Amazarashi LIVE 『理論武装解除』 Kuudou Kuudou esp+romaji

  • Опубліковано 18 січ 2025


  • @mt9477
    @mt9477 4 роки тому +12


  • @きゆぅころ
    @きゆぅころ 6 років тому +92

    2:08 かわすぎる

  • @レオニダス-d3n
    @レオニダス-d3n 6 років тому +29


  • @amazarashi511
    @amazarashi511 6 років тому +44


  • @shisakuch4843
    @shisakuch4843 4 роки тому +9


  • @JADE-pm8ct
    @JADE-pm8ct 6 років тому +110

    耳を塞いだって ざわめきは聞こえてくる 酸性雨で花は枯れた
    意味のないことばっかりだ 意味ばかり求めすぎるから
    トンビは山に鳴いた もう帰れないと泣いた
    掃き溜めみたい憧憬も 遠くからは見とれていた 憧れが駆け込み乗車
    絶望と君、隣り合わせ 自暴自棄とは背中合わせ がらんどうが乗り合わせ
    空っぽな奴ほど詩を書きたがる ほんとそうだよな ほんとそうだよな
    傷ついたなんて言わないぜ けど痛くないわけじゃないよ
    優しい人なんていないぜ 武装解除しただけ 空洞空洞
    僕らが野垂れ死んだって その頃には忘れるくせに
    「信じてる」も「愛してる」も オーナメント巻いてる空洞空洞
    何にもやる気が起きないよ やりたいことなんてないよ
    反省なんかもうしないよ 責任なんてとらないよ
    別れた人はもう忘れた でも忘れたこと忘れない 亡霊と僕ら生きてる
    送電鉄塔 原っぱで口ずさもう 夢にあふれた歌 夢にあふれた歌
    死にたがらない奴らが 死にたがる奴らを迫害した
    翌日の某コンビニで マシンガンは品切れ 空洞空洞
    君の骨は拾えないぜ この命使い果たすまで
    それを使命と呼ぶんだよ そんな訳ねえよ 空洞空洞
    離れるものを留める術それすら持たない僕らは 泣き言ばっかを歌う
    最近街でよく流れる流行歌 あれだってそう 誰だってそう
    街はがらんどう 巨大な空洞
    車道の側溝 自販機の横 笑みの喉元 君の足元
    夢、希望も恨みつらみも 「君に会いたい」も「くたばれ」も
    詰め込んだ火炎瓶で 世界ざまあみろ 空洞空洞
    みんな死んだ焼野原で めでたしめでたしで終わり
    そうだったらいいのにな なつかれちまった 空洞空洞

  • @tenchu2606
    @tenchu2606 6 років тому +50


  • @magaretro5694
    @magaretro5694 6 років тому +22


  • @茅ヶ崎-x1z
    @茅ヶ崎-x1z 4 роки тому +8


  • @n.flower-z8f
    @n.flower-z8f 3 роки тому +6


  • @jinn1899
    @jinn1899 6 років тому +12


  • @sena_yade
    @sena_yade 5 років тому +10


  • @タド-z6v
    @タド-z6v 3 роки тому


  • @kokekokko
    @kokekokko 5 років тому +17


  • @ladydarios9641
    @ladydarios9641 6 років тому +33

    Even if I plug my ears, I can still hear a noise.
    The flowers withered because of the acid rain
    and the flowers that were to blossom tomorrow have dried up.
    Everything is meaningless, so why are we spending so much time looking for meaning?
    A black parrot shouted from the top of the mountain; he shouted because he could not go home anymore.
    Even those garbage-like aspirations are fascinating from afar.
    Ambitions, rushing across the train doors,
    they bow their heads in sadness as the doors close.
    You're right next to despair and back to self-abandonment,
    and taking a ride in the void; but you lost your parade in happiness.
    And the more empty you are, the more verses you want to write.
    It's really like that, is not it? It's really like that, is not it?
    I do not tell people I got hurt, but it's not like it does not hurt.
    There are no gentle people out there, only those who have been disarmed. Oh, the emptiness! Oh, the emptiness!
    Even if we die by the side of the road, we would have forgotten by then.
    "I believe in you" and "I love you" they will be just ornaments. Oh, the emptiness! Oh, the emptiness!
    We can not build the motivation to do anything, and there is nothing we can do anyway.
    We do not even think about anything else, and we definitely do not take any responsibility.
    We have already forgotten those we have separated from, but let us not forget the fact that we have forgotten them.
    We will still live with their ghost, so we are basically possessed by them.
    Let's sing for ourselves among the empty lots of electric poles.
    Songs that flooded our dreams. Songs that are overflowing our dreams.
    The bastards who do not want to die are pursued by the ones they do.
    The next day, in a certain convenience store, all the machine guns were exhausted. Oh, the emptiness! Oh, the emptiness!
    I will not waste all my life cleaning up your mess when you die.
    They call this obligation, but no way will I. Oh, the emptiness! Oh, the emptiness!
    We do not even have the ability to stop things from leaving us.
    We're just singing our complaints, and it's the hit song that's played around the city lately.
    And because of that, everyone is doing it too.
    This city is empty: a giant cavity.
    In the gutters by the side of the road, next to vending machines, behind every smile, just below you.
    My dreams, my hopes, my repressed resentment; "I want to see you soon" and "Fall dead!"
    all packed in the Molotov cocktail: '' This is for you cruel world! '' Oh, the emptiness! Oh, the emptiness!
    And in the burned field where all died, ends with a: "happy forever".
    Oh, that would be cool, but I had to go and adapt to it all! Oh, the emptiness! Oh, the emptiness!
    Richard S.

    • @Hetsu..
      @Hetsu.. 5 років тому +1

      copy and paste

    • @dusty7205
      @dusty7205 11 місяців тому

      Even if I cover my ears,
      The noise outside keeps on slipping in.
      The sound of flowers dying in acid rain.
      Those flowers were supposed to bloom the very next day.
      The world is full of such meaningless fates.
      All because meaning is the only thing that we crave.
      A kite screeches at the mountain range,
      Weeping for it cannot return to its place.
      My goals are like garbage piled high.
      But from a certain distance I couldn’t look away.
      My ambition leaps aboard the departing train.
      And I just can’t help but hang my head low in shame.
      You and despair together sitting right beside,
      With desperation sitting so close behind.
      Sharing the train with emptiness inside,
      You miss the next stop to happiness.
      The emptier you are, the more poems keep filling your head.
      Isn’t that just so true? Isn’t that just so true?
      We’ll never tell anybody that we’ve been hurt.
      But that doesn’t mean that we aren’t hurting.
      There are no nice people in this world.
      They've just lost their weapons in this hole of a city.
      All of us have died a dog’s death,
      And yet that’s when we always seem to forget.
      Both how to trust and how to love,
      Like ornaments that wrap up this hole of a city.
      I just don’t feel like doing much of anything.
      As for what I want to do there's really nothing.
      Don’t even do anymore soul searching.
      Couldn’t care less about responsibility.
      I’ve long forgotten about those that I’ve lost.
      But I’ll never forget that I’ve forgotten them.
      Their souls always live next to us,
      Like we’ve been spending all of our lives haunted by them.
      Through the transmission tower in an open field comes the sound,
      Of a song overflowing with dreams. Of a song overflowing with dreams.
      All the people who say they don’t want to die,
      Persecute the people who say that they want to.
      At a certain shop the very next day,
      They sold all their machine guns in this hole of a city.
      I won’t ever pick up these bones of yours.
      To devote your very life to fulfill some order,
      Is the very essence of what we call a mission.
      And to hell with all of that in this hole of a city.
      We don’t even have the power to prevent all these things from leaving all of us where we're found.
      All we sing about are our grievances,
      Songs that have become the modern hits of this town.
      For everything, it's so. For everyone, it's so.
      This city's all hollow, just a giant empty hole.
      On the side of the road, a vending machine's toll; a laugh inside your throat, prints made out of your sole.
      Dreams, hope, and all of the grudges that I hold,
      The longing to meet you, tell you to leave me alone,
      Wrapped up in this Molotov cocktail.
      To hell with it all as I throw it into this hole of a city.
      In this wasteland now bereft of all life,
      So does this story reach its final curtain call.
      How great it would be if that were true.
      But I guess I’ve grown attached to this hole of a city.
      ... i find this better fits the tune

  • @AllTheOthers
    @AllTheOthers 5 років тому +6

    I love the original kuudou kuudou but goddamn, this has emotion!

  • @AS-db5hj
    @AS-db5hj Рік тому


  • @lauradpr509
    @lauradpr509 6 років тому +4

    No. Sencillamente, no me esperaba esto. Que letra tan hermosa.

  • @落書き-b4m
    @落書き-b4m 6 років тому +31


  • @鶏鳥-n4b
    @鶏鳥-n4b 6 років тому +135


  • @やおきん-s8r
    @やおきん-s8r 3 роки тому


  • @CLEMNSj31500
    @CLEMNSj31500 5 років тому


  • @blockbot296
    @blockbot296 5 років тому +1


  • @spirytus78jack
    @spirytus78jack 5 років тому +2


    • @匿名希望-p4z4c
      @匿名希望-p4z4c 5 років тому +4


  • @lesliegonzales7542
    @lesliegonzales7542 6 років тому +5


  • @비정한세상
    @비정한세상 4 роки тому +2

    面映い思い出一つ 紐解く手が震えています
    오모하유이 오모이데 히토츠 히모토쿠 테가 후루에테이마스
    쑥스러운 추억의 끈 하나를 풀어내는 손이 떨리고 있어요
    幸せとは つまり つまり あなたのことです
    시아와세토와 츠마리 츠마리 아나타노코토데스
    행복이라는건 바로 바로 당신이에요
    古い歌口ずさむたび それと見紛う面影を見る
    후루이우타 쿠치즈사무타비 소레토 미마가우 오모카게오 미루
    옛 노래를 흥얼거릴때마다 당신이라고 착각하는 모습을 봐요
    さわれないなら いっそ いっそ 消えてください
    사와레나이나라 잇소 잇소 키에테쿠다사이
    만질 수 없다면 차라리 차라리 사라져주세요
    日暮れて 連れあう街に蝉時雨
    히구레테 츠레아우 마치니 세미시구레
    날이 저물무렵 같이 걷는 거리에서 내리는 여름비
    츠나이다 테토 테오 하나사나캬요캇타
    서로 잡은 손을 놓고 싶지 않았어요
    僕を支えてくれていたのは いつだって
    보쿠오 사사에테 쿠레테이타노와 이츠닷테
    저에게 힘을 주고있던것은 언제나
    笑いあう喜びでした 許しあういたわりでした
    와라이아우 요로코비데시타 유루시아우 이타와리데시타
    서로 마주보며 웃는 기쁨이었어요 서로 용서하는 마음이었어요
    見落としそうな程小さな 特別達でした
    미오토시소우나 호도 치이사나 토쿠베츠다치데시타
    모르고 지나갈 만큼 작고도 특별한 것들이었어요
    隅田川花火が咲いて 散るまでには会いに行きます
    스미다 가와 하나비가 사이테 치루마데니와 아이니 이키마스
    스미다 강의 불꽃이 터지고 사라지기전까지 만나러 갈게요
    우츠로우 키세츠노 만나카데 스베테가 키레이닷타
    변해가는 계절의 한 가운데에서 모든것이 아름다웠어요
    浴衣帯 盆提灯が照らしだす 朱色の影絵
    유카타오비 본죠우칭가 테라시다스 슈이로노 카게에
    유카타의 오비, 봉제등이 비추어내는 자줏빛 그림자
    心の中 ずっと ずっと 張り付いてます
    코코로노나카 즛토 즛토 하리츠이테이마스
    마음속에 언제까지나 언제까지나 간직하고 있어요
    카와라나이 마치나미 후키다시타 후타리
    변함없는 거리의 풍경에서 웃기 시작한 우리 둘
    카왓테이타노와 보쿠라 다케데스네
    변한것은 우리들 뿐이네요
    日々を鮮やかに変えていたのは いつだって
    히비오 아자야카니 카에테이타노와 이츠닷테
    매일을 선명하게 변화시키고 있던것은 언제나
    重ねあう優しさでした 言い合える絆でした
    카사네아우 야사시사데시타 이이아에루 키즈나데시타
    끊임없는 상냥함이었어요 서로 말할 수 있는 인연이었어요
    忘れてしまう程些細な 特別達でした
    와스레테시마우호도 치이사나 토쿠베츠다치데시타
    잊어버릴 정도로 사소하고도 특별한 것들이었어요
    隅田川花火が咲いて 散るまでには会いに行きます
    스미다가와 하나비가 사이테 치루마데니와 아이니 이키마스
    스미다 강의 불꽃이 터지고 사라지기전까지 만나러 갈게요
    우츠로우 키세츠니 토마루코토 데키나이잇테 시리나가라
    변해가는 계절속에 머물러 있을 수 없는것을 알면서도
    火影に群がる虫として 僕はあなたに焦がれて
    호카게니 무라가루 무시토시테 보쿠와 아나타니 코가레테
    불빛에 몰리는 벌레처럼 저는 당신에게 이끌려
    幼い強がりかなぐり捨てて 素直になれたらそれで良かったんだ
    오사나이 츠요가리 카나구리스테테 스나오니 나레타라 소레데 요캇탄다
    유치하게 강한척 하는것은 벗어던지고 솔직해질수만 있다면 그걸로 만족해요
    本当に欲しかったのは そこにあった笑顔だけでした
    혼토우니 호시캇타노와 소코니 앗타 에가오다케 데시타
    정말로 원했던것은 그곳에 있었던 미소뿐이었어요
    それだけで僕はどこまでも 行ける気がしてたんだ
    소레다케데 보쿠와 도코마데모 유케루 키가시테탄다
    그것만으로도 저는 어디든지 갈 수 있을것만 같았어요
    隅田川花火が咲いて その真下で出会いと別れ
    스미다가와 하나비가 사이테 소노 마시타데 데아이토 와카레
    스미다강의 불꽃이 터지고 그 아래에서 만나고 헤어진
    あなたがくれたその全てに ありがとうって聞こえますか
    아나타가 쿠레타 소노 스베테니 아리가톳테 키코에마스카
    당신이 저에게 준 모든것에 고맙다고 하는 저의 마음이 들리시나요