murdered him. I needed to repent of that. Now I no longer see my husband with hate, but with the love of God. God deals with evil people, not me.
@MrSleevens Your strawman argument was saying that the Exodus hasn't been confirmed by archaeology.Obviously every story hasn't been provenundisputeably,yet.My capitals indicate where I would verbally exagerate while speaking.
@jimmmmybrady You say '...strong concordance' [sic]. Is this really enough for your to believe the bible prophesied the earth being a sphere? And, if so, how do you reconcile the conflict with other verses which denote the earth has edges and corners. Could I please ask you to look up the definition of 'confirmation bias' on Wikipedia, and let me know if you think there is chance you might be looking at this using a confirmation bias.
@MrSleevens I love how people get all wrapped around the axle about if religion is bad or good. It's not religion that matters - it's faith. You can have all the education and science you want, but unless you have faith in a truth greater than those things - which we invented by the way, which also means all that education and science is fallible - then just relying on those things is a road to disaster.
Awesome project, can't wait to go see it. I too am among the growing movement that sees our great country slipping away from what has made us great and blessed by God. Just look at the young generation today that has too little respect for others or the freedoms bought by previous generations. God bless you on this project, a positive step for positive influence.
You are an amazing man Kirk Cameron, growing pains was one of my childhood favorites and you are a prime example of a real American role model.
Amen Kirk! I look forward to MONUMENTAL! God bless AMERICA! The land of the free because of the Brave!
Kirk and his passion has fueled millions of family relations, husband, and churches accross America to be stronger, and better people in so many ways. Can't wait to see this movie. It seems that everybody's a critic nowdays and are afraid to bring the walls down long enough to really absord the true possitive message and be redirected in this life.
I am very excited to see this movie. Hope that it can be a movie night at our church. There needs to be more spiritual leaders to look up to. I grew up watching Kirk Cameron, however only recently found out about his christian thoughts and movements. As I am a "baby christian" I am elated to see one of my childhood hero's doing God's work! Keep it up!
Keep it up; loving God, being a family man, standing strong under peer preasure, living out your values, being true to what God has called you to be, and most of all NOT compromising God's word. I will start praying for you, your family, and your awesome ministry!!! "Seeking the favor of God and not man." May God bless you! Stand strong!!!
Kirk, thank you so much for speaking up the TRUTH. I am certainly sharing this video with my families and friends so they all go watch this movie. This is going to be a GOOD one to watch especially at this time where IMMORAL VALUES become our Nation pride. Our children need to be told and see the real truth about the history of America. IN GOD WE TRUST!
Thank you Mr. Cameron! America was founded upon great principles and they need to be brought back.
Amen brother!!! It's so refreshing to have someone well known "show up" with true moral character. Looking forward to seeing this film.... thank you Kirk for sharing your passion. I've been spreading the word :)
Thank you Cameron. Keep up the good work. God bless you.
I love that movie Monumental that you made!!! I have ancestors that came over from England in the 1630s and experienced very similar things as the Pilgrims did on the Mayflower
God Bless you Kirk,
Keep it going !
Kirk welcome aboard the boat to realville!!! Great work!!!!
Great Job Kirk! I'm going!!
Great job Kirk, excited to see this movie.
Shared on our FB page...Seems that many our fans love you...
Blessings in Christ, Love Rules & PRO-LIFE ROCKS!!!
Kirk, 100% behind you...I'll be there.
the movie is good. thanks, Kirk. I'm in.
@MrSleevens I can clearly see where "Education and science" is taking this country GREAT JOB SO FAR LETS KEEP IT THAT WAY!
I agree MrBlackBrit. There are some people who will never realize how this country was. Our Founding Fathers would overall be disappointing in how this country is acting in this current age.
OK! Iwill watch the Trailer now!
"Show me that smile again. Don't waste another minute on your cryin'...."
Prayer, repentence, faith in God, His Word and His mercy is what will save our country... everything our Forefathers believed in!
People it isn't a "religion", it is a real life relationship with God on such a powerful level that you can not understand unless you experience it! Don't believe in God? Then just ask him, no lie. Just ask him to show himself to you. I don't believe in 501c Churches, those are the ones who sold out God! Just get the bible and read it yourself.
BTW ~ Kirk Cameron, you are a true blessing and I pray the true "awakening" will happen in this country!
I will do all of this... If you get it shown in UK cinemas. KC rocks!
Saving the world is to change who you are, less greedy, less corrupt, be kind, be merciful, all those values that Jesu taught. Not about trying to obtain power using religion. And yes education is quite important friend.@MrSleevens
Push that movement out! Hrrrnnngg!
One of the best lines said about Kirk Cameron recently was by actor Josh Charles of "The Good Wife." In response to Kirk's anti-gay comments on "The Piers Morgan Show," Josh said, “I know 'Growing Pains' was only a TV show, but I have to think both Alan Thicke & Joanna Kerns must feel they failed as parents tonight.”
@Agent4Bauer wonderfully said!!!
@TimothyLSingleton Science and education has done an amazing job for the US. Its the reason the US has such a strong economy and military. Its the reason incredible technical innovations are available to you (e.g. transportation, vaccines, computers, and all the modern conveniences you clearly take for granted.). If you are critical of the children of today who cannot reason or perform simple math in their heads [sic],you've only got their parents to blame who've let them fail in their studies.
@MrSleevens I feel for you, I really do. hope you free yourself from ignorance. Religon is the correction of the world's problem but not the only one. The promotion of Religion is the strengthing of the community and of the family the cornerstone of American the foundation.
You're right about that the constitution originally had nothing to do with slavery, child labor and so on, but we've added amendments as such to prevent the things that we NOW consider right and correct (such as slavery being bad) All the amendments have been added for reasons and laws and institutions as well. We've grown our government because our country has grown. If everyone can make themselves a millionaire or be a factory worker, then why aren't we all millionaires? are you?
"Religious bondage shackles and debilitates the mind and unfits it for every noble enterprise." -James Madison in a letter to Wm Bradford 1774
omg...why did i just watch this
@MrSleevens Jesus in my own life gave me a new start. I was headed down a slippery slope that could have ruined alot of people. Now I'm faithful to my husband, don't drink to get drunk and make foolish choices, and love my children, and have a desire to learn to love others like Christ did for me. I'm forgiven, and I tell you honestly that no counseler on earth could have fixed those things.
There are basically only two kinds of religion in the world: those based on human achievement and those based on divine accomplishment. One says you can earn your way to heaven; the other says you must trust in Jesus Christ alone. ~ John MacArthur
@MrSleevens I've seen so many people take drugs, and go to tell people there issues and nothing changes, but when I go to the Bible, it's my counseler, and it works, I don't need to pay the cash cow to get results. I give God all the credit for that.
Two things are happening right now in the US right now. 1) People are falling out of their love affair with capitalism due to the abuses of corporations and bought government. 2) People are faced with increasing cultural diversity. The panicked reaction is turn to religion and try to make things the "way they used to be". This is ignoring the problem. Its a bankrupting solution.
I agree, religion is not & ever will be the answer. But the answer to humanity's ills will always be Jesus Christ. It is He & only He who restores a soul back to God, forgives sin, and redeems from hell and grants an escape from death. No religion can ever give you that. No wonder Jesus says "Come to Me" and He doesn't say, "Go to religion". He said it best in John 14:6 - "I am the Way & the Truth & the Life; no one goes to the father except through Me." ~ No one can get to God through religion.
Actually these are the ones of society, Jesus has come to redeem. The low lifes of society. It says the Love of many will grow cold in the end times because of lawlessness, but we must endure to the end. Love is the greatest gift of all. God saved me when I was a low life. :)
He puts the "mental" in "monumental."
We may change and evolve some of the amendments, but we have not altered the core principles and foundational structure given by the constitution (except perhaps Senate elections). We can't all be millionaires, yet everyone has the opportunity to be a millionaire if that is your goal. You have the opportunity to set out on your own path. Success is available to those who want to work to achieve it.
@MrSleevens Yes it IS Isaiah 40;22 the word in the Hebrew is Chuwg,translated as circle,but in Hebrew means circle or SPHERE....STRONG'S CONCORDANCE.
To see Kirk Cameron's two finest moments on film, take a look at the UA-cam videos:
"Origin of species - Science Fail" by Sciencefail
"Crocoduck" by DarkArcticSun
"I'm a strong supporter of the #LGBT community, and I believe in equal rights for all. #NOH8 #LOVE."
Tracey Gold
That is what one of Crocoduck Kirk's former co-stars on "Growing Pains" had to say about his current campaign of hatred against gay people.
In addition, to show her opposition to California Proposition 8, she posted a photo of herself on-line with "NO H8" painted on her cheek.
@cpmondello Madison’s writings, as also those of Jefferson, clearly outline what the issue, which led to the first Amendment Clause, really was: Separation of Church from interference by the State in its mission, goals and outreach for Christ. In other words, it is the guaranteeing of liberty of worship of different denominational groups within the Christian community outside the civil jurisdiction and interference of the State.
Well I apologize for every "religious person" who treated you poorly. Jesus didn't treat anyone poorly. He only demanded that we do the will of his Father. Jesus was historically real and his lineage is in the bible and it matches with historical records. He was real. and He Loves you Roland Bates. Jesus died for you Roland Bates. Jesus died for your and my sins. We are all equally guilty of sin. All of Man kind has fallen short. That why we have Jesus. He died, so we don't have to. Peace.
@poptrio 'Exactly' how does God have mercy on us. What happens? Does the economy improve? Weather patterns stabilize? Disease disappear? Or is it something else?
@poptrio Exactly how does this work? You pray, repent, etc. What exactly happens that saves the country?
@cpmondello "The doctrines of Jesus are simple, and tend all to the happiness of man." -Thomas Jefferson, June 26, 1822
"I am a Christian in the only sense in which He wished anyone to be: sincerely attached to His doctrines in preference to all others." - Thomas Jefferson, April 21, 1803
It was a good vid.
Great Job Kirk!!!! Have you ever seen Satan? Just look through this thread, he is alive and well.
The movie was great i'm going to Plymouth rock
@cpmondello John Adams declared that America was a Christian nation which had a duty to obey the God of the Bible. This was not just his personal opinion, but was expressed in an official proclamation as President at the request of Congress.
@TearisShatteredMoon A belief is what one holds to be true. The beliefs we adopt form our world view. Once a belief is adopted, it’s hard to abandon or modify (because it is what was accepted as 'true') and any opposing information is met with anger, denial, and/or avoidance. Religion is problematic is that it encourages belief without cogent proof (i.e. having faith). For this reason faith is indeed in conflict with the scientific method and the ongoing pursuit of free inquiry.
What's really sad is that six poor kids have to suffer this clown as their father.
Quick before they are removed or edited.
There are some places even in the United States that have never heard about Christ and the people that have and don’t agree with His death and resurrection have not really heard about Christ.
If you have gone as far as writing something back it was for you. It wasn’t shoved down your throat you searched it out.
@winston2015 "Religious bondage" is definately to be interpreted as religion established through law, i.e. "The civil rights of none shall be abridged on account of religious belief or worship, nor shall any national religion be established". Same guy you quote authorized paying congressional chaplains, warned a friend to not neglect the "Annals of Heaven", and endorsed national days of prayer and fasting.
@cpmondello Tom Paine was a drunk. Born in England in 1737 and brought up in a poor Quaker home, he later became fascinated by Newton's mechanical universe and, in his worldview, God the Creator was little by little replaced by godless nature. As a discontented Norfolk farmer with a penchant for brandy-drunk
@MrSleevens perhaps, and religion are aligning closer and closer. Its all connected.
@cpmondello "The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were the general principles of Christianity. I will avow that I then believed, and now believe, that those general principles of Christianity are as eternal and immutable as the existence and attributes of God." John Adams in a letter to Thomas Jefferson, June 28, 1813.
Let he who has balls, smoke his own cigar, for no-one comes hard on the father but by me.
I never said take away education or science. Statists take away religious freedom and the state makes the decisions for us. I am a 1st amendment guy...however, I am against theocracies that impose their will on you with intimidation, threats and violence.
Free becasue of CHRISTIANITY!
@Mrsjkat4jesus I'm glad that your life is better YOU needed Jesus to but MANY others don't need Jesus to be a good person.
I think there's some truth to this - but I think part of the truth includes abandoning the truth, and progressing toward a final divine judgment. My optimism is rooted in eternal life, not temporal security. I will be fine, if there is no return to the American Ideal -in fact, the faster we travel down the current road, the sooner it will all be over.
Isn't it what America came out of..yes other immigrants came along later on and integrated in the culture of the American Fabric, yet this is the culture of those first westerners that came across the ocean. Yes, you may also argue for the Native Americans, but they existed on the land in relative separation in terms of cultural and structural foundational documents upon which the nation was formed.
@MrSleevens Actually Acording to the Bible Proverbs 8:27and Isaiah 40:22 Scripture let the world know before satilies that the earth was round. Which verses say suggest it's flat? I suppose if one looks streight ahead it might look flat, but when we look at the scriptures provided here it shows the world from the depths of the earth to what the earth looks like from outer space. All before men were able to see from outerspace.
@MrSleevens By the way, no I haven't read anything else you have written. I lead an extremely busy life, I just happen to be on vacation with a little free time.
@MrSleevens I suppose the way I can explain this for others to understand those who beleive in God, it's not the gun that kills, it's people who murder. Same thing, it's not religion that kills, it's people who murder.God doesn't kill, sin murders/steals/hates. Our bad nature says to do those, and God is the one that says love, bless and do not curse. But for you I can't make any choice for you, but for me, I am happy in God's love for me and His forgiveness.
@Atlasshrugging18 Could you please explain how religion strengthens community and the family? And, can you further explain how religion trumps modern sociology and psychology as a platform for promoting social and mental health?
Education and science do not answer the big questions. But I agree that "religious doctrine" is not the total answer. The thing that is wrong with America (and previous civilizations that failed) is too much big government. Governments go bankrupt (so they inflate the currency and tax the producers). The answer is to return to our libertarian roots.
Pretty brave to step out like this, but with God all things are possible. Filter out the evil chatter and help take us back to what we really believe in. God, Family, Country. Away from perverse beliefs. TEA Rules! We Comin'! See ya' in November. Break out the brooms!
@winston2015 There were one hundred and twenty-six individual participants in the framing of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The records of the Constitutional Convention demonstrate that James Madison was often out of step with these Founders. Nevertheless, today Madison is cited as if he is the only authority among the Founding Fathers and the only expert on the First Amendment and the Bill of Rights.
Study carefully the prophet Daniel in the 2nd and 7th chapters, especially the concept of the last kingdom on earth called "clay and iron"; it's monumentally significant; these two elements will not "bind together", in the end, they fall apart. "Clay and Iron" corresponds to Revelation 13 and the idea of "beast" and "image". Recall, what is the primary "glue" used in Revelaiton 13 to create the "image of the beast", it's worship; read Genesis chapt. 9-11, what was Nimrod's great sin ?
You're right. More than likely we will have glorified bodies and probabaly won't shit ourselves.
@cpmondello "It has been the error of the schools to teach astronomy, and all the other sciences and subjects of natural philosophy, as accomplishments only; whereas they should be taught theologically, or with reference to the Being who is the author of them: for all the principles of science are of Divine origin. Man cannot make, or invent, or contrive principles. He can only discover them; and he ought to look through the discovery to the Author." -Thomas Paine, 1797
Also, have you hated anyone in your heart? That's like killing innocent people, in God's eyes anyway.
@MrSleevens If you have a son, you know that there had to be a father, right? King Solomon was a very well known King you know.He was King David's Son. Also how do people explain dinosaurs being fossilized all over the earth at the same time if there wasn't a large scale flood? It takes large amounts of sediment to cover large beasts such as those. A great flood would be the only explanation for a world wide situation like that, to be able to find large fossils all over the earth.
@samlopes You are going to need to explain how the negative by-products of faith (e.g. suicide bombing, honor killing, genital mutilation, misogyny, religious bigotry, etc. etc. etc) are worth that little pump of motivation you get.
@soljahsolrac that doesn't mean his comments on the stupidity and offensiveness of Christianity aren't correct, they are.
@stone2016 Was the US 'prosperous' for non-white protestants when 'old time' religion was the keystone of the country?
I think your righ! If you throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the one who yips the loudest is the one that got hit! LOL
Blessings to you~
Hey Snick! I actually do like everyone. I have an OPEN mind, yes I cant stand people like him that CLOSE off their brains and fully belive that every stinkin thing the bible says is100% true. If you consider him saying everything he said in that interview as NOT putting people down, then I can only imagine what you think someone has to say to actually put people down. It just sickens me when I think of all the years I looked at this man in a whole different way. Sad what he turned into.
Does banana man star in this?
@bogdanmil Since I never implied that everyone has to follow my path why bring it up? See that is the difference those without faith often times claim they want freedom and equality but what they really want is to discredit and harass those who have faith, it's really quite sad.
See the movie "Riddles in stone", America was founded upon Freemasonry.
@jimmmmybrady Where does bible say the earth was a sphere? Isaiah 11:12, Revelation 7:1, Job 28:13, Daniel 4:11, Matthew 4;8 all suggest the earth has edges or corners. Isaiah 40:22 doesn't use the word "sphere", it uses the word "circle". Please point out where the Bible says the Earth is a sphere in a clear unambiguous manner?
Does it matter what I think..not really. But God's Word does tell us you shall not murder. If they are innocent and are killed out of hate, puposfully. That is murder. God's Word says do to others what you want them to do to you. Those who plot evil, evil won't leave their house. Jesus said that if you hate your brother in your heart you've already murdered him. I needed to repent of that. Now I no longer see my husband with hate, but with the love of God. God deals with evil people, not me.
@MrSleevens Your strawman argument was saying that the Exodus hasn't been confirmed by archaeology.Obviously every story hasn't been provenundisputeably,yet.My capitals indicate where I would verbally exagerate while speaking.
@Agent4Bauer Good and evil by whose definition? George W Bush? Dick Chaney?
Well, I know how you feel, but christians are people too.
He probably thinks nationalised health care is a North Korean plot. That's if he thinks at all.
@jimmmmybrady You say '...strong concordance' [sic]. Is this really enough for your to believe the bible prophesied the earth being a sphere? And, if so, how do you reconcile the conflict with other verses which denote the earth has edges and corners. Could I please ask you to look up the definition of 'confirmation bias' on Wikipedia, and let me know if you think there is chance you might be looking at this using a confirmation bias.
@MrSleevens I love how people get all wrapped around the axle about if religion is bad or good. It's not religion that matters - it's faith. You can have all the education and science you want, but unless you have faith in a truth greater than those things - which we invented by the way, which also means all that education and science is fallible - then just relying on those things is a road to disaster.