Swiss Goa Party, with nice fog machine!

  • Опубліковано 18 жов 2024


  • @datim
    @datim 11 років тому +18

    ich sag das nicht oft, aber: NEID! auf der party wär ich gern dabei gewesen. ich kann die frische bergluft förmlich spüren :) grüße aus 'schland

  • @andybuser2545
    @andybuser2545 6 років тому +3's Geburi-Fete...goiiiiiil wars...

  • @lysergoatl7544
    @lysergoatl7544 8 років тому +8

    Location: Switzerland, Glaubenbüelepass (oder so) Obwalden ;)

  • @Raphaelito77
    @Raphaelito77 14 років тому +3

    Fantastic vid! Thank you. Love & light

  • @jedidream8951
    @jedidream8951 7 років тому +6

    Shiit die ufm berg am abgah. Hhahaha schwizz, bitte gahn ned kapputt😂

  • @Kotzblitz
    @Kotzblitz 10 років тому +10

    Ja scheiße ,da waren fast alle Klos verkotzt.Naja ich bin dann hinter die Bühne,da lag sogar noch Papier ...

  • @goapsytrancer247
    @goapsytrancer247 4 роки тому +2

    nice party 🌕 🌑 🌓 🌔 🌛 🌙 ⭐️

  • @SuperSTALKER1979
    @SuperSTALKER1979 13 років тому +5

    hammer die damen

  • @Mikkl1
    @Mikkl1 14 років тому +3

    Bidddöööööööööö cha sma d location place sagen?
    Bitte sag mia wo das is, ich will da hin!
    Diese Atmosphäre, der Sound, Whannnsinn!

  • @HybOj
    @HybOj 7 років тому +1

    very nice

  • @2nic34ya8
    @2nic34ya8 3 роки тому +1

    Schon damals konnte man die hübschesten Frauen auf Goa Festivals finden 🥰

  • @Alonis1009
    @Alonis1009 12 років тому +3

    Was it in the "Martin's loch" ?

    • @triskelsen2852
      @triskelsen2852 4 роки тому +1

      No by an alp its called Jänzimatt in Giswil, Obwalden, Switzerland

  • @Sc00ti
    @Sc00ti 13 років тому +2

    geili nebelmaschine =)

  • @mjamusicswitzerland
    @mjamusicswitzerland 5 років тому +2


  • @JahRastarasmus
    @JahRastarasmus 6 років тому

    Wow, thats a very sad tribute.

  • @LoLeKarlchen
    @LoLeKarlchen 9 років тому +3

    nice oida

  • @SirKlabbaut
    @SirKlabbaut 11 років тому +3

    'Schlaaaaaaand :D

  • @michelleschmid1457
    @michelleschmid1457 5 років тому +1

    Wie die tanzed 😂

  • @DJWhitefighter
    @DJWhitefighter 6 років тому +1

    Geils video👍👍 gruess us Thun

  • @smemalex
    @smemalex 14 років тому +2

    trackname ticon - 1987 :P

  • @alexshatrey891
    @alexshatrey891 4 роки тому +1

    go planniiere x)

    • @alexshatrey891
      @alexshatrey891 4 роки тому

      ich weiss garned was das heisst aber jo, sheissegal. kultur. kültür. nei . ding, kulti.

  • @giovapalme2718
    @giovapalme2718 9 років тому


  • @isomorphic97
    @isomorphic97 7 років тому

    Song name pls

  • @SuperSTALKER1979
    @SuperSTALKER1979 13 років тому +2

    hot girls!!!

  • @johnsaxer3458
    @johnsaxer3458 7 років тому

    Who’s family claims Switzerland's Kingship?
    Let us settle this issue once and for all time shall we? Who is Switzerland's King? Or for that matter Israel's or Europe's King and what about Tarpon Spring's King? There is one claimant to those coveted thrones!
    He is American by birth. His American name is John Christian Saxer Jr. His Swiss name is Johann Christian Von Sax the second. He lives in Florida and regards the throne of England as a fake pretender to the true throne; only the Stuarts of the true King's property.He is Great unto his own deeds. He has a patent on a pyramid healing bed chamber issued by the U.S.A. that borders on a perpetual motion machine. He calls it the "Phoenix Dream Chamber" featuring a Quartz Crystal Capstone of clear perfect quality and credits sleeping in it to have produced his great insight. He has located the capstone of the Great Pyramid at Giza through math analysis. He has been given credit for decoding the only symbol (the BOSS)inside the Great pyramid by John Gangstead author of "Signs in the Sun" a book about the Great Pyramid's math.
    He has discovered over a thousand giant ancient holey stone "ark anchors" on the west central coast of Florida. This proves that Atlantis was on the Gulf of Mexico as the inland sea of Atlantis with New Port Ritchie as the entrance port with the carvings of Atlas and Hesperos the first wife on an "anchor type" Stone. He has located the Greek Garden of the three Hesperides at Tarpon Springs by the overhead view of the ancient river system revealing the portrait of Poseidon and the marriage of Atlas to Hesperos, and the dragon shaped river that is the serpent of Eden trailing off of the rear end of Atlas which signifying evolution stage from primate to human. Euphrates means the dragon shaped river in Greek or Atlantian. That river according to ancient texts had mounds as does the Anclote where as the present day Euphrates does not! This means that this Garden was the original and and perhaps the only ancient Garden of Eden. He has been featured in many T.V., news and magazine articles about this non-theory reality in his efforts to educate our society to the truths of the Greek Mythology.
    His Royal Swiss claim rests on his family line as it goes back to the Old Confederacy of the Swiss when his ancestors in a 200 year feud (Werdenbergfeud) managed by seven generations of von Sax family patriarchs; men named Casper, Johann, Heinrich, Johann Peter, , Johann Ulrich and Matthias & were acknowledged as Empirical Princes Because the Merovingian connection..
    The "STONE OF DESTINY "sometimes called "lia fail" is also known by another title in latin, SAXum Fatali. This stone was taken by St. Columbo an Irish monk, with equal royal rank, away from the Scottish King as punishment for evil he had done. He the traveled to Europe along with Holy Gallus his brother and his 12 man entourage carrying it . This stone as it is said throughout history has crowned 100 Scottish and Irish Kings over 1000 years from 500 B.C. to 560 A.D. as they sat upon it. St. Columbo prophesied that when this stone reappears that all mankind will hear it shout out the name of the true King whose right it is to claim his inheritance. The Scots and English have fought and crowned over a door step stone, the false stone for 1,500 years while the real stone ended up in St. Gallen, Switzerland Von Sax's keeps it safe for it is an Altar Stone to Sacrifice to God in thanksgiving for all we have in life.
    The 1499A.D. Emperor Sigismund's large Austrian army and the Swabian Knight army were defeated by "Ulrich the peasant" von Sax with 200 great-grandsons of the Templars in uniform along with the peasant Swiss army. At that time the records of the Swiss were systematically destroyed to hide this information by Sigismund in order to eliminate the true Kings claim to the Davidic Throne as Priest-King, that Ulrich actually was, had almost all records of this family obliterated and claimed the title Priest-King. Sigismund was not happy with only being Emperor. This is an example of righteousness facing evil tyranny head on. Apparently this accomplishment of winning independence for the Swiss put a price on Ulrich's head and the family went into hiding with their royal secret! Lands and property had to be abandoned to keep the Holy Royal Davidic Line intact! Yet through the magic and power of the Internet some, enough have survived, making the "E paper"trail easier to follow.
    Yet the Swiss union survived and became a freemen democratic nation at tremendous costs to the von Sax family and their heirs. One third of Switzerland belonged to the von Sax from marriages and acquisitions, starting from before the 9th century through Charlemagne's Father's thankfulness toward the Exilarchs of Narbonne and Septamania, earlier von Sax Ancestors who fought against the Moors named Bin Sacco or Zacco the Victor meaning from Isaac's Son; who is Jacob (Israel). Great Swiss Houses,Toggenburger, Zahringer, Kyburg, Belmont and Rhaitia were all von Sax holdings well earned; as well as MESOCCO the Swiss National Monument to their independence. From 1240 through 1499 A.D. von Sax's ruled as Priest-Kings. Then Sigismund's actions left the present blood royal king without castles, gold, and position. Sad to see the Swiss with all that money and how quickly they forget whose family got them there! How quickly the world forgot who established the first modern democracy that lead to French, German and eventually the United States freedom nations. George Washington was the Ulrich von Sax of America, not the reverse. How quickly they forgot who wrote Swiss common law, law that is still relevant today.
    The von Sax family clearly goes back to Charlemagne and as such Von Sax claims that THRONE AS WELL in Aachen. Get ready Switzerland and the European Union for He aims to & should RULE. He is the Exilarch of the Jewish line of David and His records show this. He is worried about the present course of human affairs because he feels the leadership out of greed and ignorance has lost is control over the ships of state and the welfare of mankind! He loves and cares for his subjects and plans to restore righteousness and truth to all mankind by His rightful monarchy. "The Stone which the builders rejected has become head of the corner: this is the LORD'S doing and it is marvelous in our eyes!" is a quote out of the bible.
    Johann Christian Von Sax has been quoted as saying: "Let the righteous stand with him. Let evil men fall! Let their family members and close associates police the corrupted ones even unto death for the sake of all mankind: this must be done.
    Johann von Sax may be goggled; John Saxer, ark anchors, Tarpon Springs, and as of yet no web home site. However please use this address (E MAIL) media inquiries ;Anyone else =

  • @ADSaaron
    @ADSaaron 12 років тому +2

    where are all the black people?

  • @ProductionsDuck
    @ProductionsDuck 12 років тому +2


  • @christianhansen8716
    @christianhansen8716 6 років тому

    Scheisse music

  • @MaxwellF95
    @MaxwellF95 8 років тому

    So ein Blödsinn