LIVE Channeling St Germain. How To Heal Our Wounds & EMBODY Our DIVINE Nature

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @stephensmith60
    @stephensmith60 Рік тому +41

    I really like Tara; she's such a beautiful Soul! This is one of those videos that I must watch a second time! Great job interviewing, as usual! 😊👏🏻🙏

    • @GuyLawrencePodcast
      @GuyLawrencePodcast  Рік тому +2

      Thank you! I appreciate that 😊

    • @shannoneckenswiller843
      @shannoneckenswiller843 11 місяців тому +3

      I too like Tara. Her connection with St. Germain is amazing. She explains beautifully to understand, were many other reasons, kinda skip.

  • @intothesilence4927
    @intothesilence4927 10 місяців тому +18

    In 2006 i had a dream where a clear voice said "il est vrai la chateau en moi." I had no idea what that was. But it sounded French to me. It perplexed me to the point of inquiring about a translation. I found out it translated into "it is real/ truth, the castle in me." I only assumed to know what that meant since then.
    About a week ago, i discovered St Germain. I totally resonated with him. I felt that i knew him. I instantly felt love for him.
    I never seen a violet flame, but i believe that it was him all those years ago. And that hes been working with me.....patiently to say the least 😅.
    Thank you Tara, for your genuineness. I can see the love in your eyes.

  • @TheIntuitiveWizard
    @TheIntuitiveWizard 2 місяці тому +5

    I’m watching this 10/10/24 - the morning after Hurricane Milton hit Florida. Every time I’ve watched Tara channel St. Germain says something that was thinking about that day or that week. And I’m talking about videos that are five years old but I only watched them THIS week and it’s exactly what I’m thinking and feeling.

    • @cynthiaschorr553
      @cynthiaschorr553 7 днів тому

      🪷🌟 QUIET would be nice. “The way to master the (exhausting) impulses, arguments within, between the id, ego & super ego, is to balance the energies into harmony”. Done so, via “spiritual alchemy; our COMMANDING our Higher Self to evoke St. Germain & Masters to transmute into balance”. (I speak to Jesus first now, tho not channeling as yet). Thank you Guy & Tara & St. Germain. 🌟🪷

  • @TheCamster2000
    @TheCamster2000 Рік тому +22

    Tara you ROCK…. Thanks for your beautiful work, you always give me chills ❤❤❤

  • @louisemichelle6232
    @louisemichelle6232 6 місяців тому +5

    Love u Tara thank you ❤ great interview and so true “why no clients because your weren’t doing our work” we must do the work and bring the light to the darkness

  • @sultanciarra11
    @sultanciarra11 10 місяців тому +7

    Loved this and thank you!❤

  • @GabriellePimstone
    @GabriellePimstone 7 місяців тому +6

    This was an outstanding interview, thank you so much!

  • @RichardBeitler
    @RichardBeitler 4 місяці тому +3

    Thank you Tara and St German!

  • @christinamichael7544
    @christinamichael7544 2 місяці тому +1

    She’s always fantastic

  • @margavanvelsen
    @margavanvelsen 7 місяців тому +7

    Dearest Tara, I Like all your Videos and I feel that I am changing. Thank you so much, all love and blessings, Marga, Netherlands ❤️

  • @melinasiciliano4360
    @melinasiciliano4360 Рік тому +13

    Thankyou I love you Tara and St Germain for your on point connection with many of us and how to deal with it all ,thankyou for lifting our spirits ❤️ 💖 ♥️ thankyou Jesus ❤️

  • @theponyshow
    @theponyshow Рік тому +8

    Truly Life Changing Start to Finish. Watch over and over and over again. THANK YOU 🙏!!!!

  • @dianespencer8057
    @dianespencer8057 Рік тому +14

    Guy, you are a wonderful interviewer! You converse just enough with your guests to make them comfortable and to elicit more of their personality and interesting parts of their story, their uniqueness and strengths! I'd heard Tara a while back on another podcast but I felt like I was able to connect much more with her here. 🧡

    • @GuyLawrencePodcast
      @GuyLawrencePodcast  Рік тому +4

      Thank you Diane, I really appreciate the kind words. I certainly do my best to keep the conversations in the heart :)

    • @elegantshells
      @elegantshells 10 місяців тому +3

      I agree! Guy, you allow the show, the information, to be about the guest. You are VERY, VERY good. There are some popular pod casters that can't let go of their own ego enough to let the guest be the star for the whole show. Thank you for your genuine ways. 🙏 🤲 💫

  • @iffathussain6111
    @iffathussain6111 10 місяців тому +8

    Thank you beautiful ❤TARA!

  • @1957712
    @1957712 11 місяців тому +10

    Tara is fire, amazing channeller!

  • @catherinedun3429
    @catherinedun3429 11 місяців тому +5

    Awesome Tara! 🌞🧚‍♂️ have subscribed to your channel Guy, gratitude ❤️ from New Zealand

  • @hanklonewolf77
    @hanklonewolf77 10 місяців тому +7

    Tara thanks. I have been reaching out to learn how to channel. I'll ask Jesus. Plus get my ego in order. Once again thanks to you both. Peace Out

  • @v.h.2479
    @v.h.2479 11 місяців тому +7

    Wow, this is so powerfull! Thank you from my heart, dear Tara 🥰

  • @27kjh
    @27kjh 3 місяці тому +1

    It’s lovely how Guy and Tara are coming to us from the heart.

  • @prathima-s9
    @prathima-s9 8 місяців тому +5

    Wow! This resonated with me a lot. I felt the shift after Tara's channeling🙏🏻 Thank you, Tara & Guy🙏🏻

  • @matthewbrown4575
    @matthewbrown4575 2 місяці тому +2

    Great interview . Tara is always just wonderful

  • @empoweredbeyondbeliefs
    @empoweredbeyondbeliefs Рік тому +10

    Truly wonderful thank you! “Warriors of experience“ love that! ❤

  • @jorritoud536
    @jorritoud536 Рік тому +5

    I love Taraand the spirit guides! Watching from the Netherlands

    • @GuyLawrencePodcast
      @GuyLawrencePodcast  Рік тому +1

      Wonderful! Thanks for joining from the Netherlands 🇳🇱 😊

    @BRAIN-HEART-GUT-LOVE-HARMONY 11 місяців тому +13

    i subscribe to Tara's UA-cam channel and always enjoy and expand, evolve from her explanations and channeled messages from St Germaine, Jesus, Mother Mary and Buddha. I found this to be very educational Tara. Guy, you really had some great questions and added great prompts to bring forth such great wisdom from both of you. St Germaine's final wisdom was fantastic as usual.
    🥰I learned that seeing indigo, purple when I meditate is a sign that St Germaine wants to communicate with me. I also learned that I could channel anyone safely by asking Buddha or Jesus to bring them in for me to experience without fear. Another tidbit was how to determine if my clever ego was involved in my communication experiences by identifying if any fear or judgement surfaced during the communication. Thanks for keeping it real, both of you, by humbly admitting that you both are still in your Awakening stages and experiences. I had experienced fear recently that I was being left behind, not doing enough. i just broke out in a roaring belly laugh and continued while trying to type. From my heart and being to yours, I love you and have such unconditional love for myself and all of humanity. So grateful and blessed as I now laugh and cry! GO TEAM HUMANITY!

  • @bschuber
    @bschuber 11 місяців тому +19

    I’ve heard many interviews with Tara, I love her work. But this s the first time I heard them talk about the spiritual body and anxiety like this, that’s a real mental health game changer for me…. I like this presenter too, insightful questions, he doesn’t overpower the guest talking only about himself but rather draws forth really cutting edge spiritual information. Good stuff, new subscriber here now, cheers!

    • @GuyLawrencePodcast
      @GuyLawrencePodcast  11 місяців тому +3

      Thank you for the kind words…. Appreciate it 😊

    • @MatrixxPhoenixx
      @MatrixxPhoenixx 5 місяців тому +3

      Omg yes lol 😊.. I don't mind the interviewer piping in with "their stories" yet keep it short and relevant. So many others go on with the same and it feels a bit self serving to egoic identity😵‍💫. It also takes time away from what's beign shared. ✨️🦋

    • @make-upalternatives5291
      @make-upalternatives5291 5 місяців тому +1

      The Buddha

    • @ellewoods7922
      @ellewoods7922 5 місяців тому +1

      So glad I found you Tara. You have an amazing gift.

    • @27kjh
      @27kjh 3 місяці тому +2

      I agree with you. I’ve been listening to Tara but it’s the first time listening to the presenter “Guy” and he’s wonderful.

  • @LLflow
    @LLflow 6 місяців тому +9

    I LOVE Tara!! She is such an angel on Earth!

  • @terricerna6043
    @terricerna6043 11 місяців тому +3

    Beautiful! Thank you! ❤

  • @elegantshells
    @elegantshells 10 місяців тому +4

    Fabulous 🎉🎉🎉 At the end, I was standing in my kitchen. I was holding a bottle of wine and martini shakers in my arms..but I stopped walking stood and closed my eyeys. I repeated after St. Germaine and I could see the beautiful violet light. 💜 Feeling all the good vibes and trusting. Turning the dark to light, one thought at a time. 💫 I heard a mans voice tell me my younger brother was dead when I was six. From what you say, this voice must be Jesus. That is who I prayed to as a child. Also, after asking Jesus to root my feet into the earth. I feel much more grounded. I opened my eyeys looked down and I am wearing crocs that I wear a few times a year. They are covered in camo pattern that looks exactly like tiny roots and leaves. ❤

  • @hkaur2268
    @hkaur2268 6 місяців тому +5

    Its always a pleasure to listen to Tara and St Germain talk! Thank you Guy for asking just the right questions.. could sense your curious yet calm energy across the video itself... and that last message was so profound.. even after 6 months of the video, its no surprise it resonates to people like me vibrating at the same frequency that St. Germain caught on.. no wonder i stumbled on this video .. i listen to podcasts all day while working but today i just couldnt stick to one nothing was resonating and this was the only one I kept listening beyond 5 mins ! I went and signed up for one of her live events in the middle of the podcast for this sunday! Thank you again! It helped with some great reminders and some answers to my questions that I was asking my ascended masters out loud ! Thank you so much! 🙌✨️😇

    • @GuyLawrencePodcast
      @GuyLawrencePodcast  6 місяців тому +2

      You’re very welcome ☺️

    • @MatrixxPhoenixx
      @MatrixxPhoenixx 5 місяців тому +2

      So excited for you.. timing is their playful game 🎉

    • @laurac9895
      @laurac9895 5 місяців тому +1

      Thanks for letting her channel for five minutes

  • @annrenee3265
    @annrenee3265 6 місяців тому +2

    2 very beautiful souls in conversation ~ what a joy!

  • @shanthinisubramaniam6003
    @shanthinisubramaniam6003 8 місяців тому +4

    I love your work Guy. You are a beautiful soul

  • @angelgirldebbiejo
    @angelgirldebbiejo 10 місяців тому +4

    Cane here for Tara , looked over your videos and subscribed!! Looks interesting. Peace and Love

  • @carron639
    @carron639 5 місяців тому +1

    OMG, Give love to myself. I really needed to hear this but don't know how as I cry my heart out listening, it helps to know that I am doing good just through crying!🤣 🙏💚
    When 'inner child' was mentioned the song lyrics 'I like to party, everybody does' came into my head! I didn't really have my childhood, being eldest, I was like my mums home help/babysitter from a young age, 'seen and not heard', I now talk too much regretting talking at all afterwards😂.We all went to ballet as children, which I did enjoy but didn't feel that good at. l did like helping anyone needing help, and felt pain of others as if my own from very young so couldn't hurt anyone (although I did, but hurt as much as them!)
    I loved the freedom of going to 'discos' from teens, dancing all evening (although too much alcohol was involved) ancestral I feel! I now don't drink at all. In my 60's I feel I would love to relive those days sober😅🎶🎸💃💖
    I really don't want any more struggle but, with no physical help this last year, I found myself in a place that I felt went against my gut feeling in Jan just to avoid upsetting son and need help to finish in order to move on, however that may be for my highest good!❤
    Split energy and 'fitting in' is so hard, I only wish I could get out of my own way, but accept where I am. I am cancerian sun and can never go directly (always sideways or into my shell😅) but sag moon and if spark appears, the sag fire can ignite😂😂😂
    I need to see or hear, where or what I can do for financial stability. since 2012, my almost NDE was a slow wake up to being more to me and began a self healing path, researching then knowing 'I am nature', 'nature and love heal', chemicals and stress were destroying me. But I feel so alone and such deep emotions watching family go down the 'old' path that almost killed me, but maybe it was only my disconnection from god. Maybe it wasn't the medication etc although my daughter was 'injured' at 15 from HPV, my mother-in-law and dad I saw Meds etc. Maybe this is my purpose to bring light and share my experiences.
    This is reassuring that I don't need to do anything, my tears will hopefully be enough to slowly transmute energy. 'LOWER BACK'😂😂😂 🎯.. me too!!!Mastering my empathy and extreme emotions will hopefully happen NOW. Time to balance and alchemise. I don't see colours often or visualise.
    Maybe it is just resistance and super ego, but I don't relate to family any more but can't seem to 'let go'! 🙄 i don't have fear that I know of unless from past lives. Thank you so much for this!
    Unconditional love is my answer.
    I will give this trust of channeling a go 🙏💚🙏💚🙏💚
    I know I shouldn't comment but may relate and help someone else on same vibration🙏❤❤❤

  • @kellih6055
    @kellih6055 11 місяців тому +8

    Tara is definitely one of my favorite channels. Today much of what was said gave confirmation as to what I hoped was true
    I would like more information as to how to channel, sometimes Tara speaks to us as if we already know how.. love her though

    • @beckymcreynolds6903
      @beckymcreynolds6903 9 днів тому

      Watch this again. My perception was that she explained exactly how to begin channeling

  • @linbandeen8226
    @linbandeen8226 10 місяців тому +3

    That last message is pure light thank you 💙

  • @JoyLedLifeDesign
    @JoyLedLifeDesign 6 місяців тому +5

    I listened to this interview yesterday while driving. AMAZING! Thank you both so much! And I got a big revelation for myself. I am still a bit in disbelief that I have created a workbook (haven't considered myself as a creative person) called My Joy-Led Life Design and the whole time creating it and afterwards I have thought it is for anyone wanting to really create a life based on following their joy. Now listening to the interview, I got a strong feeling I have created it for people who are awakening, so that they have help to finding their joy.

  • @claritywithlaura7245
    @claritywithlaura7245 4 місяці тому +2

    I love the morning conversation with your inner child🎉

  • @Joyous765
    @Joyous765 11 місяців тому +5

    I’m so grateful to find Guy Lawrence’s interviews and hope to experience every one of them 0:03 on UA-cam. Thanks so much for enriching our lives! ❤

    • @GuyLawrencePodcast
      @GuyLawrencePodcast  11 місяців тому +1

      You’re very welcome! I’m glad you found my channel helpful 😊

  • @Mele222X
    @Mele222X 11 місяців тому +5

    This was just lovely. Thank you so much Tara, Guy & Saint Germain. A delight to have met you both and look forward for more. Much Love!

  • @lizethatti5305
    @lizethatti5305 Рік тому +6

    I love tara 💕💕💕✨✨✨ thank you 🙏

  • 10 місяців тому +2

    This is very enlightening and encouraging! Thank you all ! 🤍

  • @andreabroadribb8003
    @andreabroadribb8003 6 місяців тому +3

    Hey Guy, recognised the accent immediately! Greetings from Porthcawl, lol. Great guest. I'm working through all of Tara's interviews and videos. Its raining here. Hope you've found better weather over there. ❤

    • @GuyLawrencePodcast
      @GuyLawrencePodcast  6 місяців тому +3

      Amazing! Would always go to Porthcawl fair as a kid. So many memories. Yes, the weather is certainly warmer here 😊

    • @andreabroadribb8003
      @andreabroadribb8003 6 місяців тому +3

      @GuyLawrencePodcast Enjoyed the podcast! It's great to see you thriving down under. Xx

  • @minitaciones
    @minitaciones 6 місяців тому +2

    How could've known this specific channeled message was exactly the answer I'm needing today June, 2024? Thank you Tara ❤

  • @JulieHempton
    @JulieHempton 7 місяців тому +2

    It is fortunate that you began this lifetime without the infrastructure of fear based religion confusing everything. My two children have that blessing.❤❤❤❤

  • @tracybranson1699
    @tracybranson1699 Рік тому +4

    I love Tara!!

  • @charliesaunders2928
    @charliesaunders2928 11 місяців тому +4

    Thanks Tara and Guy and Saint Germaine - such powerful messages. I especially look forward to trying my best to support others from a place of empathy rather than sympathy - this is so much more empowering for everyone to move through our human experiences. Thank you again so much ✨🙏

  • @handsomeharley4257
    @handsomeharley4257 6 місяців тому +2

    This was awesome, thanks 🙏

  • @wendymcgough2498
    @wendymcgough2498 Рік тому +2

    Yay Tara and St Germain 🤗🙌🙌👏🥰 thank you so much

  • @nadinelarsen4260
    @nadinelarsen4260 11 місяців тому +4

    This was a powerful session. I felt the goosebom/chill when she channeled St.Germain

  • @dodonnaillyria7155
    @dodonnaillyria7155 8 місяців тому +2

    Thank you Tara for sharing with us 😇✨️🙏🏼🌍🪷

  • @corlisscrabtree3647
    @corlisscrabtree3647 10 місяців тому +2

    Thank you 🙏

  • @sharimoan2488
    @sharimoan2488 Рік тому +3

    That was so good ! I love Tara and St.Germain … it was awesome to get to know her a bit rather then the full show be channeling!! Great job!

  • @galeehubbard5606
    @galeehubbard5606 7 місяців тому +2

    Thank you, Namaste my friend.
    This helped me so much. I understand now. ❤❤❤

  • @lyndasutherland-taylor8257
    @lyndasutherland-taylor8257 6 місяців тому +1

    Same with me

  • @barbarafrank6651
    @barbarafrank6651 9 місяців тому +2

    It happened to me at Denny's. 😮

  • @susanasofiasommer5544
    @susanasofiasommer5544 8 місяців тому +2

    She is wonderfull❤️

  • @connielogue2735
    @connielogue2735 11 місяців тому +2

    THANK YOU Both and St. Germain!!!!

  • @galeehubbard5606
    @galeehubbard5606 7 місяців тому +1

    Thank you. Ty Ascended Masters.❤❤❤

  • @TapIntoAlignment
    @TapIntoAlignment 5 місяців тому +1

    Good information!! ❤

  • @BigT899
    @BigT899 11 місяців тому +2

    Thank you Tara 🙏🏻❤️

  • @shawnatyourservice
    @shawnatyourservice 10 місяців тому +2

    Thank you both. Beautiful

  • @galeehubbard5606
    @galeehubbard5606 7 місяців тому

    Ty. That was happening to me. ❤❤❤

  • @galeehubbard5606
    @galeehubbard5606 7 місяців тому +1

    I really enjoy this, I've listened mire than once. I also, always remember, I can't fix everyone's problems.
    Thank you. ❤❤❤

  • @lanishortsunshine5773
    @lanishortsunshine5773 10 місяців тому +1

    Thank yiu , vwry much for this lovely info....most helpful today .
    In feb 17/2024
    Love to yiu alll❤🎉❤🎉

  • @__anaheredia
    @__anaheredia 9 місяців тому +1

    This video has been popping up for the last weeks since my kundalini awakening. I’ve channeled Saint Germain but from ego and fear. However, even with that, st germain helped me awakened as well as Jesus Christ. This definitely was a message and so many mantras to keep doing at home. Thank you to Tara for all the energy and work you put into this, when you started channeling st Germain I definitely felt inmense energy coming through my crown chakra. And while you were speaking I felt in trance.❤❤❤

  • @cinthyamudry1783
    @cinthyamudry1783 11 місяців тому +1

    AMAZING!!!! So much love

  • @galeehubbard5606
    @galeehubbard5606 7 місяців тому

    Thank you I continue learning.
    Blessings 🎉❤

  • @marie-evenantel9064
    @marie-evenantel9064 Рік тому +2

    Extremely interesting interview, thank you sooo much to both of you !!
    I feel like my questions were understood 🎉🤗

  • @bschuber
    @bschuber 11 місяців тому +1

    That was an incredible conversation. I’ve never heard some of those topics described in that way. Cool, thanks for this👍🏻🙌🏻

  • @yvetta2160
    @yvetta2160 Рік тому +2

    Wow, thank you! Such a beautiful message!

  • @user-li1gb6xm9u
    @user-li1gb6xm9u 11 місяців тому +1

    Thank you very much for this information!

  • @annamariadeschepper4552
    @annamariadeschepper4552 10 місяців тому +1

    Thank you so much 🙏👑❤️‍🔥

  • @galeehubbard5606
    @galeehubbard5606 10 місяців тому +1

    Thank you for channeling ❤

  • @sandrachaloux
    @sandrachaloux Рік тому +1

    Amazing interview. I especially loved the insight about how the ego tries to get in the way when we channel and the insights St Germain shared at the end on so many topics. Well done. Thank you Guy and Tara.

  • @susan8822
    @susan8822 10 місяців тому +1

    Tara is pleasant.

  • @Warp33
    @Warp33 11 місяців тому +1

    Just before Tara said he'll give you shills. My whole body lit up 😂

  • @emilyhoward7899
    @emilyhoward7899 Рік тому +1

    Note to self channeling: 51:51

  • @tashasmith1234
    @tashasmith1234 8 місяців тому +2

    I have been channeling for a while through writing. I just haven't gotten to recording it in audio or video. Not comfortable with that yet.

  • @krista752
    @krista752 10 місяців тому +26

    It’s not true that if you never had any struggles you are never motivated to awaken!! I have had the most amazing childhood and not too many struggles in my life, but still have an inner desire to awaken.

    • @GuyLawrencePodcast
      @GuyLawrencePodcast  10 місяців тому +2

      Thanks for sharing!!

    • @melisss16
      @melisss16 9 місяців тому +2

      You are very fortunate! You share your inner peace with the rest of us who are suffering.

    • @lyndasutherland-taylor8257
      @lyndasutherland-taylor8257 6 місяців тому +1

      Same with me

    • @MysticRainDrops
      @MysticRainDrops 5 місяців тому

      Anyone is capable of awaking / being enlightened
      But let me give you an a mechanic a good mechanic without having the experiences of taking difficult jobs? He could be really good at fixing basic engines .. and there are many basic engines that need fixing and help. It doesn't make it less important
      In reality, don't worry about that because I wouldn't wish upon anyone some of the challenges that some came to experience here it's actually very difficult because some never emerge out of it in this life time.
      FYI even if someone "awakens" it doesn't mean they will always be in the right path or they could also become detached from their Awakening.
      I grew up in a country when all of these teachings were being shown to the masses back in the late 80's
      Many in the country "awakened" it didn't mean they had it always easier
      It just means that we are able to grasp the knowledge easier.. it makes sense to us and we continue.. like we do in school here it doesn't just stop. Ascended masters is like an advanced PhD lol
      The truth is that in order to a ascended we all have to evolve.. they make it sound like we are a selected few it doesn't work like that ans if you hear any "channeler" say that they aren't channeling the best spirit guides😮

      @ROYALTHRUST 4 місяці тому

      “True desire”

  • @debbybeanie1395
    @debbybeanie1395 10 місяців тому +1

    What is it I need to hear

  • @petiachetcuti784
    @petiachetcuti784 10 місяців тому

    Is taking someone's life an experience of the darkest polarity and if yes how Is it possible that spirit finds this exiting?

  • @mindful__gardener
    @mindful__gardener 9 місяців тому +1

    I don't even think the present moment is even relevant. There is no present. Everything just is. Wherever you want it to

  • @SSP-gj3uc
    @SSP-gj3uc 6 місяців тому

    What if nothing feels good or joyful…when everything externally destroys whatever happiness is within?
    When everything feels like you are cursed.

  • @TheManWithAwaterPitcher
    @TheManWithAwaterPitcher 11 місяців тому +1

    Nowadays, I send my ego thanks and love for reminding me what not to act and think. 😂
    Thank you St. Germaine and the other guides for throwing a sledge hammer my way approx 8 years ago to remind me who I really am.
    Hopeful I'll unlock the other chakras in time. Please show me the path, send the people towards my way who will help me fulfill our mission.

  • @johnb8854
    @johnb8854 Рік тому +5

    *"LIFE The Real Self", is an Offspring and Child of "The LIGHT, The LIFE of GOD" ! The body I experienced was pronounced "DEAD On ARRIVAL" at a medical center in 1973. More than half an hour passed, then its heart started again... During that time I, "LIFE The Real Self", entered the WHITE LIGHT, and have remained in the WHITE LIGHT to this day. Those who claim to have returned, have NOT recognized WHAT, The WHITE LIGHT actually is. When you do, and accept it, you shall remain in The LIGHT as I have...*

  • @unknowntbd
    @unknowntbd Рік тому +2

    1:00:56 do not feel sympathetic be empathetic
    when you are saying someone across the world is in a war and I cannot help them or they have a fire and it has destructed their home or there is floods and it is covering a country and everyone is drowning and I cannot help them and I feel helpless we would say to help them would be to be
    empathetic not sympathetic
    when you are sympathetic you were saying that everyone is a victim and so you only offering a victim vibration and they cannot heal from this
    if you were empathetic you were saying I understand your pain because I've been there before and I'm sending you love from my heart but you were not taking on their pain
    when you are sympathetic you take on their pain and you pull in their pain as your own and this causes more anxiety in your reality because you pulling the chaos to yourself and you are pulling their energy in in of worry and fear and your ego feeds off that and it creates more worry and more anxiety in your reality
    instead send love from your heart be empathetic not sympathetic

  • @HenryLowery1
    @HenryLowery1 11 місяців тому +1

    🤣😅😂 1 Timothy Chapter 1:1
    1 Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to SEDUCING SPIRITS, and DOCTRINES OF DEVILS;
    Acts 16:16-19
    16 And it came to pass, as we went to prayer, a certain DAMSEL POSSESSED WITH A SPIRIT OF DIVINATION MET us, which brought her masters much gain by soothsaying:
    17 The same followed Paul and us, and cried, saying, These men are the servants of the most high God, which shew unto us the way of salvation.
    Leviticus 19:31 - REGARD NOT THEM THAT HAVE FAMILIAR SPIRITS, neither seek after wizards, TO BE DEFILED BY THEM: I am the LORD your God.

  • @dorothysay8327
    @dorothysay8327 Рік тому +1

    I send love and light to this poor woman, so damaged by her past. I find her channeling unconvincing; and her thoughts alas not trans-rational or trans-logical, but illogical.
    Her own missing pieces are too obvious. I pray for her healing and that of her estranged family.
    I really appreciate Guy, who has excellent questions. I sensed also his own caution, and rightly so. Blessings to you.

  • @stephaniegiovannitti7758
    @stephaniegiovannitti7758 10 місяців тому

    The world as we know it is on the brink of collapse because we have and are destroying the biosphere. This will lead to an extinction event much like the dinosaurs experienced. This idea of an awakening planet is simply a form of denial of the events unfolding around us. It makes me sad to watch all this spinning of hope. It's time for acceptance of what we have actually done to our home.

  • @lauranunez7110
    @lauranunez7110 5 місяців тому +1

    Gracias Tara!!!❤