This really is quite groundbreaking, you being able to show camp, show food, show all these details that were completely forbidden to talk about and show to the world. ❤️❤️❤️
Would love to hear your thoughts/experiences with the difference in atmosphere, training, coaching, etc due to the changes in USAG leadership positions. You have the unique perspective of experiencing the old “regime” and the new one, so it would be interesting to know the inside scoop and if the changes are actually making improvements in athletes’ mental health, injuries, coaching styles, etc! I think you have touched on it in a Q&A but could still be a good video idea :)
Love how you can say that your endurance kind of sucks when I'm fairly sure you'd run circles around just abort anybody - your frame of reference is slightly different than most! Congratulations on 15.2 and making the team, well deserved!
Gosh I had nerves before you even mentioned you were feeling stressed! It’s cute that it’s called “camp” but this thing is a high stakes event! Glad to hear it went so well for you and congrats on making the team 😊
If they would have had such pretty leos back when I was a gymnast in the 70s and 80s, I might have actually worn them during practice! Back then, the common thing to wear was bloomers and a t-shirt! Does anyone else remember that?! Bloomers were like oversized underwear that you wore over your underwear! Hahahaha! Oh things have changed for the better!
Thanks Mykayla! I’ve always loved gymnastics, as a spectator, and I absolutely love the extra insight you’ve given me. Thank you and huge congratulations!!
@@MyKaylaSkinnerOfficial I also love it how you you always listen to our video suggestions, it's so kind of you to treat us like normal people and that you don't think your head and shoulders above us all (even tho you are like famous and everything) 💖💖
Loved the transparency in this video! I was wondering if you could do a video talking about what it's like being an influencer? Like she's the media accurately portray what it's like in public, how do you feel when your fans approach you, how do you balance showing the world your life and still keeping things private, etc.?
Keep up the great work. Watching NCAA Sectionals this past weekend is proof that there are no sure winners before competition day. Love you Myk and will keeping praying for your success. You are extraordinary and strong! Don’t stress and don’t listen to n’a sayers. You will what you want, and you can do this!
What a fun video to watch. Thank you for efforts in making it. Don't feel bad if you think you missed showing your viewers things. You do what you can and it's loved. I do chuckle everytime Mellow makes a cameo. Oh, the irony there. That is one active and smart cat.
@@jennifersmith314 I was referring to the infamous cabins in the Karolyi's camp. All gymnasts kept telling they were full of bugs. Now the camps are not held there anymore and this looked more comfortable that bunk beds in a cabin in the middle of the texas woods.
@@m.lizziebrooks8889 Yes, well I've lived at the Karolyi Ranch and the cabins were not bug infested. Are there bugs in Texas, in the middle of the National forest where the ranch is? Absolutely, we also have bugs (mosquitoes, etc) in Indy. But if you've never been to the ranch, don't speak on it. Just because the team now gets their own room in a hotel seems "so much better" that room could have bed bugs and she wouldn't know until she got home.
@@jennifersmith314 OMG I was just pointing out that it looks like conditions have improved. Aly was very vocal about the bugs in her book, hence the comment. Great that you went, but chill out.
@@jennifersmith314 Yeah there have been several gymnasts who have mentioned the bugs, as well as mold in the showers. Glad if you didn't have that experience, but clearly there were other gymnasts who did
I’ve always wondered if the men’s and women’s USA gymnastics teams interact at all?? Like at the Olympics do y’all get to watch each other at all or do you stay pretty separate??
It’s been so awesome to hear how your progress has been getting back into training. I’m also an older gymnast and had to take a month off because of a back injury and get discouraged when I have harder weeks but you have been helping me realize that’s normal and okay 🤍
Happy to hear camp went well! You are so beautiful MyKayla, and I love that you share all your beauty tips and products that you use. I was wondering.. can you maybe get some of the products that you use to sponsor your videos because you're giving them like free advertising basically. Like for example.. I'm totally going to get that tanning lotion now! And I've also bought some of the same makeup you use after watching your videos like the nars foundation. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have bought it.. and I'm sure there are a ton of other people who have done the same so therefore I think you deserve some compensation for endorsing these products. I don't really know what I'm talking about here or the logistics of it but idk it was just a thought😛 You rock MyKayla!🥰
Hey quick packing tip! If you click the icon in the lower left on the notes app that looks like a circle with a check in it, it'll make a list with buttons you can click on to check off so you don't have to use the check emoji!
2 quick items: 1. Always love Jonas commentary embedded in the video 2. Not a doctor, had 3 foot surgeries and given info to others, it worked!: 1. After practice, soak foot and then use lotion or petroleum jelly to massage your foot. 2. Wear a foot brace in your sleep 3. After morning shower, I use vaseline and massage again, immediately put on socks (even if I am not going anywhere) One 💘
Really enjoyed watching this video. Hopefully USAG is going towards a path of promoting values such as transparency, health, and diversity. Wishing the best for all US Olympic and Worlds contenders. PS. Myk has a very neat packing! PS.2. I saw Myk packed shaver/shaving cream. For the laser hair removal companies out there: you should sponsor the USA WAG national team!
@@indakgalak Hey, she probably knows that she doesn't have an amazing shot at the Olympic team but she's trying anyways, and she's just trying to make the journey as enjoyable as possible, seeing as last Olympic journey she was being coached by Maggie Haney. She just wants to have a fun experience as her last shot at the Olympics.
(sorry if this double posted, I think YT ate my other comment): This is so dumb but I swear your eyebrows look different to me, I can't tell if it's just like a different makeup/way of doing them or if you had them done or literally nothing at all! Thanks for taking us along to camp, it's so so so good to get some updates from the women at camp. Camp in Texas would neeevverrr. Can't wait to watch you this year! Go Mykayla!
My girls have competed at that gym, personally I love it. When I coached high school we would have our coaches association clinics there. Sorry our weather was so crappy for you. It's been in the 60's since.
With her and Simone being so close in age and having traveled to Rio together, I can see why they’re so close. Laurie was still 15 when Rio happened (or had *just* turned 16?) so she was a baby compared to Simone and MyKayla, but I’m sure now that she’s older the age gap isn’t too comparable as it once was since she’s not much of a “teen” anymore. At least not like the bitties that are at some of these camps - there are lots of girls there - both juniors and seniors, so girls as young as young as 12 years old can qualify for the jr nat’l team and as seniors there’s no limit. I mean, Simone just turned 24! That’s a massive difference in terms of age and maturity.
Seriously considered buying them at the store today and was like... nahhhh I’ll stick to my rods. Now I’m gonna have to take Myk’s advice and go with the rounds. She can’t mislead me when she also likes fruit leather and slim Jim’s 😂
Good job Myk, I taught my boys to roll their clothes when they pack. No wrinkles and way more room. This is interesting, fun to see Mello too😊 Ps. Hi Jonas, thanks for editing!
I see you have some Tula products in your bag. Any recommendations? I saw some of them on sale at Ulta this month but didn't purchase. Would you mind share what you are using? Your skin always looks flawless!
Hey MyKayla! I’m a 13 year old gymnast and I’ve been doing gymnastics since I was 2, and competing since I was 6. I stopped competing in 2019 and just started doing classes again because competing was to stressful and just wasn’t fun anymore. What are some of your tips to girls, or guys, that are doing gymnastics competitions and are having anxiety and nerves? Stay safe, and me and my family are rooting for you 😁😊❤️💕💗
Super cool video of what you do. Now, not on a gymnastics note, do you know what color your wall are. I’m looking for something like that to paint my walls. I know it’s lame but if you don’t ask you don’t know
New videos this week so subscribe and hit the bell and turn on your notifications ☺️
you inspire me to be a better gymnast and youtuber
Can't wait to see it !!
Can’t wait too see it
So excited!! Love your videos!
Are you at the gymnastics company the only reason that I know that is because I completed there
What happened there at the ranch?
Zimmer games Zimmer c , have you been living under a rock? Lol.. the whole Larry Nassar sexual abuse scandal..
@@marieked I know that put I was still ceroius
Zimmer games Zimmer c ?? Curious about what? That’s what happened at the ranch! That’s it! Abuse!
This really is quite groundbreaking, you being able to show camp, show food, show all these details that were completely forbidden to talk about and show to the world. ❤️❤️❤️
Melo stole the show on the packing part of this video tbh
Disagree. Your kids are going to rule you. Put the cat and his attitude in time out :)
@@enchantedella6495 Really? 🙄
Mellow being upset about not being able to get in the chalk box, so cute!
she is the cutest haha
I would say Mellow definitely wants to go to camp too.
By the way, your coaches seem like really fun, sweet and supportive people!! 🥰🥰🥰 very nice to see that!!
they are the best!
There's something about MyKayla's concentration on showing us great packing tips mixed with Mellow's antics that makes this my new fav comedy duo.
Comedy duo! 😂 Also packing cubes!!
Mellow is just making sure Mom does not forget her.
Holding it together with a scrunchie!!! Genius!
Rolling your clothes works well if you’re tight on drawer space at home too!
Would love to hear your thoughts/experiences with the difference in atmosphere, training, coaching, etc due to the changes in USAG leadership positions. You have the unique perspective of experiencing the old “regime” and the new one, so it would be interesting to know the inside scoop and if the changes are actually making improvements in athletes’ mental health, injuries, coaching styles, etc! I think you have touched on it in a Q&A but could still be a good video idea :)
I actually made a video about this last year!
Yay, I just checked and you made the national team!!! Go you!
Love how you can say that your endurance kind of sucks when I'm fairly sure you'd run circles around just abort anybody - your frame of reference is slightly different than most!
Congratulations on 15.2 and making the team, well deserved!
I'm sure you'll film more camp footage when you can, but these clips were great! Thanks for sharing! Proud of you!!
glad u liked it still! thank you ❤️
Gosh I had nerves before you even mentioned you were feeling stressed! It’s cute that it’s called “camp” but this thing is a high stakes event! Glad to hear it went so well for you and congrats on making the team 😊
yes after years and years I still get nervous haha. thank you 🥰
Gurl, we need new videos PRIMETIME! It’s been a FAMINE of gymnastics. Our eyes are STARVING for gymnastics up in here.
GOD BLESS YOU and GOOOOO WONDER WOMAN! 🤩💪🏼🙏Thanks for sharing so we can come along. ☺️Looks like Kitty wants to make sure she comes along too 😂🙏
Good for you for having a successful camp. Now you see how endurance is so important. You're an inspiration, you go girl!
melo wanted to be "packed" too. Grown a lot since!
Mykayla i could so see you designing Leo's and having your own line. 👌😁
@@lana-ed5yx she has really pretty taste when it comes to her leo collection 👌
If they would have had such pretty leos back when I was a gymnast in the 70s and 80s, I might have actually worn them during practice! Back then, the common thing to wear was bloomers and a t-shirt! Does anyone else remember that?! Bloomers were like oversized underwear that you wore over your underwear! Hahahaha! Oh things have changed for the better!
I was looking to see if you posted this week ahah can’t wait to watch!!
I enjoy the fact that you show how your life is
You are my favourite gymnast
I’m so excited! I’m so flippin’ proud of you and everything you’ve overcome! We’re all rooting for you🤍
Thanks Mykayla! I’ve always loved gymnastics, as a spectator, and I absolutely love the extra insight you’ve given me. Thank you and huge congratulations!!
Btw my dogs kept going up to the screen when your baby was on. Then they tried to look behind and all around the TV. Couldn’t find her. Hilarious.
That shopping list is amazing! Copying you for all my future trips ;)
that’s nice you got to be with your coaches in the plane i would hate being on a plane by myself😅
Mykayla is literally my inspiration! I absolutely love her! 💜
thank you love you too 💕
Love love love the Simone and the other sleeveless black and pink one. Those two colors are nice on you!
Woow the bag is packed so well and I'm loving this video
Great to see you back in the gym. Can't wait for the upcoming competition season. Good luck!!
So interesting, thank you for sharing MyKayla! You are such a neat packer! Your nails look great, too! Best of luck to you and all the girls!
Makayla I so look up to you! You are so strong!
thank you ☺️
OMG! Your welcome! ❤️
This is gonna be the best video everrrrrrr!!!💖💞🎉🎉🎉🎉
you know it!!!
@@MyKaylaSkinnerOfficial I also love it how you you always listen to our video suggestions, it's so kind of you to treat us like normal people and that you don't think your head and shoulders above us all (even tho you are like famous and everything) 💖💖
Myk being the source of snacks on the camp
forever the snack plug
Me the whole time MyKayla is talking in the beginning *KITTY*.😻
Oh, so I’m so excited for you!! Thanks for the vlog! Greetings from a trampoline coach in Denmark
this is the most calm packing i’ve ever seen✨
I'd love to see how you do your makeup and inside your makeup bag! How do you wear makeup depending on the kind of day it is? (comp/practice/non-gym)
a makeup tutorial is on our list of next videos up!
i’ve been waiting all week for this haha
You are such a hard worker!!!
Thank you for filming your journey. I have never done gymnastics so your journey is very interesting
Loved the transparency in this video! I was wondering if you could do a video talking about what it's like being an influencer? Like she's the media accurately portray what it's like in public, how do you feel when your fans approach you, how do you balance showing the world your life and still keeping things private, etc.?
I was excited just watching! It’s so cool you filmed a Little bit!
Keep up the great work. Watching NCAA Sectionals this past weekend is proof that there are no sure winners before competition day. Love you Myk and will keeping praying for your success. You are extraordinary and strong! Don’t stress and don’t listen to n’a sayers. You will what you want, and you can do this!
And congrats on making National Team this year although I knew you would!!
What a fun video to watch. Thank you for efforts in making it. Don't feel bad if you think you missed showing your viewers things. You do what you can and it's loved.
I do chuckle everytime Mellow makes a cameo. Oh, the irony there. That is one active and smart cat.
I do the same thing for when I'm counseling be at Camp. I make lists so I don't forget anything.
Seeing laurie made my heart warm
Best of luck Myk!! Enjoy the camp!!
You deserve this! Strong woman! Role Model! Great Gymnast!!! 👍🏻👍🏻
LOVE when you do these kinds of videos!!
Thanks for sharing with us! Glad you had a good camp. Your scores were awesome!!!!
12:46 : you're not in the bugs-infested cabins in the Texas woods anymore whooohoooo !!!
Hotels can have bugs, too.
@@jennifersmith314 I was referring to the infamous cabins in the Karolyi's camp. All gymnasts kept telling they were full of bugs. Now the camps are not held there anymore and this looked more comfortable that bunk beds in a cabin in the middle of the texas woods.
@@m.lizziebrooks8889 Yes, well I've lived at the Karolyi Ranch and the cabins were not bug infested. Are there bugs in Texas, in the middle of the National forest where the ranch is? Absolutely, we also have bugs (mosquitoes, etc) in Indy. But if you've never been to the ranch, don't speak on it. Just because the team now gets their own room in a hotel seems "so much better" that room could have bed bugs and she wouldn't know until she got home.
@@jennifersmith314 OMG I was just pointing out that it looks like conditions have improved. Aly was very vocal about the bugs in her book, hence the comment. Great that you went, but chill out.
@@jennifersmith314 Yeah there have been several gymnasts who have mentioned the bugs, as well as mold in the showers. Glad if you didn't have that experience, but clearly there were other gymnasts who did
Loved the video and love you Mykayla ❤️❤️
Good luck, MyKayla!♥️ You can do this💪🏼
Hugs from Norway😘
Mykayla !!
We are rooting for you!!
Team USA!!
I’ve always wondered if the men’s and women’s USA gymnastics teams interact at all?? Like at the Olympics do y’all get to watch each other at all or do you stay pretty separate??
It’s been so awesome to hear how your progress has been getting back into training. I’m also an older gymnast and had to take a month off because of a back injury and get discouraged when I have harder weeks but you have been helping me realize that’s normal and okay 🤍
I always wondered about bras (weird, huh?). I wasn't sure if leos might have built-in "shelf" bras like some tanks do.
Thanks for sharing your experience it’s so interesting and fun to watch I miss gymnastics so much!!
Would be interested to hear what's different about the equipment as I've never heard that before.
I competed there a few years ago!! I mean only in excel Bronx’s and silver but I got my first ever first place there!!
Thanks for making this video! I love any behind the scenes kind of vlogs! Looking forward to the next one!
Happy to hear camp went well! You are so beautiful MyKayla, and I love that you share all your beauty tips and products that you use. I was wondering.. can you maybe get some of the products that you use to sponsor your videos because you're giving them like free advertising basically. Like for example.. I'm totally going to get that tanning lotion now! And I've also bought some of the same makeup you use after watching your videos like the nars foundation. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have bought it.. and I'm sure there are a ton of other people who have done the same so therefore I think you deserve some compensation for endorsing these products. I don't really know what I'm talking about here or the logistics of it but idk it was just a thought😛 You rock MyKayla!🥰
Wish you all the best! Cant wait to see the next video! 💕💕💕
Hey quick packing tip! If you click the icon in the lower left on the notes app that looks like a circle with a check in it, it'll make a list with buttons you can click on to check off so you don't have to use the check emoji!
Yay!! Congrats on doing so well on vault!
All that for 3 days!! Thanks for sharing 👍🏽
Gosh, you and your teammates are so awsome❤❤❤
Loved this vlog, definitely would love to see more!!
Thank you Thank you!! Loved the video! Can’t wait to see more
2 quick items:
1. Always love Jonas commentary embedded in the video
2. Not a doctor, had 3 foot surgeries and given info to others, it worked!:
1. After practice, soak foot and then use lotion or petroleum jelly to massage your foot.
2. Wear a foot brace in your sleep
3. After morning shower, I use vaseline and massage again, immediately put on socks (even if I am not going anywhere)
One 💘
I love to see yor motivation and your improvements! You're awsome!
Thank God that you guys don't train at the Karolyi ranch any more!!! Good luck making your dream come true Mykayla!
Good luck at camp! Everything is coming together ❤️❤️❤️
I’m pulling for you guys, McKayla. Stay blessed😊👊🏾🎸
yesss new video!!!! ♥ I was so waiting for the camo vlog!! hope you are doing well myk!!
Really enjoyed watching this video. Hopefully USAG is going towards a path of promoting values such as transparency, health, and diversity. Wishing the best for all US Olympic and Worlds contenders. PS. Myk has a very neat packing! PS.2. I saw Myk packed shaver/shaving cream. For the laser hair removal companies out there: you should sponsor the USA WAG national team!
Omg! Yessssss best goldfish ever and that is a nessesity
very true
0:10 Laurie is such a camera girl love it
She’s so over the top and obnoxious in my opinion... I used to love her so much...
@@indakgalak Hey, she probably knows that she doesn't have an amazing shot at the Olympic team but she's trying anyways, and she's just trying to make the journey as enjoyable as possible, seeing as last Olympic journey she was being coached by Maggie Haney. She just wants to have a fun experience as her last shot at the Olympics.
I was wondering who that was, didn't even recognise her with mask on, only when I went back to rewatch.
Go MyKayla and Team USA! 🇺🇸
(sorry if this double posted, I think YT ate my other comment): This is so dumb but I swear your eyebrows look different to me, I can't tell if it's just like a different makeup/way of doing them or if you had them done or literally nothing at all! Thanks for taking us along to camp, it's so so so good to get some updates from the women at camp. Camp in Texas would neeevverrr. Can't wait to watch you this year! Go Mykayla!
I think she got them laminated
I was going to say the same thing! I love her brows!
@@leeapop14 what is getting ur eyebrows laminated?
yes I had a friend do my eyebrows haha it was on my instagram story a few weeks ago 😝
@@MyKaylaSkinnerOfficial It doesn’t suit your beautiful face please
My girls have competed at that gym, personally I love it. When I coached high school we would have our coaches association clinics there. Sorry our weather was so crappy for you. It's been in the 60's since.
Nice to see your dad in the vlog!
So is Simone your best friend?? Who else are you good friends from the National Team? 😊
With her and Simone being so close in age and having traveled to Rio together, I can see why they’re so close. Laurie was still 15 when Rio happened (or had *just* turned 16?) so she was a baby compared to Simone and MyKayla, but I’m sure now that she’s older the age gap isn’t too comparable as it once was since she’s not much of a “teen” anymore. At least not like the bitties that are at some of these camps - there are lots of girls there - both juniors and seniors, so girls as young as young as 12 years old can qualify for the jr nat’l team and as seniors there’s no limit. I mean, Simone just turned 24! That’s a massive difference in terms of age and maturity.
Seriously considered buying them at the store today and was like... nahhhh I’ll stick to my rods. Now I’m gonna have to take Myk’s advice and go with the rounds. She can’t mislead me when she also likes fruit leather and slim Jim’s 😂 truuuuuuuuuuuu
lol the “happy new year 2021” sign in back 3:40
Good job Myk, I taught my boys to roll their clothes when they pack. No wrinkles and way more room.
This is interesting, fun to see Mello too😊
Ps. Hi Jonas, thanks for editing!
I learned that packing technique constantly traveling for Army.
@@bela516 Thanks for your service! ❤
@@mariagrace3748 ❤️
This is such a cool experience to watch and share with you guys. I’m so happy you are vlogging all of this!
I see you have some Tula products in your bag. Any recommendations? I saw some of them on sale at Ulta this month but didn't purchase. Would you mind share what you are using? Your skin always looks flawless!
Hey MyKayla! I’m a 13 year old gymnast and I’ve been doing gymnastics since I was 2, and competing since I was 6. I stopped competing in 2019 and just started doing classes again because competing was to stressful and just wasn’t fun anymore. What are some of your tips to girls, or guys, that are doing gymnastics competitions and are having anxiety and nerves? Stay safe, and me and my family are rooting for you 😁😊❤️💕💗
Super keen for a beauty routine!
Rooting for you Mykayla!’
Rooting for you!
are you still doing the hardest bar routine in the world that you were working on a couple of months ago? also ur amazing :)
Just for curiosity: who pays all the flights?? Mykayla or the federation of gymnastics ?
This is going to be great
Yay I can’t wait to watch you win a gold medal!
What’s the name of the self tanner?? And awesome video, thank you for posting it!!!
Blue Saint!
So cool to see inside the gym at national team camp! Thanks for the video!
Super cool video of what you do. Now, not on a gymnastics note, do you know what color your wall are. I’m looking for something like that to paint my walls. I know it’s lame but if you don’t ask you don’t know