TOPWAR: Decoration Sets | Watch , Understand…& Do NOT make EXPENSIVE MISTAKES

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @klarmackerch
    @klarmackerch Рік тому +2

    The Decoration set you have to place on your base is marked with a star in the top left corner. these decos you have to place to get a buff. decor sets and decors have this. not all. it does not depends if you have a full set or not.

    • @t-me8295
      @t-me8295  Рік тому

      Thank you , I have pinned your message

    • @Overkill1666
      @Overkill1666 Рік тому +2

      That's not true with the decor bundles or sets, you need to have all of one set, to not have to place them on to your base, it even says that in the description of the set before you buy it completely. If you have the complete set there won't be a star.

    • @klarmackerch
      @klarmackerch Рік тому +1

      @@Overkill1666the one yyou have to place in your base are marked with a star... i have no full set but my march sitze sis not increase or decrease when i set it on my base or not. and its not marked

    • @Overkill1666
      @Overkill1666 Рік тому

      @@klarmackerch Maybe the items you are talking about a glitched somehow, but what you explained, should not be possible, Topwar implemented the full set bonus to make us spend more. So far I have 11 full sets and two with only a few items and I have to place all items of the not finished sets in m base and of course non of the finished sets, as it should be.

  • @t-me8295
    @t-me8295  Рік тому +1

    Please WATCH THIS … to understand BETTER:
    TOPWAR: Which decorations to FOCUS ON | Deco Set Store | F2p / low spenders Recommendations
    TOPWAR: Pawsome Moments set. What else are you unlocking?….worth it? Have a look !
    Up 3 min 10 sec

  • @jitendrayadav-47
    @jitendrayadav-47 Рік тому


    • @t-me8295
      @t-me8295  Рік тому

      Thank you sweetheart ❤️

  • @leewilkes4716
    @leewilkes4716 3 місяці тому

    I have three trenches from decor store. What is the process to combine them 3:45

  • @Mody.1I
    @Mody.1I Рік тому +2

    Just for your information. For f2p and low spenders who get a decor from the decor store. They have to place it in the hive to get ghe buffs. And thats very annoying as march size decor is 3×3. So if you dont have the full set you cant just keep them in inventory to get the buffs

    • @laplongejunior
      @laplongejunior Рік тому +1

      I heard march size is even 4x4 in some sets...

    • @t-me8295
      @t-me8295  Рік тому

      Thank you. I have immediately pinned your message to the video

    • @klarmackerch
      @klarmackerch Рік тому

      no its correct some have 3x3 and when you dont have a full set you have to place them on the map

    • @Alexander9600
      @Alexander9600 Рік тому

      @@laplongejunior I can confirm that the "Beached Ship" in "Rip Tide" is 4x4

  • @maverickncs
    @maverickncs Рік тому +1

    I dont understand why TopWar wants to place initial decor under ITEM instead of DECOR directly. It makes no sense to keep decor in ITEM tab and just increase the chances of players missing the usage of the decor when it is hidden in the many different items under ITEM.

    • @t-me8295
      @t-me8295  Рік тому +1

      I dont understand either. It’s an extra step you must do to activate them / place on the ground

    • @1brokkolibaum
      @1brokkolibaum Рік тому

      It's because it's a more safe way to implement decors as an item. It's less complicated to program into the events, gives better code-overview for the devs and is less likely to contain bugs as this is an already working and well implemented system. At least that's what I think from a development perspective. 🤔

    • @t-me8295
      @t-me8295  Рік тому


    • @maverickncs
      @maverickncs Рік тому +1

      @@1brokkolibaum I do understand your "reasoning" but I will still take it as an excuse for developers not doing it correctly because they can do it "safely" for UNITS and COMPONENTS :)

    • @t-me8295
      @t-me8295  Рік тому +1

      Yes. Indeed. There are some minimal standards they should / could pay attention to …BUT then again : look at all gaming industry out there : all claim an early beta is a polished product.
      It’s us customers which lets them get away with it .

  • @_77LK
    @_77LK Рік тому

    All decor set not needed to be in my base Timmy, seriously? That's awesome!

    • @t-me8295
      @t-me8295  Рік тому +2

      YES. It’s SUPER important

    • @laplongejunior
      @laplongejunior Рік тому

      Note that individual set items from the new semi-F2P store need to be placed. Only a FULL set grant effect without placing

  • @hairyball1973
    @hairyball1973 Рік тому

    Hello, you need a complete sets to allow you to keep them outside base and still get buffs. Very important point.

    • @t-me8295
      @t-me8295  Рік тому +1

      Thank you buddy. I didn’t knew that as I have purchased them the old fashioned way. All the packs. There were no other way back then

  • @iqbalhossain8020
    @iqbalhossain8020 Рік тому

    T me can u tell me at which lvl the ultimate dominators is unlocked

    • @t-me8295
      @t-me8295  Рік тому

      I think up lvl 60. Not sure

  • @juliandegabriele2899
    @juliandegabriele2899 11 місяців тому

    If I have multiple different decorations with a VIT buff do they stack up? Is it worth collecting them all?

  • @HussainHussain-wh2ls
    @HussainHussain-wh2ls Рік тому

    Thanks T-me❤

    • @t-me8295
      @t-me8295  Рік тому

      Thank you , Hussain❤️