Salt pepper paprika 🇾🇪🐅 was using the rucksack as a pillow, nade nade was goro goro rumbling, then earlobe kiri kiri, then I tried cheek goshi goshi 🕴️🐅 folded legs agapan under the bench, then I tried jeans ban ban, but fuwa fuwa 🦃🐅 retracted into the plantings, was also nyan nyan from an invisible tiger. 😂
"What's for snacks, nyan?", says the too kawaii Russian kuroneko sleeping like a human beside the rucksack and was perturbed by Youchubas in cheek GOSHI GOSHI then belly mohumov, albeit healing when you spoil you the Hachiware friend down there, goron. 😊
Looks like the child of grandpa ash cat ☺😸
"We know you got delicious treats in there, so what are you waiting for nyan?"
An old grey cat uses a human rucksack as just the right pillow and is nadenade to sleep while rumbling well
Salt pepper paprika 🇾🇪🐅 was using the rucksack as a pillow, nade nade was goro goro rumbling, then earlobe kiri kiri, then I tried cheek goshi goshi 🕴️🐅 folded legs agapan under the bench, then I tried jeans ban ban, but fuwa fuwa 🦃🐅 retracted into the plantings, was also nyan nyan from an invisible tiger. 😂
Sweet kitty ❤❤❤❤
So cute silent gray cat is relaxing near the backpack 😘😁😊❤️😍💕🤗🥰😀
Awe! So Cute Kitty Is Done For The Day...
"What's for snacks, nyan?", says the too kawaii Russian kuroneko sleeping like a human beside the rucksack and was perturbed by Youchubas in cheek GOSHI GOSHI then belly mohumov, albeit healing when you spoil you the Hachiware friend down there, goron. 😊
🇷🇺💙🐈⬛ is too kawaii
Uro uro choro choro!
It is her bag now 😅
Top cat is super sexy❤