Clairo "Bags" Official Lyrics & Meaning | Verified

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 3 тис.

  • @-mirsken-
    @-mirsken- 5 років тому +14965

    Clairo’s voice is literally: 👼🏻

  • @emilyharfst6468
    @emilyharfst6468 5 років тому +12051

    clairo: *mentions call me by your name*
    me: *sobs*

    • @ilikecatsbutimallergictoth1856
      @ilikecatsbutimallergictoth1856 5 років тому +64

      Same 😭

    • @nyarcissus8156
      @nyarcissus8156 5 років тому +88

      @@ilikecatsbutimallergictoth1856 i also like cats and im allergic to them

    • @Marta-wh2cf
      @Marta-wh2cf 5 років тому +19

      Reddie is superior

    • @nicsc1651
      @nicsc1651 5 років тому +2

      Same tho

    • @aceu186
      @aceu186 5 років тому +16

      I Like Cats But I'm Allergic To Them I only liked your comment bc of your name

  • @marieleggett7351
    @marieleggett7351 5 років тому +3911

    she looks like she always have the baby filter on and im not hating it at all one bit

  • @strawb3rry772
    @strawb3rry772 5 років тому +4496

    Why does clairo give me childhood nostalgic; no worries, happy, calm, and the type of feeling you get looking at those old i-spy books

    • @baconspreader8842
      @baconspreader8842 5 років тому +44

      Like sunny days in disney forest or in hills or even western vibes

    • @swaggydawg
      @swaggydawg 5 років тому +11

      WANG PUPPY I PURPLE YOU omg those i-spy books have the same energy as the wonder pets

    • @brianmendez4068
      @brianmendez4068 5 років тому +5

      because she's a kid.

    • @megans22
      @megans22 5 років тому +3

      WANG PUPPY I PURPLE YOU this is the most accurate comment I have ever read

    • @victoriam438
      @victoriam438 5 років тому +5

      @@brianmendez4068 she's 21 but ok

  • @gurungbros7461
    @gurungbros7461 5 років тому +5697

    Genius : *brings people that can sing*
    My mind : I can't believe my eyes

    • @ravandh.i.m6662
      @ravandh.i.m6662 5 років тому +36

      Gurung Bros your mind has eyes?

    • @gurungbros7461
      @gurungbros7461 5 років тому +3


    • @jesus_loves_you_J.3.16
      @jesus_loves_you_J.3.16 5 років тому

      Gurung Bros my eyes:

    • @eilishfeels3292
      @eilishfeels3292 5 років тому

      Give me them memes first of all it’s a meme. second of all, even if it wasn’t, your eyes can think?

    • @jesus_loves_you_J.3.16
      @jesus_loves_you_J.3.16 5 років тому +1

      Eilish Feels I think there’s been a misunderstanding here. I wrote my comment so that someone else could continue it. I wanted this pattern to continue:
      Genius: -
      My mind: -
      My eyes: -
      _______?: -

  • @lauren-xy1fk
    @lauren-xy1fk 4 роки тому +7468


    • @claire5765
      @claire5765 4 роки тому +21

      @just someone OMG SAME!

    • @codyshannon8122
      @codyshannon8122 4 роки тому +61

      just someone oMg LoOk At mE iM nOt LiKe OtHeR gIrLs Im sO qUiRkY

    • @andreia5113
      @andreia5113 4 роки тому +14

      im sorry but how is she attractive

    • @rivercox1471
      @rivercox1471 4 роки тому +255

      @@andreia5113 people have different tastes and she’s just pretty to a lot of people so sorry but deal with it

    • @superrbx
      @superrbx 4 роки тому +181

      @@andreia5113 how is she not

  • @evilorbit
    @evilorbit 5 років тому +6377

    jealous of the girl clairo's crushin on

    • @nicole653
      @nicole653 4 роки тому +20

      hopscotch wait, is Clairo lesbian ?

    • @charlottecarvajal7774
      @charlottecarvajal7774 4 роки тому +160

      Nicole Roman nop, i think she’s bisexual but she really didn’t specified that, she just said she’s not straight and u can look it up on google if u want

    • @nicole653
      @nicole653 4 роки тому +9

      charlotte Carvajal oh ok thanks ✌🏼

    • @bignig7223
      @bignig7223 4 роки тому +12

      As a guy its times a 1000 lmao

    • @ATLTraveler
      @ATLTraveler 4 роки тому +3

      Shut up lezbon

  • @soupy6659
    @soupy6659 5 років тому +8860

    each interview clairo does further confirms that she is, in fact, baby

    • @avasaunders1886
      @avasaunders1886 5 років тому +34

      fortune kookie I wanna marry this comment, UNDERRATED

    • @ddeityy
      @ddeityy 5 років тому +13

      Atleast not fetus.

    • @e.2264
      @e.2264 5 років тому +10

      'baby' is not an adjective

    • @ranran8674
      @ranran8674 5 років тому +5

      She sounds like Doddie

    • @bbybleach
      @bbybleach 5 років тому +80

      @@e.2264 it is, she is baby

  • @shalonnashay
    @shalonnashay 4 роки тому +3435

    who in their right mind would friendzone CLAIRO

    • @yhjkjklmm6679
      @yhjkjklmm6679 4 роки тому +33

      people who aren't simps

    • @peacewrlddd
      @peacewrlddd 4 роки тому +110

      people who don’t have any common sense

    • @nicanerza598
      @nicanerza598 4 роки тому +2

      @@yhjkjklmm6679 haahaahaa

    • @kirinnaicker8871
      @kirinnaicker8871 4 роки тому +103

      Straight women

    • @channe4558
      @channe4558 3 роки тому +51

      Did it ever occur to you that not all people are bisexuals????

  • @Lucasmp3
    @Lucasmp3 5 років тому +2967

    Clairo tried something new with bags and I love it

    • @stainless4030
      @stainless4030 5 років тому +2

      Lucas.mp3 no fucking way! Its likeke bro!

    • @imcool4160
      @imcool4160 5 років тому +1

      Lucas.mp3 me too!!!

    • @Lucasmp3
      @Lucasmp3 5 років тому

      wwfnm nice

    • @ru.a4661
      @ru.a4661 5 років тому

      1 thousandth like :)

  • @AtNightmareBeach
    @AtNightmareBeach 5 років тому +6121

    this is prolly the best verified video bc she actually explains shit lol

    • @accountsequity5587
      @accountsequity5587 5 років тому +231

      That’s because there is something to explain, she is a great lyricist.

    • @sonitclef8675
      @sonitclef8675 5 років тому +44

      Haha lmfao remember the backpack kid fk me that was funny... they see me flosssssiiiinnnn. Fkkkkkk

    • @SM-qv2om
      @SM-qv2om 4 роки тому +7

      you would hate and yet absolutely love bill wurtz's genius interview

    • @ericmass11
      @ericmass11 3 роки тому +2


    • @aliyaleija
      @aliyaleija 2 роки тому +32

      Mitski explains a lot too! But I agree a lot of artists don’t explain 😭

  • @StkyDkNMeBlz
    @StkyDkNMeBlz 5 років тому +4963

    Me and the homies crying about how deep this song is

    • @imaane1798
      @imaane1798 4 роки тому +161

      homies? I'm crying by myself dude 😭

    • @a.o877
      @a.o877 4 роки тому


    • @RollsRyda
      @RollsRyda 4 роки тому +13

      Died after i saw your name lol

    • @harrygilmour2221
      @harrygilmour2221 4 роки тому +2

      Homies got u 💯🖤

    • @SM-qv2om
      @SM-qv2om 4 роки тому +10

      You and your homies are real men

  • @finnmacdonald2180
    @finnmacdonald2180 5 років тому +27119

    bruh imagine clairo having a crush on you
    edit: why does this have so many likes it’s so embarrassing 😦😦

  • @OfficialNinjaSkillz
    @OfficialNinjaSkillz 5 років тому +13572

    She honestly seems really genuine. She’s adorable yet morbid in a less obvious way. Like a tame version of Billie Eilish

  • @sofian4246
    @sofian4246 5 років тому +987

    the way she says “girl” at 2:23 is so cute

    • @rohanofgondor
      @rohanofgondor 5 років тому +61

      Name checks out

    • @sofvckingtired
      @sofvckingtired 4 роки тому +36

      are you that sofia girl that she talks about in sofia lmaoo

  • @quarantinaakalillian7359
    @quarantinaakalillian7359 5 років тому +4217

    innocent, pensive, cute with delicate vocals and a talent for poetry... Clairo's my kinda girl 💜

    • @teukufayzal9998
      @teukufayzal9998 5 років тому +3

      my type of girl: hot
      why would you want anything else

    • @keo9272
      @keo9272 5 років тому


    • @noone-kp6vn
      @noone-kp6vn 5 років тому +1

      Lillian clairo stoke music from someone

    • @vivimos_en_una_sociedad7758
      @vivimos_en_una_sociedad7758 5 років тому +3

      Also r/ihavereddit, you are welcome

    • @keo9272
      @keo9272 5 років тому +1

      @@vivimos_en_una_sociedad7758 thank u :)

  • @MPRS1234
    @MPRS1234 5 років тому +11070

    someone find the girl she’s talking about. i just wanna talk

  • @marinabittencourt6402
    @marinabittencourt6402 5 років тому +7642

    no one:
    clairo: wItH a GiRl
    it’s cute idk hope she finds another

    • @Marychjs
      @Marychjs 5 років тому +91

      like me

    • @ezeqiels.4781
      @ezeqiels.4781 4 роки тому +8

      2.4k likes 2 replies

    • @mrods999
      @mrods999 4 роки тому +72

      can we PLEASE stop the no one: meme it’s like a year old and it isn’t even funny anymore

    • @marinabittencourt6402
      @marinabittencourt6402 4 роки тому +52

      yee yee my comment is literally 9 months old just chill

    • @mrods999
      @mrods999 4 роки тому +3

      Marina Bittencourt oh yeah i didn’t notice sorry

  • @edwinjimenez2902
    @edwinjimenez2902 5 років тому +2605

    Finally a worth while genius video where the lyrics and explanation are significant!

    • @andrewkear5639
      @andrewkear5639 5 років тому +41

      There has been many worthwhile genius videos prior tho

    • @KeysLockhart
      @KeysLockhart 5 років тому +6

      @@andrewkear5639 Denzel Curry in a nutshell

    • @juliana-ly7hg
      @juliana-ly7hg 5 років тому +5

      What about Billie Eilish?

    • @touchgrass9766
      @touchgrass9766 5 років тому +10

      @@juliana-ly7hg no

    • @carter4619
      @carter4619 5 років тому +2

      Edwin Jimenez watch the Time Is Up genius video (by Poppy)

  • @appaspappa1033
    @appaspappa1033 5 років тому +1851

    This song's stuck in my head. It's pretty catchy 😍

  • @Aura-tg6nz
    @Aura-tg6nz 4 роки тому +248

    I watched this interview like 5 times today I can’t stop watching I relate to this song soooo much ugh

  • @LexyMena
    @LexyMena 5 років тому +1648

    She is so different in every video

    • @daniellegarcia2652
      @daniellegarcia2652 5 років тому +9

      Dango Zarigueya lol ikr

    • @roxanahernandez5157
      @roxanahernandez5157 5 років тому +15

      I like it .It shows that she is really growing and becoming more mature❤(not that i ever thought she wasnt lol)

    • @KyleWilliamsMusic1
      @KyleWilliamsMusic1 5 років тому +1

      It’s cause she’s fake lol

    • @kaidenjones8016
      @kaidenjones8016 5 років тому +13

      Kyle Williams what? How is she fake? Becoming mature is fake? Are you 9

  • @peggleblastlover
    @peggleblastlover 5 років тому +9305

    Auto tune: *exists*
    Clairo: tf is that

    • @em7732
      @em7732 5 років тому +215

      Anzu closer to you has entered the chat

    • @AK47CFW
      @AK47CFW 5 років тому +30

      @@em7732 exactly what i was thinking lmao

    • @RosaliaFacts
      @RosaliaFacts 4 роки тому +219

      Stop thinking autotune is a bad thing. Ofc some people use it to hide their lack of vocal ability but super talented artists like Rosalía, Beyoncé, Clairo, Billie Eilish or Frank Ocean use it for creative purposes. Sometimes the effect creates an aggressive or mysterious effect that actually adds to the song. AND, talking about the pitch aspect, rockstars used immense amounts of reverb in their shows to hide their tired vocals so they should stop crying about "tHe NeW GenERaTiOn"

    • @babyswithrabies
      @babyswithrabies 4 роки тому +56

      all artists use autotune...not live but in studio i think it's very close to 100%. it's just the way we're used to hearing music at this point...even the right notes being cents off within the range that is that note doesn't sound right to us anymore..everyone uses melodyne to center notes.

    • @tristen6467
      @tristen6467 4 роки тому


  • @davidkonevky7372
    @davidkonevky7372 3 роки тому +241

    I think we all have a big crush on clairo

    • @cherrybomb9915
      @cherrybomb9915 3 роки тому +13

      can't trust someone that doesn't

    • @videostcrr5312
      @videostcrr5312 3 роки тому


    • @ibnufasya6408
      @ibnufasya6408 3 роки тому

      oh hell yeah i am.
      ik she's bi (is that how you say it?)
      but she attracts both genders.
      i usually listen to rock or metal music you know, but she somehow made me addicted to her music:]

  • @joshuagutierrez8127
    @joshuagutierrez8127 5 років тому +3452

    Why does she look like she just came from the set of boy meets world

  • @lerayanvert
    @lerayanvert 5 років тому +913

    I love everything about Clairo

    • @gangmeat9263
      @gangmeat9263 5 років тому +5

      U love industry plants

    • @__elise333
      @__elise333 5 років тому +16

      gang meat no such thing hon, if someone has talent, they have talent- it’s how she got where she is today.

    • @gangmeat9263
      @gangmeat9263 5 років тому

      your saying all mainstream artists have talent lmao @@__elise333

    • @__elise333
      @__elise333 5 років тому +8

      gang meat you have a point there hahh but that wasn’t what I was trying to say. not all artists have talent but I know clairo does for sure, so don’t go talking that industry plant shit on people who obviously and genuinely not industry plants ...

    • @JDavinoM
      @JDavinoM 5 років тому +1

      gang meat How is she an industry plant ?

  • @HisEverMore
    @HisEverMore 5 років тому +711

    “I don’t want to scare you with my emotions bc they’re so intense.” Truth right there 😢💕

  • @louise4778
    @louise4778 5 років тому +344

    she sounds like she has a cold but it still sounds good how

  • @KuehneZoneify
    @KuehneZoneify 5 років тому +727

    Call me by your name reference???? 😱
    Joni Mitchell reference??? 😱
    Lyrics are so well thought 💭
    Such rich sources for this song claire 😍

    • @scarlett-iy8yh
      @scarlett-iy8yh 5 років тому +12

      Elio Elio Elio

    • @matildaanderson5850
      @matildaanderson5850 5 років тому +10

      She’s smart, like proper clever. Those lyrics were so well thought through

    • @nobutasu3285
      @nobutasu3285 5 років тому +8

      bro joni mitchell is amazing.. i will defi itely give clairo a shot

  • @sillyriverflowsss
    @sillyriverflowsss 5 років тому +330

    WHEN SHE EXPLAINED THE LYRICS- the song means so much more now:)

  • @leonardoj4368
    @leonardoj4368 5 років тому +568

    The call my by your name reference is amazing holy shit

    • @kelseyclayton8896
      @kelseyclayton8896 4 роки тому +3

      Leonardo J I don’t really understand that line like she’s explaining it?? Can someone help?

    • @Vzionary842
      @Vzionary842 4 роки тому +8

      Kelsey Clayton the movie Call Me by Your Name is about a young man who gets romantically involved with an older man.

  • @sofiavinasco9502
    @sofiavinasco9502 5 років тому +2891

    i knew she wasn’t straight from the start i’m so happy sksksks

    • @mz4150
      @mz4150 5 років тому +20


    • @skirbleeee
      @skirbleeee 5 років тому +18

      same lmaosos

    • @rungeon83
      @rungeon83 4 роки тому +98

      because now you have a chance? Sorry wait in the very long line :P

    • @abbylievanos
      @abbylievanos 4 роки тому +75

      your gaydar is on point

    • @simonghostriley4540
      @simonghostriley4540 4 роки тому +8


  • @flayedtwig4550
    @flayedtwig4550 4 роки тому +1190

    Hayley Kiyoko: The Father
    King Princess: The Son
    Girl In Red: The Holy Spirit
    Troye Sivan and Clairo: *Amen*

  • @camilleanne3122
    @camilleanne3122 5 років тому +465

    The lyrics behind this is so relatable:((

  • @alyrodriguez
    @alyrodriguez 5 років тому +1211

    my underrated bb finally getting the recognition she deserves ugh

    • @strawberybugs
      @strawberybugs 5 років тому +90

      underrated??? no offence - i love clairo - but she's pretty mainstream now. i'm proud tho.

    • @nobody5492
      @nobody5492 5 років тому +43

      man shes been mainstream for a good year now

    • @Momo-xm6ls
      @Momo-xm6ls 5 років тому +6


    • @astrolychase2065
      @astrolychase2065 5 років тому +2

      nayeli alvarez-arciga horse shit

    • @fuwafuwamoth
      @fuwafuwamoth 5 років тому +4

      Underrated? Yeah sure

  • @Skywohka
    @Skywohka 5 місяців тому +24

    Oh God, she was so young. We were all so young.

    • @MCFLY4
      @MCFLY4 4 місяці тому +2


  • @0xbin
    @0xbin 5 років тому +340

    She sounds just like she does on the actual song. Beautiful

  • @kalijohnston561
    @kalijohnston561 5 років тому +298

    I didn’t know she liked girls but I’m here for it! She seems so genuine and what she was describing is hella relatable

  • @BenDiPaolo
    @BenDiPaolo 5 років тому +5072

    clairo got friendzoned :(

    • @ulutasatilla
      @ulutasatilla 4 роки тому +41

      Ben To The Future how though

    • @babybalulu99
      @babybalulu99 4 роки тому +91

      it's not friendzone if you value the person's friendship

    • @geobnaurni
      @geobnaurni 4 роки тому +237

      imagine friend-zoning CLAIRO

    • @mikaylahvillarama2851
      @mikaylahvillarama2851 4 роки тому +45

      @@geobnaurni the regret i'd feel.

    • @skwashii
      @skwashii 4 роки тому +24

      Who would do that.. what an idiot

  • @freekmol7484
    @freekmol7484 5 років тому +226

    Claire’s vocals have improved very Well since pretty girl. Amazing job, love this girl.

  • @gerrrrrman
    @gerrrrrman 5 років тому +997

    Now i feel really curious about who would reject Clairo. (I mean, and why¿)

    • @LightYagami-wt1jw
      @LightYagami-wt1jw 5 років тому +3

      Incel detected

    • @LightYagami-wt1jw
      @LightYagami-wt1jw 5 років тому +2

      She's ugly if you want a reason and she's fat

    • @sioray7732
      @sioray7732 5 років тому +201

      @@LightYagami-wt1jw youre litterally the only person who thinks that. What you say reflects you.

    • @nicolascuervo9910
      @nicolascuervo9910 5 років тому +103

      Light Yagami Ugly? Fat!? Wtf She's the most beautiful girl i've ever seen, she's so pure and perfect 😍

    • @addiec4314
      @addiec4314 5 років тому +72

      @@LightYagami-wt1jw you need you eyes checked she's finee brah and u sound like an incel nigga lmao

  • @lina-iu9do
    @lina-iu9do 5 років тому +175

    "I don't wanna scare you with my emotions" same clairo, same

  • @AdamLeeRap
    @AdamLeeRap 5 років тому +5044

    i mean joji feat clairo ? come on

  • @graciewhite3000
    @graciewhite3000 5 років тому +395

    i would do anything to have clairo crushing on me

  • @Donirexian
    @Donirexian 10 місяців тому +17

    ugh this songs hurts so much more when you're in this exact situation

    • @OrganicStuff1
      @OrganicStuff1 10 місяців тому

      She’s an industry plant keep that in mind fella

    • @Donirexian
      @Donirexian 9 місяців тому +7

      @@OrganicStuff1 Ok? That doesn’t diminish her talent in songwriting. I couldn’t care less about that, since I genuinely like her music. She had an advantage and it helped her, but she has fans for a reason lol

  • @cryptexclusives7559
    @cryptexclusives7559 5 років тому +193

    They grow up so fast 🤧🤧

  • @anandabluhm
    @anandabluhm 5 років тому +14903


    • @morqanw
      @morqanw 5 років тому +253

      tell me why i thought of this too¿

    • @hedgejae_
      @hedgejae_ 5 років тому +74

      OH MY GOD !!!!

    • @clara-mj3fy
      @clara-mj3fy 5 років тому +26

      Ananda Bluhm I THOUGHT IT WAS JUST ME

    • @ovrcstkds
      @ovrcstkds 5 років тому +144

      IT'S CECE

    • @goethe2447
      @goethe2447 5 років тому +21

      so cringe

  • @luanagasperotto6870
    @luanagasperotto6870 6 місяців тому +10

    6:11 this is such a beautiful way to describe songs

  • @taylorschmidt7
    @taylorschmidt7 5 років тому +92

    the call me by your name reference.. iCONiC

  • @bee33d
    @bee33d 5 років тому +218

    I still don't know how she looks like each video i watch she looks different

  • @littlecorneroftheworld6776
    @littlecorneroftheworld6776 4 роки тому +115

    Imagine being the girl Clairo wrote this for🥺✨

  • @isaacnicholson9735
    @isaacnicholson9735 5 років тому +213

    Why she such a qt

  • @kasetao2488
    @kasetao2488 5 років тому +4991

    Clairos cheeks look so chubby, thats so cute 😭

  • @khaled-rq6gh
    @khaled-rq6gh 4 роки тому +24

    shes so frickin adorable im gonna cry

  • @laurynnatalia
    @laurynnatalia 5 років тому +1632

    no one:
    clairo: a *girl* .......

    • @yabombo8145
      @yabombo8145 5 років тому +21

      she's pretty aint she

    • @radical-dude
      @radical-dude 4 роки тому

      @@yabombo8145 No It's That She Likes A Girl.

  • @sugarblunt
    @sugarblunt 5 років тому +60

    I love you Clairo, so glad to see you getting it

  • @jennymarie9254
    @jennymarie9254 5 років тому +16

    I've lovingly watched this video so many times now. The lyrics and meanings are so relatable and really clarified (clairo-fied!) how I feel. So touchingly put, even though it's relatively light hearted.... just mega mega sweet !!!!!

  • @marhz97
    @marhz97 5 років тому +265

    A deep song about sitting on the couch.

  • @emavanella7912
    @emavanella7912 4 роки тому +462

    claire: -because is about a girl

  • @vanesavargas6123
    @vanesavargas6123 4 роки тому +27

    she’s so genuine

  • @sebastiandelacruzcaicedo
    @sebastiandelacruzcaicedo 4 роки тому +4252

    Me a heterosexual male
    Clairo: You're now a lesbian
    Me: I'm a lesbian

  • @user-qy3zn5pw4l
    @user-qy3zn5pw4l 4 роки тому +760

    clairo never looks like the same person !! its so weird

  • @tanajenner3636
    @tanajenner3636 5 років тому +95

    I cried at the Call Me By Your Name reference. Damn she is so cute. Also this song is perfect. Perfect.

  • @vanessafabela7882
    @vanessafabela7882 5 років тому +18

    This song it literally the representation of what I’m feeling and going through right now. The right time at the right moment.

  • @Zoe_tlali
    @Zoe_tlali 5 років тому +1490


    • @leonardojussilasabeniano3760
      @leonardojussilasabeniano3760 5 років тому +19

      Have they even done one before?

    • @aidanmanhnguyen
      @aidanmanhnguyen 5 років тому +15

      Yvette Martinez the dude is overrated

    • @kme9549
      @kme9549 5 років тому +2

      Yvette Martinez they haven’t done one before but I’d love to see one

      @JOSESFENCING 5 років тому +1


    • @misty7822
      @misty7822 5 років тому +1

      Sik ! In the U.K. he's underrated in the US from what I've seen.

  • @cadencecampbell3806
    @cadencecampbell3806 4 роки тому +58

    Clairo: "it's a really sweet song"
    Me: *cries everytime it plays*

  • @gmangaming_yt
    @gmangaming_yt 5 років тому +652


  • @lerayanvert
    @lerayanvert 5 років тому +74

    Words cannot express how adorable she is

  • @yass9610
    @yass9610 5 років тому +217

    no one:
    claire: **babie sounds**

  • @yungjose3369
    @yungjose3369 5 років тому +102

    I swear she looks like a different person every time

  • @rileybrouwer4382
    @rileybrouwer4382 5 років тому +10

    such a beautiful song - it’s crazy how you interpret a song than how they actually mean for it to come across. i listen to this song as a my break up song rn (as im going thru a breakup) and not wanting to hear what they’re saying and wanting them to walk out the door with their bags. idk it’s just crazy how everything plays in your head against its real meaning.

  • @conniedent6011
    @conniedent6011 4 роки тому +97

    "songs are like little capsules in time, nobody can take them away"

  • @bernardoluiz9344
    @bernardoluiz9344 5 років тому +347

    oop this album gonna be so personal.

    • @jasss188
      @jasss188 5 років тому +2

      Bernardo Battaglia can you explain what that means? I’ve just gotten to know who clairo is and I’ve been so confused every time I’ve seen it

    • @nextl3v3l99
      @nextl3v3l99 5 років тому +34

      to add** even chance the rapper has a team behind him that doesn’t make him an industry plant. The whole term industry plant is kinda stupid because every major artist has some sort of ties to the industry it’s how you become successful. You can’t really make it 100% on you’re own (even if you blow up overnight online, you still need to hire a manager to help you navigate the industry and to help you blow up. You also need a booking agent etc etc.)

    • @switch8752
      @switch8752 5 років тому +22

      @@jasss188 An 'industry plant' is an artist who has label(s) backing their movement but present themselves as an organic presence in the entertainment world.

    • @sharingiscaring53
      @sharingiscaring53 5 років тому +1

      Elian Garcia or using an artist to promote something specific

    • @sylvestergraham1902
      @sylvestergraham1902 5 років тому +3

      Yeah, but almost everyone is an industry plant

  • @tokyosuka1781
    @tokyosuka1781 5 років тому +716

    claire is the embodiment of a perfect girlfriend

  • @anarios5220
    @anarios5220 4 роки тому +12

    Wow I never imagined Bags being so deep. Clairo has a really great way of turning one moment and a bunch of feelings into one great song

  • @errorerror9716
    @errorerror9716 5 років тому +459

    I thought this was gonna be rap because the name bags lol

    • @assiafalihp9850
      @assiafalihp9850 5 років тому +14

      ERROR ERROR Dwight, stop with your assumptions😭

  • @nataliacruz6218
    @nataliacruz6218 4 роки тому +326

    Someone can kiss you multiple times and you still don't know how they feel about you

  • @tsurugi1166
    @tsurugi1166 5 років тому +11

    i jus got instant goosebumps the minute she sang “every second counts’

  • @francescayuzon1255
    @francescayuzon1255 5 років тому +56

    clairo referencing to 'call me by your name' is the best thing ever hahahahha

  • @kssafoo
    @kssafoo 5 років тому +62

    Clario is one of the best artist that u listen to

  • @user-vk7kb1lv2x
    @user-vk7kb1lv2x 4 роки тому +48

    bro imagine friendzoning CLAIRO???

  • @McNuGGeTBoiY
    @McNuGGeTBoiY 5 років тому +6

    I love when these videos are on songs where the lyrics actually have some kind of substance and can be better explained, its very rare

  • @axbdz
    @axbdz 5 років тому +12


  • @user-hm6xy8ii1o
    @user-hm6xy8ii1o 7 місяців тому +6

    i love listening to her raw singing

  • @jamie-hi3zc
    @jamie-hi3zc 5 років тому +11

    u have no idea how many times i've listened to this song i'm obsessed

  • @yeehaw_5358
    @yeehaw_5358 5 років тому +47

    Clario: Call me by your name
    Me: *crying* I remember everything....

  • @xsomili5501
    @xsomili5501 2 роки тому +12

    2:50 my fav part of the song

  • @user-uw1oq5wh9y
    @user-uw1oq5wh9y 4 роки тому +7

    omygod when she said that when u like someone and ur not doing anything meaningful with them it feels like ur wasting time that hit deep

  • @PimpIes
    @PimpIes 5 років тому +94

    Do Men I trust next

  • @jayr7697
    @jayr7697 4 роки тому +30

    When u like someone you dont know if they like u back *
    i felt that shit

    • @rubberduckiedogs
      @rubberduckiedogs 4 роки тому +1

      When you’re a human and need to eat food and drink water* Damn I thought I was the only one who felt like that.

  • @ThatwasAsian
    @ThatwasAsian 5 років тому +4

    I love Claire and I didn't really like this song at first but after this explanation I actually really love it because it parallels my life almost perfectly

  • @WrenSantostefano
    @WrenSantostefano Рік тому +4

    i love clairo and this song... this song hits so hard in a very special way i cant explain. her voice just makes it all feel so soothing no matter how horribly painful it is. and in flaming hot cheetos she explained what love really is and it makes me so happy ;0

  • @numberoneflop
    @numberoneflop Рік тому +10

    This is what Jacob Sartorius thought he was serving in his genius interview

  • @username4202
    @username4202 5 років тому +5

    I can whole heartedly say that this is the first song I ever heard that I genuinely loved on first listen

  • @rachelmorgis3698
    @rachelmorgis3698 5 років тому +339

    We stan a bi queen. Im seeing clairo in august!!❤️

    • @noahgarrett5195
      @noahgarrett5195 5 років тому +1

      rachel morgis Stan?

    • @noahgarrett5195
      @noahgarrett5195 5 років тому

      Seth Wayne #500 what does it mean though?

    • @noahgarrett5195
      @noahgarrett5195 5 років тому +6

      Yeah that’s kinda sketch to Stan someone

    • @noahgarrett5195
      @noahgarrett5195 5 років тому

      Seth Wayne #500 for sure

    • @lifeismeaningless5512
      @lifeismeaningless5512 5 років тому +6

      Atlanta Braves look up Eminem’s music video “Stan” it explains how basically every girl is nowadays to celebrities.

  • @blink4blackpink158
    @blink4blackpink158 5 років тому +4

    As soon as she started singing, I melted.

  • @pablocast8661
    @pablocast8661 5 років тому +8

    one of my favourites songs 💘 can't wait for the album 😇

  • @hnvm24
    @hnvm24 5 років тому +1958

    All my celebrity crushes coming out bisexual out of nowhere. Now I gotta compete with girls too??? ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️

    • @mcambiaso
      @mcambiaso 5 років тому +38

      leather so soft skskskks mood

    • @oliverislost
      @oliverislost 5 років тому +15

      Don't think she's a celebrity yet

    • @marleyr2405
      @marleyr2405 5 років тому +75

      leather so soft she said she's bi over a year ago

    • @hnvm24
      @hnvm24 5 років тому +26

      Marley R okay cool. i didn’t know until now

    • @marleyr2405
      @marleyr2405 5 років тому +25

      leather so soft sorry if i came across as rude didn't mean too

  • @coolbeans6184
    @coolbeans6184 4 роки тому +5

    10 months later and I’m still in love with this song

  • @gtabro1337
    @gtabro1337 5 років тому +244

    She's like a real life The Last of Us character