"Hindustan" Jacques Gauthe; Leigh Smith; H5JM

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @donaldfransson2827
    @donaldfransson2827 6 місяців тому

    Thank You. Art for my heart. Great Gauthe...

  • @garysmith9902
    @garysmith9902 3 роки тому

    R.I.P. Unc!
    Your music will live forever.

  • @smithywess1
    @smithywess1 11 років тому +2

    One of the finest examples of scat jazz by Leigh Smith I think I've heard. Just tremendous.

  • @kinkajou777
    @kinkajou777 15 років тому

    This beautiful song describes the extraordinary activities of people Central Asia.

  • @punchsboy
    @punchsboy 15 років тому

    I am very glad to have discovered the videos of this great band. I wish I had gotten to Toronto after I left New Orleans. I played with Jacques at Fritzels and sure do miss him.

  • @Squarerig
    @Squarerig 16 років тому +1

    I used to speak Hindustani many years ago but I never heard music of this calibre in all India.Janet Shaw displays an almost uncanny versatility on both instruments..
    They put out superlative JAZZ.Tremendous stuff!

  • @anugrah20
    @anugrah20 12 років тому

    Born in India, lived in India for 25 years, probably will die in India... but never came across a language called, "HINDUSTANI".

  • @Squarerig
    @Squarerig 12 років тому +1

    And I have never come across anyone with the name "anugrah bohrey"!And that's a fact.Just try living longer and reading more.