I live in Asean, my country is neutral in this conflict, I managed to get myself a Unionpay card, I don't like to hang my neck on western system, especially my money 😂
@@lioicomestai3703 I don't know what this comment of yours has to do with what he said, but it is clear that the US tried and failed to impose economic sanctions on China, that is a fact, think about it, China's economy is comparable to the whole of EU
@@meko8874 What to do with? Simply seymour chang's words are absolutely true. Although the economic sanction on Russia caused by Puchin's invasion which so far the 支那中共 (Cheerna CCP) refuse to admit is appearing at its lightest tone showing in this episode. As to you mentioned sanctions on China failed. It depends how you define it. 1st of all non-military hostile action from outside of border its efficacy never be immediate. Thus it takes time. In my view the Biden Government hasn't posed any really meaningful sanctions on Cheena at all. On education, you see the lining up potential students eagerly to obtaining US Visa to pursuit academic opportunities. But not in high tech and security related subjects which was ruled since Trump Admin. Hope you didn't mean such policies should be called "Sanctions". The sanction economically? US-Cheena deficit are still widening. Cheena is gaining side. On Technology, there are limited sanctions. Agree with you. Failed? Where is Huawei? Doing well domestically, I was told. And these sanction won't be take off for long time to come. Because of ideological reasons - Humanistic Libertarian Democracy vs. Authoritarianism (Including Leninism). Financially Chinese Conceptual Shares mostly are still operating in NY but predictably their days might be numbered. Even if they relisted in HK the entire HK monetary market future is not looking good. If you called it as sanction? I have no say. The weakest of Authoritarian regime is transparency. What capital market need and being ruled is trust. Without transparency where is accountability and trust? That is a social fate for any non-democratic so far in human societies. Yes, it is very ideological. Naturally it comes down to the Politics, the sanctions is another way around. Western life style is open and tolerance with social legality backing up. Politically it cannot sanction anyone by nature at least 99.99%. Commonly people call it as to say whatever you like”. Or others claim that there are no political prisoners. Western governments cannot ban Authoritarian propaganda agents inside their countries as long as they registered under Foreign Influence related law and follow the related policies and rules. Some western media even exited in Puchin’s Russia till the invasion took place. Contrast to CCP Cheerna you have a most say besides what People’s Daily and Mr. Hu Shi Jin had done. Personally I view the Cold War II started around mid-2020. This would be another big subject.
@@meko8874 What to do with? Simply seymour chang's words are absolutely true. Although the economic sanction on Russia caused by Puchin's invasion which so far the 支那中共 (Cheerna CCP) refuse to admit is appearing at its lightest tone showing in this episode. As to you mentioned sanctions on China failed. It depends how you define it. 1st of all non-military hostile action from outside of border its efficacy never be immediate thus it takes time. In my view the Biden Government hasn't pose any really meaningful sanctions on Cheena at all. On education, you see the lining up potential students eagerly to obtaining US Visa to pursuit academic opportunities. But not in high tech and security related subjects which was ruled since Trump Admin. Hope you didn't mean such policies should be called "Sanction". The sanction economically? US-Cheena deficit are still widening. So Cheena is gaining side. On Technology, there are limited sanctions. Agree with you. Failed? Where is Huawei? Doing well domestically, I was told. And these sanction won't be take off for long time to come. Because of ideological reason - Humanistic Libertarian Democracy vs. Authoritarianism (Including Leninism). Financially Chinese Conceptual Shares mostly are still operating in NY but predictably their days might be numbered. Even if they relisted in HK the entire HK monetary market future is not looking good. If you called it as sanction? I have no say. The weakest of Authoritarian regime is transparency. What capital market need and being ruled it trust. Without transparency where is accountability and trust? That is a social fate for any non-democratic so far in human societies. Yes, it is very ideological. Naturally it comes down to the Politics, the sanctions is another way around. Western life style is open and tolerance with social legality backing up. Politically it cannot sanction anyone by nature at least 99.99%. Commonly people call it say whatever you like. Or others claim there is not political prisoners. Western governments cannot ban Authoritarian propaganda agents inside their countries as long as they registered under Foreign Influence related law and follow the related policies and rules. These type condition above even exited partially in Puchin’s Russia till the invasion took place. Contrast to CCP Cheerna you have a most say besides what People’s Daily and Mr. Hu Shi Jin had done. Personally I view the Cold War II started around mid-2020. This would be another big subject.
@@lioicomestai3703 First of all what he said has nothing to do with mainland china, you might need to re-read what he said.Secondly I am with a high probability sure that you are of chinese descent, so I think I have to tell you that you don't always need to feel that the development of mainland China is bad for you, because these countries think that chinese descent has win over value on the premise that their mother land is a strong opponent, and I think you have known this. You list a lot of facts but they are not all true, first you say ,the CCP is not willing to cooperate with the west on sanctions, which would have been taken for granted, is he a western ally? Originally as an independent western competitor they had the power to do so, and as you can see, even western companies themselves have a significant portion of the surface talking about sanctions against russia while still retaining business in russia behind the scenes, so the US is only telling the CCP not to move too obviously in the release. There is some truth to your claim that the western way of life is open and tolerant, supported by social legitimacy, but that is not the whole story, it is normal to feel free when you conform to the prevailing values of society, as is often the case with the chinese who describe their society in the same way, it is just obvious that the US has much better information control, you hardly see dissidents speaking, and of course, legally these private companies can also enforce their own standard of "free speech" and this does not conflict with the freedom of speech in the law, which is why trump's account can be blocked for speaking out, and yes, they can indeed say whatever they want, it's just a matter of whether these social media outlets will allow them to be seen by others. At the same time I think your view of the power structure of the CCP is quite old fashioned, except for the fact that there is no universal suffrage, I don't think it's called authoritarianism. I don't think there is a precise term for this new kind of doctrine, but surely it's not so-called authoritarian, because the highest representatives of power have to be subordinated to the collective of the deep state, and even in many ways the presidential election in the US is largely the same, it's just one more process of which person is elected at the end, the CCP has put the concept of the deep state in front of you, while neither the republicans nor the democrats will admit that it exists. Few people now know that what they call democracy is actually direct democracy, not the representative democracy that is so widespread in this world. You have mentioned the relationship between transparency and capital, but note that mainland china is not a capitalist government, what they require is that capital needs to serve the them, which is the opposite of the western style of capital agent type, where capital must bow down before power, and capital will not want to see that happen. The CCP was planning to cold-shoulder hong kong because of its education problem, and it is difficult for hong kong to maintain its financial status after losing its advantage of being the only window of foreign exchange in mainland china today, so why didn't the CCP choose shanghai? Regarding the propaganda of the chinese media, I would say they still have a long way to go, at least few citizen believe what they say as yankees do, and I don't think it's simply a matter of average intelligence of the population or because what they say is false. You say that western governments can't ban authoritarian propaganda outlets, of course they can, it just depends on whether they need to uphold this promise that they don't have to keep, so far no one except the soviet union has been able to challenge their right to speak in terms of propaganda, in this case, they can certainly claim that.
@@Yunfei_and_Reniya 别装怂,你会为嘲笑制裁洋洋得意付出代价的。静静等待
@@monalin5119 那些嘴砲喊很大聲的,烏克蘭開放外國傭兵,怎麼不會自己過去?
@@wanqiaosu3427 功友,你好。213!
云飞热尼亚, 很喜欢你们的视频。 在如此环境下还能谈笑风生的讲述目前生活状态。 世上无难事 只怕有心人。 继续努力。
困难重重,看到你们乐观面对,一起度过难关! 祝福你们,加油💪🙏
@@tonychen2396 也不盡其然,我所在地的國,其系統已申請卡時,沒多久就出現此項服務,事後才收到銀行寄來的信用卡,直接在其App上確認證件和開通等事項!我也是第一次使用,真的很方便!
@逍遙一射 俄罗斯投降不就可以结束了,多简单的一件事。
@逍遙一射 在这个问题上,你就没有国家考虑的长远了,中国目前的态度很明显,不支持任何一方,但也不得罪任何一方。
正确的做法是请云飞的母亲在国内给云飞办一张副卡,这样云飞的名字会在卡上, 方便使用
@@malingpei3605 副卡应该不需要吧,很久之前我留学的时候家里人也是给我申请副卡,然后快递给我,我收到后再签名就可以用了。
要是能和解 还会打战吗
@@wcoowc 阿富汗伊拉克人民需要你
@@wcoowc 叙利亚,阿富汗,利比亚,伊拉克都这么想
戰爭除了戰場上的軍人 最可憐最受苦的就是老百姓 不分那一國
哎 是的 受益最大的是政客 反而受苦最多的是老百姓
@@guiyinghan7229 所以米军的战后综合症患者居高不下
@@zshws 只要戰爭就會死人 不輪是發動的或被打的 所有戰場上的士兵和百姓都是人生父母養的 戰爭不是這些人決定的 但死的却是這些人 都很可憐
云飞那张中国的银联卡应该可以自己更新信息。我也有过同样的经历,首先你在手机上有这张卡的银行app ,登录后可以找到更新个人信息的页面,把你的新身份证正反面扫描,然后提交,银行核实后就解锁了。试试看;
的确 可以下个app 然后让家人照两张身份证正反面照片发到手机上重新认证一下
@@zackk7175 反战不反美 ,等于是狗腿。美国侵略那么多国家,你怎么不出来喊话?
@@zackk7175 俄羅斯人支持普京出兵烏克蘭,因為烏東的俄羅斯人八年來被烏克蘭新納粹份子屠殺的太淒慘,還有器官買賣的事情
@@guanchen7076 上次被西方搞的經濟休克療法,差點真的死了。
@@guanchen7076 哈哈哈哈 美国救兵到了吗?信用?
@@Yconntection 美国为什么要出兵?乌克兰不是美国的同盟国,乌克兰原来是俄罗斯的小弟。俄罗斯就会欺负自己的小弟。1994年俄罗斯不是也签约保证乌克兰领土完整,不干涉乌克兰内政吗?跟俄罗斯人讲信用太天真。这次美国坐收渔翁之利,人家为什么要出兵?同时瓦解欧洲和俄罗斯的关系,瓦解欧洲脱离美国的企图,削弱俄罗斯实力。叫美国人出兵真可笑
@@許尚峰 上次真的听信欧美休克疗法,差点被忽悠死了,经济一落千丈。当年人均gdp都打到9000美元。
希望你們一切都會順利! 💪🏻
銀聯好用過visa MasterCard
香港這邊都會用銀聯 銀聯好用👍👍👍
@@王新-v6x 那是购物刷卡不一样
祝福你們, 保持樂觀精神, 加油!
I live in Asean, my country is neutral in this conflict, I managed to get myself a Unionpay card, I don't like to hang my neck on western system, especially my money 😂
云飞是位非常出色的男孩, 他对家人非常的有责任感对外又和气, 他遇事非常的慎定一点都不马虎, 自已心中实非常傲腦但從不形於色非常了不起,热民亚能嫁到这样的男人, 那是她前世所修来的福报, 我以忠誠的心祝愿他们一家大小健康长寿, 事事如愿,俄烏早日停爭和平解决问题, 也願世间永無战争天下太平🙏🙏🙏阿弥陀佛.
云飛加油, 多謝你的视频報道现在俄罗斯的生活
去領事館問問倒是亇好主意。國家應該幫滯留在國外的公民和他們的家屬回家 - 要求不過份吧!?
@@許尚峰 关键东西还得自己掌握,甚至媒体,这次俄罗斯的媒体都被封了,只剩下欧美的言论,欧美有议员绑俄罗斯说话账号就被封了。
@@追風-x8w 現在輪子搞什麼大翻譯時代,找一堆極端言論在那興風作亂。結果印度在網路社群上直接英語和你對幹要挺俄,沒見這群人敢去出征印度。
God bless Ukrainian and your family too 😇🙏❤️🇺🇸
@@guoguo5944 国内为了打击犯罪用卡,必须是本人去柜台!
@@happylife6803 这个不知道,我大概4年前吧也是同样的问题委托家人帮忙办的,家人到了柜台后银行的人要求通话确认然后就给办理了
Leiao 的帽子真棒👍
真的太难了呀, 战争中受苦的都是普通老百姓呀
You! stop telling the truth here. Xi Chairman doesn't like you!
@@lioicomestai3703 I don't know what this comment of yours has to do with what he said, but it is clear that the US tried and failed to impose economic sanctions on China, that is a fact, think about it, China's economy is comparable to the whole of EU
@@meko8874 What to do with? Simply seymour chang's words are absolutely true.
Although the economic sanction on Russia caused by Puchin's invasion which so far the 支那中共 (Cheerna CCP) refuse to admit is appearing at its lightest tone showing in this episode.
As to you mentioned sanctions on China failed. It depends how you define it. 1st of all non-military hostile action from outside of border its efficacy never be immediate. Thus it takes time. In my view the Biden Government hasn't posed any really meaningful sanctions on Cheena at all.
On education, you see the lining up potential students eagerly to obtaining US Visa to pursuit academic opportunities. But not in high tech and security related subjects which was ruled since Trump Admin. Hope you didn't mean such policies should be called "Sanctions".
The sanction economically? US-Cheena deficit are still widening. Cheena is gaining side.
On Technology, there are limited sanctions. Agree with you.
Failed? Where is Huawei? Doing well domestically, I was told.
And these sanction won't be take off for long time to come. Because of ideological reasons - Humanistic Libertarian Democracy vs. Authoritarianism (Including Leninism).
Financially Chinese Conceptual Shares mostly are still operating in NY but predictably their days might be numbered. Even if they relisted in HK the entire HK monetary market future is not looking good. If you called it as sanction? I have no say. The weakest of Authoritarian regime is transparency.
What capital market need and being ruled is trust. Without transparency where is accountability and trust? That is a social fate for any non-democratic so far in human societies. Yes, it is very ideological.
Naturally it comes down to the Politics, the sanctions is another way around. Western life style is open and tolerance with social legality backing up. Politically it cannot sanction anyone by nature at least 99.99%. Commonly people call it as to say whatever you like”. Or others claim that there are no political prisoners. Western governments cannot ban Authoritarian propaganda agents inside their countries as long as they registered under Foreign Influence related law and follow the related policies and rules.
Some western media even exited in Puchin’s Russia till the invasion took place.
Contrast to CCP Cheerna you have a most say besides what People’s Daily and Mr. Hu Shi Jin had done.
Personally I view the Cold War II started around mid-2020. This would be another big subject.
@@meko8874 What to do with? Simply seymour chang's words are absolutely true.
Although the economic sanction on Russia caused by Puchin's invasion which so far the 支那中共 (Cheerna CCP) refuse to admit is appearing at its lightest tone showing in this episode.
As to you mentioned sanctions on China failed. It depends how you define it. 1st of all non-military hostile action from outside of border its efficacy never be immediate thus it takes time. In my view the Biden Government hasn't pose any really meaningful sanctions on Cheena at all.
On education, you see the lining up potential students eagerly to obtaining US Visa to pursuit academic opportunities. But not in high tech and security related subjects which was ruled since Trump Admin. Hope you didn't mean such policies should be called "Sanction".
The sanction economically? US-Cheena deficit are still widening. So Cheena is gaining side.
On Technology, there are limited sanctions. Agree with you. Failed? Where is Huawei? Doing well domestically, I was told. And these sanction won't be take off for long time to come. Because of ideological reason - Humanistic Libertarian Democracy vs. Authoritarianism (Including Leninism).
Financially Chinese Conceptual Shares mostly are still operating in NY but predictably their days might be numbered. Even if they relisted in HK the entire HK monetary market future is not looking good. If you called it as sanction? I have no say. The weakest of Authoritarian regime is transparency.
What capital market need and being ruled it trust. Without transparency where is accountability and trust? That is a social fate for any non-democratic so far in human societies. Yes, it is very ideological.
Naturally it comes down to the Politics, the sanctions is another way around. Western life style is open and tolerance with social legality backing up. Politically it cannot sanction anyone by nature at least 99.99%. Commonly people call it say whatever you like. Or others claim there is not political prisoners. Western governments cannot ban Authoritarian propaganda agents inside their countries as long as they registered under Foreign Influence related law and follow the related policies and rules.
These type condition above even exited partially in Puchin’s Russia till the invasion took place.
Contrast to CCP Cheerna you have a most say besides what People’s Daily and Mr. Hu Shi Jin had done.
Personally I view the Cold War II started around mid-2020. This would be another big subject.
@@lioicomestai3703 First of all what he said has nothing to do with mainland china, you might need to re-read what he said.Secondly I am with a high probability sure that you are of chinese descent, so I think I have to tell you that you don't always need to feel that the development of mainland China is bad for you, because these countries think that chinese descent has win over value on the premise that their mother land is a strong opponent, and I think you have known this. You list a lot of facts but they are not all true, first you say ,the CCP is not willing to cooperate with the west on sanctions, which would have been taken for granted, is he a western ally? Originally as an independent western competitor they had the power to do so, and as you can see, even western companies themselves have a significant portion of the surface talking about sanctions against russia while still retaining business in russia behind the scenes, so the US is only telling the CCP not to move too obviously in the release. There is some truth to your claim that the western way of life is open and tolerant, supported by social legitimacy, but that is not the whole story, it is normal to feel free when you conform to the prevailing values of society, as is often the case with the chinese who describe their society in the same way, it is just obvious that the US has much better information control, you hardly see dissidents speaking, and of course, legally these private companies can also enforce their own standard of "free speech" and this does not conflict with the freedom of speech in the law, which is why trump's account can be blocked for speaking out, and yes, they can indeed say whatever they want, it's just a matter of whether these social media outlets will allow them to be seen by others. At the same time I think your view of the power structure of the CCP is quite old fashioned, except for the fact that there is no universal suffrage, I don't think it's called authoritarianism. I don't think there is a precise term for this new kind of doctrine, but surely it's not so-called authoritarian, because the highest representatives of power have to be subordinated to the collective of the deep state, and even in many ways the presidential election in the US is largely the same, it's just one more process of which person is elected at the end, the CCP has put the concept of the deep state in front of you, while neither the republicans nor the democrats will admit that it exists. Few people now know that what they call democracy is actually direct democracy, not the representative democracy that is so widespread in this world. You have mentioned the relationship between transparency and capital, but note that mainland china is not a capitalist government, what they require is that capital needs to serve the them, which is the opposite of the western style of capital agent type, where capital must bow down before power, and capital will not want to see that happen. The CCP was planning to cold-shoulder hong kong because of its education problem, and it is difficult for hong kong to maintain its financial status after losing its advantage of being the only window of foreign exchange in mainland china today, so why didn't the CCP choose shanghai? Regarding the propaganda of the chinese media, I would say they still have a long way to go, at least few citizen believe what they say as yankees do, and I don't think it's simply a matter of average intelligence of the population or because what they say is false. You say that western governments can't ban authoritarian propaganda outlets, of course they can, it just depends on whether they need to uphold this promise that they don't have to keep, so far no one except the soviet union has been able to challenge their right to speak in terms of propaganda, in this case, they can certainly claim that.
被踢出 swift 就是這樣不方便,跨國買賣困難,導致外需物有錢買不到。
那个不是真正意义上的银联卡,是银联通道的国际卡 和国内用的银联的借记卡完全不一样。
@@小諭邱 利益交換就是把台灣賣掉,你開心了嗎?去邦交國開會不准你用國名耶!
@@小諭邱 扯淡,出什么招也不敢把中国排除Swift啊,那样的话Swift自己也垮了
@@wanqiaosu3427 ,烏克蘭普通人當然也是無辜者。制裁讓油价和物价上漲,影响其他國家與俄國的交易和人民生計,連俄烏之外國家的無辜人民也受處罰,荒唐無理,你能接受這種隨意乱打人的野蠻作法?
@@evaliang3867 最後倒楣會歐洲國家的普通老百姓,到冬天就知道鈔票變少
如果她们跟乌克兰没啥联系还能理解,为了国内那些little pink喜欢看。可是老丈人还在受苦,他们居然还笑的出来,还庆生,真是好孩子。
@@爱阴湿毯 他的老丈人是他需要时才拿出来遛一遛的增加流量的工具而已。
到是欧盟好好想想,,今年的冬天怎么过,要不要吃粮,要不要 吃肉,要不要取暖,,吃俄国的,烧俄国的,现在还敢和俄国滋牙,现在德国已经在叫吃不起肉了,,
@@maggielg8779 我发现他们的小孩不会说中文,关键是孩子还是中国国籍,以后回国上学怎么办?
@@user-ts5nm3bk2l 热妮亞都不會说中文,怎麼教孩子?除非雲飛自己有耐性教,不然回中国後读国际學校吧,但小孩子适应能力強,只要有良好的语言环境,好快會识讲中文的。你可去看看“中德苏西”這個视频,混血小妹妹回中国两個月就识讲中文啦!
@@happylife6803 你可以试一试,好像微信上也可下载电子身份证。
銀聯和俄羅斯通了之後 可以大量接多盧布 這種滙率損失一般私有銀行是受不了的 現在連正常出口商家都不接受盧布支付了 是慈善事業
@@netterdrachen1687 任何企業 幫客人對外付美元 歐元 英鎊 等各種世界流通貨幣 但是接受客人支付的盧布 支撐不久的 盧布上下浮動都是自己玩 沒有太大的意義 後續民生市場有很多東西會缺乏 因為進口不了很多東西 包含航運業者 都己經停止上下貨了
@@jackchao5500 世界对能源的需求是刚性的,不可能长期把俄罗斯排除在外。即使欧美能找到替代能源供应商,俄罗斯也可以把能源卖给其他国家,比如巴西,印度等等。想用制裁迫使一个国家屈服,历史上还没有成功的先例。
@@netterdrachen1687 近代史上 北朝鮮 古巴 委內瑞拉 是三個例子 當然沒有成功過 老百姓還是在生活 苦一點 人生很短 正常沒有人想過苦日子 我是過不了 你我不知道 未來俄羅斯一定還能賣能源 但是過程己經和過去不同了 國力打空了 盧布不值錢 很難再回從前了
@@happylife6654 那就试试
Stay Safe and Support !
海外华人一定要办银联卡 时局动荡 不得不防啊!
@@西班牙海鲜饭-v6x 你還真是個鄉巴佬!你到是說看看英國與美國主動侵略過哪個國家?什麽事件?聽你嘴砲打的真响……🙄🙄🙄
終於都感受到切身問題, 叫中國家人訂酒店就解決.
多搜几个视频啊 菜价食品都没涨 惨在哪 无非要办银联卡慢点