Water and the Spirit of Life | Spirit Science

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 3,5 тис.

  • @bboythyper1
    @bboythyper1 9 років тому +104

    “Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless - like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.”
    - Bruce Lee

    • @DominiqueShrew
      @DominiqueShrew 4 місяці тому

      water adapts to the conditions, it does not become other objects

  • @ohlalamuah5832
    @ohlalamuah5832 5 років тому +100

    I like to listen to this type of videos specially when i am feeling down because they remind me of how special and loved I am. Love is the most powerful feeling in the world.

    • @nerd9347.
      @nerd9347. 2 роки тому

      Same. I will love this channel, even in death.

  • @yourbaraginmart
    @yourbaraginmart 5 років тому +33

    My daughter (11 years old) and I did an experiment based on Dr. Emoto"s work with three apples, she took a bite out of three apples then placed them in three different containers. On one she wrote the words "I love you, you're beautiful", and on another "I hate you you're ugly", on the third she wrote nothing and ignored it, every day she spent 5 mins with the apples with words and said the words, well I had to do the apple with the words I hate you you're ugly because she didn't want to be mean to the apple. Well anyway, the love apple had only three small areas of discoloration after 21 days, the control apple, the one we ignored was pretty yellow and brown where she had taken the bite, but the apple with I hate you you're ugly was way beyond that, it had mold, was brown, yellow and black and had putrified and turning mushy. You would have thought this example of how consciousness can affect an object so clearly would have received a good grade and possibly chosen as a favorite. but despite seeing with her eyes (the teacher and judges) gave her an 85 with a note that his research had been "debunked".

    • @arnouth5260
      @arnouth5260 5 років тому

      Free Thinking Agent did she use any scientific controls? Did you take other factors into account? No? Well then it isn’t scientific

    • @arnouth5260
      @arnouth5260 4 роки тому +1

      Melanie Ranatunga
      First of all, ever heard of an educated guess? None of them were professionals, there were no controls and they only did the experiment once.
      Secondly, you may notice a small “?” After the no.

    • @arnouth5260
      @arnouth5260 4 роки тому

      Melanie Ranatunga
      In science something is considered false up until it is proven to be true, that is the basis of science itself. Therefore since no-one ever managed to recreate these conditions under controlled circumstances, it should be considered incorrect.
      Your argument about school experiment doesn’t really make much sense to me, children learn about stuff, they don’t prove it. They are not comparable. That and the fact that bread goes mouldy does not prove the existence of bacteria, it is a way of introducing children to a concept and give an argument for why said concept exists, it is not a proof.

    • @arnouth5260
      @arnouth5260 4 роки тому

      Melanie Ranatunga you know that the idea of ‘false until proven true’ is the basis of logic itself, right? It’s essentially the same as a justice system, where we assume the accused is innocent until he is proven guilty. If he is actually guilty, but there is no evidence, we say he’s innocent and let him go. The same thing applies to scientific ideas, we say that something is false, until someone comes along and proves it to be correct.
      If we were to remove that fundamental premise from science, it would mean that everything would have to be taken seriously.
      Here’s an example: if I say that I am visited by invisible unicorns every night that only I can see, would you believe me? I hope the answer is no, and scientifically speaking the answer is also no. Even if you say that it is possible, you’ll probably live out your life as if it wasn’t true.
      That’s pretty much it, we consider it to be false, that does not mean that it is false, but that it should be seen as if it is false.
      Before you think that this is some arbitrary line, it isn’t, every single observation or hypothesis in science is viewed with no respect and seen as inaccurate, up until it has been proven to be true beyond any justifiably doubt.
      Your argument about how she doesn’t need to prove anything doesn’t really make sense, obviously a child doesn’t need to prove something that would fundamentally change our understanding of even the most basic concepts in science, but that does not mean that when she does an experiment at it gets a result, we should consider it accurate. Nevermind the fact that dozens of scientists have attempted to replicate mr. Emoto’s work under controlled conditions and all failed.

    • @arnouth5260
      @arnouth5260 4 роки тому

      Melanie Ranatunga
      I feel I haven’t explained myself well enough.
      If something has been tested, yet no evidence was found, we consider it to be false.
      If something has not been tested, but has no justification for being true, we also tend to consider it false, but say it is possibly true.
      People in the middle ages were justified for believing flight was impossible, because there are many things one needs to know in order to fly and since they simply didn’t have this knowledge they were completely justified in believing it to be impossible, they were wrong, but that isn’t really a problem.
      Which is what I mean with any claim made that has no evidence, we are justified in considering it false if there is no proof, because we have no reason to see it as accurate. Whether we turn out to be correct or incorrect is not the point.

  • @kagarutonation
    @kagarutonation 8 років тому +32

    Every Sunday at 12:00pm we meditate to fix the earths water, sounds good? Awesome!!

  • @nicolecastillo7426
    @nicolecastillo7426 8 років тому +116

    its true that your words have power. cus of the energy you give off when you speak. when my son touches my sisters n64 games i used to spank him n say bad baby, he would cry and sometimes attack the delicate games so the situation basically escalated. i was raised this way, it worked for me and many other children, i thought if i wasnt spanked or my son wasnt we would end up like spoiled children. but im starting to wake up now and i approach my son calmly, i explain to him that if he loves and respect his tia he wouldnt touch her valuables, those are important to her and we want to care about her feelings and respect them. im talking to my two year old who isnt even talking himself like a mindful adult. he babbles back at me, doesnt cry, and sometimes he'll just say okay and walk away. positivity does work, you dont have to fight fire with fire. put it out with water

    • @benjaminweser9076
      @benjaminweser9076 8 років тому +3


    • @JesseTorres305
      @JesseTorres305 7 років тому +1

      Nicole Castillo read, The Four Agreeances.

    • @brandonparamore8300
      @brandonparamore8300 7 років тому +1


    • @darkenergy8318
      @darkenergy8318 6 років тому +1

      Nicole Castillo
      I do agree that being calm helps the situation ; if not most situations but not all of it .
      Different degree of approach / discipline for different types of kids .
      Jordan isn't the type of guy to be amazed by .

    • @alexedwards8129
      @alexedwards8129 6 років тому +1

      thats awesome!! truly, i hope you still keep that up as they get worse hahaha ツ Bless!

  • @Awizdom
    @Awizdom 9 років тому +59

    take a shot everytime he says water

  • @AkuTenshiiZero
    @AkuTenshiiZero 8 років тому +35

    So a guy played Bethoven, Bach, and heavy metal to water and it froze in different ways.
    Gee. It's almost like sound is a vibration or something.

    • @SimbaTheGreat
      @SimbaTheGreat 8 років тому +3

      he didn't freeze the water while the music was playing. But I like how you acknowledged the music but he himself projecting his thoughts on the water

    • @BibiRose
      @BibiRose 8 років тому +5

      I don't believe heavy metal is something negative, it can be as beautiful as opera

    • @dadada396
      @dadada396 8 років тому +10

      @BibiTank Heavy metal can be beautiful but it produces dissonant vibrations, thus it is more "out of balance" aka disharmonious.

    • @BibiRose
      @BibiRose 8 років тому

      I agree

    • @damaris2254
      @damaris2254 8 років тому


  • @DiazJulioMario
    @DiazJulioMario 10 років тому +39

    I am a civil and environmental engineer who has always been fascinated by science and have always had a skeptical mindset. And I must say I absolutely love spirit science. I remember when I was a little kid I always kept drawing straight lines on my notebook and then I would join them to make squares and then join those squares to make cubes. I always wondered how could I join cubes in order to make 4 dimensional figures, and I remember persistently trying but never being able to get a figure I accepted as 4 dimensional. I now believe I did that instinctively for a reason, I really believe it was my own spirit trying to tell me to find more about higher dimensions. I think the majority of people who come here to try to disprove the spirit science theories, have problems accepting this because they are not ready to understand these videos. It is a slow transition, just like science. You know how when you start learning science nothing makes sense and all feels so counter intuitive due to the fact that our senses tell us different stories as science. This is the same, spiritual knowledge is counter intuitive to a scientific mindset, and it is through practice and by having an open mind that you will be able to understand it.
    Spirit Science thank you so much for making these videos!
    Greetings from Colombia : )

    • @L.S.Goutier
      @L.S.Goutier 10 років тому +1


    • @oceanceaser44
      @oceanceaser44 10 років тому +1

      I highly doubt you are an engineer, and can discern that you are most definitely not sceptical. This video is not counter intuitive to a scientific mindset, it is just the plain opposite of science and logic.

    • @oceanceaser44
      @oceanceaser44 10 років тому +2

      ***** I doubt him because if he was scientifically minded he would clearly see that this is NOT science. Not by a long shot. As for being dismissive of these ideas: there is a point to which an open mind is a good thing, but if you go past it your brain may fall out. Why do I try to debunk and discredit pseudo-scientific videos like these? Because they themselves negatively effect the world we live in. Not only are his (and Emoto's for that matter) ideas based upon nothing but wishful thinking, but he also just gets the facts plain wrong at least a dozen times in the first 4 minutes. In a world where freshwater is scarce, and lack of water is a massive problem with severe consequences, we should be working on trying to solve the real issues that can save millions of lives. Instead this video's creator is simply spreading confusion, polluting the public sphere with absolute and utter BS, and trying to get money in return for it. If he was really as benevolent as he claims, don't you think he would make his book publicly available for downloading? As for my field of study, I am an undergrad freshwater science student, so yes I do have a lot of experience on this subject. Sorry for serving up all these harsh browns but all of this "work" undermines the legitimacy of what myself and many others work very hard on, in the sphere of actual science.

    • @DiazJulioMario
      @DiazJulioMario 10 років тому +6

      oceanceaser I respect your opinions but let me clarify something. I am scientifically minded and I can clearly see that this is not science. Regarding the phrase "there is a point to which an open mind is a good thing, but if you go past it your brain may fall out." I think it is funny, but I don't see how can it be taken literally. I'm not asking for a peer reviewed journal, because I don't need those to believe in something, but maybe some examples?
      Let me tell you why you should not try to debunk and discredit pseudo-sciences. Even the modern science you believe in started as a pseudo science. Science was born out of philosophy and it went through many pseudo-scientific stages before getting to the actual version . Actually, people have tried to debunk and discredit it all over history and would they have succeeded we wouldn't be benefiting from it today.
      You say these type of videos affect the world negatively because they keep people out of focus from the really important issues. I think you are being ignorant if you really think that, and I don't mean it in an offensive way, I mean that you are not stating an objective opinion, due to the fact that you clearly have not seen the rest of the spirit science videos in which positive ways of thinking, that can bring peace to the viewers and the people around them, are presented.
      I'm sorry if you don't believe me about my profession, but I truly am an engineer, and in fact, I am very experienced in your area of study. I understand the global water problem regarding pollution and misuse and I am indeed very concerned about it and working my way to help solve it in my country. But I also understand that Spirit Science and many other spiritual channels are here to help us deal with other problems, maybe they are not as tangible as the ones modern science deals with, but that doesn't mean they aren't real. Spiritual problems can lead to psychological, neurological and overall health issues. If you don't believe in the relationship spirit-mind-body, you should ask the scientific community about the placebo and nocebo effects.
      I don't say any of this to start a debate, I respect your opinion and I just wanted to clarify mine. Good night.

    • @thegeffanator
      @thegeffanator 9 років тому +2

      You're an engineer but like a video that called water an element? and said it was the only element that could be in all three physical states? that it is the only element that expands when it freezes? someone with a real scientific background would know all of these these to be untrue and wouldn't appreciate someone so ignorantly spreading this miss information.

  • @ChurlzVA
    @ChurlzVA 10 років тому +38

    I really hope people would do some actual research on this. Do not be mislead by this quackery. Have an open mind, but please be smart and wise about it.

    • @ChurlzVA
      @ChurlzVA 10 років тому +3

      The very second water was considered an element. It's a compound.

    • @ChurlzVA
      @ChurlzVA 10 років тому

      A thing made up of two or more elements. Water is a compound because it has 2 Hydrogens and 1 Oxygen. Hydrogen and Oxygen are the elements in the compound.
      Hence H20 =)

    • @javierargueta8399
      @javierargueta8399 10 років тому +2

      Wow are you brainwashed kid.

    • @javierargueta8399
      @javierargueta8399 10 років тому

      You need to do your research before you think youve gotten all the information out of one thing. You need to look from every aspect of a cube to realize it is cube. How simple it is to not discover how easy is it to stay in a box of limits. Your people have made it easy for you to forget its in your food your toothpaste. Dont you ask yourself questions you never know the answer too? You know all the answers you just tell yourself subconsciously you dont and ignore important information about yourself everyday.

    • @ChurlzVA
      @ChurlzVA 10 років тому +2

      Why the angry response? My comment had no bad intentions whatsoever. Look, don't take it personally, but are you seriously believing in this crap? The man calls WATER an element. AN ELEMENT!
      But fine, go ahead, call me a closed-minded fool. Have you ever thought of the possibility that most of what said in this video is wrong? Don't be in the "box" with the idea that everything this guy says is right.

  • @JacobLeavensJaLeavens
    @JacobLeavensJaLeavens 8 років тому +22

    First off: Water isn't an element.

    • @f3iimg
      @f3iimg 8 років тому

      Oye tranquilo cerebrito 7u7

    • @hugh3495
      @hugh3495 8 років тому +8

      +Jacob Leavens, you should specify. that although water is not a periodic element. the word element in old testament to original alchemy, the method of observing and testing the physical properties of the planet. which used fire earth air and water as elements. this is still accurate to call them elements today. even though its actually just their physical state of frequency.
      which if you believe that any element can exist as solid, liquid and gas. then you're admitting to the fact that at the correct particle frequency, water is potentially everything this video hypes it up to be , if you like scientific, tested and linear information rather than conglomerated facts there is lots more open research into why water does these cool things.
      for example, we thought quantum crystal drive computing was high tech, but scientists recently discovered that the way the molecules of water arrange them self are based on computing the atomic data, making earths ocean the largest informational super computer we have ever seen. it almost suggest it's thinking, its kind of like, if you could imagine a box of puzzle pieces that will arrange them self till the picture is done. water will keep processing its atomic organisation in order to eventually purify itself.
      if you like to argue physics/chemistry on youtube channels, its rather a waste of your interests. maybe you should study science fully before trying to debunk half a century of scientific discovery.

    • @carloswilliams6063
      @carloswilliams6063 8 років тому

      +Hugh Schenider yep

    • @hugh3495
      @hugh3495 8 років тому +1

      my appologies. just keyboard warrioring too hard here i guess.
      however the process of turning solid into gas is sublimation. which is virtually non present in this universe

    • @hugh3495
      @hugh3495 8 років тому +1

      I recommend taking an interest in biology and looking at a periodic table of the elements. Scientifically no. Metaphorically yes.

  • @jazminesilva9296
    @jazminesilva9296 4 роки тому +23

    This video made me tear up. We definitely take water for granted. Thank you for this video and for all the past and future video you have and will make. 🙏❤️

  • @hughmortyproductions8562
    @hughmortyproductions8562 9 років тому +14

    Got linked to this video starting at 1:45, stopped watching at 2:15. In those 30 seconds I found three major errors.
    "water is the only element that can exist in three states"
    First of all, as many other people have already pointed out, water is not an element; it is a compound. Second, almost every substance known to man, element or otherwise, can exist as solid, liquid or gas depending on the temperature and pressure (with the exception of a few compounds which disassociate into their constituent elements at temperatures lower than their theoretical melting or boiling points). Although water is the only substance I can think of which can exist in all three states near room temperature at standard pressure.
    "It's the only element that expands when it freezes"
    No it's not, gallium, germanium and antimony (which actually are elements) also expand when frozen. There are also dozens of compounds which expand when frozen.
    "...which science today cannot explain"
    Actually it is fairly well understood why water expands when it freezes. It relates to the polar structure of the molecule. A simple Google search reveals hundreds of pages with explanations which go into varying levels of detail, depending on your level of interest.
    If you are going to put something like this on the internet at least put in just a little bit of effort to make sure what you are saying is true. I could tolerate mere stupidity, people shouldn't be blamed for not knowing things, but I cannot and will not tolerate willful ignorance.
    All of this could have been found with a simple Google search, there is simply no excuse for posting this kind of intellectually dishonest bullshit on the internet.

  • @liveontheverandah
    @liveontheverandah 10 років тому +47

    many of these 'unanswered questions' are in fact very easily answered by your average high school student!

  • @WeirdCrazyShortGuy
    @WeirdCrazyShortGuy 8 років тому +28

    I don't necessarily believe everything that Spirit Science teaches, but this channel still gives me hope and helps me see meaning in life. Thank you!

    • @bramvantongeren8044
      @bramvantongeren8044 8 років тому

      We are on the same path

    • @jesuschristestamour7121
      @jesuschristestamour7121 8 років тому

      It's a shame to deny the spirit , with what you think you communicate , your brain , your emotions as well ? Hard to believe in the spirit but easy to believe in evolution a bomb Exploding into nothing and creates a world ? but not in immaterial create by the infinity life exist everytime called god #jesus ? like you want know only jesus love you It is not a religion
      Jean 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
      and he is dearh on cross for save you from sins and laws.

    • @Parkman696
      @Parkman696 8 років тому

      Yeah, but there's just so much wrong here it's disturbing.

    • @carlsbad9000
      @carlsbad9000 8 років тому +1

      Parker Grootenhuis--like what? please put your answer in the form of a list, as well as note the time of the video you are referring to. If it is so disturbing there should be more than one, two...even three. try to get your list to at least six to satisfy your aforementioned statement "... so much wrong..." as well as " "...It's disturbing..." and remember, disturbing is a powerful word so try to provide some evidence to support your claims. Thank You.

    • @kylagarcia4530
      @kylagarcia4530 8 років тому +1

      Watch sacred geometry, it has some proof

  • @geuwglesuxballz6074
    @geuwglesuxballz6074 10 років тому +44

    Are people rating up because they are entertained by how stupid this is?

    • @aklimaron7398
      @aklimaron7398 10 років тому +12

      people actually believe this because it's easier and faster than studying real science, mostly because they can skip proof, logic and actual understanding of subjects

    • @khawkins457
      @khawkins457 10 років тому +2

      Its stupid cause you don't get it?

    • @geuwglesuxballz6074
      @geuwglesuxballz6074 10 років тому +3

      Kevin Hawkins What's to get? Do you think he is joking? He is really stating all of these laughably absurd, obvious falsehoods. He is serious, and he even has followers that are stupid enough to believe him. I know it's almost unbelievably sad, but he has never given any indication that he is joking, and he even replies to people that debunk him, and he seems earnest when he does it.

    • @aklimaron7398
      @aklimaron7398 10 років тому +1

      Kevin Hawkins
      if you get this, then you don't get actual science, that creates useful stuff, and make predictions that come true.
      but if you so want to prove this, please explain to me how jews are from space (statement made by him in one of his videos)

    • @khawkins457
      @khawkins457 10 років тому +3

      We live in a holographic universe. You cant cut up matter, everything contains the whole! Matter is an illusion. Atoms are 99 percent empty space. It's just fluctuation of the same energy!

  • @DboyinDtown
    @DboyinDtown 3 роки тому +9

    Watching this on a Sunday and setting an intention to heal our waters. Thank you

  • @mrgv9241
    @mrgv9241 9 років тому +5

    Love and gratitude - purifies water the most. Absolutely amazing

  • @shawnradcliffe3514
    @shawnradcliffe3514 9 років тому +4

    I've seen a few comments mentioning Dr. Imouto's work and the relation it has with Metal music. Let's remember that while there are many people who love Metal, a few of my friends included (who also find Imouto's research interesting if not plausible) the experiments weren't out to prove that one genre of music is better than another. The whole experiment was to see the effects that different music had on water. I highly doubt he was trying to make a statement about which music genre was superior.
    Metal music is, in general, very fast, very sporadic, and very chaotic. Some people like that and it has nothing to do with their mental or spiritual health. I know a few metalheads who meditate and do chakra work, yet do not equate Metal to being a bad thing.
    As for the comments that are coming up with "real science lessons" I feel the need to remind you that science is being rewritten every day as new discoveries are being made. At one point in time the very idea of a molecule or an atom was laughed at. Now it is in every basic public school science book. Spirit Science isn't about getting people to believe in one thing versus another. It's about looking at new concepts in relation to two different feilds of thought that have been separated for a ver long time and bridging them, finding the common ground if you will.
    I'll admit some of the concepts are pretty out there, yet the goal isn't to change your beliefs, Team Spirit has even stated this. The goal is to find new understandings in old concepts, and to define a new way of thinking. Some of you will just out right deny everything he says just from the title of the series alone, and that's fine, but please keep the negative comments to yourselves. Believe it or not, most modern "facts" of science where at one point or another laughed at, discredited and ridiculed. Even the term "accredited" really is arbitrary when you think about it. All your doing is seeing if other people agree with someone before you make an opinion about it: like finding a restaurant on Yelp. Your opinions are completely based on what another institution has already said instead of listening and coming up with your own opinion.
    Other than that, what is wrong with someone making feel-good videos to try and brighten peoples day? I personally watch a few of these videos when Im feeling down because I like the core message: Light, Love, and Life. Are you trying to say that we all need to subscribe to the status quo? The greatest thinkers in history, your very own heros of science, challenged what was thought to be scientific fact at the time and were ridiculed, shunned, and in earlier times even burned at the stake for challenging the norm. Just some food for thought.
    Much Love

    • @starvingaartist5454
      @starvingaartist5454 4 роки тому

      Wow, this was absolutely brilliant, couldn't have said it any other way. :)

  • @kimramirez5247
    @kimramirez5247 2 роки тому +3

    The rice water experiment hit me hard and made me completely breakdown and cry. Our body is mostly water and when I saw the 2nd beaker, I realized that this is happening within me. I have been talking bad to myself for years. I felt so sad realizing that that 2nf beaker is Me

  • @marcoseven7713
    @marcoseven7713 10 років тому +5

    This is great thought, regardless of what people think about water, this new perspective does shed some light on to the properties of Water. Life is energy.

  • @Kinjamaimai
    @Kinjamaimai 10 років тому +24

    We know perfectly well why water expands when it freezes - it has to do with the shape of the watermolecule. The hydrogen atoms form bonds and due to the shape of the molecule, this leaves extra space in the structure, as opposed to when it's liquid.

    • @ananimussingh5798
      @ananimussingh5798 5 років тому +1

      Why know what happens not why it happens there is a difference in those thing it's true crystal of water have voids that makes it expand on cooling but why does it have voids while rest other crystal of liquid does not form that voids

    • @ananimussingh5798
      @ananimussingh5798 5 років тому

      So there is difference in what happens and why it happens do do not confuse please

    • @ananimussingh5798
      @ananimussingh5798 5 років тому

      Our education from 8 tells us what it is does even gives us the idea of why it is sorry if you feel offended but thats the truth

    • @Mannyg2319
      @Mannyg2319 5 років тому +1

      Kinjamaimai I think you missed the point of the argument buddy

    • @crimsonlight1385
      @crimsonlight1385 5 років тому

      @@ananimussingh5798 very interesting perspective. Thank you

  • @penguinpouch5667
    @penguinpouch5667 10 років тому +104

    Dear Haters: If you do not agree, then please do not watch these videos, i mean hate on video 20? why would you stay for 20 episodes? You are ruining us spirit believers by calling us bullshit and idiots. Please just leave us alone, for we will refrain from fighting back.

    • @barbara4865
      @barbara4865 10 років тому +27

      "There are some people who always seem angry and continuously look for conflict. WALK AWAY; the battle they are fighting isn`t with you, it is with themselves."

    • @lousy7580
      @lousy7580 10 років тому +25

      Because pedaling this crap is still harmful. And because most of us are not so self-absorbed that we are numb to that, we argue against such harmful material. We aren't censoring, merely criticizing. It says a lot that you are so insecure with your beliefs that you are so afraid of criticism. It is as though you doubt they will hold up to scrutiny.

    • @lousy7580
      @lousy7580 10 років тому +2

      I am in high school. I go to college next year. I intend to be a physician to heal people who are sick and remove pain.

    • @gastarbeiter1
      @gastarbeiter1 10 років тому +7

      so basically you are saying, that we should leave you alone in your ignorance of what we REALLY know about this universe? All the fantastic stuff science REALLY discovered? And you don't wanna hear about that? What about your opennes? Are you just open to what you already believe? How pathetic! Open your eyes! There is so much nonsense in these videos.
      Why do I watch them? For entertainment. I find them funny. And the stories are nice fuzzy and cute. But when there is BS you should point out that there is BS, so that others don't fall for that BS. I like the animation and I like a good laugh, but don't get angry when somebody tells you, that your believe has some BS in it. Adopt to it and cut out the BS to find truth. Thats all. I'm out.

    • @untaint
      @untaint 10 років тому +3

      gastarbeiter1 just go away ya opinion is useless and negative , man you people that call bs on these videos are annoying....what do you get out of talkin crap about the video ? If you think we ignorant for watchin then thats your opinion. Why not do something productive and come up with a way's to better mankind....Watching these videos gave me a different outlook on life and promotes love for everything and peace within. Lord knows before i came across these videos i was just as negative and thought man is hopeless and will fail in the end because of greed and ego.. besides atleast these videos not forcing anything on me like religion, ill choose critical thinkin any day over that lol "keep an open mind" like the video say's nothing is set in stone

  • @markotuna
    @markotuna 8 років тому +13

    watching emotos experiment in this videos gave me chills. the rice water which he thanked, felt good, i actually felt it. the water he insulted gave me unconfortable feeling, but the one he ignored gave me the chills through my entire body. like i could feel the suffering... yikes!

  • @topheftyr533
    @topheftyr533 8 років тому +1

    I will admit, I was skeptical at first, but after taking the time to listen, I realize...water is absolutely amazing.

  • @stephaniejanis9684
    @stephaniejanis9684 10 років тому +63

    Why are people posting negative comments on a channel so positive? Please, the world is contaminated with enough negativity for people to be polluting one of the only 100% positive mediums that they have constructed here. This is for positive thought and open minds only!

    • @jreed136
      @jreed136 10 років тому +6

      Having a mind too open is not a good thing. Thinking too positively and ignoring reality is also not a good thing.
      This is all well and good to watch, and if you think it's for a positive attitude, then go ahead.
      But people need to stop acting like this is a real, actual truth this blue thing is telling us.

    • @1lanadear
      @1lanadear 7 років тому

      LOL who are you to say what people need to do.

    • @friendlybanjoatheist5464
      @friendlybanjoatheist5464 7 років тому +4

      Stephanie Janis Why what do you call a channel that spews false claims "so positive"? Our point is not to be negative, is to arrest the spread of sloppy thinking. Yes, we should not throw insults at others, but I do you help people appreciate that were just encouraging critical thinking. Who could be against that?

    • @LunettaAerialVisuals
      @LunettaAerialVisuals 7 років тому

      I have to agree with these other comments. Just because he has a positive attitude, doesn't mean ANY of it is fact and in many cases, they a blatant lies. What is worse, spreading lies to suit ones own agenda, or calling out those lies. Talk to a physicist who has done actual research and knows how water moves up the trunk of a tree or what the actual definition of an element is and I guarantee they will be just as positive and insightful without all of the make believe babble.

    • @writingaccount6399
      @writingaccount6399 6 років тому

      Stephanie Janis um.. because he's not telling the truth and people in the comments are trying to tell the truth

  • @mikedelhoo
    @mikedelhoo 10 років тому +28

    Water is not an element, it's a compound (of the elements hydrogen and oxygen). And virtually every substance can be a solid, liquid or vapour. I guess if you never made it through high-school chemistry then it's easy to believe we don't know much about water.

    • @thedominomaster101
      @thedominomaster101 10 років тому +5

      Most of the questions in this video can be answered by hydrogen bonds

    • @joananogueira1795
      @joananogueira1795 10 років тому +16

      Not chemical elements but the 4 elements (water, air, earth and fire) :)

    • @thedominomaster101
      @thedominomaster101 10 років тому +2

      OK but just about all of the answers in it are answered be hydrigen bonds and that water is polar.

    • @joananogueira1795
      @joananogueira1795 10 років тому

      Yes, you've got a point... I gess he tries to relate things...?

    • @ka_okai9
      @ka_okai9 10 років тому +12

      mikedelhoo He means "Elements" in a diferent point of view. Cientific language is not THE ONLY language... In a part of the video someone literaly mention that it is "the structure" of the water whats important not the "elements" in a cientific way. Recent studies prove that you can trace many "element compunds" in water wich are totaly new for " active researching experimental male side science". If anybody is interested in the behavior of water trough its movement should look into a free thinking researcher called Victor Schauberger. His statements are truly simple, amazing and very well explained.

  • @goodkarmawithkarmamarie1764
    @goodkarmawithkarmamarie1764 6 днів тому

    While I wasn't able to test water, I did the rice test and it worked! Emotions have power!

  • @adnorob
    @adnorob 11 років тому +3

    "I readily absorb ideas from every source, frequently starting where the last person left off."
    Thomas Edison
    whether people decide to believe this or not is their choice, but at the same time it gives us a broader view of what is or is not possible

  • @nerro23
    @nerro23 8 років тому +18

    1. Emoto didn't share many details of his experiment, and when he did it revealed he didn't use correct controls to ensure accurate results. He was also offered a million dollars to recreate the experiment, which he declined.
    2. Water is a compound, not an element. Also scientists CAN explain it's expansion when frozen, very easily in fact. It forms crystals due to the hydrogen bonds not having enough energy to break, creating gaps that otherwise wouldn't be there.
    3. Strong surface tension because of hydrogen bonds. It isn't the most powerful solvent on earth by any means. Water isn't under 1000s of atmospheres of pressure in trees, in fact it's under negative pressure (which is why it moves).
    4. Water does change its structure. This only lasts for a small fraction of a second though and has no long term effect, which is why homeopathy has been debunked time and time again.
    5. The natural structure of water isn't "broken apart" and can't be without various chemical processes. Water is H2O. It is what it is and no amount of right angles will change this.
    6. Man I'm not even going to touch on this "water is subjected to violence" bullshit
    7. Emoto's rice experiment was done with the smallest sample size possible, no controls and no published data. People repeating it have seen very hit and miss results with none being anywhere near as dramatic as his, meaning that realistically it's down to chance. The man is a fraud.
    8. To brush off an actual scientific experiment as pseudoscience without investigation would be a bad idea. To brush off a makeshift experiment that the scientist won't repeat for a million dollars, completely doesn't fit with already established scientific rules and can't be repeated in trials is just common sense.
    Seriously Spirit Science, fuck you. These videos are irresponsible at best and downright cult-like at their worst. It makes me sad that a half million people with an interest in science got suckered into subscribing to your channel, meaning that they'll probably never pursue anything worth pursuing in the field.

    • @thetruewisegamer
      @thetruewisegamer 8 років тому +3

      if makes yea feel better that people subscribe just to laugh at them and thank you for that long understanding point of why this is bullshit

    • @williamchamberlain2263
      @williamchamberlain2263 6 років тому +1

      Great post: well put.

  • @veragcampos
    @veragcampos 7 років тому +1

    I can't thank you enough for this channel, for all of this information and the love you share. Honestly, before I met this channel, I felt like I needed to do something to share the knowledge, the thoughts and the feeling I had about exisetnce, but then I stepped across this channel, and I was glad to realize that someone had already done this, in a much better way than I would be able to do myself... Anyway, thanks for these videos, and thank you for existing. People like you give me the strenght to move on, in this chaotic, beautiful world.

  • @MyKeyMoonShine
    @MyKeyMoonShine 10 років тому +5

    So you are saying we should not purify water because we are hurting it's feelings? Also did you really just say that drinking water is not benefiting us at all because of all of this nastiness? Doesn't that kind of contradict the whole we need water part?
    Is water more or less traumatized by being purified than it is by being defecated in?

  • @boomguy12345
    @boomguy12345 10 років тому +74

    "Water is the only element in existence that can exist in three states"
    UM... WHAT
    First off, water (H2O) is not an element. It is composed of 3 atoms (that are elements).
    Second, all elements can exist in 4 states of matter-solid, liquid, gas, and plasma.

    • @infinitum245
      @infinitum245 10 років тому +25

      You are misinterpreting this. There are four basic elements: earth, wind, water, fire. You must pay attention to the entire series. This is not in the scientific sense of the word element where you are thinking of the periodic table of elements.

    • @boomguy12345
      @boomguy12345 10 років тому +23

      No, those are the classical elements that were proposed in Greek times. That theory has been debunked.
      Then in what sense of the word "element"? If it is not a scientific sense (i.e if it is not demonstrable, testable, and falsifiable), why give it any credence at all?

    • @transgenesis12
      @transgenesis12 10 років тому +7

      boomguy12345 You need to watch the entire series to understand what he is referring to. I was not referencing the greeks, and this is using a different paradigm of understanding the physical world. Naturally they are not going to agree with science. "Debunked" just means it doesn't fit in the modern, western scientific view of the world. Science cannot really address things of this nature because it lacks the tools. All it can say is whether or not something lies within the framework of it, not whether or not they are actually true.

    • @boomguy12345
      @boomguy12345 10 років тому +15

      sake ninja
      "I was not referencing to the Greeks" Obviously, as you are not the person that made the last comment. Lol
      I have seen the lunatic's four elements video (on a mirror, I'm not giving him views) and he never actually proves that these four "elements" are earth, wind, water, and fire. He makes this assertion and then gives other categories/topics that are arbitrarily given four characteristics. There is nothing that backs up his original claim. There has never been anything demonstrated that would back up the claim of the existence of only four such elements. In doing so, you would need to invalidate all modern theories in physics and chemistry.
      If something doesn't agree with science, it isn't true. You should educate yourself on what "science" is.
      "Debunked" means proven to be false. Homeopathy? Debunked. Vitalism? Debunked. There is no such thing as a "western scientific view of the world." I believe you mean to say "close-mindedness." Science is impartial. If you drop a ball, it will fall towards the ground (given the right conditions, of course). This observation can be made anywhere on Earth.
      You're right, there are some things science (currently) can't address. The terms given in his videos can be twisted around and their meanings changed until they are very difficult to falsify. I can say there is an invisible, ethereal elephant in my room. At that point, logic kicks in. There is nothing in the modern theories of physics that would support a claim like that or allow for its existence, and Occam's razor also leans on the side of there not being an elephant in my room.
      Your last sentence is unclear.

    • @transgenesis12
      @transgenesis12 10 років тому +8

      boomguy12345 Science cannot dictate what is true and what is not, you need to incorporate metaphysics in order to do that. Science has no metaphysics, and therefore, cannot be used to determine truths. Science operates within rigid rules and natural laws AS OBSERVED by man, and invented by man. Now IF something exists that does not follow these laws, all it means is that it does not follow the natural laws, NOT that it doesn't exist or is untrue. Science cannot prove the existence of things not based on its own laws. Just think back in time at how many things in science have been overturned. Thinking that where we are today is all there will ever be in terms of knowledge and understanding is naive and definitely not correct. I know, you didnt say that. So if you then think that science will never be incorrect in anything we currently believe moving forward, you are implicating that the agreements made between scientists are infallible. Are humans infallible? Will science never be wrong moving forward ever? No.
      That last sentence doesnt make sense to you because you dont understand philosophy or metaphysics. Science is based on rules, not truths. Educate yourself on philosophy. People now days are molded in left brain dominant education systems where an emphasis on logic and philosophy are absent. You were never taught to think logically, so if you dont take it upon yourself to do so, you end up like where you are, equating the scientific process to discovering truths.
      An example of your illogical reasoning is in the example you gave. Using an illogical statement and equating it to what the opponent said is a logical fallacy (strawman attack for your reference).
      Words communicate experience. If certain experiences are difficult to communicate, it can be because the experience is not shared or the language lacks the framework to do so. If some video says something that uses words which are "difficult to falsify", then perhaps it is because you lack the experience of the words in the manner they are being used. Can you falsify consciousness? You think if you cant put it on a table and measure it isnt real. Put your mind on a table and tell me its real. And no, you typing out a reply is not proof your mind exists. Your line of thinking paints the world as if science itself is some inanimate force in the universe which exposes universal truths and imparts metaphysical meaning unto all. Wrong. It is a tool to help humans understand the world that is before then. We didnt create the universe or existence or even ourselves. We did create science. See the difference?

  • @johannesellis8282
    @johannesellis8282 5 років тому +2

    I bet those dislikes are just people who dont understand this or who didnt listen to the previous lessons or are just super close minded

  • @AscendedMasculine
    @AscendedMasculine 8 років тому +27

    Galium is an element that expands when frozen

  • @honey8784
    @honey8784 9 років тому +16

    This little video sure stirred up some smelly comments, Evil sure likes to attack enlightenment ,,,,,,,

    • @ForeverTributesNL
      @ForeverTributesNL 9 років тому

      ***** There is time for the rational and there is time for the spiritual. Where the two meet, no one knows.

    • @ForeverTributesNL
      @ForeverTributesNL 9 років тому +1

      As a rational person, I have to agree with a lot of what you're saying however to state that spirituality doesn't exist is factual not true. It exists as a concept. For a lot of people it really is a big part of their lives and they view unexplainable things as spiritual experiences, through lack of better understanding. I say, let them; they're not part of the scientific community. However at least they accept those experiences as empirical, be it on a personal level where most scientist disregard them as hallucinations which is unfounded in a lot of cases and studies are piling up as we speak. Fringe scientist like Sheldrake and Campbell dare to enter this area of the metaphysical where others just don't have the balls. Before we disregard everything as a fabrication of the brain let's follow in Socrates' footsteps and acknowledge we know nothing. And how could we in the short amount of time that we have been a critical thinking species? So why should there be time for spirituality too? Simple: it adds up to the pile of ideas and science always starts with ideas. Love and light lol ;)

    • @channinghenry24
      @channinghenry24 9 років тому +5

      ***** If you call yourself a rational person or a person of science than take that approach toward this. If you feel nothing afterward than so be it, if notable change takes place than pursue it but don't discredit something you haven't fully tried to understand.

    • @charlesbabahu3122
      @charlesbabahu3122 9 років тому +1

      Haha, no better way of putting it my friend. namaste.

    • @CRocker246
      @CRocker246 9 років тому

      ***** why are you so angry?

  • @Chaps0n
    @Chaps0n 10 років тому +1

    I have been reading through the comments here and I'm starting to think that most people don't know much/enough about water to be making these comments. There's a difference between knowing something and thinking you know something. I think this last one fits best for most of you here.

  • @Scotty2hotty2023
    @Scotty2hotty2023 10 років тому +7

    wow he made a couple of small errors. Sue him! band him from UA-cam! No.....
    Lets talk about the lies we've been fed in school, and on TV, repeatedly too. And once someone with natural intelligence tries to open new doors of thinking, we spit it right back into his face? Sounds like the "America" i know...

  • @naswtf
    @naswtf 10 років тому +25

    I really like this channel and its opened my eyes by making me research and question fundamental principles that I previously just blindly accepted. But sometimes it seems like someone just hasn't done enough research on things. For example a lot of the properties of water that were said to be unexplained by science, in this video, can, can be explained quite simply by hydrogen bonds, cohesion and adhesion. Also root pressure is involved in making water seemingly defy gravity and travel up a tree trunk through the xylem. I'm not trying to take away the fact that this series is incredibly insightful but this video could have been made a lot better by just doing a bit more research in what science knows about water. Am I being too harsh? Any thoughts guys?

    • @DeadLoon
      @DeadLoon 10 років тому +16

      It's good that watching the videos had made question your previously blindly accepted beliefs. However, most, if not all of his videos, are just made entirely of assertions that are neither explained, nor supported with any evidence, so I would it would not be recommended to take their contents seriously.

    • @Ixiah27
      @Ixiah27 4 роки тому

      And then you go and accept the nonsense someone else on a YT Video spouts.....

  • @wipalo.the.artist
    @wipalo.the.artist 5 років тому

    I know that nobody will see this, but I felt compelled.
    Michio Kaku made a comment once on a space TV show that I think about quite often. He's drinking water from a bottle talking about how ancient it is. How most scientists agree that water didn't originate on Earth, and the water we drink is literally over four billion years old. And the primary component of water, hydrogen, is the oldest particle in the universe. So the very thing that makes us exist is built from the very first particle the universe ever created 14 billion years ago... I love water...

  • @stefanfeickert1994
    @stefanfeickert1994 10 років тому +13

    you my freind seem to have very little understanding of sience! Water is not an element, but it is the most investigated chemical compund on our planet. There are so many wrong facts in this video that I don´t even know where to beginn!

    • @Mannyg2319
      @Mannyg2319 5 років тому


    • @gabrielmahan1446
      @gabrielmahan1446 5 років тому


    • @scarletletter4900
      @scarletletter4900 5 років тому

      Welcome to you average episode of Spirit Science. You have go through a lot of chaff to get to anything of value in the episode.

    • @hiphxwk1974
      @hiphxwk1974 4 роки тому

      dont watch spirit science if you have a closed mind.

    • @jacobbpalmerr5780
      @jacobbpalmerr5780 4 роки тому

      Hip Hxwk It’s not a “closed mind”, it’s a realistic mind. You don’t get to call people who disagree with you “closed minded people”. People who are spiritual are ones who disagree with mainstream science and they are called “oPen mIndEd” but when people disagree on spiritualism they get called “clOse mIndEd”, both parties disagree with each other yet on is shamed upon and called “close minded”. You are not close minded simply by looking at facts and gathering your opinions on facts. However, you ARE close minded if you look at said facts and try to manipulate them to fit your beliefs or flat out disagree with what is clearly proven and then to go conjure up some reason to something not based and what is actually real but what you WANT to be real.

  • @UnitedNewThinkers
    @UnitedNewThinkers 10 років тому +4

    Great video man. I appreciate you ideas so much. I'm writing a paper right now called "Woman and Man" and I talk about the female aspects of the earth and the male aspects of the sun and never though that idea was acknowledged elsewhere, Glad to see we're feeding on the same vibration ;) Keep up the lightwork, it's great.

  • @jayfenixx6597
    @jayfenixx6597 10 років тому +1

    It's insane...I stumbled upon these videos just a few days ago and I find them to be incredibly interesting. I already was aware of a lot of this stuff, intuitively, and I researched a lot. Then I got caught up in all the materialism of our physical plane and sort of lost my way. A few months ago, I constructed a poem where I stated the sun was male and the earth or flowers were female. I never heard this idea anywhere and yet, here it is, in this video. Just goes to show that the information is out there for anyone who wants to tune in. Great video.

  • @JeffBroomfield
    @JeffBroomfield 10 років тому +3

    Oxygen! It's what we can't see that matters most. We might seem like bags of water but in reality, at the atomic level, we are mostly oxygen. Without oxygen, we would only survive a few minutes. Water is made of hydrogen & oxygen. What if the spiritual aspects of water actually applied to oxygen? When we meditate, we are controlling our breathing rate (CO2/O2 mix) which controls the delivery of oxygen to our cells. Oxygen is Chi - the life force.

    • @edclick8859
      @edclick8859 6 років тому

      Jeff Broomfield Fair enough. I will not agree fully, however out if all the comments that I have read, this is the only one that has piqued my interest in a positive manner. Thanks.

  • @maxpayne8354
    @maxpayne8354 10 років тому +4

    Water doesn't flow "naturally" through pipes? Aside from laughing, my only other reaction might be to ask if by this you mean curves in pipes cause turbulence in water flow? It's well understood that angles in flow cause resistance, which in turn raises the pressure in a system, this is the basic premise behind hydraulics. Admittedly, I'm actually a little troubled that someone could operate a keyboard without recognizing that turbulence occurs in both plumbing AND rivers. I'm not joking, google "rapids" it's a true story bro.

  • @LargeLadCharles
    @LargeLadCharles 10 років тому

    I went to a place in France called Lourdes on a Christian retreat with my mother, I myself don't really believe in anything, but my mother insisted I go. Anyway, the place is famous for the spring water it has, I've had this water, it feels so clean, so fresh and it tastes amazing! Even if you aren't Christian, it's worth going there, amazing experience. Also, a long time ago, I went to Wales with my school, we visited a mountain where there were many wild flowers and moss everywhere, a truly beautiful place, but at the foot of the mountain, a small stream of water ran into a lake, because of all of the small rocks and pebbles it passed by, it is clean and naturally filtered, I remember bottling some water and very soon going back for more, it was delicious! And the best thing about it was that it gave me an incredible amount of energy to go hiking with! :D

  • @MrTheblackmessenger
    @MrTheblackmessenger 10 років тому +4

    Boy oh boy 4,479 on this? seriously? We are in trouble. Now I understand why Einstein once said:"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the ’universe!". When I first watched this guy video on space Jews , marsian warriors etc... I even liked it because I thought it was entertaining and a good joke , but I now realize that the guy was serious and has gained followers . And I'm like WTF!!!

  • @TheCookiezPlz
    @TheCookiezPlz 10 років тому +4

    "Yes. Many other Elements can exist in 3 states. Think about this from the 4 elements perspective."
    What definition of the four elements are you using? I mean take air for example. If air is defined as the molecules that make up the gases on the planet, then those molecules can exist in all three states too. If it's defined as those molecules just in their gaseous state, then where's the mystery? You've literally define air so that it can only exist as a gas, so why should anyone be suprised that water can exist in three states while air can't?
    As for the other two "elements", Earth was a molten during its formation, and fire is by definition a plasma, which is also a state. Same problem there.

    • @ananimussingh5798
      @ananimussingh5798 5 років тому

      It's talking about normal temperature and pressure at NTP only few element can exist inall three states

  • @wavsunlimited
    @wavsunlimited 10 років тому +2

    The fact that this video makes people think about water and the earth and the sun rather than racism, violence, pride and hate; makes me click like.

    • @aklimaron7398
      @aklimaron7398 10 років тому +1

      so you will go like any video that doesn't call for racism, etc?
      may i remind you that in this series its stated that jews are from space, rich people are martians and native americans lived underwater?

    • @wavsunlimited
      @wavsunlimited 10 років тому

      Terrible extrapolation of my point.
      Jews are definitely not from earth.
      Wealth is an opinion.
      And yes they do like to swim.

    • @aklimaron7398
      @aklimaron7398 10 років тому

      lol, im sorry if i took your statement seriously. your trolling wasn't that obvious

    • @wavsunlimited
      @wavsunlimited 10 років тому

      I agree this stuff is not the most scientifically valid, but it entertained me so i can't be too upset.

  • @BucketBauce
    @BucketBauce 9 років тому +57

    1:46 - "Water is the only element in existence that can exist in three states: solid, liquid, and gas." First of all water is not an element. It is a compound. It is called H2O because it is constructed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom (hydrogen and oxygen are elements, water is not). Secondly, virtually every compound can exist in any of these three states, given the right temperature and pressure. If you watch this stuff and actually believe it, you're in need of a real science lesson.

    • @goshapopov3393
      @goshapopov3393 9 років тому +9

      If you watched the other videos elements are defined in the mainstream non-scientific way. Many theorists opperationalize terms differently from their dictionary definitions in order to save time and specify the message. You're absolutely right though, if anyone calls fire, earth, water elements in the scientific community - they will be taken anything but seriously.

    • @goshapopov3393
      @goshapopov3393 9 років тому +2

      ***** no of course not, but it makes you doubt the credibility of the speaker.

    • @thomassawyer9245
      @thomassawyer9245 9 років тому +4

      Gosha Popov Nah, It's just the belief system of being a skeptic.

    • @goshapopov3393
      @goshapopov3393 9 років тому

      Thomas Sawyer I doubt it. If you saw something false people will call you out on it and doubt the rest of your message.

    • @thomassawyer9245
      @thomassawyer9245 9 років тому +2

      lol. Missed the point.

  • @rzguns
    @rzguns 9 років тому +3

    I would love to see some experiments with the structure change of water when you put crystals in them overnight

  • @adrianaforex
    @adrianaforex 6 років тому

    “I only know that I don’t know nothing “ -Socrates. To learn we have to be open to new knowledge and this kind of Chanel it’s not going to be easy to understand for people that have been taught to have a closed mind. We need to have a higher conscience about our surroundings, the world, love and happiness. To see these concepts as something real and powerful.

  • @AndrenaAl-Morihill
    @AndrenaAl-Morihill 8 років тому +5

    are you still doing the Sunday meditation for healthy water for the planet?

    • @carlsbad9000
      @carlsbad9000 8 років тому +1

      Yes, he is.

    • @earthpeacekeeper622
      @earthpeacekeeper622 7 років тому

      Andrena Al-Morihill It's Sunday Let's all put our intention towards transmuting water into pure whole and balanced water molecules again Ok? Ready set Go! haha

  • @juandiegobarrios8338
    @juandiegobarrios8338 9 років тому +45

    But heavy metal makes me happy...

    • @thecirclerainbowproject9387
      @thecirclerainbowproject9387 9 років тому +5

      Deflar97 yeah I don't agree with that aspect of Emoto's research. Nothing wrong with Heavy Metal music.

    • @EsamoKoram
      @EsamoKoram 9 років тому +9

      Deflar97 I listened to metal for like 3 years of school but now it is annoying me. Some parts still catchy and enjoyable but as a whole too low percentage of music. Feels destructive. But this is for sure relative.

    • @Claudiustheimmortal
      @Claudiustheimmortal 9 років тому +9

      +Deflar97 Honestly I think it's just Emoto personal perspective and opinion about Heavy Metal that he projected into the water. Give it to somebody who see it in a far more positive light and it properly look more healthy.

    • @brianshanahan8172
      @brianshanahan8172 9 років тому

      +Deflar97 Yeah, well, spirit "sciences" bullshit trumps reality. Well known fact, that.

    • @TheRubinator13
      @TheRubinator13 8 років тому +1

      +Deflar97 i think that its actually more that everyone reacts to everything differently because no two people will ever be exactly alike. so I believe that their will be people whose brains react positively (like myself) or negatively just like with literally everything. Some people will react well to country or want to rip their hair out (like me). anyway you get the idea some people like apples some people like oranges.

  • @daniels88pd
    @daniels88pd 9 років тому +1

    First off I can't believe how many negative people are out there, I'll send them love and Light and enlightenment. Going to be a long meditation. I do a short blessing on all water used in my home. If I fill a pot of water to cook with, I bless it and thank it, I get ready to shower or brush teeth, I bless it and thank it. Just as I do with all the foods I use to cook dinner, and bless it throughout the prepration time and again when I eat. Having a greatful attitude can never be the wrong choice, no matter what you believe. I'm personally an addict on saying thank you and blessing everything and everyone I see throughout my day. Can't get negative thoughts drifting in when your always in this state of being. I appreciate your videos very much! Thank You!

    • @thanhle-pv5mr
      @thanhle-pv5mr 9 років тому

      Right? Positive thoughts are free. I don't get what the problem is with some people. Haha yes this episode is a little weird, but hey I'm not a scientist nor have I personally done any testing. So put this in the "interesting" file. In case one day I do my own investigation. Hehe

    • @sirhades92
      @sirhades92 9 років тому

      thanh le Do that investigation and you'll see how much we know about water. There is a comment at the top with a lot of links.

    • @DIY_Miracle
      @DIY_Miracle 9 років тому

      Paula Daniels First off I can't believe how many negative people are out there. I'll send them prayers. Going to a long pilgrimage to Mecca. I do short blessings to Allah in my home all the time. If I fill a pot of water to cook with, I thank and bless Allah. Having true faith can never be a wrong choice, no matter what you believe. I'm personally addicted on saying thank you to the Imam and bless Allah everything and everyone I see throughout my day. Can't get harem thoughts drifting in when your always in this state of being.
      When you give "Good energy" over a vaccine, that's harmful. This stuff does kill people, it does harm people I'm a pseudo pagan, I follow Norse morals because it makes me happy but I acknowledge that it is pseudo and won't allow evidence less serious stuff happening in my life. I'll take a vaccine over good energy any day.

  • @QuantumOverlord
    @QuantumOverlord 10 років тому +5

    Why does water have the highest surface tension of all liquids?
    Um... IT DOESN'T!

    • @Dawit1385
      @Dawit1385 5 років тому +1

      QuantumOverlord besides mercury, it does.

    • @gnostaoticanarchangautand
      @gnostaoticanarchangautand 4 роки тому

      @@Dawit1385 well mercury is just metal water.

    • @Dawit1385
      @Dawit1385 4 роки тому

      Shiny sylveon M.L.G. No

    • @gnostaoticanarchangautand
      @gnostaoticanarchangautand 4 роки тому

      @@Dawit1385 mercury is the water of metals.

    • @Dawit1385
      @Dawit1385 4 роки тому

      Shiny sylveon M.L.G. Mercury has a liquid form but it is not water itself. Gold has a liquid form too, but we can’t say liquid gold is the water of metals

  • @Kitties_are_pretty
    @Kitties_are_pretty 8 років тому +5

    Some people need to be more confident. Other people need to be less confident. If you are capable of claiming water is the only "element" that can exist in three states of matter in public, on a forum you know will get hundreds of thousands of views, without ever thinking to yourself "Hm, is what I'm saying true? Maybe water is just the only thing I can think of right now that can exist in three states of matter. Maybe water isn't even an element! Maybe I should take a few seconds and look this up before I assert it as fact to a large group of people who will just believe it", you need to be less confident.

    • @guardingdark2860
      @guardingdark2860 8 років тому

      He knows exactly what he is doing.

    • @guardingdark2860
      @guardingdark2860 8 років тому +1

      ***** If he is going to call his channel Spirit _Science_, and attempt to use science to explain his world-view, then I think it is safe to say that he should use a different word than "element", which has a very different meaning in science that does not include water as an element.

    • @dwaykin6660
      @dwaykin6660 8 років тому +1

      Why are you trying so hard? Criticism is one thing, but you seem really intent on hate.

    • @silverpixiprincess
      @silverpixiprincess 8 років тому +1

      why? because your brain cant translate more than one word? its called English.. get over it, we use many words to mean multitudes of things. you just need to get your brain up to the level to do it

    • @guardingdark2860
      @guardingdark2860 8 років тому +1

      dway kin Then allow me to be critical and not hateful. Spirit Science has not defined what exactly he means by "element" here; we don't know if he means an "element" (spirit) or a chemical element (science). Because he has not made his usage clear, his statement is confusing and incorrect for one of the possibilities. Technically both, depending on how you define "earth" as well, because we have magma and lava, both liquids, and oxygen and nitrogen, both gases at room temperature, are major components in many rocks and soils.

  • @ChaosNecromancer
    @ChaosNecromancer 10 років тому +2

    at 07:22 you start talking about how we are poluting water spiritualy because water can remember our information,
    The most common type of filter is a rapid sand filter. Water moves vertically through sand which often has a layer of activated carbon or anthracite coal above the sand. The top layer removes organic compounds, which contribute to taste and odour. The space between sand particles is larger than the smallest suspended particles, so simple filtration is not enough. Most particles pass through surface layers but are trapped in pore spaces or adhere to sand particles. Effective filtration extends into the depth of the filter. This property of the filter is key to its operation: if the top layer of sand were to block all the particles, the filter would quickly clog.[11]
    To clean the filter, water is passed quickly upward through the filter, opposite the normal direction (called backflushing or backwashing) to remove embedded particles. Prior to this step, compressed air may be blown up through the bottom of the filter to break up the compacted filter media to aid the backwashing process; this is known as air scouring. This contaminated water can be disposed of, along with the sludge from the sedimentation basin, or it can be recycled by mixing with the raw water entering the plant although this is often considered poor practice since it re-introduces an elevated concentration of bacteria into the raw water.
    Some water treatment plants employ pressure filters. These work on the same principle as rapid gravity filters, differing in that the filter medium is enclosed in a steel vessel and the water is forced through it under pressure.
    Filters out much smaller particles than paper and sand filters can.
    Filters out virtually all particles larger than their specified pore sizes.
    They are quite thin and so liquids flow through them fairly rapidly.
    They are reasonably strong and so can withstand pressure differences across them of typically 2-5 atmospheres.
    They can be cleaned (back flushed) and reused.
    sand, is made, of , guess what? sillicon based crystals.... by your own logic the water has been purified into spirit water by these crystals.....so yeah... do some research please. even basic research.

  • @samanthawright6266
    @samanthawright6266 10 років тому +7

    i love this video & i love water!

  • @ViewingMyMind
    @ViewingMyMind 5 років тому +4

    Coming back to this episode with Advanced knowledge of biology I could answer all of the questions u asked on 2:43

    • @aloalo3727
      @aloalo3727 4 роки тому

      Agreed! That is why I am here!! I have advanced knowledge of biology and science and I am more than amazed at how life is exact science!

  • @Joey10341
    @Joey10341 11 років тому +1

    Ive seen the water documentary about one hundred times and I'm still fascinated!

  • @MrFidelmios
    @MrFidelmios 9 років тому +55

    I finally get it, the patch on his head is from where he was lobotomized!

  • @MNanme1z4xs
    @MNanme1z4xs 10 років тому +3

    If Im open minded to think with your logic, water encounter many sharp angles with the rocks than in pipe, in fact there are no sharp turns in pipe, it was designed to better suit a fluid physics. farther more, if water have consciousness how can it not appreciate the effort went to clean it?

    • @rosemagdalene7577
      @rosemagdalene7577 10 років тому +1

      There is too much fear in New Age Crunchiness. There are people in this world who have to travel miles for filthy disease ridden water just so they don't thirst to death. And New Agers are stressing over the "sharp angles" our water goes through on the way to the tap. Silly indeed.

    • @MNanme1z4xs
      @MNanme1z4xs 10 років тому

      Rose Magdalene New Age once had a good intention, it had potential to develop a new up to date mythic world view that correct the obsolete and barbarian mythic of the old. Now there is nothing but disappoint, it degenerate from a philosophy to pseudoscience, then from pseudoscience to out right scam.

    • @Elonyx.studios
      @Elonyx.studios 10 років тому

      Rocks are eroded by water making them curved, and even rough rocks have curves on them. But he's referring to the FLOW of the water, not the surfaces they travel on. Naturally water flows in curves as his clips demonstrated, even when it's supposedly going up like in trees the veins aren't perfectly straight like our pipes are.

    • @MNanme1z4xs
      @MNanme1z4xs 10 років тому

      MayanExpression What about containers? Is it wrong to force the collective body of water to become block or cylinder shapes?

    • @Elonyx.studios
      @Elonyx.studios 10 років тому

      Containers aren't the problem. It's the FLOW and what they encounter during the travel BEFORE its put into our bodies that's the issue he's trying to address. According to the documentary he showed us, water essentially has a memory of what in it, so no matter how much we filter it, it's never going to be completely pure because it's molecular structure is still tainted with all the chemicals and junk that was in it before. Whether you believe the spirituality of this discussion or not I leave up to you, I'm not gonna force it down your throat, but this aspect about water he brought up here which is a very scientifically grounded discovery, I defiantly think is worth thinking about.

  • @xvii.graves
    @xvii.graves 3 роки тому

    Water must be alive to sustain our life. Nothing we consume will keep us alive unless it came from a living thing at some point. Water kept that alive too. Amazing.

  • @danglezbenderz
    @danglezbenderz 10 років тому +8

    Ahh yes my favorite element, water.. wait a minute...

  • @Solemgoodbye
    @Solemgoodbye 10 років тому +4

    Crystals arent life, to be life you need both inheritance and metabolism, crystals have neither.

  • @SatchPatch25
    @SatchPatch25 8 років тому

    This is amazing. You're amazing.
    I'm going to meditate for the water of the world, including the water in all the nursery water jugs sold commercially. We are giving this water to our children whom are the future of this world.

  • @visnjapjescic2142
    @visnjapjescic2142 6 років тому +6

    I love you spirit science

  • @algebra5766
    @algebra5766 10 років тому +3

    It is frightening to see how many people gave this vid a thumbs up. On the other hand: Jordan knows how to get likes, you have just to pack everything you have to say in a cartoon, use poetic language, and play easy listening sound. For being successful you obviously don't have to present facts, it only has to feel right ....

  • @MarcoHernandez-zg7nj
    @MarcoHernandez-zg7nj 10 років тому

    The note you dedicated at the end reminds me of Matthew 7:7 "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." great reflection

  • @CollegeLion
    @CollegeLion 10 років тому +3

    I take issue with your video description right off the bat. You admit that questions you pose do actually have answers, but then try to urge us to ignore those answers for the sake of your arguments? That's like saying "We have footage of this guy stealing money from the safe, but ignore that so we can make a more far-fetched hypothesis." Arguments, and life, don't work that way. The stuff you acted like didn't have any solutions DO have solutions which actively work to debunk most all of what you say.
    We do know what water is. We know a hell of a lot about water.

  • @carlllama9228
    @carlllama9228 9 років тому +11

    Water is love
    Water is live
    (Sorry I couldn't resist the urge)

  • @annatwell7628
    @annatwell7628 2 роки тому

    this existence is a playground of consciousness. the creator has a perfect expression in everyway imaginable. this is all in my consciousness. it's like frequencies I'm feeling with me

  • @gastarbeiter1
    @gastarbeiter1 10 років тому +5

    10.39 Wait what? Water forms the DNA helix? What? Where did you get that from?

    • @ncat0333
      @ncat0333 10 років тому +3

      Nucleotides contain both hydrogen and oxygen, when they bond together to form phosphodiester bonds via a condensation reaction wherein they release a molecule of water in the same way a molecule of water is then needed to break this bond apart (hydrolysis). Nucleotides bond together to form nucleic acids, DNA is two nucleic acid strands (deoxyribose nucleic acids) held together by hydrogen bonds between the complimentary nitrogenous base pairs of the two nucleic acids which wind around each other in a double helix structure. Obviously DNA isn't made solely of water but it does facilitate the formation of it and is the original source of hydrogen and oxygen which helps make up basically everything in our bodies - no water = no DNA = no you :)

    • @gastarbeiter1
      @gastarbeiter1 10 років тому +3

      Yes I know that...but the statement that water FORMS DNA is plain wrong. Water is a byproduct of the formation. Its not an actor.

    • @khawkins457
      @khawkins457 10 років тому +1

      gastarbeiter1 we live in a hologram its all apart of the same whole!

    • @khawkins457
      @khawkins457 10 років тому

      gastarbeiter1 we live in a hologram its all apart of the same whole!

    • @gastarbeiter1
      @gastarbeiter1 10 років тому +2

      Kevin Hawkins
      thats your view..any evidence? And that has nothing to do with my statement

  • @bridgettsmith3715
    @bridgettsmith3715 10 років тому +7

    I am in indigo child and you're on the right track with most of your information I mean if America gets its history so wrong and they're only aprox235 years old you can imagine how absurdly inaccurate the rest of the planets history is. When it comes to water I've always felt that water is like the circulatory system of our planet. Our blood circulates all over bodies distributing in nutrients, oxygen carries away toxins not to mention a lot of other microbes and little things that actually live in our bloodstreem same thing could be said about the ocean

    • @ATtaKGaming
      @ATtaKGaming 10 років тому

      Hey :)
      I am an indigo child too. What I have been trying to find out recently is the rate (%) of children born from around the late 90's till now that are indigo children. I have also been trying to find whether our DNA has already been activated and we do withhold more than 2 strands. Care to shed some light on this subject?

    • @YouHaxerr
      @YouHaxerr 10 років тому

      ÄTtâK Productions Hey! I guess you could technically call me an indigo child. I was born in 1996 but I recently just awakened. I've always had more intuitive abilities than those around me, so maybe my past life was quite spiritual. IDK!
      But from one indigo to another - YO!

    • @ATtaKGaming
      @ATtaKGaming 10 років тому

      Jack Jenkins Haha hey buddy :)
      Just wondering dude, how did you know that you awakened recently?

    • @YouHaxerr
      @YouHaxerr 10 років тому

      ÄTtâK Productions haha its called many things, but its most widely known as the awakening of the "third eye".
      When it happened, it was like a surge of electricity through my whole body, and it was intense for the first couple weeks. I could feel events before they happened, and everything about me changed.
      But to put it bluntly, all scientific DNA activation aside, its basically the realization that we (all humans) are infinite, and depression and hate (ego based shit) is meaningless. Live in the present my friend.

    • @harrisonbuckland-crook6585
      @harrisonbuckland-crook6585 10 років тому

      So with this third eye, is it just a figure of speech or is it an actual metaphysical body feature?
      Also, what did you do in order to awaken your third eye? What can I do to achieve the same as you did?

  • @Beer_Dad1975
    @Beer_Dad1975 11 років тому +1

    Absolutely, which is why the WHO publishes safe levels for fluoride in water supplies, which hopefully local bodies follow when adding it, and monitor carefully (I know mine did anyway)

  • @Moondoox_
    @Moondoox_ 8 років тому +11

    We have explained how water moves through trees. Transpiration.

    • @__nog642
      @__nog642 8 років тому +2

      That's sweating. Water moves through trees through capillary action. Not at all the same.

    • @Moondoox_
      @Moondoox_ 8 років тому +5

      Sweating is perspiration. Water movement through plants is in part through capillary action, but it's mostly from water potential difference from water evaporating from the leaves.

    • @terrancejohnson9108
      @terrancejohnson9108 8 років тому +1

      +Moondoox You're not getting it. We understand the terms and how water gets to the tree. The question is how? Because its the only substance on earth that can do that.

    • @Moondoox_
      @Moondoox_ 8 років тому

      I think you mean 'why'. But regardless, it's an unknown, I guess. Maybe we'll get it someday.

    • @terrancejohnson9108
      @terrancejohnson9108 8 років тому

      +Moondoox why is water so unique and yet the most abundant source on the planet. and how. how did water come about. and why. so yeah both .

  • @heywoodjablowme1624
    @heywoodjablowme1624 10 років тому +3

    Oh wow... the amount of ignorance displayed in this video is absolutely mind-boggling. I don't mean like PhD level ignorance where you'd have to study the subject for years to see what's wrong with the info in this video, I mean ignorance on a Jr High school science class level. Spirit Science should be embarrassed to post crap like this...

  • @kimathy4341
    @kimathy4341 4 роки тому

    If I was a science teacher I would use this as a fun test for my students. Teach them about elements, substances, compounds, and the like, and the have them watch this and write down every wrong thing they hear. They wouldn't have to get all the false statements, cause there's way too many to count, but I'd round to at least 7/10. Then we could go over how We Know What Water Is. We Understand It.

  • @SterlingArchimedes
    @SterlingArchimedes 10 років тому +9

    Um... Please explain to me how you figure water forms the DNA helix. You seriously need to get your facts checked.

  • @TheFacchinExperience
    @TheFacchinExperience 9 років тому +27

    If you disagree with this kind of things, then watch something else. There are millions of other videos on UA-cam. 😎

    • @LuiKang043
      @LuiKang043 9 років тому +10

      If it is misleading people with misinformation, we have a duty as moral beings to inform them of it. That is why there is always going to be conversation and disagreement regarding such ideas as this. It is not negativity. It is criticism.

    • @TheFacchinExperience
      @TheFacchinExperience 9 років тому

      So then i think you should try to drink water from a sewer for a couple days and come back to tell us the results. Maybe we are misinformed...

    • @erinbailey6665
      @erinbailey6665 9 років тому +5

      LEO FACCHIN Its caused by closed and unbalanced 6th chakra, or 3rd eye, people who cant see clearly make a comfort zone or box of understanding, anything that might threaten that zone or elude to something outside the box causes them to feel a need to go out of there way to strike it down, like all these people commenting with the simple emotion of hate. like programs with a predictable AI.

    • @TheFacchinExperience
      @TheFacchinExperience 9 років тому +4

      A Duck for some, vodka was the origin of [their] life. Not water... do the same as I did: just ignore some stupid comments...

    • @anunkash5185
      @anunkash5185 9 років тому

      +LuiKang043 be real man you get a buzz from the argument. its only human and theres really nothing wrong with it. i'm gonna go away now, i weigh in neither direction. just passively doin my philisophical zombie thing.

  • @ThroughTheEyesofaJade
    @ThroughTheEyesofaJade 7 років тому

    I did at home, and what happened to my hated rice was even more outstanding.... it completely dissolved in a kind of liquid brownish mess, the loved rice was dry and every grain intact!! This brought me to study RQI and to eliminate all my illnesses!! NOw I only drink energized water snd changes keep on happening emotionally spiritually and phisically...

  • @likhithdp
    @likhithdp 9 років тому +4

    whenever i dive into water in my dreams i'am always able to breath inside water xD

  • @MultiSciGeek
    @MultiSciGeek 8 років тому +3

    I think most of your viewers passed primary school. Try again with higher level knowledge.

  • @BKNOVA333
    @BKNOVA333 10 років тому

    Haha...don't bother fighting the "haters"! The more spiritually developed audience among us struggle with those who are the furthest from enlightenment, not because we have something to debate or prove, but because all we want is to help them understand reality and empower them with love and peace...its not even anger...but sadness and frustration for the souls connected to the minds of the unwilling...like when you want to get a stray kitten to come to you but it runs away because it's scared of the unknown...but all you wanted was to give it your love and benefit its life....made sense in my head..hahaha. Best wishes to the negative ones....we still love you.

  • @HexAndBlood
    @HexAndBlood 10 років тому +3

    This is the most stupid thing I have ever sat through... Water is an element? Only water has 3 states? A secondary school student could prove you wrong. This is a joke right?

  • @MarkShannonroad_videos
    @MarkShannonroad_videos 10 років тому +33

    I'm sorry, but does anyone take this Spirit "Science" seriously? Is anyone listening to Mr. Patch-head closely? Patch-head man has 281,440 subs? We're in serious trouble! 

    • @Shpawk
      @Shpawk 10 років тому +12

      ***** I know, right? People with different viewpoints are the worst!

    • @MyKeyMoonShine
      @MyKeyMoonShine 10 років тому +4

      shpawk I don't understand this logic. Water either has senses or it doesn't your viewpoint is irrelevant, so it mine and so is everyone else's. What matters is what is true and what isn't and evidently most of the stuff this guy puts in these video's is not true.
      So yes people who's viewpoint is "we should stop purifying water" and "you don't need medicine, you can wish away sickness with positive thinking" are the worst!

    • @Lystu
      @Lystu 10 років тому +8

      shpawk Well if you prioritize opinions over facts then yes, you're the worst.

    • @MarkShannonroad_videos
      @MarkShannonroad_videos 10 років тому +1

      "you are worthless in this "Debate"" Yea, you make a lot of sense as Patch-Head. Can't debate garbage.
      You can believe in this junk if you want, I will NOT be joining you.

    • @MyKeyMoonShine
      @MyKeyMoonShine 10 років тому +1

      ***** I'm sorry, I must have missed the lesson on strength and kindness. If there is one and it's just about being kind to people then I do not object to it and I doubt anyone else here would.
      We are objecting to all the other crap spirit science "teaches"
      @robloxplox's criticism teaches us that people who prioritize opinions over facts are bad. You don't need scientific evidence to know this is true.
      Jordan makes very few accurate claims and when he does he generally to conflate them with his BS. If you want to learn about science then take a science class, read a text book or idk just look it up.
      You don't need to consider anything this idiot says because anything that is correct can be learnt elsewhere without having to sort through all the BS.

  • @jacketpocketsugafur4013
    @jacketpocketsugafur4013 10 років тому

    Dan tarin - thank you for taking time to enlighten the many in this post. Also thank you to everyone imvolved in the spirit science videos, wheather they are correct or not...its showing us that there is more to learn about ourselves and our surroundings and that enlightens and lifts me.

  • @WarriorOfWriters
    @WarriorOfWriters 10 років тому +4

    Water isn't an element, did you skip chemistry in school?

    • @thedirtfarmer3654
      @thedirtfarmer3654 Місяць тому

      Jeez..can you be more about the negative?open that heart!

    • @WarriorOfWriters
      @WarriorOfWriters Місяць тому

      @@thedirtfarmer3654 water is not an element, fact.

  • @IronXXXMaiden1
    @IronXXXMaiden1 10 років тому +5

    this entire video is just wrong.

  • @therambelrz3391
    @therambelrz3391 6 років тому +1

    Wow, Steven universe cluster episode taught me this. He stopped the cluster by love, even though they couldn't remember all of their lives they remembered love. Wow! Subliminals.

  • @fifaaether9280
    @fifaaether9280 9 років тому +3

    This is the video where I give up. I've had enough of this.

    • @ZenJenZ
      @ZenJenZ 4 роки тому

      What have you had enough of?

  • @keesdevries9484
    @keesdevries9484 10 років тому +20

    There are soooo many obvious mistakes within the first 3 minutes, how the hell did this video garner 4,116 likes?
    "I invite you not to get upset with these statements, but just allow them, there is a much deeper understanding that I am discussing here, and if you get upset at one particular sentence or two, you may miss the rest of the message." The horrible lack of knowledge on the matter you displayed in the first 3 minutes is more than enough for you to lose all your (potential) credibility. Seriously, I can't even tell if you're trolling or not....

    • @Slime_Greaseman
      @Slime_Greaseman 10 років тому +9

      "Water is the only element that can exist in three states..." That statement alone is so wrong, It's unbelievable.

    • @keesdevries9484
      @keesdevries9484 10 років тому +7

      landlubber12 Water isn't even an element for crying out loud!

    • @UnitedNewThinkers
      @UnitedNewThinkers 10 років тому +12

      This video garnered that many likes because it offers a fresh perspective on something that is often disregarded. More importantly, the lack of acknowledgement from which it suffers impacts us on many more levels than we can conceive, so it's important to understand it and readjust our behavior and infrastructure accordingly.
      Of course there may be some small errors in this video. Yet when you get hung up on those you lose sight of what he's trying to communicate. Water is not the only element that can exist in three states, sure. In some sense that is a very important piece of information. In another sense it doesn't change much regarding the point he is making : water transcends chemistry and our actions unto it and the situations through which we put it change it in a way that deeply affects us and our environment - although they're completely connected. Plus it teaches us about things beyond the substance itself, such as energies of the universe, intentionality, child care, etc.
      So by criticizing this video in that light you're getting hung up on a small thing (with respect to the point of the video) and missing his very important message(s). Veracity is tremendously important but open mindedness is even more so. He is not puffing up a big lie here, he is conjuring a very compelling argument with possibly a couple shaky facts which don't actually undermine the logic of his point.
      Stay skeptical but not so much so you close your mind because that means you're not learning and not moving forward. Take in the ideas, see how your own logic and intuition play with them and do your own research if you're still curious.

    • @keesdevries9484
      @keesdevries9484 10 років тому +9

      UnitedNewThinkers "the lack of acknowledgement from which it suffers impacts us on many more levels than we can conceive" And that's how he starts this video, by pointing to things we don't know about water. But he's completely false about most of the questions he raises (not just about the 3 states). Nearly everything he says between 1:30 and 2:50 is dead wrong. What that tells me is that he has no scientific understanding of water (nothing even close to that!). I'm not 'hung up' on small trivial things, he clearly doesn't know what he's talking about. How can any claim he makes after those dead wrong statements have a single shred of credibility?
      He continues by making very vague claims which I, as someone with a university degree in biology, have no idea what he's talking about. He goes on and on, making either unverifiable claims or dead wrong statements (like "water forms the DNA-helix and the structures of proteins"). He let's on known charlatans like Emoto Masaru. Let's face it, this whole video is pseudoscience which sits in the same corner as homeopathy.

    • @Acquiex
      @Acquiex 10 років тому +4

      Kees de Vries All you did was come in and try to discredit the video while saying absolutely nothing to disprove anything that is said. All you've shown is that you let a few biology books and a government-run education decide what you believe instead of thinking for yourself and anything that says otherwise is just pseudoscience bullshit. You completely missed the point of the video, and your closed-mindedness is oh so evident that everyone should just disregard anything you've said.

  • @Lance0714
    @Lance0714 4 роки тому

    True good is like water; Water represents the highest level of integrity. It nurtures everything and harms nothing. Good, like water, will seek the lowest places.

  • @Nai61a
    @Nai61a 10 років тому +3

    It is a disgrace that you are allowed to get away with peddling this nonsense. I look forward to the day when misrepresentation of science in a public arena is illegal.
    And I could never trust somebody who could not even Google the correct spelling of Mozart.

  • @assalane
    @assalane 10 років тому +4

    Aside from the amount of wrong statements in this video, what's even more impressive is the level of ignorance displayed in it. I mean, before you post a video, maybe a 5 minute Google search would make you sound less ridiculous the next time.
    The ratio of like to dislike on that king of drivel makes me want to weep for humanity

    • @DrShaym
      @DrShaym 10 років тому

      He must be using bots to uprate his videos.

    • @assalane
      @assalane 10 років тому +2

      I wouldn't be surprised now that you mention it.

  • @jameschris2463
    @jameschris2463 10 років тому

    You get a lot of negativity. I don't believe everything I hear from you but you raise a lot of view points and have helped me in your videos. I've watched a lot of what you have made. These people think you owe them for giving you their time...All I have to say to them is "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it" and to you..."Thank you!"

  • @russell6161
    @russell6161 10 років тому +9

    He needs to take the SCIENCE out of his title. This is crap.

  • @RicAdbur
    @RicAdbur 10 років тому +7

    Rarely have I witnessed an amalgamation of so much irrationality and intellectual dishonesty as is displayed in this UA-cam channel. It's actually impressive, in a dark sort of way, that anyone could be this dedicated to failing to understand the real world and yet feel so strongly that the exact opposite is true. I also like how he can't help but work in his paranoid belief that there are dark forces working to suppress this "knowledge." I suppose without that to cling to, how else could he sustain his delusion in the face of such overwhelming opposition by the scientific community, and an utter lack of reputable evidence with which to substantiate his claims? Also LOL @ the "skeptics are red angry cartoon-guys while I am the nice cute happy blue guy."

    • @mavennicole5936
      @mavennicole5936 6 років тому

      you dont belong on this page. you are lacking the spirit in science.

  • @haverstock23
    @haverstock23 11 років тому

    This video shows how powerful a positive or negative energy really is. Speak life not death.

  • @thomasross9389
    @thomasross9389 10 років тому +3

    Name ONE scientist that says water has "memory cells".