That last home run in the video had to be hit at least 510 to 520 feet somewhere in that vicinity. Because there is no way on earth that a ball hit that far was under 500 feet.
@NPC Non Binary Demigender Pansexual Two Spirit Nope. I went to the HR Derby in 2001 which was roided out Giambi versus Sosa. That was the spot that Sammy dropped all his biggest bombs and none of them went near that far up the seats................470 to get into the 1st row of seats in that section. That was definitely over 500 feet all day long.
@NPC Non Binary Demigender Pansexual Two Spirit Go to 33:56 - 467' and compare it to where Judge's ball lands. It is easy to hit 2nd deck to right, but not to left.............Giambi actually hit a couple into the 3rd deck at right. Safeco is massive to left.
That one is absolutely clobbered Good gosh.. where is that gunna land? o my.. what a bomb by aaron judge Testing the limits of Safeco field😂😂😂 My favorite call of em all. Gives me chills listening to it
@@jacktrombley8231 that was a great call. I laugh every time I hear it. For me, it's right on par with the mark McGwire call where the announcer said "into the night, up into the upper deck. Are u kidding me?" My 2 favorite baseball calls of all time
QuackedDaniel well I'm a Yankees fan, but I don't hate Met fans. If Judge stays healthy he will hit 40 homers and have 100 RBI. That's all I want and that is not asking too much. Good luck to Alonso in his sophomore year if baseball is ever played. I hope he avoids the sophomore slump. I truly mean that since I picked him on one of my fantasy teams.
Here's the best thing about Aaron Judge... he's so humble after he hits a HR. No pointing, no clapping, no arm waving, no chest beating, no drawing attention to himself... just a subtle but confident trot around the bases. Just the way a player should present themselves.
I may be a mets fan but I still love watching Aaron judge play. When he gets one on the barrel it will go pretty much 500FT hopes he stays healthy in the rest of the years of his career
1:54 - Aaron Judge's first major league at-bat. Off the restaurant.... Also, gotta love when O'Niel just reacts as soon as he hears the crack off the bat.
This kid judge is a beast he hits moon shots, I saw that 1 in safco field in Seattle that he hit it went OUT OF THE STADIUM OUT ON THE STREET OVER A 530 FOOT BLAST WOW THAT'S BANGING THEM.
I was at that game where judge hit that 495ft blast against the Orioles. Me and my family were in shock on how far that ball was actually hit. The whole stadium literally went silent for a second thinking “Man when the hell is that ball gonna land?!” 😂😂
see a lot of comments say he hurt to much.....he's not gonna beat his 2017 season's 2022 and he has 60 with 7 games to go...gonna be the real single season hr leader
I’m a life long Yankee fan in my 70’s...grew up in the fifties and sixties in the middle of Yankee Dynasty...Aaron Judge is monumental....But, think about this ...A 5’11 1/2”.....195 pound Mickey Mantle had several shots measured at around 560 feet...No weight training and proper diet ‘back Into the Day’.....Arms like twisted steel cable...Great legs even after his big injury...How....?
5:12 - One of the coolest yet most insignificant things to ever happen to me. I'm watching this game with my parents and see Judge hit that sky-scraper. I'm already reeling because I'd never seen one hit that far at Arlington. I'm trying to guess the distance on it and go "Well, that's gotta be at least 460... Matter fact, give me 471." I don't even know the dimensions that well at the park, it was just off the top of my head. When they actually showed the Statcast numbers on it, I lost my mind, lol. Went running circles round the room screaming "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Won't ever forget that.
As a life-long Mariner fan, I can tell you that no one has ever hit a ball out of T-Mobile Park. But that homerun is certainly the closest I've ever seen.
I remember seeing Aaron at AAA Scranton-Wilkes Barre Yankees-- had no clue he would be this good-- but just how big he is-- but he seemed to have it all together then- 4/17 I think
@@stefankurpick8425 If you're talking about the one he hit in Seattle they said it went 437ft. I don't know l think it went further than that but since it was hit to straight away left maybe that's why it was ONLY measured at 437ft. Either way what a shot
I was at the game in Seattle when he hit the last one in this video, and it was a 443-footer, not as far as most of the other ones in the video. Too bad he didn't quite hit that one the way he hit his best ones, he would have put it out of T-Mobile Park.
@@jamesgray7064 Down the left field line at T-Mobile Park that's pretty accurate. If you hit it to straightaway left field you're looking at 475+, which a few guys in the Long Haul Bombers home run derby (softball) managed to do.
@@robertbogert8257 It's amazing how many people comment on my posts from months/years ago, solely based on a profile pic. My pic before this one was Jay & Silent Bob. Less "offensive", i guess.
Gracias mucha Aarón judge por darle un buen estado al engreído arrogante de Marcus stroman gracias Judge que logré seguir con éxito tu carrera logres muchos récord en tu joven carrera saludos desde 🇵🇷 Puerto Rico territorio nyk
@@exodave7693 Here's why I feel like he should be lower. Right now he works the count as good as anyone. Problem is because of his height pitchers usually throw low in the zone forcing him to swing at very low pitches. If the Yankees put two high on base % guys 1-2 say Gardy & LeMahieu and they do their job then pitchers won't be too inclined to play with Judge and either walk him out right or be forced to actually pitch to him. with Gleyber, Sanchez or (hopefully) Stanton waiting in the wings to do damage.
@curragh 42 Is there a reason for the name calling, jerkoff? It's a known fact his height plays a factor. Of course sometimes like any hitter he gets fooled. Which again would happen less if pitchers can't play around the zone for fear of filling the bases.
the two spot is perfect for him. he hits for a LOT of power and gets on base more than anybody on the team. that's what the two hole is supposed to do. get on base or hit for some power. judge does both. and he is also, statistically, a better hitter in the 2 hole than the 3. and batter him 5th is just disrespectful
“Hi I’m Aaron Judge and I eat a cow a day”
It was the one off Tony Barnett I live in DFW been a Rangers season ticket holder.
Rogue Ldr1123 you do realize that they were proven innocent, right?
Rogue Ldr1123 care to stop talking now?
Rogue Ldr1123 are you insane?
I was there for the home run in citi field. The sound off the bat was unlike anything I had ever heard before. The video doesn’t do it justice
Same here
The one in BP was even more impressive, granted it was BP but that was hit a mile.
That distance can’t be right. That was 475 at least
That last home run in the video had to be hit at least 510 to 520 feet somewhere in that vicinity. Because there is no way on earth that a ball hit that far was under 500 feet.
@NPC Non Binary Demigender Pansexual Two Spirit I don't care about the distance, but how did it break statcast? I've always been curious about that
@NPC Non Binary Demigender Pansexual Two Spirit Nope. I went to the HR Derby in 2001 which was roided out Giambi versus Sosa. That was the spot that Sammy dropped all his biggest bombs and none of them went near that far up the seats................470 to get into the 1st row of seats in that section. That was definitely over 500 feet all day long.
@NPC Non Binary Demigender Pansexual Two Spirit Go to 33:56 - 467' and compare it to where Judge's ball lands. It is easy to hit 2nd deck to right, but not to left.............Giambi actually hit a couple into the 3rd deck at right. Safeco is massive to left.
David Netterwald yea big deal about how far a player can hit a ball...but what about that big hole in his swing
I'm a Yankees fan and that ball wasn't hit over 460 sry bud that's down the line
ALL RISE... Here comes the JUDGE
That one is absolutely clobbered
Good gosh.. where is that gunna land?
o my.. what a bomb by aaron judge
Testing the limits of Safeco field😂😂😂
My favorite call of em all. Gives me chills listening to it
R Thompson Ryan Ruocco is very underrated
@@jacktrombley8231 that was a great call. I laugh every time I hear it. For me, it's right on par with the mark McGwire call where the announcer said "into the night, up into the upper deck. Are u kidding me?"
My 2 favorite baseball calls of all time
@@jacktrombley8231 agree totally and prefer him over kay as well
I can't wait for him to have a full healthy season again like 17.
Can't wait until they bat him 3rd or 4th like he should be.
None of that will ever happen. 😂. Yes I hate yankee fans not the Yankees cuz I’m a met fan but I do like judge
QuackedDaniel well I'm a Yankees fan, but I don't hate Met fans. If Judge stays healthy he will hit 40 homers and have 100 RBI. That's all I want and that is not asking too much. Good luck to Alonso in his sophomore year if baseball is ever played. I hope he avoids the sophomore slump. I truly mean that since I picked him on one of my fantasy teams.
Judge is trash.
Looks like you're gonna be waiting a while because it isn't happening this year
Yeah I would feel a lot better if Judge had won the 2017 MVP like he deserved. I hope Judge shows Altuve who's boss once play resumes.
@@kolachepapi4621 Yes, he was better than Altuve in 2017. No question
Here's the best thing about Aaron Judge... he's so humble after he hits a HR. No pointing, no clapping, no arm waving, no chest beating, no drawing attention to himself... just a subtle but confident trot around the bases. Just the way a player should present themselves.
ok boomer
@@JordanMel what
@@showsoverclown1293 2 years ago?
I miss Yankee baseball man
Man, can't wait for them to be back on the field
I miss baseball so much, I can't believe what's going on with the Coronavirus, it's like a bad dream
My favorite player. Love watching him hit.
I was there for his debut and the back-to-back homers!!
0:55 why is the blue jays fan clapping 😂
Charlie Murphy
Because he likes “Little Dudes”. Wink
She's Canadian fan they're always nice
Being appreciative of a great play regardless of who does it....I'm a Jays fan and I would clap for these bombs as well, even against my team
Charlie Murphy because he’s a closet Yankees fan
Because the kid in front of her caught a baseball
Aaron Judge is a beast
I may be a mets fan but I still love watching Aaron judge play. When he gets one on the barrel it will go pretty much 500FT hopes he stays healthy in the rest of the years of his career
1:54 - Aaron Judge's first major league at-bat. Off the restaurant.... Also, gotta love when O'Niel just reacts as soon as he hears the crack off the bat.
im a huge yankees fan this video is great
This kid judge is a beast he hits moon shots, I saw that 1 in safco field in Seattle that he hit it went OUT OF THE STADIUM OUT ON THE STREET OVER A 530 FOOT BLAST WOW THAT'S BANGING THEM.
Don’t mind me I’m just playing MLB road to the show while watching this
Estimate Of The Last Home Run : 510+ feet
I was at that game where judge hit that 495ft blast against the Orioles. Me and my family were in shock on how far that ball was actually hit. The whole stadium literally went silent for a second thinking “Man when the hell is that ball gonna land?!” 😂😂
is it just me or is aaron judge really hot
see a lot of comments say he hurt to much.....he's not gonna beat his 2017 season's 2022 and he has 60 with 7 games to go...gonna be the real single season hr leader
*2017 MVP!*
I’m a life long Yankee fan in my 70’s...grew up in the fifties and sixties in the middle of Yankee Dynasty...Aaron Judge is monumental....But, think about this ...A 5’11 1/2”.....195 pound Mickey Mantle had several shots measured at around 560 feet...No weight training and proper diet ‘back Into the Day’.....Arms like twisted steel cable...Great legs even after his big injury...How....?
No he didn't, how do people STILL get fooled in this day and age? There's absolutely ZERO authentication of those claims.
Barry bonds roided out was a superman in hitting with power compared to even a Mantle and he never came CLOSE to 560 feet.
This is the man right here!
Y’all want more Aaron Judge videos!
I’m working on one right now 🙃
@nygiantsholic26 The video should be coming around Wednesday - Thursday! Make sure to enable notifications
You deserve more subs
5:12 - One of the coolest yet most insignificant things to ever happen to me. I'm watching this game with my parents and see Judge hit that sky-scraper. I'm already reeling because I'd never seen one hit that far at Arlington. I'm trying to guess the distance on it and go "Well, that's gotta be at least 460... Matter fact, give me 471." I don't even know the dimensions that well at the park, it was just off the top of my head. When they actually showed the Statcast numbers on it, I lost my mind, lol. Went running circles round the room screaming "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Won't ever forget that.
Awesome that Jerry Springer caught that fist home run. Anyone else see that?
So many of these are from the first half of 2017. You can tell he just felt better physically at that point, I hope he can stay healthy
Aaron... El mejor 🏏
I love when the fans record the ACTUAL sound of a homerun. #bonkers
As a life-long Mariner fan, I can tell you that no one has ever hit a ball out of T-Mobile Park. But that homerun is certainly the closest I've ever seen.
I think that ball landed in Vancouver, BC!
0:02 - Can't be 2017, lol, Stanton's there.
typo haha
That was the game that trout went 5 for 5
I remember seeing Aaron at AAA Scranton-Wilkes Barre Yankees-- had no clue he would be this good-- but just how big he is-- but he seemed to have it all together then- 4/17 I think
That irl video was nasty
All rise! The honorable Aaron Judge presiding
It will be great fun to see him and Soto play together.
2017 mvp!
Love to see judge run around the bases after hit knock it out the park
That was a lot of fun
Blue Jays fans like "Ok, that was pretty cool."
Dear god and heaven. Doesn’t even look like he goes fully into it 👁👄👁 what a monster
Great footage. Only problem is that Scetching NY Commentator saying "See ya", a hard listen. From New Zealand.
If he can stay healthy, you are seeing the next great Yankee.
Crazy ..what a beast …
I was at the game where he hit it 495 it was insane
James D'Antonio same dude
Watch when Judge hits it out.HE DOES NOT ADMIRE THEM.CLASS ACT
I ❤️ Michael Kay’s home run call on some of these!!! 🤣🤣
MVP 👍🏻
First home run is not 2017 Stanton was in the dugout
Yeah, I just noticed...
Yeah I’ve noticed that sometimes ago but yeah typo be like 😁
1:56: remember Judge’s old stance
1:55 is better
My AJ rookie cards approve of this video.
Hope y'all enjoyed! More videos to come 👀
What a player
I was at Rangers Yankees in Texas & I have to say it was a bomb.
Judge, you had so much promise. But your softer than butterfly wings.
Some of those bombs to CF are doubles in the original YS.
Not if the CF trips over the monuments.
What's your point?
Yes, wasn't centerfield at the old Yankee Stadium like 435 feet?
I love the ones against the Red Sox!!!! #AllRiseForTheJudge99 #AaronJudgeIsGod #Yankees #Yankees4Life #SeeYa
I was at that white Sox game what a moonshot
The fact that this video is 7:32 minutes👌
I miss baseball
Deep, really deep - michael kay
Player series coming soon! - Tell me in comments which player you'd like to see in a future video!
Dave Kingman or Big Mac...
Rich "Goose" Gossage.
Jim thome
Last on had to be 527ft-535ft.
FYI. First homer wasn’t in 2017. Aaron Judge was wearing under armour his rookie year and Giancarlo’s first season with us was in 2018.
There are 2 or 3 players that the sound off the bat is way different than usual.
Shohei Ohtani and Judge are 2 of them.
On that last home run, according to ESPN , it said it was 437 feet but that has to be around 500-530 ft
Imagine him getting ahold of one at Coors
Love the video but first hr was not 2017 bc stanton was not a Yankee in 2017 and he is shown in dugout before the hr
He is my idol
Haven't seen anything like this since Albert pujols in his heyday with the Cardinals
Going through baseball withdrawals
This was the Year the Stanton was like I hit a HR the went 490ft Judge is like Hold my 🍺
Alex Cora sighting @1:45.
"Hold my buzzer."
you do know its alex cora right?
@@shawndibiase Got it.
that sound at 4:50 though...
How that ball he hit to the retired numbers was only 495ft is ridiculous to me. That had to be over 500ft.
How about the one where he broke statcast😂
@@stefankurpick8425 That's true too. Makes me wonder about statcast as a real measuring stick.
@@stefankurpick8425 If you're talking about the one he hit in Seattle they said it went 437ft. I don't know l think it went further than that but since it was hit to straight away left maybe that's why it was ONLY measured at 437ft. Either way what a shot
@@josephbell2160 nelson ceuz hit one right down the line and it didnt even go as far up as judge's and statcast said it went 446 ft🤷♂️
@@stefankurpick8425 Yeah, you can't really trust these estimates. They're more like GUESSTIMATES. The eye test is all you need for the most part
1:46... Alex Cora looking for the trashcan he just heard.
Who measures these please 5 were over 500 feet
Datas are from Statcase. Also thanks for watching the video and I hope you enjoyed it :D
Giovanni Centurino you’re fucking stupid if you think 5 hit 500
I was at the game in Seattle when he hit the last one in this video, and it was a 443-footer, not as far as most of the other ones in the video. Too bad he didn't quite hit that one the way he hit his best ones, he would have put it out of T-Mobile Park.
443? Last row of the top deck?
I'm not saying anything you've said is inaccurate, I just think the people determining the distance were WAY off.
@@jamesgray7064 Down the left field line at T-Mobile Park that's pretty accurate. If you hit it to straightaway left field you're looking at 475+, which a few guys in the Long Haul Bombers home run derby (softball) managed to do.
One that nobody talks about is the HR he hit at Dodgers stadium. It went 485-500ft...they just screwed up royalty on the "guesstimate".
Yup as I recall it bounced off the roof covering the last row of seats in the bleachers
at :59 the kid on that gas😭😭
People are going to start thinking his name is Aaron Judgeil before long. Whenever we see his name it is always followed by IL (formerly DL)
Keep in mind that one was broken ribs due to a sliding catch and one was a fast ball the fractured his wrist, those are not muscle pulls
@@pawleys45 Doesn't really matter to the fans. If he is not in the lineup, he isn't helping the team.
Did anyone else see that girl wearing the blue jays jersey cheering after a judge homer?
Love how the hr for 484 at 5:44 is clearly longer than the 495 one right after it at 6:01. Makes no sense.
Wrong. The 484-footer bounced off the hands of a fan about 4 rows from the back of the bleachers and hopped over the back fence.
aaron judge is deep really deep homers makes everone look out here comes the judges gravel
The last one was 444’ I think at Safeco remember that one
I love it when the OFs don't even move...
You have a tremendous profile pic, people say its the best in the world. Tremendous tremendous profile pic.
@@robertbogert8257 It's amazing how many people comment on my posts from months/years ago, solely based on a profile pic.
My pic before this one was Jay & Silent Bob. Less "offensive", i guess.
I'm sorry Mike Trout, but, Aaron Judge is the most exciting player in baseball. If he stays healthy, 500 + career home runs easily.
That last home run went 522ft....insane
It went 443, actually.
3:52 leftfielder didn't even move hahaha
Cansecotastic !!!
Phoenix 75° 🌞
Gracias mucha Aarón judge por darle un buen estado al engreído arrogante de Marcus stroman gracias Judge que logré seguir con éxito tu carrera logres muchos récord en tu joven carrera saludos desde 🇵🇷 Puerto Rico territorio nyk
Can someone, anyone tell Aaron Boone to bat this man 3rd-5th PLEASE!!!!
Tbh im pretty confortable with this man batting 2nd
@@exodave7693 Here's why I feel like he should be lower. Right now he works the count as good as anyone. Problem is because of his height pitchers usually throw low in the zone forcing him to swing at very low pitches. If the Yankees put two high on base % guys 1-2 say Gardy & LeMahieu and they do their job then pitchers won't be too inclined to play with Judge and either walk him out right or be forced to actually pitch to him. with Gleyber, Sanchez or (hopefully) Stanton waiting in the wings to do damage.
@curragh 42 Is there a reason for the name calling, jerkoff? It's a known fact his height plays a factor. Of course sometimes like any hitter he gets fooled. Which again would happen less if pitchers can't play around the zone for fear of filling the bases.
@curragh 42 that is a very stupid comment
the two spot is perfect for him. he hits for a LOT of power and gets on base more than anybody on the team. that's what the two hole is supposed to do. get on base or hit for some power. judge does both. and he is also, statistically, a better hitter in the 2 hole than the 3. and batter him 5th is just disrespectful
He is a blue monster that hits bombs