Altar Training for Priests: INCENSE

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @SomewhereInIndiana1816
    @SomewhereInIndiana1816 2 роки тому +2

    I love church incense!!

  • @ecv03
    @ecv03 8 років тому +16

    Just a heads up this is a group that is not in communion with the Holy See. We need to pray for there conversion and unity.

    • @basileus-pr6jh
      @basileus-pr6jh 7 років тому +3

      They rejected papist heresy ;)

    • @robertj.4152
      @robertj.4152 4 роки тому +1

      He's probably Anglican or Old Roman catholic. I am the former, but the latter has its own sort of tradition. With us, we are high church and 95% RC, and 5% reform. And we'd never talk!

    • @archbishopnicholasacresocr429
      @archbishopnicholasacresocr429 4 роки тому

      Even Roman Catholic church
      Needs prayers.This man
      Is a bishop in the old rite
      I have great respect for
      The Pope.Roman Catholic its
      Members must be respectful
      Of Other Independent Catholic
      Churches .EASTERN Orthodox.
      Russian Orthodox...
      Read up on the Order of Corporate Reunion.Many Anglican and Roman Catholic have APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION from rome

    • @ecv03
      @ecv03 4 роки тому

      @@archbishopnicholasacresocr429 I guess I never understood why anyone would leave the communion of the bride of our Lord. I feel for them especially in times like this.

    • @archbishopnicholasacresocr429
      @archbishopnicholasacresocr429 4 роки тому

      I.have more important problems
      Trying to say alive

  • @jdbsvsnkxj
    @jdbsvsnkxj 3 роки тому +1

    i love the beautiful aroma of the incense its brings you closer to God always.

  • @buntalatv5276
    @buntalatv5276 7 років тому

    coud you post tutorial on serving bishop on masses? on using mitre or staff

  • @teenherofilms
    @teenherofilms 8 років тому +3

    I personally like the guy even though he looks like someone from ut of a horror movie

  • @djole09
    @djole09 3 роки тому

    You can't use the censer with the bells beacuse that use the Orthodoxy Church

    • @itsnando20
      @itsnando20 3 роки тому

      Luckily he's a protestant

  • @buckeye5p
    @buckeye5p 12 років тому +1

    I like this video. I was interested in this information. I was looking at a church catalog and haven't been around incense use for some time. I believe incense needs to be all natural and organic. Made of God not of man. Also, using ancient smells are a must, if it is cost effective, available to purchase and your congregation is not harmed in health.

    • @Welther47
      @Welther47 7 років тому

      Any burned resin is harmful to your health. That stickiness goes up in smoke and into your lungs.
      and you comment about god is just ridiculous

  • @joshbarfield7848
    @joshbarfield7848 9 років тому +13


  • @davidoneill9244
    @davidoneill9244 6 років тому +2

    The 'bishop' is a great comedian & seems unsure of what happens & when

  • @grad8990
    @grad8990 6 років тому +3

    Aren't they Catholics?

    • @grad8990
      @grad8990 4 роки тому

      @Apostolic Nuncio to Kekistan Ok thanks.

  • @frankyepiz1473
    @frankyepiz1473 6 років тому

    If you had any "incense" about you, you'd be embarrassed!!!

  • @IncenseDragon
    @IncenseDragon 10 років тому

    Thank you for sharing this very enlightening video. This is something I have been curious about for quite some time and your video was very informative.
    Everyone should know that Nag Champa (the trusty blue box) is not a natural product. It is made using synthetic fragrances, so you might look for a natural incense instead. I can recommend several great brands made in the USA along with others made overseas. Contact me if you are interested.
    Finally, you can get charcoal that does not contain saltpeter. It is virtually scentless and costs about the same as the other stuff. You will also find that your incense smells better and lasts longer.
    Thank you again!!!

    • @ramonpena8448
      @ramonpena8448 5 років тому

      Can you please inform me about all these other incenses?

    @AMAZIGHIOMANI 12 років тому

    jinn traditional

  • @archbishopnicholasacresocr429
    @archbishopnicholasacresocr429 4 роки тому +1

    Stop the DIRESPECT

  • @gamesuccses1806
    @gamesuccses1806 4 роки тому

    its not the real bishop hes not clean

  • @johnathonkelp3587
    @johnathonkelp3587 8 років тому

    nag champa???

  • @frankyepiz1473
    @frankyepiz1473 6 років тому

    You are the old catholic fools!!!!

  • @adamandrews8534
    @adamandrews8534 4 роки тому
