A HFY Story : Intelligence Report: Human, uh, "videogames" & Interviewing human ship builders |2280

  • Опубліковано 19 вер 2024


  • @brendamayfuller8803
    @brendamayfuller8803 9 місяців тому +291

    Alien: "With your technology levels, your machinery could be silent, why does it all make noise?"
    Humanity: "We don't trust things that do things silently. Machines should make noise to let you know they are doing things."

    • @eeengineer8851
      @eeengineer8851 9 місяців тому +61

      Grew up on a farm. The sounds and vibrations of the farm machinery were key to the operator/driver knowing that all was well or not. Any change in tone of the noise could indicate an impending mechanical failure or other problem.

    • @darthragnarok1066
      @darthragnarok1066 9 місяців тому +30

      this has actually proven a problem for some luxury car brands, their cars have gotten so quiet and well soundproofed that you can't actually hear them from inside. but customers hated it, cuz it made the car 'feel' less powerful without that good good rev of the engine. So they have started using simulated audio.

    • @anathardayaldar
      @anathardayaldar 9 місяців тому +27

      Mothers know its when they hear nothing from the kid's rooms that they are up to something bad.

    • @jorgecarreras4214
      @jorgecarreras4214 9 місяців тому +10

      @@anathardayaldar Or something bad's happened to the kids in question...

    • @Nempo13
      @Nempo13 9 місяців тому +9

      @@darthragnarok1066 I always thought this was hilarious, they simulate the sound instead of just, reducing some of the soundproofing around the engine to let you HEAR IT.

  • @janet6421
    @janet6421 9 місяців тому +218

    Humans have a natural distrust of silence. Animals get quiet when there is a predator nearby. As we also fear predators, silence is not a good thing.

    • @thepostapocalyptictrio4762
      @thepostapocalyptictrio4762 9 місяців тому +22

      I can attest to this. I know when the raptors are overhead at home because bird songs disappear when they’re out. Even the squirrels hide

    • @colinsmith1495
      @colinsmith1495 8 місяців тому +9

      More like hearing is our second most relied-upon sense and we are keen observers, even on the subconscious level, of 'out of normal' conditions. These conditions are indicators that something's different, and different often means wrong, dangerous, or pricey.

    • @neosildrake
      @neosildrake 8 місяців тому +7

      Parent's know to be wary, when the kids are silent.

  • @mikkelnpetersen
    @mikkelnpetersen 9 місяців тому +63

    "You call them military training simulations, we call them video games"

    • @zambekiller
      @zambekiller 8 місяців тому +3

      We require more pylons

  • @ironwolfF1
    @ironwolfF1 9 місяців тому +87

    TBH, the second story makes a whole lotta sense in the context of how important sensory input and feedback is humans in a 'survival' setting. _NOTHING_ will make humans more nervous (and aware) when they come to the realization that things have become ..... _too quiet._
    That's when our inner alarms (e.g. - danger sense) starts yelling at us...or at least the ones who haven't yet collected their Darwin Award.

    • @clothokaftan
      @clothokaftan 8 місяців тому +5

      this is exactly why isolation wards can easily make someone go lose their sanity, a lack of any kind of external auditory stimulus will trigger an extreme fight or flight instinct within us as we subconsciously sense that there is something very very wrong in that moment, the eerie and disturbing silence can make even the most seasoned veterans lose their nerve, and in fact veterans, soldiers, pilots, and the like are more likely to suffer from it worse since they have quite literally honed their spatial awareness to the extreme.

    • @thomasschulz2167
      @thomasschulz2167 2 місяці тому +1

      That's why situations where things don't sound like they should are considered eerie. Our senses are literally turning things to 11 to try and discern something, anything to establish a baseline for normality and threat identification. Silence weirds us out because there is nothing to use as a baseline which results in any noise not generated by us is immediately assumed to be a threat and reacted to accordingly.

  • @Keith_WB2VUO
    @Keith_WB2VUO 9 місяців тому +60

    No joke about mechanical sounds providing immediate feedback for an operator. I have seen boiler rooms with steam turbines that "droned" at 1800 hz while spinning at 1800 RPM. If the turbine sped up (or down), every operator knew this and made corrections without having to think about it.
    It was cool, listening to some piece of machinery being effectively run by ear...

    • @clothokaftan
      @clothokaftan 8 місяців тому +1

      very true, we may be a binocular species with a heavy reliance on our visual receptors for endurance hunting and brains for pattern recognition, but that same pattern recognition can also be shifted to easily and quickly identify sources of sounds and indications for what should be a good or bad sound based on our subconscious experiences, we may have rather poor hearing compared to most animals but since we can distinguish between sounds to identify things like the speed of turbines, the hardness of steel being forged, the whistle of an arrow or bullet, the thunk of bullets or shrapnel deflecting against walls, or even the rustling of leaves, we ended up developing an extremely keen sense of spatial awareness even while having inferior auditory receptors compared to most apex predators on earth, and yet we now stand at the top of our food chain because of it.

    • @larrythompson8630
      @larrythompson8630 8 місяців тому +1

      I ran a lot of older equipment by ear.

  • @ericanderson2482
    @ericanderson2482 9 місяців тому +102

    Ship sounds make sense. Modern car noises are mostly digital now for the same reasons. Turn signals don't use relays, so no natural noise. The sound comes from a file and is crafted by the manufacturer.

    • @janet6421
      @janet6421 9 місяців тому +6

      Especially electric cars

    • @anathardayaldar
      @anathardayaldar 9 місяців тому +2

      Electric cars play engine noise to alert pedestrians one is behind them.
      But isn't that a mp3 file? Why limit yourself to engine noises?
      If you could play anything when your car is going, what would it be?
      The song "Move, Bch, Get Out Da Way"

    • @merlinludwig3445
      @merlinludwig3445 9 місяців тому +8

      in my experience, it isnt limited yo "engine noise"
      i discovered that the hum of some electric vehicles that i attributed to coming from the electroc motors is actually that audio being played
      i still want to get that customizable so i can have a car put out the Jetson's spacecraft sound

    • @dilanbrinkley3587
      @dilanbrinkley3587 9 місяців тому +4

      ​@@anathardayaldar bubble noises!

    • @alkirk-ws4co
      @alkirk-ws4co 4 місяці тому

      @@anathardayaldar LOL that particular song would NEVER be allowed to be played, as a warning of an incoming vehicle in this foul and vile PC/WOKE/Feminist dog pile, of a dumpster fire we call modern society. Note how you even had to edit the one word in order for the youtube algorithmic censor, to not sensor it?

  • @davidhenderson3400
    @davidhenderson3400 9 місяців тому +22

    Some people underestimate the amount of information that can be contained in the sound. Back when I was a fixer in a textile mill my job was to keep 14 frames running at the same time. The noise level was deafening I had to wear ear plugs. Even through all the noise I could be on the other side of production floor and I could hear one of those machines change sound and I can tell you from the sound what machine it was that had the problem and what the problem was clear on the other side of the production floor. A lot of times I knew there was a problem even before the person running the machine knew that there was a problem.

    • @RiversJ
      @RiversJ 7 місяців тому +1

      Mark of a honed Craftsman for sure

  • @Tejyasn
    @Tejyasn 9 місяців тому +56

    The term "fly by the seat of your pants" owes to an old pilot tradition/skill of gripping their seat to better feel what the aircraft is doing...

    • @alkirk-ws4co
      @alkirk-ws4co 4 місяці тому +2

      Thanks I always wondered about the actual origins of that saying. I always thought it had referred to the pilot knowing something was wrong via the vibration of the plane, felt by the pilot in his seat.

    • @Cemi_Mhikku
      @Cemi_Mhikku 3 місяці тому

      ​@@alkirk-ws4co That's how a lot of old people would teach shifting in a manual, too. "You'll know when to shift by the seat of your pants."

    • @alkirk-ws4co
      @alkirk-ws4co 3 місяці тому

      @@Cemi_Mhikku Yep, with the old Stick shift, the vehicle will begin to vibrate when it is time to shift gears. At least the vehicles now dubbed 'Classics' That and by listening to the uptake in the revs of an engine.

    • @Cemi_Mhikku
      @Cemi_Mhikku 3 місяці тому

      @@alkirk-ws4co Yeah, I've always tended to go by ear, tach and seat in that order, for shifting cues.
      Both of my cars are standard and well into the antique range. Makes me feel filthy to call a car two years younger than me 'well into the antique range' but that's one of the "perks" of getting older, I suppose. '88 Volvo 245 and '75 BMW 2002 in case you were curious.

    • @alkirk-ws4co
      @alkirk-ws4co 3 місяці тому

      @@Cemi_Mhikku Cool, Last vehicle I owned was a 78 GMC Vandura Glendale. Made a year before I was born. And I always knew, I needed to shift whenever I heard the engine revving up. I don't even bother with modern vehicles. Can't Stand Plastic Crap Bodies, and modern vehicles, for the most part can not take the punishment of living the nomad life.

  • @EvilPaladin11
    @EvilPaladin11 9 місяців тому +27

    Story 2 reminds me how, in the Mass Effect series, Tali has trouble sleeping in the Normandy, because it's too quiet for her.
    Quarian ships are all old, and very noisy. If a ship is quiet, then that means that something catastrophically bad has happened.
    The Normandy is a brand new cutting edge stealth ship, and is very quiet.
    Throughout the series, Tali sleeps in the engine room since it's the loudest place in the ship.

  • @Mortvent
    @Mortvent 9 місяців тому +58

    I remember an old book about space medics. The ships had a background noise generator for mental health of the crew.. playing things like city noises, barely audible conversations, etc.. All the background noise you would hear in a city.

    • @ckl9390
      @ckl9390 9 місяців тому

      And that was supposed to be good for mental health?

    • @Mortvent
      @Mortvent 9 місяців тому +9

      @@ckl9390 yes, as it was background noise vs dead silence. It was supposed to be barely audible akin to the street noise from an apartment, something to break the silence with familiar and comfortable sounds.
      It's the audio white noise. People's minds are expecting some noise, it's why most people get nervous or paranoid in silence.

    • @Keith_WB2VUO
      @Keith_WB2VUO 9 місяців тому +3

      Yep. The Med Ship series by Murray Leinster. I would have liked to meet Doctor Calhoun and his tormal assistant. I grew up with his stories through the 1950's & 1960's. Classic sci-fi!

    • @Nempo13
      @Nempo13 9 місяців тому +3

      @@ckl9390 Oh yes, people who grow up in the city are hilarious for their first month or two when they move out to the rural areas or small towns. They aren't used to things being so quiet and only hearing wind and the sound of leaves and branches rustling, or the natural sounds of nature rather than cars and people. Usually they have issues sleeping and develop paranoia for a little while.
      Meanwhile those rural and town people who go to the city are similar, they are paranoid due to only hearing people and people moving around constantly is a sign of thieves and the like. The lack of nature sounds unsettles them and they feel (honestly rightly so) that they are in an unnatural and artificial place.
      People can adapt, but they need noise. If you want to watch people lose their mind, put them in true total silence. Most cannot handle it beyond a minute or two. They will think an hour has passed when it is only like 5 minutes. The modern person (I find this truer for those who live in cities but everyone has the effect) cannot handle silence well at all. We are so used to being bombarded with sounds and information that without that, we go into a deprivation state and become paranoid.

    • @gmradio2436
      @gmradio2436 9 місяців тому +5

      Something similar happens in office buildings. News offices specifically have to pipe in the sounds of typing and low conversations or they loose people just staring off into space. Otherwise the office becomes a super liminal space.

  • @merlinathrawes746
    @merlinathrawes746 9 місяців тому +32

    Poor Tensengron. His superiors are likely to cause him to have a nervous breakdown. OR.. he can start playing human videogames himself and take over their jobs.
    Makes sense. We developed in a world filled with noises. We can even tell when our machines are running properly or not by the sounds that it makes. Of course we would incorporate that into our ships.

    • @The_Forge_Master
      @The_Forge_Master 9 місяців тому +5

      I'm surprised Tensengron was terrified at the upper-echelons of strategic combat simulators, and didn't even mention ones that focus on foot soldiers.

    • @avroarchitect1793
      @avroarchitect1793 9 місяців тому +4

      It gets worse. Sensory deprivation is actually a form of torture. It literally drives people insane over time. The only sound you hear being our own heaarbeat and blood pumping through your head is... disturbing.

    • @robertalexander5892
      @robertalexander5892 8 місяців тому +1

      People can literally go insane from that.

    • @FullchanAnon
      @FullchanAnon 7 місяців тому

      ​@@The_Forge_Master he did. ARPG. The first one. He just didn't mention shooters for whatever reason.

  • @firatsanliturk
    @firatsanliturk 9 місяців тому +21

    Insufficient sensory input + boredom + sleep deprivation = Dragons flying in front of your eyes as you're on sentry duty. I can attest to the truth of that!

    • @alkirk-ws4co
      @alkirk-ws4co 4 місяці тому

      Especially in the hours of the 'long quiet dark.' It is theorized, that this was the reason for the missle crisis that happened back in the 80's , that nearly caused the launch of WW3. I am referring to the debacle where a Russian Radar Tech, mistook a flight of swans for incoming ICBMS. According to reports, one of the reasons for his almost catastrophic error, was due to the combination of long shifts of being on-station, sleep deprivation, and prolonged periods of a lack of external sensory stimuli.

  • @InternetGravedigger
    @InternetGravedigger 9 місяців тому +17

    Second story ABSOLUTELY makes sense, especially the bit about the inertial dampeners! I know I do better when I'm getting feedback when driving compared to in a video game...

    • @CowCommando
      @CowCommando 9 місяців тому +2

      This has always been my issue with driving games, no feedback. No feel of the road or how grippy the tires are, etc.

    • @alkirk-ws4co
      @alkirk-ws4co 4 місяці тому

      @@CowCommando I heard somewhere that some tech geniuses are trying to incorporate that somehow in the newest generation of Driving console.

  • @snake57
    @snake57 9 місяців тому +11

    “You left the parking brake on “. River Song

    • @Darkwintre
      @Darkwintre 9 місяців тому

      That's not a parking brake, it's an early warning system...for everybody else!🤫
      Even Cybermen hide when they hear that!

  • @Norbrookc
    @Norbrookc 9 місяців тому +11

    Many years ago, I worked as a surgical tech helping teach surgeons to perform a new thing called laparoscopic surgery. A lot of the surgeons at the time had a great many problems coordinating what they were doing with an instrument while watching what was happening on a video screen. One of the comments made was that the next generation who grew up playing video games would find it a piece of cake.

  • @jasonswearingin1009
    @jasonswearingin1009 9 місяців тому +19

    Story 1 brings to mind a strategy I used in Multi Player Co-Op in SC 1. I played Terran and my buddy was playing Protos. He had 18 carriers and was set for offensive while I defended our bases with turrets bunkers siege tanks and goliaths. My only air assets was a small squadron of wraiths for quick response and 12 to 16 science vessels. When he went on an attack I would move my science vessels up and keep casting Defense Matrix on his carriers all he had to do was park and drone swarm opponents. The only opponents to break this were 2 Zerg players who mass attacked with the fliers that attacked air and ground. Man I miss those times we're both in our 40's now and prefer making slow smoked BBQ and homemade Pair Brandy.

    • @danielhall6578
      @danielhall6578 9 місяців тому +3

      I keep forgetting how old SC1 is, since I grew up playing it and I was born in 03.

    • @jasonswearingin1009
      @jasonswearingin1009 9 місяців тому +2

      @@danielhall6578 Remember the OG Command and Conquer Dungeon Keeper and Heroes of Might and Magic. I greatly miss Dungeon Keeper especially the second one. Still have the disk for DK 2 (had to special order from UK back in 04) windows 11 will install it but will not play even running compatibility mode for XP/98. Even reducing resolution to 800x600 will get the menu screen but once I hit play game crashes and no error code is generated. Maybe I should look into Linux for a work around.

    • @vonkug
      @vonkug 9 місяців тому +3

      Porque no los dos? I've gone down south, and smoked brisket while playing Supreme Commander II WHILE THE WIVES SCOFFED.
      Do you.

    • @jasonswearingin1009
      @jasonswearingin1009 9 місяців тому +1

      @@vonkug RTS is what got me into PC Gaming. Yep I have Supreme Commander 1 with all expansions and Supreme Commander 2. Preferred SC 1 IMO better faction units and unique capabilities. Girlfriends scoffed while they played candycrush for half the day or dumb facebook games. Hoping that Sins of a Solar Empire 2 doesn't loose traction currently in development (think they're still in beta).

    • @alkirk-ws4co
      @alkirk-ws4co 4 місяці тому

      My favorite RTS has personally always been the Command and Conqueror Franchise..My favorite to date was Generals and C&C Generals Zero hour. Since the units for the most part were more 'realistic'. Speculative Science Fiction is all well and good. However not many of them I find are realisitic enough I guess for my tastes?

  • @deathblade_1939
    @deathblade_1939 9 місяців тому +8

    Stellaris now in its 70th release - can you imagine the cost of buying all the dlc's at that point? It would be like oh yes I was going to buy a house but I just got into Stellaris so all my money went into that.

  • @jeanannd
    @jeanannd 9 місяців тому +61

    Well, the answer is to purchase a lot of human war games and simulations and have their military play and play till needed to for the real thing. 2nd story: There really is sound in space, but since you wear a spacesuit, you probably won't hear it. So having microphones that will not be harmed by temperatures, radiation, etc., Also taking frequencies that are sound that humans are unable to hear, and adjusting it for humans, would let humans hear the gravitational waves, radiation from stars, movement of asteroids and comets. Good story - total silence is a bit much for most humans.

    • @Maeshalanadae
      @Maeshalanadae 9 місяців тому +3

      Just like total isolation, total silence can cause madness.

    • @stevedixon921
      @stevedixon921 9 місяців тому +4

      There are special rooms that block ALL outside noise (usually to test sound emission by stuff placed inside). Most people apparently get very uncomfortable while inside such rooms. Probably triggers the 'something is wrong' part of our brains as total silence is almost never experienced when things are 'right'.

    • @chiefgully9353
      @chiefgully9353 9 місяців тому +6

      Incorrect on the sound.
      Sounds requires a medium be it air or a solid or even a liquid to propagate. The amount of material in space is so low density something to the effect of 4 molecules per meter square. That the vibration of these molecules are not able to reach to the next one. Ergo no propagation of sound.
      Now if we are talking in a suite. The suits have insulation that also acts as a sound dampener. But not for 5je reason that there is sound in space. The reason is that any particle that comes in contact with the suite will cause said vibrations thus the suite becomes the conductor of sound. Given that it is a close system this can cause greater issues as aposed to an open system like earth atmos.
      Again sound is just the wave front of air disturbance (or any medium if we extend this).
      If you where to some how be able to live outside of a space suite. You would hear nothing for long stretches absolute silence. Only to have a split second of extreme deafening noise as the random charged particle made it into your ear canal and stimulated the timpanic membrane.
      Might want to look up the actual physics behind sounds and wave propergstion... not sure where you are getting there is sound in space.
      Oh by the by. One ts procedure is to purposefully touch the hull near a device so that you make a propagation path for the vibrations of a mechanical joint or motor.

  • @davidaward82
    @davidaward82 9 місяців тому +20

    let's be honest, if we ever get the equivalent of ACU tech, Supreme commander is going to become a reality simulator.

    • @sirlancegamer8973
      @sirlancegamer8973 9 місяців тому +1

      that is when we send our best and brightest out to fight for the united earth empire, apex, alphahex and the like

    • @Groza_Dallocort
      @Groza_Dallocort 9 місяців тому +1

      Well building colonies just became really easy

    • @davidaward82
      @davidaward82 9 місяців тому +1

      @@Groza_Dallocort that's how the lore from SC1 starts :P golden age and all that.

  • @michaelmoolick9419
    @michaelmoolick9419 9 місяців тому +9

    Look up an anechoic chamber if you think you don't need sound, so disturbing that the record for staying in one is like 45 minutes. People inside have heard their blood flow in between their heartbeats and nerves firing.

    • @vonkug
      @vonkug 9 місяців тому +5

      I went to the mountains for my brithday this weekend. Drank a little too much.
      Woke up in a pitch black absolutely silent foreign bedroom downstairs. Fell out of bed. Freaked out. Pounded my hands bloody on the door I couldn't open screaming "HELP ME FOR GODS SAKES HELP ME!" My friends were upstairs asleep. I had gone to what was my room in that house as a child. I did not wake in that room. It was not a good birthday.

  • @georgerowe9166
    @georgerowe9166 9 місяців тому +10

    Recruitment Poster: Join the Space Marines! Must be 18 yrs or older and no, the Marine Corps Commandant doesn't care what your kill count was in Elite Dangerous LVIII!

  • @EvilPaladin11
    @EvilPaladin11 9 місяців тому +2

    Story 2 reminds me that in both Star Wars and Mass Effect, ships broadcast ship engine noises to one another, so people can hear ships fly past, or near them in space.
    The engine manufacturers design the noise that the ship makes.
    In Star Wars, you're unable to turn off the ship noise.
    In Mass Effect, you can only turn off the speaker for yourself.
    There's a scene/conversation in Mass Effect 3, where Kaiden (or may have been another human shipmate) talks about turning off the ship noise for himself, so he can watch the ship traffic float silently around the Citadel.

    • @edwardson6825
      @edwardson6825 9 місяців тому

      I know why game and movie creators put this kind of lore in, but holy crap that makes me twitch. Talk about a great target for a homing missile. Tell me the ship I'm flying in is broadcasting a signal that I can not shut off and I'll tell the manufacturer where to shove said ship lol.

  • @lightneko
    @lightneko 8 місяців тому +2

    Omg the idea of the SAS is Genius! I hope that author realizes just how brilliant of an idea that is and it becomes a reality.

  • @donaldscholand4617
    @donaldscholand4617 9 місяців тому +2

    So that's why my turn signals make a clicking sound!😂

  • @RealArcalian
    @RealArcalian 9 місяців тому +4

    Greetings, Mentlegent!
    For the Rhyhtm that is Algo
    Story 1: The gamer nerd in me is VERY happy with this!
    Story 2: Yeah, sound is psychologically useful

  • @sirlancegamer8973
    @sirlancegamer8973 9 місяців тому +2

    paradox would scare the shit out of most alien species we come across

  • @zharpain
    @zharpain 9 місяців тому +2

    Tensengron should just download Stellaris and play with us. He will get more skills then what he has at his current job and probably be either promoted to a much higher ranked position or be asked to be a diplomat with us.

  • @clothokaftan
    @clothokaftan 8 місяців тому +1

    very true, we may be a binocular species with a heavy reliance on our visual receptors for endurance hunting and brains for pattern recognition, but that same pattern recognition can also be shifted to easily and quickly identify sources of sounds and indications for what should be a good or bad sound based on our subconscious experiences, we may have rather poor hearing compared to most animals but since we can distinguish between sounds to identify things like the speed of turbines, the hardness of steel being forged, the whistle of an arrow or bullet, the thunk of bullets or shrapnel deflecting against walls, or even the rustling of leaves, we ended up developing an extremely keen sense of spatial awareness even while having inferior auditory receptors compared to most apex predators on earth, and yet we now stand at the top of our food chain because of it.

  • @theboving5516
    @theboving5516 9 місяців тому

    Complete silence is actually very loud. You can hear your hearth pumping. and hear you moving.

  • @RWorley3sl
    @RWorley3sl 9 місяців тому +3

    I hope this next year is totally awesome and medically boreing for you and yours. Thanks for the hard work and hope the move is great

  • @shadowfoxarchon5021
    @shadowfoxarchon5021 9 місяців тому +2

    Tell aliens that the souldborn games are historic events and watch the panic

  • @kylejohns2288
    @kylejohns2288 9 місяців тому +3

    I was hoping it would mention tactical shooters like rainbow six siege

  • @chrstfer2452
    @chrstfer2452 9 місяців тому +2

    For the algorithm!
    And for this one, i should also say: Its not losing, its FUN!

  • @ombrepourpre7562
    @ombrepourpre7562 8 місяців тому

    I really love the second one!
    It seem also pretty logical and grounded. A'd probably something we WILL do, if a day we can really go spacefearing between Stars.

  • @seatbelttruck
    @seatbelttruck 9 місяців тому +1

    Somebody show that poor alien candy crush or some edutainment game so he can calm down a little, lol.
    Smell actually doesn't work very well when you sleep. That's why smoke alarms are so important. The ship noise thing makes a lot of sense. I remember how freaked out I was the first time I road in a hybrid car because it sounded to me like the engine wasn't working. It was just quiet.

  • @Jakes3130
    @Jakes3130 Місяць тому

    Excellent stories great narration

  • @Jordy120
    @Jordy120 7 місяців тому +1

    Cheers. Your AI assisted art work is a nice addition.

  • @Questor-ky2fv
    @Questor-ky2fv 3 місяці тому

    Thanks for the funny stories. Both stories also had a lot of sense to them.

  • @Gx257g
    @Gx257g 9 місяців тому

    Haha stellaris setting us up for success 🙌

  • @victortahlor4038
    @victortahlor4038 9 місяців тому

    Thank you for the reading

  • @MidnightSmoke
    @MidnightSmoke 9 місяців тому +2

    Here is a like and comment for the stories, for entertaining me, to help your channel grow, and get you the recognition you deserve.

  • @Maddog3060
    @Maddog3060 8 місяців тому +1

    Story 1: Ah yes, the species that engages in intensive military simulations *for fun* is one you don't want to mess with.
    Story 2: They don't know the half of it. You know automatic transmission cars? You do realize they don't need those pauses or hesitations as if to "change gears", right? Automatic transmissions are some kind of hydraulic fluid wizardry that could let a car smoothly accelerate without simulating gear shifting, similar to an electric vehicle. The problem is people who test drove the early models thought they were broken because they didn't have that feedback, and so the car makers to this day make those transmissions act as if they're shifting gears just to keep people happy.

  • @kurtismiller9544
    @kurtismiller9544 9 місяців тому +1

    For DA SKWERL and his Nest!

  • @kirkjones9639
    @kirkjones9639 9 місяців тому +2

    So that is why my butt dyno loves the Hemi in my Dodge, so much.

  • @allenmorgan1007
    @allenmorgan1007 9 місяців тому +1

    For the Algorithm, for the Author(s), for the Holographic Voice!

  • @yomogami4561
    @yomogami4561 9 місяців тому +1

    i enjoyed both stories and the narration

  • @LDSG_A_Team
    @LDSG_A_Team 8 місяців тому +1

    What's funny about that first story is that it even UNDERESTIMATED the insane amount of APM that the best Starcraft players in the world can reach. Players like Serral, Clem, and Reynor frequently hit average 700+ average APM in tournaments, with APM spikes of over 1000 at critical moments. Granted, not all of those actions are actually useful, but they are getting better and better and wasting fewer and fewer actions all the time.

  • @Bertranddeghaul
    @Bertranddeghaul 9 місяців тому +1

    well, that's it i'm buying paradox stock asap.. because from the sound of it, it will be a growing marker

  • @joshuaradick5679
    @joshuaradick5679 Місяць тому

    The human gamers also mastered Psychological Warfare in the early years of their 2nd Millennium, (Plays 20 minutes of archival audio from MW2 lobby)

  • @patriograysmark6328
    @patriograysmark6328 9 місяців тому +1

    Minor improvement detail; Could the green-screen wallpaper / facecam background image be extended, stretched or otherwised slightly moved down about 5 pixels? It's an insignificant thing, but I can see blips of white text scroll behind the backdrop at the bottom edge of the screen as it departs on it's voyage to the high scroll. Has become one of those 'cannot unsee' things. ( W10, YT Web in Chrome, 1080p playback, 1080p monitor ) I believe my phone crops it slightly so I haven't noticed it in that situation.
    But many thanks of course for doing the readings, giving the stories a little character and voice.

  • @johncochran8497
    @johncochran8497 9 місяців тому

    Physically - In a manner relating to the body as opposed to the mind.
    Psychically - In a way that relates to a special mental ability, for example being able to know what will happen in the future or know what people are thinking: Perhaps you are more receptive psychically than you realize.
    Totally changed the meaning of the story TWICE.

  • @scotthinger6397
    @scotthinger6397 9 місяців тому

    For Agro! WITH ENERGY!!!

  • @TheJasonBorn
    @TheJasonBorn 9 місяців тому


  • @barelyasurvivor1257
    @barelyasurvivor1257 9 місяців тому

    TY for anoter great read.

  • @dancalvin6340
    @dancalvin6340 9 місяців тому

    Thanks and Merry Christmas

    • @AgroSquerril
      @AgroSquerril  9 місяців тому

      My pleasure and a Merry Christmas to you as well

  • @charlesmclain6558
    @charlesmclain6558 9 місяців тому +1

    "Stellaris in it's 70th release"
    Real life: " mote like 1st release and 70,000th dlc.
    I love the game but it is difficult to keep up.

  • @Ryu_D
    @Ryu_D 9 місяців тому

    Thank you for the video.

  • @MeisterVivi
    @MeisterVivi 9 місяців тому

    reminds me, i read somewhere they could build silent laundry machines but peoples just dont liked them or so.

  • @Ibian666
    @Ibian666 9 місяців тому

    Very good stories today.

  • @Gr3nadgr3gory
    @Gr3nadgr3gory 8 місяців тому

    Im guessing the used Bushy footage for the rolling montage.

  • @julesmasseffectmusic
    @julesmasseffectmusic 9 місяців тому +3

    Some send this to musk.
    The idiot thinks humans drive by sight alone.
    I was just talking about how electric cars make it harder for pedestrians.

  • @lancer2204
    @lancer2204 9 місяців тому

    Eve Online would give Tensengron an aneurysm

  • @artyd42
    @artyd42 9 місяців тому +1

    For the algorithm, and to mess with Mr 3rd on release. Why not both?
    Second story: I see how they slipped in ChAD.

  • @ligerstripe99
    @ligerstripe99 8 місяців тому

    Darksouls: yea a nakid guy running at you with a weapon and some odd looking helmet. both to increase the s for rolling is a real threat. :P what surprises me is he didn't get into the stealth games, old theif and the like. Hitman to an extent.

  • @LegendStormcrow
    @LegendStormcrow 9 місяців тому

    I always argued that audio could be translated from detected radiation, thus making space noise possible.

  • @anathardayaldar
    @anathardayaldar 9 місяців тому +1

    7:50 Did he say starcraft tournaments in Sol System or Seoul System?

  • @enberusadlada1138
    @enberusadlada1138 9 місяців тому

    Ha...Charles Allen Dawson...That name sounds familiar.

  • @mfree80286
    @mfree80286 9 місяців тому +1

    We are born with wiring to subconsciously and perhaps unconsciously monitor a full set of sensory inputs. Why ignore that wiring? Make it do something useful!

  • @vikingreflections2824
    @vikingreflections2824 9 місяців тому

    I can only imagine what our entertainment would surprise other life forms

  • @WingManFang1
    @WingManFang1 9 місяців тому

    As a Gamer space pilot who plays in VR I can attest this is true

  • @ragnarrskulkrew6232
    @ragnarrskulkrew6232 8 місяців тому

    Damn, that do be true about us gamers!

  • @TheWatisit
    @TheWatisit 7 місяців тому

    No rimworld when mentioning Grand Strategy?

  • @SLEPhoto
    @SLEPhoto 9 місяців тому


  • @thomasmandell3002
    @thomasmandell3002 7 місяців тому

    Wonder what inteneration Civilization would be on.😊

  • @TheDurid1
    @TheDurid1 9 місяців тому

    Isn't this part of a series by FiauraTanks?

  • @widdershins5383
    @widdershins5383 9 місяців тому

    Hehe author is a reference from Malazan series
    Edit: first story

  • @ratzelbarreto2070
    @ratzelbarreto2070 9 місяців тому +1

    I used to do 160 apm on starcraft 2 but after 10 years and old age i barely do 110apm, too bad blizzard ruined it.

  • @anathardayaldar
    @anathardayaldar 9 місяців тому +1

    Electric cars play engine noise to alert pedestrians one is behind them.
    But isn't that a mp3 file? Why limit yourself to engine noises?
    If you could play anything when your car is going, what would it be?
    The song "Move, Bch, Get Out Da Way"

  • @Drago_Whooves
    @Drago_Whooves 9 місяців тому

    Tensengron should move to Terra and start a reaction or gaming channel

  • @prongs82
    @prongs82 9 місяців тому

    darksoul! Also I want to play stellaris 70!!

  • @genericuser984
    @genericuser984 9 місяців тому


  • @sedevri864
    @sedevri864 9 місяців тому

    Let's be realistic, it will still be HoI4 but will half a million DLCs

  • @dariustiapula
    @dariustiapula 9 місяців тому

    Never couldn't even finish Stellaris.:(

  • @ICEMAN-
    @ICEMAN- 9 місяців тому

    Steplaris 70 lmao hearts of iron 56 is crazy

  • @lucielm
    @lucielm 9 місяців тому

    The guys initials are ChAD

  • @davidwilson6829
    @davidwilson6829 6 місяців тому

    So... Space Joe Rogan??

  • @justsomeguywithahandlebarm2456
    @justsomeguywithahandlebarm2456 9 місяців тому


  • @onionman8668
    @onionman8668 9 місяців тому

    you look like the comisar from comand and conquer red alert 3 ithink
    p.s im gesing im not the first to say that.

  • @TheJeikou
    @TheJeikou 9 місяців тому


  • @chronred8190
    @chronred8190 9 місяців тому

    lmao-so basically all humans have some form of ADHD XD

  • @julesmasseffectmusic
    @julesmasseffectmusic 9 місяців тому


  • @merlinwizard1000
    @merlinwizard1000 9 місяців тому

    6th, 12 December 2023

  • @jamesendsley2611
    @jamesendsley2611 3 місяці тому

    Remember Medal of Honor you're a soldier Behind Enemy Lines outnumbered a thousand to one do you have a pistol that you or or a rifle that you crashed with because you were a pilot and you crashed and have to get back to Friendly territory back across the lines in the whole time I was playing that game at the beginning I crash I would do that game and it was fun