I feel like I can speak for all of us when I say that Scotty and panda are the fun uncles with how this group raised us xD always stoned and funny ASF 😂
@@zerrierslizer1some of us grew up watching them , for example I started watching when I was 12 or 13 and now I'm 22 😂, so yea it's like they raised us
@@ivanaenriquez5853 i was about to comment about the difference of being raised by someone and growing up watching somebody's content, but i am pretty sure everyone would lose their collective shit about it since the truth often leads to anger.
15:45 i went to highschool with that guy, his name's jack grady and its nice to see he's made it so far as to have had you guys see him!! i believe he was also on AGT (and got x'd immediately lol)
Officer: "Did you kill that man?" Me: "Uhh... yeah, but I screamed MORTAL KOMBAT! first...." Officer: "Oh shit, well, you are free to go. Can't argue with that logic."
just me or is it sooo genuinely funny how they pronounce "wackelgeister" and "fruity Bussi" nothing against it, i love how they pronounce german words xD
This is the first ever video I have seen Scotty's cat, genuinely was so nice to see Bailey and know that he doesn't have a random ass cat tree behind him in these videos for no reason lol
“Girls read the nastiest books” Aye, we do! I mean if you think about it that’s The Hub for us, we like reading those books cus we can imagine ourselves in the scenario, I guess? Just tryna give like an explanation to why we read so much SMUT - some of us even ready the NASTIEST fan fictions, y’know, for “research” Gotta add that the fan fiction stuff there is a LOT of “reader X character”, so imagine all those cool gaming characters, if you wanna go down the rabbit hole check out COD MW, there’s a LOT with Ghost (to the point dudes are making interesting TikToks). Don’t go down that rabbit hole if you aren’t prepared because good LORD it is nasty
@@KikiKpopKrazzzy02ngl I wanna see them go down a smut rabbit hole of finding one of their favourite gaming character and searching reader X [character] so they can see what’s truly out there, or even some of the original oldies like Spock x Kirk!
I'm so glad my seat belt replacement came in, I've got some duct tape and screws and hooked em up to my lawn chair in my gaming room so I'm always buckled up for the rodeo YEE YEE I think I also felt a shift in our atmo at 19:30 from a collective of male eyebrows raising
3:14 I get it, I have days when I feel like a zombie and not just in the morning. 13:04 If only the emergency vehicles coming from the fire station half a block from my apartment building sounded that good.
I'm glad that we as a society have graduated from "every English person sounds like a posh Disney princess" to "every English person sounds like Wheatley from Portal 2"
Tbh that LT40 @19:30 is amazing by all means. I actually have her lil sister LT15 (40 was a bit to expensive for me at the time). And if she had the one I have, that girl would be in even better shape
10:01 pandas reaction to the ready to eay glizzy was so pure and genuine lmaaaoo
You can tell he's smoked lmfao
That "foekin' weewoo weewoo" at 7:42 killed me.
Anthony definitely on a new strain for this one xD
The near simultaneous eye raise 19:30 with both of them having no idea the other did it SENT me 😂😂
10:02 panda’s reaction was truly hilarious and amazing. 😂
Panda has migrated from his signature white monster to a C4... Interesting
He almost choked on it to
White monster is the best and only flavor I’ll drink
@@PhreakinPhilip I love the ruby red flavor but I'll drink every flavor except the javas cause I'm not a coffee person 😂
@@PhreakinPhilipI bet you drink alot of white monster😂😂😂
@@kylebeach2316 what? why would you not drink those hairy yellow-eyed little freaks? they are like hooded teddy bears!
oh panda is gone lmaoooo
The best kind of videos,
"umm.. Elmo thinks c4 is an explosive" *KABOOM* the funniest part is the beeping starts right on cue!
Anthony looking real zooted this episode 😂😂 keep up the videos Scotty!
Actually he is zooted in all of them
10:10 zooted munchies?
20:59 scotty shaves his feet?
I feel like I can speak for all of us when I say that Scotty and panda are the fun uncles with how this group raised us xD always stoned and funny ASF 😂
raised us? *What?*
Boy they are like the same age as me
@@zerrierslizer1some of us grew up watching them , for example I started watching when I was 12 or 13 and now I'm 22 😂, so yea it's like they raised us
Yesss 😂😂, fun part is now I'm old enough to be smoking WITH them 😂
@@ivanaenriquez5853 i was about to comment about the difference of being raised by someone and growing up watching somebody's content, but i am pretty sure everyone would lose their collective shit about it since the truth often leads to anger.
7:43 i just imagine Wheatley from Portal 2 somehow reincarnated into some emergency vehicle now
The "what if" bit was awesome. The facial transformation to evil xD
17:36 Bailey is just adorable Omg, what a precious baby!
I'm hella early to this video and all I can think about is what Scotty would look like bald
Huh. Good thinking
Is there such a thing as a Jewish potato?
His smooth bald head
@islandhomestead3995 Latkes. They're like little Jewish potato pancakes.
15:45 i went to highschool with that guy, his name's jack grady and its nice to see he's made it so far as to have had you guys see him!! i believe he was also on AGT (and got x'd immediately lol)
My favorite part is how Scotty and Anthony both mention how they could use more brains and then they spend the next ten minutes or so proving it. 😂
22:13 Panda being unprepared is a meme at this point 😭
As a person who works on Audiobooks. 18:02 Yes I agree. The books aimed at women are absurdly smutty.
Not just novels but even when art and other media is concerned
Man is it degenerate
@@crawlingboy women get horny too bruh. porn is pretty much all aimed at guys so they use what they can
Officer: "Did you kill that man?"
Me: "Uhh... yeah, but I screamed MORTAL KOMBAT! first...."
Officer: "Oh shit, well, you are free to go. Can't argue with that logic."
7:48 *Netflix:* Are you still watching?
*Somebody’s Daughter:*
18:55 “that’s just Bat” 😂
If you showed Michael Myers some of the smut that's been written about him, he would scream in lowercase.
*Dbd michael getting hit by a pallet noise*😂
If showed any of the classic horror villains the smut that is made of them
They renounce their ways
Meanwhile r34
And ao3😅😂
16:52 all the magician needs now is add Peter griffin going Ta-Da! at the end 😂
Adhd, ocd and anxiety are the triple threat, the have meetings every other day to plan coordinated havoc on the mind lol
15:22 she started shaking her head before screaming 😂
13:33 "your honor i swear i 360 y y ladderstall no scoped him"
3:24 That song is 'you're a worthless child' lol.
I love watchin y’all! Keep up the good work Scotty!
12:45 The song is The Alien from the soundtrack for the film Annihilation.
Pandas laugh sounds like a car trying to start up😂
Did anyone else hear the old windows xp powering down sound when Anthony was trying to talk around 10:54
11:11 I literally was doing the same thing out of shock and awe! That was so goofy AND funny!
17:00 it’s quoting JFK from Clone High. Oi loike yerr funny werds MAGIC MAN.
Thank you Mr. Scotty for uploading this is a good relief after getting out of school for three day
The dog looks like the dog from Coco just thicker 😂
20:05 There is a way nowadays to approximate autism from a certain eye test.
Scotty you're talking about the theme song for Harry Potter it's the same notes just not repeated as fast slow it down 😂 7:08
19:00 ITS BAT MIDGET!!!😂
17:05 he reminded me of sueco but magic lol
19:17 just call him bat boy 😂
I have autism AND astigmatism, and when you have astigmatism it can be a pain in the ass to read stuff
Blessing us with 22 mins, thank you papa scott
Scotty was all about calling people a dumba** this whole video and i love it 😂😂😂
These were some bangers Scooter!
13:01 New Ghostbusters Vehicle 😂
13:02 that’s the siren they use if the person in the ambulance dies on the way to the hospital and becomes a spooky ghost
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 as soon as Scotty did the hand thing at 8:36 I got a wrist carpel tunnel ad 😂😂😂😂😂😂
For some reason, this video slapped like 10x more than usual.
I'm glad he caught you drinking this time isn't "vaping". 😂😂😂
I'm sure that Pikachu lady and her husband had a good time. I always love these videos with panda.
just me or is it sooo genuinely funny how they pronounce "wackelgeister" and "fruity Bussi" nothing against it, i love how they pronounce german words xD
Scotty doing the outro always catches Panda either mid rip or mid sip.
Of all cream sodas I have had American cream soda is the only one I know to be the colour of piss/redbull. Everywhere else I’ve seen it translucent.
That magician is amazing, where do I get the 3 month supply of antidepressants? I don’t want the unpaid parking tickets tho
No one is talking about Anthony not getting the Clone High reference at 16:57??? 😭
I can play that ghost ambulance on the flexatone lol
Scott: confused staring
Anthony: pure joy
This is the first ever video I have seen Scotty's cat, genuinely was so nice to see Bailey and know that he doesn't have a random ass cat tree behind him in these videos for no reason lol
18:51 panda knew it was korn before the guitar, my spirit animal 💪
“Girls read the nastiest books”
Aye, we do! I mean if you think about it that’s The Hub for us, we like reading those books cus we can imagine ourselves in the scenario, I guess? Just tryna give like an explanation to why we read so much SMUT - some of us even ready the NASTIEST fan fictions, y’know, for “research”
Gotta add that the fan fiction stuff there is a LOT of “reader X character”, so imagine all those cool gaming characters, if you wanna go down the rabbit hole check out COD MW, there’s a LOT with Ghost (to the point dudes are making interesting TikToks). Don’t go down that rabbit hole if you aren’t prepared because good LORD it is nasty
YESSSS. Kinda wanna know what Panda picked up ngl if he was traumatized... Could've been haunting adeline maybe
@@KikiKpopKrazzzy02ngl I wanna see them go down a smut rabbit hole of finding one of their favourite gaming character and searching reader X [character] so they can see what’s truly out there, or even some of the original oldies like Spock x Kirk!
21:51 you need to show this to Marcel 😂
18:30 Well then I'd watch football... and only 20% is a goddamn lie 🤣
That lady sounded to me like she screamed that celebrity siting scream.😂
Panda almost came at the Glizzy lmao
Not me recognizing the song at 3:24 as You're A Useless Child, just pitched to hell 💀
5:58 i think it is best to keep your fantasy's to yourself panda...
I prefer the Juan time payment for those tacos.
I'm so glad my seat belt replacement came in, I've got some duct tape and screws and hooked em up to my lawn chair in my gaming room so I'm always buckled up for the rodeo YEE YEE
I think I also felt a shift in our atmo at 19:30 from a collective of male eyebrows raising
3:14 I get it, I have days when I feel like a zombie and not just in the morning.
13:04 If only the emergency vehicles coming from the fire station half a block from my apartment building sounded that good.
19:03 BatBoy, Lil Wayne
9:09 when you wear sweatpants.
Going in for an interview in an hour and a half, scooter and jiggy give me strength
I'm glad that we as a society have graduated from "every English person sounds like a posh Disney princess" to "every English person sounds like Wheatley from Portal 2"
Oooooo Panda!!! I Love the new hair cut! ❤
This might be my favorite reaction duo.
Who's that chaotic magic man, I love him
I feel it - gummy candy is life restoring
And that candy brand is great quality
Guys up in here talking about how horrifically raunchy things us girls read are, meanwhile they've probably WATCHED the equivalent on phub, like bro 😂
😂😂 booktok is a great place 😂😂
I love how at the end Panda got caught short for the outro mid-drink and had to hold it while Scotty did the outro :P
15:22 starting up the Panda mobile
That girl never loses like she never loses her appetite
Tbh that LT40 @19:30 is amazing by all means. I actually have her lil sister LT15 (40 was a bit to expensive for me at the time). And if she had the one I have, that girl would be in even better shape
The audio books are even better 😊😉
There’s so many penjamin slips I love it
Scrub daddy's TikTok is right up your sense of humors alley way lol
I wanna see more people reacting to texas BUSHMAN for just a chill reaciton, laughing at people getting jumpscared from a bush...
Panda at the end hitting us with that thousand-yard stare lol
More Nadeshot unhinged! He’s been top tier insane lately! Haha
no Panda she was the one saying pika pika he was going yeah baby I Choose You
ANTHONY IS FREAKING LITT. And im hear for it lmfao!!!!!!!
21:35 I woulda been like “shoot bro if my date can mine me some gold or diamonds then hell yeah. But if only coal tho it will be rocky to start”
What's With scotty always hitting these low ball outros on Anthony drinking or hitting something Lmao🤣🤣
1:50 "hey guys you wanna go fithin, come guys lets go fithin"
"Pikachu Use Thunder Clap!"
That was the scream of a woman who's just not caring anymore. Hahahaha. You know, like all delivery workers. XD
@21:57 That is Panda with a shave..!
I will absolutely like the video for Bailey
18:52 little Damian Wayne practicing be batman if he has to batman for a night