Kendrick Is Ruthless

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 3,1 тис.

  • @nicholasdowning8550
    @nicholasdowning8550 6 місяців тому +22018

    Dr. Dre transitioning into the Not Like Us intro just for Kendrick to run it back to back 6 times in a row has to be the hardest victory lap of all time

    • @BPGEE
      @BPGEE 6 місяців тому

      Two woman beaters on stage

    • @Herbentto
      @Herbentto 6 місяців тому +587

      He ain’t scared of the six 💀

    • @2KisEaZy
      @2KisEaZy 6 місяців тому +556

      6 times for the 6 God

    • @Music34897
      @Music34897 6 місяців тому +212

      Salted and burned the earth.

    • @TitanCrusher101
      @TitanCrusher101 6 місяців тому +218

      @@2KisEaZy69 God*

  • @dannymcdandan5557
    @dannymcdandan5557 6 місяців тому +17696

    Kendrick pissing on Drake’s grave six times on Juneteenth while dancing with crips and bloods is such a Kendrick thing to do

    • @princerak8881
      @princerak8881 6 місяців тому +45

      Learn how juneteenth happened

      @THICCTHICCTHICC 6 місяців тому +425

      Had to do it to him

    • @HookedonChronics
      @HookedonChronics 6 місяців тому

      ​@@princerak8881 When slaves in Texas finally found out they were free

    • @AnthonyBlamthony
      @AnthonyBlamthony 6 місяців тому +355


    • @goldjozi1276
      @goldjozi1276 6 місяців тому +72

      ​​@@THICCTHICCTHICC righteously so

  • @DkZeria
    @DkZeria 6 місяців тому +3993

    When the entire arena started shouting "OV-HOEEEE!" ... lord, I'm pretty sure it's physically impossible to be humiliated worse than that

    • @aguyonasiteontheinternet
      @aguyonasiteontheinternet 6 місяців тому +83

      and so loud too 💀

    • @aegisfate117
      @aegisfate117 6 місяців тому +3

      Ok Kendrick crowd u cannot jus shout "DRAKE IS MAJORITY WHITE" over and over and over and call it "reciting bars"

    • @aegisfate117
      @aegisfate117 6 місяців тому

      even if it is tru tru ^^^

    • @aguyonasiteontheinternet
      @aguyonasiteontheinternet 6 місяців тому +64

      @@aegisfate117 drake’s half white lol. and even so, that isn’t the problem lmao

    • @Youtube_is_Trash
      @Youtube_is_Trash 6 місяців тому

      Yes, if you're Scotty and you doesn't know

  • @Strenkoo
    @Strenkoo 6 місяців тому +2795

    Hearing the crowd all screaming "What is it the braids?!" was absolutely amazing

    • @dor4376
      @dor4376 6 місяців тому +98

      It was so loud😅 funny and catchy af!

    • @obadiahpeoples1834
      @obadiahpeoples1834 6 місяців тому +21

      Hell yea was wild

    • @dxitydevil
      @dxitydevil 6 місяців тому +15

      JAJAJAJ AND OV-HO TOO mannnn that shit was LOUD

    • @cococolonel
      @cococolonel 6 місяців тому +11

      That was a time to be alive for sure.

    • @NayNay_Evans
      @NayNay_Evans 5 місяців тому +3

      This was my favorite part!

  • @kivonrahim
    @kivonrahim 6 місяців тому +9073

    Kendrick Lamar Presents: I Hate Drake the Musical
    Sponsored by Amazon

    • @Rehman_Syed
      @Rehman_Syed 6 місяців тому +66

      It was a west coast celebration not ab drake

    • @TheSkaOreo
      @TheSkaOreo 6 місяців тому +380

      @@Rehman_Syed My guy...he literally started the show with the Diss that's directly about Drake and ended it with a song calling him a pedophile.
      Stuff can be two things.

    • @jcp5070
      @jcp5070 6 місяців тому +54

      ​@TheSkaOreo He started the show? Or his set? Cuz if you're saying the clearly didn't watch the show. Cuz the literal start of the show was introducing LA artists that wouldn't get this type of attention anywhere else.
      But of course that don't fit your narrative does it?

    • @HS.0J
      @HS.0J 6 місяців тому +30

      ​@jcp5070 shut up the both of you 🤬

    • @Rehman_Syed
      @Rehman_Syed 6 місяців тому +7

      @@TheSkaOreo yea ig but i mean like the whole show isnt ab drake
      Some stuff is obviously involved with hating drake
      But other stuff, like the collard greens one (my fav performance lowkey Q carried) has nothing to do with drake
      And when they did not like us i saw it more as them uniting with music not as much as hating drake
      But what do i know

  • @hlogilehlogonolo5438
    @hlogilehlogonolo5438 6 місяців тому +1796

    I died when Kendrick was about to say something and the whole crowd started shouting OVHoe and instead of talking he just nodded his head in Agreement, the boogeyman😭

    • 5 місяців тому +123

      "yeah u right"

    • @jugo1944
      @jugo1944 5 місяців тому

      What does ov hoe mean?

    • @crow5946
      @crow5946 5 місяців тому +23

      hardest shit ever

    • @angel_of_rust
      @angel_of_rust 5 місяців тому +17

      i don't think i've seen a crowd go as hard since Korn Woodstock 99. that kendrick crowd must be a sight to believe.

    • @nickoletcampbell4657
      @nickoletcampbell4657 5 місяців тому +8

      like, "uh huh, uh huh, uh huh. yup, yup, yup"🤕

  • @SliderGamer55
    @SliderGamer55 6 місяців тому +2226

    I don't think even most Kendrick fans could've predicted how well this all has gone for Kendrick, myself included. And I don't think anyone could've predicted "And then Kendrick's number 1 hit calling Drake a pedophile was played half a dozen times streaming on Amazon, in the concert event of the year". If someone had predicted that when this started, they'd be called a cringey stan, and yet it is reality.

    • @TheSkaOreo
      @TheSkaOreo 6 місяців тому +277

      as a certified Drake hater, I had no idea this was going to happen. I figured that both artists would put out their disses, the stans would have declared Drake the winner, and even the public probably would have gone for Drake precisely because his music is so bland accessible.
      I was not expecting Kendrick to body Drake in such a theatrical fashion that the entire culture turned on Drake. It was beautiful.

    • @aatiti2011
      @aatiti2011 6 місяців тому +48

      I did expect it. Pusha T bodied him, so ofc Kendrick would. Him ( Kendrick) and Drake are not even in the same lane 😂😂

    • @Richard_Z8600
      @Richard_Z8600 6 місяців тому +108

      I knew Kendrick was going to handle the boy with ease. But no even I didn’t think Kenny would embarrass him to this level

    • @dianapatterson4657
      @dianapatterson4657 6 місяців тому +27

      Drake is done. When ever we see him, what will be going on in our heads?
      A minorrrrrrrrrrr.

    • @jenconvertibles
      @jenconvertibles 6 місяців тому +82

      @@aatiti2011i think a lot of us expected him to have the better tracks but nobody was expecting him to do better numbers

  • @353darkesthour
    @353darkesthour 6 місяців тому +7211

    The way he said “I’m what the culture feelin” and backed it up in plain sight ☠️

    • @saben47
      @saben47 6 місяців тому +229

      I felt that bar the second he said it. Literally screamed in my car

    • @fm.burbank8461
      @fm.burbank8461 6 місяців тому +19


    • @TyStar10
      @TyStar10 6 місяців тому +14


    • @michaelturley8222
      @michaelturley8222 6 місяців тому +6

      too bad the whole audience there was basically white or latino. Did people recite every lyrics to 6:16? Why would drake play a song about him denying pedo allegations? If he played family matters his fans would love it. No one in the west coast offended by Tupac AI except soft kendrick fans. The bias and d riding in this video is a joke, as are all fantano fans.

    • @myweirdsecondchannelwithap9070
      @myweirdsecondchannelwithap9070 6 місяців тому +130

      @@michaelturley82226:16 was mid and still 10x better than taylor made and the heart part 6

  • @watersfakeplants
    @watersfakeplants 6 місяців тому +1121

    I knew he won when I heard my toddler nonchalantly singing, "They not like us" while coloring.

    • @leehalloway8787
      @leehalloway8787 6 місяців тому +145

      I'm imagining a bunch of children saying "Wop, wop, wop, wop, wop". 😅

    • @Gab-tc2mr
      @Gab-tc2mr 6 місяців тому +224

      Crap it’s getting to Drakes target audience 😮

    • @kingace6186
      @kingace6186 6 місяців тому +15

      Great. It's a valuable lesson for your kid to learn.

    • @alexiz0013
      @alexiz0013 6 місяців тому +40

      ​@@Gab-tc2mr OH HELL NAW 💀😂😭

    • @noobscoopsies1100
      @noobscoopsies1100 5 місяців тому +22

      Heck nah, I even hear this song blasted in a deep Balinese village, like What the fuck ☠️

  • @Lia-gy4zs
    @Lia-gy4zs 6 місяців тому +1477

    Honestly, the highlight of this concert for me was Kendrick rapping on M.A.A.D city "If Pirus and Crips all got along
    They'd probably gun me down by the end of this song" then proceeded to bring affiliates from the said different gangs on stage, dancing, dapping, united, and having fun together in harmony. It was truly a beautiful end to Juneteenth and the concert. This represented what Kdot has always wanted to come from his music and will definitely go down in history books.

  • @mizushogun
    @mizushogun 6 місяців тому +3162

    Not to mention that both Dave Free & Whitney were present. Which drastically dampens Drake’s accusations.

    • @theitfactorjameswheezer2852
      @theitfactorjameswheezer2852 6 місяців тому +559

      Drake also lied about Pusha t, man said he didn’t listen to Push while also buying a microphone signed by him as a kid 😂

    • @theitfactorjameswheezer2852
      @theitfactorjameswheezer2852 6 місяців тому +430

      Drake lies about a lot of things

    • @TheResidence.mp4
      @TheResidence.mp4 6 місяців тому +84

      ​@@theitfactorjameswheezer2852Yes, yes he does

    • @SuperNuclearUnicorn
      @SuperNuclearUnicorn 6 місяців тому +420

      ​@@TheResidence.mp4 every night Drake is visited by a ghostly Kendrick repeating "you lied"

    • @Aaliyahbaby19
      @Aaliyahbaby19 6 місяців тому +34


  • @AltcoinDaily
    @AltcoinDaily 6 місяців тому +1726

    Anthony 'vegan who loves beef' Fantano

    • @yewsuf
      @yewsuf 6 місяців тому +5

      Didnt expect to see you here 🤣

    • @jmaverion
      @jmaverion 5 місяців тому

      When alt season?!

    • @marcuskissinger3842
      @marcuskissinger3842 5 місяців тому

      Dog “dog who cat” cat

    • @TheBMEGuy
      @TheBMEGuy 5 місяців тому +2

      veganthony beeftano

    • @daylawashere
      @daylawashere 5 місяців тому +1

      ​@@TheBMEGuy beefthony vegantano

  • @Andrew.W.19
    @Andrew.W.19 6 місяців тому +9452

    Tyler’s alliance to Cali and friendship with Pharrell made it easy to pick a side.

    • @chrisrunners5388
      @chrisrunners5388 6 місяців тому +556

      @@econometrics469 he from hawthorne

    • @commes6147
      @commes6147 6 місяців тому +966

      him and kendrick are closer friends as well, he’s in the hillbillies music video

    •  6 місяців тому +426

      Yeah, not to mention Rocky

    • @angelicthecaretaker777
      @angelicthecaretaker777 6 місяців тому +533

      Tyler is from Ladera Heights. He's been West Coast from the start. Started repping it more the later he was into his career.

    • @AQGOAT24
      @AQGOAT24 6 місяців тому +51

      maybe, but he has never had a problem with drake, he brought drake to camp flog gnaw

  • @Hevvvyyy
    @Hevvvyyy 6 місяців тому +4499

    Nature is healing

    • @tristonplante5419
      @tristonplante5419 6 місяців тому +36


    • @nuneza1987
      @nuneza1987 6 місяців тому +21

      Damn that’s wild!!!

    • @Psychedlia98
      @Psychedlia98 6 місяців тому +4

      Randy California lookin down from Heaven, smiling

    • @goldjozi1276
      @goldjozi1276 6 місяців тому +11

      I'm lost but I also feel like I know what you're saying, beautiful

    • @thecrunch8008
      @thecrunch8008 6 місяців тому +2

      so tough wtf

  • @Phished123
    @Phished123 6 місяців тому +652

    Kendrick already won, but he double won when Tommy The Clown came out. Fuckin crazy, the show had a dance break by one of the biggest LA urban competitive dance legends of all time. This was Kenny saying "not only do I Rap better, but I'm a part of the culture in a way you can never be".

    • @fightvale57
      @fightvale57 5 місяців тому +24

      It was incredible. I have never been to a better a show.

    • @RichardJork
      @RichardJork 5 місяців тому +1

      When you realize kendrick cheated on his half white woman with a white woman, while trying to denounce his opponent for being half white. How high you gonna jump for kendrick, the industry puppet? Shit is pathetic

  • @theboi5584
    @theboi5584 6 місяців тому +7294

    "I was gonna kill a couple rappers, but they did it to themselves”

    • @christinathein951
      @christinathein951 6 місяців тому +219

      Errry body sui they don’t even need my help

    • @Lotus3.2.2.
      @Lotus3.2.2. 6 місяців тому +23

      kendrick definitely did it to drake?

    • @theboi5584
      @theboi5584 6 місяців тому +171

      @@Lotus3.2.2. maybe initially, but Drake did it with THP6

    • @markdeejay86
      @markdeejay86 6 місяців тому +7

      Before others were able to be turned into a song lol

    • @kaingates
      @kaingates 6 місяців тому +103

      ​@Lotus3.2.2. How many times did Kendrick say "just shut up, don't push it and make music I can dance to"? Drake put that noose around his own neck

  • @sasukesarutobi3862
    @sasukesarutobi3862 6 місяців тому +2571

    The timing on this video was perfect: I was literally watching Kendrick start "Not Like Us" for the fourth time in a row when I get a notification on my screen saying "Kendrick Is Ruthless" like a Mortal Kombat message

  • @MrDJRadeEEYo
    @MrDJRadeEEYo 6 місяців тому +391

    “Say that you lesbian girl me too” and people thought he could really stand up to hard beef

    • @logan3917
      @logan3917 5 місяців тому +5


    • @knockitoffsam
      @knockitoffsam 5 місяців тому +2


    • @theoddodyssey
      @theoddodyssey 5 місяців тому +5

      Please let me forget that line!!

    • @MrDJRadeEEYo
      @MrDJRadeEEYo 5 місяців тому +6

      @@theoddodyssey no

    • @nanduvineeth8738
      @nanduvineeth8738 4 місяці тому +1

      No I didn't I thought kendrick would smoke him but it doesn't feel like he buried him and that shocks me

  • @waV_daV
    @waV_daV 6 місяців тому +1189

    I feel like you overstated the victory lap and understated the added value and true driving force of the pop out. That show was Kendricks “thank you” to the city that made him and supported him and he gave back by sharing his world stage with his home. To me this was 80% a love letter to LA and 20% a middle finger to Drake.
    In the midst of his repeated Not Like Us performances he called all artists on stage to celebrate with him and commemorated the moment with a photo touting all the different gangs represented and how they were able to come together and do something as a team. They even said “One West”. You cant leave that part out!

    • @antoniovital4298
      @antoniovital4298 6 місяців тому +73

      Yeah, I was also confused as to why melon left that part out. Honestly the real meaning and highlight of the event

    • @vopcracker3193
      @vopcracker3193 6 місяців тому

      @@antoniovital4298honestly, I didn’t expect his white ass to get that nuance. Especially since he’s not from LA and already had a bias for Kendrick (Which is fine of course; It’s more a matter of his focus on “Kenny won” and the music specifically, rather than a richer analysis of what this was for LA and what it meant for hip-hop culture at large.)

    • @aerialdive
      @aerialdive 6 місяців тому +126

      I feel like fantano is simply talking on what he knows rather than going into black culture specifics. FD will though

    • @beefsupreme510
      @beefsupreme510 6 місяців тому +6

      This was the most important part of the night!

    • @cantthinkofagooduser4165
      @cantthinkofagooduser4165 6 місяців тому +4

      ​@@aerialdivewho is fd

  • @karankaushikk
    @karankaushikk 6 місяців тому +3841


    • @Doughboy14145
      @Doughboy14145 6 місяців тому +43


    • @juniorflores9661
      @juniorflores9661 6 місяців тому +54

      I’m fucking dead bro 😂😂

    • @icanchangeher
      @icanchangeher 6 місяців тому +19


    • @Netami-cn6jr
      @Netami-cn6jr 6 місяців тому +120


    • @genesisosuna
      @genesisosuna 6 місяців тому +184


  • @TaliZorahVasectory
    @TaliZorahVasectory 6 місяців тому +267

    Kendrick is a wild contradiction - on one hand he's a sweet, soft-spoken peacemaker who smiles a lot, and on the other hand he's a complete psychopath who will go scorched Earth if you cross him. The boy next door and the boogeyman

    • @liathompson2332
      @liathompson2332 5 місяців тому +36

      At least he asked God for forgiveness before he 💀 Drake😭

    • @KingKam93
      @KingKam93 5 місяців тому +1

      He’s a God-fearing and spiritual man but he’ll go full primal, beat you ass and hide the bible if God watching.

    • @somemonkeystirnerite
      @somemonkeystirnerite 5 місяців тому +2

      ⁠@@liathompson2332 honestly that’s the only part of the song I disliked. Instead of putting the responsibility on outside sources or an abstract concept, Kendrick should put the responsibility on himself. It’s also very contradictory to the religion he swears to believe in. Very spooked indeed.

    • @alanamonique84
      @alanamonique84 5 місяців тому +9

      @@liathompson2332He said he’s an old school Gemini 😂

    • @leticiasilveira8768
      @leticiasilveira8768 4 місяці тому +11

      ​​@@somemonkeystirnerite it's called being a human. No one is a saint and he is open to show that, that we ALL have good and bad inside us. You can be a good person, care about your spiritual life and still do bad things, no one can run away from that. He always brings that he is fighting himself and for what he believes is right but there's this side that can't always live in peace. That's How most us live, I totally get him.

  • @nirvenes
    @nirvenes 6 місяців тому +4503

    I noticed over the course of this show that Kendrick seems more interested in being a leader for his culture rather than trying to be its hero or savior. It’s a good direction.

    • @Grim-Fn
      @Grim-Fn 6 місяців тому +434

      His image and mindset is mirrored by his albums he truly is growing as a person and musician

    • @poisonjam4564
      @poisonjam4564 6 місяців тому +252

      He uses his fame and influence for good things, to bring up his community and everyone who identifies with his music while healing them (us). More artists should be like him, tbh

    • @Z4NKA1
      @Z4NKA1 6 місяців тому +5

      @@Grim-Fn do you genuinely believe that? all of this is performative kendrick is moving reckless

      @ΤΟΣΠΟΥΔΑΙΟ 6 місяців тому +77

      That was his goal, and he never intended to be considered the savior or hero.

    • @nimitt_t
      @nimitt_t 6 місяців тому +140

      Kendrick made you think about it but he is not your savior

  • @murpheus7176
    @murpheus7176 6 місяців тому +4343

    This was Kendricks coronation ceremony as the King of the West Coast

    • @EmoryTilghman
      @EmoryTilghman 6 місяців тому +69

      Had he had a concert like this years ago... that would've been the case, even then

    • @sleepzy3816
      @sleepzy3816 6 місяців тому +215

      I think you mean the current King of rap

    • @copilot127
      @copilot127 6 місяців тому +77

      that was over a decade ago

    • @elreygusano7202
      @elreygusano7202 6 місяців тому +98

      * current King of Hip Hop

    • @torywilliams5345
      @torywilliams5345 6 місяців тому +80

      he was already king of the west he is now king of rap fam

  • @The_Presbyterian
    @The_Presbyterian 6 місяців тому +422

    Euphoria: Soul attack
    6:16 in LA: Death threat
    Meet the Graham's: The murder of Drake
    Not Like us: Danced on his grave
    Kendricks Concert: pissed on his grave

    • @Vpeezy66
      @Vpeezy66 5 місяців тому +3

      Best evaluation by far

    • @MegaOne-z7t
      @MegaOne-z7t 5 місяців тому +1

      616 was bait

    • @OnlyBuenoBars
      @OnlyBuenoBars 5 місяців тому

      THE OTHERS WERE FUCKING KAKA DOODOO! (Meet the graham's was OK tho.)

    • @krayzus
      @krayzus 5 місяців тому +5

      @@OnlyBuenoBars 6:16 and euphoria are ass? ok bro

    • @Weeb_Goblin
      @Weeb_Goblin 5 місяців тому +5

      I see it more as:
      Euphoria: Minor Attack, more light hearted than the others. Had a pretty major prediction (that Drake would forge allegations on the family front)
      6:16 in LA: A warning, basically telling Drake to not go further, revealing he had a mole in OVO and probably got some dirt on Drake
      Drake doesn't heed the warning, and drops Family Matters later that day, which then made Kendrick drop the atomic bomb 22 minutes later
      Meet the Grahams: the killshot, he did all but prove that he does have a mole. The theme (Drake's family), the timing, everything. It drops the most heavy allegations
      and then obviously
      Not Like Us: Crip walking on Drake's grave. Basically recapping what he said in Meet the Grahams but in a club song and not in a haunting, like, death note-esque message
      The concert then just really cemented the fact that there is no universe in which Drake won, having a whole concert hall sing every word (not the first time Kendrick has done that, unsurprisingly)

  • @MasterOctagon
    @MasterOctagon 6 місяців тому +8562


  • @jeffreyhanc1711
    @jeffreyhanc1711 6 місяців тому +1513

    Kendrick threw the most upbeat celebratory stomp-on-the-corpse funeral party ever.

    • @johnblunt6693
      @johnblunt6693 6 місяців тому +51

      You know I thought everyone and their mama hopping on the metro bbl drizzy beat was the metaphorical equivalent of the neighborhood coming out to jump drake but once again Kendrick proved me wrong

    • @JenniferBrigitteOpticalVortex
      @JenniferBrigitteOpticalVortex 6 місяців тому +3

      My baby did that!

  • @xombiekat13
    @xombiekat13 6 місяців тому +148

    J. Cole jumping out of the fray right at the beginning was the most strategic shit ever. Props to a man with some foresight!

    • @BloodyAltima
      @BloodyAltima 5 місяців тому +31

      Whole lotta people giving him shit for that, but honestly I can respect it. Recognizing that you just made a huge fuckup and bowing out? Takes a kind of honesty you don't see often, especially not in this industry and this chunk of it. Even if it was just an act of self-preservation, of "Oh I can't actually go against a Compton kid who grew up doing battle rap in the cafeteria, I have horribly miscalculated," knowing when to fold 'em is a skill worth some kind of respect. Lord knows Drake coulda used it.

  • @nchavez314
    @nchavez314 6 місяців тому +872

    kendrick really saved us from another drake summer and gave us a classic Mustard summer

    • @bewwybabe8045
      @bewwybabe8045 6 місяців тому +57

      I think Tinashe getting her flowers in tandem with the Mustard renaissance is healing the music world

    • @ArKaneAcrumProductions
      @ArKaneAcrumProductions 6 місяців тому +6

      ​@@bewwybabe8045 definitely

    • @darklyweird
      @darklyweird 5 місяців тому

      lmao trueee

  • @charlespeter5610
    @charlespeter5610 6 місяців тому +1447

    Fantano boutta get another angry Instagram DM

    • @glitch4010
      @glitch4010 6 місяців тому +238

      he boutta send him a vegan chicken sandwich recipe

    • @MM-vs2et
      @MM-vs2et 6 місяців тому +117

      @@glitch4010 this time with dairy to show he's devious 😈

    • @Retr0_Blues
      @Retr0_Blues 6 місяців тому +67

      @@MM-vs2etperhaps even containing full fat mayo to show he's gone off the rails too

    • @lmaheu
      @lmaheu 6 місяців тому +22

      His existence is a LIGHT 1 😭😭😭😭😭

    • @migaud7789
      @migaud7789 6 місяців тому +13

      Boutta get the spicy vegan chicken tender recipe

  • @trashed4005
    @trashed4005 5 місяців тому +68

    "Why Drake didn't see this blowing up in his face, I don't know"
    You mean the guy who self-doxxed DMs that he was feeling a light 1 on your existence instead of linking you a Vegan cookie recipe? That Drake?

  • @scottbrayton9484
    @scottbrayton9484 6 місяців тому +464

    Dr. Dre's "I see dead people" is one of the hardest moments of all time.

  • @Igorsbackagain-c6q
    @Igorsbackagain-c6q 6 місяців тому +584

    The camera cuts between each wop are so cold

    • @Bdavis2475
      @Bdavis2475 6 місяців тому +5

      They made me nauseous but Im glad some people enjoyed it 😂

    • @Igorsbackagain-c6q
      @Igorsbackagain-c6q 6 місяців тому +9

      @@Bdavis2475 that sucks for you brother

    • @KappaJones
      @KappaJones 6 місяців тому +35

      ​@@Bdavis2475 Bet you still weren't as sick as Drake probably is😂

    • @Igorsbackagain-c6q
      @Igorsbackagain-c6q 6 місяців тому +1

      @@KappaJones lmao

    • 5 місяців тому +4

      anime battle vibes

  • @heavensdoor666
    @heavensdoor666 6 місяців тому +304

    what Drake fans fail to consider is that this entire thing is so much bigger than drake and even kendrick, they think it’s about who won, but it was really about the state of hiphop and the culture surrounding it, but just like drake they lack self-awareness and any critical thought,

    • @rogue-taxidermy_griffin
      @rogue-taxidermy_griffin 5 місяців тому +13

      Most of them aren't a part of, or actively reject, the culture to begin with. They don't want to be. They just want to enjoy the music ("it's wallpaper"), not dig too deep (which is fine on its own but not as the *only* way of listening to music). But even that's part of the state of hip-hop and even music as a whole.

    • @joedaiskiwagas6780
      @joedaiskiwagas6780 5 місяців тому +2

      ​@@rogue-taxidermy_griffin it's also why I really dont consider myself as a rap fan. I just enjoy the music because I know that you are only a fan if you understand and enjoy the culture.

    • @maadkid
      @maadkid 5 місяців тому

      This was the cultures last big F you to capitalism but sadly kendrick juts won the battle we losing the war and hiphop is dying

    • @incognitomode24
      @incognitomode24 5 місяців тому

      @@rogue-taxidermy_griffinya normal people want to listen to music normally

    • @Ismael-kc3ry
      @Ismael-kc3ry 6 днів тому

      @@maadkid I think that’s because despite Kendrick’s victory and repeated attempts to push hip hop in the right direction, he is just one man. The problems facing the world of hip hop and the music industry at large can’t be solved by one man.

  • @hesnotquitedead
    @hesnotquitedead 6 місяців тому +1853

    Don’t forget to mention the biggest West Coast legend to show up that night: Tommy the Clown.

    • @theboi5584
      @theboi5584 6 місяців тому +120

      Tommy the 🐐

    • @Igorsbackagain-c6q
      @Igorsbackagain-c6q 6 місяців тому +46

      Yessir 🗣️🗣️🔥

    • @BigPurp9
      @BigPurp9 6 місяців тому +224

      Saw so many comments on the stream saying “why is he dressed in his Drake costume”😭😂

    • @FalafelTheBurner
      @FalafelTheBurner 6 місяців тому

      Clown vs Krump will always be an integral part of Hiphop culture

    • @janbonne
      @janbonne 6 місяців тому +13

      Loved the dancing! So glad that shit never got mined by Drake and his colonizers

  • @cyrus7510
    @cyrus7510 6 місяців тому +363

    Cole dodged a fucking planet

    • @obiwanjabroniX
      @obiwanjabroniX 6 місяців тому +37

      Omg stop 😂 cole and Kendrick are friends, cole realised there was no need to diss Kendrick so he took it back
      Y'all act lik Kendrick has the same dirt on cole as he did on drake but cole ain't no peado or fake black rapper, cole is the real deal. But there's no beef so why diss 😂😂 he chose peace over violence, it should be commended really cos Kendrick and drake needed to have this battle

    • @GentM2015
      @GentM2015 6 місяців тому +4

      @@obiwanjabroniX Cole is somehow even cringier than Drake and has never even had a good phase like Drake did making music in the beginning. He would have been erased from existence if Kendrick took him seriously at all.

    • @obiwanjabroniX
      @obiwanjabroniX 6 місяців тому +5

      @@GentM2015 ok Stan 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @milk-el8vq
      @milk-el8vq 6 місяців тому

      ​@@obiwanjabroniXcap he chose to release a diss then took it back when schoolboy q warned him if you dont know shit please dont say shit bro 🙏 have a nice day tho

    • @EliC09
      @EliC09 6 місяців тому +18

      @@GentM2015a Cole and Kendrick back and forth would’ve been amazing lyrically. Would Kendrick win? Probably. Would it get to this level of hatred between the two? Never

  • @thebigcheese5114
    @thebigcheese5114 6 місяців тому +120

    Drake absolutely had this coming. He played the make believe tough guy roll for long enough and never got called out on it like this.

  • @BCJDM
    @BCJDM 6 місяців тому +2479

    Drake is quiet this summer. Mustard on the feet backhoe

    • @Gene_Cousineau
      @Gene_Cousineau 6 місяців тому +237

      Nah he dropped the Wah Gwah Delilah banger!

    • @Blubbermage
      @Blubbermage 6 місяців тому +7

      @@Gene_Cousineau Wasn't that AI?

    • @unrealistic5462
      @unrealistic5462 6 місяців тому +68

      It's gonna be a surgical summer

    • @SirZubo
      @SirZubo 6 місяців тому +187

      @@BlubbermageDrake fans will say anything 💀

    • @Mcspazz731
      @Mcspazz731 6 місяців тому +75

      ​@Blubbermage drake fans wish it wasn't actually him 😂

  • @zendar2817
    @zendar2817 6 місяців тому +204

    For me it's crazy that Kendrick unified LA just to dance on Drake's body with Not Like Us, and that last photo that reminds me the TPAB cover, CRAZY

    • 5 місяців тому +7

      bringing out tommy the clown was so iconic too, really showed how many people didn't understand the history and culture around LA

  • @djdaxfactor
    @djdaxfactor 6 місяців тому +27

    Most underrated line in all the tracks is in Euphoria.
    “Only YOU like being famous”
    Kendrick literally had nothing to lose. Fame or peoples perception doesn’t move him. Thats the traps of Stardom

  • @eyahyo
    @eyahyo 6 місяців тому +907

    mustard shouldnt get outshined by kendricks set tho. he pulled out all the stops and his section was amazing. loved yg and tylers performances in particular.

    • @1patrickryan
      @1patrickryan 6 місяців тому +48

      Wish Ty $’s vocals hadn’t been absolutely fried

    • @eyahyo
      @eyahyo 6 місяців тому +41

      @@1patrickryan yeah the only flaws I really see in mustards set is the mic issues they were having

    • @chriscanizares4870
      @chriscanizares4870 6 місяців тому +16

      Roddy rich performace was great too

    • @crangel4246
      @crangel4246 6 місяців тому +12

      The last dr Dre performed was the Super Bowl … that shit was iconic… dre is performing California love with Kendrick in place of Tupac who was the influence of To pimp a caterpillar oops I mean to pimp a butterfly

    • @vopcracker3193
      @vopcracker3193 6 місяців тому +4

      Dude even DJ Hed brought out sooo many West Coast artists and legends….shit was truly an iconic event

  • @Luiz-w5s
    @Luiz-w5s 6 місяців тому +201

    What Kdot did to mustard too was pretty awsome. Geve him his flowers and brough him to stage to share the sucess and the spotlight.

    • 5 місяців тому +7

      mustard summer 2024 fr

    • @LittleSpoonLonzo
      @LittleSpoonLonzo 5 місяців тому +11

      And the Jumbotron at the concert said “Mustard: 10 summers” really puts into perspective how much impact he’s had on the culture!

  • @xxwales15xx33
    @xxwales15xx33 6 місяців тому +168

    Drake: Brings a butter knife to a gun fight
    Kendrick Lamar: *Brings an AK47 to a chess match*

    • @OfficialPizza
      @OfficialPizza 5 місяців тому +7

      he played to checkmate and then shot him to death

    • @OlgaZuccati
      @OlgaZuccati 5 місяців тому +4

      kendrick used the ballistic missile variation

  • @grayfox622
    @grayfox622 6 місяців тому +516

    I was seeing TV Girl at the same time and people were in the pit at The Wiltern watching the Kendrick stream on their phones before the band went on lol

    • @businessbuilder92
      @businessbuilder92 6 місяців тому +8

      Lmaaooo In the pit or right outside it?

    • @hectords164
      @hectords164 6 місяців тому +20

      ​@@businessbuilder92it was likely a dance circle. 😂

    • @daEINSTEINkid1
      @daEINSTEINkid1 6 місяців тому +16

      brooo i took my sister to see them too and was in fact doing this lmaoo

    • @sierra1996
      @sierra1996 6 місяців тому +11

      i saw the garden at the same time, some ppl were watching it while waiting for their drinks lol

    • @grayfox622
      @grayfox622 6 місяців тому +21

      @@businessbuilder92 in the pit of the theater, mf definitely not moshing to tv girl lol

  • @marteinnbreki3512
    @marteinnbreki3512 6 місяців тому +422

    Todd in the Shadows once said about Kendrick “having friends is a skill, it’s a musical talent”. And good lord did Kdot prove him right!

    • @Cdr2002
      @Cdr2002 6 місяців тому +13

      Ayyyy another Todd fan

    • @1075Marijavera
      @1075Marijavera 6 місяців тому +1

      In what vid is this from?

    • @poilaaliop
      @poilaaliop 6 місяців тому +7

      Common Todd in the Shadows W

    • @gus3864
      @gus3864 6 місяців тому +2

      I used to watch him. Heck yeah!

    • @adrianguinn3331
      @adrianguinn3331 6 місяців тому +1

      Ew. Listen to his extraordinarily privileged take on Mr Wendell, by ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT. No thanks, man. I've known quite enough "allies" like that in my life already. Dude wouldn't last an afternoon in my circle.

  • @MikeGoldenboy
    @MikeGoldenboy 6 місяців тому +381

    The other day, my wife heard a group of boys singing “Euphoria” out loud on the train, in Portugal. Yeah, Kendrick did something huge!

  • @benkei1047
    @benkei1047 6 місяців тому +444


    • @infinite2396
      @infinite2396 6 місяців тому +10


    • @syxph3r
      @syxph3r 6 місяців тому +2

      Once upon a time all of us was in chains. Homie still doubled down, calling us some slaves.

  • @Sven989
    @Sven989 6 місяців тому +423

    Pusha T made Drake become a father, Kendrick made him go country.

  • @Tyberes
    @Tyberes 6 місяців тому +78

    All I'm saying is Drake when on to make Wah Gawn Delilah after the beef, and Kendrick did this. It certainly paints a picture.

    • @royalninja2823
      @royalninja2823 5 місяців тому +12

      My shitty theory is that Drake was still trying to make some kind of move with that, by leaning into the really corny shit he's known for and still doing the bad accents like he's been criticized for, to prove that he can still what he does and it'll still be popular, showing that the beef didn't matter that much and he's still the biggest rapper alive after it.
      Obviously it was dogshit and that didn't pan out, but that's the only reason I can think of why he'd do that at this point.

  • @RustleXer
    @RustleXer 6 місяців тому +838

    Kendrick literally dug up Drake’s body went WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP and sent him back into the grave and into hell.

    • @mr.froglegs
      @mr.froglegs 6 місяців тому +2

      "You'll burn in Hell While They Are Digging You Out." - The Willin Well 2: From Fear Through Eyes of Madness : Coheed and Cambria

    • @ezy_t461
      @ezy_t461 6 місяців тому +3


    • @SockiSkateboards
      @SockiSkateboards 6 місяців тому +2

      Imagine if Kendrick preformed "Wah Gwan Delilah"

    • @ezy_t461
      @ezy_t461 6 місяців тому

      @@SockiSkateboards wah gwan delilah is gas

    • @ezy_t461
      @ezy_t461 6 місяців тому

      @@SockiSkateboards the coughing adlib and stuff

  • @FelixRosas10
    @FelixRosas10 6 місяців тому +341

    So nice of Kendrick to perform at Drake’s funeral. 🙏🏽

    • @fitxfour1072
      @fitxfour1072 6 місяців тому +4

      Doing the Lords work. 😂

  • @vir_rm
    @vir_rm 5 місяців тому +42

    I’m Brazilian and I watched the Juneteenth show through UA-cam the day of and it’s safe to say that Drake’s character and career death has been successfully cemented worldwide.

  • @stephenjones4397
    @stephenjones4397 6 місяців тому +250

    The way the crowed erupted for and milked the A Minor in the first Not Like Us lap was a sight to behold.

    • @xvvvvr
      @xvvvvr 6 місяців тому +23

      careful there

    • @Monroah
      @Monroah 6 місяців тому +19

      They milked a *what now*?

    • @dxitydevil
      @dxitydevil 6 місяців тому

      HOOOO boy that was too good

    • @brians898
      @brians898 6 місяців тому

      @@xvvvvr lol

    • @alexiz0013
      @alexiz0013 6 місяців тому +1

      ​@@Monroah 😶 ...That's it, I'm leaving, lmao 💀😭

  • @ragnerlouthbrok4715
    @ragnerlouthbrok4715 6 місяців тому +184

    Kendrick Lamar performing '6:16 in LA' for the first time with Ab-Soul is so undrrated, my favorite moment of the concert.

    • @shanecorcoran2542
      @shanecorcoran2542 6 місяців тому +10

      I just wish Ab did a song too, if him and Kendrick did Illuminate I would have lost it

    • @silversoulken
      @silversoulken 6 місяців тому +21

      @@shanecorcoran2542Ab couldn’t do too much bc the lighting was crazy, thats why 616 had very dark lights. So lowkey I’m not mad as his safety is most important. Plus, I loved the performance anyway bc it felt very reminiscent of the interludes they would do on each other album’s back in the day. It was awesome for day ones 🥲

    • @silversoulken
      @silversoulken 6 місяців тому

      @@shanecorcoran2542Also Shredder Sub-Zero is best Sub-Zero 🤝🏽

    • @franccorleone9323
      @franccorleone9323 6 місяців тому +6

      ​@@Ten_Thousand_Locustsab soul has issues with his eyes and health

    • @Ten_Thousand_Locusts
      @Ten_Thousand_Locusts 6 місяців тому

      @franccorleone9323 Oh shit I completely read the original comment wrong anyway. My bad, thanks for explaining. That's awful.

  • @zechariahcifuentes7002
    @zechariahcifuentes7002 6 місяців тому +79

    He did his first verse 6 times making it literally 6:16 in LA

  • @BurningBlaze55
    @BurningBlaze55 6 місяців тому +160

    Not only was the beef great for Kendrick in terms of gaining more credibility from more HipHop fans, and proving his ability to hang in a rap battle, but he’s even grown massively on the number of streams and fans he’s got. I was in the livestream of the show, and so many people were very noticeably there to see him. Sure some were overboard with their comments(saying stuff like “WE WANT KENDRICK” or “this ain’t Kendrick”, some of them are clearly young and/or don’t know anyone else other than Kendrick, Tyler, Dre, and maybe Steve Lacey), it was still awesome to see so many new fans excited to see Kendrick live. His casual listener numbers have risen over 25 million since the beef started. I’ve seen so many comments of pop fans, metal fans, alternate fans, talking about Kendrick. Streamers who’ve never talked about music in their entire career have taken time to check out Kendrick’s diss tracks. He’s really pushed farther in relevancy and respect than we ever thought he’d actually reach. I’m so happy to see so many people listen to and become a fan of the artful, humble, generationally talented, and just flat out nice and caring individual that is Kendrick Lamar. Puts a smile to my face.

    • @cheddyh4032
      @cheddyh4032 6 місяців тому +9

      nice and caring in this context is so crazy

    • @BurningBlaze55
      @BurningBlaze55 6 місяців тому +18

      @@cheddyh4032 yeah didn’t think about that lol. But it’s still true though. This show even proved that. All of the guest would tell the crown to cheer for Kendrick, but every time Kendrick told the crown to cheer, it was for other people or for themselves. I remember during not like us, after every time he played it, he would tell the crown to cheer for themselves instead of him. Plus, the speech about having every part of the west coast being on stage and being neutral, making the show about the west coast instead of him. If that ain’t kind, humble and selfless, idk what is.

    • @kaingates
      @kaingates 6 місяців тому +1

      YG, blxck, the whoops, TJmrLA and Jason Martin all fucking killed it. I also liked ricch but I can see why others wouldn't be into him.

    • @HookersAndCoke
      @HookersAndCoke 6 місяців тому +1

      Real recognize real
      His artistry is so genuine it’s appreciated and noticed by everyone. The one rapper who won a Pulitzer

    • @sabrinafletcher7884
      @sabrinafletcher7884 6 місяців тому +12

      i'm a white girl from a small town in new england who loves metal and punk, and at this point kendrick has become my favorite artist on the planet. LOVE that man and all he does. he is a genius like no other

  • @GustoForPresident
    @GustoForPresident 6 місяців тому +136


    • @Gab-tc2mr
      @Gab-tc2mr 6 місяців тому +11

      Seems like the whole city doesn’t go against him no more

    • @EliC09
      @EliC09 6 місяців тому +2

      I misread that as Prius

    • @AggroSamurai
      @AggroSamurai 6 місяців тому +4

      Every time he's in the street he hears wop wop wop wop

    • @AntiSocialExtrovert323
      @AntiSocialExtrovert323 6 місяців тому


  • @thewheelsman29
    @thewheelsman29 6 місяців тому +26

    Drake really is the anime villain that Kendrick beat with the power of friendship

  • @OGTirpleOG
    @OGTirpleOG 6 місяців тому +110

    DJ Mustard’s set and kendrick set is an iconic moment in hip hop history. The west coast just re-establish its importance in hip hop culture. Atlanta has been on top for a while but this event can push Cali artist to take back the hip hop crown.

  • @PhilUP
    @PhilUP 6 місяців тому +2985

    Kendrick is really the west coast savior

    • @Met_One
      @Met_One 6 місяців тому +67

      we need ya

    • @manbehindtheslaughter
      @manbehindtheslaughter 6 місяців тому

      Bout to get like a thousand likes💀

    • @Rehman_Syed
      @Rehman_Syed 6 місяців тому +27

      Its good to see him bring the west coast together
      I dont like how ppl are saying drake is dead tho thats kinda corny

    • @MyseptumStinks
      @MyseptumStinks 6 місяців тому

      lol the west coast been poppin dumbass

    • @pubert19
      @pubert19 6 місяців тому +12

      d rider

  • @TopFix
    @TopFix 6 місяців тому +111

    Jack Harlow took a massive L the last 2 months. Was co-signed by Diddy, was at Diddy parties and has linked up with Diddy (as evidenced by his twitter). Was absolutely silent when the allegations about Diddy came out. Then, he links up with Drake and praises him, then when Drake is in the cooker and is facing similar/worse allegations, Harlow is quiet. Harlow has proven that he's out of touch and has let the fame muddy his ability to assess people's characters, but most importantly, has shown that he's happy to use people until it's at his own detriment.

    • @jackmayor3574
      @jackmayor3574 5 місяців тому

      Not surprised Harlow has always come across as a dumbass

    • @johnny14980
      @johnny14980 5 місяців тому +21

      Good point but where did this come from? 😂 didn’t hear him mention Harlow

    • @camerontheboy
      @camerontheboy 5 місяців тому +5

      Sounds like Jack clapped this man’s girl LMAOOOOO super weird paragraph mate

    • @angel_of_rust
      @angel_of_rust 5 місяців тому

      @@camerontheboy i hope he sees this bro. that zoomer bush hair ahh rapper ain suckin you off bro

    • @angel_of_rust
      @angel_of_rust 5 місяців тому +6

      @@johnny14980 probably just looking at the artists jack harlow clings to, which oddly says enough about harlow

  • @gogollackgogollack
    @gogollackgogollack 6 місяців тому +401

    The second version where the crowd does 90% of the lyrics...jfc

    • @SEOshogun
      @SEOshogun 6 місяців тому +13

      That's my favorite! Kendrick dancing while the crowd chants every word!

    • @dxitydevil
      @dxitydevil 6 місяців тому +11

      He dont even gotta perform thats how you know you fuckin did it

  • @eyeofthebeholder_
    @eyeofthebeholder_ 6 місяців тому +55

    Fantano rushing the stage and doing a dramatic reading of all his Kendrick reviews was my favorite part of the night, although people weren't happy about the third one.

  • @nikk796
    @nikk796 6 місяців тому +25

    The last time Kendrick performed Not Like Us with all the artists on the stage was something else man!! It felt like happy ending of a movie.

  • @sjw4life546
    @sjw4life546 6 місяців тому +141

    Dot was ruthless. Eazy would be proud

  • @mariokarter13
    @mariokarter13 6 місяців тому +273

    "We can speak on a two hour time difference."
    Updated because Drake is in Houston.

    • @saben47
      @saben47 6 місяців тому +16

      Didn't catch that! 🔥

    • @Mrskaylaxo
      @Mrskaylaxo 6 місяців тому +27

      He’s not even in Houston he lives in the middle of the boonies now. I pass that area all the time there’s literally nothing there. He’s hiding in the middle of nothing 💀

    • @Sam-Cain
      @Sam-Cain 6 місяців тому +8

      ​@@MrskaylaxoI was gonna say it's cos he knows he's gonna get clapped otherwise but, like... Why tf would you hide in *TEXAS* to avoid getting shot???

    • @gus3864
      @gus3864 6 місяців тому +6

      To stay closer to daddy prince

    • @EliC09
      @EliC09 6 місяців тому +1

      @@Sam-Cainlook up the legal age of consent in Texas. There’s your answer

  • @iimmortalldreams
    @iimmortalldreams 6 місяців тому +42

    Lebron in the audience ever since he found out Drake didn't write Mob Ties 😂

  • @rouge939
    @rouge939 6 місяців тому +91

    My own sister who used to be a big Drake fan even asked me “hey what’s with the Kendrick beef? I heard Drake is a creep”

    • @matteofaccin6636
      @matteofaccin6636 6 місяців тому +34

      Make sure you hide your little sister from him

  • @jaykey1202
    @jaykey1202 6 місяців тому +89

    Yeah, he's whooping feet.

  • @fortysixghouls
    @fortysixghouls 6 місяців тому +33

    Drake underestimated the amount of spite held in Kendrick’s short body

    • @jamesnomos8472
      @jamesnomos8472 5 місяців тому +10

      KDot's height just makes his spite pack more densely inside him. It's like a nuclear reactor, just makes the whole thing run hotter.

    • @fortysixghouls
      @fortysixghouls 5 місяців тому +2

      @@jamesnomos8472 I bet Drake said "not great, not terrible" after every KDot diss.

  • @LuvMimiku
    @LuvMimiku 6 місяців тому +292

    Its actually crazy that people still think drake won after all that. if all of that wasn't the nail in the coffin, this sure is lmao.

    • @jorami4838
      @jorami4838 6 місяців тому +73

      They've been listening to Drake all their life. They can't accept the fact that he likes em young 😭😭

    • @Dontclickmychannellll
      @Dontclickmychannellll 6 місяців тому +18

      @@jorami4838yeah it’s crazy I know somebody at work who was like I love bbl drizzy so thick, I’m like wow Drake Stan’s are hilarious

    • @iDewThis4Yu
      @iDewThis4Yu 6 місяців тому +12

      Nobody actually thinks he won. People are just defending their team man😂 I think it’s a very small percentage who are actually delusional

    • @nerve5293
      @nerve5293 6 місяців тому +7

      nah this aint the nail in the coffin. this the burial 😭

    • @nightshadeii9248
      @nightshadeii9248 6 місяців тому +4

      To be clear: only Drake glazers think Drake won. That’s it.

  • @diorgasmask
    @diorgasmask 6 місяців тому +74

    Crazy that Lebron was at the concert.
    Guess he kept the family away. 🤷🏽‍♂️

  • @theenp3889
    @theenp3889 6 місяців тому +23

    Kendrick should get the Nobel peace prize for this concert

  • @redwood1542
    @redwood1542 6 місяців тому +81

    I'm still dying when Lebron full shrugging while rapping "What's OVO for? Other vaginal option?"

  • @slowergrower
    @slowergrower 6 місяців тому +56

    This is far beyond any normal rap beef. Everyone in the rap game is collectively coming together to end Drake's regime

    • @obiwanjabroniX
      @obiwanjabroniX 6 місяців тому +1

      Well that's a bit false isn't it

    • @slowergrower
      @slowergrower 6 місяців тому +5

      @@obiwanjabroniX "Yugioh/multicontent streamer" with one subscriber and zero videos or streams also sounds pretty false

    • @Timeflies.x
      @Timeflies.x 6 місяців тому +1

      @@slowergrowerwhy u so salty bro? U know what they said was facts. Bumass got aggressive as soon as someone said cap to his statement.

  • @cornejo1005
    @cornejo1005 6 місяців тому +23

    Dr. Dre capping off his stage time by casually inciting a riot has got to be one of the cinematic highlights of that night.

  • @Gankzta
    @Gankzta 6 місяців тому +589

    Cole touches your heart, Kendrick touches your soul, Drake touches your kids 😈

    • @Fiendy
      @Fiendy 6 місяців тому +30

      AYOOOOOOO!! 😅

    • @BoOmBANG_
      @BoOmBANG_ 6 місяців тому +14

      Pause 😂

    • @OhitsGeo
      @OhitsGeo 6 місяців тому +9


    • @j_lynsation
      @j_lynsation 6 місяців тому +5

      69 likes. I like the comment but I don't wanna mess up the irony
      *Edit damn it's ruined

    • @minecraftsteve2504
      @minecraftsteve2504 6 місяців тому +11

      It's... Its.. it's.. hmm... Grippy!

  • @MintYoongi309
    @MintYoongi309 6 місяців тому +738

    Hot line bling A Minorrr dance was EPIC THEN The 5x he sang NOT LIKE US 😂

    • @ryanjavierortega8513
      @ryanjavierortega8513 6 місяців тому +12


    • @kelsopresley
      @kelsopresley 6 місяців тому +17

      @@ryanjavierortega8513 He sang it 5x. But of course, some ppl wanna make it seem like a genius move that he did it 6 times in order to be clever.

    • @angstyteen
      @angstyteen 6 місяців тому +75

      @@kelsopresley It was literally 6 times. Or are you not counting the second time when the audience sang most of the song?

    • @extraterrestrial8888
      @extraterrestrial8888 6 місяців тому

      @@kelsopresley it played a 6th time as they all walked off stage. I was counting live. Are you dumb or just intentionally dense?

    • @kelsopresley
      @kelsopresley 6 місяців тому +9

      @@angstyteen No, im not counting the end where literally everyone was just leaving while the instrumental was playing in the background. BTW, I think he destroyed Drake, not defending drake, but I'm tired of fans overthinking everything Dot does

  • @skreamnredskull8941
    @skreamnredskull8941 5 місяців тому +7

    So NOBODY (The video host and the commenters) is gonna talk about how during one of the the several performances of Not Like Us, Kendrick brought up EVERY GANG IN LA just to chill and dance with each other?? All united under the fierce boldness of Kendrick standing up, pointing to Drake, and saying "Yo, you like kids!"

  • @BIGWILLY5004
    @BIGWILLY5004 6 місяців тому +48

    Kendrick really juggling both coasts in one hand

  • @cryopyro5641
    @cryopyro5641 6 місяців тому +73

    Its awesome to see saitama wearing his own merch ❤

  • @Traptember
    @Traptember 6 місяців тому +7

    Performing 6:16 in LA as a conversation with Ab Soul under a red spot light to a blacked out arena with Jay Rock sitting on edge of the stage nodding like he never heard it! 💯 perfect hip hop moment

  • @thamacaveli3548
    @thamacaveli3548 6 місяців тому +444

    From getting pissed on by T.I's friend and now yetting pissed on by Kung Fu Kenny💀💀, Drake gotta be pissed off

  • @baapadap2026
    @baapadap2026 6 місяців тому +66

    I didnt even think about that. Amazon supporting kendrick like that is such a massive W.

    • @rachellewis5016
      @rachellewis5016 6 місяців тому

      Being a groomer pedo will catch up with even the most famous of these creeps.

  • @MFBloosh
    @MFBloosh 6 місяців тому +18

    We got all 4 Black Hippy members in the same place before we got GTA6.

  • @seffers4788
    @seffers4788 6 місяців тому +67

    Come on dude this whole performance was SO much more than Drake v Kendrick or who really won etc. This was Kendrick doing what he’s been fighting to do his whole career and did it onstage with a whole photoshoot

  • @cybermartian5627
    @cybermartian5627 6 місяців тому +10

    "Give back Pac's ring and I might give u some respect" - Kendrick 😂😂

  • @birkobird
    @birkobird 6 місяців тому +144

    one million views in one second damn melon’s on a comeback

  • @ata.cordarrelle
    @ata.cordarrelle 6 місяців тому +258

    melon stop touching the side of your head , you'll damage the seeds

    • @DarlingMissDarling
      @DarlingMissDarling 6 місяців тому +14


    • @birdperson2854
      @birdperson2854 6 місяців тому +7


    • @quillpen815
      @quillpen815 6 місяців тому +14

      Whenever fantano gets an idea, a little sprout pops up on his head that he has to shave down before he decides to film a video about it. 🌱😊

    • @KingAsar
      @KingAsar 6 місяців тому


  • @thatJAWNraps
    @thatJAWNraps 6 місяців тому +15

    Dre's 'I See Dead People' is Iconic af
    As was the set starting with Euphoria where the WHOLE crowd was rapping along so loud

  • @K-tw4wb
    @K-tw4wb 6 місяців тому +158

    I drove 4 hours to attend this

    • @Lior__plays
      @Lior__plays 6 місяців тому +3


    • @K-tw4wb
      @K-tw4wb 6 місяців тому +78

      @@Lior__plays It's really not that crazy

    • @jorami4838
      @jorami4838 6 місяців тому +36

      @@Lior__plays I'd drive that far too if I had gotten a ticket

    • @jorami4838
      @jorami4838 6 місяців тому +4

      @@Lior__plays I'd drive that far too if I had gotten a ticket

    • @Dontclickmychannellll
      @Dontclickmychannellll 6 місяців тому +23

      @@Lior__playspeople do it a lot you be surprised how many people drove to see Drake, future, or Kendrick Lamar

  • @AllTheArtsy
    @AllTheArtsy 6 місяців тому +34

    im so proud of and happy for Kendrick. his family was there. pgLang was there. TDE was there. his community showed up and showed out for him 🥰🥰

  • @syxph3r
    @syxph3r 6 місяців тому +4

    The fact that peope knew they could have watched it online, but the stadium still filled is awesome.

  • @filmjunkie975
    @filmjunkie975 6 місяців тому +21

    Even "Ludwig from video games" was there

  • @imberribored
    @imberribored 6 місяців тому +20

    Love that this was livestreamed. Kendrick really made this accessible for maximum pettiness again LOL.

  • @DutchChristianBoy7
    @DutchChristianBoy7 5 місяців тому +3

    "6: 16 in LA" was a reference to the concert on 16th June 2024 in L.A, that is Art

  • @Noodlyk18
    @Noodlyk18 6 місяців тому +63

    I wish they locked Kdot, Q, Jay Rock, and Ab Soul in there until we got a Black Hippy album. Easily the thing I was most hyped about lmao.

  • @itsybitsycherry
    @itsybitsycherry 6 місяців тому +77

    I genuinely can’t see a way Drake could come out of all this on top - Not Like Us became song of the summer, an immediate chart topper, and club banger, whereas The Heart Part 6 is genuinely one of the worst tracks of the year so far and got rightfully derided as such, plus his releases after that weren’t… exactly stellar.
    I feel he’s just gonna slink away and pretend this didn’t happen and put on a tough guy face.

    • @theboi5584
      @theboi5584 6 місяців тому +22

      just like what happened with Pusha T smh

    • @yeetrepublic9142
      @yeetrepublic9142 6 місяців тому +8

      Already doing that rn according to his IG posts

    • @Lior__plays
      @Lior__plays 6 місяців тому +2

      Family matters is the better song out all of Kendricks songs

    • @oligarchies
      @oligarchies 6 місяців тому +39

      ​@@Lior__plays That's incorrect both on a critical and commercial level crodie

    • @walklytekel5713
      @walklytekel5713 6 місяців тому +18

      ​@@Lior__playsthat is objectively not true atp

  • @animalsoverpeople_
    @animalsoverpeople_ 6 місяців тому +2

    It was also great to note that when everyone was leaving the floor section and exiting the venue, everyone continued to rap Not Like Us and scream OVHOE in the halls as we all marched to the surface. Unreal experience

  • @Fleezy81
    @Fleezy81 6 місяців тому +86

    Someone on that stage had a 40 in their jeans.

  • @islabee94
    @islabee94 6 місяців тому +74

    He's thorough! The art of war says to destroy your enemy completely 🤌🏽