Limit Point | Examples | Isolated points

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @kuldeepkonwar2195
    @kuldeepkonwar2195 4 роки тому +5

    Really ...teaching is much better than other online classes

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  • @positivethoughts6419
    @positivethoughts6419 4 роки тому +1

    Very very nice sir . You are really very intelligence. And your language is very nice.

    • @AllyLearn
      @AllyLearn  4 роки тому

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  • @JeetSingh-nu9zo
    @JeetSingh-nu9zo 4 роки тому +1

    Sir aapk notes and vdos bht acche hai mere real analysis m acche marks aae hai aapke padhai hue vdos s sir aap real analysis ki book bata skte hai for upsc maths optional k liye

  • @RajalaxmiSethi345
    @RajalaxmiSethi345 2 роки тому +1

    Full concept clear sir... Thank you so much

    • @AllyLearn
      @AllyLearn  2 роки тому +1

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    • @RajalaxmiSethi345
      @RajalaxmiSethi345 2 роки тому

      @@AllyLearn ohk sir

  • @shoyebahmed9733
    @shoyebahmed9733 5 років тому +4

    Excellent lecture

  • @khalidmanzoor7751
    @khalidmanzoor7751 3 роки тому +1

    It's a great explanation sir...

    • @AllyLearn
      @AllyLearn  3 роки тому

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  • @misbahbilal781
    @misbahbilal781 4 роки тому +7

    Thank you for making our life bearable.. Because these math question are getting unbearable now.

    • @AllyLearn
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    • @AnkitKumar-cr3qs
      @AnkitKumar-cr3qs 4 роки тому

      @@AllyLearnbut this is not free of cost now.I thought you are the best teacher ever but now I realized that you are hunger for money

    • @AnkitKumar-cr3qs
      @AnkitKumar-cr3qs 4 роки тому

      But again i'll say your videos help me a lot

  • @anjumshah8042
    @anjumshah8042 4 роки тому +1

    Very nice explanation sir

  • @trainingvlogs
    @trainingvlogs 4 роки тому +1

    sir i am an ignou student and i liked your video so much

  • @krishnenduhalder5538
    @krishnenduhalder5538 4 роки тому +1

    It's a very helpful video to clear our basic knowledge......tnq very much 😊🖤🖤

    • @AllyLearn
      @AllyLearn  4 роки тому +1

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  • @AjayGupta-ps8mt
    @AjayGupta-ps8mt 6 років тому +1

    Sir your videos are very helpful for me. Excellent skill

    • @AllyLearn
      @AllyLearn  6 років тому

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  • @রাকিব-ম৮প
    @রাকিব-ম৮প 2 роки тому +1

    im very greatful to you brother

    • @AllyLearn
      @AllyLearn  2 роки тому

      अगले पांच मिनट आपके Maths पढ़ने का तरीका बदल सकते हैl
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  • @jblack4644
    @jblack4644 5 років тому +8

    Hello could you please do versions of your tutorials in English also? There is a shortage of information on Real Analysis in all english because it is difficult to follow in Hindi. Thank you.

    • @Santhoshu678
      @Santhoshu678 3 роки тому

      Not monotic example ..plz video sir

  • @anshumayadav9274
    @anshumayadav9274 5 років тому +2

    Thankyou Sir. Dua lagegi aapko.

  • @nidhiupadhyay4607
    @nidhiupadhyay4607 4 роки тому +1

    👍👍🙏thnxx for ur explanation

  • @ckclasses9835
    @ckclasses9835 6 років тому +4

    Sir it is very very nice explanation really because of u i have learn real analysis..which i considered as hardest subject but because of ur diagramayic explanation give me streath thank u sir

  • @rishikeshtrivedi4383
    @rishikeshtrivedi4383 5 років тому +5

    The usage of number line to explain these concepts helps a lot in the easy understanding of concepts which otherwise seem complicated in theoretical language. Keep up this great work!

  • @tadka_study_ka
    @tadka_study_ka 4 роки тому +2

    Sir, why all other videos have made private??

    • @AllyLearn
      @AllyLearn  4 роки тому

      So that you can have a better learning experience through our android app.
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  • @narendersingh7084
    @narendersingh7084 4 роки тому +1

    Use number line to find limit point is very useful to understand , but can you please suggest how can I find limit point using mathematical definition or mathematical steps...

  • @shreya2579
    @shreya2579 5 років тому +3

    What is the limit point of set S={p½ : p is prime} please answer sir... Thanks for the video very help ful

  • @fashioncollection9393
    @fashioncollection9393 5 років тому +1

    thanks sir your explanations method is Excelent

    • @AllyLearn
      @AllyLearn  5 років тому

      Thanks for your valuable feedback. Please share our videos with your friends and classmates. This will keep us motivated to provide you more lectures.
      Team AllyLearn

  • @syamalchattopadhyay2893
    @syamalchattopadhyay2893 4 роки тому

    Excellent video lecture.

  • @GurdeepKaur-mb2sw
    @GurdeepKaur-mb2sw 4 роки тому

    Very well explained

  • @kbsmsandeep
    @kbsmsandeep 5 років тому +2

    Thnks for a very clr and concentrated explaination....

  • @nishthachugh5552
    @nishthachugh5552 6 років тому +3

    Your videos are extremely helpful👍🏻

  • @tahsinamarzan8796
    @tahsinamarzan8796 Рік тому +1

    great lecture

    • @AllyLearn
      @AllyLearn  Рік тому

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  • @chessism93
    @chessism93 6 років тому +2

    Thank-you Sir! Awesome Lecture.

  • @umeshsahoo1332
    @umeshsahoo1332 6 років тому +3

    Nice sir please upload more videos

    • @AllyLearn
      @AllyLearn  6 років тому +1

      We have complete list of lectures. Please visit our channel.
      Team AllyLearn

    • @umeshsahoo1332
      @umeshsahoo1332 6 років тому

      Yes sir but upload differentiability of a function

    • @AllyLearn
      @AllyLearn  6 років тому

      Videos on Differential Equations are also available on our channel.

  • @anushkadhiman6616
    @anushkadhiman6616 Рік тому

    Sir agr z ke place pr hum 1upon n ; n belongs to N kre to use kse solve krge means usme kse kse points lge

  • @ashutoshjha7078
    @ashutoshjha7078 5 років тому +1

    Best explained

  • @ishwarpandey9560
    @ishwarpandey9560 4 роки тому

    Thank you sir mazza aa gya.

    • @AllyLearn
      @AllyLearn  4 роки тому

      For more lectures, download our android app. The link of the app is
      Team AllyLearn

  • @AniketSingh-fu5fg
    @AniketSingh-fu5fg 5 років тому

    can't understand @ 9:02 if we take 0 and 1 then the limit point will be on their left and right side resp. but what is this S` can't understand

    • @AdityaKumar-th7uj
      @AdityaKumar-th7uj 5 років тому +1

      0 and 1 themselves are limit points because for any € we can always find at least 1 point in S - {0} or S - {1} in respective cases.
      S' is the set of limit points which is same as S here (example 4)

  • @Ravikumar-wp6yy
    @Ravikumar-wp6yy 4 роки тому

    Eg5 mai open set limit pt kase hoga sir

  • @aloha-anuha-ain9312
    @aloha-anuha-ain9312 4 роки тому

    Your class is good. Would you please explain in which board you are writing

    • @AllyLearn
      @AllyLearn  2 роки тому

      Please follow this video on how we create our lectures.

  • @bhatparrani9549
    @bhatparrani9549 4 роки тому

    Sir what is limit point of [2,3] union{4}

  • @KajalJain-ey1yq
    @KajalJain-ey1yq 5 років тому +1

    Thank you so much sir!!

    • @AllyLearn
      @AllyLearn  5 років тому +2

      Thanks for your feedback.
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  • @muskanminocha3768
    @muskanminocha3768 6 років тому +1

    Very helpful 👌

    • @AllyLearn
      @AllyLearn  6 років тому

      AllyLearn always works towards providing quality content to its learners and to do so we require your support. Please submit rating and review of the paper which you learnt from AllyLearn. The option of rate and review is available for each paper separately above the list of videos of respective paper.
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      Team AllyLearn

  • @adityabarnwal7201
    @adityabarnwal7201 6 років тому +3

    Awesome sir last is my test question

  • @sayandas1428
    @sayandas1428 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you sir

  • @MuhammadNadeem-px9qy
    @MuhammadNadeem-px9qy 4 роки тому

    Sir I have question to you
    Plz tell me how we prove limit point of phi = phi

  • @adityabarnwal7201
    @adityabarnwal7201 6 років тому +2

    Aap 4 maths ka video upload krte h

  • @rekhabhandari2501
    @rekhabhandari2501 4 роки тому

    are there all lectures on topology here????

  • @rahulmohan3817
    @rahulmohan3817 6 років тому +1

    Awesome clip

  • @AK-bk9zz
    @AK-bk9zz 6 років тому +2


  • @artimishra4313
    @artimishra4313 4 роки тому

    Nic explanation

  • @sagarupadhyaya8202
    @sagarupadhyaya8202 4 роки тому

    Sir ex 5 me, 0 open me h toh uska koi nbd aisa jror rahega jo S ke intersection me na aye. Toh 0, 1 limit points kaise banenge

    • @AllyLearn
      @AllyLearn  4 роки тому

      Please let us one such nbd of 0

  • @graspmathematics9424
    @graspmathematics9424 5 років тому

    nice video sir thanks

  • @bhatparrani9549
    @bhatparrani9549 4 роки тому

    What is the limit point of 1/m +1/n where m and n is natural no and how to find it

  • @GurdeepKaur-mb2sw
    @GurdeepKaur-mb2sw 4 роки тому

    Can you plz help me to find the derived set of {1/n+1/m:n,m are natural number s}

  • @sayandhar3178
    @sayandhar3178 4 роки тому

    Sir eg 7 samaj me nehi aaya plz describe kiziye

  • @karthikmanasali4644
    @karthikmanasali4644 6 років тому +1

    Thank u sir ,pls explain theorems on limit point

  • @swatimittal8591
    @swatimittal8591 4 роки тому

    Sir please make the video publicly
    We are requesting to make video public because it is only platform for us to study maths easily

    • @AllyLearn
      @AllyLearn  4 роки тому

      You can access private lectures by downloading our android app. The link of the app is
      Team AllyLearn

  • @edu.islamic
    @edu.islamic 4 роки тому


  • @rahulmohan3817
    @rahulmohan3817 6 років тому

    Very helpful

  • @MuhammadNadeem-px9qy
    @MuhammadNadeem-px9qy 4 роки тому

    Sir it's my assignment plz tell me how we prove limit point of phi is equal to phi

  • @mathsworld3575
    @mathsworld3575 6 років тому +3

    Your videos are very helpful but please explain in English it will be helpful to all other state students please

  • @nikhil8236
    @nikhil8236 Рік тому

    find the limit
    points of the set: S=(1, - 1, 3/2, - 3/2, 4/3, - 4/3 ,........) Plzz solve this. I have a exam tomorrow.

  • @santumandal2159
    @santumandal2159 5 років тому +1


  • @shikshya2024
    @shikshya2024 4 роки тому

    S={(-1)^n/n€N} what are the limit points. With explanation

  • @mubeenad4823
    @mubeenad4823 4 роки тому

    Pls add english subtitles

  • @spsinghmaths5824
    @spsinghmaths5824 4 роки тому

    Aapke video pdhne hai

  • @spsinghmaths5824
    @spsinghmaths5824 4 роки тому

    Sir aap apna number dijia

    • @AllyLearn
      @AllyLearn  4 роки тому

      You can access private lectures by downloading our android app. The link of the app is
      Team AllyLearn

  • @dragonslayer98767
    @dragonslayer98767 4 роки тому

    I really fucking hate when a video gives the impression of being in English but all the explanation is in another language

  • @emmanueladdo8131
    @emmanueladdo8131 6 років тому

    Please why don't you speak English for all to understand

  • @rupakbera1568
    @rupakbera1568 6 років тому +1

    Very very interesting