I like the sandblasted & painted parts much better, especially how they'll match up with looks of the engine. Can't wait to see it in the car. Keep up the good work and let us know the future of Mr. F. I'm going to put the body on mine this weekend and then the windshield is the last thing. Well, except for the headlights. Taillight's. Doors, hood, trunk ........ But I'll be driving it soon! Except that it's Minnesota. And winter.
It'll be worth it! I'm waiting on the engine to come back from my engine guy for MRF, and then I, too, will be driving it soon! Other than that Minnesota thing....
www.ebay.com/itm/184682550096?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=C7DMUyZfTB6&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=oZNhoIbYTPi&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Also try eBay for your specific decal, or www.stage1restoration.com/
Is this it? www.classicindustries.com/product/all-years/buick/regal/parts/GN110258.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAyJS7BhBiEiwAyS9uNVaF4d6KP8aTlOvIRRky9VS66h2-S3O4IDB0vITfiQzEQSNFId9pkhoCqQ4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
Glad to see you had a change of heart! You have restored my faith in you 😊
Well, you can thank my OCD. ;-)
I like the sandblasted & painted parts much better, especially how they'll match up with looks of the engine. Can't wait to see it in the car. Keep up the good work and let us know the future of Mr. F. I'm going to put the body on mine this weekend and then the windshield is the last thing.
Well, except for the headlights. Taillight's. Doors, hood, trunk ........ But I'll be driving it soon! Except that it's Minnesota. And winter.
It'll be worth it! I'm waiting on the engine to come back from my engine guy for MRF, and then I, too, will be driving it soon! Other than that Minnesota thing....
I also am detailing a Buick. Where did you find the sparkplug wire holders? I am looking for the emission label but with no luck.
Also try eBay for your specific decal, or www.stage1restoration.com/
@@carsarepeopletoo9450 It is a 1977 Regal ..I've looked everywhere. I have the part number and still can't find one.
Is this it?
Can't believe that you didn't sandblast those parts! I know time is money but what is that extra step. Great job otherwise.
Whew! Close call....:-)