@@SuleMio she should've been first before him. compare the numbers of A rank Lightbearer to Graveborn. they really need to plan better with these unit releases
@@lorraineg8605look at it this way. They saved the best for last cuz besides Bonnie I can’t think of any other new character for this update that hasn’t been recruitable yet.
He is the Great Great Grandfather of Torbjorn. Named after one of Odin's ravens, Huginn, and blessed with the fire giant, Surtr's skills, Hugin has become Rustport's most accomplished (and most annoying) blacksmith, both Dura and Esperia has ever seen.
Nah. Heroes loose atk buff if they move from his back. So he only would provide shields.. Maybe for afk stages or so but with static heroes.. Really limited. Idk why they did that part.
Appreciate the detailed breakdown! Could you help me with something unrelated: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). What's the best way to send them to Binance?
Uiii sexy Boiii .. (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤ Ich freu mich schon wie ne wiLde auf diesen Held - aber generell auf alle neuen Helden die ihr noch bringen werdet .. I love ur Game so forking much 🫴🤍
I don’t recommend people to pull for A rank hero when it comes out, A rank is so easy come by later with normal summons and exchange from resource or you can even use the A-swap ticket for the season if needed.
Rock and Stone brother!
So cool, Hugin! I've saved my gems for this moment!
Thanks dude
New Lightbearer units are welcome but I really need Bonnie cuz I have more fingers in one hand than Rank A Graveborn units
she's next after him!
@@SuleMio she should've been first before him. compare the numbers of A rank Lightbearer to Graveborn. they really need to plan better with these unit releases
Is that the only reason? Hahaha. 🧐
@@lorraineg8605look at it this way. They saved the best for last cuz besides Bonnie I can’t think of any other new character for this update that hasn’t been recruitable yet.
SAME by the time I unlocked paragon levels I already had enough Viperian dupes to level him
another A rank Lightbearer is exactly what we needed right now...
where the graveborn A ranks at
The best game right now! I'm looking forward to Shemira!
I love Hugin, still waiting for lorsan though 😢
Our own cutie patootie Torbjorn 😍
He is the Great Great Grandfather of Torbjorn. Named after one of Odin's ravens, Huginn, and blessed with the fire giant, Surtr's skills, Hugin has become Rustport's most accomplished (and most annoying) blacksmith, both Dura and Esperia has ever seen.
lol literally Torbjorn from Overwatch :)))
Very cool I hope its a well rounded support!
Yes!! I’m excited to add him to my team 🥰
thats just torb from overwatch
Just because they are both Dwarfes?
Their kits are completely different
their character designs are similar, mb
I'm so excited weeeeeeeee
raw, next question
Yay Hugin!!🎉
so is the Winter Carnival celebrating Talene coming down to Esperia?
aww man i was really really hoping that khazard would be in the winter patch, he is perfect for it
Forte e vai Hugin
Hugin at laaaaast... I hope he's good
more time to save for bakery girl I guess
Hugin New DR meta I am sure.
Nah. Heroes loose atk buff if they move from his back. So he only would provide shields.. Maybe for afk stages or so but with static heroes.. Really limited. Idk why they did that part.
god i forgot bonnie exist, thinking hugin will be the last character to be released this season 😅
We need pure healer LB!
Oooh nice! :D
Cade os brasileiros 😂🇧🇷🇧🇷
In Brazil.
Huginnn ❤
Waiting for lorsan😢
Me too, friend, me too
Appreciate the detailed breakdown! Could you help me with something unrelated: My OKX wallet holds some USDT, and I have the seed phrase. (alarm fetch churn bridge exercise tape speak race clerk couch crater letter). What's the best way to send them to Binance?
Shemira ❤ where are you 😢
She is the second charachter after Lorson we are getting in season 3, next character is Bonnie.
Yeah I miss her too...
So is this gonna buff lily in dresm realm
Casually dropping Bonnie
Really? Hugin before Bonnie? Color me surprised! I guess we’ll get her in 2025, then.
It means Bonnie is next
Uiii sexy Boiii .. (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
Ich freu mich schon wie ne wiLde auf diesen Held - aber generell auf alle neuen Helden die ihr noch bringen werdet ..
I love ur Game so forking much 🫴🤍
Torb what are you doing here?
Where is Bonnie?
The only use I’ll have for him getting him to s+ so I can skill swap with tasi 😅
He is A so you can't swap her with tasi since she is S
No you can’t. You can swap for Bonnie tho
That blows I really regret not working on tasi 😔.
Bonnie or Hugin 🤔
Torbjörn, is it you?
Больше армора, больше дпс, воин кузни мы приветствуем тебя🎉🎉🎉
Afkj team pls add palmer next😭😭
ez skip for Bonnie 😴
Still waiting for an AFK card game
He don't look to bad but i think it's still a skip
I don’t recommend people to pull for A rank hero when it comes out, A rank is so easy come by later with normal summons and exchange from resource or you can even use the A-swap ticket for the season if needed.
@@isaacch8598 unless they bought the pre-order pack, then they're guaranteed a copy
Hugin looks childish and ugly. Smh, can you do a better job designing characters.
He's based on Hephaestus, of course he's gonna be unattractive. The character design is great for his inspiration
torbjoern lindholm