Wow, how interesting to compare with Riga today. Love this beautiful city. One of my favorite cities in Europa. Wishing Latvia and Latvians all the prosperity, they deserve after 50 years of Soviet occupation. Cheers from Norway...Riga rocks!
@@TheWeatherWatcherLV Oh really? Not a bad thing? USSR DESTROYED Latvian economy, and led it into evolutional stagnation. Reds also commited many crimes against Latvian people. If soviet era was good, then tell me how did it improve Latvia?
@@piligrimm2 Ha,ha Hello Troll! Riga is a gorgeous and very safe place, one of my favourite European cities. To say such a bullshit today when all the world is travelling around and seeing places with their own eyes can only total idiot. Too stupid even for a troll!
Pirmskara Rīgā bija gaiši prāti no visas pasules, pilsēta un visa valsts uzplauka. Vēl atceros vectēva stāstus kā ūlmaņaikā dzīvoja. Dzīves līmenis tajā laikā Rīgā bija tāds pats ja ne labāks par rietumu valstīm.
Vispār, jums ir taisnība. Tomēr 1930. gadu beigas bija vispārējās ekonomiskās izaugsmes laiks pēc Lielās depresijas. Šie bija labi un plaukstoši gadi starp Lielo depresiju un Otro pasaules karu. Visām valstīm.
ВСЁ ЭТО обалденно интересно! И всё ДО ЭТОГО и ПОСЛЕ ЭТОГО!!! Спасибо вам, психологи, вы попали в самую точку интереса и внимания! Это очень важное напоминание истории НАШИХ предков и НАШЕЙ истории!!! Спасибо вам эа это!!!
Seeing this and knowing that my parents were going about their day in Riga when this was filmed, not having met yet. My father attending the Riga Conservatory and my mother going to the equivalent of high school
@@rozamimoza7303 aplauzās, latviešu valoda google translate par grūtu :) Kas gaida latviešus tā ir latviešu klapata, tu labāk rūpējis par savu dižo tēvzemi un nebāz degunu kur tevi labāk redz ejot kā nākot. Un vēl mums naudu dot nevajag, paši protam nopelnīt! P.S. PSRS laikā Latvija nevis tika apbērta ar naudu, bet gan tika izlaupīta par labu krievšovinistu mērķim padarīt visu pasauli par komunistiskiem Kremļa pakalpiņiem.
@@irinadz Riga is more than 800 years old and has been a great and prosperous city of the Baltic Sea region for most of it's existance, hence the reason why it was fought over by all of the neighbouring European powers. After the Great Northern War, when Livonia, together with Riga, was acquired by the Russian Empire, the local government (look up Landtag), administration and development was continued by local German Baltic Nobility (the reason why official language in this territority remained German) and maintained by the labour of Latvian populace. So either delibaretely or because of ignorance, you are trying to portray a false image, that Russian Empire had a big impact on the development of former Livonia, while in fact it was not the case. The biggest change, that came after the Northern war, when rule of Swedish Empire was replaced by the rule of Russian Empire, was re-introduction of serfdom (which for those who don't know, is a form of slavery - as acknowledged by the UN) and this in my opinion speaks volumes of the great modernity and innovation that Russian Empire brought - former Livonia continued to develop not because of Russian Empire, but despite it. Same with the period under USSR. Today Russia, for geopolitical reasons, tries to portray an image, that it brought prosperity to the occupied territories, while in case of Baltic states, it hampered their development for 50 years. Prior to WW2 there was almost no difference in welfare and technological development between Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Lithuania - there is no better ilustration of the USSRs impact, than comparison between the Baltic States and Finland at the begining of 1990s or even today.
Vilmārs Vītoliņš You are biased. To say that Russian Empire had no impact on today’s Latvia is like saying that your grandfather has no impact on your personality: even if you never saw him, cause you were born after his death you still have his DNA, you may even have his eye color or some of his habits. You are still a product of who he was, whom he had married and how he had raised his kidds. And making idealistic pictures of “how is would be without him” i find to be a waist of time. This is not constructive conversation, если бы, да кабы. I prefer to stick to common sense and wait until time puts everything in place. Talk to you in 20 years, when the situation will be as different as it can.
@@irinadz Unlike you, who is not biased. But okey, let's go down the road of your logic. Since, as you correctly state, that today is the sum total of what has happened before, then so also Russia has been developed by the former Livonian state and later by the Baltic States. After all, both within the Russian Empire and Soviet Union, Baltic State region was one of the most prosperous, well organised and industrial regions. The example set by the local Estonians, Germans, Latvians and Lithuanians has been one that Russia has tried to follow for three centuries. At no point did I say that Russian Empire had no impact on the development. All I said was, that absolutely most of the development credit during Russian Empire time goes to the feudal German Nobility, since this region was not centrally governed from St.Peterburg, and what remaining impact on development Russian Empire had, was relativelly backwards, when compared to the development under the rule of Swedish Empire prior or the independent National government afterwards, or the contemporary development in other parts of Europe or in North America.
@@vilmarsvitolins5359 I have neither time now knowledge for such debates. All I'm saying is that it was not an occupation, it was annexation by definition. And a necessary one, by the way. Another thing I'm saying is that russian are native here and are not going anywhere. And instead on supporting both cultures our "country" indulges in passive-agressive genocide. But time will put things in place.
@@irinadz Well if you don't have knowledge on the matter, why do you insist it was an annexation? And a necessary one? And appearantly you have differing definitions of annexation and occupation, from rest of the Western civilisation, since European Union, an organisation encompasing 28 European member states, in 2019 specifically denounced (joint motion on the importance of European remembrance for the future of Europe (2019/2819(RSP))) Soviet Occupation of European countries (not annexation). And I fail to see how calling it annexation would somehow make it better? You do know that most defintions of annexation go along this line "possession taken of a piece of land or a country, usually by force or without permission" (Cambridge Dictionary). Debating semantics in this matter doesn't change what was done.
@@iliababichev Германия и Ссср были союзники до 1941г. Только не говори что не знал! А нормальные страны это те которые из за них постадали....в принцыпе все
@@waltherwei1896 Договор о ненападении - это не союзничество. И заключен он был в 1939 г., в 1937 г. его еще не было. Только не говори, что не знал. А вот подобные договоры с другими странами у Германии на тот момент уже имелись. Так какие страны в Европе нормальные-то были? Не перечислишь?
If Latvia had retained its independence throughout, it would be a wealthy Nordic country like Finland today. I can't ever stop thinking about that when I think of these countries. The Russian imperial mindset allowed these countries to be brutalized. Russia should be as humble today in front of it's history as Germany is. Instead, that history is glorified. I wish Russia peace and prosperity as well, but it is morally bankrupt today.
Over 800 buildings of central Riga - the Art Nouveau style we built by Russian Empire. Then durit soviet times all the far districts were constructed - Purvciems, Plavnieki, Imanta, Ziepniekalns, etc. Without Russia Riga has just small part by the river built by Germans. Latvian has built TWO buildings during their first indepenence - you still think it is a LATVIAN city??:)
So is Latvia - morally bankrupt, ruled by nationalists again, filled with hate and xenophobia towards the eastern side, and a**e licking on the western side. You're forgetting the history of Latvia, and what was happening before the Sowjet regime began. Latvia wasn't independent and was participating in genocide. My Latvia is not what the nationalistic politicians have created in past decades. My Latvia is beautiful and open-minded... but right now it is not there to find.
Ma Li Ni Wtf are you talking about, when russia is literally the most chauvinistic nation in Europe. There is nothing wrong with nationalism especially for little nations. And please for the love of the god don’t confuse nationalism with chauvinism. What genocide, you mean second world war?
Irina Dzozoeva By russian Empire? I’m quite sure that Russian Empire didn’t invest single penny in building those houses. More like private owners and private architects. Stuff your chauvinism up your ass and look at yourself. You’re literally spitting some imperialistic bs here and then you go calling people facists because they wish to be free from your degrading influence. Russians are something else...
Жили и не знали, что всего через три года придут советы и погрузят в эшелоны для скота тысячи людей и пойдут те эшелоны в далекую Сибирь, оставляя по дороге сотни трупов.
@@ivo9228 Наша страна все еще в оккупации с 1918 г. Мои предки донские казаки. Так же как и Латвия, "Всевеликое Войско Донское" было провозглашено 10 мая 1918г. Так же как и Кубанская народная республика, Горская республика и т.д. Я жил и учился в Риге с 1985 по 1990г. в Алксниса. Город мне родной стал за это время.
Krists Avots Слушай дальше своих Американский реперов и не пизди тут , уже несколько поколений русскоговорящий латышей выросло. По твоей логике все чернокожие должны быть рабами , так?
Действительно ничего не изменилось. Даже ретро-трамвай все также бегает. Только трамвайных путей вокруг памятника Свободы уже нет, и вообще там пешеходная зона. Дом Черноголовых и то восстановили.
Matilde Krievi bijuši vienmēr , problēma nevis krievos, bet politiskā iekārtā. Esmu dzimis Latvijā , bet man krieviski runājošām nekad un nekur nebija problēmu ar valodu vai kultūru. Esmu audzis kopā ar visiem un līdz šim nesaprotu kāpēc lielākai daļai krieviski rinojošiem ir izskalotas smadzenes...
Un kur tagad Latvija? Dzīvokli avārijas stavoklī pārdot pa 15-20 taukškiem laukos. Jaunas daudzstāvu mājas neceļ kopš 1990ā gada. Rīgā tik kaut kā kustās, bet pārējā Latvija jau sen dzīvo Īrijā, Vācijā, Zviedrijā... Bet brīva Latvija!
Nemelo, Rīgā katru gadu top 10-30 daudzstāvenes. Jā netiek celti iebraucējiem no plašās Krievzemes uz nojautu privātmāju zemēm Purčiki, Plavnieki u.t.t, iespēja tik pie savām telpā ir pa kārtu lielāka.Mana māte gadīga rindā 23 gadus lai dabūtu dzīvoli Plavniekos, visa jaunība un lielāka daļa bridumu gadu komunalkā 1istabas dzīvokī ar vēl 5 ģimenēm, par ko tu murgo. Latvijas lauki pa lēto jo Latvijas zemnieki vēl nav savākuši muskuļus, ja būtu brīva lauksaimniecības zemes pirkšana tad viņa maksātu 5-10t hektārā, gribētāju no Dānijas un Vācijas cik uziet. Tomēr pa mazām parādās Latvijā vietējie Lielsaimnieki, tur viss būss OK!
Kvazimodo 2015 Расскажите про заводы и фабрики, построенны в СССР. И чтобы для местных людей, а не для того, чтобы обеспечить работой орду оборванцев из рашки. Я что-то таких не знаю. И кто вам про туалеты рассказал? Вы сами лично знаете таких людей или ваша парашкина гебельспутиновская пропаганда все мозги разжижила?
@@MmmMmm-po1oc Оборванцы у вас по России сидят у печек, которые дровами топят, как в стародавние времена. И это в стране, где огромные залежи нефти! И про современные туалеты только по телевизору смотрят. До сих пор в дырки вонючие гадить ходите, а других оборванцами называете. Наш оборванец по сравнению с вашим оборванцем - это как жигули и Мерседес (жигули рашкин, конечно). Кстати, даже эту голимую машинку и ту сперли у капиталистов. Ничего своего придумать не можете.
atvians are the most cruel and violent etnic group, they were first who agreed to protect bolsheviks and soviet parliament, and actively participated in the red terror 1918-1921
@Green Forest. We (Latvians) did it because we wanted to stay out of trouble. We hated the bolsheviks and occupation. We wanted a free democratic state.
Wow, how interesting to compare with Riga today. Love this beautiful city. One of my favorite cities in Europa. Wishing Latvia and Latvians all the prosperity, they deserve after 50 years of Soviet occupation. Cheers from Norway...Riga rocks!
Thank you for your nice words about Riga!
It is not 'occupation' when local culture is nourished and supported. It is called annexation.
TheWeatherWatcherLV You are probably Russian. You should be shamed for this comment. All those innocent people who died. Red Nazies indeed
@@TheWeatherWatcherLV Oh really? Not a bad thing? USSR DESTROYED Latvian economy, and led it into evolutional stagnation. Reds also commited many crimes against Latvian people. If soviet era was good, then tell me how did it improve Latvia?
@@piligrimm2 Ha,ha Hello Troll! Riga is a gorgeous and very safe place, one of my favourite European cities. To say such a bullshit today when all the world is travelling around and seeing places with their own eyes can only total idiot. Too stupid even for a troll!
Pirmskara Rīgā bija gaiši prāti no visas pasules, pilsēta un visa valsts uzplauka. Vēl atceros vectēva stāstus kā ūlmaņaikā dzīvoja. Dzīves līmenis tajā laikā Rīgā bija tāds pats ja ne labāks par rietumu valstīm.
Vispār, jums ir taisnība. Tomēr 1930. gadu beigas bija vispārējās ekonomiskās izaugsmes laiks pēc Lielās depresijas. Šie bija labi un plaukstoši gadi starp Lielo depresiju un Otro pasaules karu. Visām valstīm.
@@wlodekcharkiw 1929 gadā PSRS uzplaukums beidzās, jo Neps beidzās,
Joe Barbaro Laikam tads kaa tagad dziives liimenis?
...roza, ko muldi!!!???... aaaa, sapratu, tāds darbs...
p.s. vārdu "muldi", tāpat nesapratīsi...
...ha, ha, ha, "mulkis", nekā tam līdzīga...
Зачётные кадры истории !
Where you from?
@@kristsavots6850 от верблюда
@@ВаскоДеГама-ь2ц sorry?
@@kristsavots6850 я принял твои извинения
@@ВаскоДеГама-ь2ц i don't understand
Really Nice footage Big Thumbsup from me Bro! I LOVE RIGA AND WW2 HISTORY SOO MUTCH...
ВСЁ ЭТО обалденно интересно! И всё ДО ЭТОГО и ПОСЛЕ ЭТОГО!!! Спасибо вам, психологи, вы попали в самую точку интереса и внимания! Это очень важное напоминание истории НАШИХ предков и НАШЕЙ истории!!! Спасибо вам эа это!!!
только далеко не все тут показано , Вилис Лацис Бескрылые птицы , ни одного кадра с рабочими , снято для высшего общества ...
Хорошо , что не психотерапевты!!!
Free and beautiful europian city
vilnz back at the 30s we were a great country like a Denmark but then communism destroyed all
vilnz , probably you mean ''Free and beautiful europEAn city''? ;)
don't mind, nasing spešal :D
197802. It is good to know that there are some special people - F7 out there :)
LOL......such a stupid were half-fachistic state under the fat ass of Ulmanis which took all of the power in his fckn dirty hands
vilnz is it different now?
...tikai tagad ieraudziju šo filmiņu! No kā mūs krievi adbrīvoja, tā ari nesapratu.
Почитай историю дружок кто в те годы правил СССР. Много ли там русских было.
От Дебилов! Но несколько ещё осталось...
И они, к сожалению, бесконтрольно размножаются.... по всему миру
They 'freed' you from independence and prosperity for fifty years.
@@HomoRecordicus tallking 'bout russians?
No brivibas 🤕
Seeing this and knowing that my parents were going about their day in Riga when this was filmed, not having met yet. My father attending the Riga Conservatory and my mother going to the equivalent of high school
Ir brīnišķīgi redzēt Rīgu vēl nesapostītu. Reizē arī baisi, domājot par to, kas šos cilvēkus un pilsētu sagaida pavisam tuvā nākotnē,
Padomāju tieši par to pašu.
@@rozamimoza7303 what are you on about, troll?
@@rozamimoza7303 spirt, sigareti, semki...?
@@rozamimoza7303 aplauzās, latviešu valoda google translate par grūtu :)
Kas gaida latviešus tā ir latviešu klapata, tu labāk rūpējis par savu dižo tēvzemi un nebāz degunu kur tevi labāk redz ejot kā nākot. Un vēl mums naudu dot nevajag, paši protam nopelnīt!
PSRS laikā Latvija nevis tika apbērta ar naudu, bet gan tika izlaupīta par labu krievšovinistu mērķim padarīt visu pasauli par komunistiskiem Kremļa pakalpiņiem.
@@rozamimoza7303 nemaz neceri, šavka. Tavi murgi paliks tikai pie tevis.
Wow!! Rare !! Long live author ( but i think rip cameraman). Very beautiful, very.
Этому видео год...
И оно в трендах!
Эти деревья,улицы...помнят всех😥😥😥😥😥
My country Latvia:D
✨ 💧 🌻 Люблю смотреть всё искомое, а не в искажении 👋🍀 Процветания вам латыши ❗🌈🕊️🕊️
Дюся -вы какого пола?
this was just before the USSR forced themselves upon Latvia.
@@irinadz Riga is more than 800 years old and has been a great and prosperous city of the Baltic Sea region for most of it's existance, hence the reason why it was fought over by all of the neighbouring European powers. After the Great Northern War, when Livonia, together with Riga, was acquired by the Russian Empire, the local government (look up Landtag), administration and development was continued by local German Baltic Nobility (the reason why official language in this territority remained German) and maintained by the labour of Latvian populace.
So either delibaretely or because of ignorance, you are trying to portray a false image, that Russian Empire had a big impact on the development of former Livonia, while in fact it was not the case. The biggest change, that came after the Northern war, when rule of Swedish Empire was replaced by the rule of Russian Empire, was re-introduction of serfdom (which for those who don't know, is a form of slavery - as acknowledged by the UN) and this in my opinion speaks volumes of the great modernity and innovation that Russian Empire brought - former Livonia continued to develop not because of Russian Empire, but despite it.
Same with the period under USSR. Today Russia, for geopolitical reasons, tries to portray an image, that it brought prosperity to the occupied territories, while in case of Baltic states, it hampered their development for 50 years. Prior to WW2 there was almost no difference in welfare and technological development between Estonia, Finland, Latvia and Lithuania - there is no better ilustration of the USSRs impact, than comparison between the Baltic States and Finland at the begining of 1990s or even today.
Vilmārs Vītoliņš You are biased. To say that Russian Empire had no impact on today’s Latvia is like saying that your grandfather has no impact on your personality: even if you never saw him, cause you were born after his death you still have his DNA, you may even have his eye color or some of his habits. You are still a product of who he was, whom he had married and how he had raised his kidds. And making idealistic pictures of “how is would be without him” i find to be a waist of time. This is not constructive conversation, если бы, да кабы. I prefer to stick to common sense and wait until time puts everything in place. Talk to you in 20 years, when the situation will be as different as it can.
@@irinadz Unlike you, who is not biased.
But okey, let's go down the road of your logic. Since, as you correctly state, that today is the sum total of what has happened before, then so also Russia has been developed by the former Livonian state and later by the Baltic States. After all, both within the Russian Empire and Soviet Union, Baltic State region was one of the most prosperous, well organised and industrial regions. The example set by the local Estonians, Germans, Latvians and Lithuanians has been one that Russia has tried to follow for three centuries.
At no point did I say that Russian Empire had no impact on the development. All I said was, that absolutely most of the development credit during Russian Empire time goes to the feudal German Nobility, since this region was not centrally governed from St.Peterburg, and what remaining impact on development Russian Empire had, was relativelly backwards, when compared to the development under the rule of Swedish Empire prior or the independent National government afterwards, or the contemporary development in other parts of Europe or in North America.
@@vilmarsvitolins5359 I have neither time now knowledge for such debates. All I'm saying is that it was not an occupation, it was annexation by definition. And a necessary one, by the way. Another thing I'm saying is that russian are native here and are not going anywhere. And instead on supporting both cultures our "country" indulges in passive-agressive genocide. But time will put things in place.
@@irinadz Well if you don't have knowledge on the matter, why do you insist it was an annexation? And a necessary one?
And appearantly you have differing definitions of annexation and occupation, from rest of the Western civilisation, since European Union, an organisation encompasing 28 European member states, in 2019 specifically denounced (joint motion on the importance of European remembrance for the future of Europe
(2019/2819(RSP))) Soviet Occupation of European countries (not annexation).
And I fail to see how calling it annexation would somehow make it better? You do know that most defintions of annexation go along this line "possession taken of a piece of land or a country, usually by force or without permission" (Cambridge Dictionary). Debating semantics in this matter doesn't change what was done.
Mana dzimtene.
Моя родина.
That's my homeland.
Моя родина
Andrio Halfer Es ari ta kadreiz domaju,lidz bridim,kad pa Rigas ielam saka lekat ss apakshvienibas,,latvieshu legiona,,atbalstitaji
@@janispetersons5931 9 maijā
Walther Weiß Kas notikas,veders sasapejas,vai tu ari esi viens no tiem ss atbalstitajiem????
@@janispetersons5931 гарумзимес теви нодод.
neprishli dikie sovety ,zhili kak vse normalnie strany
А много в Европе в 1937 г. нормальных стран было?
@@iliababichev Много. Только ваш союзник нацизм начал развивать
@@waltherwei1896 Мой союзник?
А какие это страны?
@@iliababichev Германия и Ссср были союзники до 1941г. Только не говори что не знал! А нормальные страны это те которые из за них постадали....в принцыпе все
@@waltherwei1896 Договор о ненападении - это не союзничество. И заключен он был в 1939 г., в 1937 г. его еще не было. Только не говори, что не знал. А вот подобные договоры с другими странами у Германии на тот момент уже имелись. Так какие страны в Европе нормальные-то были? Не перечислишь?
Līdz šim labākais un pārticīgākais laika priods Latvijas vēsturē.
@@ОльгаНиколаевна-с7ф Oljga nepakazivai svaju malo obrazovanost.
All of sudden red louses fetched "freedom''.
If Latvia had retained its independence throughout, it would be a wealthy Nordic country like Finland today. I can't ever stop thinking about that when I think of these countries. The Russian imperial mindset allowed these countries to be brutalized. Russia should be as humble today in front of it's history as Germany is. Instead, that history is glorified. I wish Russia peace and prosperity as well, but it is morally bankrupt today.
Over 800 buildings of central Riga - the Art Nouveau style we built by Russian Empire. Then durit soviet times all the far districts were constructed - Purvciems, Plavnieki, Imanta, Ziepniekalns, etc. Without Russia Riga has just small part by the river built by Germans. Latvian has built TWO buildings during their first indepenence - you still think it is a LATVIAN city??:)
And Russia may be financially bankrupt, but it is far from moral bankruptcy, in fact it is an island of spirit and soul and honesty.
So is Latvia - morally bankrupt, ruled by nationalists again, filled with hate and xenophobia towards the eastern side, and a**e licking on the western side. You're forgetting the history of Latvia, and what was happening before the Sowjet regime began. Latvia wasn't independent and was participating in genocide.
My Latvia is not what the nationalistic politicians have created in past decades. My Latvia is beautiful and open-minded... but right now it is not there to find.
Ma Li Ni Wtf are you talking about, when russia is literally the most chauvinistic nation in Europe. There is nothing wrong with nationalism especially for little nations. And please for the love of the god don’t confuse nationalism with chauvinism. What genocide, you mean second world war?
Irina Dzozoeva By russian Empire? I’m quite sure that Russian Empire didn’t invest single penny in building those houses. More like private owners and private architects. Stuff your chauvinism up your ass and look at yourself. You’re literally spitting some imperialistic bs here and then you go calling people facists because they wish to be free from your degrading influence. Russians are something else...
опа реклама NIVEA 2:50
Skaisti! :)
I like you 😍
За 85 лет центр Риге не изменился.
Centr Rigi- eta krasota sozdannaja lǰubjaščimi serdcami, trudaljubivimi rukami ljudjej Latviji.
Жили и не знали, что всего через три года придут советы и погрузят в эшелоны для скота тысячи людей и пойдут те эшелоны в далекую Сибирь, оставляя по дороге сотни трупов.
А чего не миллионы? Не стесняйтесь в цифрах.
@@Kvazimodo-kx8fx Это у вас, русских, любовь к вранью. А я оперирую фактами, а не фантазией. И в одном из тех эшелонов была моя родня, если что.
Наши придут ты опять туда поедешь
Тебе плохо жилось в Сибири?
Про трупы могу сказать что латыши сами себя убивали
Izskatās maksimāli eiropiski
I like Latvian girls, from punjab
видно, как сильно они хотят войти в состав сссэра и стать рабами......
Only Latvian russians will never understand it
@@ivo9228 I wonder why Russia as USSR representative, does not pay contributions for occupation? 50 years - there must be billions for each year.
@@ivo9228 I see, they do not pay contributions, because soviet government have always been puppets of British queen - same as Russian's.
@@zhukov1968 prosto potomu shto u Rossii netu deneg. Velikaja derzhava uzhe davno netakaja uzh velikaja
@@ivo9228 Наша страна все еще в оккупации с 1918 г. Мои предки донские казаки. Так же как и Латвия, "Всевеликое Войско Донское" было провозглашено 10 мая 1918г. Так же как и Кубанская народная республика, Горская республика и т.д. Я жил и учился в Риге с 1985 по 1990г. в Алксниса. Город мне родной стал за это время.
Через год начнётся оккупация до 1941, ибо начнётся оккупация Рейхом, а потом Латвия будет оккупирована до 1991-ого
Немцами да, в СССР сами вступили.
@@HENX1975 сам вступить ты можешь только в гавно,
@@zadnica6771 Ух ты какой агрессивный, давай еще )
Dzīve Rīgā ir bijusi arī pirms mums!
я в Лиепае
Класс! Это мой город!
Nē, tā ir mūsu pilsēta. Tajā laikā krievi Rīgā bija 8% kamēr latvieši 65%. Tātad latviešu pilsēta.
Krists Avots Слушай дальше своих Американский реперов и не пизди тут , уже несколько поколений русскоговорящий латышей выросло. По твоей логике все чернокожие должны быть рабами , так?
@@DMC_ARTURS A vi dazje ne ponjali cto Krists Avots imel v vidu.?! Video voobcje to o Rige 37 goda.
@@kristsavots6850 МОЙ ГОРОД
@@DMC_ARTURS piss off wanker
Слава Богу что наконец то отделились от рашки.
И в парашку сели... Ни заводов, ни новых домов, ни свободы слова.
@@Neutral_ilja всё это есть - но русские нацисты дрочат по старому ...
Ну чисто немецкий город, даже форма часовых у Милды.
Рига основана немцами!1201г бременским епископом альбертом альпедеринским бугенведом
только далеко не все тут показано , Вилис Лацис Бескрылые птицы , ни одного кадра с рабочими , снято для высшего общества ...
Latvija best Republika in Europa ....out Putin Soviets imperium 😁😁😁
Жаль что в принципе ничего не изменилось как мне кажется(
Каких бы изменений в принципе вы бы хотели, Глеб?
Действительно ничего не изменилось. Даже ретро-трамвай все также бегает. Только трамвайных путей вокруг памятника Свободы уже нет, и вообще там пешеходная зона. Дом Черноголовых и то восстановили.
Matilde, viņus piesūtīja, kā "atbrīvotājus", viņi tam tic vēl šodien. Krievi Rīgu atbrīvoja no latviešiem, vācieši no ebrejiem...
Matilde Krievi bijuši vienmēr , problēma nevis krievos, bet politiskā iekārtā. Esmu dzimis Latvijā , bet man krieviski runājošām nekad un nekur nebija problēmu ar valodu vai kultūru. Esmu audzis kopā ar visiem un līdz šim nesaprotu kāpēc lielākai daļai krieviski rinojošiem ir izskalotas smadzenes...
Население уехало. Промышленности нет, медицины нет, образование как для умственно отсталых. Как это ничего не изменилось?
Jā tanī laikā bija citi laiki. A kā tagad, bērni un jaunieši ir degradējušies līdz pēdējām.
Un kur tagad Latvija? Dzīvokli avārijas stavoklī pārdot pa 15-20 taukškiem laukos. Jaunas daudzstāvu mājas neceļ kopš 1990ā gada. Rīgā tik kaut kā kustās, bet pārējā Latvija jau sen dzīvo Īrijā, Vācijā, Zviedrijā... Bet brīva Latvija!
Nemelo, Rīgā katru gadu top 10-30 daudzstāvenes. Jā netiek celti iebraucējiem no plašās Krievzemes uz nojautu privātmāju zemēm Purčiki, Plavnieki u.t.t, iespēja tik pie savām telpā ir pa kārtu lielāka.Mana māte gadīga rindā 23 gadus lai dabūtu dzīvoli Plavniekos, visa jaunība un lielāka daļa bridumu gadu komunalkā 1istabas dzīvokī ar vēl 5 ģimenēm, par ko tu murgo. Latvijas lauki pa lēto jo Latvijas zemnieki vēl nav savākuši muskuļus, ja būtu brīva lauksaimniecības zemes pirkšana tad viņa maksātu 5-10t hektārā, gribētāju no Dānijas un Vācijas cik uziet. Tomēr pa mazām parādās Latvijā vietējie Lielsaimnieki, tur viss būss OK!
Paldies Padomju Savienībai
Потомки этих людей драят сортиры в Англии и Ирландии. А могли бы работать на фабриках и заводах, построенных при СССР.
Ты смотри чтобы чечены тебя на бутылку не посадили.
Kvazimodo 2015 Расскажите про заводы и фабрики, построенны в СССР. И чтобы для местных людей, а не для того, чтобы обеспечить работой орду оборванцев из рашки. Я что-то таких не знаю. И кто вам про туалеты рассказал? Вы сами лично знаете таких людей или ваша парашкина гебельспутиновская пропаганда все мозги разжижила?
@@ingelaimite1766 теперь латыши тоже оборванцы.
@@ingelaimite1766 теперь латыши тоже оборванцы.
@@MmmMmm-po1oc Оборванцы у вас по России сидят у печек, которые дровами топят, как в стародавние времена. И это в стране, где огромные залежи нефти! И про современные туалеты только по телевизору смотрят. До сих пор в дырки вонючие гадить ходите, а других оборванцами называете. Наш оборванец по сравнению с вашим оборванцем - это как жигули и Мерседес (жигули рашкин, конечно). Кстати, даже эту голимую машинку и ту сперли у капиталистов. Ничего своего придумать не можете.
atvians are the most cruel and violent etnic group, they were first who
agreed to protect bolsheviks and soviet parliament, and actively
participated in the red terror 1918-1921
Remember the white terror in Latvia in 1905 by the Russian Empire
@Brainstormvideos what's up, butthurt from a truth?
@Brainstormvideos you got nothing to object cause these are pure facts
@Brainstormvideos no I am, I did not start insulting. So you see you avaid to acknowledge facts, ibstead writing some gebberish
@Green Forest. We (Latvians) did it because we wanted to stay out of trouble. We hated the bolsheviks and occupation. We wanted a free democratic state.