Hi Sweet Friends, Making Homemade Beet Powder is so easy! It literally can be made in a few hours and then once pulverized you can use it to make beet juice that is so rich in nutrients! And you'll be amazed at how tasty it is - even if you think you don't like beets! Plus, if you want, it makes a great natural blush! So it's good for us on the inside and the outside! Love, Mary
I usually bake my beets in tinfoil at 350° for an hour. Cool down and freeze for smoothies, greens as well. I like your method as well and Will definitely dehydrate , thanks love your video's.
I've made lots of beet powder in my dehydrator last year. I tried fresh raw beets and cooked beets. Found the raw was very hard to pulverise... it damaged my brand new Ninja blender cup, but the cooked dehydrated beets pulverised very easily without any damage. This said, both powders turned out gret. the raw was a more vibrant colour and the cooked ones where a bit darker, but taste sweeter (same beet batch). Also, after you pulverise your beets (or any dehydrated foods) put it back in dehydrator for a few hours and let cool down completely, then you can store in in a mason jar on the shelf. Put the powder in a larger jar (that the jar is not fully packed with powder) and add a moiture absorber and gently shake it/roll it around daily for a week to condition the content and also observe if anything sticks to the jar, then put back in dehydrator as there might still be moisture. Once you condition for an entire week and know for sure there is no moisture/so sticking on the jar, then transfer to a smaller jar and fill it up all the way and vacuum seal it. It will be shelf stable. I have some from last year, still on the shelf and one jar that I am using, but store in cupboard and no issues. An oxygen absorber will not help if you have moisture in your powder.... you need a moisture absorber for that. Also if you put an oxygen absorber and store in fridge, everytime you open your jar you will have to replace your oxygen absorber. If you use your beet powder daily that would be a very expensive way to store it... No need for oxygen absorber unless you store for long term and know for sure its completely dry. If you vacuum seal, then no need for oxygen absorber. It is totally shelf stable if dehydrated poperly. If you have an open jar you are using from regularly and notice some clumping, jut pop the powder back in dehydrator for 2-3 hours and same process and you'll be good to go! Love the beets!
We love beets and they are so good for you, I do this same method, and dry my spinach too, so my smoothies are extra healthy, great video! Made me feel healthy just watching! Xoxoxo
Whippoorwill Holler - So glad you liked this!! I am trying to incorporate more veggies into our diet and thought this would be a good way!! Thanks for visiting!! Love you❤️😘❤️
65 years ago my dad was a milkman and delivered milk to the schools. They used the half pint size for lunches and also got an afternoon milk to keep energy level up. He got to know the lunchroom cooks very much. In those days they made EVERYTHING from scratch. They would give him pieces of this and that when he was their delivering milk. They told him that their sheets of chocolate cake ( which was delicious) were made out of beet juice! As a child, I would wonder how delicious choc cake could be made out of beets! They wouldn’t cook like that in the lunchroom now-a-days. Do they even cook at all???? I love beets in every way now. Yum!
Well money in the U.S. back then was also gold or the dollar was considered as good as gold internationally. It’s why workers had a decent standard of living or just one in the house had to work. Today with globalization and endless printing and endless wars most families need two people working. You’d think they could pay lunch cooks more and have better food but no they spend extra money on iPads for kids. Studies have shown students that write out notes learn more or have better retention but people keep pushing tech for learning. It’s fine but like I just think it’s super expensive for not really raising test results or learning. Probably could use the money for better food etc
I lived in Oakland California we had milk men delivery from Berkeley Farms company . There was many food factories ice cream cookies potato chips and many more . All gone now from what I see on the internet . Thank you for the memories .
Thank you, Mary. I have a large jar of pickled beets I made and someone gave me a bag of beets. I was going to add tothe jar but hsve decided to make powder instead. I didn't know how to make it. I will be doing it tomorrow.
I had a hard time getting the dried beets to powderize in my blender. But I've found that if I put them into the blender first after cutting them into slices, adding a little water if needed to get them really broken down into a paste, then dehydrating the paste on the trays meant for things like fruit leather, I can then put the resulting flakes back into the blender and make it into a really fine powder. It seems to remove a lot more of the moisture that way, and I don't have to go so high with the heat as to be concerned about nutrient degradation.
Something I learned about not too long ago and LOVE! Prep is so much easier and faster than slicing (even with a mandolin) too. Can cure the powder further with additional dehydration so more confident about its being shelf stable .. if using dehydrator do NOT open until fans have stopped running to avoid dust cloud.
I love beets so this is great information! It’s good to know that if you eat/drink beets daily your urine will turn a pink/red color! I don’t want anyone alarmed and thinking something is wrong!
Finally no more wondering how to prepare beautiful healthy beets besides just juicing them! I am a new subscriber.👍☺️Edit: I have one of those coffee grinders that works also as a spice grinder lol. A simple hack for cleaning it of coffee/spice is to take a piece of stale bread and grinding it up, then wiping the residue out with a damp cloth/paper towel.
I like to dehydrate them in a dehydrator (I also grate them with the skin),as I need large amounts for my 3 young athletes.It really helps with their endurance. I then grind them in the vitamix using the dry container. They also love pickled beets.
Shirlee Alicia - Hi Shirlee, Thank you so much for visiting and for the kind words! Glad you liked the video! Do you enjoy making traditional foods? If so, I have a playlist of some of my videos titled "Mastering the Basics of Traditional Nutrient Dense Foods Cooking". It's a series of 15 detailed videos that covers How to Make Bone Broth, Cultured Dairy, Ferments, Sourdough Starter (my foolproof stater), Sourdough Bread, and How to Soak and Sprout Grains to Make your own Sprouted Flour at Home. You can watch it here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3b4eu0QraZReKlGzA11h3y.html Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm so happy to help! And I’m so glad you’re here!! Love, Mary…PS - are you in our FB group? It's called Mary's Nest Modern Pioneers. Come join us! We have a lot of fun chatting about Traditional Foods.
Hi Mary I am new to your channel. I make Beet root powder from plain canned beets. I put them in my dehydrater. I drink my every morning in a glass of orange juice. It is delicious. Thanks for sharing. Blessings.
Hi Carlene, Thanks so much for visiting and for sharing how you make beet powder. I love your idea of using canned beets! BTW - Do you enjoy making traditional foods? If so, I have a playlist of some of my videos titled "Mastering the Basics of Traditional Nutrient Dense Foods Cooking". It's a series of 15 detailed videos that covers How to Make Bone Broth, Cultured Dairy, Ferments, Sourdough Starter (my foolproof stater), Sourdough Bread, and How to Soak and Sprout Grains to Make your own Sprouted Flour at Home. You can watch it here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3b4eu0QraZReKlGzA11h3y.html Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm so happy to help! And I’m so glad you’re here!! Love, Mary…PS - are you in our FB group? It's called Mary's Nest Modern Pioneers. Come join us! We have a lot of fun chatting about Traditional Foods.
Can’t wait to get me lots of beets to try to make the powder. Love beets! Bought powders don’t taste like beets. You are so wonderful! God bless you. 🌺🙏🏽
Wonderful!! Do you enjoy making traditional foods? If so, I have a playlist of some of my videos titled "Mastering the Basics of Traditional Nutrient Dense Foods Cooking". It's a series of 15 detailed videos that covers How to Make Bone Broth, Cultured Dairy, Ferments, Sourdough Starter (my foolproof stater), Sourdough Bread, Soaked and Sprouted Nuts and Beans, and How to Soak and Sprout Grains to Make your own Sprouted Flour at Home. You can watch it here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3b4eu0QraZReKlGzA11h3y.html And please share the playlist with any other folks you think might be interested in learning about these types of things. I’m passionate about the book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon (of the Weston A Price Foundation) and want to help as many people as I can learn how to make Traditional “Nutrient Dense” Foods. And for more details on some of these subjects mentioned above…(and more), be sure to check out these detailed playlists: ➡️How to Make Bone Broth: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0JFsTi2N7sHSpU-vBR04CH.html ➡️How to Make Fermented Vegetables: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U2EhVspEV5d4Xs2s4pcbHbr.html ➡️How to Make Fermented Condiments: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0hCKYoMMBeVD-9bA6TckEj.html ➡️The Complete Guide to Sourdough: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3NKN0GHvGCpiWNxcTefLof.html ➡️The Complete NO KNEAD BREAD Playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0ZnA45FadK99NvKZLKh-6N.html ➡️And if you are interested in learning about how to make various types of Homemade Dairy including Cultured Butter, Cottage Cheese, Sour Cream, Ricotta Cheese, and more, be sure check out this playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U2R7u0Ri26HwdLMjUa4iJJX.html ➡️Also...If you enjoy making homemade pantry type items, you might enjoy my playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U1MqC3YAw7ZRYjuL9FBGSwc.html where I show how to make Apple Cider Vinegar (see more info about this below), 10 Flavored Extracts including Vanilla Extract, 10 Seasoning Blends including Ranch Dressing Mix and Onion Soup Mix, 1- Minute Homemade Mayonnaise, Homemade Bouillon - and how to dehydrate it, Natural Food Colorings, Evaporated Milk, Condensed Milk, Preserved Citrus, and more! And if you like the idea of making your own Apple Cider Vinegar as mentioned above…Be sure to check out the Apple Cider Vinegar Playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U1QPA95O2-oOvxwtO-v3L4L.html which a 3-part series where I walk you through the entire 30-day process. And if you like making vinegar, I also have a Homemade Citrus Vinegar Playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3apQRTzhfQBkR_x0rb514U.html And I have one more vinegar video where I show how to make vinegar from Strawberry Scraps. You can watch it here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U2M3dRA483q5KJ7JkJfn3fS.html ➡️And…Have you seen my playlist for making immune boosting foods and natural remedies including a Super Mineral Detox Broth? You can look through the playlist here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0p9nRAWldbyqYSbgwzARGd.html You may like some of these recipes. ➡️And if you are interested in how to make probiotic rich fermented drinks, here is my playlist of some fun drinks including How to Make Homemade Sodas, Mocktails, Drinking Vinegar, Homemade Energy Drinks, Switchel, Shrubs, and More: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U2w2-CiBrkNnZj_IIlqZc9h.html You may enjoy these videos. And if you are interested in learning how to make Kombucha and/or Water Kefir, I have a playlist which includes a Beginners Guide to Kombucha Making along with a video on making water kefir for beginners…which you can watch here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3YysV0OYOMsxsJuf_sxPTK.html ➡️And in the Modern Pioneering spirit…If you enjoy canning, or are interested in learning about canning, I have a playlist of my canning videos here which include step-by-step tutorials: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3HJRCmwVAvBNS90WjifR1U.html ➡️Oh…And here is my 2020 Channel Update for everything I have planned for this year: ua-cam.com/video/qjOJh8Cb_-k/v-deo.html Please let me know if you have any questions. I’m so happy to help! And also, let me know what other types of traditional food videos you would like to see me make. I’m SO glad you’re here!! Love and God Bless, Mary PS - Are you in our FB group? It’s called Mary’s Nest Modern Pioneers. The direct link can be found in the description under this video. Come join us! We have a lot of fun chatting about Traditional “Nutrient Dense Foods and it’s a great place to get questions answered.
Hi miss Mary, you mentioned that after grinding the beets they still have moisture in them, and need to be refrigerated. Could you put the powder back on the sheets, and put it back in the oven, to dry some more? Would they be dry enough to store on the shelf at that point?
Hi Lori, Wonderful! Hope you like this!! Do you enjoy making traditional foods? If so, I have a playlist of some of my videos titled "Mastering the Basics of Traditional Nutrient Dense Foods Cooking". It's a series of 15 detailed videos that covers How to Make Bone Broth, Cultured Dairy, Ferments, Sourdough Starter (my foolproof stater), Sourdough Bread, Soaked and Sprouted Nuts and Beans, and How to Soak and Sprout Grains to Make your own Sprouted Flour at Home. You can watch it here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3b4eu0QraZReKlGzA11h3y.html And please share the playlist with any other folks you think might be interested in learning about these types of things. I’m passionate about the book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon (of the Weston A Price Foundation) and want to help as many people as I can learn how to make Traditional “Nutrient Dense” Foods. And for more details on some of these subjects mentioned above…(and more), be sure to check out these detailed playlists: ➡️How to Make Bone Broth: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0JFsTi2N7sHSpU-vBR04CH.html ➡️How to Make Fermented Vegetables: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U2EhVspEV5d4Xs2s4pcbHbr.html ➡️How to Make Fermented Condiments: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0hCKYoMMBeVD-9bA6TckEj.html ➡️The Complete Guide to Sourdough: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3NKN0GHvGCpiWNxcTefLof.html ➡️And if you are interested in learning about how to make various types of Homemade Dairy including Cultured Butter, Cottage Cheese, and more be sure check out this playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U2R7u0Ri26HwdLMjUa4iJJX.html ➡️Also...If you enjoy making homemade pantry type items, you might enjoy my playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U1MqC3YAw7ZRYjuL9FBGSwc.html where I show how to make Apple Cider Vinegar, 10 Flavored Extracts including Vanilla Extract, 1- Minute Homemade Mayonnaise, Homemade Bouillon - and how to dehydrate it, Natural Food Colorings, Evaporated Milk, Condensed Milk, Preserved Citrus, and more! ➡️And…Have you seen my playlist for making immune boosting foods and natural remedies including a Super Mineral Detox Broth? You can look through the playlist here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0p9nRAWldbyqYSbgwzARGd.html You may like some of these recipes, especially at this time of year after all the heavy holiday eating! ➡️And if you are interested in how to make probiotic rich fermented drinks, here is my playlist of some fun drinks including How to Make Homemade Sodas, Mocktails, Drinking Vinegar, Homemade Energy Drinks, Switchel, Shrubs, and More: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U2w2-CiBrkNnZj_IIlqZc9h.html You may enjoy these videos. ➡️And in the Modern Pioneering spirit…If you enjoy canning, or are interested in learning about canning, I have a playlist of my canning videos here which include step-by-step tutorials: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3HJRCmwVAvBNS90WjifR1U.html ➡️Oh…And here is my 2020 Channel Update for everything I have planned for this year: ua-cam.com/video/qjOJh8Cb_-k/v-deo.html Please let me know if you have any questions. I’m so happy to help! And also, let me know what other types of traditional food videos you would like to see me make. I’m SO glad you’re here!! Love and God Bless, Mary PS - Are you in our FB group? It’s called Mary’s Nest Modern Pioneers. Come join us! We have a lot of fun chatting about Traditional “Nutrient Dense Foods and it’s a great place to get questions answered.
Thank you so much for this video. My beets have done extremely well this year. I've pickled them and have frozen them, but wasn't sure about how to dry them to make beet powder. Thanks again!
living Off Grid McGarvey style - Thank you so much for visiting! And I’m so glad that you like this. Let me know when you give it a try and how it turns out! Love, Mary❤️😘❤️
Thanks Mary for sharing this video. I have lots of very large beetroots in my backyard garden which are ready for harvest and been wandering how I'd preserve them. Only thought about freezing them but i think making them into a powder is the best option for me. I am glad i found your channel
Omg! I don’t really wear makeup like that and wanted to incorporate blush. I also literately just got off of a dry fast during my recent switch to veganism! So this is PERFECT!!!!
I prefer the dehydrator vs oven bc my oven doesn't go to a low enough temperature to preserve the most nutrients. Even 170 you're depleting. Do you not blanch the beets at all?
Thank you for this wonderful idea. I steam beets, freeze them and take them out as needed to add to my smoothy, but I really like this idea. GREAT channel and as always wonderful information explained so well. God Bless you.
JoJo W - Hi JoJo, Thanks so much for visiting!! Yes, this works wonderful in smoothies and it’s so easy. BTW - Do you enjoy making traditional foods? If so, I have a playlist of some of my videos titled "Mastering the Basics of Traditional Nutrient Dense Foods Cooking". It's a series of 15 detailed videos that covers How to Make Bone Broth, Cultured Dairy, Ferments, Sourdough Starter (my foolproof stater), Sourdough Bread, and How to Soak and Sprout Grains to Make your own Sprouted Flour at Home. You can watch it here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3b4eu0QraZReKlGzA11h3y.html Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm so happy to help! And I’m so glad you’re here!! Love, Mary…PS - are you in our FB group? It's called Mary's Nest Modern Pioneers. Come join us! We have a lot of fun chatting about Traditional Foods.
@@MarysNest Thank you so much for all this information. Some of these videos would be a GREAT help, but I eat a nutrient dense vegan diet with nothing that does not provide a benefit to my body. After an accident that required multiple titanium implants to repair my broken spine, arm, clavicle and crushed face and arm, I also suffered a traumatic brain injury that in addition to causing a wide variety of problems, I now have no appetite, have little taste and smell and all animal products cause terrible stomach pain. Hmm, that is a lot of information when I really just wanted to say THANK YOU & GOD BLESS you for sharing all your wonderful knowledge.
JoJo W - Oh JoJo, I am so sorry to read this. But thank heavens you are alive! Thank you for sharing your story with me. Hopefully, the fermented veggies that I share can help. Love and God Bless, Mary❤️😘❤️
I just Realized that I was unsubscribed from your channel! I’m not sure how long, cause I forgot I subbed to your channel in the first place? I just found you again by searching dehydrating beets! Glad I found you again cause I love your channel! Many blessings to you and your family!
I've seen beet root powder used in vegan cheat meat recipes to mimic red meat. I have yet to try this. Has anyone out there tried this? I'm not vegan, but welcome all ways to stretch the meat budget. Thank you for posting this, Mary! Blessings, Health, Prosperity and Peace to you and yours and to all who read this! 👍😘😇💖
Thanks Mary, this was a good tutorial, however all of your tutorials are good! I would love to make beet powder. Maybe next year after I grow a whole bunch of beets.
I made burgers on Monday and added beet greens that I dehydrated to the mixture. It was delicious and my 'hates anything green' teenage son didn't even notice. LOL
Hi Laurie, Thanks so much for visiting!! How funny!! I love how you disguised the beet greens!! Genius!! BTW - Do you enjoy making other traditional foods? If so, I have a playlist of some of my videos titled "Mastering the Basics of Traditional Nutrient Dense Foods Cooking". It's a series of 15 detailed videos that covers How to Make Bone Broth, Cultured Dairy, Ferments, Sourdough Starter (my foolproof stater), Sourdough Bread, and How to Soak and Sprout Grains to Make your own Sprouted Flour at Home. You can watch it here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3b4eu0QraZReKlGzA11h3y.html Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm so happy to help! And I’m so glad you’re here!! Love, Mary…PS - are you in our FB group? It's called Mary's Nest Modern Pioneers. Come join us! We have a lot of fun chatting about Traditional Foods.
Hellooo Mrs. Nest! Hkw are you?? Than you for downloading this video. I am trying your recilpe right now. I have cut the beet root very very thin is that ok?! Thank you
Excellent! Thank you so much for the Beet Powder tutorial. I am hoping to be able to make this as a natural colorant for my homemade cold process soap. Can you tell me if I would be able to make spinach powder in the same way - dehydrating it in my oven and then blending it up in to a powder? Additionally, where did you purchase "oxygen absorbers" I have not heard of those, but I should get some to prolong the life of my powders as you suggested!
You can get oxygen or water absorbers. If you buy jerky or say protein powder or preworkout they have a moisture absorber. Walmart might have them. No sure which is best a water or oxygen absorber
Mary dearest it has been a while since I have not been in touch. Today I was interested in making beetroot powder and I saw you holding a bottle in your hand and talking about beet powder and the most I liked about you is we can dry the same in the oven. Do we need to have only organic beetroot or we can use any beetroot because this is the season for beetroot and I am sure I will get good ones, the ones you have displayed looked awesome.
@Mary's Nest, FYI. I don't recall the source but I read recently that the original red velvet cake recipe called for beet juice to make the brilliant color that cake is known for.
Joseph Campese - Hi Joseph, Thank you SO much for visiting! And yes, I believe you are correct! Beat juice was the original red food coloring. I remember my mother using it mixed with water and a little bit of vinegar to color Easter eggs!! BTW - Do you enjoy making traditional foods? If so, I have a playlist of some of my videos titled "Mastering the Basics of Traditional Nutrient Dense Foods Cooking". It's a series of 15 detailed videos that covers How to Make Bone Broth, Cultured Dairy, Ferments, Sourdough Starter (my foolproof stater), Sourdough Bread, and How to Soak and Sprout Grains to Make your own Sprouted Flour at Home. You can watch it here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3b4eu0QraZReKlGzA11h3y.html Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm so happy to help! And I’m so glad you’re here!! Love, Mary…PS - are you in our FB group? It's called Mary's Nest Modern Pioneers. Come join us! We have a lot of fun chatting about Traditional Foods.
What about drying beets from beet kvass? I watched your video on beet kvass and making it today. Last night I was blessed with 25 pounds of beets. As always I am enjoying learning from you. God Bless
Wow!! That is fantastic! As to drying the beets used for making Kvass, that’s an interesting idea. I have not tried it but it is definitely worth experimenting with. Keep me posted if you decide to do this on how it turns out. Love, Mary
@@MarysNest I will let you know how it turns out. But I think I'll keep the temperature low to preserve all the goodness. I did dehydrate beets in my dehydrator at 155 and they turned out fantastic! I am leaving some in slices to cook. Also honey under the tongue does work for hiccups! Funny neither one of us can remember the last time we had hiccups and a couple of days after seeing your video my husband got them and it worked lickety split.
I boil my beets till a knife goes thru easily, remove from heat and save the beet juice water. I found the water has an excellent beet taste. To My last batch of ‘beet’ water I added some cooked puréed beets and FREEZE DRIED than made a powder. GREAT. The beets, I EAT:)
Thank you for visiting and for the kind words! Glad you liked this video!! If you enjoy making homemade pantry type items, you might enjoy my playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U1MqC3YAw7ZRYjuL9FBGSwc.html where I show how to make Apple Cider Vinegar, 10 Flavored Extracts including Vanilla Extract, Homemade 1-Minute Mayo, Natural Food Colorings, Evaporated Milk, Condensed Milk, Preserved Citrus, and more! BTW - Do you enjoy making traditional foods? If so, I have a playlist of some of my videos titled "Mastering the Basics of Traditional Nutrient Dense Foods Cooking". It's a series of 15 detailed videos that covers How to Make Bone Broth, Cultured Dairy, Ferments, Sourdough Starter (my foolproof stater), Sourdough Bread, Soaked and Sprouted Nuts and Beans, and How to Soak and Sprout Grains to Make your own Sprouted Flour at Home. You can watch it here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3b4eu0QraZReKlGzA11h3y.html And please share the playlist with any other folks you think might be interested in learning about these types of things. I’m passionate about the book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon (of the Weston A Price Foundation) and want to help as many people as I can learn how to make Traditional “Nutrient Dense” Foods. Please let me know if you have any questions. I’m so happy to help! And I’m SO glad you’re here!! Love and God Bless, Mary PS - Are you in our FB group? It’s called Mary’s Nest Modern Pioneers. Come join us! We have a lot of fun chatting about Traditional “Nutrient Dense Foods and it’s a great place to get questions answered.
Wonderful!! Have you seen my playlist about making all different kinds of bone broth - beef (using all different types of bones), chicken, turkey, pork, and fish - in different appliances? You can look through the playlist here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0JFsTi2N7sHSpU-vBR04CH.html I think you might enjoy some of the videos. BTW - If you enjoy making Traditional Foods, be sure to head over to my UA-cam channel’s home page where I share lots of playlists of videos that I think you will enjoy. Here is the link: UA-cam.com/MarysNest Plus, I have a playlist of some of my videos titled "Mastering the Basics of Traditional Nutrient Dense Foods Cooking". It's a series of 15 detailed videos that covers How to Make Bone Broth, Cultured Dairy, Ferments, Sourdough Starter (my foolproof stater), Sourdough Bread, Soaked and Sprouted Nuts and Beans, and How to Soak and Sprout Grains to Make your own Sprouted Flour at Home. You can watch it here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3b4eu0QraZReKlGzA11h3y.html And please share the playlist with any other folks you think might be interested in learning about these types of things. I’m passionate about the book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon (of the Weston A Price Foundation) and want to help as many people as I can learn how to make Traditional “Nutrient Dense” Foods. And for more details on some of these subjects mentioned above…(and more), be sure to check out these detailed playlists: ➡️How to Make Bone Broth: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0JFsTi2N7sHSpU-vBR04CH.html ➡️How to Make Fermented Vegetables: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U2EhVspEV5d4Xs2s4pcbHbr.html ➡️How to Make Fermented Condiments: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0hCKYoMMBeVD-9bA6TckEj.html ➡️The Complete Guide to Sourdough: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3NKN0GHvGCpiWNxcTefLof.html ➡️The Complete NO KNEAD BREAD Playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0ZnA45FadK99NvKZLKh-6N.html ➡️How to Make Bread with or without Yeast Playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U344nspo8zPj3O3LfyNVHZS.html ➡️And if you are interested in learning about how to make various types of Homemade Dairy including Cultured Butter, Cottage Cheese, Sour Cream, Ricotta Cheese, and more, be sure check out this playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U2R7u0Ri26HwdLMjUa4iJJX.html ➡️Also...If you enjoy making homemade pantry type items, you might enjoy my playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U1MqC3YAw7ZRYjuL9FBGSwc.html where I show how to make Apple Cider Vinegar (see more info about this below), 10 Flavored Extracts including Vanilla Extract, 10 Seasoning Blends including Ranch Dressing Mix and Onion Soup Mix, 1- Minute Homemade Mayonnaise, Homemade Bouillon - and how to dehydrate it, Natural Food Colorings, Evaporated Milk, Condensed Milk, Preserved Citrus, Breadcrumbs, Croutons, and more! And if you like the idea of making your own Apple Cider Vinegar as mentioned above…Be sure to check out the Apple Cider Vinegar Playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U1QPA95O2-oOvxwtO-v3L4L.html which a 3-part series where I walk you through the entire 30-day process. And if you like making vinegar, I also have a Homemade Citrus Vinegar Playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3apQRTzhfQBkR_x0rb514U.html And I have one more vinegar video where I show how to make vinegar from Strawberry Scraps. You can watch it here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U2M3dRA483q5KJ7JkJfn3fS.html ➡️And…Have you seen my playlist for making immune boosting foods and natural remedies including a Super Mineral Detox Broth? You can look through the playlist here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0p9nRAWldbyqYSbgwzARGd.html You may like some of these recipes. ➡️And if you are interested in how to make probiotic rich fermented drinks, here is my playlist of some fun drinks including How to Make Homemade Sodas, Mocktails, Drinking Vinegar, Homemade Energy Drinks, Switchel, Shrubs, and More: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U2w2-CiBrkNnZj_IIlqZc9h.html You may enjoy these videos. And if you are interested in learning how to make Kombucha and/or Water Kefir, I have a playlist which includes a Beginners Guide to Kombucha Making along with a video on making water kefir for beginners…which you can watch here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3YysV0OYOMsxsJuf_sxPTK.html ➡️And in the Modern Pioneering spirit…If you enjoy canning, or are interested in learning about canning, I have a playlist of my canning videos here which include step-by-step tutorials: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3HJRCmwVAvBNS90WjifR1U.html ➡️Oh…And here is my 2020 Channel Update for everything I have planned for this year: ua-cam.com/video/qjOJh8Cb_-k/v-deo.html Please let me know if you have any questions. I’m so happy to help! And also, let me know what other types of traditional food videos you would like to see me make. I’m SO glad you’re here!! Love and God Bless, Mary PS - Are you in our FB group? It’s called Mary’s Nest Modern Pioneers. The direct link can be found in the description under this video. Come join us! We have a lot of fun chatting about Traditional “Nutrient Dense Foods and it’s a great place to get questions answered.
I drink a healthy drink with beet powder, fenugreek powder, cayenne powder, maca powder, and apple cider vinegar. I do this for over all healthy benefits ❗️
I just wanted to know if Super Beets is the same as Beetroot Powder. And which one is the one I should buy if I am not making it myself. Which after watching you do it, I may do the same because it will be cheaper I'm sure. Thank You for the video most helpful with all that's going on in the world today. And I want to get off my Meds for High Blood Pressure and feel normal again.
How fine of a powder is it? Like flour or sugar? Mine is like sugar and I would like to get it finer if possible. I used a blender but maybe my coffee grinder could do better?
Hi Elizabeth, that’s a great question. I’ve not tried it, but I think it would work to further dry out the powder. Experiment and keep me posted. Love, Mary🤗
Hi Tessa, Thanks so much for visiting. Yes, you can make a fermented drink from this. You would do it the same way you would make Beet Kvass from fresh beets. You can watch me make Beet Kvass here: ua-cam.com/video/sSOF39rrkEk/v-deo.html Also, if you enjoy making other traditional foods, I have a playlist of some of my videos titled "Mastering the Basics of Traditional Nutrient Dense Foods Cooking". It's a series of 15 detailed videos that covers How to Make Bone Broth, Cultured Dairy, Ferments, Sourdough Starter (my foolproof stater), Sourdough Bread, and How to Soak and Sprout Grains to Make your own Sprouted Flour at Home. You can watch it here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3b4eu0QraZReKlGzA11h3y.html Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm so happy to help! And I’m so glad you’re here!! Love, Mary…PS - are you in our FB group? It's called Mary's Nest Modern Pioneers. Come join us! We have a lot of fun chatting about Traditional Foods.
Hi Sweet Friends, Making Homemade Beet Powder is so easy! It literally can be made in a few hours and then once pulverized you can use it to make beet juice that is so rich in nutrients! And you'll be amazed at how tasty it is - even if you think you don't like beets! Plus, if you want, it makes a great natural blush! So it's good for us on the inside and the outside! Love, Mary
do you have a link to your food processor ? i'm due, thanks M
I usually bake my beets in tinfoil at 350° for an hour. Cool down and freeze for smoothies, greens as well. I like your method as well and Will definitely dehydrate , thanks love your video's.
Can you make it in the oven
Can you use can beats
This lady seems to be the sweetest lady on the internet
I've made lots of beet powder in my dehydrator last year. I tried fresh raw beets and cooked beets. Found the raw was very hard to pulverise... it damaged my brand new Ninja blender cup, but the cooked dehydrated beets pulverised very easily without any damage. This said, both powders turned out gret. the raw was a more vibrant colour and the cooked ones where a bit darker, but taste sweeter (same beet batch). Also, after you pulverise your beets (or any dehydrated foods) put it back in dehydrator for a few hours and let cool down completely, then you can store in in a mason jar on the shelf. Put the powder in a larger jar (that the jar is not fully packed with powder) and add a moiture absorber and gently shake it/roll it around daily for a week to condition the content and also observe if anything sticks to the jar, then put back in dehydrator as there might still be moisture. Once you condition for an entire week and know for sure there is no moisture/so sticking on the jar, then transfer to a smaller jar and fill it up all the way and vacuum seal it. It will be shelf stable. I have some from last year, still on the shelf and one jar that I am using, but store in cupboard and no issues. An oxygen absorber will not help if you have moisture in your powder.... you need a moisture absorber for that. Also if you put an oxygen absorber and store in fridge, everytime you open your jar you will have to replace your oxygen absorber. If you use your beet powder daily that would be a very expensive way to store it... No need for oxygen absorber unless you store for long term and know for sure its completely dry. If you vacuum seal, then no need for oxygen absorber. It is totally shelf stable if dehydrated poperly. If you have an open jar you are using from regularly and notice some clumping, jut pop the powder back in dehydrator for 2-3 hours and same process and you'll be good to go! Love the beets!
We love beets and they are so good for you, I do this same method, and dry my spinach too, so my smoothies are extra healthy, great video! Made me feel healthy just watching! Xoxoxo
Whippoorwill Holler - So glad you liked this!! I am trying to incorporate more veggies into our diet and thought this would be a good way!! Thanks for visiting!! Love you❤️😘❤️
I make it but its roasted to much.can i use it even its look like coffee?
65 years ago my dad was a milkman and delivered milk to the schools. They used the half pint size for lunches and also got an afternoon milk to keep energy level up. He got to know the lunchroom cooks very much. In those days they made EVERYTHING from scratch. They would give him pieces of this and that when he was their delivering milk. They told him that their sheets of chocolate cake ( which was delicious) were made out of beet juice! As a child, I would wonder how delicious choc cake could be made out of beets! They wouldn’t cook like that in the lunchroom now-a-days. Do they even cook at all???? I love beets in every way now. Yum!
Well money in the U.S. back then was also gold or the dollar was considered as good as gold internationally. It’s why workers had a decent standard of living or just one in the house had to work. Today with globalization and endless printing and endless wars most families need two people working. You’d think they could pay lunch cooks more and have better food but no they spend extra money on iPads for kids. Studies have shown students that write out notes learn more or have better retention but people keep pushing tech for learning. It’s fine but like I just think it’s super expensive for not really raising test results or learning. Probably could use the money for better food etc
I lived in Oakland California we had milk men delivery from Berkeley Farms company . There was many food factories ice cream cookies potato chips and many more . All gone now from what I see on the internet . Thank you for the memories .
Thank you, Mary. I have a large jar of pickled beets I made and someone gave me a bag of beets. I was going to add tothe jar but hsve decided to make powder instead. I didn't know how to make it. I will be doing it tomorrow.
I had a hard time getting the dried beets to powderize in my blender. But I've found that if I put them into the blender first after cutting them into slices, adding a little water if needed to get them really broken down into a paste, then dehydrating the paste on the trays meant for things like fruit leather, I can then put the resulting flakes back into the blender and make it into a really fine powder. It seems to remove a lot more of the moisture that way, and I don't have to go so high with the heat as to be concerned about nutrient degradation.
Something I learned about not too long ago and LOVE! Prep is so much easier and faster than slicing (even with a mandolin) too. Can cure the powder further with additional dehydration so more confident about its being shelf stable .. if using dehydrator do NOT open until fans have stopped running to avoid dust cloud.
Rather than making paste ,you can try grating it too!
I love beets so this is great information! It’s good to know that if you eat/drink beets daily your urine will turn a pink/red color! I don’t want anyone alarmed and thinking something is wrong!
Finally no more wondering how to prepare beautiful healthy beets besides just juicing them! I am a new subscriber.👍☺️Edit: I have one of those coffee grinders that works also as a spice grinder lol. A simple hack for cleaning it of coffee/spice is to take a piece of stale bread and grinding it up, then wiping the residue out with a damp cloth/paper towel.
Been around for decades. You acting like it's a secret. Ffs
I have found my air fryer makes the best dryer! It dries them to a crisp and locks the flavor in the best. This is my favorite way to dry everything!
Hello. At what temp and time ?
I've wringing my hands wondering what I was going to do with all my beets! Thank you Mary!!!
I like to dehydrate them in a dehydrator (I also grate them with the skin),as I need large amounts for my 3 young athletes.It really helps with their endurance.
I then grind them in the vitamix using the dry container.
They also love pickled beets.
My kids love beet chips. I love that I can make them at home! I'm so happy that I came across your channel. Your such a joy to watch.
Shirlee Alicia - Hi Shirlee, Thank you so much for visiting and for the kind words! Glad you liked the video! Do you enjoy making traditional foods? If so, I have a playlist of some of my videos titled "Mastering the Basics of Traditional Nutrient Dense Foods Cooking". It's a series of 15 detailed videos that covers How to Make Bone Broth, Cultured Dairy, Ferments, Sourdough Starter (my foolproof stater), Sourdough Bread, and How to Soak and Sprout Grains to Make your own Sprouted Flour at Home. You can watch it here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3b4eu0QraZReKlGzA11h3y.html
Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm so happy to help! And I’m so glad you’re here!! Love, Mary…PS - are you in our FB group? It's called Mary's Nest Modern Pioneers. Come join us! We have a lot of fun chatting about Traditional Foods.
Aww Mary you’re so lovely! Thanks for the beetroot tips, can’t wait to make my own beet powder.
I have made my beetroot power today. Thank you for sharing your knowledge about traditional food.
Hi Mary I am new to your channel. I make Beet root powder from plain canned beets. I put them in my dehydrater. I drink my every morning in a glass of orange juice. It is delicious. Thanks for sharing. Blessings.
Hi Carlene, Thanks so much for visiting and for sharing how you make beet powder. I love your idea of using canned beets! BTW - Do you enjoy making traditional foods? If so, I have a playlist of some of my videos titled "Mastering the Basics of Traditional Nutrient Dense Foods Cooking". It's a series of 15 detailed videos that covers How to Make Bone Broth, Cultured Dairy, Ferments, Sourdough Starter (my foolproof stater), Sourdough Bread, and How to Soak and Sprout Grains to Make your own Sprouted Flour at Home. You can watch it here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3b4eu0QraZReKlGzA11h3y.html
Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm so happy to help! And I’m so glad you’re here!! Love, Mary…PS - are you in our FB group? It's called Mary's Nest Modern Pioneers. Come join us! We have a lot of fun chatting about Traditional Foods.
It is so nice listening to you,I was searching for beetroot power diy and saw your video.very hygenicly you have done.keep it up
Great video! I'm planning on growing beets this summer and will dry and grind. I did this with Ghost peppers and use that for soups and stews,
Amazing. I will do it. Do you do turmeric powder? I love your channel, your energy, your love with real food, thank you so much.
Calming voice
Can’t wait to get me lots of beets to try to make the powder. Love beets! Bought powders don’t taste like beets. You are so wonderful! God bless you. 🌺🙏🏽
Wonderful!! Do you enjoy making traditional foods? If so, I have a playlist of some of my videos titled "Mastering the Basics of Traditional Nutrient Dense Foods Cooking". It's a series of 15 detailed videos that covers How to Make Bone Broth, Cultured Dairy, Ferments, Sourdough Starter (my foolproof stater), Sourdough Bread, Soaked and Sprouted Nuts and Beans, and How to Soak and Sprout Grains to Make your own Sprouted Flour at Home. You can watch it here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3b4eu0QraZReKlGzA11h3y.html And please share the playlist with any other folks you think might be interested in learning about these types of things. I’m passionate about the book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon (of the Weston A Price Foundation) and want to help as many people as I can learn how to make Traditional “Nutrient Dense” Foods.
And for more details on some of these subjects mentioned above…(and more), be sure to check out these detailed playlists:
➡️How to Make Bone Broth: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0JFsTi2N7sHSpU-vBR04CH.html
➡️How to Make Fermented Vegetables: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U2EhVspEV5d4Xs2s4pcbHbr.html
➡️How to Make Fermented Condiments: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0hCKYoMMBeVD-9bA6TckEj.html
➡️The Complete Guide to Sourdough: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3NKN0GHvGCpiWNxcTefLof.html
➡️The Complete NO KNEAD BREAD Playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0ZnA45FadK99NvKZLKh-6N.html
➡️And if you are interested in learning about how to make various types of Homemade Dairy including Cultured Butter, Cottage Cheese, Sour Cream, Ricotta Cheese, and more, be sure check out this playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U2R7u0Ri26HwdLMjUa4iJJX.html
➡️Also...If you enjoy making homemade pantry type items, you might enjoy my playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U1MqC3YAw7ZRYjuL9FBGSwc.html where I show how to make Apple Cider Vinegar (see more info about this below), 10 Flavored Extracts including Vanilla Extract, 10 Seasoning Blends including Ranch Dressing Mix and Onion Soup Mix, 1- Minute Homemade Mayonnaise, Homemade Bouillon - and how to dehydrate it, Natural Food Colorings, Evaporated Milk, Condensed Milk, Preserved Citrus, and more!
And if you like the idea of making your own Apple Cider Vinegar as mentioned above…Be sure to check out the Apple Cider Vinegar Playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U1QPA95O2-oOvxwtO-v3L4L.html which a 3-part series where I walk you through the entire 30-day process. And if you like making vinegar, I also have a Homemade Citrus Vinegar Playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3apQRTzhfQBkR_x0rb514U.html And I have one more vinegar video where I show how to make vinegar from Strawberry Scraps. You can watch it here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U2M3dRA483q5KJ7JkJfn3fS.html
➡️And…Have you seen my playlist for making immune boosting foods and natural remedies including a Super Mineral Detox Broth? You can look through the playlist here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0p9nRAWldbyqYSbgwzARGd.html You may like some of these recipes.
➡️And if you are interested in how to make probiotic rich fermented drinks, here is my playlist of some fun drinks including How to Make Homemade Sodas, Mocktails, Drinking Vinegar, Homemade Energy Drinks, Switchel, Shrubs, and More: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U2w2-CiBrkNnZj_IIlqZc9h.html You may enjoy these videos. And if you are interested in learning how to make Kombucha and/or Water Kefir, I have a playlist which includes a Beginners Guide to Kombucha Making along with a video on making water kefir for beginners…which you can watch here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3YysV0OYOMsxsJuf_sxPTK.html
➡️And in the Modern Pioneering spirit…If you enjoy canning, or are interested in learning about canning, I have a playlist of my canning videos here which include step-by-step tutorials: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3HJRCmwVAvBNS90WjifR1U.html
➡️Oh…And here is my 2020 Channel Update for everything I have planned for this year: ua-cam.com/video/qjOJh8Cb_-k/v-deo.html
Please let me know if you have any questions. I’m so happy to help! And also, let me know what other types of traditional food videos you would like to see me make. I’m SO glad you’re here!! Love and God Bless, Mary
PS - Are you in our FB group? It’s called Mary’s Nest Modern Pioneers. The direct link can be found in the description under this video. Come join us! We have a lot of fun chatting about Traditional “Nutrient Dense Foods and it’s a great place to get questions answered.
Hi miss Mary, you mentioned that after grinding the beets they still have moisture in them, and need to be refrigerated. Could you put the powder back on the sheets, and put it back in the oven, to dry some more? Would they be dry enough to store on the shelf at that point?
I am curious to know if this would work.
Thank you so much for the recipe. I've always wanted to make beet powder. I'm going to try this today!
Hi Barbara, Great!! Keep me posted and let me know how it turns out!! Love, Mary
Thank you so much. You are truly the best and I’ve learned so much from you
I love your style of teaching! Thank you, Mary❤
Loved you and your video! Such a kind and gentle person!
Dear Mary, my first time on your channel, lovely tips. BUT, your smile, it will turn a greyish Wintery day into a sunny Summer day!
Oh John! Thank you so much for the kind words!! Love, Mary
Brilliant.. I am always trying to get more beets.. my husband doesn't like them so we tend to have veggies he likes too thanks for the idea
Hi Lori, Wonderful! Hope you like this!! Do you enjoy making traditional foods? If so, I have a playlist of some of my videos titled "Mastering the Basics of Traditional Nutrient Dense Foods Cooking". It's a series of 15 detailed videos that covers How to Make Bone Broth, Cultured Dairy, Ferments, Sourdough Starter (my foolproof stater), Sourdough Bread, Soaked and Sprouted Nuts and Beans, and How to Soak and Sprout Grains to Make your own Sprouted Flour at Home. You can watch it here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3b4eu0QraZReKlGzA11h3y.html And please share the playlist with any other folks you think might be interested in learning about these types of things. I’m passionate about the book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon (of the Weston A Price Foundation) and want to help as many people as I can learn how to make Traditional “Nutrient Dense” Foods.
And for more details on some of these subjects mentioned above…(and more), be sure to check out these detailed playlists:
➡️How to Make Bone Broth: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0JFsTi2N7sHSpU-vBR04CH.html
➡️How to Make Fermented Vegetables: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U2EhVspEV5d4Xs2s4pcbHbr.html
➡️How to Make Fermented Condiments: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0hCKYoMMBeVD-9bA6TckEj.html
➡️The Complete Guide to Sourdough: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3NKN0GHvGCpiWNxcTefLof.html
➡️And if you are interested in learning about how to make various types of Homemade Dairy including Cultured Butter, Cottage Cheese, and more be sure check out this playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U2R7u0Ri26HwdLMjUa4iJJX.html
➡️Also...If you enjoy making homemade pantry type items, you might enjoy my playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U1MqC3YAw7ZRYjuL9FBGSwc.html where I show how to make Apple Cider Vinegar, 10 Flavored Extracts including Vanilla Extract, 1- Minute Homemade Mayonnaise, Homemade Bouillon - and how to dehydrate it, Natural Food Colorings, Evaporated Milk, Condensed Milk, Preserved Citrus, and more!
➡️And…Have you seen my playlist for making immune boosting foods and natural remedies including a Super Mineral Detox Broth? You can look through the playlist here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0p9nRAWldbyqYSbgwzARGd.html You may like some of these recipes, especially at this time of year after all the heavy holiday eating!
➡️And if you are interested in how to make probiotic rich fermented drinks, here is my playlist of some fun drinks including How to Make Homemade Sodas, Mocktails, Drinking Vinegar, Homemade Energy Drinks, Switchel, Shrubs, and More: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U2w2-CiBrkNnZj_IIlqZc9h.html You may enjoy these videos.
➡️And in the Modern Pioneering spirit…If you enjoy canning, or are interested in learning about canning, I have a playlist of my canning videos here which include step-by-step tutorials: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3HJRCmwVAvBNS90WjifR1U.html
➡️Oh…And here is my 2020 Channel Update for everything I have planned for this year: ua-cam.com/video/qjOJh8Cb_-k/v-deo.html
Please let me know if you have any questions. I’m so happy to help! And also, let me know what other types of traditional food videos you would like to see me make. I’m SO glad you’re here!! Love and God Bless, Mary
PS - Are you in our FB group? It’s called Mary’s Nest Modern Pioneers. Come join us! We have a lot of fun chatting about Traditional “Nutrient Dense Foods and it’s a great place to get questions answered.
Thanks for the great video! Your voice is so relaxing and calming 😊
Such a cool way of making beet root powder...thanks for sharing..
You are just the sweetest! God bless you! Great detailed tutorial!
Thank you so much for this video. My beets have done extremely well this year. I've pickled them and have frozen them, but wasn't sure about how to dry them to make beet powder. Thanks again!
I going to make this..!! Thank you so much for sharing. You have a fantastic day..!!
living Off Grid McGarvey style - Thank you so much for visiting! And I’m so glad that you like this. Let me know when you give it a try and how it turns out! Love, Mary❤️😘❤️
Thanks Mary for sharing this video. I have lots of very large beetroots in my backyard garden which are ready for harvest and been wandering how I'd preserve them. Only thought about freezing them but i think making them into a powder is the best option for me. I am glad i found your channel
Mary, you are such a blessing!
Debbie M - Hi Debbie, oh my goodness! Thank you so much for the kind words! Love, Mary❤️😘❤️
Could also use to color red velvet cake or cookies and in frosting for a rich red
Thanks I want to learn how to make it.
Omg! I don’t really wear makeup like that and wanted to incorporate blush. I also literately just got off of a dry fast during my recent switch to veganism! So this is PERFECT!!!!
I made some and it's a nice drink I put in 500 cc packet and I keep mine in the fridge to
Sounds great!
Thanks for sharing this wonderful posting and I will try it out ❤👏
I prefer the dehydrator vs oven bc my oven doesn't go to a low enough temperature to preserve the most nutrients. Even 170 you're depleting. Do you not blanch the beets at all?
You are doung wonderfull job.good. what a unique method express by you.👌👌👌👌👌
Thank you for the detailed video! Just made my first batch of beetroot powder yesterday and I believe it turned out well :)
Thank you for this wonderful idea. I steam beets, freeze them and take them out as needed to add to my smoothy, but I really like this idea. GREAT channel and as always wonderful information explained so well. God Bless you.
JoJo W - Hi JoJo, Thanks so much for visiting!! Yes, this works wonderful in smoothies and it’s so easy. BTW - Do you enjoy making traditional foods? If so, I have a playlist of some of my videos titled "Mastering the Basics of Traditional Nutrient Dense Foods Cooking". It's a series of 15 detailed videos that covers How to Make Bone Broth, Cultured Dairy, Ferments, Sourdough Starter (my foolproof stater), Sourdough Bread, and How to Soak and Sprout Grains to Make your own Sprouted Flour at Home. You can watch it here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3b4eu0QraZReKlGzA11h3y.html
Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm so happy to help! And I’m so glad you’re here!! Love, Mary…PS - are you in our FB group? It's called Mary's Nest Modern Pioneers. Come join us! We have a lot of fun chatting about Traditional Foods.
@@MarysNest Thank you so much for all this information. Some of these videos would be a GREAT help, but I eat a nutrient dense vegan diet with nothing that does not provide a benefit to my body. After an accident that required multiple titanium implants to repair my broken spine, arm, clavicle and crushed face and arm, I also suffered a traumatic brain injury that in addition to causing a wide variety of problems, I now have no appetite, have little taste and smell and all animal products cause terrible stomach pain. Hmm, that is a lot of information when I really just wanted to say THANK YOU & GOD BLESS you for sharing all your wonderful knowledge.
JoJo W - Oh JoJo, I am so sorry to read this. But thank heavens you are alive! Thank you for sharing your story with me. Hopefully, the fermented veggies that I share can help. Love and God Bless, Mary❤️😘❤️
I just Realized that I was unsubscribed from your channel! I’m not sure how long, cause I forgot I subbed to your channel in the first place? I just found you again by searching dehydrating beets! Glad I found you again cause I love your channel! Many blessings to you and your family!
Thank you - and for the extra tips like the moisture removal sachet! Going to head over to your mineral broth now.
Thank you so much for sharing Mary 🌹🌹🌹🌹
I've seen beet root powder used in vegan cheat meat recipes to mimic red meat. I have yet to try this. Has anyone out there tried this? I'm not vegan, but welcome all ways to stretch the meat budget. Thank you for posting this, Mary! Blessings, Health, Prosperity and Peace to you and yours and to all who read this!
You are wonderful Marry.. ♥️lots of love from Morocco
Thanks Mary, this was a good tutorial, however all of your tutorials are good! I would love to make beet powder. Maybe next year after I grow a whole bunch of beets.
Thanks for sharing; great info! I have some beets that I don’t want to freeze or pickle. Blessings to your family 🤗💜🇨🇦
Do you have a video on how to dehydrate rutabagas I was looking I didn't find it
Your voice is so soothing
I made burgers on Monday and added beet greens that I dehydrated to the mixture. It was delicious and my 'hates anything green' teenage son didn't even notice. LOL
Hi Laurie, Thanks so much for visiting!! How funny!! I love how you disguised the beet greens!! Genius!! BTW - Do you enjoy making other traditional foods? If so, I have a playlist of some of my videos titled "Mastering the Basics of Traditional Nutrient Dense Foods Cooking". It's a series of 15 detailed videos that covers How to Make Bone Broth, Cultured Dairy, Ferments, Sourdough Starter (my foolproof stater), Sourdough Bread, and How to Soak and Sprout Grains to Make your own Sprouted Flour at Home. You can watch it here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3b4eu0QraZReKlGzA11h3y.html
Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm so happy to help! And I’m so glad you’re here!! Love, Mary…PS - are you in our FB group? It's called Mary's Nest Modern Pioneers. Come join us! We have a lot of fun chatting about Traditional Foods.
Hellooo Mrs. Nest! Hkw are you??
Than you for downloading this video.
I am trying your recilpe right now. I have cut the beet root very very thin is that ok?!
Thank you
I am writing you from Lebanon in the middle east
Excellent! Thank you so much for the Beet Powder tutorial. I am hoping to be able to make this as a natural colorant for my homemade cold process soap. Can you tell me if I would be able to make spinach powder in the same way - dehydrating it in my oven and then blending it up in to a powder? Additionally, where did you purchase "oxygen absorbers" I have not heard of those, but I should get some to prolong the life of my powders as you suggested!
You can get oxygen or water absorbers. If you buy jerky or say protein powder or preworkout they have a moisture absorber. Walmart might have them. No sure which is best a water or oxygen absorber
Thank you, love.
Mary dearest it has been a while since I have not been in touch. Today I was interested in making beetroot powder and I saw you holding a bottle in your hand and talking about beet powder and the most I liked about you is we can dry the same in the oven. Do we need to have only organic beetroot or we can use any beetroot because this is the season for beetroot and I am sure I will get good ones, the ones you have displayed looked awesome.
I am a new subscriber to your channel and am loving it! I think I will certainly try making my own beet powder! You are so informative, thanks!
Beautiful lady, Good explanation and thank for sharing
@Mary's Nest, FYI. I don't recall the source but I read recently that the original red velvet cake recipe called for beet juice to make the brilliant color that cake is known for.
Joseph Campese - Hi Joseph, Thank you SO much for visiting! And yes, I believe you are correct! Beat juice was the original red food coloring. I remember my mother using it mixed with water and a little bit of vinegar to color Easter eggs!! BTW - Do you enjoy making traditional foods? If so, I have a playlist of some of my videos titled "Mastering the Basics of Traditional Nutrient Dense Foods Cooking". It's a series of 15 detailed videos that covers How to Make Bone Broth, Cultured Dairy, Ferments, Sourdough Starter (my foolproof stater), Sourdough Bread, and How to Soak and Sprout Grains to Make your own Sprouted Flour at Home. You can watch it here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3b4eu0QraZReKlGzA11h3y.html
Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm so happy to help! And I’m so glad you’re here!! Love, Mary…PS - are you in our FB group? It's called Mary's Nest Modern Pioneers. Come join us! We have a lot of fun chatting about Traditional Foods.
Joseph Campese
Very good 😊😊😌😌
Thanks 😊
Wonderful video you’re a blessing ❤️❤️
Thank you so much!
Merry Christmas thanks for sharing your knowledge
After powdering keep it in kitchen openly for sometimes..it will remove moisture..I mean air drying
How about the ones you buy at Costco that’s already cooked? Can you show video on this? Thank you for showing this video appreciate your time.
I love ❤️ your channel youtube suggested this video 📹 to me and am loving it
Mary back again, I have a gas oven and gas marking 1,2,3 etc. It is not electric, will I be able to dry in the oven and at what temperature
What about drying beets from beet kvass? I watched your video on beet kvass and making it today. Last night I was blessed with 25 pounds of beets. As always I am enjoying learning from you. God Bless
Wow!! That is fantastic! As to drying the beets used for making Kvass, that’s an interesting idea. I have not tried it but it is definitely worth experimenting with. Keep me posted if you decide to do this on how it turns out. Love, Mary
@@MarysNest I will let you know how it turns out. But I think I'll keep the temperature low to preserve all the goodness. I did dehydrate beets in my dehydrator at 155 and they turned out fantastic! I am leaving some in slices to cook. Also honey under the tongue does work for hiccups! Funny neither one of us can remember the last time we had hiccups and a couple of days after seeing your video my husband got them and it worked lickety split.
Thank you so much for your video. You have some great stuff on your channel. 💜
I crated and sun-dried them. I powdered it and now it forms clodsk. Any help please. Should I rather slice them in the future. Caren from RSA
hello, can you please tell me at what temp and how much time you baked these slices? I couldn't understand during video. thankyou
I boil my beets till a knife goes thru easily, remove from heat and save the beet juice water. I found the water has an excellent beet taste. To My last batch of ‘beet’ water I added some cooked puréed beets and FREEZE DRIED than made a powder. GREAT. The beets, I EAT:)
Great video and such a sweet person! God bless you!
Thank you for visiting and for the kind words! Glad you liked this video!! If you enjoy making homemade pantry type items, you might enjoy my playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U1MqC3YAw7ZRYjuL9FBGSwc.html where I show how to make Apple Cider Vinegar, 10 Flavored Extracts including Vanilla Extract, Homemade 1-Minute Mayo, Natural Food Colorings, Evaporated Milk, Condensed Milk, Preserved Citrus, and more!
BTW - Do you enjoy making traditional foods? If so, I have a playlist of some of my videos titled "Mastering the Basics of Traditional Nutrient Dense Foods Cooking". It's a series of 15 detailed videos that covers How to Make Bone Broth, Cultured Dairy, Ferments, Sourdough Starter (my foolproof stater), Sourdough Bread, Soaked and Sprouted Nuts and Beans, and How to Soak and Sprout Grains to Make your own Sprouted Flour at Home. You can watch it here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3b4eu0QraZReKlGzA11h3y.html And please share the playlist with any other folks you think might be interested in learning about these types of things. I’m passionate about the book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon (of the Weston A Price Foundation) and want to help as many people as I can learn how to make Traditional “Nutrient Dense” Foods.
Please let me know if you have any questions. I’m so happy to help! And I’m SO glad you’re here!! Love and God Bless, Mary
PS - Are you in our FB group? It’s called Mary’s Nest Modern Pioneers. Come join us! We have a lot of fun chatting about Traditional “Nutrient Dense Foods and it’s a great place to get questions answered.
This is great, Mary! You are so amazing.
Oh Carrie, Thank you SO much for the kind words! I think the same of you!! Love, Mary
this is really helpful Mary..God bless you
Great video, I just harvested a bunch of beets..
Wonderful!! Have you seen my playlist about making all different kinds of bone broth - beef (using all different types of bones), chicken, turkey, pork, and fish - in different appliances? You can look through the playlist here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0JFsTi2N7sHSpU-vBR04CH.html I think you might enjoy some of the videos.
BTW - If you enjoy making Traditional Foods, be sure to head over to my UA-cam channel’s home page where I share lots of playlists of videos that I think you will enjoy. Here is the link: UA-cam.com/MarysNest Plus, I have a playlist of some of my videos titled "Mastering the Basics of Traditional Nutrient Dense Foods Cooking". It's a series of 15 detailed videos that covers How to Make Bone Broth, Cultured Dairy, Ferments, Sourdough Starter (my foolproof stater), Sourdough Bread, Soaked and Sprouted Nuts and Beans, and How to Soak and Sprout Grains to Make your own Sprouted Flour at Home. You can watch it here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3b4eu0QraZReKlGzA11h3y.html And please share the playlist with any other folks you think might be interested in learning about these types of things. I’m passionate about the book Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon (of the Weston A Price Foundation) and want to help as many people as I can learn how to make Traditional “Nutrient Dense” Foods.
And for more details on some of these subjects mentioned above…(and more), be sure to check out these detailed playlists:
➡️How to Make Bone Broth: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0JFsTi2N7sHSpU-vBR04CH.html
➡️How to Make Fermented Vegetables: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U2EhVspEV5d4Xs2s4pcbHbr.html
➡️How to Make Fermented Condiments: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0hCKYoMMBeVD-9bA6TckEj.html
➡️The Complete Guide to Sourdough: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3NKN0GHvGCpiWNxcTefLof.html
➡️The Complete NO KNEAD BREAD Playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0ZnA45FadK99NvKZLKh-6N.html
➡️How to Make Bread with or without Yeast Playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U344nspo8zPj3O3LfyNVHZS.html
➡️And if you are interested in learning about how to make various types of Homemade Dairy including Cultured Butter, Cottage Cheese, Sour Cream, Ricotta Cheese, and more, be sure check out this playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U2R7u0Ri26HwdLMjUa4iJJX.html
➡️Also...If you enjoy making homemade pantry type items, you might enjoy my playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U1MqC3YAw7ZRYjuL9FBGSwc.html where I show how to make Apple Cider Vinegar (see more info about this below), 10 Flavored Extracts including Vanilla Extract, 10 Seasoning Blends including Ranch Dressing Mix and Onion Soup Mix, 1- Minute Homemade Mayonnaise, Homemade Bouillon - and how to dehydrate it, Natural Food Colorings, Evaporated Milk, Condensed Milk, Preserved Citrus, Breadcrumbs, Croutons, and more!
And if you like the idea of making your own Apple Cider Vinegar as mentioned above…Be sure to check out the Apple Cider Vinegar Playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U1QPA95O2-oOvxwtO-v3L4L.html which a 3-part series where I walk you through the entire 30-day process. And if you like making vinegar, I also have a Homemade Citrus Vinegar Playlist: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3apQRTzhfQBkR_x0rb514U.html And I have one more vinegar video where I show how to make vinegar from Strawberry Scraps. You can watch it here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U2M3dRA483q5KJ7JkJfn3fS.html
➡️And…Have you seen my playlist for making immune boosting foods and natural remedies including a Super Mineral Detox Broth? You can look through the playlist here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U0p9nRAWldbyqYSbgwzARGd.html You may like some of these recipes.
➡️And if you are interested in how to make probiotic rich fermented drinks, here is my playlist of some fun drinks including How to Make Homemade Sodas, Mocktails, Drinking Vinegar, Homemade Energy Drinks, Switchel, Shrubs, and More: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U2w2-CiBrkNnZj_IIlqZc9h.html You may enjoy these videos. And if you are interested in learning how to make Kombucha and/or Water Kefir, I have a playlist which includes a Beginners Guide to Kombucha Making along with a video on making water kefir for beginners…which you can watch here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3YysV0OYOMsxsJuf_sxPTK.html
➡️And in the Modern Pioneering spirit…If you enjoy canning, or are interested in learning about canning, I have a playlist of my canning videos here which include step-by-step tutorials: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3HJRCmwVAvBNS90WjifR1U.html
➡️Oh…And here is my 2020 Channel Update for everything I have planned for this year: ua-cam.com/video/qjOJh8Cb_-k/v-deo.html
Please let me know if you have any questions. I’m so happy to help! And also, let me know what other types of traditional food videos you would like to see me make. I’m SO glad you’re here!! Love and God Bless, Mary
PS - Are you in our FB group? It’s called Mary’s Nest Modern Pioneers. The direct link can be found in the description under this video. Come join us! We have a lot of fun chatting about Traditional “Nutrient Dense Foods and it’s a great place to get questions answered.
Mary's Nest I plan on watching them tonight..! 😀
Thank you thank you very much 👍👍👍👌👌👌❤❤❤⚘⚘⚘
I drink a healthy drink with beet powder, fenugreek powder, cayenne powder, maca powder, and apple cider vinegar. I do this for over all healthy benefits ❗️
Hi Deborah, WOW!! That sounds fantastic. I think YOU need a UA-cam channel to teach all of us your wonderful ways!! Love, Mary
I just wanted to know if Super Beets is the same as Beetroot Powder. And which one is the one I should buy if I am not making it myself. Which after watching you do it, I may do the same because it will be cheaper I'm sure. Thank You for the video most helpful with all that's going on in the world today. And I want to get off my Meds for High Blood Pressure and feel normal again.
Just seeing this video.. very nice indeed..
How fine of a powder is it? Like flour or sugar? Mine is like sugar and I would like to get it finer if possible. I used a blender but maybe my coffee grinder could do better?
Would you not put a silica in to absorb moisture?
Freeze dry after blanching...perfect every time
💖💖Mary thank you Godbless
How about drying them outside in the sun when it really hot out,would that work and crisp them up well to turn into nice powder?
very excellent video many thanks
Have you tried drying it some more after making it into power? Would that make it shelf stable?
Hi Cindy, I have not but that is a really good idea! Love, Mary
Mary -great idea. Can I do other vegetables such as zucchini etc to add to my smoothies. Thanks Phyllis
Mami how about if dry it in the sun ?
I'm excited to try this!
Beet does so wonder for the body. I always this juice before exercise
I see other people putting their powders back in the dehydrator/oven if there seems to be still moisture. Have you tried it and does it work?
Hi Elizabeth, that’s a great question. I’ve not tried it, but I think it would work to further dry out the powder. Experiment and keep me posted. Love, Mary🤗
Great tutorial!
Thank you ma'am ☺️ ...and I'm big fan your lovely voice 😍
God bless you too.
could you freeze the powder for longer shelf life
thanks for sharing will try it because my hb is low so I need beet al the time . Question can we make a femented drink from this? much love
Hi Tessa, Thanks so much for visiting. Yes, you can make a fermented drink from this. You would do it the same way you would make Beet Kvass from fresh beets. You can watch me make Beet Kvass here: ua-cam.com/video/sSOF39rrkEk/v-deo.html Also, if you enjoy making other traditional foods, I have a playlist of some of my videos titled "Mastering the Basics of Traditional Nutrient Dense Foods Cooking". It's a series of 15 detailed videos that covers How to Make Bone Broth, Cultured Dairy, Ferments, Sourdough Starter (my foolproof stater), Sourdough Bread, and How to Soak and Sprout Grains to Make your own Sprouted Flour at Home. You can watch it here: ua-cam.com/play/PLkRuW3pBo2U3b4eu0QraZReKlGzA11h3y.html
Please let me know if you have any questions. I'm so happy to help! And I’m so glad you’re here!! Love, Mary…PS - are you in our FB group? It's called Mary's Nest Modern Pioneers. Come join us! We have a lot of fun chatting about Traditional Foods.
Do you have more recipes for beet powder? Thx!