Ugly Sweater Holiday Party

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @dianademery777
    @dianademery777 5 днів тому +1

    🎉Thanks for the party, Mary Ella. I LOVED that "hot brick trick!!" Genious!! Give Buddy a holiday pat on the head for me. He is a cutie!! My new year tradition is blackeyed peas, fried cabbage and cornbread. After 51 years, I started loving blackeyed peas at age 47. It's never to late for the ol' taste buds to turn on you & in your favor. My daddy always did his silly blackeyed pea joke. "Make sure you ONLY eat 239 beans!!" He'd say. "Why Dad?" My brothers and sisters would ask him. "If you eat one more, you'll get 'Too Farty'". Dumb ~ I know. Great memory!!

    • @Inthekitchenwithmaryella
      @Inthekitchenwithmaryella  4 дні тому

      Hi Diane. Your daddy sounds like a man with a sense of humor. I bet you laughed a lot growing up. I have tried to eat black eyed peas several times but I don't like the taste of them. Have a Merry Christmas. Thank you for watching

  • @MileHighGuyBBQ
    @MileHighGuyBBQ 5 днів тому +2

    Too bad we all couldn't be there to really party with ya 🙂 At the time of this comment you only have 13 more to go to hit 1K 😁You got this! Merry Christmas to you Mary Ella and this was a cool video to be able for us to hang out with you in.

    • @Inthekitchenwithmaryella
      @Inthekitchenwithmaryella  5 днів тому +1

      Hi Scott. Having everyone here would have been fun. Hopefully I can get the last 13 by January 19. That would be a great birthday present. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I had a lot of fun making this video. Thank you for watching

    • @MileHighGuyBBQ
      @MileHighGuyBBQ 5 днів тому +1

      @@Inthekitchenwithmaryella You will not have to wait until January 19th 😉

    • @Inthekitchenwithmaryella
      @Inthekitchenwithmaryella  4 дні тому

      @MileHighGuyBBQ that will be good to. Thank you for all the encouragement.

  • @dianecheng5035
    @dianecheng5035 3 дні тому

    Lovely party Mary Ella. Thank you. ❤

  • @Jim-n9b
    @Jim-n9b 5 днів тому

    Thank you I LOVED the party thanks for the tips and I had to laugh at Buddy barking when you were singing cause I know my little poms did the same thing to me when I used to sing so funny thank you again

    • @Inthekitchenwithmaryella
      @Inthekitchenwithmaryella  5 днів тому +1

      Hi Jim. Just imagine what the party would be like if we all were here in person. We would have had one heck of a party. Buddy only did it when I was videoing. Any other time he sleeps. Thank you for watching

  • @rickm5271
    @rickm5271 5 днів тому

    /Hi Mary Ella. Great party. Love the tips! I hope you and Buddy have a terrific Christmas! My new years tradition is a glass of champagne at midnight if I'm awake. To make sure, I toast at 9pm with you all in the Eastern Time Zone. And the singing was fun Buddy was joining in. 🎉

    • @Inthekitchenwithmaryella
      @Inthekitchenwithmaryella  4 дні тому +1

      Hi Rick. Thank you for the picture the hat was a great touch. I've only had champagne once and I didn't like it. If I'm awake I toast with a mixed drink. Buddy is a trip because that is the only time he's barked when I sing . But he shows out when I video in the living room. If I'm videoing in the kitchen he stays in the background. Thank you for the air fryer it's very nice. Have a Merry Christmas. Thank you for watching

  • @lucyluGA
    @lucyluGA 5 днів тому

    It all looks beautiful!! I don’t have an ugly sweater either so I’m sending one in my ugly sweatshirt! Buddy’s gonna want some of that cheese ball! ❤❤❤❤❤

    • @Inthekitchenwithmaryella
      @Inthekitchenwithmaryella  5 днів тому

      Hi Lucy. Buddy is something else. I love your sweatshirt.Thank you for watching

    • @lindacurran4179
      @lindacurran4179 5 днів тому

      I don’t have an ugly shirt or sweater but good job. Buddy is just jealous he can’t sing. Merry Christmas Mary ella

    • @Inthekitchenwithmaryella
      @Inthekitchenwithmaryella  5 днів тому

      @lindacurran4179 Hi Linda. That okay. I just wanted to put a face with the name. Is why I asked for pictures. Buddy is a hot mess. Thank you for watching

  • @vangierobertson8201
    @vangierobertson8201 5 днів тому

    Black-eyed peas, cabbage and cornbread on New Year's Day for us! We use piccalilli for relish.

    • @Inthekitchenwithmaryella
      @Inthekitchenwithmaryella  5 днів тому

      Hi Vangie. I don't like black-eyed peas, I've tried and tried to eat them. I don't like the taste. I can do the cabbage and cornbread . I never heard of piccalilli so I looked it up to see what it is. And it sounds good I would probably like it. Thank you for watching

    • @vangierobertson8201
      @vangierobertson8201 5 днів тому

      @ I was not a fan of black-eyed peas either. I cook them with chopped salt pork and onion. I mix the piccalilli into them when I serve myself, now I love them. I prefer the fresh or frozen peas over the canned ones.

  • @marge9756
    @marge9756 5 днів тому

    It sounds like Buddy is dancing along to the songs. At my age , New years eve I'm in bed by 9pm.

    • @Inthekitchenwithmaryella
      @Inthekitchenwithmaryella  5 днів тому

      Hi Marge.i don't know what is with Buddy. When I do a video in the kitchen he's fine, but if I do it in the living room he has to have all the attention. I never make it to midnight anymore. Thank you for watching

  • @lauramaze5354
    @lauramaze5354 5 днів тому

    What a great party, Mary Ella!! I wish I had some traditions to share, but life has not been good for me for several years, so I just concentrate on my blessings. Thanks for having this wonderful party, it put some sparkle in my eyes. Merry Christmas, Mary Ella! What state do you live in? 🤗🧑‍🎄🦌🎅💙☃️🌲

    • @Inthekitchenwithmaryella
      @Inthekitchenwithmaryella  4 дні тому +1

      Hi Laura. It's okay not to have traditions. Because sometimes you just want to do something different not the same thing every year. I know what you mean we all need to count our blessings. And remember what ever you have been through you are a survivor. If you ever need to talk just send me an email. I live in Ohio. Have a Merry Christmas. Thank you for watching

    • @lauramaze5354
      @lauramaze5354 4 дні тому

      @Inthekitchenwithmaryella thank you for your kind and thoughtful words, Mary Ella. I really appreciate you saying that! 💙♥️🤗🤗🤗