you guys show how team work wins games! awesome game! I wanna give props to the editors who made a 45 minute game into a 24 minute video and still made it feel like we got all the important moments!
Who did the most damage today? Zwag Who has done the most damage in February? Body: 6 Zwag: 4 Heiz: 3 Ioki: 1 Professor Akali: 1 Guests: Hot Eboy Xerath: 0 Saskio: 0 SwimmerGirl aka SwimChungus: 0 Enemy Beauregard (I think): 0
Now that y'all are playing Aurelian Sol, I think it's time to bring back the infinite scaling comp Any scaling top(Cho, Sion, Nasus) Aurelian mid Bel'veth Jungle Senna and Veigar bot lane
Day 80 of giving a few ideas, vote which you prefer and give suggestions, improvements and changes: 1. A reverse comp, where everyone's roles are flipped. I.E Ioki (who plays support and is the bottom of the Tab menu) goes Top, Zwag goes Jungle (as he normally goes ADC), Heiz goes Mid, and Body goes ADC. Akali goes support you also have to play champs for that position. or you can play your mains and Zwag can play someone other than Xereth as he hasn't played him since the "Great Nurf" of Mage players, but with pre season you may be able to make it work. And with the episode ZWAG did with Xerath jungle, it worked pretty well especially being able to gank whilst hidden in jungle! 2. The noob comp. You don’t play, but you have 5 people play who aren’t great/never played before and you have to talk them through what to do. They all play your mains in your main roles (IOKI Senna sup, body Azir mid, Heiz Lee Sun jungle, ZWAG Xerath bot and professor Akali, Akali Top [no one mains top and Akali would be better for top than Azir tbh]) and you try and get them to win, maybe make it a 2 parter. One being the training and the second you go against them in a custom map, same champs vs each other) 3. do the 5 newest champs in game for your lanes, which i think would be K'Sante, Nilah, Bel'Veth, Renata and Zeri (again might be wrong on that!) 4. Support carry. play 5 support champs and try and win the game through that. can build them however you want, full AP/AD etc (maybe even see a ZWAG Xerath and some classic scripting all chat brain melts!) 5. Thats not my ult. play 5 champs who can use ults on others, like Kayle, Soraka, Lulu, Zilian, Kalista and Shen 6. ARAM rules. you cannot base or buy items unless you die/get executed. it forces you to strategically int to keep the game going and to get strong. If you fail to follow the rules you must go to lane and Int as punishment. 7. Burn baby burn. 5 burn champs with full burn builds, like Brand, Annie, Shyvanna etc with Liandry's and Demonic. you can have Teemo or Twitch with poison as an ADC as it kind of burns and you won't do damage if they just stack MR constantly. 8. Hit the mark comp. Jungle goes as Kindred and everyone helps get her marks. Top is Shen, Mid is Twisted Fate, ADC is pantheon or Quinn and support is Pantheon or Galileo. Submitted by @DerGrimmigeZwerg 9. Hide and seek. A 1 v 4 but the 1 person can TP and plays jungle, has to get rift X2, the drags, baron and first turret? Might need to play with bots or something so the lanes don’t fall super fast though or a custom game with subscribers? Submitted by @sunnyside2021 10. Sword and shield comp. Play champions that have a sword or shield and all of them have to buy doran’s shield or blade (yes even the support) and only buy items that have a sword or shield (kinda shield or tanky item). Champions would be like aatrox, riven, pantheon, Braum, samira, yone/yasuo. Items would be like infinity edge, deaths dance, jaksho (kinda shield), sunfire, evenshroud, maw of malmortius, shoulderblades or whatever other item looks like a sword or shield. Submitted by @yungsmiecht 11. Parkour comp - champs that interact with walls. Talon, zeri, Kayn, bard and K’santi - submitted by @DergrimmigeZwerg 12. The zoo comp - play animal champs. Warwick, Volibear, Azir, twitch and yummi- submitted by @DergrimmigeZwerg 13. The band comp - play the K/DA (Ahri, Akali, Evelynn and Kai’Sa), Pentakill (Kayle, Karthus, Mordekaiser, Sona, Yorick, Viego and Olaf) or True Damage (Akali, Qiyana, Ekko, Senna and Yasao) band champ teams - submitted by @Vederian L 14. The pick me up comp. You play Kindred, Bard, Thresh, Veigar (or Nasus) and Senna and you have to try and pick up as many of your marks, Chimes, souls or stacks as infinitely scale as a result. If you wanted too, you could add Kalista as she can pick champs up. 15. The Pinball comp. Vayne Top, Lee Son Jungle, Jayce Mid, Tristana ADC and Alistair Support. 5 champs who has abilities to knockback the enemy champs to your teammates. - submitted by @riccardogiordano 16. Where did they come from comp. You okay assassins who can suddenly appear by champs, kill them and then disappear again, And should all build a dusk blade for more stealth. The comp like yone top, Ekko jungle, Akshan mid, Twitch ADC and Teemo support - submitted by @Laurenz Wegler 17. The peace comp. Play a low Elo game where you can’t kill anyone on the enemy team. The champs played should be able to clear (like poppy ult) champs or hard CC them (like Lilia and Zoe sleep, Lux bind, Morg bind etc) - submitted by @Laurenz Wegler 18. League of among us comp. Randomly select one person (in secret) who is the “imposter”. Their goal is the lose the game without being caught. At the end of the game you vote someone out. The imposter wins by the match being a lose and not voted out. The crew wins if they win or lose the game but they vote out the imposter, and you play another match if you win but don’t vote out the imposter. You could even make it funnier by making everyone the imposter or no one and see if anyone realises. - submitted by @Laurenz Wegler 19. The troll comp. Two of you are randomly selected in secret to troll the team and try and lose. They can only say a maximum of 10 times before they have to play properly. While the other three try and win the game with this handicap! - submitted by @Laurenz Wegler ----------------------- Completed 1. do the 5 oldest champs in game for your lanes, which i think would be Alistar, Annie, Fiddle, Ashe and Jax (might be wrong on that though!) - done video out 21/11/2022 2. surprise comp. 5 champs who can surprise enemies with either invis (Twitch, Evelynn Teemo, fiddle and Nocturne) or leaves traps like Caitlyn, Shaco and again Teemo. - done video out 01/01/2023
Suggestion: the shapeshifters which is basically the shapeshifter trait from tft set 1 and set 7 ( Elise , Gnar , Nidalee , Shiv and Swain ) + Jayce and Neeko for a tic options
I really enjoyed watching then start buckling down and focusing , that was grand. Also, I vote for a team where every champ has a boomerang or something boomerang adjacent. Talon, sivir, Ahri, gnar, and...Swain? Xayah? Team boomerangs :)
Wow I thought I was watching the other channel! this game was sick! new aurelion is so good late game, also loved that the enemy team trash talked as well.
I’ve had chronic gastritis where the last 6 months have been hell. But lying in bed each night with nausea and pain feels less shit when i watch your daily videos. I appreciate the content alot 🙏
Day 20 of requesting “the Honesty Comp/Challenge” You have to ALL chat everything your team will do to the enemy team. For example if you are going to gank, take dragon/baron, jungle starting red or blue, or even maybe recalling if you are brave. See if they believe you or if you will get in their heads. Nothing wrong with a bit of honesty and help :) (Feel free to premake the enemy team if you don’t want to risk getting banned)
"Identity theft comp" Viego top/jg, Mordekaiser top/jg, Sylas mid/sup, Zoe mid/sup and zeri adc Zoe steals their summoner spells Sylas steals their ultis Viego steals the items and skills Mordekaiser steals stats Zeri steals shields The enemy team cant win cause all they use will be used against them
Day 1 of asking for the Elemental comp. On a team, one champion whose kit revolves around each fire, water/ice, earth, and wind. The fifth should be a champion who has a majority of elements. Here's a list of who qualifies imo. Fire: Annie, Brand, Ornn, Shyvanna Water/ice: Anivia, Ashe, Braum, Fizz, Lissandra, Nami, Nautilus, Nunu, Sejuani, Trundle, Volibear Wind: Janna, Yasuo, Galio Earth: Ivern, Malphite, Maokai, Taliyah, Zyra Elemental Master: Qiyanna, Udyr My favorite recommendation would be: Ornn Top Udyr Jungle Fizz Mid Yasuo ADC Zyra Support Secondary: Galio Top Shyvana Jungle Qiyanna Mid Ashe ADC Maokai Support
iokis interaction with his nephew was the most wholesome thing i've seen this week. & San Diego??? ffs gotta join me on a 6 gragas comp brewery tour & y'all can get your nails done after if you need to
You could pick a comp from every nation(?) on Runeterra; Freljord, Noxus, Demacia, Piltover, Zaun, Ionia, Bandle City, Bilgewater, Shadow Isles, Ixtal, Shurima, Targon, and the Void
This video was so fucking good Zwag plays, ioki with his dad going to bed, normal akali chaos, heiz try harding and body just trying to beat his fed lane 😂
Do a flip comp where you play Taliyah, Urgot, Azir, Pyke and Poppy! Remove or add a champion as you like! Banger vid btw! Liked Ioki's special guest appearance.
Day #13 of asking for the immortal comp(all the champs have abilities to keep them alive save them from death or resurrect teammates) Top-tryndamere/kayle Jungle-kindred/ekko Support-bard/zilean Mid-akshan/anivia Bot-Karthus Extra challenge: see who has the least deaths at the end of the game and feel free to use any of the champs in any of the positions
Here is my reccomwndation the Ulti in comp Rell support, Nilah adc, Zeri mid, Diana jg, and Nunu or rammus Top Nunu slows Rell and diana drag them in and then nilah and zeri burst them with their utlimates
"If you have a problem... if no one else can help... and if you can find them... maybe you can hire... The Bee-Team" Everyone has a bee skin character!
Who had the most assist? Zwag for 28! Year total: I0ki: 19 Heiz: 13 Zwäg: 5 Body: 4 Prof. Akali: 1 Guest KittyCat: 2 Hot eboy: 2 Enemy heehaw: 1 Dumbs: 0 Saskio:0 Randoms: 1
I'll suggest the "It's raining cats and dogs" comp. Nidalee, Rengar, Yuumi, Nasus, Warwick. No defensive or protective items allowed. Let the damage "rain" on the enemy.
Can you guys do a gang jump comp Shen top Noct jungle Twisted fate mid Kai sa adc Gallio or yumi support Nocturne cuts their vision and all 5 ult onto a champ. You guys can chain cc with nocturn, twisted fate, and shen, allowing Galeo ult to land and kai sa to dash in. You can pull this off multiple times because their teammates won’t see what’s going on and won’t expect it when you do it to them. The goal is to pull it off on each person or you can use the ults to always secure dragon
Azir is actually a disgusting counter to Asol now. Unless you have the drive by laser worked out, the soldiers are great at denying farm and getting stacks
Day 3 of requesting the "Fenix team" - You have to play champs who can reborn o make others reborn (Zac, Anivia, Renata, Zilean, Askhan) and maybe building Guardian Angel too ;)
Day 13 Y'all should play the Incredibles Comp == Sett -- Mr Incredible, Master Yi -- Dash, Teemo -- Jack Jack, Evelynn -- Violet, Kaisa -- Helen (Dat Peach)
Day 184 of asking for the carpet comp. Rumble-top J4/Shyvana/Skarner-jungle Azir/Heimerdinger-mid Corki-adc Braum-support Idea is to get the enemy team on Rumble and Corki ults. Braum can set it up with an ult knock up, Heimer can ult + E combo for the stun. Azir ult and Shyvana ult can push them back in the "carpet". Shyvana dragon form E can also be a "carpet". J4 ult for the lockdown. Skarner ult to drag them on the "carpet".
Don’t even know what day of requesting _the Shurima’s Emperor comp_ 🏜 Objective: protect the emperor with all costs. If objective is failed you instantly ff. Also, you need to tell the enemy team that if Azir dies they win Sivir & Xerath botlane Azir midlane Nasus/Renekton toplane Taliyah jungle
Day 7 of asking to revisit the Infinite stacking comp with reworked Aurelion Sol, Nasus, Veigar, Cho'Gath, and one other infinitely stacking champ. Bonus stacking points for running Dark Harvest :D
Day 30: IOKI FUNNEL COMP Rumors say that Ioki is 100% a Leona main and it is CRACKED. Let’s see an Ioki funnel game where y’all funnel his Leona and have him carry y’all to victory! (Bonus points: Ioki and Prof duo botlane 👀) (Bonus BONUS points if Ioki instead decides to carry as Braum👀👀) Also thank you guys for doing both the chomp comp and bonk comp that I have requested. Much love and keep up the grind🙏
Man I hate ioki ever since I found him on twitch I’m subbed to 5 different league channels and I haven’t even played the game in 7 years XD Now I’m watching 2 zwag videos a day, 2 ioki videos a day, and 2 body videos a day + FFS videos, and now I find out body and alkali have another channel called the sweats. Oh and to make matters worse both ioki and body are doing their challenger climb. Stop hustling so hard fellas ya boi needs a break lmao
I’m just gonna keep suggesting this, forgor to count days. THE K/DA COMP (Akali, Evelynn, Ahri, Kai’sa, Seraphine) and match skins with the K/DA All Out skin line if you wanna go the extra mile
"My nephew is ganking me" I haven't laughed that hard in a long time
I love how even Zwag's victim at 2:50 emoted their approval of that truly steezy kill. Absolutely gorgeous
you guys show how team work wins games! awesome game! I wanna give props to the editors who made a 45 minute game into a 24 minute video and still made it feel like we got all the important moments!
Who did the most damage today?
Who has done the most damage in February?
Body: 6
Zwag: 4
Heiz: 3
Ioki: 1
Professor Akali: 1
Hot Eboy Xerath: 0
Saskio: 0
SwimmerGirl aka SwimChungus: 0
Enemy Beauregard (I think): 0
Heiz scaled huh to think we once celebrated for his first most damage
Honestly felt like everyone had a carry moment or even a hero moment, what a game
Now that y'all are playing Aurelian Sol, I think it's time to bring back the infinite scaling comp
Any scaling top(Cho, Sion, Nasus)
Aurelian mid
Bel'veth Jungle
Senna and Veigar bot lane
Lux Aurelion Zeri Ezreal.... your comp almost spelled out LAZER with the first letters of each name. Vel Koz screwed it all up... way to go Ioki
Renata kinda uses lasers
@@antarath517isn’t it perfume?
@@antarath517 its gonna be Victor's E laser
Its LAZEV comp
4:03 that shit was the funniest sequence ive seen in awhile. Heiz and Prof are hilarious
I felt every minute of that game. That was intense
Day 80 of giving a few ideas, vote which you prefer and give suggestions, improvements and changes:
1. A reverse comp, where everyone's roles are flipped. I.E Ioki (who plays support and is the bottom of the Tab menu) goes Top, Zwag goes Jungle (as he normally goes ADC), Heiz goes Mid, and Body goes ADC. Akali goes support you also have to play champs for that position. or you can play your mains and Zwag can play someone other than Xereth as he hasn't played him since the "Great Nurf" of Mage players, but with pre season you may be able to make it work. And with the episode ZWAG did with Xerath jungle, it worked pretty well especially being able to gank whilst hidden in jungle!
2. The noob comp. You don’t play, but you have 5 people play who aren’t great/never played before and you have to talk them through what to do. They all play your mains in your main roles (IOKI Senna sup, body Azir mid, Heiz Lee Sun jungle, ZWAG Xerath bot and professor Akali, Akali Top [no one mains top and Akali would be better for top than Azir tbh]) and you try and get them to win, maybe make it a 2 parter. One being the training and the second you go against them in a custom map, same champs vs each other)
3. do the 5 newest champs in game for your lanes, which i think would be K'Sante, Nilah, Bel'Veth, Renata and Zeri (again might be wrong on that!)
4. Support carry. play 5 support champs and try and win the game through that. can build them however you want, full AP/AD etc (maybe even see a ZWAG Xerath and some classic scripting all chat brain melts!)
5. Thats not my ult. play 5 champs who can use ults on others, like Kayle, Soraka, Lulu, Zilian, Kalista and Shen
6. ARAM rules. you cannot base or buy items unless you die/get executed. it forces you to strategically int to keep the game going and to get strong. If you fail to follow the rules you must go to lane and Int as punishment.
7. Burn baby burn. 5 burn champs with full burn builds, like Brand, Annie, Shyvanna etc with Liandry's and Demonic. you can have Teemo or Twitch with poison as an ADC as it kind of burns and you won't do damage if they just stack MR constantly.
8. Hit the mark comp. Jungle goes as Kindred and everyone helps get her marks. Top is Shen, Mid is Twisted Fate, ADC is pantheon or Quinn and support is Pantheon or Galileo. Submitted by @DerGrimmigeZwerg
9. Hide and seek. A 1 v 4 but the 1 person can TP and plays jungle, has to get rift X2, the drags, baron and first turret? Might need to play with bots or something so the lanes don’t fall super fast though or a custom game with subscribers? Submitted by @sunnyside2021
10. Sword and shield comp. Play champions that have a sword or shield and all of them have to buy doran’s shield or blade (yes even the support) and only buy items that have a sword or shield (kinda shield or tanky item). Champions would be like aatrox, riven, pantheon, Braum, samira, yone/yasuo. Items would be like infinity edge, deaths dance, jaksho (kinda shield), sunfire, evenshroud, maw of malmortius, shoulderblades or whatever other item looks like a sword or shield. Submitted by @yungsmiecht
11. Parkour comp - champs that interact with walls. Talon, zeri, Kayn, bard and K’santi - submitted by @DergrimmigeZwerg
12. The zoo comp - play animal champs. Warwick, Volibear, Azir, twitch and yummi- submitted by @DergrimmigeZwerg
13. The band comp - play the K/DA (Ahri, Akali, Evelynn and Kai’Sa), Pentakill (Kayle, Karthus, Mordekaiser, Sona, Yorick, Viego and Olaf) or True Damage (Akali, Qiyana, Ekko, Senna and Yasao) band champ teams - submitted by @Vederian L
14. The pick me up comp. You play Kindred, Bard, Thresh, Veigar (or Nasus) and Senna and you have to try and pick up as many of your marks, Chimes, souls or stacks as infinitely scale as a result. If you wanted too, you could add Kalista as she can pick champs up.
15. The Pinball comp. Vayne Top, Lee Son Jungle, Jayce Mid, Tristana ADC and Alistair Support. 5 champs who has abilities to knockback the enemy champs to your teammates. - submitted by @riccardogiordano
16. Where did they come from comp. You okay assassins who can suddenly appear by champs, kill them and then disappear again, And should all build a dusk blade for more stealth. The comp like yone top, Ekko jungle, Akshan mid, Twitch ADC and Teemo support - submitted by @Laurenz Wegler
17. The peace comp. Play a low Elo game where you can’t kill anyone on the enemy team. The champs played should be able to clear (like poppy ult) champs or hard CC them (like Lilia and Zoe sleep, Lux bind, Morg bind etc) - submitted by @Laurenz Wegler
18. League of among us comp. Randomly select one person (in secret) who is the “imposter”. Their goal is the lose the game without being caught. At the end of the game you vote someone out. The imposter wins by the match being a lose and not voted out. The crew wins if they win or lose the game but they vote out the imposter, and you play another match if you win but don’t vote out the imposter. You could even make it funnier by making everyone the imposter or no one and see if anyone realises. - submitted by @Laurenz Wegler
19. The troll comp. Two of you are randomly selected in secret to troll the team and try and lose. They can only say a maximum of 10 times before they have to play properly. While the other three try and win the game with this handicap! - submitted by @Laurenz Wegler
1. do the 5 oldest champs in game for your lanes, which i think would be Alistar, Annie, Fiddle, Ashe and Jax (might be wrong on that though!) - done video out 21/11/2022
2. surprise comp. 5 champs who can surprise enemies with either invis (Twitch, Evelynn Teemo, fiddle and Nocturne) or leaves traps like Caitlyn, Shaco and again Teemo. - done video out 01/01/2023
This is for sure your best video for 2023 so far. GG WP
Please do the fellowship comp. Viego as Aragorn, Viegar as Gandalf, Ornn as Gimli, Garen as Boromir, and Varus as Legolas.
damn aurelion really BODIED them in the end
Suggestion: the shapeshifters which is basically the shapeshifter trait from tft set 1 and set 7 ( Elise , Gnar , Nidalee , Shiv and Swain ) + Jayce and Neeko for a tic options
I really enjoyed watching then start buckling down and focusing , that was grand. Also, I vote for a team where every champ has a boomerang or something boomerang adjacent. Talon, sivir, Ahri, gnar, and...Swain? Xayah? Team boomerangs :)
akshan my brother, his weapon is literally a boomerang
That was a great game! You should do a video where you all do the exact same build based on however buys first
That Aur.Sol diff, that last ult was so thicc
Wow I thought I was watching the other channel! this game was sick! new aurelion is so good late game, also loved that the enemy team trash talked as well.
I’ve had chronic gastritis where the last 6 months have been hell. But lying in bed each night with nausea and pain feels less shit when i watch your daily videos. I appreciate the content alot 🙏
Ray volpes laser beam song be playing in the background 😂
43 minutes in yelling "HE'S ONLINE" cracked me up
You know the game is doomed when professor akali says to focus on objectives
Uncle i0ki is too cute for this world, his voice suddenly shifts and gets really mellow, I can't.
From zero deaths video to classic early game Professor fiesta. Love it :D
Day 20 of requesting “the Honesty Comp/Challenge” You have to ALL chat everything your team will do to the enemy team. For example if you are going to gank, take dragon/baron, jungle starting red or blue, or even maybe recalling if you are brave. See if they believe you or if you will get in their heads. Nothing wrong with a bit of honesty and help :) (Feel free to premake the enemy team if you don’t want to risk getting banned)
I love that idea
Day 1 of supporting the idea of the honesty comp
Day 1 supporting this comp!!! honesty comp cult rise up
@@yikes6929 oh no… is a cult gonna form :O
Ross boomstocks already did that, but this will be fun with 5 of them doing it.
Do the unique item challenge! If someone on the team buys an item, no one else can buy that item :D
thats very cool!
"Identity theft comp"
Viego top/jg, Mordekaiser top/jg, Sylas mid/sup, Zoe mid/sup and zeri adc
Zoe steals their summoner spells
Sylas steals their ultis
Viego steals the items and skills
Mordekaiser steals stats
Zeri steals shields
The enemy team cant win cause all they use will be used against them
Day 1 of asking for the Elemental comp. On a team, one champion whose kit revolves around each fire, water/ice, earth, and wind. The fifth should be a champion who has a majority of elements. Here's a list of who qualifies imo.
Fire: Annie, Brand, Ornn, Shyvanna
Water/ice: Anivia, Ashe, Braum, Fizz, Lissandra, Nami, Nautilus, Nunu, Sejuani, Trundle, Volibear
Wind: Janna, Yasuo, Galio
Earth: Ivern, Malphite, Maokai, Taliyah, Zyra
Elemental Master: Qiyanna, Udyr
My favorite recommendation would be:
Ornn Top
Udyr Jungle
Fizz Mid
Yasuo ADC
Zyra Support
Galio Top
Shyvana Jungle
Qiyanna Mid
Ashe ADC
Maokai Support
"We can all live" Caitlyn triple kill
iokis interaction with his nephew was the most wholesome thing i've seen this week. & San Diego??? ffs gotta join me on a 6 gragas comp brewery tour & y'all can get your nails done after if you need to
Victor over in the corner crying because he was left out of the laser comp XD
i0ki saying night night 🥰
Video idea: unkillable comp with Kayle, taric, kindred, bard, lissandra, make someone live in the middle of a fight for 30 seconds
build zonya and ga for extra effect
You could pick a comp from every nation(?) on Runeterra; Freljord, Noxus, Demacia, Piltover, Zaun, Ionia, Bandle City, Bilgewater, Shadow Isles, Ixtal, Shurima, Targon, and the Void
Just love you guys! Great content as usual. Thank you and please - keep it going
This video was so fucking good
Zwag plays, ioki with his dad going to bed, normal akali chaos, heiz try harding and body just trying to beat his fed lane 😂
I've been waiting for body's aurelion to appear in the for fun squad
Request: The "Air missle" comp,
Everyone playes as a charekter that ults from above (like Gankplank, Pantheon, Galio, Ziggs, Leona).
Do a flip comp where you play Taliyah, Urgot, Azir, Pyke and Poppy! Remove or add a champion as you like!
Banger vid btw! Liked Ioki's special guest appearance.
6:52 "is that your dad" 🤣
Day 14, Play the Invulnerability comp:
do a comp with ults without dmg: bard, taliyah, kaisa, kled, ryze, shaco, soraka etc.
The biceps at the end, oh my 😆
Day #13 of asking for the immortal comp(all the champs have abilities to keep them alive save them from death or resurrect teammates)
Extra challenge: see who has the least deaths at the end of the game and feel free to use any of the champs in any of the positions
Zwag and Ioki Bot Lane
Victories: 42
Losses: 5
3:47 LOL we can all live that was 100% wrong lol
Not sure what's harder... Making these comps work... Or playing on the same team as Prof akali.. Can feel Body's pain in his voice 😂
Team League of Legends videos is just different. Thanks for the awesome game guys.
Walls are just a suggestion comp (Everyone can travel over a wall): Kayn, Asol, Bard, Zeri, Talon
Here is my reccomwndation the Ulti in comp
Rell support, Nilah adc, Zeri mid, Diana jg, and Nunu or rammus Top
Nunu slows Rell and diana drag them in and then nilah and zeri burst them with their utlimates
U should play the wall comp jarvan yorick taliyah anivia trundle
Day 43
FREEZE COMP: 5 GLACIAL runes, all frosted/christmas/winterblessed skins, all iceborn gauntlet, rylais, seryldas etc.
seein a trend between 2 channels i very much enjoy... and i do not mind it at all!
I feel like Ezreal doesn't really have a Lazer, but Malz does.....
So does Viktor
zwag *XERATH* (q)
"If you have a problem... if no one else can help... and if you can find them... maybe you can hire... The Bee-Team"
Everyone has a bee skin character!
Who had the most assist?
Zwag for 28!
Year total:
I0ki: 19
Heiz: 13
Zwäg: 5
Body: 4
Prof. Akali: 1
KittyCat: 2
Hot eboy: 2
Enemy heehaw: 1
Dumbs: 0
Randoms: 1
Prof kinda giggly this video 😂
wouldnt malzahar make for a better lazer or like viktor with q and e?
great content as always tho
Prof akali should do a no death challenge every game
Now that's some top notch content ❤️
I'll suggest the "It's raining cats and dogs" comp. Nidalee, Rengar, Yuumi, Nasus, Warwick. No defensive or protective items allowed. Let the damage "rain" on the enemy.
I can't believe Body fed Akali so much
Can you guys do a gang jump comp
Shen top
Noct jungle
Twisted fate mid
Kai sa adc
Gallio or yumi support
Nocturne cuts their vision and all 5 ult onto a champ. You guys can chain cc with nocturn, twisted fate, and shen, allowing Galeo ult to land and kai sa to dash in. You can pull this off multiple times because their teammates won’t see what’s going on and won’t expect it when you do it to them.
The goal is to pull it off on each person or you can use the ults to always secure dragon
Thanks for the great vid guys!
You guys should try picking the top 5 strongest champions in LOL (lore).
Comp idea: Gravity/Black hole squad- Diana/Orianna/Rell/Nilah/ Asol
Day 2. Do Shadow Isles comp. Like Morde Top, Hecarim JG, Kartus Mid, Kalista and Thresh Bot, with their base skins.
Professor akali needs to change his name to denzel Washington because he is the equalizer
Great game and comeback
Guys, try the "make it rain" comp: gp top, Bard jg, Aurelion mid, Ziggs and Leona bot.
I feel like most ffs videos titles could just be "how hard can we make Body carry?". xD
Can we get the Zwag comp?! No cannons allowed to be killed by a player at all the entire game.
If you need ideas. Low cooldown items with champs that have the lowest ult cooldowns. See how many times you can ult in a fight.
In addition, everyone needs to get old radiant virtue
The Lightsaber Squad 💁♂️
Day 1 of requesting that you play a match without getting any dragons. You may guard the dragon but you cannot kill it
was there sound in the intro today? yes day 24
These games are the most fun to whatch when there axtuly are a chalenge
one of the best games I've seen
Goddman hahaha,good game indeed
Azir is actually a disgusting counter to Asol now. Unless you have the drive by laser worked out, the soldiers are great at denying farm and getting stacks
Finally watched a videot that was posted minutes ago
Day 2 request stampede comp. All pick animals. Charge down mid all chatting STAMPEDE!!! when you do
Day 3 of requesting the "Fenix team"
- You have to play champs who can reborn o make others reborn (Zac, Anivia, Renata, Zilean, Askhan) and maybe building Guardian Angel too ;)
cosmic comp? sol, bard, raka, zoe?
Day 13 Y'all should play the Incredibles Comp == Sett -- Mr Incredible, Master Yi -- Dash, Teemo -- Jack Jack, Evelynn -- Violet, Kaisa -- Helen (Dat Peach)
Day 184 of asking for the carpet comp.
Idea is to get the enemy team on Rumble and Corki ults. Braum can set it up with an ult knock up, Heimer can ult + E combo for the stun. Azir ult and Shyvana ult can push them back in the "carpet". Shyvana dragon form E can also be a "carpet". J4 ult for the lockdown. Skarner ult to drag them on the "carpet".
Don’t even know what day of requesting _the Shurima’s Emperor comp_ 🏜
Objective: protect the emperor with all costs. If objective is failed you instantly ff.
Also, you need to tell the enemy team that if Azir dies they win
Sivir & Xerath botlane
Azir midlane
Nasus/Renekton toplane
Taliyah jungle
this was INSANE
The copy cat: you'all pick an enemy champ and copy every single item they build
Wow, what a close, crazy game. =_)
You guys should play a game where you guys are given a random person to grief throughout the game
surprised they didn't use senna. her q and ult are for sure more laser-y than ezreal
5 squishy vs so many one shoters and assassins and still win.... Wow.
18:44 in the clip, but 37:37 (in-game time) was the last second when the score was 50 vs. 50.
Day 7 of asking to revisit the Infinite stacking comp with reworked Aurelion Sol, Nasus, Veigar, Cho'Gath, and one other infinitely stacking champ.
Bonus stacking points for running Dark Harvest :D
Rumors say that Ioki is 100% a Leona main and it is CRACKED. Let’s see an Ioki funnel game where y’all funnel his Leona and have him carry y’all to victory!
(Bonus points: Ioki and Prof duo botlane 👀)
(Bonus BONUS points if Ioki instead decides to carry as Braum👀👀)
Also thank you guys for doing both the chomp comp and bonk comp that I have requested. Much love and keep up the grind🙏
Let's do a black hole-super nova comp! Sol / Orianna / Dianna / Jarvan or Yorick / Nunu (super nova!)
knights vow spam , is an idea
Man I hate ioki ever since I found him on twitch I’m subbed to 5 different league channels and I haven’t even played the game in 7 years XD Now I’m watching 2 zwag videos a day, 2 ioki videos a day, and 2 body videos a day + FFS videos, and now I find out body and alkali have another channel called the sweats. Oh and to make matters worse both ioki and body are doing their challenger climb. Stop hustling so hard fellas ya boi needs a break lmao
I’m just gonna keep suggesting this, forgor to count days. THE K/DA COMP (Akali, Evelynn, Ahri, Kai’sa, Seraphine) and match skins with the K/DA All Out skin line if you wanna go the extra mile