Don't quite get it. You see you're at the edge of the woods and therefore you're able to read the clue in the trees that you're at the edge of the woods??
I believe he is saying that typically there is a rule that the longer, more horizontal branches can be used to determine which way is South. However, that may not be the case here because this tree is on the edge of a woodland, so it is likely to have these horizontal branches so it can reach out into a more open area. So he's saying you cannot always rely on the rule; you have to take it into context.
Very interesting
I don’t know how I got here but I don’t mind it
Got lost trying to read those darn lying trees
Don't quite get it. You see you're at the edge of the woods and therefore you're able to read the clue in the trees that you're at the edge of the woods??
I believe he is saying that typically there is a rule that the longer, more horizontal branches can be used to determine which way is South. However, that may not be the case here because this tree is on the edge of a woodland, so it is likely to have these horizontal branches so it can reach out into a more open area. So he's saying you cannot always rely on the rule; you have to take it into context.