Merlin Xanadu

  • Опубліковано 9 лют 2025
  • Race: Reborn
    Original Race: Aarakocra
    Class: Wizard
    Arcane tradition: School of Necromancy
    Strength: 12 (+1)
    Intelligence: 18 (+4)
    Wisdom: 11
    Dexterity: 17 (+3)
    Constitution: 18 (+4)
    Charisma: 15 (+2)
    Alignment: neutral good
    Background: Sage
    Specialty: Wizard'S Apprentice
    Features: Knowledge from a Past Life, Arcane Recovery, Deathless Nature, Researcher
    Languages: Common, Primordial
    Size: Medium
    Speed: 35
    Level: 1
    Hit Dice: 1d6
    Hit Points: 10
    Spells known
    Cantrips: Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation, Infestation
    Level 1: Comprehend Languages, Ray of Sickness, False Life, Cause Fear, Silent Image, Find Familiar
    Spells prepared
    Additional Prepared: 5
    Spell Slots
    Level 1: 2
    Spell Save DC: 14
    Spell Attack Modifier: 6
    Weapons: Daggers, Darts, Slings, Quarterstaffs, Light crossbows
    Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
    Skills: Arcana, History, Stealth, Religion, Investigation, Insight
    Weapons: Quarterstaff
    Gear: bottle of ink, quill, small knife, common clothes, spellbook, component pouch, explorer's pack
    Gold: 10