Almost every year I get calls from beekeepers after extracting telling me they think their hive is queenless. I ask to see if there’s capped brood. Then tell them to feed a light syrup. It usually stimulates the queen to start laying again. The dearth where I am will do this.
Yes, we are entering our dearth here now. Very little pollen and nectar coming in. Queens really slow down! Doesn't take much to stimulate the hive into growth again.
Almost every year I get calls from beekeepers after extracting telling me they think their hive is queenless.
I ask to see if there’s capped brood. Then tell them to feed a light syrup. It usually stimulates the queen to start laying again.
The dearth where I am will do this.
Yes, we are entering our dearth here now. Very little pollen and nectar coming in. Queens really slow down! Doesn't take much to stimulate the hive into growth again.