June 2005 mihmani be aeftekhare aogaye Dolatshahi bud, va aogaye Dolatshahi nakhostand dar Shiraz bargozar shavad, dar community room va ya Shiraz restaurant choice hayeman bud, va aogaye Dolatshahi goftand, melke Shiraz motaleg be doctor Rezazadeh hast.
khanum Esmaile dar Ardebil hamclass bude ba dokhtardayie bande Mansurikhoh, va dar Zamane kesalate dokhtare dayim darsaye ruzane ra tadris mikarde ta agab mandegi nadashte bashe.
I never ran after Rudy rezazadeh, for example, his surprise birthday party July 2005 that I didn't participate in and gave his birthday gift of being 4 cassettes of Nader Naderpour that I had purchased 2 sets, the year 1999 that I gave one set to my brother Sharam took it for my brother Abraham, and the remaining one set was that hormoz took it as birthday gift for Rudy, Shabnam didn't tell me the occasion, therefore, I questioned khanum Dolatshahi, she told me the occasion and told that she has invited over 200 people, although hormoz told how fascinating it was.
I knew Rezazadeh and his family through Mr. MohammadAli Dolatshahi, possibly they met me the same way they were introducing me to Shahryar, forced doctor Hasheminasab to give mihmani.
At Six Hill uncle Stuart came and told me, I met the manager of this dinner, is IRANIAN and his name is Reza Sigari, I told him, I know Reza Sigari he has a brother and a sister, sister came heartbroken, I believe broke her engagement then, and her brother Ali became so supportive of the sister and threw Reza Sigari out of house for her peace.
Sale 2005 man har ruz az Shiraz restaurant ghaza order midadam zohr hengam ghaza ra barmidashtam, halam hich Khub nabud, tanam por az dard bud, restaurant ra yek khanum aedare mikard, va restaurant ham camera dasht, Rudy rezazadeh ham ye fuzulie khasi dasht ke hame ba aon aoshna hastand, be hatm cameras ra morur mikarde.
Mrs. Esmaile KALANTARI gave compliment on Ganjine, and told that they wanted to have an advertisement for doctor Fariba, however, they are moving LA, and she told, ba dokhtadayit dokhtare farmandar Mansurikhoh hamclass budam, vagti Shahrokh be aelate kesalat class nemiamad, man har shab miraftam darsaye ruzane ra tahvil midadam.
I met my dear friend doctor Jasmine Moshirpour the year 1994, at the time I met her she was with her husband doctor Iraj Iraj who was known and respected by all Iranians, and we had a dinner meeting the year 1996 that hormoz called and informed me that doctor Iraj Iraj had an emergency and was taken to the hospital, we never got to see doctor Iraj Iraj.
However, December 4th 2005, I met with Rudy rezazadeh at the same Marriott for breakfast, while hormoz fuful came and was going to order an orange juice for $55, susul baziha.
Another occasion is the November 6th 2005, so many times messages that Rudy rezazadeh had left on my cell phone and at my house phone that they wanted me to participate for brunch in Marriott hotel, Mr. Parviz Sayyad was their guest from CA, and I rejected being there in the hotel, and went to their house with my gift for mr. Sayyad. So, I never was after Rudy rezazadeh.
Hormoz had a silent high blood pressure, and doctor Salimi, doctor Panah were aware of that, they would take his BP, and would be unbelievably high with no signs and symptoms, that is why it is called a silent HB, that was the reason that Soheila Danesh feared to extract his teeth.
December 5th 2005, I told hormoz, doctor Rezzadeh, that was how I always called his name, in private or public, last night doctor Rezazadeh called me and he was recording our conversation, hormoz said, hatman harfhaye mohemi mizadid.
An example of it is the atie1 channel here 2011 in the fashion show party of Shabnam rezazadeh, is Rudy rezzadeh acting/Rudy rezzadeh film miad, ke fagat Shabnam tagsir dare, ya har 2 Shabnam va Rudy rezazadeh ba ham mogaserand, NYPD OR NJPD SHOULD DETERMINE.
Yadam aomad, duste besiar mohtaram doctor Fatolah Dolatshahi, geseye doctor rezazadeh Shafag ra neveshte budand, va man tabestane 2001 dar Ganjine aenteshar dadam, va avakhere tabestane 2001 dar manzele aogaye Dolatshahi ba Goldokht khanum, Shabnam, va Shahnaz ba Kayone pesare Shabnam va Rudy dar baghalesh aoshna shodam.
Katrina miguyad, momma Edo ra faramush kon chon ma ra nemikhod, pas az inke chandin ruz poshte dare khune baradaresh mishine dar LA ta biad birun va bebine pas az saliane tulani.
Dar aon zaman Alireza Meamar taze realtor shode bud, va vagti October 2003 Green House ra be man neshan dad hanuz Shiraz restaurant ra dasht ke Rudy rezazadeh sahebe Shiraz restaurant bud, va man dar Zamane bastane panjare Rudy rezazadeh va beadabie Rudy rezazadeh ba zabane bozorg dar boshgabe kuchak, chand ruz bud ke fahmide budam Shiraz restaurant motaleg be Rudy rezazadeh hast.
1995 Angela goft, goftam, aeshkal nadare, alon digar negarane Edo nistam khoshbakht hast, va Maria ham bayad ingadr junesh dar biad ke Edo ra razi negah dare chon mother va sister ra az Edo dur karde, bayad jaye mohabate mother va sister ra ham por kone.
Man dustaye khodam ra dashtam, ye ruz paye telephone budam az kenare miz ke rad mishodam golhaye ruye miz tavajoham ra jalb kard, aon zaman Skype nabud, va hanuz ham nemidanam chegune ba Skype kar karde, be Fereshte Basirie Roshani goftam dusti gol ferestade, in golha rangashun harf mizanand, chand rose 🌹 dar golha bud, Rudy rezazadeh fardaye November 6, 2005 ke Marriott narafte budam gol ferestade bud. Va sepas az Sheyda Zandie porsidam, ye dust goft to mara yade Shabnam miandazi, ba inke Shabnam zanesh istade bud, Rudy rezazadeh pas az zabane bozorg va boshgabe kuchak dar hale khodahafezi istade goft va Shabnam kenaresh istade bud, Shayda goft, shabname vageai ra migofte. Zamani bud ke Shabnam dar gatheringe zanan migoft Rudy ta mirese mige Shabnam kay in bache ra mibari bekhabuni.
Va khanum Esmaile belafasele tamas gereftand, dar Ardebil rasm hast khanumha ba maden name khod ra khetab mikonand ke mommy didn't like that when Hamide khanum called herself Rasuli, and that was how I quickly distinguished that Esmaile AND KALANTARI INTRODUCED, Khanum Esmaile KALANTARI, goftand miravand LA, aonhayi ke NY mundan dir bavar hastand.
Va 1984 hamzaman mahrie man $200,000 tumon bud ke bakhshide budam, hame midunestand man accessories design mikardam, $100,000 tumon hasele kare khodam bud, va baradaram Said ham hamishe migoft, Mitra agar Iran munde budi, ye karkhunedar mibudi alon, chon dar Iran import nabud va tagaza ziad bud.
The year 2000 ye ruz khanum Esmaile Payam gozashte bud, man mikhostam tashakor konam ke ye khanume Irani chenin majaleai ra aenteshar mide, telephone Kardam, aogayi telephone ra bardashte goft eshon nistand alon, goftam motshakeram aogaye Esmaile, goftand MAN KALANTARI HASTAM, Esmaile nistam, az Esmaile midunestam Ardabili hastand, goftam pas ma bayad famil bashim,
Sale 2001 Cristmas gathering dar Shiraz restaurant bud, Soheila Danesh ye sharabe germez, red wine aovorde bud, va hormoz red wine dust nadasht, however, vagti red wine ra baz kard va be aotage khod bord, man motevajeh nashodam. A year later be yad aovordam, va 2 teeth extraction $10,000, ke $200, fagat devist kharjesh bud.
Chera tavalode Rudy rezazadeh naraftam? Haman Zamani ke ditched my hair, khanum doctor Jasmine Moshirpour goftand mitrajun sard shod panjare ra beband, I was struggling to close the window, a hand came on my shoulder and closed the window, that was Rudy rezazadeh. Duste besiar aziz va mohtarame bande farmud, mitrajun ranget paride khaste hasti ye kam benshin, Rudy rezazadeh got up and brought a big tongue on a small plat. The catering was done by Akram Musavian, the catering and service was by Akram Musavian.
Hame iraniha az Rudy rezazadeh va Shabnam kenare migereftand 2005, gheir az aede madud Zohre, Mehri, Hamedanian, va in az Persian Parade March 2005 moshakhas hast, dar gatheringe bozorgdashte aogaye Dolatshahi hormoz va aogaye Dolatshahi mihmanan ra tayin karde Rudy rezazadeh va Shabnam ba Goldokht khanum davat shodand, va tavalode Rudy rezazadeh chand ruz pas az mihmanie man be aeftekhare aogaye mohammadali Dolatshahi bud, ke Shabnam dar gushe man goft mihmani davat hasti, iraniha mokhalefe Rudy rezazadeh va Shabnam budand va Persian Parande ra support nemikardand chon tarafe doctor Shahrokh va Nahid Ahkami budand, valikan dar mihmanie davat shode sherkat mikardand, kheili mohem bud barashun ke ma ham dar folan mihmani davat budim! Shabnam rezazadeh gerie mikard ke ma tagsir nadarim, Shahrokh va Nahid Ahkami mogaser hastand, man taze ba Mehri Radfar aoshna shode budam, Mehri Radfar ba inke ba Shabnam rezazadeh dust bud, be man goft, dar televisione iraniha Shabnam koli fohsh be Nahid Ahkami dade va mardom khashmgin hastand.
Behnud family az gadim sakht ba hijab budand, valikan Hadi modern bud, valikan pas az inke Hamid Beh nud va baradare bozorgeshun Mehdi Behnud daste raste Khomeini shode koshte shode bud, Hadi aomade bud khune pedarish, I was married and had a child, he also was married and his wife brought him a girl named Somaie, my mother told, Hadi ra didam, kheili shekaste shode, goftam chetori, lebasesh ra bala zad, colt be kamar, goft injuri zendegi mikonam, mibinid.
Masale Edo ba Angela az aersie pedar aoghaz shode bud ke dar Iran Edo pulesh ra khoste bud, va Angela $100,000 tuman az man garz gerefte 1/2 sahme pule khune 3 tabage shik dar Majidie bud khune pedare Ed ra be Edo dad, chon pesar bud 1/2 sahm mibord, Katrina ham ke hich aersie nemikhost.
I came Tehran and told it to my mom, gheirate ammeaie my mom gol kard, hamishe gol mikard, she was very sensitive towards her nieces and nephews, she told, ghalat kardand navehaye beadabe khanum bibim, Parinun duhdur aolmakh, Pari being a doctor make them jealous, Pari va Farkhonde khanumun pokhli bashmakh, dirty shoes of Pari and Farkhonde khanum (Mansurikhoh) are more clean than the mouth of Nadia and her nieces.
Khanevade Gheirat mihmani dadand, fagat khanumha ra davat karde bud, khouhare Nadia Hedayati man va Faride Hedayati Mogadam ra bord, goftand, mikhohim Mitra ra baraye Gheirat khostegari konim, Tahmine khouhare Nadia (dokhtar ammehaye mommy, Nadia being the wife of Khanlardayi) goft, be Khanlar Hedayati begi khouharzadeat Mitra ra bede be nokaret?! The children of Tahmine suffered from hemophilia, also Faride the daughter of Nadia and Khanlardayi suffered from hemophilia, with such history of blood related deadly disease, the one and only son of Parviz was a hemophiliac, all suffering due to the marriages of cousins. Interestingly, Islam, agde amuzadeha dar Aosemon baste.
The June and July ONLINE art work of Rudy rezazadeh with his own voice after his message on hormoz birthday 01/09/2008, why?! Didn't he love his wife, why begged for love!
Ruzegari bar man gozashte in chand sal, & my appreciation TO NYPD NJPD.
موزیکای قدیمی چه حس خوبی دارن عااااااااالیبود عااااااااالی مرسسسسسسسسی ازچنل خوبتون موفق باشید 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗😍😍💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗😍😍😍💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗😍😍😍👌👍
A few days later in February 2002, hormoz paid only $200 for two teeth extraction, instead of $10,000 that Soheila Danesh was charging.
Everyone knows that in my gatherings, I never had any kind of music and dance, although music is my language, and my walk has started with dance.
Rudy rezazadeh say mikard mara be varshekastegi beresune, ta khodesh mesle doctor rezazadeh shafag mofles nashe.
I saw doctor Shahnaz Rezvani once in summer 2001.
Rudy rezazadeh didn't know my simplicity, thought I was a simple woman.
June 2005 mihmani be aeftekhare aogaye Dolatshahi bud, va aogaye Dolatshahi nakhostand dar Shiraz bargozar shavad, dar community room va ya Shiraz restaurant choice hayeman bud, va aogaye Dolatshahi goftand, melke Shiraz motaleg be doctor Rezazadeh hast.
THE HOLY SPIRIT THAT we have no idea, 💞, because of Islam.
با درود فراوان ،،حس وحال عالی ،،فوقالعاده 🎉، با سپاس ❤
khanum Esmaile dar Ardebil hamclass bude ba dokhtardayie bande Mansurikhoh, va dar Zamane kesalate dokhtare dayim darsaye ruzane ra tadris mikarde ta agab mandegi nadashte bashe.
Bedingune hast ke aonhame ta inja chandin bar dar ruz shosteshu bede, kun hava kon bar sojde raftan.
August 2005, Rudy Rezazadeh insisted on giving me a ride to the airport that I refused. I never was after Rudy Rezazadeh.
Aokhe Rudy Rezazadeh mara yade RR miandaze, dar tagatoae har train station mibinid, aval bayad Rudy Rezazadeh ra su konam.
Jashne Mehregane PCHA 2001, Shabnam took me to the dance floor and also brought Rudy rezazadeh that I quickly left the party.
سلام به همه خوانده گل
عالی مت گرم❤
Ali Sigari ham hastand, I believe Ali with his sister, my sister kept saying Reza Sigari khol hast khouhar baradaresh az khune birun kardand.
Pas az inhame sal Khub yadam bud chon gol az gole mommy mishekoft vagti mihmane ma mibud Pari KALANTARI.
Hormoz knew, because he gave me a ride 01/09/2007.
On December 4th 2005, Rudy Rezazadeh said, I have a good business mind, and the same night he called me and was recording our conversation.
Goftam dokhtare amuye shoma, aruse amme mamanam hastand, goftand, ae, taze arusie Royashun bud dar Tehran, goftam, che smart, ta hala aezdevaj nakarde bud, goftand, na khanum az zerangi nabude, ture Roya kuchik bude.
Mom highly respected Farkhonde khanum Mansurikhoh with all Nasibe khale gizi issues of her brother, their cousin Nasibe.
Then dokhtarhaye Tahmine got up and put chodor on their head, adaye Pari va Farkhonde khanum Mansurikhoh ra dar aovordand.
Goftam, Ardabili hastid doroste, goftand bale, vali kheili vagt hast az ardebil dur hastam, goftam, shoma dar Saremiha ke ra arus darid? Goftand, dokhtare amum Pari.
Prior to that the article of doctor Dolatshahi was published, doctor Rezazadeh Shafag.
Interestingly, manzele khanume Pari KALANTARIE ruberuye/across khune Behnud bud, va hamchenin KALANTARIHA AFRADE KHUB VA BA HEJAB BUDAND.
I never ran after Rudy rezazadeh, for example, his surprise birthday party July 2005 that I didn't participate in and gave his birthday gift of being 4 cassettes of Nader Naderpour that I had purchased 2 sets, the year 1999 that I gave one set to my brother Sharam took it for my brother Abraham, and the remaining one set was that hormoz took it as birthday gift for Rudy, Shabnam didn't tell me the occasion, therefore, I questioned khanum Dolatshahi, she told me the occasion and told that she has invited over 200 people, although hormoz told how fascinating it was.
I forgot the first name of doctor Dolatshahi.
Rudy Rezazadeh didn't know THE NJ POLICE ACADEMY. Only hormoz knew.
Moreover, aeaterafe khode Rudy rezazadeh ba sedaye khodesh, kuche aogaye Fereidun Moshiri.
Dar vageae Ali Sigari gabele tagdir hast, Farhad Nazem goft besiar hemayate khanevade mikone, hala rafte Iran ke pedaresh ra morageb bashe.
I knew Rezazadeh and his family through Mr. MohammadAli Dolatshahi, possibly they met me the same way they were introducing me to Shahryar, forced doctor Hasheminasab to give mihmani.
At Six Hill uncle Stuart came and told me, I met the manager of this dinner, is IRANIAN and his name is Reza Sigari, I told him, I know Reza Sigari he has a brother and a sister, sister came heartbroken, I believe broke her engagement then, and her brother Ali became so supportive of the sister and threw Reza Sigari out of house for her peace.
Sale 2005 man har ruz az Shiraz restaurant ghaza order midadam zohr hengam ghaza ra barmidashtam, halam hich Khub nabud, tanam por az dard bud, restaurant ra yek khanum aedare mikard, va restaurant ham camera dasht, Rudy rezazadeh ham ye fuzulie khasi dasht ke hame ba aon aoshna hastand, be hatm cameras ra morur mikarde.
Mrs. Esmaile KALANTARI gave compliment on Ganjine, and told that they wanted to have an advertisement for doctor Fariba, however, they are moving LA, and she told, ba dokhtadayit dokhtare farmandar Mansurikhoh hamclass budam, vagti Shahrokh be aelate kesalat class nemiamad, man har shab miraftam darsaye ruzane ra tahvil midadam.
I met my dear friend doctor Jasmine Moshirpour the year 1994, at the time I met her she was with her husband doctor Iraj Iraj who was known and respected by all Iranians, and we had a dinner meeting the year 1996 that hormoz called and informed me that doctor Iraj Iraj had an emergency and was taken to the hospital, we never got to see doctor Iraj Iraj.
However, December 4th 2005, I met with Rudy rezazadeh at the same Marriott for breakfast, while hormoz fuful came and was going to order an orange juice for $55, susul baziha.
Another occasion is the November 6th 2005, so many times messages that Rudy rezazadeh had left on my cell phone and at my house phone that they wanted me to participate for brunch in Marriott hotel, Mr. Parviz Sayyad was their guest from CA, and I rejected being there in the hotel, and went to their house with my gift for mr. Sayyad. So, I never was after Rudy rezazadeh.
Hormoz had a silent high blood pressure, and doctor Salimi, doctor Panah were aware of that, they would take his BP, and would be unbelievably high with no signs and symptoms, that is why it is called a silent HB, that was the reason that Soheila Danesh feared to extract his teeth.
December 5th 2005, I told hormoz, doctor Rezzadeh, that was how I always called his name, in private or public, last night doctor Rezazadeh called me and he was recording our conversation, hormoz said, hatman harfhaye mohemi mizadid.
An example of it is the atie1 channel here 2011 in the fashion show party of Shabnam rezazadeh, is Rudy rezzadeh acting/Rudy rezzadeh film miad, ke fagat Shabnam tagsir dare, ya har 2 Shabnam va Rudy rezazadeh ba ham mogaserand, NYPD OR NJPD SHOULD DETERMINE.
Yadam aomad, duste besiar mohtaram doctor Fatolah Dolatshahi, geseye doctor rezazadeh Shafag ra neveshte budand, va man tabestane 2001 dar Ganjine aenteshar dadam, va avakhere tabestane 2001 dar manzele aogaye Dolatshahi ba Goldokht khanum, Shabnam, va Shahnaz ba Kayone pesare Shabnam va Rudy dar baghalesh aoshna shodam.
Katrina miguyad, momma Edo ra faramush kon chon ma ra nemikhod, pas az inke chandin ruz poshte dare khune baradaresh mishine dar LA ta biad birun va bebine pas az saliane tulani.
Dar aon zaman Alireza Meamar taze realtor shode bud, va vagti October 2003 Green House ra be man neshan dad hanuz Shiraz restaurant ra dasht ke Rudy rezazadeh sahebe Shiraz restaurant bud, va man dar Zamane bastane panjare Rudy rezazadeh va beadabie Rudy rezazadeh ba zabane bozorg dar boshgabe kuchak, chand ruz bud ke fahmide budam Shiraz restaurant motaleg be Rudy rezazadeh hast.
1995 Angela goft, goftam, aeshkal nadare, alon digar negarane Edo nistam khoshbakht hast, va Maria ham bayad ingadr junesh dar biad ke Edo ra razi negah dare chon mother va sister ra az Edo dur karde, bayad jaye mohabate mother va sister ra ham por kone.
Man dustaye khodam ra dashtam, ye ruz paye telephone budam az kenare miz ke rad mishodam golhaye ruye miz tavajoham ra jalb kard, aon zaman Skype nabud, va hanuz ham nemidanam chegune ba Skype kar karde, be Fereshte Basirie Roshani goftam dusti gol ferestade, in golha rangashun harf mizanand, chand rose 🌹 dar golha bud, Rudy rezazadeh fardaye November 6, 2005 ke Marriott narafte budam gol ferestade bud.
Va sepas az Sheyda Zandie porsidam, ye dust goft to mara yade Shabnam miandazi, ba inke Shabnam zanesh istade bud, Rudy rezazadeh pas az zabane bozorg va boshgabe kuchak dar hale khodahafezi istade goft va Shabnam kenaresh istade bud, Shayda goft, shabname vageai ra migofte.
Zamani bud ke Shabnam dar gatheringe zanan migoft Rudy ta mirese mige Shabnam kay in bache ra mibari bekhabuni.
Va khanum Esmaile belafasele tamas gereftand, dar Ardebil rasm hast khanumha ba maden name khod ra khetab mikonand ke mommy didn't like that when Hamide khanum called herself Rasuli, and that was how I quickly distinguished that Esmaile AND KALANTARI INTRODUCED, Khanum Esmaile KALANTARI, goftand miravand LA, aonhayi ke NY mundan dir bavar hastand.
Va 1984 hamzaman mahrie man $200,000 tumon bud ke bakhshide budam, hame midunestand man accessories design mikardam, $100,000 tumon hasele kare khodam bud, va baradaram Said ham hamishe migoft, Mitra agar Iran munde budi, ye karkhunedar mibudi alon, chon dar Iran import nabud va tagaza ziad bud.
The year 2000 ye ruz khanum Esmaile Payam gozashte bud, man mikhostam tashakor konam ke ye khanume Irani chenin majaleai ra aenteshar mide, telephone Kardam, aogayi telephone ra bardashte goft eshon nistand alon, goftam motshakeram aogaye Esmaile, goftand MAN KALANTARI HASTAM, Esmaile nistam, az Esmaile midunestam Ardabili hastand, goftam pas ma bayad famil bashim,
Sale 2001 Cristmas gathering dar Shiraz restaurant bud, Soheila Danesh ye sharabe germez, red wine aovorde bud, va hormoz red wine dust nadasht, however, vagti red wine ra baz kard va be aotage khod bord, man motevajeh nashodam. A year later be yad aovordam, va 2 teeth extraction $10,000, ke $200, fagat devist kharjesh bud.
Chera tavalode Rudy rezazadeh naraftam?
Haman Zamani ke ditched my hair, khanum doctor Jasmine Moshirpour goftand mitrajun sard shod panjare ra beband, I was struggling to close the window, a hand came on my shoulder and closed the window, that was Rudy rezazadeh. Duste besiar aziz va mohtarame bande farmud, mitrajun ranget paride khaste hasti ye kam benshin, Rudy rezazadeh got up and brought a big tongue on a small plat. The catering was done by Akram Musavian, the catering and service was by Akram Musavian.
Hame iraniha az Rudy rezazadeh va Shabnam kenare migereftand 2005, gheir az aede madud Zohre, Mehri, Hamedanian, va in az Persian Parade March 2005 moshakhas hast, dar gatheringe bozorgdashte aogaye Dolatshahi hormoz va aogaye Dolatshahi mihmanan ra tayin karde Rudy rezazadeh va Shabnam ba Goldokht khanum davat shodand, va tavalode Rudy rezazadeh chand ruz pas az mihmanie man be aeftekhare aogaye mohammadali Dolatshahi bud, ke Shabnam dar gushe man goft mihmani davat hasti, iraniha mokhalefe Rudy rezazadeh va Shabnam budand va Persian Parande ra support nemikardand chon tarafe doctor Shahrokh va Nahid Ahkami budand, valikan dar mihmanie davat shode sherkat mikardand, kheili mohem bud barashun ke ma ham dar folan mihmani davat budim!
Shabnam rezazadeh gerie mikard ke ma tagsir nadarim, Shahrokh va Nahid Ahkami mogaser hastand, man taze ba Mehri Radfar aoshna shode budam, Mehri Radfar ba inke ba Shabnam rezazadeh dust bud, be man goft, dar televisione iraniha Shabnam koli fohsh be Nahid Ahkami dade va mardom khashmgin hastand.
Behnud family az gadim sakht ba hijab budand, valikan Hadi modern bud, valikan pas az inke Hamid Beh nud va baradare bozorgeshun Mehdi Behnud daste raste Khomeini shode koshte shode bud, Hadi aomade bud khune pedarish, I was married and had a child, he also was married and his wife brought him a girl named Somaie, my mother told, Hadi ra didam, kheili shekaste shode, goftam chetori, lebasesh ra bala zad, colt be kamar, goft injuri zendegi mikonam, mibinid.
we wont the best bandri bastke not this
Masale Edo ba Angela az aersie pedar aoghaz shode bud ke dar Iran Edo pulesh ra khoste bud, va Angela $100,000 tuman az man garz gerefte 1/2 sahme pule khune 3 tabage shik dar Majidie bud khune pedare Ed ra be Edo dad, chon pesar bud 1/2 sahm mibord, Katrina ham ke hich aersie nemikhost.
I came Tehran and told it to my mom, gheirate ammeaie my mom gol kard, hamishe gol mikard, she was very sensitive towards her nieces and nephews, she told, ghalat kardand navehaye beadabe khanum bibim, Parinun duhdur aolmakh, Pari being a doctor make them jealous, Pari va Farkhonde khanumun pokhli bashmakh, dirty shoes of Pari and Farkhonde khanum (Mansurikhoh) are more clean than the mouth of Nadia and her nieces.
Khanevade Gheirat mihmani dadand, fagat khanumha ra davat karde bud, khouhare Nadia Hedayati man va Faride Hedayati Mogadam ra bord, goftand, mikhohim Mitra ra baraye Gheirat khostegari konim, Tahmine khouhare Nadia (dokhtar ammehaye mommy, Nadia being the wife of Khanlardayi) goft, be Khanlar Hedayati begi khouharzadeat Mitra ra bede be nokaret?!
The children of Tahmine suffered from hemophilia, also Faride the daughter of Nadia and Khanlardayi suffered from hemophilia, with such history of blood related deadly disease, the one and only son of Parviz was a hemophiliac, all suffering due to the marriages of cousins. Interestingly, Islam, agde amuzadeha dar Aosemon baste.
The June and July ONLINE art work of Rudy rezazadeh with his own voice after his message on hormoz birthday 01/09/2008, why?! Didn't he love his wife, why begged for love!