Both are amazing cities, I really miss my time in both Israel and Palestine! I would love to come back one day. Also the music is really great. thanks for the vid!
Jonathan Yakubov 1) Palestine refers to the region 2) Palestinians exist and have have their own territories 3) Palestine is sovereign state currently recognized by 137 UN countries. - Your Israeli Friend.
@@gamermapper there are red signs that say Israelis are entering at their own risk, but essentially they can go where they please.. in the majority of the west bank and particularly from cities like Ramallah you have the view of the exclusively Israeli and fenced off hilltop settlements which are linked by a series of completely inaccessable highways, in addition Israeli settlers in the west bank often parade towns like Hebron in envoys carrying rifles for intimidation and escorted by military
East Jerusalem was part of Jordan between 1948 and 1967. However Israel won the 1967 war. With the Oslo Accords the Palestinians agreed that Israel controls this territory (also called the Occupied Territories) and in 1980 all Arabs living here became entitled to full Israeli citizenship. That is why an Arab born in East Jerusalem can travel anywhere in Israel just by showing an East Jerusalem ID. If they want they can vote in Israeli elections and can volunteer for service in the Israeli Defense Force.
Dennis Levy Why do you only tell half of the truth? The vast majority of Jerusalem's Arabs refused to accept Israeli citizenship and are only permanent residents.
Yes they can stay in Tel Aviv and many do. If you have a Jerusalem ID or a working permit you can travel freely and do what you want. If you don't have either of these things you have to apply for a visa, when you have the visa you can spend time in Tel Aviv like anyone. Problem is the visa can be very slow to attain, I'm pro-Israel and Israeli but the situation is bad. It makes life difficult for both Israelis and Palestinians.
At 2:36 is the road really heading to Tel Aviv or West Bank? I thought there's a checkpoint on Highway 1 westbound leaving West Bank but not westbound entering it. In the video the checkpoint is on the opposite site.
How do you drive from Palestine to Israel? Was your car Israeli plated? Did you need permission? Why weren't there any checkpoints? If I want to drive from Europe to Palestine, can I take a ferry to Haifa from Europe and drive to Palestine and back?
+MuzzaHukka You need to have a special permission and an Jerusalem ID. As a Palestine, you can't just drive those streets. There are checkpoints in the video, I just stopped filming, because I didn't know if it would be trouble for the driver. I'm not sure if you can just drive to Palestine, I just took this trip, sorry. But the checkpoint soldiers knew the driver, otherwise we must have stopped there.
+ratkingentertainment As a tourist, I can visit all parts of "Israel", the only places where I'd need, if I needed visas, would be Palestine. There's an awesome development region happening in the West Bank and I'd like to be able to drive there overland :)
Palestinians are free to drive wherever they want in Israel with a permit but Israelis cannot enter Palestinian controlled areas no matter the circumstances. As a tourist, you can indeed travel freely throughout the West Bank and all of Israel but not Gaza. So yes, you can drive without hindrance. The checkpoints are a myth, there is only ONE checkpoint entering and leaving the West Bank but no other. There are however checkpoints around Israel on the highways just like there are all across the Middle East.
Most Palestinian residents in East Jerusalem do not have Israeli citizenship, and so they have a residency permit which allows them to live in East Jerusalem and to travel around Israel and the Palestinian territories, which is what the author of this video means when he says about a "Jerusalem ID".
Everyone needs salvation here are the words of salvation please forgive me jesus im a sinner come into my heart and save me from my sin I no that you are the savior and I no that you died for me on calvary and I no that God raise you from the dead and you are alive and I thankyou for your salvation in Jesus holy name amen and its important to always ask forgiveness everynight
- ma lijepo je tamo vama samo eto niste dobri vi _ mada ima izjava Ben Gurion: ako ih ne budemo držali u neprijateljstvu mogu se početi i voljeti - tako da _ no ma koja izjava da ima od ljudi i to ma kojih - ima izjava i Božija manje više kada se sve protumači kako treba - a to je da bi dospijeo u neki raj ako nisi dobar čovjek onda ni nećeš - pa sad što vam preče to uzmete i to ima izjava _ i sad dakako vi glumatajete svojim vjerama ma što hoćete ovuda - tvrdite ma koliko hoćete - nezgodno je u paklu jako nezgocno _ i kao što velim - nigdje ne piše na početku da je bog stvorio i raj i pakao - nego piše samo da je stvorio raj - gdje nije božiji interes da ste u paklu a pakao je stvoren za potrebe nagrađivanja kao škola - bio si dobar učenik ideš dalje - bio si slab padaš u školi a u životu mora se negdje i sa tobom recimo GvB i tako ima vas puno _ kako - pa moraju se nekako i rotšildi nagraditi za vjernost satanizmu - nećeš božije - u svjetlo božije nećeš - no bude puno tama ništa ne sija a onda to ne vole - onda u vatru ne bude ni tama a sad ono boli ali umrijeti se ne može više _ kako veli "za čim hoćeš pruži ruku svoju" "u tvojoj je moći da budeš dobar" _ a dalje je - u palestini nema jevreja koji neće slobodnom voljom da žive tamo a oni nemaju šta tražiti u vašem - ne smije ući u vaše onda je nevjernik isto kao pljačkaš koji ulazi u tuđe kuće - a ni vi ne smijete u njihovo samo kao gosti ili turisti _ to ja neću da vidim ni da čujem da ima - samo ako neko hoće da bude među vama i vi kažete hajde može _ ma ko će se baviti sa vama još što mi to treba vi se bavite vjerom a vjera se sama sobom bavi vama - da ali mora se imati prava vjera - morate /// trebate da živite u svetom duhu po isusu da osjetite ljepotu vjere - inače se zavaravate samo - nema živa čovjeka koji ne želi realnost ISUSOVU - a niko živ sto posto ne želi realnost bilo kojeg drugog ni mesije ni boga _ gdje vam je ova Ahed Tamimi عهد التميمي - šta bi dalje sa nje - našla momka ili se udala i eeee što je seks lijep pusti kraju otpor _ ne mogu ja tamo da vam dijelim pravdu i nepravdu - ima ko je bio zadužen za to predviđen da to mora da radi - po božijem sudu pravdi i riječi - Bar je to sve morala ali eto nije - kaže i da zna bolje i da to nije ništa i sad ponovo date sa nekim udavačama jooj što mi to treba - ne znam što će mi dati to što nemaju neke druge pa tako rečeno je rečeno _ a Hađžnica nema pojam o vama i to je naopak svijet da ona tamo nepismena seljanka totalno sad nekom priča i o ljubavi i o pravdi mogla je da je htjela ali nije toliko hrabra bila - Hađžnica i ne zna što je ni palestina ni izrael nije rasla i stasala pored mene u svemu kao moj partner i sad sve to maša ko najveća glupača svijeta _ ja kada žene počnu mudrovati ovuda a ne znaju samo ni čvrsta ljubav biti - u što se ti hađžinice miješaš - kakve letve pa te prebiti što napravi sama od sebe - od onakve cure dno dna anonimka čistačica socijalac - mora da i tebi samoj san svih snova biti emina od nekada - pa da - što god napraviš za nas ,ma što kažeš ima pjesma o tome uveseli ljude _ pa dobro aliens ima li koja druga kod vas visoko moralna cura koja misli o životu - što je život - čemu ovo služi sve - zašto sam ja sama živa - ko je bog - gdje je bog - kako ga naći a bar će mo izbaciti jednostavno marš napolje _ Bar izbacimo napolje u Novi Zeland mora tamo - marš u ppppp materinu i ti i tvoja djeca i muž - hajmo vozi ja dao ja oteo - i da i od mene praviš kanalizaciju kakva si sama i ja pored tebe žive da sad tražim drugu ženu - znaš li šta je to odmah to je mater ti tvoju _ rotšildi marš napolje i vi - morate nositi i kosti vaše ili će se jednostavno bagerisati šta je bilo ovdje ništa - i da i vi ovadie hajmo vozi - ima vas još puno idemo vožnja vaše prisustvo nije poželjno a vaše imovine prestaju biti vaše vlasništvo _ aliens ima li kakva high tech moralna da ne zna rotšilda niti je zanimaju takve gluposti - a što može jedna može svaka - samo problem ne mogu ja svake - ne smije se desiti da ljubav priča gluposti i zato je emini išlo a svim drugim ne ili vrlo vrlo malo - ne smije se desiti da priča gluposti a kada ih radi to je onda ništa - nema ništa od nje kao ni od druge žene recimo ona nema nigdje ništa samo grad didam na nju _ vaši zakoni o ženama nisu važeći - žene su stvornja božija kao i muškarci - sve onako kako jedno muško može obavljati vjeru tako može i svako žensko - samo oni dani mjesečni imaju kada one nisu čiste a neće se zatvarati recimo vjerski objekat zbog toga (žena sveštenik i sad nije čista nema ko voditi vjeru moramo zaključati na par dana vjerski objekat dok ne bude čista) (to je što one ne mogu biti svešetnici a sve drugo je ok) - nema druge razlike - i one idu i u raj i u pakao kao vi _ meni su uradile toliko zla no ni dalje ih ne mrzim nego mora onako kako je sud istine - kćeri i sinovi pa tako vrijedne kao i muškarci - ali se sjetim da sam znao praviti kompromise svaka i dalje pored mene - gle pravim kompromise živim i sa prvom ženom druge nigdje ili pravim kompromise sa drugom i sad skupa - no - ja se sjetim da sa Hađžnicom nikada ni jedno nije pravilo nikakve kompromise - Hađžinica se neprestano sama od sebe trudila da mi napravi sve na moju volju a gdje plus toga i iznenadi me skoro svaki puta - a onda ja se trudio da joj budem njen najbolji momak i to sto posto jesam _ Bar ti počneš o tome misliti kako se vi morate seliti za novi zeland - nova aliens cura ti moraš van _ Bar nema ti druge moraš van inače ja neću - ili nova aliens cura e nedam tebi sa nje da umireš milion puta _ vrati se Hađžnica i sad mi živimo u sloveniji - nema slovencima ništa dok ne izbace prvu zaručnicu - kako šta gdje ljudska prava ne prava mora van pa onda _ je li tako "nećeš kurvo više" nema ti _ Bar kada ti ja kažem ti ćeš morati napustiti zemlju
Guess what. You don't have a bunch of horrible stuff happening to them but I'll give benefit of the doubt for that small detail. @@MusicPlaylistsChannel
BALELSTINIAS have homelands in Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon and more. All the countries that most of them had arrived from 1850 till 1915. Learn history and look for the Demographic statistics of the Ottoman Empire before collapsing after ruling that region for 450 years. In his region were no Lebanese, no Syrian, no Egyptians, no Jordanians, no Iraqis, and more. Certainly no BALESTINIANS. Canaan was a son of Noah, the sinner one. You have a nice name.
BALELSTINIAS have homelands in Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon and more. All the countries that most of them had arrived from 1850 till 1915. Learn history and look for the Demographic statistics of the Ottoman Empire before collapsing after ruling that region for 450 years. In his region were no Lebanese, no Syrian, no Egyptians, no Jordanians, no Iraqis, and more. Certainly no BALESTINIANS. Canaan was a son of Noah, the sinner one. You have a nice name.
Very nice. From Pakistan 🇵🇰🇵🇸
Both are amazing cities, I really miss my time in both Israel and Palestine! I would love to come back one day. Also the music is really great. thanks for the vid!
What is Isreal ? And Ramallah is pretty the only good city left to the Palestinians.
Communist much lol ?
What palestine?
It's just like as someone traveling from new york to Bronx.
Jonathan Yakubov 1) Palestine refers to the region 2) Palestinians exist and have have their own territories 3) Palestine is sovereign state currently recognized by 137 UN countries. - Your Israeli Friend.
There is no Israel , both are occupied lands of Palestine , the Jewish foreign settlers do not own one centimeter of this country.
@Jonathan Yakubov both are occupied lands of Palestine , the foreign Jewish settlers do not own one centimeter of Palestine.
In 2002 route 443 is closed to the Palestine, 8 years later in 2010, is opening again with Israeli-Palestines.
Can Israelis go to ramallah
@@gamermapper Not for Jewish israelis
@@noamagassi654 sad
@@gamermapper there are red signs that say Israelis are entering at their own risk, but essentially they can go where they please.. in the majority of the west bank and particularly from cities like Ramallah you have the view of the exclusively Israeli and fenced off hilltop settlements which are linked by a series of completely inaccessable highways, in addition Israeli settlers in the west bank often parade towns like Hebron in envoys carrying rifles for intimidation and escorted by military
@@GhassanB every young israel is carrying gun rifle
East Jerusalem was part of Jordan between 1948 and 1967. However Israel won the 1967 war. With the Oslo Accords the Palestinians agreed that Israel controls this territory (also called the Occupied Territories) and in 1980 all Arabs living here became entitled to full Israeli citizenship. That is why an Arab born in East Jerusalem can travel anywhere in Israel just by showing an East Jerusalem ID. If they want they can vote in Israeli elections and can volunteer for service in the Israeli Defense Force.
Dennis Levy Why do you only tell half of the truth? The vast majority of Jerusalem's Arabs refused to accept Israeli citizenship and are only permanent residents.
@@omarali4590 "half the truth" he hasn't said anything about Arabs refusing or accepting the citizenship.
@@MusicPlaylistsChannel now I am saying no any inch of lands belongs to Israel. get lost from Palestine
@@mohd78652 you can't give an argument why so stfu
The whole country is Palestine , go back to Poland or what ever country you bald headed father came from .
Driving from Ramallah to Tel-Aviv didn't take that long.
Thank you for the trip!
That looks like San Francisco or Los Angeles
Similar climate.
Beautiful terrain,,,don't understand why is there so much conflict?
It's about theft, occupation, and deception.
I Don't like any sound or background music..
Can a palestinian stay in tel aviv, for how long? What's the purpose? Is there any conflict between countries until these days?
Yes they can stay in Tel Aviv and many do. If you have a Jerusalem ID or a working permit you can travel freely and do what you want. If you don't have either of these things you have to apply for a visa, when you have the visa you can spend time in Tel Aviv like anyone. Problem is the visa can be very slow to attain, I'm pro-Israel and Israeli but the situation is bad. It makes life difficult for both Israelis and Palestinians.
Can a jew live in ramallah?
@@dogbert52 no
@@dogbert52 hope one day we all live together in ramallah and tel-aviv
@@shalomnadel9812 hope one day we all live together in ramallah and tel-aviv
At 2:36 is the road really heading to Tel Aviv or West Bank? I thought there's a checkpoint on Highway 1 westbound leaving West Bank but not westbound entering it. In the video the checkpoint is on the opposite site.
once palestine allways palestine viva palestine
Salahh Din
Hezbollah much lol?
Your both wrong The land belongs to Persia. Long live king Xerxes and the great Persian empire.
Israel Jindabad
Palestine in the PAST, Palestine NOW and Palestine FOREVER 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸👊👊👊👊
The rest go back to Poland your forefathers homeland 😂😂😂
@@YouTellMe77 You want to kick millions of people out of their homes?
One State, One Vote, One Nation. End the Occupation.
One state is a delusional fantasy. It will never happen.
One jugoslavia! It will be lovely like in the 90s!
@@dogbert52ok,but even in the current situation things aren't working
How do you drive from Palestine to Israel? Was your car Israeli plated? Did you need permission? Why weren't there any checkpoints? If I want to drive from Europe to Palestine, can I take a ferry to Haifa from Europe and drive to Palestine and back?
+MuzzaHukka You need to have a special permission and an Jerusalem ID. As a Palestine, you can't just drive those streets. There are checkpoints in the video, I just stopped filming, because I didn't know if it would be trouble for the driver. I'm not sure if you can just drive to Palestine, I just took this trip, sorry. But the checkpoint soldiers knew the driver, otherwise we must have stopped there.
+ratkingentertainment As a tourist, I can visit all parts of "Israel", the only places where I'd need, if I needed visas, would be Palestine. There's an awesome development region happening in the West Bank and I'd like to be able to drive there overland :)
Israeli Patriot
And how exactly will you make sure he won’t go? What power do you have to stop him? You’re pathetic lmao.
He drove from Ramallah ,Palestine to Tel Aviv Palestine , the Jewish settlers do not own one centimeter of this land.
Palestinians are free to drive wherever they want in Israel with a permit but Israelis cannot enter Palestinian controlled areas no matter the circumstances. As a tourist, you can indeed travel freely throughout the West Bank and all of Israel but not Gaza. So yes, you can drive without hindrance. The checkpoints are a myth, there is only ONE checkpoint entering and leaving the West Bank but no other. There are however checkpoints around Israel on the highways just like there are all across the Middle East.
The fence lines the road not because it is in Palestine but because Palestinians have attacked the cars on the road with rocks on numerous occasions.
and so they should viva palestine
@@jerryswallow This is why palestine doesn't exist today
So palestinians should just smile and be happy seeing their land or "the rest of their land" getting stolen?
@@feisalajaj7954 Well said
Indian Muslims now understand how Hindus felt while seeing their Ram Mandir ,Mathura and Kashi temples.
This video is led ✌️✌️✌️
Do they check fo a passport or ID to go from the west bank to Israel?
Yes they do
What os jerusalem ID?
Most Palestinian residents in East Jerusalem do not have Israeli citizenship, and so they have a residency permit which allows them to live in East Jerusalem and to travel around Israel and the Palestinian territories, which is what the author of this video means when he says about a "Jerusalem ID".
Everyone needs salvation here are the words of salvation please forgive me jesus im a sinner come into my heart and save me from my sin I no that you are the savior and I no that you died for me on calvary and I no that God raise you from the dead and you are alive and I thankyou for your salvation in Jesus holy name amen and its important to always ask forgiveness everynight
whats the song?
Thanks for asking! I'm embarrassed I didn't mention the artist. It' s "Islamatronic cantilliation" by The Orientalist.
It's called, Zionists Jews go back to Poland your forefathers homeland 😂😂😂
@@YouTellMe77 screw u
@@YouTellMe77 arabs are too hungry
@@YouTellMe77 Jews are not from europe it's from your damn area
Nice very very nice
Palestine Kingdom.. republic of Palestine.. cultural capital of islamic world for aqsha masjid
- ma lijepo je tamo vama samo eto niste dobri vi
mada ima izjava Ben Gurion: ako ih ne budemo držali u neprijateljstvu mogu se početi i voljeti
- tako da
no ma koja izjava da ima od ljudi i to ma kojih
- ima izjava i Božija manje više kada se sve protumači kako treba
- a to je da bi dospijeo u neki raj ako nisi dobar čovjek onda ni nećeš
- pa sad što vam preče to uzmete i to ima izjava
i sad dakako vi glumatajete svojim vjerama ma što hoćete ovuda
- tvrdite ma koliko hoćete
- nezgodno je u paklu jako nezgocno
i kao što velim
- nigdje ne piše na početku da je bog stvorio i raj i pakao
- nego piše samo da je stvorio raj
- gdje nije božiji interes da ste u paklu
a pakao je stvoren za potrebe nagrađivanja kao škola
- bio si dobar učenik ideš dalje
- bio si slab padaš u školi a u životu mora se negdje i sa tobom recimo GvB i tako ima vas puno
- pa moraju se nekako i rotšildi nagraditi za vjernost satanizmu
- nećeš božije
- u svjetlo božije nećeš
- no bude puno tama ništa ne sija a onda to ne vole
- onda u vatru ne bude ni tama a sad ono boli ali umrijeti se ne može više
kako veli
"za čim hoćeš pruži ruku svoju" "u tvojoj je moći da budeš dobar"
a dalje je
- u palestini nema jevreja koji neće slobodnom voljom da žive tamo a oni nemaju šta tražiti u vašem
- ne smije ući u vaše onda je nevjernik isto kao pljačkaš koji ulazi u tuđe kuće
- a ni vi ne smijete u njihovo samo kao gosti ili turisti
to ja neću da vidim ni da čujem da ima
- samo ako neko hoće da bude među vama i vi kažete hajde može
ma ko će se baviti sa vama još što mi to treba
vi se bavite vjerom a vjera se sama sobom bavi vama
- da ali mora se imati prava vjera
- morate /// trebate da živite u svetom duhu po isusu da osjetite ljepotu vjere
- inače se zavaravate samo
- nema živa čovjeka koji ne želi realnost ISUSOVU
- a niko živ sto posto ne želi realnost bilo kojeg drugog ni mesije ni boga
gdje vam je ova
Ahed Tamimi عهد التميمي
- šta bi dalje sa nje
- našla momka ili se udala i eeee što je seks lijep pusti kraju otpor
ne mogu ja tamo da vam dijelim pravdu i nepravdu
- ima ko je bio zadužen za to predviđen da to mora da radi
- po božijem sudu pravdi i riječi
- Bar je to sve morala ali eto nije
- kaže i da zna bolje i da to nije ništa
i sad ponovo date sa nekim udavačama jooj što mi to treba
- ne znam što će mi dati to što nemaju neke druge pa tako rečeno je rečeno
a Hađžnica nema pojam o vama i to je naopak svijet da ona tamo nepismena seljanka totalno sad nekom priča i o ljubavi i o pravdi mogla je da je htjela ali nije toliko hrabra bila
- Hađžnica i ne zna što je ni palestina ni izrael nije rasla i stasala pored mene u svemu kao moj partner i sad sve to maša ko najveća glupača svijeta
ja kada žene počnu mudrovati ovuda a ne znaju samo ni čvrsta ljubav biti
- u što se ti hađžinice miješaš
- kakve letve pa te prebiti što napravi sama od sebe
- od onakve cure dno dna anonimka čistačica socijalac
- mora da i tebi samoj san svih snova biti emina od nekada
- pa da
- što god napraviš za nas ,ma što kažeš ima pjesma o tome uveseli ljude
pa dobro aliens ima li koja druga kod vas visoko moralna cura koja misli o životu
- što je život
- čemu ovo služi sve
- zašto sam ja sama živa
- ko je bog
- gdje je bog
- kako ga naći
a bar će mo izbaciti jednostavno marš napolje
Bar izbacimo napolje u Novi Zeland mora tamo
- marš u ppppp materinu i ti i tvoja djeca i muž
- hajmo vozi
ja dao ja oteo
- i da i od mene praviš kanalizaciju kakva si sama i ja pored tebe žive da sad tražim drugu ženu
- znaš li šta je to odmah to je mater ti tvoju
rotšildi marš napolje i vi
- morate nositi i kosti vaše ili će se jednostavno bagerisati šta je bilo ovdje ništa
- i da i vi ovadie hajmo vozi
- ima vas još puno idemo vožnja vaše prisustvo nije poželjno a vaše imovine prestaju biti vaše vlasništvo
aliens ima li kakva high tech moralna da ne zna rotšilda niti je zanimaju takve gluposti
- a što može jedna može svaka
- samo problem ne mogu ja svake
- ne smije se desiti da ljubav priča gluposti
i zato je emini išlo a svim drugim ne ili vrlo vrlo malo
- ne smije se desiti da priča gluposti a kada ih radi to je onda ništa
- nema ništa od nje kao ni od druge žene recimo ona nema nigdje ništa samo grad didam na nju
vaši zakoni o ženama nisu važeći
- žene su stvornja božija kao i muškarci
- sve onako kako jedno muško može obavljati vjeru tako može i svako žensko
- samo oni dani mjesečni imaju kada one nisu čiste a neće se zatvarati recimo vjerski objekat zbog toga (žena sveštenik i sad nije čista nema ko voditi vjeru moramo zaključati na par dana vjerski objekat dok ne bude čista)
(to je što one ne mogu biti svešetnici a sve drugo je ok)
- nema druge razlike
- i one idu i u raj i u pakao kao vi
meni su uradile toliko zla no ni dalje ih ne mrzim nego mora onako kako je sud istine
- kćeri i sinovi pa tako vrijedne kao i muškarci
- ali se sjetim da sam znao praviti kompromise svaka i dalje pored mene
- gle pravim kompromise živim i sa prvom ženom druge nigdje ili pravim kompromise sa drugom i sad skupa
- no
- ja se sjetim da sa Hađžnicom nikada ni jedno nije pravilo nikakve kompromise
- Hađžinica se neprestano sama od sebe trudila da mi napravi sve na moju volju a gdje plus toga i iznenadi me skoro svaki puta
- a onda ja se trudio da joj budem njen najbolji momak i to sto posto jesam
Bar ti počneš o tome misliti kako se vi morate seliti za novi zeland
- nova aliens cura ti moraš van
Bar nema ti druge moraš van inače ja neću
- ili nova aliens cura e nedam tebi sa nje da umireš milion puta
vrati se Hađžnica i sad mi živimo u sloveniji
- nema slovencima ništa dok ne izbace prvu zaručnicu
- kako šta gdje ljudska prava ne prava
mora van pa onda
je li tako "nećeš kurvo više" nema ti
Bar kada ti ja kažem ti ćeš morati napustiti zemlju
palestine 48
Why not 47??
אתה הולך להסתבך אני ידווח עליך ברשויות אתה תשב בכלא המון שנים
Israel & Palestine are opposites attract make love you two
Free Palestine!
I wonder why does Palestine look so good in this video when in reality it is occupied AF and destroyed by the mean zionists? Propaganda ?
Palestine! is free , Arabs live well in Israel do not worry
Firdaus Achmad
Go back to Assad regime
@@itech40 I live in Europe (Belgium) and my streets, highways etc look much worse than Palestine (been there). So there's not much to complain
Guess what. You don't have a bunch of horrible stuff happening to them but I'll give benefit of the doubt for that small detail. @@MusicPlaylistsChannel
Jews have a Jewish home land in Birobidzhan , Russia , how many homelands did there real estate agent god wants.
Palestinians have a homeland in Jordan. How many homelands did there real estate agent god wants.
BALELSTINIAS have homelands in Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon and more. All the countries that most of them had arrived from 1850 till 1915. Learn history and look for the Demographic statistics of the Ottoman Empire before collapsing after ruling that region for 450 years. In his region were no Lebanese, no Syrian, no Egyptians, no Jordanians, no Iraqis, and more. Certainly no BALESTINIANS. Canaan was a son of Noah, the sinner one. You have a nice name.
BALELSTINIAS have homelands in Jordan, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon and more. All the countries that most of them had arrived from 1850 till 1915. Learn history and look for the Demographic statistics of the Ottoman Empire before collapsing after ruling that region for 450 years. In his region were no Lebanese, no Syrian, no Egyptians, no Jordanians, no Iraqis, and more. Certainly no BALESTINIANS. Canaan was a son of Noah, the sinner one. You have a nice name.
Lol I know right..
Ar abs have 22 countries.
Long live israel 🇮🇱.
Go back to Khazaria and end to the occupation abd the appartheid.
@charley katz go back to your server in California fucking bot
What music playing?