The Underrated Ones From Season 9 | Friends
- Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
- Season 9 had Monica's frizzy hair, Mike Hannigan, and Chandler's move to Oklahoma. But, it also included some of these underrated moments!
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"honey she keeps cancelling on us take the hint"
Oh Chandler you slay me 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hard to believe it’s been 30 years since this masterpiece premiered. I miss the 90’s so much. Friends was always the one show everyone came together to watch and share memories with. I’d give anything to go back to those days. Thanks Friends! ❤
Four weeks and it will be thirty years and one month for my brother's 30th birthday.
I always wonder for how long this show will be watched and remembered.
My guess, and I wish this is watched in 3024, 4024, on and on, till eternity.
No fucking way 30 years already? Man time does fly by.
Totally. I had a group of friends that met up every Thursday night, got pizza and had drinks and watched it together. Those WERE the days!
I just binged all 10 Seasons on Netflix!
I love that Joey found Phoebe's soulmate by randomly shouting out for a Mike. Joey is the best Wingman, even when it's accidental.
I'm very happy Mike showed up this late in the series, because to me his character is one of the most boring and without any personality.
@@marieburton4714😂 That went in an unexpected direction!
@@MegaSpideyman 😂Did it?
@@marieburton4714 Yeah!
@@marieburton4714haha yeah I get what he's saying that it seems like you were just happy that he came into the show but you're saying that it was good that it was so late because he was awful. And I agree. He was one of the worst Side characters in the entire series.
Phoebe yelling pick up the sock to Judy at the restaurant for her birthday dinner with the gang is the best underrated moment😂
Would love to see the bloopers for it 😂
04.18 "Okay, do we have to talk like that when they're not around?"
@@jackcarter2189 Ah, that's why the numbers didn't turn blue ☺
Season 9 is underrated. Had 3 dramatic storylines between Chandler struggling with work. Phoebe having her first longterm relationship and Ross and Rachel adapting to life as new parents and struggles with their feelings about each other
I don't know if it's her first. She was with Gary for a while.
@@MegaSpideyman That did occur to me. But I don't think she ever felt so seriously about Gary as much as with Mike
@@charlieandthechocfactrules9186 Yeah, you could be right there.
21:23 "Oh, for God's sake, Judy! Pick up the socks! PiCk Up ThE sOcKs! PICK UP THE SOCKS!!!"
"For God's Sake, Judy, pick up the sock, pick up the sock, PICK UP THE SOCK!" Phoebe's quote, and Ross' sarcastic story, live in my mind, rent free.
- How was everything, sir?
- Excellent. The shrew, in particular, was exquisite.
Phoebe's "pick up the sock!!!" scene always makes me laugh 😂😂😂😂
Oh, for God's sake, Judy, pick up the sock, pick up the sock, PICK UP THE SOOOOOOOOOCCCCCKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!! 😂😂😂
Is sooo good
Why don't you LIKE ME??? always kills me😂
"I don't know, you seem lovely" also cracks me up.
OMG yes he looks kinda cute @@trinaq
11:10 "well you proved them wrong"😂typical sarcastic Chandler 😂
I love Alex Borstein's one woman play, and how she interacts with Chandler. Luckily, he got his revenge by tricking Phoebe and Monica into getting stuck with her.
Damn, that’s Lois??! Never realised until now.
That's amazing, who knew she is from Gilmore Girls
25:09 Gavin was a man that Rachel needed in her life
I agree with you
Why's that?
I never liked the Gavin/Rachel story with the overdone hate/love trope. And this one especially seems like its written by a 16 year old.
@@MegaSpideyman how he present himself when we first saw him. He was cool and had got dry sense of humor and when the time was right showed our beloved Rachel how he felt about her.
@@ricknash730 Hm, ok.
"Seriously...You divorce O.?"☠😅😂🤣
"Oh my God ! I want to trade lives with Ross."☠😅😂🤣
I love when monika said she wants to go hunting too so funny 😂😂
0:30 his face is so cute 😍
miss you Matty
Poor Chandler stuck at that horrible play, but it's good he got his own back. I like recognising her from 3rd Rock.
Yes, Alex Borstein is always a win. I loved her in "The Lizzie McGuire Movie."
Great in madtv
1:01 the lady in the background trying to hold her laugh 😂
😂😂😂😂😂Phoebe is just on another level 😂
At 9:40, Monica asks Chandler to help her get the plates down, then *she* ends up putting them down herself 😂
Good 👀😂😅
God I hope somebody got fired for that blunder
@@mattthompson1105 🤣🤣
"Man that's some bad advice" 🤣🤣
They really, really were an incredibly funny ensamble. Great writers. Each character so quirky and individual. Thankful for reruns to infinity.😂
I am watching it Again after 25 years. They are the best
I’m a 2010s kid but I love this show so much!!
28:40 I had the unfortunate luck to have a mom like Monica's, it's very hurtful.
Whe Ross says you really want me to be the keynote speaker it always cracks me up 😅
21:37 my favourite 😂
1:54 Harmony and everything!
It was nice seeing Paul Rudd come into it, although he's a bit more subdued than I'd like. He plays the part well, but is funnier in Anchorman and I Love You, Man.
It was refreshing to see him and Phoebe have a more understated break up that didn't involve messing with his character. He didn't shoot any birds, sure.
At (3:25 & 31:24) you can see the Twin Towers, but we all know they fell on 9/11/01. *Season 9* ran from Fall 2002 to Spring 2003, so I'm not sure why they were shown 🤔
I would guess they just didn't want to spend money to reshoot the scenery shots. I'm not sure why they would choose to use scenery that included the towers instead of just other parts.
It was sure a mistake. They probably reused an old shot, but didn't pay attention at the scenario at all.
@@andreborgesaquino5699 This is the situation I was thinking was going on there
23:41 wanna trade life with Rosss!!!!!!!!!! 🤣
10:15 10:23 10:29 10:42 10:52
“Oh my god, I wanna trade lives with Ross?”
Phoebe savage even when sad 😂
@@andreborgesaquino5699 lol right??
Hahahaha that and the “you’re kind of a drama queen”
Phoebe talking about hating these huge corporations, ok, I get that. I get that She hates factory farming, TOTALLY get that. But she also hates HUNTING AND FISHING?
Phoebe, sweetie... what ARE you ok with, Anorexia? Because you either have to buy your food or source it from nature. Those are pretty much your only two options outside of starving. Even if you're vegan, you still have to take life in order to live. Again, I get that factory farms are the proverbial devil's playground, but at the end of the day, we still gotta eat.
Hunting and fishing and sourcing your shit from the wild is the literal opposite of corporate farming.
Character-wise, I like Phoebe more than any other personality in the cast. She's very strong-willed, she believes in what she believes in, and she stands firmly. WITHOUT becoming Monica in her neurotic approach to the world. She's as rigid as Monica, but still manages to be very open-minded. I admire that. I just feel like she didn't think her stance through well enough, in terms of, you know, survival...
It's a normal Swedish name... IKEA!
This is the absolute best show ever 🏆RIP Mathew Perry💙
15.00 😂 Ross Reaction 😜
Gavin had a point about how Rachel was being a hypocrite about when she dated Tag.
Monica looking great in these episodes!😳🙏
Ross king of awkwardness 😂😂
The entirety of season 9 is underrated IMO.
I started watching Friend very recently and when I heard that a lot of people thought that season 9 was the worst I expected a big drop in quality but even though there is a slight drop it’s not that noticeable to me.
The very big flaws are at the beginning, the middle and the end with Ross and Rachel STILL not back together even though they just had a child together (it would’ve been a nice change that the show and the characters needed 5 years of "will they won’t they" was enough but they wanted to keep it for the finale I guess), then at the middle the pointless Gavin storyline that leads to Rachel and Ross not living together anymore and at the end of course the Joey and Rachel thing…
Yeah, I can understand disliking some of that.
@1:15 Joey is in Heaven!☠😅😂🤣
Phoebe's the most hypocritical friend 😂😂
Poor Chandler 😂
Rachel’s boots 😍
Season 9 was incredible great episodes back to back especially the Barbados episodes will always be my favorite 😭❤️
“Tip is not included “, 😅😅😅😅😅😅
Chandler being left at that excruciating feminist play always cracks me up 😂
Tbh, poor Chandler
How about for future compilations: The Ones Where Rachel & Monica Are Practically Sisters, The Ones With Pre-Chandler & Monica, The Ones Where Ross & Rachel Are Jealous, The Ones With Ross... Directed By David Schwimmer?
All amazing still is relevant 😢rip chandler-Matthew
1:55 1:54 1:57
5:51 The capital of Sweden is S.
The World Trade Center appears twice in this compilation. It was destroyed long before Season 9.
The scenes were shot beforehand..
They reused old scenery scenes
21:35 27:07
10:48 stupid long sleeves 😅😅😅
26:56 😂😂😂
3:25 did they really showed twin towers in season 9 or its just callous editing.
Yeah, looks like it. Never noticed that.
Given that the season aired in 2002 they may very well still have been intact when production started
They probably used old scenery shots and didn't want to reshoot those (cost reasons)
Okays we are freinds now😊
„Theres no Guy
in there!“
What's that box doing in the middle of the road 🛣️ 29:17
It’s Tag jones
Just ❤❤❤❤❤❤
It was also quite funny seeing Monica and Mike's friend try to keep him and Phoebe apart. Jon Lovitz was far better here, especially his SUCH FAT HANDS!!
When they showed phoebes shoes I remember it being a scene where Rachel sees phoebes feet being decorated with jewelry which is how she noticed …🤔
Thats the scene where Phoebe has a crush on her client and does some "feet-flirting" 😁 she ends up biting his bum 😂
That's not this episode you're thinking of that was when she was feet flirting with her client in this one it was her shoes Rachel recognized
Ikea, er... I mean Phoebe is such a hypocrite.
Cute but Weird.
… benefits, like medical and dental and - What??? For-a-wank??
Chandler made up for every fault in his character when he sat through that absolute garbage play
What fault?
His dues are definitely paid 😂
I always stop watching after season 6. Can't stand the later seasons.
Some of the celebrity gushing on the roof was a bit off-putting, like Monica having her bra signed. It was also weird to see Charlie go for Joey.
Surely Ross was a much better fit.
Rachel and Gavin were perfect for each other 👌👌👌
How so?
@@MegaSpideyman both like fashion & work in fashion industry, he can handle Rachel perfectly, both of them are hot, he's handsome, confident, straightforward, bold, intelligent with dry sense of humor and the true masculine energy, no one can bully or walk over him, they just fits perfectly & they make a very attractive couple lol
I thought so too the banter back and forth was good
@@Chanchanbong Interesting.
Four-o-one-k 😂
I just look at it my grandmother and actress model and maybe met Her Jennifer Anniston wow okay 😅
Phoebe is a class act.
2:25 She's a hypocrite.
Has anyone noticed Antmen 😂😂 13.06
You're dad looks like George from Some mother's do hav them❤
The Receptionist is also the very small girlfriend of Joey, who hits people alot. Am I right?
No but she does look quite like her though
I love this show so much but it’s honestly terrible advice to tell someone to quit their job if they don’t have another job lined up. Unless you don’t have to live paycheck to paycheck or have a large savings.😊
401k was hilarious
4:41 Phoebe doesn’t make sense to me sometimes! May be thats why she’s my least favourite character!
Good thing it’s a show and not real!
I love Gavin, Rachel should've ended up with him
Dina 🆗
Ross presuming Mike’s cousin, the Palaeontologist, was a guy?
Is not the girl in the reception the same one Who punched Joey and Rachel?
No different actor. She does look quite a bit like her though
I am not allowed tennis twin brother
GIO ninja chips 🥷🏽🥷🏽🥷🏽
Power 🏀🏈🎮⚾🎮⚾ 🎮
The season, along with 10, that was never suppose to be. This season is the weakest of the bunch and yet it’s still pretty good.
Shows how great Friends was