If Madonna had not been present in the 80's female pop hits,maybe Cyndi would have gone farther, I love particularly her first álbum" She's so unsual",I guess she has been rebel all the time and we loved her music product sincerely with songs like time after time,all through the night,plus the number one" girls just wanna have fun"
Lovely cindy. Always🎉
Fabuloso remix
This music make me chill..... I remember the party from my time....
Simplesmente sensacional, parabéns pelo ótimo trabalho!
Great Versión !!!!
Increíble!!!!....muy buena versión!. Felicitaciones!!!!
Parabéns pelo show de versão
If Madonna had not been present in the 80's female pop hits,maybe Cyndi would have gone farther, I love particularly her first álbum" She's so unsual",I guess she has been rebel all the time and we loved her music product sincerely with songs like time after time,all through the night,plus the number one" girls just wanna have fun"
Acapellas please