Microsoft Access Version Control

  • Опубліковано 18 жов 2024
  • Take control of Version Control for your Microsoft Access databases!
    Main Points:
    In 15 minutes learn to implement Version Control for multiple users and Microsoft Access files.
    Refer to Top comments for Objects and VBA code used in video.
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  • @accessisnotdead
    @accessisnotdead  3 місяці тому

    Access files:
    Objects in VersionManager.accdb:
    Form: frmVersionUpdateMessage
    Module: modVersionManager
    Form Objects:
    txtAlert = controlsource="No Database Value was provided. Close and reopen your Database to check for a new version."
    txtCaption = controlsource ="There is a new version available for: " & [txtFromDBName]
    txtFromDBName (hidden)
    Form Code:
    Option Compare Database
    Private Sub btnUpdate_Click()
    End Sub
    Private Sub txtFromDBName_AfterUpdate()
    If IsNull(Me.txtFromDBName.Value) = False Then
    txtCaption.Visible = True
    txtAlert.Visible = False
    txtCaption.Visible = False
    txtAlert.Visible = True
    End If
    End Sub

    • @accessisnotdead
      @accessisnotdead  3 місяці тому

      Module Code:
      Option Compare Database
      Private Declare PtrSafe Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lngMilliSeconds As Long)
      Public Function VersionUpdate()
      Dim strFromDBName As String, strFromDBPath As String
      If IsNull(Form_frmVersionUpdateMessage.txtFromDBName.Value) = False Then
      strFromDBName = Form_frmVersionUpdateMessage.txtFromDBName.Value
      MsgBox "Error. Contact your administrator. Database Name value was not passed."
      Exit Function
      End If
      If IsNull(Form_frmVersionUpdateMessage.txtFromDBPath.Value) = False Then
      strFromDBPath = Form_frmVersionUpdateMessage.txtFromDBPath.Value
      MsgBox "Error. Contact your administrator. Database Path value was not passed."
      Exit Function
      End If
      Dim strToDBName As String, strToDBPath As String
      If IsNull(Form_frmVersionUpdateMessage.txtToDBName.Value) = False Then
      strToDBName = Form_frmVersionUpdateMessage.txtToDBName.Value
      MsgBox "Error. Contact your administrator. Database Name value was not passed."
      Exit Function
      End If
      If IsNull(Form_frmVersionUpdateMessage.txtToDBPath.Value) = False Then
      strToDBPath = Form_frmVersionUpdateMessage.txtToDBPath.Value
      MsgBox "Error. Contact your administrator. Database Path value was not passed."
      Exit Function
      End If
      Dim strFromFullPath As String, strToFullPath As String
      strFromFullPath = strFromDBPath & strFromDBName
      strToFullPath = strToDBPath & strToDBName
      DoCmd.Hourglass True
      MsgBox "The Database will now update. This may take a few minutes.", vbInformation, "Processing"
      FileCopy strFromFullPath, strToFullPath
      MsgBox "Database Updated. Database will now open.", vbInformation, "Success"
      Dim appAccess As Access.Application
      Set appAccess = CreateObject("Access.Application")
      appAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase strToFullPath
      appAccess.Visible = True
      appAccess.UserControl = True
      appAccess.RunCommand acCmdAppMaximize
      Set appAccess = Nothing
      DoCmd.Hourglass False
      End Function

    • @accessisnotdead
      @accessisnotdead  3 місяці тому

      Objects in ServiceRequests.accdb:
      Table: tblVersion
      Form: frmVersionUpdate
      Module: modVersionControl
      Macro: AutoExec
      Macro: macVersionShowCurrentVersion
      Table Objects:
      Field: VersionID (Number) Primary Key
      Field: VersionNo (Short Text)
      Only 1 record should exist. Version ID will always be 1.
      Form Objects:
      Record Source = SELECT tblVersion.VersionNo FROM tblVersion WHERE (((tblVersion.VersionID)=1));
      Add field VersionNo to form
      Add button btnSetVersion
      Form Code:
      Option Compare Database
      Private Sub btnSetVersion_Click()
      Dim strVersionNo As String
      strVersionNo = CStr(Me.VersionNo.Value)
      SetVersion (strVersionNo)
      MsgBox "Version Updated to " & strVersionNo, vbInformation, "Success!"
      DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmVersionUpdate", acSaveYes
      End Sub

    • @accessisnotdead
      @accessisnotdead  3 місяці тому

      Module Code:
      Option Compare Database
      Option Explicit
      ' Define constants for the database path and name
      Public Const strFromFPath As String = "G:\My Drive\MyNetworkFolder\"
      Public Const strFromFName As String = "ServiceRequests.accde"
      Public Declare PtrSafe Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long
      Public Function bFileExists(strFullPath As String) As Boolean
      Dim fs As Object
      Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
      bFileExists = fs.FileExists(strFullPath)
      Set fs = Nothing
      End Function
      Public Function bFolderExists(strFullPath As String) As Boolean
      Dim fs As Object
      bFolderExists = False
      Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
      bFolderExists = fs.FolderExists(strFullPath)
      Set fs = Nothing
      End Function

    • @accessisnotdead
      @accessisnotdead  3 місяці тому

      Public Function AtStartCheckVersion()
      If Left(Application.CurrentProject.Name, 5) = "ADMIN" Then
      'Do Nothing
      MsgBox "Opening as Admin", vbInformation, "Admin Access"
      If bFolderExists(strFromFPath) = False Then
      MsgBox "Folder cannot be found. Must be able to access the following folder in Windows Explorer to run database: " & strFromFPath
      DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdExit
      Exit Function
      End If
      If bFileExists(strFromFPath & strFromFName) = False Then
      MsgBox "File cannot be found. Must be able to access the following file in Windows Explorer to run database: " & strFromFPath & strFromFName
      DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdExit
      End If
      Dim strToFPath As String, strToFName As String
      strToFPath = Replace(CurrentDb.Name, Application.CurrentProject.Name, "")
      strToFName = Application.CurrentProject.Name
      'Is there a new version available?
      Dim strVersion As String, strCurrentVersion As String
      strVersion = GetVersion(strFromFPath, strFromFName)
      strCurrentVersion = GetCurrentVersion
      If strCurrentVersion = strVersion Then
      'Do Nothing
      'Check if version control file exists
      If bFileExists(strToFPath & "VersionManager.accde") = False Then
      MsgBox "File cannot be found. The version control file must be located in the following path: " & strToFPath & "VersionManager.accde"
      DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdExit
      Exit Function
      End If
      End If
      If strCurrentVersion strVersion Then
      MsgBox "A new version is available. The database must close to update."
      DoCmd.Hourglass True
      Dim appAccess As Access.Application
      Set appAccess = CreateObject("Access.Application")
      appAccess.OpenCurrentDatabase strToFPath & "VersionManager.accde", False
      appAccess.Forms!frmVersionUpdateMessage!txtFromDBName.Value = strFromFName
      appAccess.Forms!frmVersionUpdateMessage!txtFromDBPath.Value = strFromFPath
      appAccess.Forms!frmVersionUpdateMessage!txtToDBName.Value = strToFName
      appAccess.Forms!frmVersionUpdateMessage!txtToDBPath.Value = strToFPath
      appAccess.Forms!frmVersionUpdateMessage!txtAlert.Visible = False
      appAccess.Forms!frmVersionUpdateMessage!txtCaption.Visible = True
      appAccess.Forms!frmVersionUpdateMessage!btnUpdate.Visible = True
      appAccess.Visible = True
      appAccess.UserControl = True
      appAccess.RunCommand acCmdAppMaximize
      Set appAccess = Nothing
      End If
      End If
      Exit Function
      End Function

    • @accessisnotdead
      @accessisnotdead  3 місяці тому

      Public Function GetCurrentVersion() As String
      Dim prop As DAO.Property
      Dim dbs As DAO.Database
      On Error Resume Next
      Set dbs = CurrentDb
      'Set the property's value
      'If it doesn't exist, an error 3270 "Property not found" will occur
      GetCurrentVersion = dbs.Containers("Databases")("UserDefined").Properties("Version").Value
      'Clean up
      Set prop = Nothing
      Set dbs = Nothing
      End Function
      Public Function GetVersion(strFromFPath As String, strFromFName As String) As String
      Dim prop As DAO.Property
      Dim dbs As DAO.Database
      On Error Resume Next
      Set dbs = OpenDatabase(strFromFPath & strFromFName, , True)
      'Set the property's value
      'If it doesn't exist, an error 3270 "Property not found" will occur
      GetVersion = dbs.Containers("Databases")("UserDefined").Properties("Version").Value
      'Clean up
      Set prop = Nothing
      Set dbs = Nothing
      End Function
      Public Sub SetVersion(strVersion As String)
      Dim prop As DAO.Property
      Dim dbs As DAO.Database
      On Error Resume Next
      Set dbs = CurrentDb
      'Set the property's value
      'If it doesn't exist, an error 3270 "Property not found" will occur
      dbs.Containers("Databases")("UserDefined").Properties("Version") = strVersion
      If Err 0 Then
      'If the property doesn't exist, create it
      Set prop = dbs.CreateProperty("Version", dbText, strVersion)
      'Append it to the collection
      dbs.Containers("Databases")("UserDefined").Properties.Append prop
      End If
      'Now read the property
      Debug.Print dbs.Containers("Databases")("UserDefined").Properties("Version")
      'Clean up
      Set prop = Nothing
      Set dbs = Nothing
      End Sub
      Function strGetDBName() As String
      strGetDBName = Application.CurrentProject.Name
      End Function

  • @vincentchikobe649
    @vincentchikobe649 2 місяці тому

    That was I really enjoyed it good tutor God bless.Just learning access at 45yrs

    • @accessisnotdead
      @accessisnotdead  Місяць тому

      @vincentchikobe649 welcome to the Access family! We are all life long learners so never too late. On the horizon are plans to show how to integrate Google Forms and Sheets with Access, so there is so much you can do with Access! Stay tuned!

    • @bumpersmith
      @bumpersmith Місяць тому

      @@accessisnotdead looking forward to that. Google forms and sheets with Access.

  • @ferreira845
    @ferreira845 3 місяці тому


  • @bumpersmith
    @bumpersmith 2 місяці тому

    I like the direction you are going but Please do not use dark mode.

    • @accessisnotdead
      @accessisnotdead  Місяць тому +1

      Hey @bumpersmith I really appreciate the heads-up that I had dark mode on! Yikes! Next video you can expect that not to happen ;-) Thank you again!