  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @YO-hd4zk
    @YO-hd4zk 5 років тому +1736

    Everybody thumbs up for her husband Mel putting effort and standing up at night to film this!

  • @lorenamojica3126
    @lorenamojica3126 5 років тому +2289

    I love how Mel is so supportive of Naz during her pregnancy and he doesn’t shame her for being tired; instead, he does everything she’d be doing if she wasn’t pregnant. It’s great to see a nice and fair relationship like that. Being pregnant is honestly so draining. If Mel is that good of a husband, I can’t wait to see how amazing of a dad he is going to be ❤️

    • @NazaninKavari
      @NazaninKavari  5 років тому +45


    • @mishaalzk6033
      @mishaalzk6033 5 років тому +24

      Who tf shames their pregnant spouse?

    • @pmm4091
      @pmm4091 5 років тому +53

      @@mishaalzk6033 you'd be surprise but some people do, they get annoyed with their spouse being tired and all

    • @AlejandraGarcia-yx6us
      @AlejandraGarcia-yx6us 5 років тому +11

      He’s the best, I’m so happy she got him😭

    • @hothanfarah5118
      @hothanfarah5118 5 років тому +2

      @@AlejandraGarcia-yx6us yap cuz she really really deserves him❤😍😍

  • @heiditorres8120
    @heiditorres8120 5 років тому +1822

    Mel is clearly tired but he still is making a video he knows the Kavari Krew will enjoy and that Naz would appreciate, we love this supportive relationship

    • @kellyypineda
      @kellyypineda 5 років тому +1

      Heidi Torres their so supportive!

    • @berrigalore23
      @berrigalore23 5 років тому

      Facts, soo happy for them 🙏🏽🙏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

  • @hamsterble
    @hamsterble 5 років тому +726

    I’m shook... in the last video when you said Mel went and filmed the empty house tour by himself, I was expecting him to just be walking through pointing at stuff from behind the camera. But NO! Homeboy actually set up the camera and got all the angles 👌🏽 your hard work is very appreciated and the house is beautiful guys! 😭😍

  • @notyouraveragejoelinda4962
    @notyouraveragejoelinda4962 5 років тому +1104

    Most tours only show certain parts of the house or from bad angles but man Mel is the best! This was the best tour. He needs to work for HGTV haha

  • @florentine1508
    @florentine1508 5 років тому +232

    It truly is amazing how far you've come Naz. An immigrant child to now being a home owner, you really are someone I look up to so much. Congratulations Naz and Mel on this new chapter in your life.

  • @jennrenee7413
    @jennrenee7413 5 років тому +328

    Mel ain’t even my man but I appreciate him so much 😂

    • @lindalately
      @lindalately 5 років тому +6

      Jenn Renee forreal! lol what an amazing husband seriously

  • @soniarojo4252
    @soniarojo4252 5 років тому +544

    Probably the BEST tour house ive ever seen, Mel really got ALL the angles and got all the details which I am all about!! I wanna feel like im there in person and you killed it. Congratulations on the BEAUTIFUL home, cant wait to see baby Wade running around!!

  • @halhtx
    @halhtx 5 років тому +115

    i’ve been watching Naz since she was a curly haired 17 y/o, to see her grow into a beautiful woman as well as a loving wife and soon-to-be mother (eek!) and now homeowner , is the most amazing journey ever! i’m so so happy for her and proud that she is blessed with so much greatness 🥺❤️ she deserves it all

    • @kristalsbeing
      @kristalsbeing 5 років тому +1

      Same 😩😩😩 I’ve been watching her since.

  • @alexisemve1475
    @alexisemve1475 5 років тому +248

    The fact that Mel Shot this himself! He looks exhausted too. NAZ, he is truly a king to his queen AND to the Kavari Crew! Love you both ❤️😩

  • @annamacias8429
    @annamacias8429 5 років тому +131

    I’m love Mel’s transitions LOL he’s really actin like someone else is filming him

  • @janaa9489
    @janaa9489 5 років тому +148

    I wish this home brings you and your family all the happiness peace and safety in the world❤️

  • @MadisonPettway_
    @MadisonPettway_ 5 років тому +46

    Mel had to work so hard to film this alone! So many people have questioned his work ethic since Naz was so established but this should show how hardworking and dedicated he is!

    • @MadisonPettway_
      @MadisonPettway_ 5 років тому +3

      Also, when you came back during the day with the natural lighting you could really tell how beautiful the house is! Congratulations to both of you!!

  • @jessicaabrajan1237
    @jessicaabrajan1237 5 років тому +54

    I like how Mel went into detail about what’s in his house and what they’re gonna put in it because the house tours I’ve seen, don’t do that. Much appreciated.

  • @paytonhugee2159
    @paytonhugee2159 5 років тому +103

    I have never been so happy for a couple I’ve never met 😭

  • @kaylynrivas1002
    @kaylynrivas1002 5 років тому +117

    Mel is THE BEST!! He is soo great at editing I’m like 😱😱😱 YALL ARE BLESSED ❤️

  • @calistak7467
    @calistak7467 5 років тому +76

    Mel did such a good job filming by himself

  • @prabh_kaur4886
    @prabh_kaur4886 5 років тому +240

    Love that this house gives MANSION vibes, You guys will be so creative in your new house, more lovely content!! It's only a matter of time we are gonna be seeing a furnished house tour (Along with Baby Kavari Wade) because time is flying!! WOW SO HAPPY for you two!!

  • @tiffanyamber_
    @tiffanyamber_ 5 років тому +205

    You should make the closet under the stairs a cute little room for the dogs!!!!

    • @saraha9964
      @saraha9964 5 років тому +7

      Yes like remove the door and make it their eating area idk?

    • @ppfgwie9490
      @ppfgwie9490 5 років тому


    • @AnaisNelly
      @AnaisNelly 5 років тому

      i was thinking that too lol

    • @jesnabby
      @jesnabby 5 років тому +11

      I would leave it for the stroller, perfect location to take it out every time

    • @dianamorales8239
      @dianamorales8239 5 років тому

      Omg I thought the same!!!

  • @pizzaraia1040
    @pizzaraia1040 5 років тому +405

    Kozy trying to figure out whether or not he's allowed to go crazy in that back yard was the best part of this video lol

  • @anairodriguez6910
    @anairodriguez6910 5 років тому +98

    Mels dedication to wake up at 3am to do the house tour is 👌🏼👌🏼👏🏼👏🏼happy for you guys to have a house👌🏼😊

  • @lafriendz
    @lafriendz 5 років тому +215

    Naz, did you pray for Mel?? If so I need to know word for word what you said in that very prayer! 😂😭 He’s so good to you I know he’s going to be an AMAZING father! I adore the bond you guys share! Excited for the future videos in the new house!!! Congratulations to you both, this year has been a blessing to you both and next year will be even better! Love you guys!
    (P.s- I was not expecting to hear a little snippet of an Xxxtentacion song towards the end but I’m so glad I did lol)

  • @sameeyaramjohn
    @sameeyaramjohn 5 років тому +43

    Lol when Mel was in the tub and cozy popped up out of nowhere!!!!!

  • @SeemaS30
    @SeemaS30 5 років тому +33

    That island and storage in the kitchen thoughh😍

  • @kourtsunday
    @kourtsunday 5 років тому +109

    Also I’ve seen a lot of people turn the extra closet under the stairs into dog rooms and take the door off and put a little gate! I know y’all have three dogs tho lol so I don’t know! Still a cool idea though!

    • @aa_ilohw
      @aa_ilohw 5 років тому +2

      KOSA I was thinking the same! lol

    • @kourtsunday
      @kourtsunday 5 років тому

      Julia Revolorio yea it’s a good idea but they have like 3 dogs lol!

    • @Sara-qm8te
      @Sara-qm8te 5 років тому

      Zoe Southgate-Croy no the clothes will stink bc of the dog food then

    • @Sendinglovetoall
      @Sendinglovetoall 5 років тому +1

      That's actually a shout! Great idea!

  • @leilab7355
    @leilab7355 5 років тому +8

    Love how Mel is really explaining everything so well. He's so awesome and so supportive, Mel you deserve the world and I'm so happy that you and Naz are growing up so beautifully together ! I'm 100 % sure he's going to be a super dad !

  • @passionzb
    @passionzb 5 років тому +46

    GIRL I cannot WAIT for these home series videos now!!!

  • @jadenorris1998
    @jadenorris1998 5 років тому +25

    I have been with Naz since Day 1 and I am just so happy to see how far she’s come. Especially seeing how much Mel loves her, they both just have such great hearts. And they complement each other so well. I could just cry because of how proud I am of you. You deserve everything good in this world and I’m so happy that you continue to let us be a part of this journey through life. Love you guys!!❤️❤️💕

  • @mrs.cardenas3178
    @mrs.cardenas3178 5 років тому +38

    The little corner nook right next to the microwave would look perfect for one of those coffee stations😍😍 perfect for the coffee machines😎

  • @fahmidatamanna4155
    @fahmidatamanna4155 5 років тому +9

    Have been watching you since I was 12/13 and now I'm 18 and honestly I feel like a proud sister. I am so happy and proud of you and Mel for reaching such a huge milestone. I pray nothing but more and more success for you and your little family Naz! :')

  • @ZingThluaiMeng
    @ZingThluaiMeng 5 років тому +43

    WOWWW imagine being 21 and having a home like this.. meanwhile stuck in college and debt LMAO but so proud of you guys!! super excited for you guys

  • @gracehinton9922
    @gracehinton9922 5 років тому +71

    Make sure your adding cameras and a alarm 🥰

    • @krystalrice
      @krystalrice 5 років тому +10

      Get that doorbell camera!!!! For people who steal packages or try to break in

    • @gracehinton9922
      @gracehinton9922 5 років тому +1

      Krystal D yes I have that to

  • @kianna9632
    @kianna9632 5 років тому +45

    Literally just thought about an empty house tour like 10 minutes ago! 👏🏾😍

  • @ShaylaMathews
    @ShaylaMathews 5 років тому +28

    so crazy literally watching you grow im beyond proud of u two and can’t wait to watch more milestones with you in ur journey 🥺 love u

  • @shakilmobasseri255
    @shakilmobasseri255 5 років тому +60

    Yeess!! Mel finally has his own man cave😂😍 can’t wait for all the upcoming videos they about to be lit!!!😍🙏🏽 Beautiful home

  • @ashmarion21
    @ashmarion21 4 роки тому +1

    The house was amazing at night but WOOOOW! During the day! The lighting!!! The window! The crisp white walls! Love!!!!

  • @emilirenova6648
    @emilirenova6648 5 років тому +14

    I love how he made it seem the camera was going to follow him when he’d walk away but I know he ran back to get the camera 😂 we love mel

  • @glambynisha7722
    @glambynisha7722 5 років тому +39

    I stopped everything I was doing to watch this video. It’s that serious 🙌🏾

  • @stefaniemarie3449
    @stefaniemarie3449 5 років тому +76

    you should turn the closet under the stairs into a small changing table room so you don’t have to run up stairs to change your baby when you’re downstairs

    • @saraha9964
      @saraha9964 5 років тому +2

      Great idea yes or just even storing baby equipment instead of up and down

    • @jesnabby
      @jesnabby 5 років тому +1

      Definitely perfect space for the stroller

  • @Sheccidhazel
    @Sheccidhazel 5 років тому +7

    The fact that Mel not only thought about the Kavari Krew when posting this house tour but he also thought About Naz & wanting to surprise her with this video awee so nice of him❤️🥺

  • @TheDonDIVA
    @TheDonDIVA 5 років тому +5

    my mouth DROPPED with that master bathroom..I love it!! so happy for you guys!!

  • @444jwow
    @444jwow 5 років тому +7

    Mel reminds me so much of my husband, my hubs was so helpful when I was pregnant and after I had our son. Naz we are so blessed to have such caring men in our lives ❤️

  • @sameeraahmadi8536
    @sameeraahmadi8536 5 років тому +60

    Omg it’s stunning btw Mel is a real one .thanks for this empty house tour🙏 *3:00AM

  • @skingurus5041
    @skingurus5041 5 років тому +1

    You got yourself a MAN. His mother or father did great. You’re so blessed to have found someone with so much respect. Just gives a good example to other men out there trying to find their way.

  • @wardaharifi5577
    @wardaharifi5577 5 років тому +10

    I can see Mel’s real estate side kicking in haha he’s gonna do well with that! So happy for you guys 🤍

  • @kalthumshire4962
    @kalthumshire4962 5 років тому +25

    Bro I’m so hyped for the official house tour 😍😍

  • @Rebecca.williamsxo
    @Rebecca.williamsxo 5 років тому +3

    I loveee how Mel is sooo dedicated ! The way he filmed the whole thing even tho he was alone + the editing, that’s top quality right here

  • @krystalliatorres3528
    @krystalliatorres3528 5 років тому +2

    The love Mel has for Naz! 😭He’s so supportive & the fact that he went to film the empty house tour at 3 am is like awwww

  • @christinachavez619
    @christinachavez619 5 років тому +3

    I am only 5 minutes in and I’m already loving the way he is showing the house.. He’s getting all the good angles and let’s us see everything !!!

  • @justlara6914
    @justlara6914 5 років тому +6

    he fr explained this house tour so well it wasn’t confusing like most other house tours! congratulations guyss!!♥️

  • @aby9641
    @aby9641 5 років тому +3

    My heart when Cozy was running around enjoying his new backyard!!!😩😩💗💗💗 Mel is a real room doing the apartment tour at 3am. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE your house! I am SO happy for you guys 😩😩💗💗🙏🙏🙏 can’t wait for home decor videos!

  • @daniellerivera2145
    @daniellerivera2145 5 років тому +3

    I can't believe Mel went to film this at 3am!!!! That's some dedication for real, props to you Mel giving that content by any means. Congratulations to you all on all your blessings this year. Many more to come in 2020.

  • @nimcoahmed5887
    @nimcoahmed5887 5 років тому +5

    Mel did amazing filming this !!! it was very steady and easy to watch/follow. unlike many house tours so great job!

  • @Butterflyyy12345
    @Butterflyyy12345 5 років тому +61

    I’m the same age as Naz & feel like I’m failing in life 😩😂😂🤣

    • @XXOVXXO__
      @XXOVXXO__ 5 років тому +30

      OMG stop, I'm 19 soon to be 20 and I don't have it together either our time is coming just be patient everything will fall into place that house you want is coming dream car is coming. Do not look at someone's else success and think you've failed. Gods timing is everything .

  • @shuriabegum1730
    @shuriabegum1730 5 років тому +4

    your house is beautiful 😍! love how it’s big and spacious but it’s not over the top to the point it feel like a museum, and mel is honestly so dedicated and hardworking. anyways, LOVE YOU GUYSS, SO EXCITED FOR MORE HOUSE VLOGS/DECOR VIDEOS💗💗xo

  • @kiayahb8893
    @kiayahb8893 5 років тому +1

    Mel you did a good job filming this NOT TO MENTION AT 3 AM ??? YT of the year. Applaud to you !! Your hard work DOES NOT go unnoticed Y’all’s house is beautiful many blessings and good fortune to you guys ♥️♥️♥️

  • @jenniferomozee859
    @jenniferomozee859 5 років тому +28

    The house low key gives me Arizona vibes!!!

    • @Tori.S.
      @Tori.S. 5 років тому +2

      Jennifer Omozee is it not in Arizona? I instantly thought it was.

    • @annielimbana5790
      @annielimbana5790 5 років тому

      Tori S. they live in LA 😊

  • @sharonrouse7797
    @sharonrouse7797 5 років тому +74

    Was watching someones vlog not anymore 🤣 clicked ASAP

  • @shakilmobasseri255
    @shakilmobasseri255 5 років тому +28

    Btw credit to Mel for being so dedicated and motivated that he woke up so early to go film 👏🏼👏🏼💕

  • @sanitaaaaaa
    @sanitaaaaaa 5 років тому +22

    the backyard makes it look like they're in Arizona

  • @Lily-lh7nd
    @Lily-lh7nd 5 років тому +6

    Omg I am so happy and excited for you two!! Mel is a real one for filming this at 3am

  • @sarak.4675
    @sarak.4675 5 років тому +2

    Cozy popping his head up when Mel is sitting in the tub is the cutest thing❤️🐶

  • @QuineeFaith
    @QuineeFaith 5 років тому +5

    You guys should have the smaller closet under the stairs as a “stroller station”, like a space for the baby’s stuff that you don’t want laying around the house

  • @valeriesalazar8597
    @valeriesalazar8597 5 років тому +1

    BIG thanks to Mel ❤️ congratulations to you guys! can’t wait for all the upcoming videos especially with baby! Also am SUPER EXCITED for the furnished house tour video!!

  • @jazzyyy7060
    @jazzyyy7060 5 років тому +4

    Everyone don’t settle until you find a Mel! & this house is amazing!!

  • @jc-xq2pf
    @jc-xq2pf 5 років тому +4

    This is literally one of the prettiest houses I’ve ever seen

  • @AlissiaLatrece
    @AlissiaLatrece 5 років тому +4

    Mel is such a sweetie! This is a beautiful home. Congrats!

  • @AL-wq8hu
    @AL-wq8hu 5 років тому

    Mel can’t even open his eyes but still does everything for Naz without her asking. THATS A MAN. THAT A HUSBAND. THAT A BLESSING. I hope you guys become the most happy family on earth

  • @Sam-fi5un
    @Sam-fi5un 5 років тому +6

    the house looks amazing! Its not even mine but I'm so excited lmoa
    can't wait to see how you guys decorate it, so much more space omg

  • @TheDonDIVA
    @TheDonDIVA 5 років тому

    I like the hardwood floors in the kitchen instead of tile, thats a cute touch

  • @ketherinemarte9369
    @ketherinemarte9369 5 років тому +5

    Wishing guys many blessings with this beautiful home and your baby on the way. And Mel your editing and your work ethic is so inspiring 😧👏🏻👏🏻

  • @Anaa1Cristina
    @Anaa1Cristina 5 років тому

    Getting married, having a baby AND buying a house, GOALS! I’m so so happy for you guys you deserve it it all. You two work so hard and it’s all paying off! Thank you Mel for all that you do, this channel has only gotten better ❤️

  • @ramirez6239
    @ramirez6239 5 років тому +5

    Naz the coffee maker next to the oven that little space is perfect for coffee station!!!!☺

  • @bethanymarie27x
    @bethanymarie27x 5 років тому +1

    Mel always be reminding me to never settle for less than what I deserve and I love that energy

  • @jennycalderon7809
    @jennycalderon7809 5 років тому +5

    I been watching Naz since she was 15 complaining about school haha and now she was a whole ass family. So happy for u Naz can’t wait to see what you do with the baby’s room ☺️

  • @AmiKamara
    @AmiKamara 5 років тому +2

    I’m honestly so proud of y’all. I remember following Naz since high school and watching her grow is amazing ❤️❤️

  • @brittl3384
    @brittl3384 5 років тому +5

    Can’t wait to see how Naz decorates everything bc I love her style

  • @kimberlynunez6413
    @kimberlynunez6413 5 років тому +2

    I know people just see the glitz and glam but I see all of your hard work paying off! Been following since the beginning! Love you Naz! Wishing you health, happiness and much more success ❤️❤️❤️

  • @christinarizo6418
    @christinarizo6418 5 років тому +5

    Congrats Mel & Naz! I love you guys so much! I wish you guys the best! ❤️

  • @francescamirante2683
    @francescamirante2683 5 років тому +1

    ugh I love naz and Mel so much🥺 I can just picture them 40 years old in this house with their kids I love it I’m so excited for them

  • @yakiraflynn7667
    @yakiraflynn7667 5 років тому +11

    This makes me miss my first house! Me and my fiancé bought when I was pregnant with our first baby. I was 20 he was 26. Unfortunately my SO lost his job.. and I was on maternity leave.. they fired me when I returned and we fell behind on payments.. had to sell the house. we now live in a 3 bedroom apartment paying the same as our mortgage. Both back on the right track but having to strut all over again to save for another home 😩😭 I am so happy for you guys and I know how exciting this really is.. I can feel that feeling you guys have right now. Congratulations well deserved so happy for lil ole naz and everything that is coming your way

    • @tanya1300
      @tanya1300 3 роки тому

      Ok but no one's asked for your life story

  • @muth116
    @muth116 5 років тому

    This ia the best housetour I’ve ever seen!!! I have seen sooo many but in this one I really got a feeling of what the house is like because of how Mel got all the angles!!! And the way he explained everything, LOVED IT

  • @gisselaalvarado5057
    @gisselaalvarado5057 5 років тому +12

    Mel’s dedication though 👏🏻

  • @manals4170
    @manals4170 5 років тому +1

    I dont usually watch empty house tours but thisssss one 😍 thumbs upppp Naz and Mel

  • @kgold6478
    @kgold6478 5 років тому +4

    This is how you do a house tour! Love the house congratulations on all these blessings💕

  • @lesliecaro5390
    @lesliecaro5390 5 років тому

    Props to Mel! He really did it as if someone was following him around & did such a great job! Such a good husband! Naz is super winning ! So happy for her !!!

  • @michelle.9517
    @michelle.9517 5 років тому +24

    You should have Mr.kate decorate your house. Their work is really goood

  • @misskvs
    @misskvs 5 років тому +2

    Love the place! My childhood home had a closet under the stairs that we used to store luggage. I have also seem people remove the door and install a doggy gate so that it becomes a nook for their pets!

  • @jordynmarcon8045
    @jordynmarcon8045 5 років тому +14

    you should make under the stairs a little house for the pups :)

  • @MignonneSylla
    @MignonneSylla 5 років тому +2

    Literally so proud of you Naz! I've been watching you since high school and it's so inspiring to see how far you've come

  • @nnvym2293
    @nnvym2293 5 років тому +7

    Meli Mel is literally the best husband ever!! I’m so proud of you and Mel, Naz. Both of you are such an inspiration to your audience. Love you khosghele, we’re ready to meet baby boy now 😭😍❤️

  • @traceysustaita4865
    @traceysustaita4865 5 років тому

    The window ledge in the baby’s room is so cute, you can even open the bottom of it for cute display/storage

  • @Michaeljacksonismyfave
    @Michaeljacksonismyfave 5 років тому +10

    You can put the stroller(s) in the closet underneath the stairs

    • @mandylou2501
      @mandylou2501 5 років тому +1

      J.A. That’s what I’m saying! Everyone wants this dog room, but she’s going to want that space to hide the baby’s things

  • @yuseniah
    @yuseniah 5 років тому +1

    That house is so beautiful, congrats!!! Can’t wait to see baby wade and house decor vlogs Colin the near future!!!

  • @thubelihleeee
    @thubelihleeee 5 років тому +3

    just watched your bought a house video and I was wondering when we goin get a tour! Girl you done read my mind ❤️❤️❤️

  • @vanasalahaddin3948
    @vanasalahaddin3948 5 років тому

    Only genuine people I know on UA-cam you guys deserve this ❤️ very happy for you

  • @shaktymiranda
    @shaktymiranda 5 років тому +4

    Wish you guys the absolute best ❤️

  • @alessiac181
    @alessiac181 5 років тому

    Obsessed with the kitchen! The brown cabinets are very timeless

  • @gracenobers6696
    @gracenobers6696 5 років тому +3


  • @iadorenailsxfashion
    @iadorenailsxfashion 5 років тому

    Congrats guys!! The house looks great. I know naz said she wanted a white kitchen but this one looks great. I love the cabinet pulls!