How I Study as a Harvard Student 하버드생의 공부법

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @trithai9582
    @trithai9582 2 роки тому +8123

    When I see the sleep part, I immediately know that you are a super achiever. Imagine being a Harvard Student and get enough sleep.

    • @Sanyu-Tumusiime
      @Sanyu-Tumusiime 2 роки тому

      probably legacy or did some BS to get into harvard. everyone knows that harvard admissions are a total SCAM

    • @yungmun4155
      @yungmun4155 2 роки тому +747

      It’s so weird how many of you seem to believe Harvard students are supernatural beings who never sleep and study 24/7. That no other mere student could understand how hard they work
      Most successful students get enough sleep. It’s critical especially during stressful exam periods. Nothing to do with where you study

    • @RenaissanceRockerBoy
      @RenaissanceRockerBoy 2 роки тому +374

      @@yungmun4155 People have been brainwashed into thinking that Ivy League/Elite schools are so unique and special that they’re from another planet. This is thanks to the branding strategies of the schools, which has been remarkably effective. Because their acceptance rate is so inhumanly low, students who get in tend to have achieved incredible things. Therefore, it’s the students who are incredible, and not necessarily the institution.

    • @yungmun4155
      @yungmun4155 2 роки тому +128

      @@RenaissanceRockerBoy While this is partially true… I don’t want to discredit some Ivy League students hard work, it’s still not that simple. It’s much easier getting into one of those schools when you have contacts and means. A good portion of those students come from the richest households in America (or the world) despite being a small minority. It’s not always about talent or skills. Your upbringing (and privilege) are a big indicator of how likely you are to access the elite schools.

    • @RenaissanceRockerBoy
      @RenaissanceRockerBoy 2 роки тому +72

      @@yungmun4155 Oh of course, privilege and luck are definitely factors. I didn’t think to mention it because I thought that went without saying lmao. Many students are rich and go to prep schools that already have Ivy League contacts, who craft resumes perfectly tailored for that acceptance letter. It’s extremely unequal unfortunately.

  • @livinlife123
    @livinlife123 2 роки тому +4093

    0:50 have a blank sheet of paper to jot things down
    2:00 move distractions out of sight and out of reach eg. phone
    2:44 keep all of your notebooks in the same format to save you time for future study sessions
    3:50 take breaks (30 minutes to 3 hours)
    5:37 change your study spot (café, library, garden)
    6:28 listen to music while studying (without lyrics)
    7:41 make a checklist (you can use Notion)
    9:23 get enough sleep and avoid all nighters (6-8 hours)
    10:46 do practice problems
    12:32 have a future goal that can motivate you to study

  • @potato._.wedges
    @potato._.wedges 2 роки тому +3036

    This makes me realise that my notes don't have to be super aesthetic and readable, thank you!! I really appreciate it coming from a student from Harvard :)

    • @aurorelyss8109
      @aurorelyss8109 2 роки тому +10

      I use online notes

    • @isabellagracee7
      @isabellagracee7 2 роки тому +143

      i mean they should be readable but they dont have to look pretty, just neat

    • @potato._.wedges
      @potato._.wedges 2 роки тому +17

      @@isabellagracee7 yes sorry, i used the wrong word :}

    • @nannuguya
      @nannuguya 2 роки тому +39

      Yes! Making notes pretty like those aesthetic note taking videos is not practical or useful at all.

    • @potato._.wedges
      @potato._.wedges 2 роки тому +4

      @@nathalies7977 lmao, this was me before

  • @sejinkim
    @sejinkim 2 роки тому +842

    ‘하버드생’과 ‘공부법’ 이라니… 클릭할 수 밖에 없는, 너무 강력한 키워드 조합이군요…

    • @hannah.1
      @hannah.1 2 роки тому +45

      ㄹㅇ 제목보고 안들어올 사람 있냐고 아 ㅋㅋ

    • @yeah7535
      @yeah7535 2 роки тому +35

      이걸 어떻게 참냐고

    • @user-di6tn8pv1v
      @user-di6tn8pv1v 2 роки тому +13

      한국어 자막까지..

    • @sasa-tr9zt
      @sasa-tr9zt 2 роки тому

    • @sasa-tr9zt
      @sasa-tr9zt 2 роки тому


  • @bubblegum_x
    @bubblegum_x Рік тому +316

    1. 떠오르는걸 바로바로 적고 암기할 수 있게 양면지나 빈 종이를 준비해놔라
    2. 폰 등 유혹될만한 방해물을 멀리 치워두어라
    3. 노트정리는 과목 상관없이 일관성있게 하라
    4. 자신에게 맞는 휴식취하는 텀을 정하라
    5. 공부하는 장소를 가끔 바꾸어주면 환기가 된다.
    6. 목표를 만들고 계획을 세분화시켜라(체크리스트)
    7. 잠은 꼭 충분히 자라(6~7시간/ 이상적: 8시간)
    8. 풀어본 문제는 꼭 다시 풀어보라
    9. 문제를 풀때 내가 잘 이해하고 있는지 끝없이 의심하라
    10. 구체적인 목표 설정하기

  • @honeyxmoony
    @honeyxmoony 2 роки тому +491

    This is the first study tips video i've seen that makes sense. Finally someone who doesn't just say "be organised and focus!!". You actually explain HOW to do it

    • @Earthesion
      @Earthesion 2 роки тому +5

      What? What about all the videos about relational learning (mind maps), blooms taxonomy, spaced repetition/active recall, method of loci, pomodoro technique, solo taxonomy, state dependance, habit building?

    • @sha4nvi
      @sha4nvi Рік тому +1

      @طاقة they work, that's why they're popular. if someone gave a technique different to those then chances are theyre not effective study methods

    • @marisol033
      @marisol033 Рік тому +2

      @@Earthesion Hey do you know where i CAN LEARN more about these technique.... like a book...or a good youtube video?
      The help is very much appreciated.

  • @sun-wo9vp
    @sun-wo9vp 2 роки тому +80

    A lot of people focus too much to make pretty notes instead of actually studying. I noticed that the best student don’t have pretty notes. Because they are efficient, they think only about studying.

  • @mjfamador7188
    @mjfamador7188 2 роки тому +610

    I keep on pushing myself before to make aesthetic and organized written notes when the truth is, messy notes with arrows and diagrams are the ones that makes me remember the lesson well. I always end to cram and having short time for pressuring having a clean notes. Thank you for this video I realized again that my notes are for myself and not to impress other people 💛

    • @strawberrymilk9302
      @strawberrymilk9302 Рік тому +10

      that's very relatable... i understand the want to make your notes pretty, but it took me (and a lot of others i bet) a long time to realize that "pretty" and "study" don't always intersect.. glad you realized that too ^ ^

  • @ruru20
    @ruru20 2 роки тому +127

    Getting enough sleep is so important! Not only it helps your body to relax but it also helps to concentrate well during exams. I have noticed that pulling an all nighter before exam has affected my concentration level during exams as well as my health.

    • @roxyjulief1075
      @roxyjulief1075 2 роки тому +1

      Yes I'm agree but my mother said "you will work during the night" but can we do all our work without to do white nights?

    • @kimaya.3563
      @kimaya.3563 2 роки тому +1

      i think all nightrs are great sometimes! one time i studied an entire history semester in one night, i felt like a zombie the next day but after the exams the teacher said i did the best. so worth it.

    • @Dannalasapa
      @Dannalasapa Рік тому

      @@kimaya.3563 it depends on the subject. STEM students shouldn’t pull all nighters. Unless it’s a really easy class like basic biology. For things like history or literature/language I have pulled off last minute studying pretty well tbh. And for essays I always do them last minute lol

    • @kimaya.3563
      @kimaya.3563 Рік тому

      @@Dannalasapa well not stem per say but i do chem bio and physics n info tech

  • @user-er7uh3cj1y
    @user-er7uh3cj1y 11 місяців тому +2

    1. set-up
    항상 펜과 노트를 손 옆에 대기시키기
    방해되는 물건은 아예 치워둠
    (유혹을 뿌리치는게 아닌 철벽세우기)
    2. Standardize
    과목 상관없이 같은 포맷으로 노트 정리
    ex)검정,파랑색 펜,형광펜 3개 때에따라서 빨강,초록 추가 하는 식의 고정된 팔레트 구성
    3. Taking breaks
    자신에게 맞는 공부시간 쉬는시간 적용시키기
    초반에 집중력이 좋고 점점 떨어지기 때문에 공부시간이 3시간-1시간30분-30분식으로 점차 줄어드는 식으로 가짐
    공부시간 길게 휴식시간 길게
    4. Romanticizing
    분위기 좋은 곳으로 장소 옮겨가면서 하기
    (기분전환도 되고 영감을 받을 수 있음)
    스터디 플레이리스트 만들기
    Lo-fi, 영화음악, 물 속 소리, 영화 배경음악 등)
    Passive한 공부할 때 노래듣기
    (강의노트 읽기, 리딩..)
    Active한 공부할 땐 노래 안 듣는 것 추천
    (연습문제 풀이..)
    공부세션 시작할 때 음악들으면 좋음
    (하지만 곧 소리줄이고 끔)
    5. Set-goals not a timer
    해야할 일 리스트 만들기
    (일주일 단위. 시험기간엔 몇 주 단위까지 짬)
    6. Sleep
    6-7시간 잠
    8시간 이상 수면 목표
    새벽새는 건 무조건 손해
    아침 밥 필수
    스트레스, 컨디션 관리가 중요함
    7. Hands on
    수학,과학은 손으로 연습문제 푸는게 필수
    더블체크가 중요
    나를 의심하고 답을 안다고 확신하지 않기
    (이 토픽을 마스터한다는 자신감은 갖되)
    ’내가 뭘 읽었지? 뭘 공부했지?‘ 스스로 되물어보기
    시험이면 출제위원이라고 생각하고 디테일 챙기기
    8. Why?
    목표들이 있고 언젠간 이루어질 거라고 자기암시하기
    ’내가 왜 이 공부를 하고있지? 내가 이 공부를 왜 하고싶지?‘ 생각하기
    (번아웃이 올 때 방향성이 뚜렷하면 금방 회복됨)

    • @user-er7uh3cj1y
      @user-er7uh3cj1y 11 місяців тому

      요약같은거 안해버릇해서 좀 난잡할 수 있습니다. 다듬어야 할 부분 있다면 피드백 부탁드려여

  • @johnjunhyukjung
    @johnjunhyukjung 2 роки тому +54

    as someone who has been experimenting with pomodoro a lot, I really liked tip #3 about taking longer study intervals in the beginning. I find myself also needing more time to get into the zone. Once I'm in the zone, pomodoro's shorter intervals take me out of it.
    I still like having the structure of pomodoro to keep me on track, but I will experiment more with different length intervals.
    Thanks Bella!

    • @gloriinher40s
      @gloriinher40s 2 роки тому

      Pomodoro doesn't have to be 25/5. The only rule is 2-minute break for every 10 minutes of focused work. Sometimes I study for 20 minutes and take a 4-minute break.. sometimes I can remain completely focused for 60 minutes and I'll take a 12-minute break. You set it up however it works for you. My schedule varies depending on the subject, and/or how distracted or focused I feel when I sit down to study. I like her tip on longer intervals in the beginning too. I'll be implementing that one! Good luck!

  • @parmenideskim9739
    @parmenideskim9739 2 роки тому +286

    Molecular biology나 Biochemistry는 어찌 보면 공부하기 따분하고 힘들 수도 있는데 정말 열심히 공부하시네요. 이렇게 열심히 공부하시니 100% 꼭 좋은 성과가 있을 것입니다. 저렇게 고생해서 만든 노트들을 졸업 후에 버리지 마시고 잘 보관하시면 뜻밖의 추억노트가 될 수도 있답니다. 사실 이 영상 자체가 더할 나위 없이 멋진 기록이기도 합니다.

    • @sasa-tr9zt
      @sasa-tr9zt 2 роки тому +1

    • @sasa-tr9zt
      @sasa-tr9zt 2 роки тому


    • @kulsumsheikh814
      @kulsumsheikh814 Рік тому +6

      I am 2nd year Biochemistry student and I agree on that
      It’s kinda boring to study this subject specially tons of complex pathways but yeah hardwork pays off in the end and you’ll only score good if uh study…..!

    • @imagina-home
      @imagina-home Рік тому +1


  • @leahj139
    @leahj139 2 роки тому +138

    I love the brain dump, scrap paper method. I study a lot of complicated processes and being able to draw out relationships and steps to make the connections in my mind before I write notes would be a big help. Thanks!

  • @justchillinmeoutinabox_13
    @justchillinmeoutinabox_13 2 роки тому +18


  • @_jjangdori
    @_jjangdori Рік тому +6

    공부할 때 asmr 느낌으로 틀어두면 진짜 집중 엄청 잘 돼요 이 영상만 무한반복해서 듣는데 대박 좋음

  • @heeowi10104
    @heeowi10104 Рік тому +17

    As a language studier, through this video I actually learn not only the tips, but also lots of vocabularies, thank you so much Bella

  • @panagiotaperk
    @panagiotaperk 2 роки тому +105

    I needed to hear all these helpful advice!! Now I understand that my notes don’t have to be perfect and so organised.. I really like the last you said that we have to question why we actually study

  • @isabelasodre9421
    @isabelasodre9421 Рік тому +111

    As a brazilian, we dont have here such cute places, it's hard to find good and safe places if youre not rich. But you can make your own study place organized. Btw, Harvard looks SO BEAUTIFUL

  • @imamabatool5940
    @imamabatool5940 2 роки тому +9

    Tip 4 is actually true. I keep changing study spots to focus better after changing environment and make it more interesting. And lofi music doesn't let me focus but study asmr and ambient sounds are super helpful for me to study for long intervals

  • @gailsgrandplan3561
    @gailsgrandplan3561 Рік тому +10

    I find that a clean, clear study space, a big bottle of water and a bowl of haribo are essential. I also find lofi to be the best music to study with because it’s so unobtrusive . I completely agree with what you said about breaks, once I first sit down I’m more energetic and can go a little longer and then gradually shorten study time. I’m studying for my degree on top of working full time and a family, so finding the right rhythm has been crucial for me. Great video. Thank you.

  • @foreversunday
    @foreversunday 6 місяців тому +2

    thank you!! I'm an 8th grader and my biggest goal is to be able to join Harvard someday. It's hard because English is not my first language and I usually get really lost when talking about applications and SATs and stuff like that, even though all these steps are pretty far away from me right now. I know I'll have time to think about this later, but being a Harvard student is currently my one and only motivation for studying, and I'm trying to set up a studying routine while still being able to work on my extracurriculars (also horseback riding and volunteering at school, but those are not really important to me right now, I'll focus on them later-), so it's encouraging to watch videos like yours! Thank you again, and if anyone's reading this, have a good day/night!

  • @angthetic
    @angthetic 7 місяців тому +2

    I love how u said "Set goals not time", and realized how we make time our limit to achieve goals

  • @khalilahd.
    @khalilahd. 2 роки тому +258

    Your study videos are always so helpful. Although I’m not in school I’m currently trying to learn Japanese so study tips are always useful. I’ll definitely be using them 💜

    • @isabelle441
      @isabelle441 2 роки тому +49

      I see you like 3 times a day I swear

    • @vasurc1741
      @vasurc1741 2 роки тому +6

      ha who are... i see you many of times in bella's video...

    • @annekrishnaabenojar6029
      @annekrishnaabenojar6029 2 роки тому +10

      You're everywhere

    • @morika3723
      @morika3723 2 роки тому +7

      I almost think that you're a bot because the same day I also saw you on Alyanna Ross' video💀

    • @smithjenny8832
      @smithjenny8832 2 роки тому +7

      omg i see you literally everywhere!

  • @PAULA-bi6fy
    @PAULA-bi6fy 2 роки тому +2

    I like how your notes are realistic and not super decorated ones that can frustrate some to get to that point

  • @2young553
    @2young553 2 роки тому +15

    영상 잘봤습니다! 힐링 비디오네요😌🍃 영상미가 너무 제스탈 공부자극과 귀여운 그림들💓💓 꿀팁 잘 따라갈게요! 감사합니다😃

  • @injung6642
    @injung6642 2 роки тому +32

    1. 공부할 때 마구 쓰는 종이와 함께 공부 (마릿속에 내용을 간단히 정리하기 용도, 다시 볼 용도x, 간단히! 여기서 좋은 것만 나중에 노트정리)
    2. 공부시간이 길어질수록 휴식시간을 더 자주 가지기! (1시간 30분/1시간/30분/30분)
    (여러 공부시간법 및 집중력 영상을 보고 따라하다 보면 그 대로 안되는 내가 부족하다고 느껴질 때도 있었다(뽀모도로 공부법을 시도했을 때 등) 하지만 그 방법이 나와 맞지 않았을 뿐. 이 방법이 내게 잘 맞을 것 같아 벌써부터 성취감이 오른다.)
    3. 잠많이 자기

    • @itsTrypsin
      @itsTrypsin Рік тому +1


    • @itsTrypsin
      @itsTrypsin Рік тому +1

      와우, 이것은 훌륭하지만 누구나 석사를 위해 어디서나 하버드 대학에 합류 할 수있는 기회를 얻을 수 있습니까?
      대답이 있으면 도와주세요.

  • @jamlessberry
    @jamlessberry 2 роки тому +11

    I'm so happy that you posted this since I just started my college classes and I'm so nervous 😭

  • @ze_us9247
    @ze_us9247 Рік тому +6

    Omg i am surprised that you mentioned about joting rough notes on a white paper. That has always been my habit and it helped me so much during exams. I usually just read those rough points or headings before my exams and it helped me to recollect

  • @byungnanlee9675
    @byungnanlee9675 2 роки тому +8

    늘~ 발전하는모습 응원합니다~ 사랑해요 ~♥

  • @babyche4644
    @babyche4644 Рік тому +8

    Thanks for the video! I was about to waste 2 years in the university cuz of having no goal, motivation or awareness of the consquences of letting time pass-by for meaningless stuff. I started to study seriously just a few weeks ago but i really realized how important it is for me. My CPA right now is 2.42, pretty low and bad. I didnt study seriously in a long time so its really hard for me to stay concentrated or keep studying for a long time enough. This video really inspired me, also helped, guided me how to study. Love yah!

  • @priikii
    @priikii Рік тому +1

    oh, how i love this aesthetic.. so beautiful editing!!

  • @duuuuuuuck123
    @duuuuuuuck123 2 роки тому +8

    직장인인데도 이 영상 보고 나니 뭔가 힘을 얻게 되네요! 항상 영상 잘 보고 있어요❣️

  • @gnzere8841
    @gnzere8841 2 роки тому +15

    "most of us don't study because we love the actual process of studying"
    well no but actually yes

  • @rividizd
    @rividizd 7 місяців тому +2

    I felt like a Harvard grad after I watched this video. Pretty proud here.

  • @HyunJin_Ryu
    @HyunJin_Ryu Рік тому +2

    너무 잘봤어요!!! 제공부방법이랑 겹치는것도 있고 새로운 것도 많았는데 무엇보다 영상미가 너무 좋네요,,,

  • @mrunaltandel8732
    @mrunaltandel8732 2 роки тому +2

    This is the only study vlog/tips video I have felt like worth-watched. Your tips are really effective!

  • @extremelucky1
    @extremelucky1 Рік тому

    I love how you are thinking big and playing the long game. Slow and steady wins the race. Take care of yourself, always!

  • @DeijiPlays
    @DeijiPlays Рік тому +1

    From the moment I saw this vid, it didn't matter how aesthetics of the writing and the design of note-taking. The only matter was how readable and understandable your notes were. It was awesome to know I got the same format of notebook you were using. 🤩

  • @Lee-is8yl
    @Lee-is8yl 2 роки тому +8

    헐 평소 공부법 궁금하다고 댓 달았었는데 올라오다니 감동... 저는 아직 제대로 습관된 공부법이 없어서 여러가지 해보는 중인데 참고할게요 감사합니다 ㅎㅎ!!

  • @apollo5351
    @apollo5351 2 роки тому +11

    this was amazing! thank you so much for this!! ❤️

  • @alijawadsabazvari8835
    @alijawadsabazvari8835 Рік тому +1

    After soo many videos . I realized, i have to make my own study techniques which can help me to make study easier. Thank you so much 👍😊

  • @hazelk6540
    @hazelk6540 2 роки тому +6

    Bella these tips are golden!! Thank you so much🙏🙏

  • @르민-z5q
    @르민-z5q Рік тому +1

    나에게 맞게 픽해서 재정립한 팁들
    1. 폰은 최소 10m 떨어진곳에 가둬두기
    2. 슬럼프가오고 공부하기 싫어진날엔 도서관이나 카페에서 공부해보자
    3. 목표를세우고 체크리스트로 세분화하자
    +나의팁) ~30분까지 A하기 ~7시까지 B하기 타임리미트를 걸어두는것도 도움됨
    4. 공부를하면서 내가 지금 어느부분의 무얼하고있는지 끊임없이 큰그림에서 생각해보자
    5. 문제를 풀땐 정말 잘 이해하고 있는게 맞는지 의심하자
    6. 연습문제는 2-3번은 풀자

  • @KeziNAL-p4p
    @KeziNAL-p4p 9 місяців тому +2

    Thankyou so much for the video 😊

  • @wisecountry0411
    @wisecountry0411 2 роки тому +3

    Bella님 좋은 공부팁 감사합니다. 학업 잘 마무리해서 꼭 뜻하는 바 이루시길 바래요.

  • @worldwidefunnyguy2338
    @worldwidefunnyguy2338 2 роки тому +3

    yay bella posted!!!!

  • @potatohehe9569
    @potatohehe9569 2 роки тому +3

    The best study tips I've encountered so far, Thank u for this

  • @syedsidahmed2117
    @syedsidahmed2117 10 місяців тому

    quite impressed by the tips you showed ....... literally felt motivated

  • @AdorableGirl-tg8en
    @AdorableGirl-tg8en Рік тому

    I got lost in your world of music and didn't want to leave. Thank you for giving me these special moments through these fantastic songs!

  • @itstonycia
    @itstonycia 2 роки тому +2

    Wow. So helpful and normal/relatable tips
    I feel like this videos wasn’t a waste to watch

  • @lautaro_martinez25
    @lautaro_martinez25 2 роки тому +16

    Finally I have waited so long for this video ah. Thank you Bella for taking time for us, when you might be busy.
    You and your channel are the best :) KEEP GOING AND DO NOT GIVE UP ON EVERYTHIBG YOU LOVE_-_-_ LOVE YOU :)

  • @이지윤-c5h5r
    @이지윤-c5h5r 2 роки тому +44

    영상이 너무 도움이 되는 내용들로 채워져 있어서 잠시 쉬려했던 고3,,, 바로 실천하러 유튜브 끄고 멀리 두고 공부하러 가야겠어요 영상이 완전 aesthetic해서 마음에 들어요! 잘 보고 있어요😍

  • @stellap9713
    @stellap9713 2 роки тому +3

    감사합니다! 좋은 영상에 동기부여가 되었어요 💛

  • @iio3_kanna
    @iio3_kanna Рік тому +1

    Tip 6 for sleep is something I was not expecting to see from a Harvard Student (based on harmful stereotypes of what you need to act like to get into good colleges). I'm personally a night owl and I've started changing my sleep schedule is be in like two parts in order to get enough sleep, but still work at the hours when I am most efficient. I usually give myself the rule to not work past a certain hour (depending on how much sleep I got/need) the day before a big exam just because I don't drink coffee and need the energy to take tests at my best ability. Thanks for spreading this tip since I definitely think at least one person is going to prioritize sleep now more than before :)

  • @CVerse
    @CVerse Рік тому

    Using UA-cam videos to study to is the whole reason why I switched to UA-cam music instead of Spotify. Just having that access without running into ads has really been great, and if I can't play it on the app I can just switch to UA-cam.

  • @북카페-j9w
    @북카페-j9w 2 роки тому +44

    Thank you so much. I learned a lot specially taking a break part. Still, managing myself to start to study takes so long time, so if you don't mind, please tell us how to control yourself and how long you take a break more specifically.
    Thank you!

  • @TIWDE9
    @TIWDE9 Рік тому

    1)do not set a time limit. YES IT CAN HELP MANAGE BUT it forces you to study longer or faster, so it is better to not set up a timer
    2)remember to not use ur study table for "playing", "drawing, and etc: activities that is in your comfort spot: it makes your brain think your study desk is for other things than studying
    3)always play music: select specific music: why? we cant use songs when we use a lot of our brain: like in the video.
    4)create a to do list. like: this day/this week. do not ever do this month nor this year to do list since it might not go as planned.
    (that's all)

  • @nozomu5996
    @nozomu5996 Рік тому +1

    Bella you have a bright future ❤

  • @Loui_77
    @Loui_77 Рік тому +3

    대학 원서를 M Y P S H에 원서를 넣으셨는데.. M Y P S만 붙으시고 H를 떨어지시고.. S대를 입학하셔서 S대를 3년 3개월 차석으로 조기졸업 하신 분께서 하시는 말씀이 공부는 “니가 아는 거 30%, 니가 모르는 거 70%를 해야 한다.“라고 말씀하심!
    *참고로 M Y P S H는대학을 나타나며, M은 MIT, Y는 Yale, P는 Princeton, S는 Stanford, H는 Harvard를 의미함!

  • @Name-jj6mb
    @Name-jj6mb 10 місяців тому

    공부법 실제로 너무 유용하고 너무 좋아요 역시 하버드 생이네여👍👍

  • @safaa5317
    @safaa5317 Рік тому

    Most relatable and helpful video out there! (I have watched at least a hundred study vlogs, tips etc.) Thank you!

  • @camillekissoonmohammed8664
    @camillekissoonmohammed8664 2 роки тому +3

    I really like your format a lot ... thanks ...

  •  9 місяців тому +2

    Thank you, very good tips!

  • @promiseboshielo2585
    @promiseboshielo2585 2 роки тому +1

    Very realistic and straight to the point🤝🏾😩

  • @abdullahhassan4410
    @abdullahhassan4410 2 роки тому +4

    brilliant like always!

  • @etiennef2371
    @etiennef2371 2 роки тому +48

    I’m starting my first exams this year in high school so this is so helpful so I can start preparing!

  • @Nicole21life
    @Nicole21life 2 роки тому +36

    Hello Bella! I just wanted to tell you thank you so much! I’ve been on your channels since you’ve had 38 subscribers, I get so happy every-time I see your videos. Going to Harvard is my dream and seeing your vids give me all my motivation 😁 keep it up! 💕✨🎒

  • @ms.nekonyawn1527
    @ms.nekonyawn1527 2 роки тому +14

    this is the most realistic study video I have ever seen on it. thank your video brings me some vibe to start studying better :)

  • @jin_cotl
    @jin_cotl 2 роки тому +8

    This made me realize that study doesn’t have to be boring and that it should be fun to start with ;-; thank you so much for this. I shouldn’t feel bored while I study

  • @wprozik
    @wprozik Рік тому +1

    영상 중간에 한국어 보고 너무 반가워서 달려왔어요
    저도 꼭 열심히 공부해서 좋은 성적 거둘게요 ㅠㅠ

  • @밍또-t7p
    @밍또-t7p 2 роки тому +2

    저는 오픽공부 하는데 공부하기싫어서 영어권 유튜브 막 찾다가 오게되었어요:) 진짜 열심히 사는 모습이 넘 멋집니다!!!! 앞으로도 기대할게요❤ 아자아자!

  • @이서이-c1r
    @이서이-c1r 2 роки тому

    요런식으로 영어로 말해주는 영상들 좋아해요!

  • @Kganya__speaks
    @Kganya__speaks 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you so much Bella, I am starting my exams in a week and I've been really stressed but now I set a study schedule and followed your tips(which helped alot) thank you very much you gained a new subscriber

  • @An0.nym0us
    @An0.nym0us 2 роки тому

    I love singing and humming. It makes me relax and calm. So when i’m doing assignments and homework, or reviewing class notes, I listen to some songs or classical music. But when I really need to focus, I listen to ambient music instead. Ones I love are the raining ones.

  • @rosp8375
    @rosp8375 2 роки тому +1

    Your study videos are always so helpful!!!
    please make more vieos like this one with lots of study tips!!!
    Thank you so much ❤❤❤

  • @alemenchacaa
    @alemenchacaa 2 роки тому

    I’ve been watching these videos for years, and you just simplified learning and shared all the tips I’ve been looking for. Thank you ! Good luck at Harvard!!!!

  • @BreachBreachBreach
    @BreachBreachBreach 2 роки тому +1

    This method is entirely encapsulated in the book "a mind for numbers". I did like hearing it regurgitated in a easy flowing video though!

  • @lunar524
    @lunar524 2 роки тому +3

    올해 4월에 보스턴으로 이사와서 10학년 다니고 있는 학생인데 영상이 너무 도움 많이 됐어요!! 하버드 다니고 계신거 진짜 존경스럽고… 본받고 싶어요 정말🫶🏻

  • @Kamado_boy
    @Kamado_boy Рік тому +2

    Your video is awesome and thanks for ideas 😊

  • @jojoinadango
    @jojoinadango 2 роки тому +3

    I SWEAR WE HAVE THE SAME BRAIN. i also dislike the pomorodo method and work in longer chunks and i add in more breaks as i go along. the pomorodo method kind of breaks my focus and find breaks as more of a nuisance and an interruption of my flow. ppl always rave about how it changed their life but i never got it. all these points are things that worked for me, LIKE GURL, R WE THE SAME PERSON

  • @cleorrhdwn415
    @cleorrhdwn415 2 роки тому +1

    정말 현실적이고 공감되는 조언이었어요! 감사합니다. 영상 흐름도 참 자연스러우면서 정리된 느낌이네요 종종 비슷한 영상 올려주시면 좋겠습니다 구독하고가요

  • @2lavie
    @2lavie Рік тому

    This is genuinely the best tips & advise video i have ever watched thank u a lot;3

  • @ChillaxingWays
    @ChillaxingWays Рік тому +1

    its the most useful study tips video

  • @simtiaz12
    @simtiaz12 2 роки тому +8

    Wow I really love you channel unnieee ❤️
    I am in grade 7 and it has been and always will be a life long dream to go into Harvard. I am really into space/ astronomy most black holes and your channel really motivates me to study more and accomplish my dream.

  • @worldwidefunnyguy2338
    @worldwidefunnyguy2338 2 роки тому +3

    i needed some motivation so much!!! this helped

  • @meloumorales3453
    @meloumorales3453 2 роки тому +3

    As for me, I don't do checklist. I made it a mental exercise where I have to literally memorize what I need to do for an entire week or for a whole month. It helps me sharpen my memory.

  • @sidharthkumar5595
    @sidharthkumar5595 2 роки тому +1

    such a pretty video that really gives insights . KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

  • @0421Mystic
    @0421Mystic 2 роки тому +2

    동기부여공부자극받고가료!!!! 영상분위기 좋아용

  • @cohlinegarnet8313
    @cohlinegarnet8313 Рік тому +2

    Seeing you write is so satisfying! You slide your pen on paper so smoothly. Loved the video!

  • @cafepoem189
    @cafepoem189 2 роки тому +3

    Thank you for showing wonderful contents!🙏

  • @candyb2205
    @candyb2205 Рік тому

    i like the idea of the mind dump paper. i think that will be really helpful for me going forward 🙏🏾

  • @yebaksa
    @yebaksa 2 роки тому +1

    안녕하세요! 오늘 왔는데 하버드 가기
    전의 생활도 너무궁금해요 정주행해볼게요 +.+

  • @LeonardSeif-vn8fl
    @LeonardSeif-vn8fl Рік тому


  • @valesaenz1734
    @valesaenz1734 2 роки тому +3

    loved this video! i started my semester this past week and have been feeling pretty anxious about the courses i'm taking, but your tips felt very realistic and will help me a lot with time and task management

  • @NevaTuanaGONENC
    @NevaTuanaGONENC Рік тому

    I personally prefer going out for studying because like you mentioned in the video sometimes when I gave a break at home Im sometimes getting a little top comfy and a five minute break turns out way more longer.. But when Im studying out I know that I NEED to study. I dont prefer cafes a lot because sometimes Im getting distracted so Im usually using the Library for studying because everybody else is studying and I cant do many things in my break. It helps me to be more productive🌼

  • @kingofthecat
    @kingofthecat 2 роки тому +2

    뭐든 깔끔하게 정리 되어 있어야 머릿속에 잘 들어오는 것 같아요 전 형광팬만 백개있는듯 ㅠ

  • @Friedrich-Nietzsche
    @Friedrich-Nietzsche 2 роки тому +2

    영어 듣기평가 마냥 개집중하고 들었는데 다 듣고 보니까 한국어 자막 있네..ㅅ

  • @servillaexequielr3846
    @servillaexequielr3846 4 місяці тому

    When doing active studying, try playing music like Exam Room Ambience in youtube so you'd be used to the sounds in the exam hall/room

  • @oumaimamima8858
    @oumaimamima8858 2 роки тому +1

    i rually like your video it is such a vibe and motivation love you

  • @ernie_like_hemingway
    @ernie_like_hemingway Рік тому

    I am so shocked sometimes when people says, that they sleep only 2-3 hour during exam period or they study whole night. I mean sure, if you don't have any other options because you work, take care of child, etc. I totally understand that. But, if your only responsibility is to study, then get at least 6-8 hours of sleep. I was able to study even 10-12 hours during the day (4-5 days in row) and regularly 6-7 hours a day, thanks to enough sleep. My goal was to get at least 8 hours of sleep everynight without exceptions (1 exception 4-5 hours a night before an exam). Even a night before the state exams, I never ever made that mistake of studying/taking an exam without sleep and I was a law student.