Keep it simple. Pick a job in demand in your area and you can do. Learn the skill and if you can learn the skill online as all knowledge is free with the web and you don't have to pay for school. Make money, save, and invest, and make your money work for you. Just make sure you search high demand jobs in your area of residence this is important. Then go after it. Meaning try applying for jobs and see how easy it is to get a job. Books you have to read: 7 habits of effective people, and think and grow rich
The future of education looks promising with the rise of innovative technologies. These advancements are likely to make learning more adaptable and inclusive.
Very insightful speech.
A commendable talk! Shifted my perspective on imparting analytical skills through cultural preservation
Excellent work ❤🎉. May almighty bless you. Proud of you and proud of Turkey 🇹🇷.!
This is a fascinating talk! Thank you for sharing such a fresh view on future of education.
Thank you so much!
Very interesting and on point with what I'm seeing in the Caribbean market as well.
Thank you!
Be smart and good job
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤You are special so good our future life.
Keep it simple. Pick a job in demand in your area and you can do. Learn the skill and if you can learn the skill online as all knowledge is free with the web and you don't have to pay for school.
Make money, save, and invest, and make your money work for you. Just make sure you search high demand jobs in your area of residence this is important. Then go after it. Meaning try applying for jobs and see how easy it is to get a job.
Books you have to read: 7 habits of effective people, and think and grow rich
insightful - thanks
Thank you!
The future of education looks promising with the rise of innovative technologies. These advancements are likely to make learning more adaptable and inclusive.
8:00 ❤
Wondaful job
how about study base on a real student?
great :)
Jaylon Throughway
He seen like some one send him with this ppt to do make positive marketing of AI
we had the same point
He is highlighting the importance of AI literacy, no?
This poor guy is sweating bullets
He’s brave.