• @paxonearth
    @paxonearth 2 роки тому +8

    I think it's about sacrifice. You must be willing to sacrifice those "parts" of yourself that are leading you to ruin- addictions, habits, opinions, anything and everything. How painful might it be? As painful as cutting off your hand, or gouging out your eyes.

  • @Grace-nt9cc
    @Grace-nt9cc 4 роки тому +5

    What you said reminded me of this verse! It's about the heart! 🤗
    A good man out of the good treasure of the heart bringeth forth good things: and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.
    Matthew 12:35 KJV

  • @jesussaves3248
    @jesussaves3248 2 роки тому +2

    Praise God. Learned so much from this channel in my early walk with God. Thank you so much

  • @DrRindeGbenro
    @DrRindeGbenro 4 роки тому +3

    Great biblical insight. Thanks!

  • @donnathornburg4572
    @donnathornburg4572 4 роки тому

    Thank you for biblical short truths that you put forth

  • @jewishbride5010
    @jewishbride5010 4 роки тому +3

    I loosen the whole word of Matthew 5:29-30 and 2 corinthians 6:14-15, mark 7:23, matthew 6:24 binding myself, my friends, my family, acquintances, neighbours, colleagues, and my opponents, the body of Christ at all times in agreement with this whole message to receive one's spiritual sight completely healthy back again from Christ while binding myself freed from being unequally yoked with an evildoer serving satan in not having healthy spiritual sight while binding to hell all sin of the eyes and from within that defiles upon no return in one's life while binding one to cut off all that causes one to sin, in Christ his name and his blood! Amen.

  • @angelmd43
    @angelmd43 3 роки тому +5

    It means get rid of anything that causes you to sin that you can get rid of. Sin is that serious to God.

    • @joshme3659
      @joshme3659 2 роки тому +3

      Yea so if your eyes cause you to sin…

  • @spencerkristich4369
    @spencerkristich4369 2 роки тому

    I respect and like you guys, very empathetic likable people!

  • @derekbuxton6626
    @derekbuxton6626 4 роки тому +3

    Makes sense now. Cutting off body parts doesn't really help. But it's the thoughts that cause people to sin. If this literal, then we should all cut out our brains and live like vegetables.

  • @causticscoffer
    @causticscoffer 2 роки тому +3

    “One would go mad if one were to take the Bible seriously. But to take it seriously, one must be already mad.”
    -Aleister Crowley

  • @arturogomeztagle9250
    @arturogomeztagle9250 2 роки тому +2

    I see. Picking and choosing is the move.

  • @misaelnevarez9447
    @misaelnevarez9447 2 роки тому +1

    The “right interpretation” is very convenient, if there is something I don’t like I’d just say is not to be taken literally lol

    • @ryu9123
      @ryu9123 2 роки тому

      True, they always cherry pick whatever they want to be taken literally and the rest it's just a "mEtHaPhOr".

  • @johnborland7865
    @johnborland7865 4 роки тому +1

    The other interesting point is it comes right before the question on divorce and putting away.

  • @1dumpedviper
    @1dumpedviper 4 роки тому


  • @Huero87
    @Huero87 2 роки тому +2

    We would all be without eyes and limbs if it was up to our own righteousness, which is the whole point of the passage. We need a righteousness that it not our own.

  • @piratez9874
    @piratez9874 4 роки тому +9

    What if I really feel guilty and actually gouged out my eyes or cut my arms, would it be considered a sin?

    • @limpingllama57
      @limpingllama57 4 роки тому +6

      Yes. Self mutilation is never justified. Your body is not your own and God made you the way He made you for a reason, the corruption of His creation, especially an image bearer, is wrong. Appropriate repentance in the Bible is displayed as repenting in dust and ashes and fasting (a cultural symbol of grief) while it was the pagan worshipers of Baal who would cut themselves. Jesus shed His blood for us that we may be made whole through Him, there is no need for bloodshed on our end.

    • @AlexAlex-ij3mz
      @AlexAlex-ij3mz 3 роки тому

      Technically no because your intentions were to reduce your sinning in order to do what God wants. You shouldn't choo off your body parts ad far as I know though.

    • @piratez9874
      @piratez9874 3 роки тому +3

      I found the answer to it a long time ago. Even if you cut your arms or gouge your eyes you can still sin with your thoughts (hatred, jealousy etc). You can't remove everything that makes you sin.
      The only way to stop sinning is with the help of Holy Spirit, no other way.

    • @noobprobros8136
      @noobprobros8136 2 роки тому

      I hope you can avoid feeling guilty by the joy of Grace

  • @Blaze-te4uq
    @Blaze-te4uq 4 роки тому +3

    I actually was wondering even if I did what the lord wanted me to do and I followed hes laws and worship him daily and obey ............but I wasn’t happy and I did this just to be saved and not burn

  • @loque69
    @loque69 Рік тому

    There's no way they would do that! Even cutting foreskin is already considered something scary to them, let alone gouge eyes or cut arms.

  • @cashmandrummer2917
    @cashmandrummer2917 3 роки тому

    Jesus loves you!!!!

  • @Oneffunes
    @Oneffunes Рік тому

    The corn. You can resist the first but the offense will always remain and this is a good thing over and Resist

  • @AlexAlex-ij3mz
    @AlexAlex-ij3mz 3 роки тому +1

    This verse sounds like you can lose your salvation when it says that you don't want your whole body to be cast into hell. What would you say about the last part?

    • @ashleybaylor7483
      @ashleybaylor7483 3 роки тому

      I have the same question. This verse always trips me up because it seems to contradict the gospel of salvation through faith alone in Christ. Hopefully someone will answer.

    • @sunnyjohnson992
      @sunnyjohnson992 2 роки тому

      In order to save their lives, some people willingly sacrificed a severely diseased limb. Jesus was saying it’s more important to ‘throw away’ something precious like an eye or hand so as to avoid immoral thinking and its resulting actions. Gehenna was a burning rubbish heap outside of Jerusalem’s walls. That meant permanent destruction!
      Hell, Sheol, Hades refers to the common grave of mankind, not a place of fiery torment.

  • @rozznel8692
    @rozznel8692 2 роки тому

    Out of the heart flows the evil things, sin comes first in your mind. Cutting of your head to avoid these sinful thoughts will be suicide, which might be equal to murder?

  • @vizualmrs
    @vizualmrs 2 роки тому +1

    I want to loose my sight. I've been thinking about it alot. I believe Jesus was literal.
    My eyes have caused me to sin again and again.
    Watch porn. Eyeing other women. Even cause my marriage huge termoil. It's my fault. It's because of my eyes. I don't want to sin anymore. I pray to God to help me. I want to be a changed. Loosing my sight might be the best thing for me and my marriage.

    • @robc8838
      @robc8838 2 роки тому +1

      Love God more and Everything else less. We are called to love God with our WHOLE heart, soul and mind. Once you have done that, let me know if your lust issue has changed, or not. May God Bless you richly!

    • @fatronjones
      @fatronjones Рік тому +1


    • @ShadowOfDeathPsalm23
      @ShadowOfDeathPsalm23 Рік тому

      If he was literal this would cause death surely. Which would be a sin. Therefore it can't be taken in a literal sense.

  • @tndrwj1320
    @tndrwj1320 4 роки тому

    Is this pre Lion and the Lamb or post when it's a wolf? Please address this if you are who you promote yourselves. Thank you .

  • @elisabethtrotter4564
    @elisabethtrotter4564 2 роки тому

    Jesus Christ went to the cross and now lives to set sinful you free from death and hell. Repent and turn your heart to Him before it’s too late. Say yes!

  • @UnitedThrive
    @UnitedThrive 4 роки тому +3

    He really does mean it

  • @archangelvvv
    @archangelvvv Рік тому

    Well, here's the ultimate reality is the most broad context...ready??? Any sin, in thought, word, or deed, in and of itself is sufficient to send someone to Hell unless the person has been Born Again through Faith alone in Jesus Christ, recognizing what He did for them on the Cross. All Human beings sin, including ALL Born Again Believers, and only God know how many times per day, per week a person commits sins who are believers in Christ. Problem is according to the Apostle Paul in Romans 7, he openly ADMITS DELIBERATELY COMMITTING SINS, then he says "it is no longer I who Sins but it is the Law of Sin that dwells in my Mortal Body that takes me captive to do its will, i.e. a type of HiJacking!
    Then he says, Lord deliver me from this body of Death" Romans 7:24. If a person has been Born Again, they are instantly and eternally saved and seal with the Holy Spirit Spirit until the day of their redemption according to Scriptures. And the fact is, as long as we live in our Mortal Body, we co-exist with The Law of Sin BUT that does NOT define who we are. What defines who we are is In Christ, period and nothing will ever change that.
    Should we resist sin?? Yes of course, but even the mighty Apostle Paul admits that he goes right ahead and yields to the Law of Sin in his mortal body that CAUSES him to stumble from time to time. Everything must be taken in the proper context relative to who we are in Christ, and Paul provides an excellent discussion on this important topic. So, sin is sin no matter how anyone views it, and ANY sin, even ONE (1) regardless of what it is, is sufficient to send someone to HELL UNLESS THEY HAVE BEEN BORN AGAIN, BORN FROM ABOVE...
    Lastly, the Anchor to all of this is found in the New Testament Bible that says where it says: > > > "Whosoever is Born of God Does NOT commit Sin, for God's Seed remains in him, therefore he can NOT Sin BECAUSE he has been Born of God (KJB- 1 John 3:9). Another translation says..."he is NOT ABLE TO SIN BECAUSE HE HAS BEEN BEGOTTEN OF GOD." Do you know who else is "begotten of God?" Jesus!! who is NOT from this world but from Heaven!
    Well, the person in the natural does in fact commit sins regardless of being Born Again, and Paul admits this about himself, so exactly was is 1 John 3:9 saying?? It should be obvious, IF you have been Born Again, the old YOU has passed away and a New You was birth out of Heaven the same place Jesus is from, and that person took up residence in your Mortal body BUT you have the same Soul (Mind, Will, and Emotions) and the same Mortal Body riddled with the effects of Sin and is prone to continuously commit Sin due to The Law of Sin residing within it that Paul refers to in Romans 7.
    So positionally, If you have been Born Again you are a Sinless being through the New Birth and are Incorruptible for reason you have Been Born of God's Spirit, BUT you still yield to the Temptations to Sin in millions of forms, but even If you do, it doesn't change who you have BECOME after the New Birth....a Sinless Being Born from Heaven that according to scriptures "sins NOT and neither can he for reason he has been Born Again." The language being used in these scriptures are very clear and easy to understand.

  • @Xante188
    @Xante188 3 роки тому +3

    Of course not. It does not mean to literally cut off body parts! It is a metaphor. Cut off people/relationships who lead you to sin, cut off desires and thoughts that lead you to sin, avoid situations that lead to sin....etc. Surely most people are able to grasp this concept.

    • @getpvc7533
      @getpvc7533 2 роки тому

      What about if your relationship is all about your wife will you cut her off

    • @ryu9123
      @ryu9123 2 роки тому

      What if you can't even walk on the street without thinking sexualy about women that may not even be cristian or may even be under age? Hmmmm?

  • @krisk4114
    @krisk4114 3 роки тому

    My eyes cause me to sin so when i dont need them i cover my eyes when i need them i dont

  • @michaelgreene5703
    @michaelgreene5703 2 місяці тому

    i don't care for hyperbole, why confuse us Lord

  • @jeremiahbullfrog6293
    @jeremiahbullfrog6293 4 роки тому +1

    Real truth you guys should watch a UA-camr call truthunedited He’s a very great teacher and he gives you a better understanding of the Bible

  • @Maniac1607
    @Maniac1607 3 роки тому +1

    Jesus says this, and then a few chapters laters chastises the Pharisees for crushing people beneath the Law. Hello?! Hypocrisy much?

  • @getpvc7533
    @getpvc7533 2 роки тому

    What about if your relationship is all about your wife will you cut her off

  • @spikeymaycry2
    @spikeymaycry2 3 роки тому +1

    here we go again with the whole interpretation and defining words based on our likings.

  • @fatronjones
    @fatronjones Рік тому

    Literal BS

  • @Dragon-bl3gi
    @Dragon-bl3gi Рік тому

    You guys cherry pick The entire Bible. Anything to fit you.

  • @TheLionSleepsNoMore
    @TheLionSleepsNoMore Рік тому

    It's literal! Katy Perry, Jeff besos, Rishi Sunak etc etc have a chip in their right eye