Can You Turn A Violin Into A Guitar?

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @RobLandes
    @RobLandes  2 роки тому +102

    How do you think it turned out?

    • @mohammedalkhodairy
      @mohammedalkhodairy 2 роки тому +1


    • @mohammedalkhodairy
      @mohammedalkhodairy 2 роки тому +6

      Never gonna give you up

    • @sriramkaushal9299
      @sriramkaushal9299 2 роки тому +7

      It sounded great! The sound wasn't as effective as a violin but I guess you are the magician and your friend is the magical craftsman 😃 Music wise awesome!

    • @RockStarOscarStern634
      @RockStarOscarStern634 2 роки тому +1

      @@sriramkaushal9299 a Fretted Viper should work

    • @EichelFein
      @EichelFein 2 роки тому +3

      I love violin been playing it for 5 years now its na really amazing instrument!

  • @nikkospelledlikethat8140
    @nikkospelledlikethat8140 2 роки тому +173

    As a guitarist it’s always broken my brain how string instruments are played without frets like how do you know where the notes are then???

    • @melissacalderon6534
      @melissacalderon6534 2 роки тому +44


    • @aiaiaiyourlittlebutterfly.mp4
      @aiaiaiyourlittlebutterfly.mp4 2 роки тому +1

      SAME DOUBT 😭

    • @karuma3755
      @karuma3755 2 роки тому +39

      You just kinda.. know? Idk how to explain it. Most violinists star with “tapes” on that are like mini frets almost. And after that you memorize it

    • @raneemarabi3725
      @raneemarabi3725 2 роки тому +10

      I have to finger tapes on my violin but all the other fingers just know we’re to go

    • @yulianamour
      @yulianamour 2 роки тому +6

      Muscle memories

  • @imjustsomeguy
    @imjustsomeguy 2 роки тому +39

    At least with frets, you can hit the right note easily. Violinists really impress me with how they can hit the right note without being too flat or too sharp on a smooth fingerboard

    • @陳曦-p3j
      @陳曦-p3j 2 роки тому +2

      yeah all that practice required

  • @potatoqueen5248
    @potatoqueen5248 2 роки тому +21

    The dog singing along with Rob was so cute! What a good puppy

  • @aarphotos5
    @aarphotos5 2 роки тому +54

    Was it just me who thought he was gonna play the violin like a guitar

    • @JJ_TheGreat
      @JJ_TheGreat Рік тому

      There is a video about that! :-

    • @Muzikman127
      @Muzikman127 Місяць тому

      @@JJ_TheGreat what's the title of that video?

  • @withercloudgaming7224
    @withercloudgaming7224 2 роки тому +84

    you're a madman rob! I am now inspired again to practice even though I practice everyday haha

    • @mnightmare5036
      @mnightmare5036 2 роки тому +2

      practice 40 hours a day

    • @gamerpro087
      @gamerpro087 2 роки тому +1

      @@mnightmare5036 That’s from TwoSetViolin!

    • @isaacmoon3823
      @isaacmoon3823 2 роки тому

    • @trivikram4962
      @trivikram4962 2 роки тому


  • @lepersjoy
    @lepersjoy 2 роки тому +34

    This kind of reminds me of my 4 string mandolin with the frets, although the mandolin doesn't have that curve in the fingerboard that he ran into when the frets popped out. Great video! Thanks for the quality content.

    • @RobLandes
      @RobLandes  2 роки тому +14

      Yes! More of a Mandolin/Violin cross. Thanks for watchihng Leiros!

    • @SlippyLegJones
      @SlippyLegJones 2 роки тому

      Playing a mandolin with a bow is funny.
      Playing a guitar with a bow is funnier.
      Playing a trumpet with a bow...

  • @smashboom
    @smashboom 2 роки тому +55

    Pssst, it is called Pizzicato ! Thanks to my one year of violon-studying, but I stopped, cuz it's too much hard, that's why I have an infinite respect for you Rob Landes !

    • @siskochilhavisto.2633
      @siskochilhavisto.2633 2 роки тому +3

      Pizzicato, Ah my Italy, Paganini does not repeat 🇮🇹

    • @Happy_spider_boi
      @Happy_spider_boi 2 роки тому


    • @trumpetdewd3024
      @trumpetdewd3024 2 роки тому


    • @GreatBeanMan
      @GreatBeanMan 2 роки тому +1

      Nice you studied violon I wonder what would happen if you knew violin too maybe you would be a master

    • @smashboom
      @smashboom 2 роки тому +1

      @@GreatBeanMan pizzicato is a technic of the violin, and sorry when I wrote « violon » it was my autocorrect because I’m French.

  • @RockStarOscarStern634
    @RockStarOscarStern634 Рік тому +2

    Geared Tuners and Black Diamond N719 Strings would make things sound more interesting.

  • @quarkhead5044
    @quarkhead5044 2 роки тому +1

    That final performance was **chef's kiss** awe-inspiring

  • @flutechannel
    @flutechannel 2 роки тому +18

    Turned out great! I love doing experiments like that! You really knocked it out of the park!

  • @flrn84791
    @flrn84791 2 роки тому +5

    Having this done on a Yamaha YEV-105 by a British luthier soon, crazy to see you do that now! Definitely helps in seeing the process. Filing the frets down should help a lot with shifting and vibrato. Great video, thank you Rob!

  • @jocimar1625
    @jocimar1625 2 роки тому +5

    This is simply amazing, love how you are always bring something new to us ❤️

  • @10data10
    @10data10 2 роки тому +2

    I use one of the fingerboard stickers with frets that you showed at the beginning of your video on one of my violins. I think it helps with my practice. I’m placing my fingers right on top of the frets rather than just behind them - except for my fourth finger which I will admit tends to get a little bit lazy and starts being placed behind the fret. I’ve been trying to learn Bach’s prelude #1 for cello and the frets on my violin have been very helpful.
    The frets also help with left hand tension. As I work on something I try to use less left hand pressure and at that point if I can actually feel the frets then I know pressing down too hard. Reducing left hand tension helps with my bow arm.

    • @RobLandes
      @RobLandes  2 роки тому +1

      Yes! Relaxation is key to speed and endurance. If you’d like to check out the fundamentals I teach, you can see the course I have now for 50% off:

  • @jamesrobbins4020
    @jamesrobbins4020 2 роки тому +6

    This is pretty sick

  • @MylifeKpop.
    @MylifeKpop. 2 роки тому +8

    Two of my favourite instruments together and it's sponsored by lord of the rings, best vid ever

  • @Neris-of-the-other
    @Neris-of-the-other 2 роки тому +1


  • @basgerritsen9669
    @basgerritsen9669 11 місяців тому

    Its super easy and works very well. Just tie on some gut frets like a viola da gamba fingerboard and you'll be done in half an hour. You can even move them to change the desired temprament!

  • @LoLo-yh1bi
    @LoLo-yh1bi 2 роки тому +11

    Its a really nice video. But i think, that wooden frets would be better, because now it sounds a littlebit metallic. With wooden frets or with some, comparable to median age lutes, it could be more "Natural".

    • @piranhaplantX
      @piranhaplantX 2 роки тому +2

      Yeah, I wonder how it would sound with a custom made fingerboard with the frets just being raised bits of the ebony.

  • @valentinkovshik
    @valentinkovshik 2 роки тому +4

    In fact, the instruments from the viola da gamba family are fretted (with gut frets) and they exist for 500 years. Frets are not bad for bowed instruments at all. The violin community is just very conservative and continues to spread a lot of stereotypes. For example, they say that vibrato is completely impossible with frets (we can see it is not true), that mechanical tuners are bad, etc.

    • @perpetuallyonline
      @perpetuallyonline 2 роки тому +2

      being fretless has its own advantages too, at least they can have a smooth glissando and dont have to stick to the 12 tone tuning system

  • @LatchezarDimitrov
    @LatchezarDimitrov 2 роки тому +1

    OK, like experiance-why no? But in general I don't see any interest to use frets. Limited intonation, vibrato, glissando etc If no, your video is splendid like usually!

  • @SneakyTogedemaru
    @SneakyTogedemaru 2 роки тому

    Jordan is a hero!
    I'm off searching for a video about doing crazy vibratos on fretless guitar.

  • @intentress9812
    @intentress9812 2 роки тому +1

    I think it turned out great. Yes the notes are different, but it still sounds good if you put meaning into it, like the way you play.

  • @harrycrosswell2844
    @harrycrosswell2844 2 роки тому +2

    HAHAHA i see you followed through with your comment on Charles Berthoud's fretless bass video! Bravo

  • @jsv438
    @jsv438 2 роки тому

    Basically you have there a really cool mandolin!

  • @rec2you
    @rec2you 2 роки тому +1

    Roman Kim has a similar fretboard on the violin, but not as rough. 🙂

  • @tabbytia6325
    @tabbytia6325 2 роки тому

    at 1:52 i can hear brett and eddy crying

  • @erikak8187
    @erikak8187 2 роки тому

    Interesting. Not what I was expecting. So awesome

  • @theo-potter
    @theo-potter 2 роки тому +2

    I should show this video to a beginner violonist

  • @masyrafnukman3932
    @masyrafnukman3932 2 роки тому

    I wish you continued success in the field of UA-cam thank you

  • @russellturner2507
    @russellturner2507 2 роки тому +1

    That was certainly very interesting and gave a fair result, but... The awesome bass guitar player, Leland Sklar, frets his basses with mandolin wire which is thinner than guitar fret wire. I think that might give a result that would be more suitable to the violin and would make vibrato much easier to do as well being less like "speedbumps" on the fingerboard.

  • @arnaldofettuccine5227
    @arnaldofettuccine5227 2 роки тому +1

    In your hands, it sounds amazing as always 👍👍💗

  • @alanfbrookes9771
    @alanfbrookes9771 Рік тому

    Been there, done that, A few observations. Firstly, if you don't like the shortness of the fingerboard, start off with a viola or a 'cello.
    Secondly, those glue-on fingerboards that they make for violins have the same problems as the frets that you put on ....they don't stay flat at the edges. Thirdly, mandolin makers have no problems making short, curved fingerboards, so maybe you should have taken your violin to a mandolin builder and asked him to fit a mandolin neck and fingerboard, Fifth, but not last, why not just get yourself a mandolin and play it with a bow? A mandolin is a ready-made fiddle with a bow ! And an archtop guitar is already a 'cello with a fingerboard. (Yes, I know about the viola da gamba....)

  • @crcomments8509
    @crcomments8509 Рік тому

    Lots of violin manufacturers will fit frets. Especially in the electric violin territory. Most notably Mark Woods Viper, these use much finer forests though.. There are two ways of fretting a violin, like a guitar where your finger goes behind the fret, or barely noticeable frets where they are there primarily so you can sense the position. When playing in a loud band you often can’t fully hear yourself and then your intonation will be way off.

  • @yo_mama6414
    @yo_mama6414 2 роки тому +1

    You have inspired me to practice 25 hours a day, 8 days a week, 32 days a month

  • @0713mas
    @0713mas 11 місяців тому

    Looks cool! I am a guitar player I wanted to learn to play violin and I always wondered 2 things. #1. why don't beginner violins just have some low scalloped frets or even inlay fret markers for a visual cue.
    I just painted frets on with silver model paint. Many instructors even have students tape makers.
    #2 Why don't violin like instruments have geared tuning pegs? The kids string section of every elementary school is always the most out of tune group, hurts my head.

  • @justanotherrandomguy......6969
    @justanotherrandomguy......6969 2 роки тому +3

    Damn he can open a costume store considering number of costumes he have 😂

  • @itsjustsidd
    @itsjustsidd Рік тому

    Tbh i think the fretted violin sounded super crisp and would sound amazing with comps that had a lot of short notes

  • @batkamarri13
    @batkamarri13 2 роки тому

    3:55 felt like I went to heaven but God told me it wasn't my time again.

  • @Gab2456_
    @Gab2456_ 2 роки тому

    I swear to god rob ive been repeating the dog singing with the violin for 20 minutes now.

  • @gamerpro087
    @gamerpro087 2 роки тому +1

    You’re turning the violin into a mandolin.

  • @julianprzybysawski8543
    @julianprzybysawski8543 Рік тому

    Honestly the fretted violin doesn't have a bad sound, but it would only work in certain genres

  • @adamjessop4063
    @adamjessop4063 2 роки тому

    Literally the only two instruments I have ever played are guitar and violin so cool

  • @RXGaming-mt6yr
    @RXGaming-mt6yr 9 місяців тому

    Too amazing

  • @jmb462
    @jmb462 2 роки тому +1

    Now let's turn it into bagpipes !

  • @480brad
    @480brad 2 роки тому

    What a craftsman!

  • @maksiksq
    @maksiksq 2 роки тому

    That's how new instruments are made

  • @JoltFlyer
    @JoltFlyer 2 роки тому

    That's a surprisingly musical dog

  • @carbon1255
    @carbon1255 2 роки тому +4

    Those are virgin frets, they could do with being filed down to be honest, to get it started for you. A guitar tech might be able to help you a little there.
    Also, I believe they invented this instrument, it is called a "Mandolin" xDDDD

    • @RobLandes
      @RobLandes  2 роки тому +2

      haha it sounds so much like a mandolin! More of a cross between a violin and a mandolin since I can bow it. Filing down the frets would help them feel more comfortable, for sure.

  • @TheMrWoodrat
    @TheMrWoodrat 2 роки тому +2

    Next step - when Davie504 and Two Set Violins makes three BASS Violins to play with you:)

  • @chapinero017
    @chapinero017 2 роки тому

    This wacky projects seem FUN

  • @TheAlanlandes
    @TheAlanlandes 2 роки тому +2

    Oh how sacrilegious this was. What would Stradivarius have said?

    • @vladimirprzygodzki6691
      @vladimirprzygodzki6691 17 днів тому

      @@TheAlanlandes at his time the viols (i said viol not violin) was fretted with gut frets..

  • @petedz9772
    @petedz9772 2 роки тому

    What a cool idea Rob. Give that fretted Frankenstein to a decent ukulele or mandolin player and create a video of their experience! It seems sacrilegious to fret a violin, but you might have just hit on the next instrument craze.

  • @glubtier
    @glubtier 2 роки тому

    My favorite part was the sing-a-long with the dog.

  • @93sergio
    @93sergio 2 роки тому

    This process has a lot of ASMR potential

  • @RockStarOscarStern634
    @RockStarOscarStern634 2 роки тому +1

    Neat almost more like a Mandolin

  • @MightyJonE
    @MightyJonE 2 роки тому

    And from henceforth was born...the viotar!

  • @MCproaedificater
    @MCproaedificater 2 роки тому

    honestly the fretted violin has a crisper sound

  • @nowaydudethatscrazy
    @nowaydudethatscrazy 2 роки тому

    "The Mandalorian builds new gear for the musical foundling."

  • @dim4eg123123
    @dim4eg123123 2 роки тому

    Vibrato on fretted instruments usually is done by moving fingers vertically, not horizontally, as on frettless.
    Thats why you had some problems with it.

  • @-RONNIE
    @-RONNIE 2 роки тому

    He did an amazing job & to tell you the truth I didn't think it was going to work but I can admit when I'm wrong also I'm very impressed 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • @shashankshirsat9779
    @shashankshirsat9779 2 роки тому

    Smells like guitar spirit.....

  • @andrestp
    @andrestp 2 роки тому +1

    Hi, thanks for your video..
    Can the violin tuned just like guitar intervals, on fourth? D-G-B-E
    Or Ukulele with bowed version? G-C-E-A
    Regardless different tuning and tensions, Is it playable?

    • @hanschristiaanhylkema
      @hanschristiaanhylkema Рік тому +1

      I've tried that and it works. But the strings of a violin are much closer near eachother so it's harder to play certain chords that require 3 fingers next to eachother, like for example an A-major chord. On a guitar you have can place 3 fingers next to eachother on the second fret but on a violin there's not enough room for that which results in certain fingers moving to a slightly lower or higher position resulting in playing a slightly lower or higher note.

  • @Garfield_Minecraft
    @Garfield_Minecraft 2 роки тому +1

    You are krazy bru

  • @abhi7276.
    @abhi7276. 2 роки тому +1

    Love from India 🇮🇳❤️

  • @realdanielshock
    @realdanielshock 2 роки тому +2

    "violin but all the hard work is removed"

    • @flrn84791
      @flrn84791 2 роки тому +1

      Well not completely. Frets help, but you still gotta bow right, vibrato right, and shift kinda right. It's not a magical tool :D

    • @realdanielshock
      @realdanielshock 2 роки тому

      @@flrn84791 most of the effort required to play violin is included in intonation

    • @flrn84791
      @flrn84791 2 роки тому

      @@realdanielshock agree to disagree 🤷‍♂️

    • @realdanielshock
      @realdanielshock 2 роки тому

      @@flrn84791 have a nice day

  • @nav5365
    @nav5365 Місяць тому

    How does it sound when you play pizzicato? Does it sound better than an original violin?

  • @joel7041
    @joel7041 2 роки тому +1

    Next up is a whammy bar

  • @BrendanThompson
    @BrendanThompson Рік тому

    vibrato on a violin is a totally different motion than on guitar. on a guitar you need to bend the string up and down ACROSS the fingerboard, whereas on a violin you wobble back and forth (ALONG the fingerboard)

  • @tohrmentrixabyss1713
    @tohrmentrixabyss1713 2 роки тому +5

    Would have been nice to hear some notes from each one without the backing track. I could hear the difference but it was hard to pick out

  • @klauskruger6187
    @klauskruger6187 2 роки тому

    5:15 Doggie is singing basis tone D plus terz Fis.

  • @JJ_TheGreat
    @JJ_TheGreat Рік тому

    5:48 Considering that all violins don’t sound the same to begin with, how is this going to be a fair comparison?

  • @lowkeyben
    @lowkeyben 2 роки тому

    Hey Rob,I'm having a violin tomorrow,What should I learn first?

  • @MatthewBowe
    @MatthewBowe 2 роки тому

    How have I never heard of Sugarhouse violins?

  • @arheshaarhesha9578
    @arheshaarhesha9578 2 роки тому

    Twoset would be proud, because now Brett has a way to achieve perfect pitch.

    • @bencze465
      @bencze465 2 роки тому +1

      Good intonation doesn't require perfect pitch.

  • @在下一小卒
    @在下一小卒 2 роки тому

    now surprisingly, now it looks like a ukelele and works like one.

  • @jakerazmataz852
    @jakerazmataz852 Рік тому

    1:45 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @Revansstuntdouble
    @Revansstuntdouble 2 роки тому

    @ 0:27 I now have a hard time distinguishing Idubbz and Stevie T. Thought it was Stevie T for sure.

  • @joao_oak
    @joao_oak 2 роки тому

    Thank you for sharing that.
    I played Viola/Violin when I was young, but I totally forgot how to play, and like many adults, I don't have too much free time to keep studying violin.
    For sure I'll reach a local violin maker to help me with some project as you did.
    I just want to play some music at my home, and not be a professional violinist.

    • @RobLandes
      @RobLandes  2 роки тому +3

      If you want to get better at home in 15-20 min a day, I’ve got a course I teach on how to learn your first song in 30 days. Email me at to learn more! Thanks for watching Joao!

  • @Archmage88ttv
    @Archmage88ttv 2 роки тому

    Had this for years 😆

  • @willcorff
    @willcorff 2 роки тому +1

    I wonder if he could make a violin that is designed like a resonator guitar, like a metal violin body with resonator things, I wonder what it would sound like

  • @-shanta-
    @-shanta- 2 роки тому +2

    honestly i play my viola like a guitar all the time, it’s not too hard once you figure out how to make chords with the strings tuned in fifths rather than major/minor thirds. i feel like it goes out of tune very quickly from all the aggressive plucking/strumming but that’s a sacrifice i’m willing to make.

    • @magogomez7664
      @magogomez7664 2 роки тому +1

      Thank u for the advice. I'm going to try a guitar piece on my viola, I want to try some Mexican corridos

    • @hanschristiaanhylkema
      @hanschristiaanhylkema Рік тому

      Hello Shanta, I play my viola like a guitar as well, since I've put frets on them. But I'm wondering, do you bow whole chords as well? I've noticed that when I pluck chords on my fretted viola, it sounds good and in tune but when I bow chords, they don't always sound in tune. Do you have the same experience?

    • @-shanta-
      @-shanta- Рік тому

      @@hanschristiaanhylkema one of the exercises I've done quite a bit is one where you bow different chords in quick succession. this helps your fingers to find positions easily and quickly, and develops your bow technique. as my viola doesn't have frets im not really sure what the issue could be on yours other than if your strings are out of tune.

  • @ssimms8995
    @ssimms8995 2 роки тому

    UA-cam targeted this video as a musician who went from violin to a fretted instrument (bass guitar)🤣

  • @Bass_Brain
    @Bass_Brain 2 роки тому +1

    I want to do that with my upright bass lol

  • @ДжедайизКазахстана

    Welcome to the masochistic club for musicians!

  • @biskut330
    @biskut330 2 роки тому

    sacrilegious LING-LINGS ASSSSEMMMBLEEEEE!!!!!!

  • @sannidhyadutta4204
    @sannidhyadutta4204 2 роки тому

    one word: wow

  • @archieshaver9391
    @archieshaver9391 2 роки тому

    Rob, you could play a cardboard box and make it sound awesome!

  • @ephraimwarrior6766
    @ephraimwarrior6766 11 місяців тому

    Sound the same i heard a bass guitar player tunn his bass to same tunning as this it sound sick lol

  • @dandymcgee
    @dandymcgee 2 роки тому

    This is stupid. I love it.

  • @COR4ZON
    @COR4ZON 2 роки тому

    The memes make a good video better.

  • @masynbeene5485
    @masynbeene5485 2 роки тому

    this is sacrelious as twoset would say

  • @AntonyMegaPrime
    @AntonyMegaPrime 2 роки тому +1

    fun fact someone in the 19 century already did the same with a cello and called it arpeggione

  • @koloios_beats
    @koloios_beats 2 роки тому

    When do you think I should change my A string? It's starting to tear

  • @RockStarOscarStern634
    @RockStarOscarStern634 2 роки тому +1

    You know the Fretted Viper?

    • @RobLandes
      @RobLandes  2 роки тому +1

      Yes! Played it once or twice

    • @RockStarOscarStern634
      @RockStarOscarStern634 2 роки тому +1

      @@RobLandes I guess the Fretted Viper answers that question alot easier cause it's modeled after the Flying V. It has Mechanical Pegs for quicker easier tuning, it's electric, & w/ up to 7 strings (Bb, F, C, G, D, A, E) it's great for song arranging, along w. a CodaBow Joule. They also feature a Fret Marker Configuration as start points for each scale. It uses a Strap to keep it in playing position. These Frets are filed down nearly flush w/ the fret board & you play directly on them to make them work.

    • @flrn84791
      @flrn84791 2 роки тому +1

      It's not the only one electric violin, NS Design and Zeta also make fretted violins. Check out Electric Violin Shop.

    • @RockStarOscarStern634
      @RockStarOscarStern634 2 роки тому +1

      @@flrn84791 Yes very common

  • @GarGlingT
    @GarGlingT 2 роки тому

    Violin use position but guitar press on back of position(fret)

  • @rodb335
    @rodb335 2 роки тому

    Great video but what I really want to know is will he sell fretted fingerboards for violins I've been looking and looking and looking for someone that sells threaded fingerboards I can install the fingerboard myself no one that I found sells them. And I want a fretted violin so bad I refuse to buy stickers

  • @infernumful
    @infernumful 2 роки тому

    3:50 name of the song, please?

  • @dnieto1466
    @dnieto1466 2 роки тому

    Since the sonic 2 movie is gonna release soon can you do a sound track of sonic on a violin?

  • @srvector8248
    @srvector8248 2 роки тому +1

    The fretted violin feels more mechanical and less organic