أيها الساقي اليك المشتكى ** قــد دعونـــاك وإن لــم تسمع ونديــم همــت في غرتــــه وبشرب الــراح مـــن راحته كلما استيقظ من سكرتـــه جـــذب الــزق اليه واتكـــى ** وسقاني اربعـــاً فــي اربــع *** غصن بـــان مـــال من حيث استوى بـــات مــن يهـــواه مـــن فرط الجـوى خفق الاحشاء مــوهـــون القـــوى كلما فكر في البين بكـــى ** ويحـــه يبــــكي لمـــا لم يـــقــــعِ *** ما لعيني عشيت بالنظــــر أنــــكرت بعــدك ضوء القمر وإذا ما شئت فاسمع خبري عشيت عيني من طول البكا ** وبكى بعضي على بعضي معي *** ليس لي صبر ولا لي جــــلــــدُ يـــا لقــومي عــذلــوا واجتهدوا أنـــكروا شكواي مما أجـــــدُ مثل حــالي حقـــها أن تشتكي ** كمـــد اليــأس وذل الطمعِ *** كبدي حـــري ودمعـــي يكـــــفُ تعــــرف الذنــــب ولا تعترفُ أيـــها المعــــرض عــما اصــفُ قـــد نمــــا حبي بقلبي وزكـــا ** لا تــــخــل في الحب أنـــي مــدعي
Ladino, the language that everyone talks about February 23, 2021By Nuria HuesoPosted in Culture, Various These days there is a lot of talk about the Ladino as a result of a tweet from the Embassy of Spain in Turkey that went viral this past weekend. But why has it caused so many reactions? Far from looking like a joke, these tweets turned out to be a tribute to the Sephardic community. The language in which these tweets were expressed turned out to be Ladino. Some people more familiar with Jewish culture had surely heard of him. For others, it may have been the first time the Ladino had crossed paths with each other in their lives. However, it is never a bad opportunity to meet new customs and delve into Jewish culture. Ladino or also called “Judeo-Spanish” is a language used by Jewish communities that are descendants of the Hebrews. The people who practice it are the Sephardim, that is, those communities after the Jews that were expelled from the Iberian Peninsula by the Catholic Monarchs in the 15th century after more than 1,500 years there. The Sephardim, just as they moved after their expulsion from the peninsula, took the Ladino with them to North Africa, the Middle East, the Balkans and even America. Currently, few speak this language and it is considered extinct. A BBC report on the use of Ladino in the world estimates that there are currently between 50,000 and 200,000 people who speak this language. Although 24 years ago the institution known as the National Authority of the Ladino was born in order to promote the use and knowledge of this language in Israel, it is still alive but slowly. Today very few still practice Ladino. For this reason, its spread and exposure to the rest of the world is a necessity for the community in order to avoid its extinction. Above all, it is in the area of Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey and Israel where the communities of people who still use Ladino are preserved. Thus, the tweets from the Spanish embassy in Turkey in which Ladino was used promoted just this, the preservation of Ladino and its current use through a social network as popular as Twitter. Last Sunday, February 21, the Day of the Ladino was celebrated in Turkey and, in addition to activities and cultural talks on the subject, the embassy wanted to pay tribute to this very special language: “Keridos, friends and friends of the Community Sephardi. For me it is a great honor and a privilege to be able to address myself to others in such an important date as that of oy. Devesh de saver ke shows both each is yours and we are at your disposal for what you need. " Categories culture, embassy, spain, hebrew, jew, ladino, language, turkey, twitter 0 Post navigation The Jewish community of Morocco: from Jerusalem to the present The shores of the Mediterranean where it was born
In the mediabal songs of the Andalusian, the Sephardic and Arabic songs were sung in the two religions, it is almost impossible to know if they were Arab or Sephardic, it is the case of this one, so it is fair to call them Sephardic and Arabic, and put an author is cheating, ... they are Sephardic and Arab
Its arabic the language is arabic the author is a famous arab poet and a doctor sephardic had their Own language and songs not one song or a poem in arabic is written by a sephardic jews this is history not a joke
domina el arabe,porque los judios andalucis de la epoca ,en las canciones populares eran practicamente las mismas,..pero eran canciones judio-arabes,por eso ese grupo las canta,...es reclamar la convivencia
أيها الساقي اليك المشتكى ** قــد دعونـــاك وإن لــم تسمع
ونديــم همــت في غرتــــه
وبشرب الــراح مـــن راحته
كلما استيقظ من سكرتـــه
جـــذب الــزق اليه واتكـــى ** وسقاني اربعـــاً فــي اربــع
غصن بـــان مـــال من حيث استوى
بـــات مــن يهـــواه مـــن فرط الجـوى
خفق الاحشاء مــوهـــون القـــوى
كلما فكر في البين بكـــى ** ويحـــه يبــــكي لمـــا لم يـــقــــعِ
ما لعيني عشيت بالنظــــر
أنــــكرت بعــدك ضوء القمر
وإذا ما شئت فاسمع خبري
عشيت عيني من طول البكا ** وبكى بعضي على بعضي معي
ليس لي صبر ولا لي جــــلــــدُ
يـــا لقــومي عــذلــوا واجتهدوا
أنـــكروا شكواي مما أجـــــدُ
مثل حــالي حقـــها أن تشتكي ** كمـــد اليــأس وذل الطمعِ
كبدي حـــري ودمعـــي يكـــــفُ
تعــــرف الذنــــب ولا تعترفُ
أيـــها المعــــرض عــما اصــفُ
قـــد نمــــا حبي بقلبي وزكـــا ** لا تــــخــل في الحب أنـــي مــدعي
For people who want to sing along:
ayyu-hâ s-sâqî 'ilay-ka l-muştakâ
qad da'awnâ-ka wa-'in lam tasma'i
wa-nadîmin himtu fî-gurrati-hi
wa-şaribtu r-râha min râhati-hi
kulla-mâ stayqaza min sakrati-hi
jadhaba z-ziqqa 'ilay-hi wa-ttakâ
wa-saqâ-nî'arba'an fî'arba'i
ayyu-hâ s-sâqî 'ilay-ka l-muştakâ
qad da'awnâ-ka wa-'in lam tasma'i
gusnu bânin mâla min hayti stawà
man yahwâ-hu min farti l-jawà
hâfiqa l-ahşâ'i mawhûna l-quwà
kulla-mâ fakkara fî l-bayni bakà
wayha-hu yabkî li-mâ lam yaqa'i
ayyu-hâ s-sâqî 'ilay-ka l-muştakâ
qad da'awnâ-ka wa-'in lam tasma'i
mâ li-'aynî 'aşiyat bi-n-nazari
ankarat ba'da-ka daw'a l'qamari
wa-'idâ mâ şi'ta fa-sma' habarî
'aşiyat 'aynâya min tûli l-bukâ
wa-bakà ba'dî 'alà ba'dî ma'î
ayyu-hâ s-sâqî 'ilay-ka l-muştakâ
qad da'awnâ-ka wa-'in lam tasma'i
laysa lî sabrun wa-lâ lî jaladu
li-qawmî 'adalû wa-jtahadû
ankarû şakwâya mimmâ 'ajidu
mitlu hâlî haqqu-hu' an tuştakà
kamadu l-ya' si wa- dullu t-tama'i
ayyu-hâ s-sâqî 'ilay-ka l-muştakâ
qad da'awnâ-ka wa-'in lam tasma'i
kabidun harrà wa-dam'un yakifu
ya'rifu d-danba wa-lâ ya'tarifu
ayyu-hâ l-mu'riddu 'ammâ 'asifu
qad namâ hubbu-ka 'indi wa-zakâ
lâ taqul innî fî hubbuk mudda'i
qum yedîd nafşî ubilbabî zekêh
qum wehat 'ozok 'eleqôl sawwe-'i
'ad lemâtay 'at şebîhên tôrefî
yåm be'af 'appay weşim-mâ'ôn befî
lâk 'anâ sâmê welâk hikkâsefî
ayyuhâ s-sâqî 'iláyka l-muştakî kám
da'awnâ-ka wa'ín lam tasmá'i
English please
@@hasibulislam6250 I think you can google it 👍
@@hyperdiegesis I'll try
@@hasibulislam6250 I can’t translate either sorry :,)
@@hyperdiegesis not a problem , thank you
أَيُّها الساقي إِلَيكَ المُشتَكى
أَيُّها الساقي إِلَيكَ المُشتَكى
قَد دَعَوناكَ وَإِن لَم تَسمَع
وَنَديمٌ هِمتُ في غُرّتِه
وَشَرِبت الراحَ مِن راحَتِه
كُلَّما اِستَيقَظَ مِن سَكرَتِه
جَذَبَ الزِقَّ إِلَيهِ وَاِتَّكا
وَسَقاني أَربَعاً في أَربَع
غُصنَ بانٍ مالَ مِن حَيثُ اِستَوى
باتَ مَن يَهواهُ مِن فَرطِ النَوى
خافِقُ الأَحشاءِ موهونُ القُوى
كُلَّما فَكَّرَ في البَينِ بَكى
ما لَهُ يَبكي لِما لَم يَقَع
ما لِعَيني عَشيت بِالنَظَرِ
أَنكَرَت بَعدَكَ ضوءَ القَمَرِ
عَشِيَت عَينايَ مِن طولِ البُكا
وَبَكى بَعضي عَلى بَعضي مَعي
لَيسَ لي صَبرٌ وَلا لي جَلَد
يا لَقَومي عَذَلوا وَاِجتَهَدوا
أَنكَروا شَكوايَ مِمّا أَجِدُ
مِثلُ حالي حَقُّها أَن تَشتَكي
كَمَد اليَأس وَذُلَّ الطَمَعِ
كَبدٌ حَرّى وَدَمعٌ يَكِفُ
يَعرِفُ الذَنبَ وَلا يَعتَرِفُ
أَيُّها المُعرِضُ عَمّا أَصِفُ
قَد نَما حُبُّكَ عِندي وَزَكا
لا تَقُل إِنّي في حُبِّكَ مُدّع
ابن زهر الحفيد شاعر اندلسي حولت قصيدته الى اغنية من اداء الفنانة اللبنانية فادية الحاج
Possibly my favorite ancient melody.
I play this song with my ensemble: Lute, recorder, singing & percussion, & it's always a joy to perform it! :D
can I see a video of you performing it?
is that Fairuz singing? soooo beautiful ❤
No. Her name is Fadia elhaj
Tão bonito como VASCO 🇧🇷❤️
So pure and excellent!
Its an arabic poem written by ibn zuhr and Performed by lebanese singer fadia alhaj its not sephardic only the last part is in hebrew 😕😕😕😕
🍊Thank you!🤗
This is amazing!!!
يا ليل
جميلة هذة الاغنية كجمال بغداد 🙏
Ladino, the language that everyone talks about
February 23, 2021By Nuria HuesoPosted in Culture, Various
These days there is a lot of talk about the Ladino as a result of a tweet from the Embassy of Spain in Turkey that went viral this past weekend. But why has it caused so many reactions? Far from looking like a joke, these tweets turned out to be a tribute to the Sephardic community.
The language in which these tweets were expressed turned out to be Ladino. Some people more familiar with Jewish culture had surely heard of him. For others, it may have been the first time the Ladino had crossed paths with each other in their lives. However, it is never a bad opportunity to meet new customs and delve into Jewish culture.
Ladino or also called “Judeo-Spanish” is a language used by Jewish communities that are descendants of the Hebrews. The people who practice it are the Sephardim, that is, those communities after the Jews that were expelled from the Iberian Peninsula by the Catholic Monarchs in the 15th century after more than 1,500 years there.
The Sephardim, just as they moved after their expulsion from the peninsula, took the Ladino with them to North Africa, the Middle East, the Balkans and even America.
Currently, few speak this language and it is considered extinct. A BBC report on the use of Ladino in the world estimates that there are currently between 50,000 and 200,000 people who speak this language.
Although 24 years ago the institution known as the National Authority of the Ladino was born in order to promote the use and knowledge of this language in Israel, it is still alive but slowly. Today very few still practice Ladino. For this reason, its spread and exposure to the rest of the world is a necessity for the community in order to avoid its extinction. Above all, it is in the area of Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Turkey and Israel where the communities of people who still use Ladino are preserved.
Thus, the tweets from the Spanish embassy in Turkey in which Ladino was used promoted just this, the preservation of Ladino and its current use through a social network as popular as Twitter.
Last Sunday, February 21, the Day of the Ladino was celebrated in Turkey and, in addition to activities and cultural talks on the subject, the embassy wanted to pay tribute to this very special language: “Keridos, friends and friends of the Community Sephardi. For me it is a great honor and a privilege to be able to address myself to others in such an important date as that of oy. Devesh de saver ke shows both each is yours and we are at your disposal for what you need. "
Categories culture, embassy, spain, hebrew, jew, ladino, language, turkey, twitter
Post navigation
The Jewish community of Morocco: from Jerusalem to the present The shores of the Mediterranean where it was born
In the mediabal songs of the Andalusian, the Sephardic and Arabic songs were sung in the two religions, it is almost impossible to know if they were Arab or Sephardic, it is the case of this one, so it is fair to call them Sephardic and Arabic, and put an author is cheating, ... they are Sephardic and Arab
Its arabic the language is arabic the author is a famous arab poet and a doctor sephardic had their Own language and songs not one song or a poem in arabic is written by a sephardic jews this is history not a joke
This is an Arab poem 100%!!!
@@eaglealnuaimi6633 nooooo,es la lengua que se hablaba en andalucia,mexcla de arabe y judio,informate mejor
domina el arabe,porque los judios andalucis de la epoca ,en las canciones populares eran practicamente las mismas,..pero eran canciones judio-arabes,por eso ese grupo las canta,...es reclamar la convivencia
It is Ladino, the language spoken by the Sephardim in Andalusia, between 1200 and 1400