Ikut ahh.. Meski kurang demen sama lagu ini.. Tapi sukses Kelvin Joshua... Kurang ngena aja dihati, beda dgn lagu sebelumnya yg utk mantannya. Ngena banget dihati
title: oh it turns out I am creation: Ayescharlesgunawanbakti When I think about you in that past my heart is growing wounded even the memories of the past can't get out of my mind but now I just ask my Lord to get rid of my thoughts in the past that never had my inner wound ref: Ohhhuwooo Lord help lose taste this hurts ever had an injury in my heart ref: oh my god It turns out I don't weak imagined all this time to forget him... ref: oh god It turns out i can pass this heartache I went to forget him who ever made this heartache You have the right to find your most comfortable point there but not with me ref: oh god It turns out I'm not alone to pass through this heartache ever there is a wound in my heart oh my god Turns out I was can't believe it with ability I myself that I actually able to pass heartache all of these ref: Oh, God It turns out many things who does not must be on say just enough to understand .
Indonesian Idol yang lain lagunya Melo dan cengeng melulu, ini segar dan ajak bergoyang sih.
Sering" jo , bikin lagu enak , support terus sampe jadi next Afgan
please, sering2 buat lagu ginian karna buat mood pagi kerja jd semangat ga galauuu, di nikmatin sore abis pulang kerja jg enak didenger :D
Keren mas kelvin..
Sukses terus utk lagu lagu nya.
Ditunggu Lagu enak selanjutnya
Yey, lyric videonya keluar juga... Gak apa2, walaupun udah hafal full tetap di streaming...
underrated singer
Vibes nya semangat enakkkkk bgt😇😇😇
1 hari dengerin 6x langsung hafal💪 seenak itu lagu lagu keljooo!!😭💜
Salut sama penyanyi yang kalo nyanyi musik riang senang di radio, kita pendengar bisa tahu dari cara nyanyi yg terdengar seneng atau sambil senyum2
Selalu suka sm lagunya keljo
Ter-luv deh lagu ini
Telat banget baru tau lagu se seru iniii🫶
Dari gen FM nyasar ke sini
Enak banget lagunya nih di setel di mobil sambil jalan2 😀
dengerin di mobil pas sore pulang kerja kaneee bangeettt parahhh.. butuh bgt lagu vibes bahagia gini biar gak galau mulu wkwkwk
Ikut ahh..
Meski kurang demen sama lagu ini..
Tapi sukses Kelvin Joshua...
Kurang ngena aja dihati, beda dgn lagu sebelumnya yg utk mantannya. Ngena banget dihati
lagunya enak, ko ga viral yah??
Seger bgt lagunya.. Kata sifat yang ga biasa utk dipadanin ke lagu. Tp seger di telinga..
Cocok nih collab ama laleilmanino
aku ada dapat tau lagu ni dari kawan. Terbaik lagu2 keljo
salam dari malaysia!
Bakalan virall suatu hari nantiiii🔥🔥
keljoooo ^^
Jatuh hati sm kak keljo wkwk
Lagunya bikin naik mood pagi bang🤗
woahh masihh sepi nihh
Pas reff aku kira afgan yg nyanyi😂
Pertama kali denger lagu ini setiap pagi diputer di Bahana FM @Nino & Ayu widy. auto search, eh ternyata Keljo yang nyanyi. Keren Bro. Sukses terus :)
mbak2 dokter gigi ignya apa?
title: oh it turns out I am
creation: Ayescharlesgunawanbakti
When I think about you
in that past
my heart is growing
even the memories of the past
can't get out of my mind
but now I just ask my Lord
to get rid of my thoughts in the past that never had my inner wound
lose taste
this hurts
ever had an injury
in my heart
ref: oh my god
It turns out
I don't
all this time
to forget him...
oh god
It turns out
i can
this heartache
I went to forget him
who ever made this heartache
You have the right to find your most comfortable point there
but not with me
oh god
It turns out
I'm not alone
to pass through
this heartache
there is a wound in my heart
oh my god
Turns out I was
can't believe it
with ability
I myself
that I
able to pass
all of these
Oh, God
It turns out
many things
who does not
must be on
just enough to understand .