I'm in KNUST studying electrical and electronics engineering and at the moment teachers are on strike and we have to study ahead but the way I understand this topic now is so amazing because of his easy step by step. Thank you sir
Many thanks.I am distributing your lectures to our students in our campus. Encouraging my teaching staffs to similar exercises. Keep Uploading more. Best wishes and regards
Thank you sir 4 the helpful video....but almost at the end when solving for the current "I" using current divider theorem u wrote I=IN*(RN/(RL+RL)) right was I=IN*(RN/(RL+RN))and that was not ok but solving u solved it right i guec.
what happened to the resistors that were connected to the current sources. the 8 and 1 ohm resistors. are they completely ignored? if so, what happens to the voltage drop across it? is it ignored as well?
a 230V 50hz ac supply is connected to a resistance 2.5ohm coil of inductance 0.06h and capacitor of 6.8uF connected in series. calculate impedance of circuit current phase difference between voltage & current
Dr. C. B. Bangal, thank you for your nice tutorials , please could you upload tutorial on AC circuit analysis? I will be very grateful to have it. Thanks
+Puspal Manna We are removing branches to simplify the circuit. You want your show the currents going in and out of nodes. Therefore it does not matter if there is a resistor in series with the current source. There is still be going 2Amps flowing through that resistor and into that top node(top of 4V source).
A current source in series with a resistance is not a standard representation. The standard representations are a current source in parallel with a resistance, or a voltage source in series with a resistance, and in this problem sir took 2amp ,6amp directly thr the current source.
@icynife It was only writing mistake dear! if you carefully listen what I am saying that time... I said right, only while writing it happened that way! Thanks for the comments!
24:12 ... How is it even possible.. I thought current flows from positive terminal through circuit tonegative terminal...??? Isn't he saying opposite ??? Why the current will flow from A To B ? #WHY #EXPLAIN
I have one doubt sir, while you made open the load resistance the whole circuit is now open , there is no closed path exists.if current is not flowing through 4V battery as it is kept open, similarly current should not flow to other end as that is also open. But you made the current flow through the other end. Why ?
Dear sir, he has removed the upper branch and middle branch for problem sake. Not really oprned. Actually these current sources supply the current still to the circuit. Tnk u
Sir please upload videos on maximum power transfer theorem and Reciprocity theorem. Please upload. I will be very thankful to you if u upload those two videos
sir u r one of the greatest lecturer i had ever learnt from... hats off to ur way of teaching... :-)
Thank you. I just love youtube; having access to the best teachers on the planet like Dr. Bangal.
one of the finest videos to understand Thevenins/Norton/Kirchoff.
thanks a lot for providing such detailed analysis.
Very easy method without unnecessarily writing 3 equations for those 3 nodes... Nice lecture sir, Thank you very much!!!
I fell better after watching these videos please sir upload all the videos on problems..........
Thanks a lot...............
I'm in KNUST studying electrical and electronics engineering and at the moment teachers are on strike and we have to study ahead but the way I understand this topic now is so amazing because of his easy step by step. Thank you sir
Great and Lucid Style of Teaching
Superb Explanation Sir.Very very helpful for students..
this prof does such a good job at teaching!! Awesome!! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!
You Sir are an amazing teacher. You use a very elegant method and you make this subject so easy. Be bless a thousand fold!
Many thanks.I am distributing your lectures to our students in our campus. Encouraging my teaching staffs to similar exercises. Keep Uploading more. Best wishes and regards
Great......fabulous.....please upload more sir.....we all need your more lecture.
wonderfully explained, with very clear instructions. thank you
Sir ur teaching methods are really amazing I had understood each and every point tqq so much sir
sir I liked ur teaching very well.i learnt so many things in EC .that I don't know before.please upload more videos sir
your writing is good sir.
thank you very much for giving me new methods for solving these problems
Thank u so much sir in just one watch i get the full idea and concept....You are a great teacher...God bless you sir
you are a great teacher please keep posting tutorials like this
Great Teacher. .thank you sir. . .please upload more tutorial videos. . .God bless. .
nice!! it has totally changed my concept of network problem approach!!
really impressed from your lectures.......
I also calculated it 2 diff ways and there is a mistake. But the explanation is awesome. Thank you very much.
Very well explained Sir ! Thanks for posting these videos
Great sir,
You clear my concept in circuit network..
Sir Please make videos on nodal analysis. It would be really helpful for students who cannot find decent instructors.
see khan academy
nice idea to solve problem consisting current source
thanks a lot, your way of teaching is awesome. Really impressed.
God bless you sir .... that was very helpful to me
i loved it..nice lacture sir..thanxx sir ji
thanks a lot dr , very helpful , i enjoy with your explain . thanks again
very helpful, thank you so much, you made things easy to who's interested...
u sir are a life saver...this is amazing work..thank you!
Thank you so much sir giving these important steps to carrer easily on my favorite field
Fabulous ....so fantastical
Thank you sir 4 the helpful video....but almost at the end when solving for the current "I" using current divider theorem u wrote I=IN*(RN/(RL+RL)) right was I=IN*(RN/(RL+RN))and that was not ok but solving u solved it right i guec.
what happened to the resistors that were connected to the current sources. the 8 and 1 ohm resistors. are they completely ignored? if so, what happens to the voltage drop across it? is it ignored as well?
awesome lecturer....thank you very much sir...
your writing skills is nice sir...
awesome! I love your explanation! お疲れ様でした、先生!
Thank you so much Sir. pls i will also like to see a lecture on RLC circuit and its transient response....
Thank u very much sir, your explanation is so simple and just awesome
Nice explanation.great.......
Sir can you please upload videos on nodal analysis
sir your lecture is so good...............sir please upload any others video of electrical engineering
Nicely explained sir..
Enjoy watching your video courses so far. do you have any video courses on Semiconductors or Transistors?
Excellent videos...
sir,,,,,,,,,,,thank you so much......
please can you upload more theorems....as well....
a 230V 50hz ac supply is connected to a resistance 2.5ohm coil of inductance 0.06h and capacitor of 6.8uF connected in series. calculate
impedance of circuit
phase difference between voltage & current
Dr. C. B. Bangal, thank you for your nice tutorials , please could you upload tutorial on AC circuit analysis? I will be very grateful to have it. Thanks
really awesome....sir....
So good for knowledge
thanks for everything sir , it would be greatness of yours if two port and transient are uploaded.
Sir why are we removing out the branches of current sources from the entire circuit?
+Puspal Manna We are removing branches to simplify the circuit. You want your show the currents going in and out of nodes. Therefore it does not matter if there is a resistor in series with the current source. There is still be going 2Amps flowing through that resistor and into that top node(top of 4V source).
Oh I got it.. Thanks for the answer
A current source in series with a resistance is not a standard representation. The standard representations are a current source in parallel with a resistance, or a voltage source in series with a resistance, and in this problem sir took 2amp ,6amp directly thr the current source.
Really helpful video
thanks sir for your lecture on thevenins theorem and sir plz make a class on node analysis
@icynife It was only writing mistake dear! if you carefully listen what I am saying that time... I said right, only while writing it happened that way! Thanks for the comments!
sir two port networks Medha video pettandi sir Chala Baga artam Avutunnayi me previous topics anni ,thank you sir
really helpful sir, please upload videos of ac circuits
Thank u sir,it was very helpful.
Thnk You So Much Sir...Is Very Use Full For Us...:)
is it ok to erase of a resistance.......Thank you in advance......Videos r excellent
helpfull for basic concepts
sir why you don't consider the resistance connect with ammeter while calculating Rth???
I have a question. when solving Rth why aren't we putting back the resistors with current sources. don't they have any effect in the total circuit?
good explanation sir thank u
sir your lecture is so good
sir ur r great God bless uh
very helpful. thank you:)
you are the best sir
Thank you for comment! what mistake you are talking about friend?
thanq so much sir....really i impressed your lectures sir please give add some more topics
what if while calculating v th the 4V source has a series or parallel resistance with it
thanks please up more videos analysis circuits
Sir plz upload videos on other topics lik transient analysis too
sir please upload video of nodal analysis
Thank you sir...Love u
thanku sir... thanku for ur kind
Great sir..thank u
it really helped me sir thank you
Sir can you please help us more by uploading lectures covering A.C
thank you sir for helping us
Best best best...............
24:12 ... How is it even possible.. I thought current flows from positive terminal through circuit tonegative terminal...??? Isn't he saying opposite ???
Why the current will flow from A To B ? #WHY #EXPLAIN
I have one doubt sir, while you made open the load resistance the whole circuit is now open , there is no closed path exists.if current is not flowing through 4V battery as it is kept open, similarly current should not flow to other end as that is also open.
But you made the current flow through the other end. Why ?
Dear sir, he has removed the upper branch and middle branch for problem sake. Not really oprned. Actually these current sources supply the current still to the circuit. Tnk u
I am requesting u to upload problems on nodal analysis
Very good
sir u r teaching well.I have a doubt n tutorial1 while writing kirchofs law why u r using negative sign
Sir please upload videos on maximum power transfer theorem and Reciprocity theorem. Please upload. I will be very thankful to you if u upload those two videos
+pradeep bvsp Do you still need help with resonance and maximum power transfer?
Sir can you please upload a video on millman's theorem
Sir upload more video on other electrical like dc machine or ac machine and generator
great make maths so easy now
thank u very much... am almost cleared on all the concepts
Thank you
God bless you
very good class
want more information in nodal analysis also sir