Honestly the random event mentality makes it a good excuse to say it was a mistake, the point of OSAATs are to do the setup efficiently so letting a late addition F2P quest ruin that would be a bit overkill. On the other hand, with the mining glove rework and mining already done you do have some options to just do crafting without smithing.
If you loose your pet again you can press the whistle in the equipment tab to call him back :)
think pheasants give thieving exp
Honestly the random event mentality makes it a good excuse to say it was a mistake, the point of OSAATs are to do the setup efficiently so letting a late addition F2P quest ruin that would be a bit overkill. On the other hand, with the mining glove rework and mining already done you do have some options to just do crafting without smithing.
I think I'll try craft since the gems I have already will put me in the 80's but that's still only like 1/8-1/4 of the way. So we will see!
your number counter is showing 0s in front occasionally
Yeah the green screen didn't cut everything, I'll have to look for a better counter
Do smithing until its the same crafting lvl then lvl each skill by 1 each time XD
Honestly not a bad idea!!