I love TWS chemistry so much! And enjoying and trying their first time from different kind of things together makes it more memorable. I hope TWS can grow together day by day (Although it's always been like this). I am so happy seeing TWS happy and exploring new things from their youth.
I wants TWS to always be this happy and carefree. They are working so hard and accomplished so much in just 8 months🥰 TWS really is the best and I'm so glad the members get along well and can have fun on their day off.
I'm a new tws fan, i really enjoy watching their content. I love their vibe, how they are calm at the same time enjoying their time! they're just perfect
The thing that makes me happiest is seeing how much closer and more open-minded they become with each passing day. Leader, hyungs, and maknaes - their teamwork is like that of a true family. I always hope that they continue to shine as the brightest stars, admired not just by other artists but by people everywhere. May their journey be filled with success and love.
Aaa I love these types of vlog contents so much 😍 I'm glad the boys got to rest and enjoy their time 🥰 Dohoon's like a little kid when he's excited, so adorableeee 🤩 HoonHoonz's chemistry is insaneeeee!!! 😆
They wold do a come back omggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jihoon surely clings with youngjae in a second like no matter where it is i just can see jihoon everywhere with youngjae he trully loves youngjae for real
They're so chaotic, silly, handsome, cute, pretty, gorgeous, angelic, and talented idols. They're my favorite♡
8:41 Jihoon hugging Youngjae was the cutest thing I have ever seen. I love them so much.
I love TWS chemistry so much! And enjoying and trying their first time from different kind of things together makes it more memorable. I hope TWS can grow together day by day (Although it's always been like this). I am so happy seeing TWS happy and exploring new things from their youth.
I wants TWS to always be this happy and carefree. They are working so hard and accomplished so much in just 8 months🥰 TWS really is the best and I'm so glad the members get along well and can have fun on their day off.
브이로그 중에 이번편이 제일 좋아요
볼링하는 장면들도 또래 남자아이들 노는 모습 같아서 좋음
24/7Log 진짜 너무 현실적인 모먼트 좋아...설레... 너무 재밌어ㅜ얘들아 사랑한다...
lagian idol mana yang gak bisa bicara bahasa jepang.
풍족한 하루다....오늘....
멤버십 영상과 라이브와 247로그까지...
뭐지 투어스 왜 재밌지? 요새 웃음 타율 미쳤는데?
I'm a new tws fan, i really enjoy watching their content. I love their vibe, how they are calm at the same time enjoying their time! they're just perfect
오늘 볼 것들 쏟아져서 너무 기분 좋다💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
브이로그가 자연스러운맛이 있어서 감동함...이거지예.....
i really like 24/7 log videos!! please make more tws' vlog 🩵🩵🩵
So glad pledis let bungbang have its well deserved rest 💙💙
The thing that makes me happiest is seeing how much closer and more open-minded they become with each passing day. Leader, hyungs, and maknaes - their teamwork is like that of a true family. I always hope that they continue to shine as the brightest stars, admired not just by other artists but by people everywhere. May their journey be filled with success and love.
오늘 브이로그 너무조음..😮
2:20 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
thank you guys, this episode comforts me 🫶
볼 영상이 끊임없이 생겨서 좋ㄷㅏ,,,
8:40 Who else found this Hoonjeranz moment so endearing? Jihoon looked up and saw Youngjae and he hugged him as his face lit up 🥹💙!
2:20 훈훈즈 너무 행복해보임... ㄹㅇ 둘만의 세상이네
뭐야 내가 이 댓글 언제 썼지 이 생각 했다..
사랑해요 플디.. 앞으로도 이렇게만 해줘요....❤
브이로그가 제일 투어스 같음(?) 소년미+장꾸끼 가득ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그냥 남고딩들 일상브이로그 그자체
TWS 멤버들 사랑해용ㅠㅠ 내 최애 신유 도훈 넘 귀여우ㅠㅠㅠ🩵🩵🩵봐도봐도 재밌고 잘생기고 난리야 ㅜㅜㅜ 아프지말고 건강 해 8ㅁ8ㅠㅠ
I love the vibes of this vlog! TWS is so cute! 🫶✨️
진짜 드디어 플디가 일을 하는군요 너무 좋아요 이런거 진짜 너무 좋아 이런게 비하인드 브이로그지 진짜 고맙다 플디야
24/7 Log 는 믿고 봄🫶🏻 찐 남고딩들 브이로그 같아서 귀여워ㅠㅠ
Why are they already good at bowling? TWS are just too good to be true!!!!
TWS NOVEMBER COMEBACK is CONFIRMED!!!!! Let's gooooooo saideul!
Aaa I love these types of vlog contents so much 😍
I'm glad the boys got to rest and enjoy their time 🥰
Dohoon's like a little kid when he's excited, so adorableeee 🤩
HoonHoonz's chemistry is insaneeeee!!! 😆
i couldn't stop smiling watching them having fun 💙
24/7로그 너무 재밌댜..힐링되는 영상이야🙂자주와줘~~~!!!💙
볼게 너무 많아.. 행복해.. 투어스 최고야🥰🥰
역대급 귀여움 최대치로 담은 브이로그잖아ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ얘들아 너네 너무 웃겨💙😵
훈훈즈 케미 요새 진짜 포텐 터지는데?
17:58 정작 영재엔 관심 없이 자기만족용 응원하는 훈훈즈와 그런 훈훈즈를 쳐다보는 신유
투어스 볼링까지 왜이렇게 잘해... 설레게...🥹
아니 투어스 볼링도 잘해,,, 알고보니 만능체육돌 💙
운동까지 잘하는 투어스..♡
으앙 ㅠㅠ 너무 좋아,, 갑자기 내줘서 의심스럽지만 일단 감사하고 사랑해요💗
와 행복해..투어스클럽기다리기 지쳤거등;;
와ㅏ아 투어스 사랑해 이번 컴백도 기대되❤
울 붕방이들 재밌게 놀고 웃고 있는 모습 보면 저절로 행복해져!💙 사이랑해💙
훈훈즈 너무 귀여워
컴백이 다가오는게 느껴진다 컨텐츠 쏟아져❤❤❤
맞아요..❤ 3집 컴백 너무 기대됩니다😆
진짜 기대 만땅❤❤❤
They wold do a come back omggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8:41 한지훈 귀여어어 ㅜㅜㅜㅜ
처음에 훈훈즈 너무 예쁘다 ㅎㅎ♡
Tws waiting for your next comeback on November hwaiting 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
7:14 신정환 또 이상한거함ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이러는게 귀여워보이면 어떡하지
도쿄 나들이를 같이한 기분이네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 라멘이랑 크레페 아는 맛이라서 배고파지고 볼링은…. 울애들 왜 잘하지…? 족구만 못하나봐ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
너무 재밌다아🫠🫠 또 봐야징🤭
너무 귀여웡..💙
애들이..다 넘 예쁘고 잘생겼어❤❤❤애들아 건강하게!❤화이팅!❤❤❤
우오아아아 시험 하루전 최고의 선택이다ㅏ앙
붕방이들 많이 좋아하고 사랑해💕💕
으앙 이런 거 너무 좋아 투어스가 뭐이리 가족이야..🥹
얘들 너무 귀엽게 논다😊😊
tws can literally slayed in every sports like why are they so good at everything? 😩
집 가는 길에 이런 행복을 감사합니다 💗💗
0:31 0:45 0:57 귀여운 훈훈이들 17:58 다시 만난 영혼의 단짝 ㅋㅋㅋ
10:01 11:38 17:20 귀여운 도훈이.. 그와중에 너무 잘생김🥹이번에 재밌는 컷이 너무 많네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ🩵
아 너무좋음 이런거 많이줘 플디야
귀여웡 본 모습이 나오는거 같아서 요새 비하 볼 맛이 나네😊😊😊🩵
붕방이들 너무 귀엽다 ㅋㅋ 앞으로도 항상 행복했음 좋겠다 투어스 11월 컴백 화이팅!!
5:02 아니ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ이 사진 직원분께서 찍어주신거였다고?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 어디다가 세워서 찍은줄 알았는데ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅠㅜ
제가 제일 좋아하는 훈남즈 사진❤
1:16 최영재 얼빡 미쳣다..
8:45 Jihoon, really 😭😭😭🥹I love him too
jihoon surely clings with youngjae in a second like no matter where it is i just can see jihoon everywhere with youngjae he trully loves youngjae for real
21:50 감성먼데
즐거워보여서 좋아~
5:52 지훈이 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 도훈이가 한입 가져갔다고 다시 한입 가져오는거 밬ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
훈훈즈 너무 귀여워🥰🥰
8:40 8:45 한지훈 애교 개낀다
0:58 지훈이 착하네ㅋㅋㅋㅋ훈훈즈 귀여워
11월 컴백 !! 두둥❤
김도훈 이경민 볼링 왤케 잘쳐!!!!!!!
It's always great to see them spending their precious time. Hope all members be healthy and happy 🩷
훈훈즈 챌린지 미쳤다..
15:57 힘들 때 웃는 김도훈이 일류다
숙제하느라 늦엇어ㅜㅜ
0:05 김도룽 깐머 미쳣냐고 개잘생겻다고
youngjae and shinyu really makes my heart flutter in a way i feel like im in love
they're so cute im crying
라멘 안조아하는데도 먹고싶게 만드는 훈훈즈 먹방 🤤
10:10 지훈이 귀여워ㅠㅠ 으앙
17:58 훈훈즈ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
바이브 역시 너무 좋아ㅋㅋ😂😂
this is my fav vlog y'all love you 🥹💗💗
Dohoon you're good at everything❤
All 6 members love each other very much
I love TWS. I love being a 42 ❤️
투어스 브이로그 너무 좋아여
21:10 도훈이 멋있다 🥹
와 정환이 진짜 티 한장만 입어도 진심 잘생겨서 눈물남
와.. 오늘 진짜 브이로그랑 유도즈 셔츠랑 멤버십영상에.. 완죤 좋아ㅏ