CROSSNET Rules & How to Play

  • Опубліковано 21 вер 2024


  • @autumnstorteboom9847
    @autumnstorteboom9847 Рік тому

    @2:12 - Glad to see it. Got in an argument over that with someone who didn't defend their ball, but it landed under the net in a different square. I was right afterall.

  • @YuzukiEba
    @YuzukiEba 3 місяці тому

    3 contacts in that tiny square ?!?!?!

  • @Arbitraritorian
    @Arbitraritorian Рік тому +1

    Official Rules:
    Rule 1: The Quantum Net Conundrum
    The volleyball net shall be set up in a manner that defies the laws of physics. It should hover approximately 5 feet off the ground, occasionally vanishing and reappearing at random intervals during the game. Players are encouraged to use interpretive dance to navigate the invisible net.
    Rule 2: The Mime Ball
    The volleyball used in this absurd game shall be an invisible, imaginary ball. Players must pantomime hitting, blocking, and serving the ball while making exaggerated sound effects to simulate its presence. Spectators are encouraged to join in the pantomime and cheer accordingly.
    Rule 3: Team Transfiguration
    Every 10 minutes, all players must switch teams randomly. This rule ensures that no team will ever find stability, cooperation, or any semblance of strategic planning. It also guarantees utter confusion and an endless cycle of alliances and betrayals.
    Rule 4: The Flamboyant Serve
    Instead of serving the ball over the net, players must launch themselves into the air using a trampoline placed near the serving area. Bonus points will be awarded for flips, spins, and other acrobatic stunts. However, style takes precedence over accuracy in this absurd game, so a missed serve executed with flair will earn more points than a successful, but dull serve.
    Rule 5: Time-Warp Substitution
    At any point during the game, players can call for a time-warp substitution. This rule allows a player to clone themselves and substitute both the clone and the original simultaneously. The clones will vanish into an alternate dimension after one play. However, the team must remember which version of the player is the clone, as both will possess different skill levels and personalities.
    Rule 6: The Animal Assist
    Each team is allowed to recruit one animal assistant to join the game. The animal can participate in any way it desires, from chasing imaginary balls to providing emotional support to players. However, the animal must wear a small hat at all times, preferably one that matches the team's color.
    Rule 7: Dance Break Decisions
    Whenever a referee needs to make a call, they must initiate a dance break. The referee will perform an improvised interpretive dance, and the outcome of their dance will determine the decision. For example, a twirl indicates a point for the receiving team, while a series of robot dance moves signifies a disputed play and prompts a do-over.
    Rule 8: The Endless Rally
    In this absurd game, the rally never ends. Players must keep hitting the ball back and forth indefinitely, even after the game is over, until the referee decides to conclude the rally with a dramatic mic drop. The winner will be the team with the most confetti cannons and sparklers at the end of the rally.

  • @MrGSticks
    @MrGSticks Рік тому +1

    Who invented this Sport???

    • @evanwatson8500
      @evanwatson8500 Рік тому +2

      You soumd like you want to catch these hands at crossnet