I dont know why, but I just like looking at YT videos like this, where people show their guitar collections😊 And not selling the Tele Custom is the right thing!
I always enjoy hearing you talk about and share the stories about each guitar. It is obvious that each had a meaning when you bought them. And, each has a story when you decide to keep or sell them.
It's absolutely amazing how much stuff we aquire just living life day after day, and even more amazing the feelings and memories we have tied up in those things. Your face lit up when talking about jamming live and rehearsals, made me think of how much fun I had playing live.. thanks see you next Friday cheers
I've cycled through a lot of guitars. The more my collection grew, the more anxious and unhappy I was. I'm not a pro musician by any stretch so I decided to cull my guitars from 15 down to 5. I am now at peace. I have 5 guitars that play well and have sentimental value to me (even if their $ value isn't that high).
Thank god you did not sell the Telecaster Custom! I was part of the bunch telling you not to sell although I am all for selling unplayed guitars. This one would have been a big regret. Glad it stays with you! And it sounded killer
Holy smokes Colin with respect I didn’t know your collection was so large. I love Stinky, absolutely beautiful and definitely a keeper. Great video as always mate and I can’t see many SG’s leaving the building 😂🤘💜
Aloha from Snowden N Buckingham. Nice Vidz Mate Ya'll tell me how folks like Chris Knight and Slaid Cleaves are 60 years old,and have played One Gibson acoustic 4 a lifetyme . Slaid's Gibson was his Dad's ! Keep on pickin' Cowkidz
Good sir you have got to be the guitar whisperer! After each episode it always feels like each guitar got to say it’s peace through you. And no matter the guitar, you always come up with the perfect music that suites each one. This is the best channel on UA-cam by far. It gives me great joy each week to learn about these wonders of music. I am more a hobbyist at this point than a player but hope to change that soon. At 48 I’m a bit of a late bloomer in learning guitar but gonna give Fender play a try and see if that helps get me over the hump. Anyway cheers to you and thank you for sharing your wisdom and great personality and love of guitars!
Deju vu. Home from work and ready to watch. I've enjoyed this small series a good bit. However, whenever i watch, i always start thinking about that eastman les Paul. I think that is my favorite.
Another great episode…I really love the P90 guitars…could you do an episode on your band? I‘d be really curious what kind of music you made and what you think about playing live and the music industry today…
The first guitar I bought when I was 16 was a used Les Paul Jr. double cutaway with a Gibson case for $175. It looked like that Eastman you have. That Eastman sounds way better than mine did.
That Custom shop R8 was the nicest guitar you have had on this show! I would not have sold it but thats me. I have a 2018 True historic R9 i will never part with!
I'm so glad your not selling the fender telecaster custom,I bought the reissue 2020 fender AO in antique blonde and its a wonderful guitar as you say a keeper,anyway your other half bought you yours,you would never forgive yourself, love your videos can't wait for next week's, cheers Colin.
I'll say it again, I have the Epiphone SG with p90s and it sounds like a beast. It's too light in weight for me, but that wonderful snarling tone just wins it a place in my collection
Back in the nineties I bought a squier strat and an acoustic and noodled a bit before giving up learning, but recently got back into it. Already bought two guitars, so I understand the compulsion.
I'm back into playing after a 25+ year gap similar to yourself. I picked up a second hand 2017 Squier Bullet Mustang, made in Indonesia a couple of years ago to get me started again. I've lavished some cash on a Gretsch Electromatic since, but I agree with you that the Mustang is a great little guitar. If it helps your 'research', mine has the belly cut and the elbow cut. Thanks for the channel, I'm never likely to ascend to your skill level, but it's good to be playing again. Cheers.
I watched it. I liked it so much I bought one from. Gibson with p-90's and Biggs! When it arrived I went over and over it looking for anything I could bitch about? Not one flaw on it! It sings like an Angel's My friend! Absolutely the most powerful Les Paul I have ever played!!! But as you know it did cost an arm and 2 legs!! I will be making payments a long time!! I should have went the Eppy route. Would have saved me a lot of money. But Gibson did me right. All my thanks! To the team at Gibson! It is worth every penny. Weighs A good ton!
I gotta get off my lazy backside and list some. I just don’t play over half of what I own. Thanks for the heads up on the used market. Good to know information Cole, Rock-Out
Always tough to let the older guitars go. Looking at the positive side of it you tried them and got evidence of how they sound. Some things must go for the new stuff to arrive.
Colin I’d love to see you review a D’Angelico Brighton Deluxe or Premier if you get back to reviewing guitars again! Also one of those cool new color SGs like the teal one or tv yellow!
My heart broke seeing the Loic LaPape’s space empty at the end. But I understand your decision. I’ve sold bikes with the same thinking, let someone else ride and love them. Great playing as usual Colin! 🎸
You have sold so many so quickly because people know you are passionate, honest, trustworthy and a stand up guy! I wouldn’t hesitate to buy off you if the right one came up 🎸😊, and I had the spare spondooly, 😢 which isn’t this week sorry to say mate.
The one video of yours where I thought this is a man really into it was the mick Robson bowie one watch every Friday the best guitar channel on you tube
Jeez, it gets tougher with every episode. And it looks as though those Eastmans throw a wrench in the works, making it tougher by sounding so good with those Lollars in 'em. "Ears be my guide" is my watchword, Colin. Abandon hope, all ye who enter here. Via con Dios, Colin.
Hey Colin. See you got Strummer up there on Reverb. I have that guitar myself and if anybody is on the fence…. Get it! It’s a great Tele. I personally changed the pickguard but other than that it’s one of my favourite Telecasters. Man I’d love to get that SG from you bro. We shall see how long it sits there. I’m going back to the oil fields next week. That’s when I start spending stupid money on gear. We may have to talk!
well brother i didnt cheat this time...watched the whole film before looking on reverb lol! i have this wild looking single humbucker guitar that i got back from a good mate early last year...sadly he passed away this past wednsday... the guitar is staying with me for good now.... my chibson les paul rokked up today yayyyy! this one is getting those vanson 59 chromie humbuckers set up like "greeny" might have looked like as a new guitar....this one is a tad different in colour...ice tea burst looking....sweeet!!!
Yup number 3, I'm with you on your journey. Which many of your fans are too. I believe WE all feel your sensitivity on this subject, as it's NOT an easy topic for us lovers of the instrument. You're doing better than I, as I've already pulled down many I posted on eBay either because of low ball offers or that second thought of not being able to replace them. I'm through my drink & nibbles for now, I'll be on to part 4 soon. Cheers from USA!
As others have said, these videos showcasing your collection are great! On the lowest-watched video of the Bigsby-to-Epi Goldtop, I must have completely missed that one! That explains at least 1 lost view lol!!! Will dig it up next!
I seem to remember that at one point you were trying to get to a format of shorter videos, but you didn't manage it. Which I like very much. I also like that you don't edit out the pauses between sentences to compress the overall time, because that's very tiring to listen to. I'm enjoying your video again with a beer after work, and there are not many things more relaxiing than this after a hectic week of work 🙂
I don't remember exactly, but that Mustang model may have been the first electric guitar I ever played, halfway the 1970s, a friend of mine having borrowed it from a friend. I suddenly recognise the two pickup switches.
Man, this is fun to watch. I didn’t see the first two episodes! I won’t watch now because I didn’t want to know what I missed! Interestingly your voice reminds me of Steve Jones a bit (my first guitar idol) and then you played personality crisis by the dolls too. You’re too cool sir 😎
I wish there were more people like him in my life . Like give me a neighbor or drinking buddy. I don’t drink actually but I’d start if we were gonna talk guitar and jam all night.
Colin !!!!!!!!! you may think you have a problem. The parcel force man said “ it’s like Deja vu “ it’s ten in and four out” yes I had ten guitars in six weeks. Do I need em. No, do I want em ……. Absolutely. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!💯 percent.
Always hard choices, with anything we collect. Shit when I was a kid. There were certain sticks I wouldn't part with, lmao!!! Showing my age. Great video as always Collin, keep on keepin on man...
With you 100% on that Pelham Blue Epiphone SG Special, Colin, I absolutely adore mine. Easily my favorite newer purchase by a country mile, and ranks right up there with my favorite personal guitars of all time. Has the same growl my ‘55 Les Paul Junior has. Love love love it.
Hello.. happy Friday..I now to have a dilemma I sold my new Stratocaster and went all in on my first ever Les Paul standard 60s Unburst... pickgaurd on or off ..??..LOL...I chose to have it OFF ..AAA top looks great now.. Cheers Colin !!!
I had to put my tele up for sale on reverb just because it’s sitting around since 2017. I just don’t play it and already have another just like it. It still feels wrong . I think you just have to think about what will replace it . Funny because I’ve been tempted to play it now. Funny how your mind works.
Great series, you're hanging onto the stuff that must be hung onto! Aaaaah, those Eastmans. Need to be careful with my money right now so haven't been able to get back to Beijing for the 2 (or 3) I'm after . . . hopefully soon 😀 Look forward to Part 4!
Another great insight Colin - thanks for baring your soul for us all to see. I especially appreciate the final thoughts on the process and it’s something we can all relate to. It takes a huge effort for me to even consider letting any of my own collection go so I very rarely part with any of them and just accumulate more. I have to say my wife is very understanding and is doing exactly the same thing with her extensive collection of designer shoes and handbags, so that helps. Can’t wait to see the new arrivals.
Another great installment! You keep leaving us wanting more!! Loving those SG's!!!!! IMO, there is nothing better than an old, well played SG with honest playwear other than maybe an old Tele and you've got 'em both and then some! That being said I absolutely hate phony relic jobs on new guitars. Honest playwear doesn't remove a third or half a finish. Character and authenticity is earned over decades and countless hours of playing. Bravo!
Hey Colin, It's always hard to sell the vintage ones. If you're in a position in which you don't have to sell them, then you have the luxury of being able to spend more time with them to solidify your decision to keep or sell them. -J
I bought a 60s Epiphone standard Les Paul after seeing your 50s standard comparison videos I had to buy a 50s in Heritage cherry sunburst and that 50s is my main guitar I just love it I sold the 60s to a friend
I thought the 60s was fantastic it really was a sweet guitar . But the 50s was over a pound lighter and the neck felt even better than the 60s Epiphone is making awesome guitars now days
Hey what the hell is goin on? I had that 62 Les Paul in my cart! HAHAHAHA!! Them old ones are keepers. Real mahogany not tree farm mahogany. Good job thinning out the herd though I think I would've pulled all my hair out by now if I was you. I still think about that 54 p90 goldtop you had to get rid of that was an awsome sounding Gibson.
I have sold a few guitars through reverb, occasionally having a cull, mainly so I can buy more guitars, but the problem I have is if I dont sell it relatively quickly I go back to it start playing it again and then realise why I bought it and take it off sale! I think I have done that more times than sold guitars!
mate would love to see you do something/teardown on Hagstrom. I recently got an Ultra Max Satin, and wow it beats the pants off my American LP. The fit and finish is flawless, neck, and sound are amazing. I've been skeptical of Chinese made instruments, which evidentially is completely short sighted. Now I'm eyeing one of their semi-hollows, which look amazing.
Those Squier Bullet/Sonic series guitars are great. Nice and affordable so I wouldn’t feel guilty about throwing it around at a gig. We are spoiled for great affordable guitars at the moment.
I tried selling some guitars and was talking to a guy about an epiphone es 335 pro. He kept asking questions about the guitar by the end I couldn’t sell it. I told him it’s to hard to let go of these guitars.
Follow the listings on my Reverb Shop: tidd.ly/3RIRwNs
Afterthought...you're such a lovable chap; everyday good people who like sharing their experiences. We all benefit. Thanks;)
I dont know why, but I just like looking at YT videos like this, where people show their guitar collections😊
And not selling the Tele Custom is the right thing!
I always enjoy hearing you talk about and share the stories about each guitar. It is obvious that each had a meaning when you bought them. And, each has a story when you decide to keep or sell them.
It's absolutely amazing how much stuff we aquire just living life day after day, and even more amazing the feelings and memories we have tied up in those things. Your face lit up when talking about jamming live and rehearsals, made me think of how much fun I had playing live.. thanks see you next Friday cheers
I've cycled through a lot of guitars. The more my collection grew, the more anxious and unhappy I was. I'm not a pro musician by any stretch so I decided to cull my guitars from 15 down to 5. I am now at peace. I have 5 guitars that play well and have sentimental value to me (even if their $ value isn't that high).
5 beers later after building all day!!I'm on the 3rd installment of these epic episodes 🇦🇺🍻👍👍....Love the content mate
Thank god you did not sell the Telecaster Custom! I was part of the bunch telling you not to sell although I am all for selling unplayed guitars. This one would have been a big regret. Glad it stays with you! And it sounded killer
Holy smokes Colin with respect I didn’t know your collection was so large. I love Stinky, absolutely beautiful and definitely a keeper. Great video as always mate and I can’t see many SG’s leaving the building 😂🤘💜
1978. What a year!
Love the Epiphone reissue coronet, it’s a Stunner!
"It's your thing,
Do whatcha wanna do,
I can't tell ya, who ta sell it to..."
Really enjoying this series, looking forward to Part 4 - then make it an annual series thereafter 👍🏻
Friday wouldnt be the same without this channel
That Epiphone Olympic looks and sounds cool asf!
Aloha from Snowden N Buckingham. Nice Vidz Mate Ya'll tell me how folks like Chris Knight and Slaid Cleaves are 60 years old,and have played One Gibson acoustic 4 a lifetyme . Slaid's Gibson was his Dad's ! Keep on pickin' Cowkidz
Good sir you have got to be the guitar whisperer! After each episode it always feels like each guitar got to say it’s peace through you. And no matter the guitar, you always come up with the perfect music that suites each one. This is the best channel on UA-cam by far. It gives me great joy each week to learn about these wonders of music. I am more a hobbyist at this point than a player but hope to change that soon. At 48 I’m a bit of a late bloomer in learning guitar but gonna give Fender play a try and see if that helps get me over the hump. Anyway cheers to you and thank you for sharing your wisdom and great personality and love of guitars!
Deju vu. Home from work and ready to watch. I've enjoyed this small series a good bit. However, whenever i watch, i always start thinking about that eastman les Paul. I think that is my favorite.
Another great episode…I really love the P90 guitars…could you do an episode on your band? I‘d be really curious what kind of music you made and what you think about playing live and the music industry today…
Friday night end of the week treat pizza chips beer and guitaristers.👍 Totally agree with you on the Eastman's and the SG's😂🤣
Going through a similar process in thinning down my own collection and watching these videos every week has been pretty cathartic. Cheers!
I commented last video i said don't sell that gem the 78 ha I'm glad you kept it that's a keeper for sure and its from your girl can't sell it
12.42 love that Eastman ❤️🎸
The first guitar I bought when I was 16 was a used Les Paul Jr. double cutaway with a Gibson case for $175. It looked like that Eastman you have. That Eastman sounds way better than mine did.
Thanks again for the great vids. I wish I could buy them all. One for every day of the month. Thanks again for the laughs and info on upgrades!
That Custom shop R8 was the nicest guitar you have had on this show! I would not have sold it but thats me.
I have a 2018 True historic R9 i will never part with!
Tea and nibbles at the ready. Checked your sales page and they do go fast.
Have wanted one of those Eastman DC Jnrs for ages. A lovely thing,.
I'm so glad your not selling the fender telecaster custom,I bought the reissue 2020 fender AO in antique blonde and its a wonderful guitar as you say a keeper,anyway your other half bought you yours,you would never forgive yourself, love your videos can't wait for next week's, cheers Colin.
I'll say it again, I have the Epiphone SG with p90s and it sounds like a beast. It's too light in weight for me, but that wonderful snarling tone just wins it a place in my collection
What a great video have you enjoyed playing guitar have a good weekend Colin ❤😊
Great keepers for sure😉👍👍
Love Brother
Back in the nineties I bought a squier strat and an acoustic and noodled a bit before giving up learning, but recently got back into it. Already bought two guitars, so I understand the compulsion.
Been enjoying the ‘cull’ vids Colin, tough place to be for sure
Fun fun fun
I'm back into playing after a 25+ year gap similar to yourself. I picked up a second hand 2017 Squier Bullet Mustang, made in Indonesia a couple of years ago to get me started again. I've lavished some cash on a Gretsch Electromatic since, but I agree with you that the Mustang is a great little guitar. If it helps your 'research', mine has the belly cut and the elbow cut. Thanks for the channel, I'm never likely to ascend to your skill level, but it's good to be playing again. Cheers.
I watched it. I liked it so much I bought one from. Gibson with p-90's and Biggs! When it arrived I went over and over it looking for anything I could bitch about? Not one flaw on it! It sings like an Angel's My friend! Absolutely the most powerful Les Paul I have ever played!!! But as you know it did cost an arm and 2 legs!! I will be making payments a long time!! I should have went the Eppy route. Would have saved me a lot of money. But Gibson did me right. All my thanks! To the team at Gibson! It is worth every penny. Weighs A good ton!
Great NY Dolls!
I gotta get off my lazy backside and list some. I just don’t play over half of what I own. Thanks for the heads up on the used market. Good to know information Cole, Rock-Out
Always tough to let the older guitars go. Looking at the positive side of it you tried them and got evidence of how they sound. Some things must go for the new stuff to arrive.
Aloha Colin! Thanks for sharing.
Colin I’d love to see you review a D’Angelico Brighton Deluxe or Premier if you get back to reviewing guitars again! Also one of those cool new color SGs like the teal one or tv yellow!
My heart broke seeing the Loic LaPape’s space empty at the end.
But I understand your decision. I’ve sold bikes with the same thinking, let someone else ride and love them.
Great playing as usual Colin! 🎸
You have sold so many so quickly because people know you are passionate, honest, trustworthy and a stand up guy!
I wouldn’t hesitate to buy off you if the right one came up 🎸😊, and I had the spare spondooly, 😢 which isn’t this week sorry to say mate.
The one video of yours where I thought this is a man really into it was the mick Robson bowie one watch every Friday the best guitar channel on you tube
Jeez, it gets tougher with every episode. And it looks as though those Eastmans throw a wrench in the works, making it tougher by sounding so good with those Lollars in 'em.
"Ears be my guide" is my watchword, Colin.
Abandon hope, all ye who enter here. Via con Dios, Colin.
The custom Tele Is a Beauty
Whether you're selling or not, it's great to see the collection Col. Thanks for sharing.
Hey Colin. See you got Strummer up there on Reverb. I have that guitar myself and if anybody is on the fence…. Get it! It’s a great Tele. I personally changed the pickguard but other than that it’s one of my favourite Telecasters. Man I’d love to get that SG from you bro. We shall see how long it sits there. I’m going back to the oil fields next week. That’s when I start spending stupid money on gear. We may have to talk!
Hi Colin, these are really hard decisions, I would have also kept the both Eastman. Cheers Nobby
Im glad you decided not to sell that 78 tele Colin. Bad ju ju selling a gifted guitar... great series though and a great way to make room for more!!!
My wanting guitar for about 12 yrs later are the USA Peavey T series from 1978/84 ish🙏🍀
Been eagerly waiting for this one, hence first in the comments! Not enough going for sale on Reverb though!
well brother i didnt cheat this time...watched the whole film before looking on reverb lol!
i have this wild looking single humbucker guitar that i got back from a good mate early last year...sadly he passed away this past wednsday...
the guitar is staying with me for good now....
my chibson les paul rokked up today yayyyy! this one is getting those vanson 59 chromie humbuckers set up like "greeny" might have looked like as a new guitar....this one is a tad different in colour...ice tea burst looking....sweeet!!!
Great video. Watching you agonize over selling your guitars reminds me of me! I can feel your pain. Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing.
Absolutely love the '65 Duo Sonic and the '63 Epiphone Olympic but know that if you sold them, I couldn't afford either.... sigh
I was hoping that you were going to sell the coronet, and I'd love your Firebird!
Yup number 3, I'm with you on your journey. Which many of your fans are too. I believe WE all feel your sensitivity on this subject, as it's NOT an easy topic for us lovers of the instrument. You're doing better than I, as I've already pulled down many I posted on eBay either because of low ball offers or that second thought of not being able to replace them. I'm through my drink & nibbles for now, I'll be on to part 4 soon. Cheers from USA!
As others have said, these videos showcasing your collection are great! On the lowest-watched video of the Bigsby-to-Epi Goldtop, I must have completely missed that one! That explains at least 1 lost view lol!!! Will dig it up next!
I seem to remember that at one point you were trying to get to a format of shorter videos, but you didn't manage it. Which I like very much. I also like that you don't edit out the pauses between sentences to compress the overall time, because that's very tiring to listen to. I'm enjoying your video again with a beer after work, and there are not many things more relaxiing than this after a hectic week of work 🙂
Bloody hell Colin you must have a few quid ❤
I don't remember exactly, but that Mustang model may have been the first electric guitar I ever played, halfway the 1970s, a friend of mine having borrowed it from a friend. I suddenly recognise the two pickup switches.
Of course the SG is staying!
Man, this is fun to watch. I didn’t see the first two episodes! I won’t watch now because I didn’t want to know what I missed! Interestingly your voice reminds me of Steve Jones a bit (my first guitar idol) and then you played personality crisis by the dolls too. You’re too cool sir 😎
I wish there were more people like him in my life . Like give me a neighbor or drinking buddy. I don’t drink actually but I’d start if we were gonna talk guitar and jam all night.
Same basic wood as F.Z.'s. "Caledonia's mahogany elbows" - SG. Dig your videos, my faves - currently catching up
Colin !!!!!!!!! you may think you have a problem. The parcel force man said “ it’s like Deja vu “ it’s ten in and four out” yes I had ten guitars in six weeks. Do I need em. No, do I want em ……. Absolutely. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!💯 percent.
Always hard choices, with anything we collect. Shit when I was a kid. There were certain sticks I wouldn't part with, lmao!!! Showing my age. Great video as always Collin, keep on keepin on man...
Glad you kept the Tele from the Mrs. I was surprised to hear you might sell it last video.
thanks man, i love that kalamazoo.
Great guitars, great series, great playing. What more could anyone want?
Bought an epiphone crestwood last year best guitar i have every had including gibson les pauls and fender strats
With you 100% on that Pelham Blue Epiphone SG Special, Colin, I absolutely adore mine. Easily my favorite newer purchase by a country mile, and ranks right up there with my favorite personal guitars of all time. Has the same growl my ‘55 Les Paul Junior has. Love love love it.
Hello.. happy Friday..I now to have a dilemma I sold my new Stratocaster and went all in on my first ever Les Paul standard 60s Unburst... pickgaurd on or off ..??..LOL...I chose to have it OFF ..AAA top looks great now.. Cheers Colin !!!
Off! 🤣👍
Yes !!!!!
Nice 👍
That’s impressive 12 out of 16. I can’t even sell one much less 12. Nice going, I would be a freak doing that.
I own a gibson sg standard and a les paul special 2015 dc and still can't make my mind up . With that many guitars it must be mind boggling !
I had to put my tele up for sale on reverb just because it’s sitting around since 2017. I just don’t play it and already have another just like it. It still feels wrong . I think you just have to think about what will replace it . Funny because I’ve been tempted to play it now. Funny how your mind works.
Del Shannon played an Epiphone Olympic for a little while so that one is my favourite that you showed today. I will have one ,one day.
Great series, you're hanging onto the stuff that must be hung onto! Aaaaah, those Eastmans. Need to be careful with my money right now so haven't been able to get back to Beijing for the 2 (or 3) I'm after . . . hopefully soon 😀 Look forward to Part 4!
Another great insight Colin - thanks for baring your soul for us all to see. I especially appreciate the final thoughts on the process and it’s something we can all relate to. It takes a huge effort for me to even consider letting any of my own collection go so I very rarely part with any of them and just accumulate more. I have to say my wife is very understanding and is doing exactly the same thing with her extensive collection of designer shoes and handbags, so that helps. Can’t wait to see the new arrivals.
Another great installment! You keep leaving us wanting more!! Loving those SG's!!!!! IMO, there is nothing better than an old, well played SG with honest playwear other than maybe an old Tele and you've got 'em both and then some! That being said I absolutely hate phony relic jobs on new guitars. Honest playwear doesn't remove a third or half a finish. Character and authenticity is earned over decades and countless hours of playing. Bravo!
Another excellent episode.
Really enjoying getting to see the collection and hearing your thoughts.
Quality playing out too!
Hey Colin,
It's always hard to sell the vintage ones. If you're in a position in which you don't have to sell them, then you have the luxury of being able to spend more time with them to solidify your decision to keep or sell them.
Stunning collection!
Easy colin i loved the new york dolls riff you played,
Thats how i got into lpjs and p99s
Good lad keeping the Teli 🫶
Excellent my friend. Lookin forward to the next!!!!!!!👍👍👍👍👍
Fantastic as always loved the old rapier and I agree you are very lucky to have owned some great guitars
I bought a 60s Epiphone standard Les Paul after seeing your 50s standard comparison videos I had to buy a 50s in Heritage cherry sunburst and that 50s is my main guitar I just love it I sold the 60s to a friend
My 50s only weighs 8 pounds 4 ounces and is a dream to play sounds amazing since I brought and changed the tail piece with an aluminum fabar
I thought the 60s was fantastic it really was a sweet guitar . But the 50s was over a pound lighter and the neck felt even better than the 60s Epiphone is making awesome guitars now days
Hey what the hell is goin on? I had that 62 Les Paul in my cart! HAHAHAHA!! Them old ones are keepers. Real mahogany not tree farm mahogany. Good job thinning out the herd though I think I would've pulled all my hair out by now if I was you. I still think about that 54 p90 goldtop you had to get rid of that was an awsome sounding Gibson.
I have sold a few guitars through reverb, occasionally having a cull, mainly so I can buy more guitars, but the problem I have is if I dont sell it relatively quickly I go back to it start playing it again and then realise why I bought it and take it off sale! I think I have done that more times than sold guitars!
Love your videos.
mate would love to see you do something/teardown on Hagstrom. I recently got an Ultra Max Satin, and wow it beats the pants off my American LP. The fit and finish is flawless, neck, and sound are amazing. I've been skeptical of Chinese made instruments, which evidentially is completely short sighted. Now I'm eyeing one of their semi-hollows, which look amazing.
Thanks Colin, really enjoyed this series and wasn't surprised you held into those SG models which I think are irreplaceable
loved the vid mt ,hum some hard thinking to do.
cheers mt have a good weekend m.
Some great guitars on show Col! I especially loved the look of the vintage ones!
Those Squier Bullet/Sonic series guitars are great. Nice and affordable so I wouldn’t feel guilty about throwing it around at a gig.
We are spoiled for great affordable guitars at the moment.
Glad you are keeping the Eastman DC. I bought the SB59/v after seeing it on your channel and now I am eagerly awaiting the delivery of my SB55DC/v :-)
I tried selling some guitars and was talking to a guy about an epiphone es 335 pro. He kept asking questions about the guitar by the end I couldn’t sell it. I told him it’s to hard to let go of these guitars.