My scallions, especially when I buy organic scallions, always come with this slimy oniony gelatin inside the hollow leaves. It's weird. Any clue how to clean that out?
The slime in the scallions is actually mucilage or sap. It usually washes away under the tap water. Some people have washed/soaked them in vinegar and water and this has worked too. Cut the scallions length ways so you can open up and expose the slime.☺️
Don’t toss the roots. Re-plant them. 👍🏽
My scallions, especially when I buy organic scallions, always come with this slimy oniony gelatin inside the hollow leaves. It's weird. Any clue how to clean that out?
The slime in the scallions is actually mucilage or sap. It usually washes away under the tap water. Some people have washed/soaked them in vinegar and water and this has worked too. Cut the scallions length ways so you can open up and expose the slime.☺️